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J-MARC-Japan MARC, 1977- (NDL - JP)

(=JMARC) *iA - Jugoslovenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti,iei-(YU)(=JAZU,cr0,i/o) "

JAALD - Japan Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists, 1956- (JP)
JAAS - Jewish Academy of Arts and Sciences JACC - Journalism Association of
Community Colleges (US); <- JAJC
JACKPHY - Japanese, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, Hebrew, Yiddish.
[Nonroman languages] ("LC-US) JACM - Journal of the Association for Computing
Machinery, 1954- (US) JACS - Journal Article Copying Service, 1978-1979
JAD - Juristische Automatische Dokumentation JAFPUB - Joint Army-Air Force
Publication (US) JAGAT - Japanese Research Association of Graphic Arts Industry
JAICI - Japan Association for International Chemical Information (JP) JAIEG - Joint
Atomic Information Exchange
Group (DOD-US) *JaIP - Jazyk Informacionnogo Poiska JAJC - Journalism
Association of Junior Colleges
JAKIS - Japan Keyword Indexing Simulator (JP) *Jakutgiz - Jakutskoe
Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
(SU) "Jakutlutigoizdat - Jakutskoe Kniznoe Izdatel'stvo
(SU) JAL - Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1975(US) JALA - Joint Acquisitions List for Africana (Herskovits Library of African Studies) JALPG - Joint Automatic Language Processing
Group (ALPAC-US)
JAMAL - Jamaican Movement for the Advancement of Literacy (JM) JAMASS Japanese Medical Abstracts Scanning
System, 1970-(IMIC-JP) *JaMD - Jazyk Manipulirovanija Dannymi *JaMDn - Jazyk
Manipulirovanija Dannymi Nizkovo
Urobnja *JaMDv - Jazyk Manipulirovanija Dannymi Vysokogo Urobnja JANA - Jamahirija Arab News Agency, 1977(LY);<-ARNA JANAFTT - Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Thermochemical Tables (US) JANAP-Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication
JANET - Joint Academic Network (GB) JANIC - Joint Army-Navy Information
Center (US) *JaOD - Jazyk Opisanija Dannyh *JOHD - Jazyk Opisanija Hranenija
Dannyh JaP
Jazyk Associativnogo Programmirovanija
JAPATIC - Japan Patent Information Center,

1971-(JP) JaPIC - Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center,

1972-(JP) JAPICDOC-{JAPIC computerized docuaeotttion system] (JP) JAPIO - Japan Patent Information Organfe"**1
JapMARC - Japan MARC, 1977- (NDL - JP)
JARECT - Japan Annual Reviews in Electronic
Computers and Telecommunications (JP) *JaRP - Jazyk Reljacionnoj Parametrizacii
JAS - Japanese Awareness Service (JP)
JASIS - Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 1969- (US);
^American Documentation
*JaSK - Jazyk Simboliceskogo Kodirovanija *JaSP - Jazyk Simbol'nogo Processora
JASRAC - Japanese Society of Rights of Authors and Composers (JP)
JASTIS - Japan Science and Technology Information System (JP)
JASVLI - Jednotny Automatizovany System Ve-deckych Lekarskych Informacii, sla,
JATEKK - Jozsef Attila Tudomanyegyetem Koz-ponti Konyvtara. [Attila Jozsef
University Central Library] (HU)
JAVIC - Japan Audio-Visual Information Centre
(JP) *JaVU - Jazyk Vysokogo Urobnja
Jugoslovenska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti u Zagrebu, cro (YU) (= *JA, ser)
Jugoslovanska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti,Wo(YU)(=*JA,ier)
JBC - Jewish Book Council of America (US)
JBI - Jugoslovenski Bibliografski Institut, 1949(YU)
JBPA - Japan Book Publishers Association (JP) JBS - Jamaican Bureau of Standards
(JM) JCAST - Joint Committee on the Archives of Science and Technology (SAA US) JCBL - John Carter Brown Library (US) JCC
Joint Computer Conference (US)
Joint Consultative Committee (ASLIB/llS/LA/
JCCOMNET - Joint Coordination Center Communications Network
JCET - Joint Council on Educational Telecommunications (US)
JCIP - Jacket Copy in Publications
JCTT - Jerusalem Conference on Information Technology, 1971- (IL)
Job Command Language
Job Control Language (Unesco, CDS/ILO,

John Crerar Library (US)

JCLC - Joint Committee on the Library of Congress (US Congress)
JCLDS - Joint Committee for Library and Documentation Standardization
JCLE - Joint Committee on Library Education (US)
JCLS - Junior College Libraries Section (ACRL -US);-CJCLS
JCLWC - Joint Committee on Library Work as a Career, 1947-(US)
JCM - Joint Committee on Microcards
JCP - Joint Committee on Printing (US Congress) (=JCPUS)
JCP - Jihoceske Papirny, cze (CS)
JCPCUS - Joint Committee on Printing of the Congress of the United States (US)
JCPI - Joint Committee on Paleontologic Information, 1968- (American Geological
Institute - US)
Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of
Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (IFLA)
Journals Citation to Reports, 1979- (ISI - US)
JCSTC - Joint Council for Scientific and Technical
Information (GB)
JCTND - Jugoslovenski Centar za Tehnicku i Nauc-nu Dokumentaciju, cro, 1949-; <
JCUDI - Japan Computer Usage Development Institute (JP)
JCULS - Joint Committee on the Union List of Serials (NLC - CA)
JDC - Japan Documentation Center (Columbia University-US)
Job Description Library
Job Descriptor Language
JDS - Japan Documentation Society, 1950- (JP)
JEA - Journalism Education Association (US); <-NAJD
JEAN - JOSS Extended At Nineteenhundred. [Ine-ractive language]
JEBP - Japan English Books in Print, 1980- (Japan Publications Guide Service - JP)
JECC - Japan Electronic Computer Corporation, 1961-(JP)
JEIA - Joint Electronics Information Agency (US)
JEIPAC - JICST Electronic Information Processing Automatic Computer (JP)
JEL - Journal o Education for Librarianship, 1960-(AALS-US)
JEMD - Japan English Magazine Directory, 1970-(Japan Publications Guide Service JP)
JEMF - John Edwards Memorial Foundation (US)
JES - Japanese Engineering Standard (JP)

JESA - Japanese Engineering Standards Association (JP)

JESC - Japanese Engineering Standards Committee (JP)
JETOC - Japan Chemical Industry Ecology-Toxicology Information Center (JP)
JEUDEMOT - Jeu de Mots. [Text handling] (University of Montreal - CA)
JFKL - John F. Kennedy Library (US)
JFR - Joint Fiction Reserve (Metropolitan Libraries -GB)
Jgas - Japan Graphic Arts Show (JP)
JI - Journalinstirutet (SE)
JIBF - Jerusalem International Book Fair (IL)
JICNARS - Joint Industrial Committee for National Readership Surveys, 1968- (GB)
JICPAT - Joint Industrial Council of the Printing
and Allied Trades (GB) JICST - Japan Information Center of Science and
Technology, 1957- (JP) JIDPEC - Japan Information Processing Development Center, 1967- (JP) JIIM - Journal of Information and Image Management, 1983- (AIIM - US); <- JM JIOA - Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (GB)
JIPNET - Japan Information Processing Network
(JIPDEC-JP) JIRC - Journal of International Research Communications, 1973- (IRCS-GB) JIRW - Journal of Indexing and Reference Work,
1973- (IN) JIS
Jamaica Information Service, 1974- (Office of
the Prime Minister - JM)
Japanese Industrial Standard (JISC - JP)
Jewish Information Society of America (US)
Journal of Information Science (Institute of In
formation Scientists - GB)
Juristisches Informationssystem (DE)
JISC - Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
(JP) JISTIC - Japan Iron and Steel Technical Information Center (JP)
jIW - Juristische Informationswissenschaft JKL - Jernkontorets Litteraturjanst (SE)
JKP - Jednotny Katalogizacny Prepis, sla JL - Journal de la Librarie 1974- (BE) JLA
Jamaica Library Association, 1950- (JM)
Japan Library Association (JP)
Jewish Librarians Association, 1946-1965
Jewish Library Association, 1962-1965 (US) ;^>
Jordanian Library Association, 1964- (JO)
JLC - Jewish Librarians Caucus, 1975- (US)
JLG - Japan Library Group
JLH - Journal of Library History, 1966- (US)
JLS - Jamaica Library Service (JM)
JM - Journal of Micrographics, -1983 (US);- JIIM

Japan Microphotography Association (JP)
Journal of Medical Abstracts, 1981- (US)
JMARC- Japan MARC 1977- (NDL - JP)
(=J-MARC) JMLA - Japan Medical Library Association, 1926(JP)
JMRT - Junior Members Round Table ( ALA-US) JNA - Jordan News Agency, 1965(JO) JNB - Jamaican National Bibliography, 1964- (National Library of Jamaica - JM) JNICT - Junta Nacional de Investigacao Cientifica e
Tecnologica (PT)
JNP - Jeffrey Norton Publishers, Inc. 1972- (US) JNPEA - Japan Newspaper
Publishers and Editors
Association (JP) JNT - JointNetworkTeam (Computer Board-GB)
JNUL - Jewish National and University library <EL)
JODC - Japanese Oceanographic Data Colter, 1965- (Ministry of Transportation,
Hydrographic Department - JP)
JOIS-JICST Online Information System, 1976-(JP)
JOK - Journalistoverenskommelsen (SE)
JOL - Job Organisation Language
JOLA - Journal of Library Automation, 1969-1981 (ALA, ISAD - US); -> ITAL
JOLA/TC - Journal of Library Automation - Technical Communications (US)
JOLDOR - JIDPEC On-Line Document Retrieval, 1969-(JP)
JOLIS - Joint Library and Information System Database (International Monetary Fund
- Washington, US)
JONSDAP - Joint North Sea Data Acquisition Programme, int (BE/GB/NL)
JONSIS - Joint North Sea Information Systems, int, 1970- (London, GB)
JOSS - Johnniac Open-shop System. [Programming language for mathematics]
JOVIAL - Jules' Own Version of the International Algorithmic Language, 1960(SDC - US)
JP - Jiji Press. [Press agency] (JP)
Jamaica Press Association (JM)
Japan Printers Association (JP)
JP AC-JIDPEC Automatic Compiler Generator,
JPC - Japan Patent Center (JP) JPD
Jednostka Dyskowej, pol
Juristischer Pressedienst
JPKWIC - General KWIC and Subject Index Report Generator (Jet Propulsion
Laboratory - US) JPL
Johannesburg Public Library, 1889- (ZA)

"Joie par les Livres", Centre de Documentation

JPLA - Japan Pharmaceutical Library Association, 1955- (JP)
JPRA - Japanese Phonograph Record Association (JP)
JPRS - Joint Publications Research Service (Department of Commerce - US)
Japan Press Service (JP)
Jewish Publication Society of America (US)
JPT - Japan Publications Trading Company (JP)
JPTEKK - Janus Pannonius Tudomanyegyetem
Kozponti Konyvtara [Janus Pannonius University
Central Library] (HU) JPU - Job Processing Unit JPW - Job Processing Word JRC Joint Research Centre, int (CEC)
' . *' JRL - John Rylaads Library (GB) JSEMC
ISA - Japanese Standards Association (JP)
JSAS-Journal Supplement Abstract Service (Johnson Associates, Inc./American
Psychological Association - US)
JSBD - Japanese Standard Bibliographic Description (JP)
Japanese Science Council (JP)
JSCAACR - Joint Steering Committee for Revision of the Anglo-American Cataloguing
Rules (IFLA) (=JCR;JSC)
JSCLC - Joinl Standing Committee on Library Cooperation (GB)
JSCLCBS - Joint Standing Committee on Library Co-operation and Bibliographical
Service, 1965-(LAM - MY/LAS - SG); -* BILCO
JSCLE - Joint Standing Committee on Library Education, 1965-1971 (MY)
JSEMC - Jednolity System EMC, pol (='ES EVM, rus)
JSEP - Jednotny System Elektronickych Pocitacu, cze(='ESEVM,n)
JSER - Jedinstveni Sistem Elektronskih Raiunara, cro( = *ESEVM,riw)
JSF - Japan Science Foundation (JP)
JSIA - Japan Software Industry Association (JP)
JednotnS Sit' Knihoven, cze (CS)
Jednotnd Soustava Knihoven, cze (CS)
Jednotna Siistava Kniinic, sla (CS)
JSL - Job Specification Language
1 Japan School Library Association, 1952- (JP) 2. Japan Special Libraries Association,
1952- (JP)

