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Religion Midterm Reviewer

Afire with Gratitude:We Nurture Our Missionary Spirit

Lesson 1: Jesus Mission Flows from His Abba Experience
Lesson 2: Jesus Asserts His Missionary Response to His Time
Lesson 3: Jesus Liberates Life from Evil and Injustices

Fr. Michael Cabalen/ Fr. Clarence Chilewa

University Chaplains

Four Loves by C.S. Lewis

1. The Four Loves was Lewis look at some of the different loves described in Greek thought: familial or affectionate love
(storge); friendship (philia); romantic love (eros); and spiritual love (agape) in the light of Christian commentary on
ordinate loves. Though it is probably impossible to love any human being too much, we must, says Lewis, make sure we
do not love him too much in proportion to our love for God. As Lewis notes, it is always the smallness of our love for
God, not the greatness of our love for man, that constitutes the inordinacy.
Four Types of Justice
1. Commutative Justice is the justice of exchange, a principle of equality that regulates and harmonizes the exercise of
rights between man and woman. It covers private persons as well as juridical persons, their communities or associations,
to render to each other according to the principle of give and take. This means that the exchange of anything shall be
based on equal value. Without commutative justice, law can be ignored and disregard for property rights would be easy;
thus chaos may be experienced in the society.
2. Distributive Justice involves sharing, and it guarantees common welfare. It regulates the exercise of rights between the
individula and the community. The goal of this form of justice is the protection of a particular good of each member of the
community. It sees to it that Gods created good are justly given to all people for their use and benefit. In order to live a
truly human and decent life, each person should be given sufficient access to the earthly goods. Distributive justice
regulates the acts of the public authority to the rights of the individual citizen. These rights ought to be preserved and
respected by the public authority. It should regulate the imposition of taxes, fees or priviledges by the community upon the
individual member. It becomes the duty of the government to ensure that the countrys resources are properly distributed
for the well being of all its citizens, especially the weakest and the poorest.
3. Legal Justice regulates the exercise of rights between the community and the authority for the welfare of the whole
community. The goal of legal justice is the common good. The common good refers to the sum total of those conditions
of social living necessary for the development of the members of the community. Legal and distributive justice should
serve and complement each other. Legal justice involves the citizens obligations to the society and the government. It is
expected that the citizens will obey the laws and serve the government especially in times of need like war, of conflict for
the good of the community.
4. Social Justice is the application of Christs Gospel teachings to all systems and laws of the government and the society. It
promotes and protects individual rights. It demands that all citizens right to a fair say in all the institutions of the societysocial, political and economic are considered. It is like the united family where the common interest prevails. It is where
the weaker members have just claim on the stronger ones and the solidarity of all is evident.
*Catholic social teachings, like much philosophical reflections, distinguish the three dimensions of basic justice: commutative
justice, distributive justice and social justice. Commutative Justice calls for fundamental fairness in all agreements and
exchanges between individuals or private social groups. Distributive Justices requires that the allocation of income, wealth
and power in society be evaluted in light of its effects on persons whose basic material needs are unmet. Social Justice
implies that persons have an obligations to be active and productive participants in the life of society and that society has a
duty to enable them to participate in this way.
Different Religious Groups during the time of Jesus
Pharisees- these were the separated ones. Their lives were strictly ruled by the letter of the law. They considered
themselves the holy ones
Sadducees-these were the wealthy and consevative leaders who rejected the traditions in favor of political and religious
cooperation with the Romans. They were the long time political and religious rivals of the Pharisees althought their influence
was more with the wealthy and elites.
Scribes-These were the intellectual, learned men and teachers of the law. They would gather a group of people around them
and explain the law to them. They loved to be called Rabbi or Master.
Zealots- they had taken up arms against the Romans on more than one occasion. Many of them had given up their lives for
the liberation of their land.
Jewish tradition was centered on the Sabbath day, this begins on Friday at sundown and ends at Saturday sundown. The
Sabbath was considered to be a day of rest and worship. The major religious holiday during the Jewish year was the
Passover feast. It commemorates the deliverance of the Jewish people from their slavery in Egypt. During the Passover,
many Jews would go to Jerusalem in order to celebrate in the holy city. Jesus and his disciples also traveled to Jerusalem for
their last supper. Thay is why so many Jews were present in Jerusalem at the time Jesus was arrested.
Jesus Asserted His Missionary Response During His time
Jesus Response to Social Issues during His time-table fellowships, inclusive love for all, questioning practices that show
Jesus Response to Economic Issues during His time-chose to be with and among the poor, proclaimed the Good news from
their standpoint
Jesus Response to Political Issues during His time-service to all in need, culminating in his sufferings and death on the cross
for us all
Jesus Response to Religious Issues during His time-Taught the primacy of love, denounced hypocrisy and corrupt use of
religious power, set the people free from fear to become full members of the community of love, Gods reign.

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