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WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTIO! LICENSE Ur NUMBER 653905 wu 72013 THROUGH 673072018 40 Professional Educator ELIZABETH JEAN DUELLMAN 46 GRADES 1-9 400 MATHEMATICS 45 ELEMENTARY TEACHER 118 FIRST THRU EIGHTH GRADE ‘The holder may renew ths cence if within the five years preceding the next Icense begin dat, the holder has successfully complotod other a Professional ent Plan as Verified by @ POP Team or six semester credits. ‘This to verify tha the person named herein as fused the tte Superintendent of Public Inston wih stsfictry evidence of preparation and experience ends licensed forthe position, suber andor grad herein iste. WISCONSIN IN WITNESS WHERED, HAVE HEREUNTO AFFIXED MY SIGAATURE AND OFFICIAL SEAL pd PUBLIC INSTRUCTION peidvieal eT ES

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