JSLC - Joint Standing Committee on Library Cooperation (GB)

JSLK - JednotnS Sit' Zemedilskych Knihoven, cze (CS)
JSLS - Japan Society of Library Science, 1953- (JP) JSP - Jugoslovensko Stamparsko
Preduzece, ser (YU)
JSPFL - Jointly Sponsored Program for Foreign Librarians (US)
Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
Jewish Student Press-Service
JSRU - Joint Speech Research Unit (GB)
JSSEKC - JednotnS Soustava Socialn6 Ekonomickych Klasifikaci a Ciselniku", cze (CS) 1ST - Japan Society of Translators (JP) JSVLI Jednotny System Vedeckych Lekafskych
Informaci, cze, im (MCVTI - Moskva, SU) JSZK - JednotnS Sit' Zemedelskych
Knihoven, cze
JT - Jihslavsk* Tiskarny, cze (CS) JTA - Jewish Telegraphic Agency (IL) JTAC - W
Technical Advisory Committee (US) JTIS - JapHMse Technical Information Service
(University Microfilm International - US)
JTR - Journal of Typographic Research, -1969 (US);
- Visible Language, 1970-*JuAP = UAP
JUBIUNA - Junta de Bibliotecas Universitarias Na-cionales Argentinas (AR)
JUD AC - Jurisprudence, Data Processing, Cybernetics. Internationale Bibliographie.
1971 (DE)
JUDE - Journal Update in ESSO Chemicals (ESSO Chemicals Ltd - GB)
JUDO-DS - Juristische Dokumentanalyse im Be-reich Datenschutz (Saarland
Universitat - DE)
JUG - Joint User Group. [Computer users] (US)
JUL - Joint University Libraries, 1979- (US, Nashville, Tenn.) *Jundetizdat Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Junoseskoj i Detskoj Literatury (SU) *JuNESCO = UNESCO
JUNIC - Joint United Nations Information Committee, int (United Nations - New York,
JURADAT - Juristisches Daten- und Forschungs-zentrum, 1969- (DE)
JURIBANC - Banco de Datos Jurisprudenciales
Juristisches Informationssystem, 1973- (Bundesministerium der Justiz - DE)
Justice Retrieval and Inquiry System, 1970(Department of Justice - DE)

Juvenile Uniform Referral Information System

"Jurizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Juridiceskoj Literatury (SU)
JUS - Jugoslovenski Standard (JZS - YU) JUSE - Japanese Union of Scientists and
Japan-United States of America Textile Infor
mation Service (US)
Justiz-Statistik-Informationssystem (DE)
JWB - Jewish Book Council (US)
JWG - Joint Working Group
JWO - Jzyk Wyszukiwawczy Systemu ODYS (Biprostal-PL)
JWPAC - Joint Waste Paper Advisory Council JZS - Jugoslovensky Zavod za
Standardizaciju, era
K+F - Kutatis es Fejlesztes, hun [Research and Development]
K-KACS - Kanji-Kana Automatic Conversion System (JICST - JP)
Kammararkivet (SE)
Krajsky Archiv, cze (CS)
*KA - Kolektivnyj Abonement
KAB - Klassifikation fur Staatliche Allgemeinbiblio-theken und
Gewerkschaftsbibliotheken. 1979 (DD)
KAB/K - KAB Kinderliteratur (DD)
KACHAPAG - Karlsruhe Charged Particle Group. [Data base] (INKA-DE)
KADOC - Katholiek Documentatie- en Onder-zoekscentrum,/fe (BE)
KAHSLC - Knoxville Area Health Science Consortium. [Library network] (US)
KAI - Krajowa Agencja Informacyjna (PL)
KAIS - Korea Advanced Institute of Science (KR)
KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KR)
KAJTEK - Komputerowe Justowanie Tekstow, 1982- (Prasowe Zakfady Graficzne
RSW "Prasa-Ksiazka-Ruch", Warszawa- PL) *KalCNTI - Kalininskij Centr NaunoTehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
KALI - Korean Academy of Library and Information Science, 1970- (KR)
*Kabngosizdat - Kalmuckoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
*KaImizdat - Kalmuckoe (Kniznoe) Izdatel'stvo (SU)
KANDIDATS - Kansas Digital Image Data System (Kansas University - US)
KANEDCO - Kansas-Nebraska Educational Consortium (US)
KAP - Katolicka Agencja Prasowa, 1927-1939 (PL)

KAPALJ - Kapiteljski Arhiv v Ljubljani, slo (YU)

KAR - Kodak Automated Retrieval (Kodak - US)
KARLDAP - Karlsruhe Data Processing and Display System (DE)
KAS - Knowledge Availability Systems Center (University of Pittsburgh - US)
KASC - Knowledge Availability Systems Center, 1963- (University of Pittsburgh,
Office of Communication Programs - US)
KASL - Kansas Association of School Librarians (US)
KASLIB - Kanagawa Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaus (JP)
KASS - Kent Automated Serials System, 1971(Kent University Library - GB) KASSOTI - Kompleksnaja Avtomatizirovannaja
Sistema Semanticeskoj Obrabotki Tekstovoj Informacii (SU)
KAT - Koordinierungsausschuss Terminologie (DNA;-DIN-DE)
KATAKS - [Mechanised cataloguing of foreign accessions] (Universiteit i Oslo - NO)
KATI - Titelkatalogisierung von Flaufnamen (UB Bielefeld-DE)
KAUS - Knowledge Acquisition and Utilization System (JP)
KAvB - Koninklijke Academic voor Wetenschap-pen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van
Belgien.^e (BE)
KAW - Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza (PL)
KAZAP - SoubomyKatalogZahranicnikPeriodikv Knihovndch CSSR1527-1904, cze
KAZGOSIZDAT (Kazgosizdat) - Kazahskoe Go*Kazgoslitizdat - Kazahskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Hudozestvennoj Literatury
KazNONTI - Kazahskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Naucno- TehniCeskoj
Informacii, 1957-(SU);-(thesameinitialism): ...iTehniko-Ekono-mieskih Issledovanij
*Kazucpedgiz - Kazahskoe Gosudarstvennoe Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) KB
Kantonsbibliothek (CH)
Koninklijke Bibliotheek (NL)
Koninklijke Bibliotheek Albert I, fie (BE)
Kungliga Biblioteket (SE)
Konstruktorskoe Bjuro (SU)
KBA - Konferenz der Bibliothekarischen Ausbildungsstatten (DE)
*KBD - Kompozicionnaja Baza Dannyh KBF - Kommunale Bibliotekarers Forening,
1957(NO); - (the same initialism): Kommunale Biblio-

tekarbeidereres Forening KBI - Krajowe Biuro Informatyki, 1971- (PL) *KBI Kritiko-Bibliograficeskij Institut (SU) KBIA - Kent-Barlow Information Associates
(GB) KBIC - Key Base in Context KBID - Komitee Betriebsinformation und -dokumentation (DGD - DE) KBK - Kisgrafika Baratok Kore. [Friends of Book
Plates Society] (HU) KBLC - Katholiek Bibliotheek- en Lectuurcentrum,
KB MS - Knowledge Base Management System KBRP - Knowledge Base
Research Program
Korean Bibliographical Society (KR)
Korean Bureau of Standards (KR)
KBSA - Kenya Booksellers and Stationers Association (KE) KBT
1. Knihovnicko-Bibliograficke Tffdeni, cze (=
*BBK, rus) 1. Knihovnicko-Bibliograficke Triedenie, sla (=
BBK, riw) KC
Kozponti Cimjegyzek, hun [Union catalogue]
The Kyle Classification (GB)
KC-MLN - Kansas City Metropolitan Library Network (US)
KC - Klub Qenaru, cze (CS)
KCAA - Kansas City Area Archivists (US) "KCADA - Kievskij Central'nyj Arhiv
Drevnih Ak-tov, n(SU)
KCLA-Kerala College Librarians' Association
(IN) .
KCLB - Katholiek Centrum voor Lectuurinft*KK
en Bibliotheekvoprziemng (NL) "*5 i>
KCLN-KansatOyUbrary Network (U- T _ Vfrn roiiBtVLibrarv Svt<>m ftl&f'
KCNA - Korean Central News Agency, 1949 (KR) KCTL - Klub denarii Technicke
Literatury, cze
(CS) KCVL - Katholieke Centrale Vereniging voor Lectuurvoorziehung, -1968 (NL) *KD
Klassifikacija s Dvoetociem ( = CC, eng)
Kod Deskriptora
Konstruktorskaja Dokumentacija
Koordinierungsstelle fur die Dokumentation
im Bereich des Bundes (Bundeskanzleramt AT)
Katholiek Documentatiecentrum (NL)
Korean Decimal Classification, 1947- (KR)

Kyoto University Digital Computer (JP)
KDEM - Kurzweil Data Entry Machine. [Conver
sion of print to Braille] (DE)
KDI - Korea Development Institute, 1970- (KR) KDK
Kozgazdasagtudomanyi Dokumentacios Kozpont. (Economic Documentation Centre],
1949-1955 (HU)
Krajsky Dom Kultury, sla (CS)
*KDK - Kollektor Detskoj Knigi (SU)
KOLA - Kentucky Department for Libraries and
Archives (US) KDN - Kommunale Datenverarbeitung NordrheinWestfalen (DE)
KDO - Krajsky Dom Osvety, cze (CS) KDS
Key Display System (Mohawk Data Sciences US)
Kommunale Datenzentrale Siidniedersachsen
KDSz - Konyvtari es Dokumentacios Szakirodalom. Rederalo lap. [Library and
Documentation Literature], 1962- (OszK, KMK - HU)
KDT (KdT) - Kammer der Technik, 1946- (DD)
KDV - Kozlekedesi Dokumentacios Vallalat. [Transport and Communication
Documentation Centre] (HU)
KDVS - Kongelige Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab (DK)
KDVZ - Kommunale Datenverarbeitungszentrale
KZD - Kommunalwissenschaftliches Dokumenta-tionszentrum, 1969-(AT)
KEBS - Keny Bureau of Standards (KE)
KECNET - Kentucky Educational Computer Network (Kentucky Educational
Computer Board -US)
KEDAK - Kerndaten Karlsruhe (Nuclear Research Centre Karlsruhe - DE)
KEDDS - Kansas Educational Dissemination/Diffusion System (US)
KEG-Commission der Europaischen Gemein-schafte,in(=CEC,eng)
KEIS - Keucky Economic Information System (Kentudtt Council of Economic
Advisors - US)
1 . Kerteszeti Egyetem Kbnyvtara. [Library of the
Horticultural High School] (HU) 2. Kozgazdasagi Egyetem Kozponti Konyvtara.
[Economic Academy Central Library] (HU) KENCLIP - Kentucky Cooperative
Library Information Project (Kentucky State Library - US) KEO - Konyveloszto. [Clearinghouse
for books]
_ *KEO - Konstruktorsko-Ekspluatacionnyj
(SU) KETAL - Kalamazoo (et al) Library Consortium

(Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Waldo

Library - US) KEV - Konyvertekesito Vallalat. [Book Distribution Enterprise] (HU) KEYPER - Keywords Permuted (International Cellulose Research Ltd - CA) KF - Kiadoi FOigazgatosag. [Publishers' Council]
(HU) KF-HR - Kutatas-Fejlesztes Iranyitasi Informaci6s
Rendszere , him [Research and development in management]
*KF - Kommunikativnyj Format KFAS - Keyed File Access System KFB
1 . Kommunale Bibliotekarers Forening (NO)
2. Konyv- es Folyoiratkiado Bizottsaga. [Committee for Publishing] (HU) KFKC - Kiilfoldi Folyoiratok Kozponti Cimjegyzeke. [Union Register of Foreign Serials] (HU) KFKK - Kulfoldi Folyoiratok Kozpont
[Union Catalogue of Foreign Serials], 1970(OSzK - HU) Kfv-Referat - Koordinativ, Funktions- und Verbindungszeigendes Referat (DD) KG TMTI = KGTMTI *KGIK
1 . Kemerovskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut Kul'tury (SU)
2. Kievskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut Kul'tury
im. A. E. Kornejcuka, rus (SU) KGM ISZI - Koho- es Gepipari Miniszterium Ipargazdasagi es Szervezesi Intezet KGM MTTI - Koho- es Geripari Miniszterium Muszaki Tudomanyos Tajekoztat6 Intezet. [Scientific
and Technical Information Institute of the Ministry
of Metallurgy and Machine Industry) (HU) KGRZ - Kommunales
Gebietsrechenzentrum (DE) *KGS - Klassifikator Gosudarstvennyh Standartov
(SU) KGST - K81cs8nos Gazdasagi Segitseg Tanacsanak,
hun (= COMECON; *SEV) KGST SZ-KGST Szabvany, hun [COMECON
standard] KGST SZA - KGST SzabvSnyajanlas, hun [COMECON standard recommendation] KGSt - Kommunale Gemeinschaftsstelle (DE) KGT
1. Koho- es Gepipari Tezaurusz. [Theasaurus of Metallurgy and Machine Industry]
2. Koordinierungszentrum
Terminologienormung, 1973-(DNA-DE) KGTMTI - Koh6- 6s Gepipari Tudomanyos Miiszaki Tajekoztat6 Intezet. [Institute for Scientific and
Technical Information of Metallurgy and Machine
Industry] (HU)
KHS - Kaigai Hyoron Sha. [Press agency] (JP) KHT - Krusnohorske Tiskarny, cze
(CS) *KI - Koordinatnoe Indeksirovanie KIAC - Kerr Industrial Applications Center,
1978(Southern Oklahoma State University - US); TUSC KiAOB - Allgemeine Offentliche Kinderbibliothek

Karolinska Institutets Bibliotek (SE); -> KIBIC

Komplexna Informacni Baza, sla, int (MCVTI
-Moskva, SU)(=*KIB,riw)
*KIB - Kompleksnaja
['MCNTI - Moskva, SU)
KIBIC - Karolinska Institutets Bibliotek och Infor-mationscentral (SE); < (formed
by the merger of): KIB and MIC KIC - Kansas Information Circuit, 1965- (Kansas
State Library-US)
KICS - Kozgazdasagi Informaci6s Csoport. [Economic Information Service], 1973(MTA - HU) KIE - Kirkles Information Exchange (GB);<- (formed by the merger
of): HADIS and KIS *KIF - Komplektovanie Informacionnogo Fonda *KIMS Kodak Image Management System, 1985-(Eastman Kodak, Business Imaging
Systems Division - US)
KINGMAP - King's Music Analysic Package (University of London, King's College
- GB) "Kinofotoizdat - Vsesojuznoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo po Kinematografii i Fotografii (SU) KIP
Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. (US)
Kontor for Internationale Publikationer (DK)
KIPA - Katholische Internationale Presse-Agentur
KIPS - Knowledge Information Processing System *Kirgizgosizdat - Kirgizskoe
Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *KirgizINTI - Kirgizskij Respublikanskij Institut
Nauino-Techniceskoj Informacii i Propagandy,
1958- (SU)
"KirgizRINTTP = KirgizINTI *Kirgizncpedgiz - Kirgizskoe
Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
Kirklees Information Service, 1973- (GB); -
Kommunales Informationssystem
Kultuma Informacna Sluiba, sla (CS)
Kulturne Informatne Stredisko, sla (CS)
Kultumf Informacm Sluzba, cze (CS)
Kultumi Informacnf Stfedisko, cze (CS)
KIS ILE - Kniznica a Informacnf Stredisko, sla,
1968- (Institut pre D'alsie Vzdelavanie Lekarov a
Farmaceutov, Bratislava - CS) KISR- Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
(KW) KISS - Keyed Indexed Sequential Search

Keyword Index to Serials Titles. [Microfiche pu

blication], 1980- (BLLD - GB)
Korea Institute of Science and Technology,
1966- (KR)
Kent Information Technology Conference
Key Issue Tracking. [Current affairs data base]
KWIC Interactive Tagger. [Text editing system]
(University of Minnesota - US)
KIT-LC - Kanazawa Institute of Technology Library
Center, 1982-(JP) KiW - "Ksiazka i Wiedza", Spoldzielnia Wydawnicza, 1948- (PL)
KIWI - Verlag Kiepanheurer und Witsch (DE) *KIZ - Kommunisticeskij Institut
2urnalistiki im.
Vorovskogo (SU)
KIZV - Kieler Zeitschriftenverzeichnis (DE) KIB - Karlsruher Juristische
Bibliographic (DE)
Konyvtarkozi Kolcsonzes, hun [Interlibrary
Krajska Knihovna, cze (CS)
Krajska Kniznica, sla (CS)
*KK - Kniznyj Kiosk
K0benhavns Kommunes Biblioteker (DK)
Korespondencyjny Kurs Bibliotekarski (PL)
KKDTK-KOTUKI - Kozuti Kozlekedesi Dokumentacios es Tajekoztatasi Kozpont - Kozuti Kozlekedesi Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet.
[Scientific and Technical Documentation and Information Centre of the Institute for
Road Transport], 1952-(HU)
KKF - Magnetbanddienst Kunststoffe Kautschuk Fasern (Deutsches Kunststoff
Institut - DE)
KKI - Kulturkapcsolatok Intezet. [Institute for Cooperation with Foreign Countries]
KKI (kki) - Krajsky Knihovnicky Inspektor, cze (CS)
Kabinet Knizni Kultury, cze (CS)
Konyvek Kozponti Katalogusa. [Central Book
Catalogue] (OSZK - HU)
Konyvtarkozi Kolcsonzes, hun [Interlibrary

KKL - Kirjastonhoitajien Keskusliitto - Biblioteka-riernas Centralforbund r.

y.,fin/swe [Central Federation of Librarians], 1967- (FI)
KKNY - Kozponti Kutatasnyilvantartas. [Central Register of Research] (HU)
KKP - Kapitulni Knihovna Prazska, cze (CS)
*KKSM - Komitet po Kaiestvoto, Standartizaeliatt i
Metrologijata pri Ministerskija S"vet a*i*RB
(BG) >< f ' ff 252
*KKT - Kooperativnaja Kniznaja Torgovlja KKU - Kniznica Komenskeho University,
sla (CS) KKVI
Katedra Knihovedy a Vedeckych Informacif,
sla (FFUK v Bratislava - CS)
Katedra Knihovnictvi a Vedeckych Informaci,
cze (Karlova Universita v Praze, Fakulta Socialnich Ved a Publicistiky - CS)
*KL - Kniznaja Letopis' (*VKP - SU) KLA
Kansas Library Association, 1900- (US)
Karachi Library Association (PK)
Kentucky Library Association, 1907- (US)
Kenya Library Association, 1973- (KE); <
Kenyan Branch of EALA
Korean Library Association, 1955- (KR)
(=TOHYOP, kor); +- (founded as): Chosun
Library Association, 1945KLACS - Kent Library Automated Circulation System, 1976- (Kent University
Library - GB) "KLADES - Klassifikacionnye Deskriptory
KLC - Katholieke LectuurCentrale, 1971- (NL)
KLD - Komitee Linguistische Datenverarbeitung (DGD-DE)
Knihovna Lekafske Fakulty, cze (CS)
Kniznica Lekarskej Fakulty, sla (CS)
KLFB - Knihovna Lekafske Fakulty, Brno, cze
(CS) KLFK - Kniznica Lekarskej Fakulty, Kosice, sla
(CS) KLFOI - Knihovna Lekafske Fakulty v Olomouci,
cze (CS) KLFP
Knihovna Lekafske Fakulty, Plzen, cze (CS)
Knihovna Lekafske Fakulty, Praha, cze (CS)
KLIC - Key Letters in Context (University of Not
tingham/Chemical Society/OSTI - GB)

KLIS - Kentucky Longevity Information System

(Kentucky State University -US) KLK - Krajska Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS) KL'K Krajska L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS) *KLKM - Karto-Lento-Kartocnaja Masina
KLONE - Knowledge Language One KLS - Katalog Lektur Studenckich, 1976(Biblioteka SPPiS - PL) KLSS - Korean Library Science Society, 1970-(KR)
KLT - Kladenske Tiskarny, cze (CS) KLTEK - Kossuth Lajos Tudomanyegyetem
K6nyvtar. [Lajos Kossuth University Library] (HU) KLTEKK - Kossuth Lajos
Tudomanyegyetem Kozponti Konyvtara. [Central Library of Lajos Kossuth University] (HU) KLZ - Kopierund Lieferzentrale (DE) *KM - Kniznyj Magazin KMAB - Kungliga Musikaliska
Akademiens Bibliotek(SE)
*KMB **0ltektor Massovyh Bibhotek (SU) KMC - Rtob Mladych Citatel'ov. sla
Klub Mtfosnik6w Ksiazki (PL)
Konyvtartudomanyi es Modszertani Kozpont.
[Centre for Librarianship and Library Methods]
KMKK-Kruh Milovnikov Katolickej Knihy, sla
*KML - Kassetnye Magnitye Lenty KMML - Karl Marx Memorial Library (GB)
KMPA - Kenya Master Printers Association (KE) KMPiK - Klub Miedzynarodowej
Prasy i Ksiazki
KMS - Kniznica Matica Slovenskej, sla (CS) KN
Krajske Nakladatelstvi, cze (CS)
Krajske Nakladatel'stvo, sla (CS)
Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur, 1953- (DE)
Kenya News Agency, 1963- (KE)
KNAAAS - Kenya National Academy for Advancement of Arts and Sciences (KE)
KNAW - Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van
Wetenschappen (NL)
KND - Kirchlicher Nachrichtendienst (DE) *Knigocentr - Centr
Knigorasprostranenija, 19301934(SU);^KOGIZ

*Knigoeksport - Kontora po Eksportirovaniju Nepe-riodiceskoj Literatury v

Zarubeznye Strany, 1950-(SU)
*Knigoimport - Kontora po Rasprostraneniju Nepe-riodiceskih Izdanij Zarubeznyh
Stran, 1956- (SU) *Knigotorg
Kontora (or: Upravlenie) Kniznoj Torgovli,
1949- (SU)
Ob"edinenie Kniznoj Torgovli (SU)
*KNII - Kompleksnyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Insti-tut (SU)
KNiPT - Komitet Nauki i Postepu Technicznego, 1984- (PL)
KNiT - Komitet Nauki i Techniki, 1963- (PL)
KNJK - Koninklijke Nederlandse Journalisten-kring (NL)
KNK - Krajska Nakupna Knihoven, cze (CS)
KNLS - Kenya National Library Services Board, 1967- (KE); -(the same initialism):
Kenya National Library Service, 1975KNM - Knihovna Narodm'ho Musea, cze (CS)
KNNP - Katholieke Nederlandse Niewsblad Pers (NL)
KNOW - Knowledge Network of Wisconsin (Wisconsin Department of Public
Instruction - US)
KNP - Katholiek Nederlands Persbureau (NL)
KNpM - Knihovna NSprstkoveho Musea, cze (CS)
KNT - Knihtisk Praha, cze (CS) *KNTB - Kollektor Naucno-Tehniceskih Bibliotek
KNTM - Knihovna Narodniho Technickeho Musea, cze (CS)
*KNTT - Komitet Nau6no-Tehnideskoj Terminologii
KNUB - Koninklijke Nederlandse Uitgeversbond
(NL) KNVD - Koninklijk Nederlands Verbond van Drukkerijen (NL) KOB
Knihovna Osvetove Besedy, cze (CS)
Kniznica Osvetovej Besedy, sla (CS)
KOBAS - Konstanzer Bibliotheks-Automatisierungs-System (DE) *KOBOL = COBOL KOBP - Krakowski Osrodek Badan
Prasoznawczych, 1956-(PL);-^OBP *KOD - Kompleksnaja Obrabotka Dokumentov KODAS Kommunales Datenbank- und Analysensystem (DE)
KOEBES - Kolner Bibliotheks-ErschlieSungssy-stem
(Hochschulbibliothekszentrum Koln - DE)
Knigotorgovoe Ob"edinenie Gosudarstvennyh
Izdatel'stv, 1934-1949 (SU); *- "Knigocentr

Kooperativnoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo

KOI (koi) - Kniznica Osvetovej Izby, sla (CS) *KOI - Kod Obmena i Obrabotki
Informacii *KOI-7 - Semibitnyj Kod Obmena Informacii *KOIZ - Vsesojuznoe
Kooperativnoe Izdatel'stvo
KOJ - Knihovna Osvetove Jizby, cze (CS) KOLSS = KLSS *KOM = COM KOMAB
- Korean Medical Abstracts, 1971(KORSTIC - KR) KOMETH - Kommunikationsnetzwerk der ETH
*Komigiz - Komi Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) "KOMINOLIT (Kominolit) Central'naja Mezdu-vedomstvennaja Komissija po Zukupke i Raspra-deleniju
Inostrannoj Literatury, 1921- (SU) *KOMIS - Kompleksnaja Informacionnaja Sistema
Kombinovany Pofadaci Automatizovany Sy
stem, cze (Vojenska Politicka Akademie, Vedek-koinformacni Stfedisko SpoleCenskych
Kommunales Planungsinformations- und Ana
lyse System (Stadtentwicklungsamt Miinchen DE)
KOMPASS - Komplexe Planung als Sachgebietsorientiertes System KOMRMLN - Kentucky-Ohio-Michigan Regional
Medical Library Network (US) ROMS - Knihovedny Odbor Malice Slovenskej, sla
(CS) KOMULS - Kentucky-Ohio-Michigan Union List of
Serials (US) KOMUS (Komus) - Komisija za Ucebnike in Skripta, slo (YU) KONKAT - Konvertering af Katalogmateriale pa
Data skaerm (DK)
"Koopizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Kooperativnoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
KORDLA - Korean Research and Development Library Association, 1972- (KR)
KORSTIC - Korea Scientific and Technological Information Centre, 1962- (KR)
Keio Operating System (JP)
Kent On-line System (Kent University - GB)
KOSAB - Korean Scientific Abstracts (KORSTIC KR)
KOST - Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle der Bundesregierung fiir die
Elektronische Datenverarbeitung in der Bundesverwaltung (DE)
KOT - Konyvtarak Orszagos Tanacsa. [National Library Council] (HU)

KOZDOK - Kozlekedesi Dokumentacios Vallalat. [Documentation Centre of Transport

and Communication] (HU)
*KP - Kopirovannyj Pribor
Kenya Publishers Association (KE)
Kraft Paper Association (US)
KPCA - Kenya Printers and Converters Association
KPF - Kniznica Pedagogickej Fakulty. sla (CS) KPIC - Key Phrase in Context *KPL Komitet po Prikladnoj Lingvistike (SU) KPO - Key Punch Operator KPP - Korean
Pacific Press (KR) *KPP - Komitet Polnomocnyh Predstavitelej StranClenov MCNTI, int (*MCNTI - Moskva. SU) *KPU - Kvazipermutacionnyj Ukazatel'
KRABS - Kids Raving About Books (AU) *Krajgiz - Kraevoe Gosudarstvennoe
(SU) "Krajknigtorg - Kraevaja Kontrola Kniznoj Torgovli
(SU) KRAK - Kurzfassung der Regeln fiir die Atphabetische Katalogisierung. 1976 (DE) ( = KurzRAK) KRAKUS - Krakowski Regionalny
Abonencki Kombinat Informacji Uzytkownikow Stowarzy-szonych (Biblioteka
Politechniki Krakowskiej -PL)
KRAS - Keyworded References to Archaeological Science (University of Leicester,
Department of Archaelogy - GB)
KRAZTUR - Klein-Rechner-gestutztes Allgemei-nes Dokumentationssystem mit
Zusatzlichen Text-und Retrievalfunktionen (DE) KRL - Knowledge Representation
Language KRM - Kurzweil Reading Machine [for the visually
handicapped] KRN - Knight Ridder Newspapers (Viewdata Corp.
KRT - KruSnohorske Tiskarny. cze (CS)
t. "Krymgosizdat - Krymskoe
GosudarstvefWie.ts'latel'stvo(SU) ,
* H1>
*Krymizdat - Krymskoe Oblastnoe
KRZN - Kommunales Rechenzentrum Niederrhein
Knihovni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Kniznicne Stredisko, sla (CS)
*KS - Kljucevoe Slovo
*KS-grammatika - Kontekstno-Svobodnaja Grammatika(=*KSG)
*KS-jazyk - Kontekstno-Svobodnyj Jazyk KSAM
Key Field Sequential Access Method

Key Sequential Access Method

KSAV - Kniznica Slovenskej Akademie Vied, sla (CS);^KSAVU
KSAVU - Kniznica Slovenskej Akademie Vied a Umieni, sla (CS); -> KSAV
KSDC - Kansas State Documents Catalog and Index (Kansas State Library - US); <Official Publications of the State of Kansas *KSG - Kontekstno-Svobodnaja
KSH - Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal. [Central Statistical Office] (HU)
KSHK - Kozpontki Statisztikai Hivatal Konyvtara. [Central Statistical Office Library]
KSHNK - Kozponti Statisztikai Hivatal Nyilvanyos Konyvtara. [Central Statistical
Office, Public Library] (HU)
Knowledge Source Index (CISTI - CA)
Krajowy System Informatyczny (PL)
*KSINTI - Kompleks Sredstv Indeksirovanija Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii *KSIO - Kompleksnaja Sistema Informacionnogo
Obespecenija (SU)
*KSJa - Kontekstno-Svobodnyj Jazyk *KSMIP - Komitet Standartov, Mer i
Izmeritel'nyh Priborov (SU); Gosudarstvennyj Komitef Standartov Soveta Ministrov
SSSR *KSN1 - Komisija za Sistem Naucnih Informacija, ser
KSOC - Key Symbol Out of Context K$PU - Kniznica Statneho Pedagogickeho
sla (CS)
KSR Terminal - Keyboard-Send-Receive-Terminal KSSM - Kniznica Statneho
Slovenskeho Miizea, sla
KSSV - KniznicaSpolkuSvatehoVojtecha, s/a(CS) KST - Krajowy System Tezaurusow
(PL) KST - Kosicke Tlaciarne, sla (CS) KSU - Kniznica Slovenskej Univerzity v
sla (CS)
KSW - Ksie.garnia Swi?tego Wojciecha (PL) KT - Kladenske Tiskarny, cze (CS) *KTB
- Knigotorgovaja Baza
*KTD - Konstruktorsko-Tehnologiceskaja Doku-mentacija
KTDS - Key to Disc Software
RTF- Komitee fiir Klassifikations- und ThesaurusforsdWttg(DGD-DE) KTHB - Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolans Bibliotek
*KTI - KabinetTehniceskoj Informacii (SU) KTiR - Klub Techniki i Racjonalizacji
Komise Technickych Knihoven, cze (CS)

Komitee Technische Kommunikation (DGD DE)

Kozponti Technologiai Konyvtar. [Central
Technical Library], -1956; - OMK
KtK - Kommision fur den Ausbau des Technischen Kommunikationssystem (DE)
KTL - Komite for Teknisk Litteraturjeneste, 1947-(NQ)
KTMFK - Kozlekedesi es Tavkozlesi MUszaki Fois-kola Konyvtara, Gy6r. [Library of
the High School of Communication and Telecommunication] (HU)
1. Komitee fiir Terminologie und Sprachfragen, 1966- (DGD -DE);-* ATS
KTTK - Konyvkiadok es Terjesztok Tajekoztato Kozpontja [Publishing and Book
Trade Information Centre], 1964- (HU)
KTV - Kongress fiir Textverarbeitung *KU - Kodirujuscce Ustrojstvo
KUIPNET - Kyoto University Information Processing Network (JP)
*KUIRI - Kumuljativnyj Ukazatel' Izbiratel'nogo Rasprostranenija Informacii
Komitet Upowszechniania Ksiazki, 1948-1951
Krajska Ucitelska Knihovna, cze (CS)
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski (PL)
Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven, fie (BE)
Kuwait University Library (KW)
KULIC - Keio University Library and Information
Centres (JP)
KULOP - Kent Union List of Periodicals (GB) KULSA - Karnatak University
Library Science
Association (IN) KULSAA - Karachi University Library Sciences
Alumni Association (PK) KUMS - Knihovedny Ustav Malice Slovenskej, sla
(CS) KUMP - Kniznica Umelecko-Priemysloveho Muzea, sla (CS)
KUNA - Kuwait News Agency, 1976- (KW) KurzRAK = KRAK
KtJS - KnihtlaciarskyUcastinarsky Spolok,i/a(CS) KUT-DER - Universite
Kutuphanecilik Bolumu
Mezunlari Demei. [Library School Graduate' Society], 1970- (TR) KVA
Koninklijke Vlaamse Academic voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schoone Kunste van Belgie,/MBE)
Kungliga Vetenskapakademien (SE)
KVAB - Kungliga Vetenskapsakademiens Bibliotek
*KVAK = KWAC KVAL - Forskningsgruppen for Kvantitativ Lingvi-

KVB - Kober'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (CH) *KVC - Koordinacionno-Vyeislitel'nyj
Centr (SU) KVD - Kolnische Verlagsdruckerei (DE) KVHAB - Kungliga Vitterhets-,
Historic- och Antikvitetsakademiens Bibliotek (SE) KVHB - Kungliga Veterinarhogskolans Bibliotek
(SE) *KVIzd - Katalogizirovame v Izdanii (=CIP, eng)
*KV1K = KWIC *KV1T = KWIT *KVOK = KWOC *KVOT = KWOT KVR Klub Vytvarnych Redaktoru CSN, cze (CS)
Knihovna Vysoke Skoly Chemicke, cze (CS)
Kniznica Vysokej Skoly Chemickej, sla (CS)
KVD - Kniznica Vysokej Skoly Dopravnej, sla
(CS) KVSMU - Kniznica Vysokej Skoly Miizickych Umeni, sla (CS)
KV$PLI - Kniznica Vysokej Skoly Pol'nohospodar-skeho a Lesnickeho Inzinierstva,
sla (CS)
Knihovna Vysoke Skoly Technicke, cze (CS)
Kniznica Vysokej Skoly Technickej, sla (CS)
KVSZ - Knihovna Vysoke Skoly Zemedelske, cze
KVT - Klub Vedy a Techniky, sla (CS) KWAC - Keyword-and-Context KWADE Keyword as a Dictionary Entry (IBM US)
KWEST - Key Word Extracted as a String of Terms KWIC - Keyword-in-Context
KWICCON - Keywords Index to Conference and Symposium Proceedings (Rand
Corporation Library-US)
KWID - Komitee Wirtschaftlichkeit der Information und Dokumentation, 1973(DGD - DE) KWIDR - Keywords in Defined Rotation KWINDEX - Keyword Index
(Golden Gate Systems-US)
KWINTET - Konwersacyjne Wyszukiwanie Infor-macji Teletransmitowanych (IMM,
ZakJad Syste-mow Wyszukiwania i Teleprzetwarzania Informac-ji-PL)
KWIOC - Key Word In/Out of Context KWIP - Keyword in Permutation KWIT Keyword-in-Title KWKZ - Komitet Wspolpracy Kulturalnej z Zagranica, 1950-1956 (PL) KWOC - Keyword-out-of-Context KWOT - Keyword-out-ofTitle KWPSI - Key Word-Phrase Subject Index KWPT - Keyword-plus-Title KWUC
- Keyword and UDC out of Context KZA - Knihovna Zemedelsk6 Akademie, cze
(CS) *KZA - Kollektivnyj Zaocnyj Abonement KZSI - Krajowy Zautomatyzowany
System Informacji (PL) KZV - Hosteler Zeitschriftenveneichnis (DE)
L6 - Laboratories Low Level Linked List Language, 1966 (Bell Telephone Laboratories
- US)

L-MC - Library-Media Centers

L/MTA - Library/Manpower Training Act, 1974 (US)
L*O*A*N - Library Online Automated Network
(US) L&S - Lange und Springer Wissenschaftliche Buchhandlung L-VIS-LASER Viewdata Information Service
Landesarchiv (DD)
Library Association, 1896- (GB); -e-LAUK
Library Automation
LA/BL - Library Association/British Library [Committee on AACR, 2 ed] (GB)
Lancashire Authors' Association (GB)
Library Assistants' Association, 1895-1922
Library Association of Alberta (CA) ;<Alb erta
Library Association
Library Association of Australia, 1949- (AU);
LAAS - Laboratoire d'Automatique et d'Analyse
des Systemes (CNRS-FR) LAAS-CNRS - Laboratoire d'Automatique et de
ses Applications Speciales du CNRS (FR) *LAASPI - Lokal'naja Avtomatizirovannaja
Analitifieskaja Sistema Patentnoj Informacii (SU) LAB
Library Association of Bangladesh (BD)
Library Association of Barbados, 1968- (BB)
LABINFO - Banque de Donnees sur les Laboratoires Publiques et Prives Francais, 1983- (ANVAR -FR)
LABIS - Laboratory Information System LABMIS - Laboratories Management
LABNOR - Application of Standards Documentation Data Base (ILO, International
Labour Standards Department - Geneve, CH) LABOLINK - Optically Linked
Laboratory Computer Network (Kyoto University, Department of Information Science
- JP)
LABORDOC - Intemation Labour Documentation Online (ILO, Central Library
and Documentation Branch - Geneve, CH) LABORIA - Laboratoire de Recherche en
Informatique et Automatique (IRIA - FR)) LABORLIT - Labor Literature. [Data base] (Syricuse University - US)
LABORSTA - Labor Statistics. [Data base], 198&(ILO, Labour Information and Statistics Depart
ment - GenfcW, CH)
. l,,

LABP - Latin America Book Program r~ -' '

6 >'*v it LABROD - Labor Productivity for Western Countries. [Data base] (United Nations, ECE, Statistical
Division - Geneve, CH) LABSTAT - Bureau of Labor Statistics System for
Storage and Analysis of Time Series Data (Bureau
of Labor Statistics - US) LAC
Librarians Against the Cuts (GB)
Library Advisory Committee (NG)
Library Advisoy Councils, 1964- (department
of Education and Sience - GB); ->LISC
Library Assistants'Certificate (City and Guilds
of London Institute - GB)
Library Association of China, 1953- (TW)
Library of American Civilization (US)
LAC of AMFC - Library Affairs Committee of the Associated Mid-Florida Colleges
LAC(W) = LACW *LAC - Lokal'nyj Avtomatizirovannyj Centr (SU)
LACAP - Latin America Co-operative Acquisitions Program, 1960- (US)
LACASIS - Los Angeles Chapter of ASIS (US)
1 . Language for ALGOL Compiler Extension 2. Library Advisory Council for
England, 19643. London Advisory Council on Continuing Education (GB) LACI - London Association of Conference Interpreters (GB) LACIRS - Latin American Communication Information Retrieval System (University of Florida,
College of Journalism and Communication - US) LACOIN - Lowell Area Council on
Networks (US, Massachusetts) LACONIQ - Laboratory Computer On-line Inquiry
LACP - London Association of Correctors of the
Press (GB)
LACPL - Los Angeles County Public Library (US) LACRIP - Latin American Cancer
Research Information Project, 1979- (National Cancer Institute US/Pan American Health Organization/BIREME
LACS - Los Angeles Copyright Society (US) LACUNY - Library Association of the
City University of New York (US) LACW - Library Advisory Council for Wales, 1966(GB);->LISC

Library Administration Division, 1957-1978
Library, Archives and Documentation Services
Division (Unesco - Paris, FR)
LAD/BES - LAD Buildings and Equipment Section ( ALA US)
LAD/CSS - LAD Circulation Services Section
(ALA-US) LAD/LOUS - LAD Library Organization and Management Section ("ALA - US) LAD/PAS -LAD Personnel Administration Section ( ALA - US) LAD/PRS - LAD Public Relations Section (ALAUS) LADB
Laboratory Animal Data Bank, 1975- (NLM US)
Latin America Data Bank, 1966- (University of
Florida, Department of Political Science - US)
LADC - Los Alamos Document Center (US)
LADDER - Language Access to Distributed Data
with Error Recovery (US)
LADEP - Lithographic Artists, Designers, Engravers and Process Workers Society LADL - Laboratoire d'Automatique Documentaire
et Linguistique (CNRS - FR); <- SAD
LADLE - Librarians' Anti-Defamation League
(GB) LADOK - Dokumentations-Leitstelle Lateinamerika, 1968- (Institut fur Iberoamerika-Kunde- DE)
LADS - Logic Automation Documentation System
LADSIRLAC - Liverpool and District Scientific,
Industrial and Research Library Advisory Council,
1955- (GB) LAFFF - Language to Aid Financial Fact Finders
(CallData Systems, Inc. - US) LAFIS - Local Authority Financial Information System (International Computers Ltd - GB) LAG
Librarians' Automation Group, 1968-(AU); >
Library Action Group (GB)
LAG Druck - Lehrer Arbeitsgemeinschaft Druck *LAGO - Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv
L'vovskoj Oblasti
LAGSA - Library Area Sub-Committee of the Monash University General Staff Association (AU) LAI
Leaf Area Index
Library Association of Ireland, 1928- (IE)
(=CLE, in)
Logos Agecia Informagao, Madrid (ES)
*LAIBS - Lokal'naja Avtomatizirovannaja Informa-

cionno-Bibliotecnaja Sistema (SU) LAIG

Library Administration Interest Group (Was
hington Library Association - US, Washington
Library Association Industrial Group, 1971(LA-GB)(=ILG)
LAIICS - Latin American Institute for Information
and Computer Science, int (CL) *LAIPS - Lokal'naja Avtomatizirovannaja Informacionno-Poiskovaja Sistema (SU) LAIRS - Labor Agreement Information Retrieval
System (US Civil Service Commission) LAIS - Library Acquisitions Information
(Library Automation, Research and Consulting
Association - US) LAIT - Library Association Information Technology Group (LA - GB) *LAKORED - Laboratorija Konservacii i Restavracii Dokumentov (* AN SSSR - SU) LAL
Latin American Library, 1966- (Oakland Pu
blic Library - US)
Library Association Library (Library Associa
LALL - Louisville Area Law Libraries (US, Kentucky)
LALN - Lakeland Area Library Network (US, Michigan)
LALS - La Guardia Automated Library System (La Guardia Community College - US)
LALSD - Language for Automated Logic and System Design
LAM-Library Association of Malaysia (MY) (=PPM,md)
LAMA - Library Administration and Management Association, 1975- (ALA - US); <LAD
LAMA/SS - LAMA Statistics Section ("ALA - US)
Language pour la Manipulation d'une Base de
Donnees Associative
Local Access to and Management of Bibliogra
phic Data and Authorities, 1982- (SOLINETUS)
LAMGO - Library and Media Groups of Oregon
Local Authority Management Information Sy
stem (Leeds City Council/International Com
puters Ltd - GB)
Los Angeles Municipal Information System

LAMP: Literature Analysis of Microcomputers

Literature (Soft Images, NJ -US)
Latin American Microfilm Project
Library Additions and Maintenance Program
Library Resources in Literature, Art, Music,
Philosophy, 1970- (Jackson State College - US)
Literature Analysis of Microcomputer Publica
tions (Soft Images - US)
LAMPE - Language Algorithmique de Mise en Pages et d'Edition (FR) LAMS
Library Association of Malaya and Singapore,
1958-1959; <- MLG; - (divided into): PPTM
and SLA
Literarny Archiv Matice Slovenskej, sla (CS)
LAMSAC - Local Authorities Management Service
and Computer Committee, 1967- (DBS - GB)
LAN - Local Area Network
LANCET cataloguing rules - Library Association/ National Council for Educational
Technology cataloguing rules (GB)
LANDSAT - Land Satellite (US Geological Survey );-ERTS
LANM - Literarni Archiv KnihovnyNarodnihoMusea, cze (CS) LANS (LANs) - Local Area Networks
LANW - Library Association North Western
Branch (LA-GB) LANZ - Library Association of New Zealand, 19101935(NZ);-NZLA LAO - Library Association of Ottawa, 1935- (CA)
LAO-H - Library Association of Ottawa-Hull (CA) LAOSA - Librarianship and
Archives Old Students'
Association (London University - GB) LAP
Language Analysis Package
Library Access Program (Western New York
Library Resources Council - US)
LAPKAT - Landelijk Automatiserings-Project Katalogus (NL) LAPL
Library Association Publishing Limited (LA GB)
Los Angeles Public Library (US)
LAPT - Library Association: Practice and Theory,
1977- (Pergamon Press- US) LAR
Library Association Record (LA - GB)
Linear Associative Retrieval
LARAM - Line-Addressable Random-Access Memory LARC

Lanbouwadministratie en Rekencentrum (NL)

Library Automation Research and Consulting
Association, 1968- (US); -> (the same initialism): Association for Library Automation Re
search Communications, 1973-1975; - Library
and Information Science Division of WISE
LaRC - Library and Research Consultations (University of North Carolina - US)
LARF - Librarians against Racism and Fascism (GB)
LARG - Library-Anthropology Resource Group
LARITA - Lewis Audiovisual Research Institute and Teaching Archive (University of
Arizona -US)
LARP - Local and Remote Printing
LARPS - Local and Remote Printing Station
LARRDIS - Parliament Library and Reference, Research, Documentation and
Information Service, 1950- (Lok Sabha Secretariat, New Delhi - IN
LARRIE - Local Authorities Race Relations Information Exchange (GB)
LARSIS - Library Association Reference and Special Information Section (LA - GB)
Library Access System (IBM - US)
Library Association of Singapore, 1966- (SG)
(=PPS, ind); - Library Association of Ma
laysia, Singapore Branch, 1965-; *- SLA,
1960LASC - Library Automation Steering Committee (South Australian Public Service
LASCO - Latin American Science CoafWSrtWHOf
fice, int (Unesco) V **?
LASD - Latin American Serials DoCo*^**
Learning Achievement through Saturated Edu
cational Resources
London and South Eastern Library Region,
LASH - List of Australian Subject Headings, 1978-(LAA-AU)
LASIC - Laboratoire Associe des Sciences de 1'In-formation et de la Communication
LASIE - Library Automated Systems Information Exchange 1970- (University of New
South Wales, School of Librarianship - AU);- LAG
LASLIS - Lagos Special Libraries Information Service, 1949-(NG)
*LASNITI - Leningradskaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj
Informacii (SU)
LASORS - Literature Analysis System of the Office of Road Safety (AU)

LASP-Linked Authority Systems Project, 1980-(CLR-US);->LSP

LASRG - Library Association Sound Recording Group (LA - GB) (=SRG); - AVG
Library Access and Sixth-form Study (CRUS GB)
Library Automated Service System
LASSOS - Library Automation Systems and Servi
ces Options Study, 1975- (BLRDD - GB)
LATCH - Literature Attached to Charts, 1967(Washington Hospital Center - US) *Latgiz = *Latizdat "Latgosizdat Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo LatvijskojSSR(SU)
LATH - Libraries of Affiliated Teaching Hospitals, 1978- (University of South Dakota,
Health Sciences Library - US); <- SOD AMIS "LatlNTI - Latvijskij Institut Naucnoj i
Tehniceskoj Informacii, 1963- (SU); > (the same initialism): Latvijskij Institut
NauCno- Tehniceskoj Informacii i Propagandy "Latizdat - Latvijskoe Gosudarstvennoe
*LatRASNTl - Respublikanskaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno- Tehniceskoj
Informacii Lat-vijskoj SSR (SU)
LATT - Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago, 1960-(TT)
LAUC - Library Association of the University of California (US)
LAUK - Library Association of the United Kingdom, 1877- (GB); -> LA
LAUSGI - Legally Available US Government Information (US)
LAW - League of American Writers (US) LAWNET - Law Information Network (US)
Library Bookseller (US)
Library Bureau (US)
1. Liasott'Btbliophilique et Artistique, 1957- (FR)
2. Lichtbildarchiv in Marburg (DE) *LBAN - L'vovskaja Biblioteka Akademii
USSR, rus (SU) LBC - Stichting Landelijke Bibliotheekcentrale
Lenguaje de Busqueda Informativa, spa
Library Binding Institute, 1935- (US)
LBJL - Lyndon B. Johnson Library (US)
Laser Beam Recording
Library Bill of Rights (US)

LBS - Label-Based System (Automated Library Systems Ltd - GB)

LBS-projektet - Larare och Bibliotekarie i Samver-kan projektet (SE)
LBW - Leipziger Buchbindereimaschinen Werke (DD)
LBWR - Landesverband Baden-Wiirttembergisches Rechenzentrum (DE)
Legal Contents, 1981- (Management Contents,
"Library of Congress (US) (=LOC)
LC-CO - Library of Congress Copyright Office (LC
LC-NRC - Library of Congress, National Referral Center, 1962-(LC-US)
LC/NUC - Library of Congress and National Union Catalog (US)
LCA - Library Club of America, 1955-(Book Manufacturers Institute - US)
LCBS - London Classification of Business Studies
*LCBTI - Leningradskoe Central'noe Bjuro Tehni-fieskoj Informacii (SU)
Library Coordination Committee (IE)
Library of Congress Classification (LC - US)
Library of Congress Catalog Card (LC - US)
Library of Congress Computer Catalog (LC US)
LCCMARC - Library of Congress Current MARC
file(LC-US) LCCN - Library of Congress Card Number (LC US) (=LCN) LCD
Landelijke College Documentatiedienst (NL)
List of Chosen Descriptors
LDC OVO - Landelijk Centrum Dienstverleging Gezondheidsvoorlichting en
Opvoeding (NL)
LCELR - Lawyers Center for Electronical Legal Research, 1966- (US) - NCAIR
LCER - Library Computer Equipment Review, 1979- (Microform Review, Inc. - US)
LCF - Librarians' Christian Fellowship, 1974- (GB)
LCGC - Library Council of Greater Cleveland,
1969- (US)
*LCIA - Leningradskij Central'nyj Istoriceskij Arhiv (SU)
LCIB - Library of Congress Information Bulletin ("LC-US)
LCL - Linkage Control Language
LCLA - Lutheran Church Library Association, 1958-(US)
LCLS - Lewis and Clark Library System (US)
LCM - Library Cooperative of Macomb (US, Michigan)

LCMARC - Library of Congress MARC files (LC-US)

LCMPA - Lancashire and Cheshire Master Printers' Alliance (GB)
LCMS - Library Collection Management System (UTLAS-CA)
*LCNTI - Leningradskij Mezotraslevoj Territorial'-nyj Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii i Propagandy (SU) (=*LenCNTI)
LCOMM - Library Council of Metropolitan Milwaukee, 1973- (US)
1. Language Conversion Program 1. London College of Printing (GB)
LCPA - Library of Congress Professional Association (US)
LCPL - Leon-Jefferson Library System (US)
LCQJ - Library of Congress Quarterly Journal (LC -US)
LCRL - Lewis and Clark Regional Library (US)
Large Capacity Storage
Library Circulation System (McMaster Univer
sity-C A)
Library Circulation System (University of Illi
Library Computer System ,1978- (University of
Library Control System (Ohio State University
Library Cooperation Section ("ALA, ASLA US)
Literature Classification System (American So
ciety for Quality Control - US)
Ohio State University Libraries On-line Remo
te Catalog Access and Circulation System,
LCSC - Library Computer Services Centre, 1977-(Ministrj of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Food - GB)
LCSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings (US); <-SHDC
LCUS - Library Circulation User System (Northwestern University - US)
LDA - L6dzka Drukarnia Akcydensowa (PL)
LDB - Linguistic Data Bank (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and
Technology - GB)
LASE [=Large Aperture Seismic Array] Data
Center (US)
Library Development Center (Columbia Uni

Library Development Consultants (GB)

4. Linguistics Documentation Centre (University
of Ottawa-C A)
LDCA - Linguistics in Documentation: Current Abstracts, 1970- (FID/LD-Arlington,
Virg., US) LDD - Lodzka Drukarnia Dzietowa (PL) LDDL - Logical Data Definition
Language LDDS - Language de Descriptions des Donnees Sta-tistiques (Delegation a
1'Ame'nagement du Terri-toire et a 1'Action Regionale - FR) LDE - Library Design
and Engineering Ltd (GB) LDIBR - Literary Digest. International Book Review LDL
Language Description Language
Logical Data Language
LDMP - Library Data Management Project, 1971(University of Chicago - US) *LDNTP - Leningradskij Dom Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Propagandy (SU) *LDNTPS - Leningradskij Dom Naucno-Tehni6eskoj Propagandy Standartizacii (SU) LDO
Literirne Dokumentacnf Oddeleni, cze (CS)
Literdrno-Documentacne Oddelenie, sla (CS)
Language Data Processing
Library Development Program, int (Organiza
tion of American States)
LDR - Law Data Register
LOT - Library Development Team
LDV - Linguistische Datenverarbeitung
LDX - Long Distance Xerography (Xerox Corp. US) LEA
Librarians, Editors, Authors (US)
Local Education Authority (GB)
LEADER - Lehigh Automatic Device for Efficient
Retrieval (Lehigh University, Center for Information Science - US)
LEADERMART - LEADER in the Mart Science and Engineering Library (Lehigh
University - US)
Law Enforcement Automated Data System
(Ohio University - US)
Library Employment and Development for
Staaf, 1978- (ALA - US)
Library Experimental Automated Demonstra
tion System, 1971- (Oregon Total Information
LEAF - LISP Extended Algebraic Facility (Harvard

University-US) LEANORD - Laboratoire d'Electronique et d'Automatique du Nord, 1960- (FR) LEAP

Language for the Expression of Associative
Procedures, 1969Library Education Assistance Program (US,
Buffalo and Erie, New York)
Library Education Automated Program (Syra
cuse University, School of Library Sstewe US)
Library Electronic Acquisitions Program,
1980- (Saskatchewan Technical Institute, Com
puter Centre - CA)
Library Exchange Aids Patrons Project, 1978(US, Connecticut)
Librarians for Education and Research in the
Northeast, 1974- (US)
Library Employment Assistance Reinforce
ment Network (US)
Library Exchange and Resources Network (US,
New York State)
LEAT - World Information Centre for Legal, Economic and Administrative
LEBSAMC - Librarians of European Business Schools and Advanced Management
Centres, int
Limited Editions Club, 1929- (US)
London Eduacation Classification, 1962; 2 ed.
1974 (University of London Institute for Educa
tion, Library-GB)
Leitfaden fur die Formale Erfassung von Dokumenten in der Literaturdokumentation (DE)
Library Education Division, 1946-1978 (ALA
Las Ediciones de Arte, 1940- (ES)
Lecture Encyclopedique des Donnees Audiovisuelles, 1985-(BN-FR)
On-Line Earthnet Data Availability (European
Space Agency, Space Documentation Service Frascati, IT)

LEDIS - Local Economic Development Information Service (GB, Scotland)

LEDOC - Legal Documentation, 1973-(Universitat Regensburg - DE)
LEDS - Liquid Effluents Data System (E ADS-US)
LEE - Librarie des Editions Espagnoles, Toulouse, 1945-(FR)
LEEDS - Library Exemplary Elementary Demonstration System (Springfield Public
Schools - US)
LEEP - Library Education Experimental Project, 1968- (Syracuse University, School
of Library Science - US)
LEER - Libros Elementales, Educativos y Recreati-vos, int (Organization de los Estados
LEG-Library Education Group (LA - GB); -> TEG
Legislative Information and Status System (US
Lerner Gesteuertes Informations-System (DE)
LEGOL - Legally-Oriented Language (GB)
*LEGPROMESFORM (Legprominform) - Mez-dunarodnaja Sistema Naucnoj i
Tehniceskoj Infor-maciiproLegkoj Promyslennosti, 1975-(*MSNTI *CNirTEILegprom, Moskva, SU)
LEGS-Library Education, Grades and Salaries Working Party (LA - GB)
LEIN - Law Enforcement Information Network
(US, Michigan)
LEKINBAD - Resortowy System Informacji o Pra-cach Naukowo-Badawczych i
Rozwojowych w Dziedzinie Przemysfu Lekkiego. [Data base], 1976- (ROINTE
Przemyslu Lekkiego - PL) LEKOTEK - Leksaker, Bibliotek (SE) LEL - Link-Edit
Language LEM - Lecteur Electronique de Microfiches LEMB - Lista de
Encabezamientos de Materia para
Bibliotecas (America Latina) LEMME - Legislafao Referente ao Ministerio das
Minos e Energia (BR) *LenCNTI = *LCNTI
LENDS - Library Extends Catalog Access and New Delivery System, 1972- (Georgia
Institute of Technology, Price Gilbert Memorial Library - US) *LENGIHL Leningradskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Hudozestvennoj Literatury (SU) "Lengiz - Leningradskoe Otdelenie
Gosudarstvennogo IzdatePstva (SU) "Lengorlit - Leningradskoe Gorodskoe Literaturnoe
Izdatel'stvo (SU)
*Lengosstrojizdat - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Gosu-darstvennogo Izdatel'stva po
Stroitel'stvu, Arhi-tekture i Stroitel'nym Materialam (SU) "Lenhuntehizdat Leningradskoe Otdelenie Gosu-darstvennogo Himiko- Tehniceskogo Izdatel'stva (SU)
*Lenizdat - Leningradskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *Lenkogiz =

*Lenmasgiz - Leningradskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Masinostroitel'noj

Literatury (SU) *LenOGIZ (Lenogiz) - Leningradskoe Ob"edinennoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *LenoKOGIZ (Lenokogiz) - Leningradskoe
Obla-stnoe Knigotorgovogo Ob"edinenija Gosudarst-vennyh Izdatel'stv - (SU)
(="Lenkogiz) *Lenpiscepromizdat - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Izdatel'stva Piscevoj
Literatury-(SU) *Lensocekgiz - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Gosudarst-vennogo
Social'no- Ekonomiceskogo Izdatel'stva (SU) *Lenstrojizdat - Leningradskoe
Izdatel'stvo Stroitel'noj Literatury (SU)
LEONORE - Fichier informatise sur les personnes ayant recii la Legion d'Honneur
(Archives Natio-nales-FR) LEPA - Lithographic Engravers and Platemakers
LEPI - Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. LEPMA - Lithographic Engravers' and
Plate Makers' Association (US)
LEPPPES - Lembaga Penelitian Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial
Perpustakaan. [Institute for Economic and Social Research, Education and Information
Library], 1971- (ID) LEPU - Library Education and Personnel Utilization, 1970("ALA - US) LERLS - Lake Erie Regional Library System LERMISTORE Learning Materials Information
Store, 1971-(NCET-GB)
"Lesbumizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury Lesnoj i Bumaznoj
Promyslennosti - SU)
LESH - List of Educational Subject Headings (US)
LESS - Least-cost Estimating and Scheduling System (IBM-US)
LETAM - Low End Telecommunications Access Method
LETI - Laboratoire d'Electronique et de Technologies de PInformation, Grenoble (FR)
LETIS - Leicestershire Technical Information Service, 1968- (Loughborough University
of Technology - GB)
LETS - Law Enforcement Teletype System (US)
LEVER - Library Educators with Vision for Evaluation and Recommitment (Oklahoma
Library Association - US)
LEXICO - Lexicography Project (University of Wisconsin - US)
LEXINFORM - [Legal data base] (DATEV - DE)
[Legal research service data base] ,1973- (Mead
Data Control, Inc. - US); <- OBAR
Lexikographic-Informationssystem (Bundesspracheamt - DE)
LEXPAT - [Patent Search and Retrieval] (Mead Data Central-US)
LEXR - Legislazjone Regionale. [Full text data base] (Centra Elettronico di
Documentazione, Ital-giure - IT)
LF - Linear File (NASA/ESRO Remote Console System)

Libraries for Prisons, 1971- (US)
Library File Processing (Durham University GB)
LISC - Librarians for Social Change (GB) LFVO - Library Foundation for Voluntary
Organizations *LGALI - Gosudarsvennyj Arhiv Literatury i Iskustva Leningradskoj Oblasti, 1969-(SU) *LGALK - Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj
Arhiv Literatury Kul'tury (SU)
*LGANTD - Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Naucno-Tehni-ceskoj Dokumentacii
Leningradskoj Oblasti, 1972- (SU)
*LGAORSS - Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii i Socialisticeskogo
Stroitel'stva Leningradskoj Oblasti (SU); <- GAORSS LO *LGBI - Leningradskij
Gosudarstvennyj Bibliotecnyj Institut (SU)
LGCP - Lexical-Graphical Composer Printer LGDJ - Librairie Generate de Droit et
de Jurisprudence (FR) *LGIA - Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Istoriceskij
Arhiv (SU);-*GIALO *LGIK - Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut
Kul'tury im. N. K. Krupskoj (S) LGIO - Local Government Information Office (GB)
LGIS - Local Government Information Service (GB)
LGORU - Local Government Operational Research Unit (GB)
*LGU - Leningradskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. A. A.Xdanova (SU)
LHA - Landeshauptarchiv (DD)
LHB - Landes-undHochschulbibliothek(DD;DE)
LHC - London and Home Counties Branch, 1923-(LA - GB)
LHG - Library History Group, 1962- (LA - GB)
LHHSLC - Laurel Highlands Health Sciences Library Consortium (University of
Pittsburg at Johnstown, Library-US)
LHNCBC - Lister Hill National Center for Biomedi-cal Communication, 1968- (NLM US)
LHR - Library History Review, int (IARLH - Calcutta, IN)
LHRT - Library History Round Table ( ALA - US)
LHSLG - Lincoln Health Sciences Library Group (US)
LI - Libraries International, Inc., 1970- (US)
Li - Learned Information (Europe) Ltd (GB)
LIA - Land Information and Analysis (Department of the Interior-US)
LIAISE - Library and Information Service, int (ESTEC)
LIAS - Library Information Access System, 1975-(Pennsylvania State University
Libraries - US)
LIB SIM - Library Simulation Model (Wayne State University - US)
LIBACP - Library Acquisition Program

LibCirc - Library Circulation File (Western Kentucky University, Division of Library

Services - US)
LIBCON - Library of Congress records. [Data base], 1965- (Information Dynamics
Corp. - US)
LIBCON/E - Library of Congress records for English materials. [MARC database]
(Information Dynamics Corp. - US)
LIBCON/F - Library of Congress records for non-English materials. [MARC database]
(Information Dynamics Corp. - US)
LIBCON/S - Library of Congress Supplement - records for current materials. [MARC
database] (Information Dynamics Corp. -US)
LIBER-Ligue des Bibliotheques de Recherche,
LIBEX - Bureau for International Library Staff Exchange, 1982-(LA - GB) LIBGIS Library General Information Survey,
LIBIDO - Libre Invention de Banques Informati-s6es de Donnees (Institut
Universitaire de Techno-logie de Dijon - FR) LIBIS - Leuvens Integral Bibliothek
System, fle
LIBLANG-High Level Computer Language
for Library Purposes (Trinity College, Dublin IE) " f
LIBMAS - Library Master File (FORTSAW pro
gram) LIBMRG - Library Merge Program
LIBNAT - Library Network Analysis Theory (Texas Library Association - US)
LIBNOR - Institut Libanais de Normalisation (LB)
LIBRA - Library Resources Application (DSIR Library - NZ)
LIBRAMATIC - [Automated cataloguing system] (Queensland Institute of Technology
- AU)
LIBRI - Library Information Bases for Research and Instruction. [Greek and Latin full
text data base] (American Philological Association - US)
LIBRICON - Conversion and Consulting Services, Specializing Services in Libraries,
1966- (Input Services-US)
Library Information Service (Baker and Taylor
Library Information System, 1972- (LiHB SE)
LIBRUNAM - [Automated bibliographic information system at UNAM], 1978(Direction General de Bibliotecas in UNAM - MX)
LIBS - Library Information and Bibliographic System

LIBSET - Library Set

LIBSIS - Library Serials Information System (Geo-system - GB)
LIBSKED - Library Sort Key Edit (LC - US)
LIBSYS - Library System
LIBTRAD - Library and Book Trade Relations Working Party, 1965-(GB)
Librairie Commerciale et Technique, 1963(FR)
Library of Industrial and Commercial Educa
tion Training
LICOSA (Licosa) - Libreria Commissionaria Sansoni (IT) LICOSH - Library of Congress Subject Headings
(LC-US) LICS - Library Information Control System, 1972(Osaka University Library - JP) LID
Labour Information Database (ILO, Labour
Information and Statistics Department - Gene
ve, CH)
Lectuur Informationsdienst (NBLC - NL)
Lehrinstitut fur Dokumentation, 1967- (DGD DE)
Leitstelle fur Information und Dokumentation
Library Issue Document
Medizinischer Literatur Informationsdienst,
1973- (Osterreichisches Bundesinstitut fur Gesundheitswesen - AT)
LID AS - Library Information on the Distribution of All Serials (Civil Service
Department, Central Management Library - GB)
LIDESTE - Liste des Descripteurs pour la Science, la Techiinue et 1'Economie (CND MA)
LIDI - Laboratoire d'Informatique du Droit International (FR)
LIDIA - Lernen im Dialog (Siemens-DE) LIDIS - Literatur-Dokumentations- und
LIDO - Logic In, Documents Out LIDOK - Zentraler Datenpool der Kooperativen
Agrardokumentation (ZADI - DE) LIDS
Laboratory for Information and Decision
Legislative Information Display System (LC,
Logistics Integrated Data System

LIDUM - Literaturinformationsdienst
(Umweltbundesamt-DE) LIE - Limited Information Estimation LIEG - Librarians in
Electricity Group Network,
1981-(AU) LIES - Library Issue Enquiry System (Wolverhampton Polytechnic - GB) LIFE - Learnig is for Everyone Program, 1975-1977
(Altoona Public Library - US) LIFT - Logically Integrated FORTRAN Translator
LIGEL - Librarie Generate de 1'Enseignement
Libre (FR)
LiHB - Linkopings Hogskolans Bibliotek (SE) LBL - Local Interaction Language
LIL'MIG - Library and Information Literature
Membership Initiative Group (US) LILA - Ligue Internationale de la Librairie Ancienne, 1947- (Paris, FR) (=ILAB, eng) LILBA - Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts. [Data base] (University of Michigan - US) LILIBU - Listas de Libros para
Bibliotecas Universitarias, int [Latin America], 1973-LILMIG = LIL'MIG LILRC - Long Island
Library Resources Council,
1967- (New York Education Department - US) LIMAS - Forschungsgruppe fur
Linguistische-Maschinelle Sprachubersetzung (DE) LIMB - Library Instruction Materials Bank, 1977(Loughborough University of Technology, Library
-GB) LIMB A - LiteraturerschlieBung mil Maschinell
Hergestellten Bandkatalogen (Zentralinstitut fur
Bibliothekswesen/Deutsche Bucherei - DD) LIMES - [Data project at the Regional
Library in
Malmo], 1984- (Landsbiblioteket i Malmo - SE) LIMI - Legal Information
Management Index, 1984(US) LIMP - Language d'lmpression d'une Observation
Mddicale par Ordinateur (CHU Pitie-Sapetriere FR)
LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System LINC
Libraries for Nursing Consortium (US, Massa
Library and Information Center (US, Memphis
Shelby County)
Loughborough Information Network Community (GB)
LINCO - Linear Organized Chemical Code for Use in Computer Systems (Shell
International Research, Maatschappij - NL)
Language Information Network and Clearing
house System, 1967- (Center for Applied Lin
guistics - US)

Local and International Networked Communi

cations System (GB)
LINDA - Linguistic Data Approach (PL) LINE - Law Librarians of New England
(US) LINFO - Linwood Information Centre, 1981- (Renfrew District Library Service GB) LINGUA - Linguistics Analysis System for Information Retrieval (Ponit Park
College, Pitts-burg-US) LINK
International Leisure Information Network,
1980Lambeth Information Network for Business,
1968- (GB)
Online Information Key. [Data base] (UNIDO,
LINKER - Local Information Network of Knowledge for Educational Renewal
(Merrimack Education Center, Chelmsford, Mass. - US)
LINKIT - Library Information System of the Kana-zawa Institute of Technology (JP)
LINOC Index - Linear Optical Coincidence Index
LINOSCO - Libraries of North Staffordshire in Cooperation, 1959- (GB); - (the same
initialism): Libraries of North Staafordshire and South Cheshire in Cooperation
LINUSS - Langage d'Interrogation Naturel Utilise dans le Systeme SYNTEX (FR)
LINW - Lekarski Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy, 1945-1950 (PL) ;->PZWL
LINX - [On-line remote access periodicals management system] (F. W. Faxon Co.
-US) *LIO - Literaturno-Izdavatel'skij Otdel, 1918-(*Narkompros - SU)
LION - Library Information Online (IAEA, Vienna Information Centre Library - Wien,
Leeds Information Point (GB)
London International Press (GB)
LIPCO - LEASCO Information Products Company (US)
LIPHIS - Linked Phrase Indexing System (University of Western Ontario, School of
Library and Information Science - CA)
LIPI - Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia. [Indonesian Institute of Sciences],
1967- (ID); -MIPI
LIPL - Linear Information Processing Language
LIPP - Library Insights, Promotion and Program (US)
lipress - Literarischer Pressedienst
1. Laboratory Information Processing System
2. Library Information Planning Simulation (Bureau of Indian Affairs - US)
*LIPS - Lokal'naja Informacionno-Poiskovaja Siste-ma (SU)
LIR - Library/Information Resources
LIRAC - Library and Information Retrieval Application Centre
LIRC - Long Island Library Resources Council (US)

LIRES - Literature Retrieval System for the Pulp and Paper Industry (Institute of
Paper Chemistry -US/Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada -CA)
LIRES-M - Literature Retrieval System - Multiple Search (Institute of Paper
Chemistry - US)
LIRES-MC - Literature Retrieval System-Multiple Search, Complete Text (Institute of
Paper Chemistry-US)
LIRG - Library and Information Research Group (GB)
LIRG/SCOSSI - LIRG Standing Conference on Social Science Information (GB)
LIRN - Library and Information Research News (LIRG-GB)
Legal Information Retrieval System (Michigan
University - US)
Library Information Retrieval Services (Ore
gon State University - US)
Library Information Retrieval System, 1969(California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulson Laboratory - US)
Lockheed Information Retrieval System (US)
Logical Information Retrieval System
LIRT-Library Instruction Round Table, 1977(ALA -US) LIS
Laboratory Indexing System (Manchester Po
lytechnic, Department of Librarianship - GB)
Legislative Information System (State of Wa
shington, Statute Law Committee - US)
Library and Information Science
Library and Information Service
Library Information Service (University of Il
linois Library - US)
Library Information Services (Informatics,
Library Information System (Georgetown
University - US)
Library Information System, 1969- (North
East Data Systems, Inc. - US)
Library Information System (Texas Universi
ty, Health Science Center at San Antonio US)
Link Information Sciences
List and Index Society, 1965- (GB)

Lockheed Information Systems (Lockheed

Palo Alto Research Laboratory - US)
LIS/MEX - Library and Information ScienceJi*Be-tings Exchange, 1971(Massachusetts partment of Education, Bureau of I ~ sion-US)
LIS/PX - Library and Information Services Program Exchange (University of Arizona
Graduate Library School - US)
Librarians and Information Specialists in Addi
Library and Information Science Abstracts,
1969- (LA/Aslib - GB); <- LSA
Library System Analyses (Lehigh University US)
Linked Indexed Sequential Access
Local Integrated Software Architecture, 1983(Apple Computer, Inc. - US)
Library and Information Services Automated
Retrieval of Data (AU)
Library Information Search and Retrieval Data
System (US)
LISARDS - Library Information Search and Retrieval Data Systems (US Navy, Naval
Ordnance Test Station)
Library and Information Services Council,
1981- (Department of Education and Science,
Office of Arts and Libraries - GB); < (formed
by the merger of): LACE and LACW
Sheridan Park Library and Information Science
Committee (US)
Library and Information Services for the Citi
zens of Ohio (State Library Board of Ohio - US)
Library Integrated Services Cooperative, 1978(PH)
Library, and Information Services Division
Library Information Services Department (In
formatics, Inc. - US)
LISD A - Library and Information Services Development Act (US); <- LSCA
LISE - Librarians of the Institutes and Schools of Education, 1964-(GB)

LISGP - Library Independent Study and Guidance Projects (College Entrance

Examination Board -GB)
LISH - Laboratoire d'Informatique pour les Sciences de PHomme (FR)
LISI - Library Interface Systems, Inc. (US)
LISIC - Library Information Service to Industry and Commerce, 1969- (Kent County
Library - GB); - incorporated in SEAL
LISMEX - Library and Information Science Meeting Exchange
LISN - Library Services Network (Illinois Department of Mental Health and
Development Disabilities-US)
LISOSA - Library Science Old Students Association, 1968-(IN) LISP
Linguistic String Project (US)
List Processing System (Bolt Beranek and Newman-US) 3. Local Information Services Project, 1973(CET-GB)
LISP Language - List Processor Language (US) LISPER - Limited Speech
Recognition LISR
Lewis Information Storage and Retrieval Sy
Line Information Storage and Retrieval (NA
LISSA - Librarians Serving San Antonio, 1971-(Trinity University Library, San
Antonio - US)
LISST - Library and Information Science Scholarship Today (US); - LIST
Legislative Information System of Texas
Library and Information Science Today, 1971(Science Associates/International Inc. - US); LISST;(the same initialism): Library and In
formation Services Today, 1974Library and Information Service for Tees-Side,
LIST STAT - Nordisk Samkatalog for Statistike Pu-blikasjoner, int
LISTAR - Lincoln Information Storage and Associative Retrieval System (MIT, Lincoln
Laboratory -US)
LISTEN - Library and Information Science Training and Education Network (US)
LISTS - Library Information System Time-Sharing 1969- (SDC, Education and Library
System Development - US)
LISY - Lockheed Information System (US)
LIT-KRAN - Literaturdokumenlation Kranken-haus (Deutsche
Krankenhausinstitute/Technische Universitat Berlin - DE)

Library and Information Technology Associa
tion, 1978- ("ALA - US); <- ISAD
[Slovak Literature Agency], 1971- (CS)
LITA/AVS - LITA Audio Visual Section (ALA US);-* LITA/ISAS
LITA/ISAS - LITA Information Science and Automation Section ("ALA - US); (formed by the merger of): LITA/AVS and LITA/VCCS
LITA/VCCS - LITA Video and Cable Communication Section (ALA - US); -
LITAG - Literarische Agentur (AT)
LitDokAB - Literaturdokumentation zur Arbeits-markt- und Berufsforschung
(Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit, Institut fur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung - DE)
Industrie Libraria Tipografica Editrice (IT)
Legal Information through Electronics, 19641974 (Air Force Accounting and Finance Cen
ter - US); -+ FLITE
*LITHUDGIZ - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Hudozestvennoj Literatury (SU) LITIR - Literature Information and Retrieval (University of Alberta - CA)
"Litizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Hudoiestvennoj Literatury (SU) *Lftkollegija - Literatumaja Kollegija po Obrabotke
Literaturnyh Materialov (SU) *LNIINTI - Litovskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut
Naucno- Tehni6eskoj Informacii i Tehniko-Ekonomiceskih Issledovanij, 1959- (SU)
LITOS - Linzer Technique of Softwaredesign (Universitat Linz - AT)
LITRU - London Information Technology Resource Unit, 1984- (GB)
LITTY - Libraries of Teletype Network - Academics (US)
LIVE - Leistungsbewertung von Information Retrieval Verfahren (DE)
*LIVSAN - Leningradskaja Informacionno-Vycisli-tel'naja Set' Akademii Nauk SSSR
LJ - Library Journal, 1876- (US)
LJ/SLJ - Library Journal/School Library Journal (US)
LIST - Library of Japanese Science and Technology (Whitley Bay - GB); -^ HAS
Ljudska Knjiznica, slo (YU)
LKA - Lochkartenanlage
LKBN - Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kirchlicher Bibliotheken in Niedersachsen (DE) *LKF - Leningradskaja Kartograficeskaja Fabrika
(SU) LKG - Leipziger Kommissions- und Grossbuchhandel, 1946-(DD) LKK/MC - Laaketieteellinen Keskukirjasto/Medi-

cinska Centralbiblioteket^n/swe, 1966- (FI) LKL - Lochkartenleser LKM Lochkartenmaschine L'KP - Ludova Kniznica Pravdy, sla (CS) *LKRD - Laboratorija
Konservacii i Restavracii Dokumentov (*AN SSSR - SU) LKV - Lochkartenverfahren LL - Library Literature,
1936- (H. W. Wilson Co. US) LLA
Lebanese Library Association, 1960 (LB)
Lesotho Library Association, 1978- (LS)
Liberian Library Association, 1977- (LR)
Louisiana Library Association (US)
LLAW - Law Librarians' Association of Wisconsin
LLBA - Language and Language Behavior Abstracts, 1967- (Sociological Abstracts,
Inc. - US)
LLCUNAE - Law Library of Congress United Association of Employees (LC - US)
LLE - Leadership in Library Education (Florida State University, School of Library
Science - US); -Leadership Training Institute
LLIS - Leicester Libraries and Information Service (GB)
LLJ - Law Library Journal, 1908- (US)
LLL - London Labour Library (GB)
LLNC - Lincoln Laboratory Instrument Computer
LLNE - Law Librarians of New England (US) LLRC - Library Learning Resource
Center (US) LLRS - Library and Learning Resources Service (City of London
Polytechnic - GB) LLU - Lending Library Unit, 1956-(DSIR-GB);-
LM - Langage de Machine LMARS
Library Management and Retrieval System
(NUSC Technical Library - GB)
Library Management and Retrieval System
(Naval Underwater Systems Center - US)
LMBC - Library Management and Building Consultants (US) LMC
Learning Materials Center (University of Wis
consin-Whitewater - US)
Librarianship Masonic Circle (GB)
LMI - Laser Microfilming, Inc. (Hadron, Inc. - US) LMIC-Liquid Metals
Information Center, 1966-1972 (Atomic International - US)

Labor Market Information System (US)

Logistics Management Information System
LML - Liaquat Memorial Library (PK)

LMM - Library Microfilms and Materials Co. (US) LMN - Library Management
Network (US, Alabama) LMP
Library Material Processed
Literary Market Place: The Directory of Ameri
can Book Publishing (R. R. Bowker- US)
LMPA - London Master Printers' Alliance (GB) LMPIC - Library Materials Price
Index Committee
LMR - Lipman Management Resources Ltd (GB) LMRS - Learning Materials
Recording Study, 1976(ILEA-GB)
LMRU - Library Management Research Unit (Cambridge University Library - GB)
Library Management System (IBM - US)
Library Micrographics Services, Inc. (US)
Library/Media Technical Assistants
London Master Typefounders' Association
Libyan News Agency (LY)
Lithographers National Association (US)
LND - Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire
Group (LA-GB)
LNDN - Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derby -shire and Northamptonshire.
[Library cooperation] (GB)
LNLS - Lesotho National Library Service (LS)
LNM - Library Cooperative of Macomb (US) '
LNMI - Laborator^aNautno-MedicinslMJB**"*"cii(SU)
LNR - Louisiana Numerical Register, 1971- (University of Southwestern Louisiana
Library - US)
LNS - Liberation News Service (US) *LNTB - Linejnaja Naufino-TehniCeskaja
*LNTI - Laboratorija Nauino-Tehniceskoj Informa-cii (SU)
LNUG - Library Network User Group *LO ABD - Lokal'nyj Otraslevoj
Avtomatizirovan-nyj Bank Dokumentov/Dannyh (SU)
LOAF - Libraries Open and Free Group, 1979-(GB)
LOAN - Library Online Automated Network (US) *LOAOR - Leningradskij
Oblastnoj Arhiv Okt-

jabr'skoj Revoljucii (SU) *LOAU - Leningradskoe

Oblastnoe Arhivnoe
Upravlenie (SU) *LOB - Leningradskoe ObScestvo Bibliofilov (SU)
LOC - Language-Oriented Computer
LOC (LoC) - Library of Congress (US) (=LC)
LOC Project - London, Oxford, Cambridge Project (British Museum, London/Bodleian
Library, Oxford/University of Cambridge Library - GB)
LOCAL - Laboratory for Computer-Assisted Learning (US)
LOCAS-Local Cataloguing Service, 1974-(BLBSD; since 1977: BLAISE - GB)
LOCATE - Library of Congress Automation Techniques Exchange, 1966- (LC - US)
*LOCIA - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Central'nogo Istoriceskogo Arhiva (SU)
LOCNET - Libraries of Orange County Network (US, California)
LOCOLS - Louisville Computer Literature Searches (US)
LOCSCOT - Local Studies Group, Scottish Branch
*LOCT - Leningradskaja Okruznaja Central'naja Ti-pografija (SU)
LODES - Library On-line Data Entry System (UTLAS-CA)
LODESTAR - Logically Organized Data Entry,
Storage and Recording *LOE - Leningradskoe Obscestvo Ekslibristov (SU)
LOEX - Library Orientation and Instruction Exchange, 1972-(Eastern Michigan
University Library-US)
LOGA - Local Government Annotations Service,
1966- (GB)
*LOGA - L'vovskij Oblastnoi Gosudarstvennyi Arhiv (SU); <- LAGO
LOCAL - Logical Algorithmic Language
LOGALGOL - Logical ALGOL LOGCKP - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Gosudarstvennoj Central'noj Kniznoj Palaty (SU)
LOGEL - Logic Generating Language
LOCI-Local Government Information (Sheffield University, INISS - GB)
1. Local Government Information Abstracting Service for County and District
Councils (GB)
2. Local Government Information Control System (US, Santa Clara County) LOGIN
- Local Government Information Network
(Control Data Corp. - US)
LOGLAN - Logical Language (University of Florida-US)
LOGMIS - Logistics Management Information System "LOIIRO - Leningradskoe
Otdelenie Instituta Istorii
Akademii Nauk SSSR, Rukopisnyj Otdel (SU) LOIS - Library Order Information
System, 1973(LC-US)
*LOIZ - Leningradskoe Oblastnoe IzdatePstvo (SU) LOK - Leveltarak Orszagos
Kozpontja. [National

Central Archiv] (HU)

*LOKBI - Leningradskoe Otdelenie Kritiko-Biblio-grafic'eskogo Nau6noIssledovatel'skogo Instituta (SU) LOLA
Library On-Line Acquisitions, 1968- (Was
hington State University - US)
London On-line Local Authorities (GB)
LOLC - Library developed Online Catalogue
LOLE - Loans On-Line Entry (IBM UK Laborato
ries, Hursley, ALMS - GB)
Language for the On-Line Investigation and
Transformation of Abstractions
Library On-Line Information and Text Access,
1967- (Oregon State University Library - US)
LOMA - Literature on Modern Art (Lund Humphries - GB) LOMAC - Low Lewel
Macroprocessor Language
(Business Computers - US) LOMS - Library Organization and Management
Section ("ALA, LAD - US) LONSEC - London and South East Branch of CTFE
Section (LA-GB) *LOOKT - Leningradskoe Oblastnoe Optovoroznidnoe Ob"edinenie Knigi i Kult'ttovarov (SU) *LOONTI - Leningradskoe Otdelenie
Ob"edinennogo Nau&io-Tehniceskogo Izdatel'stva (SU) LOOP - Library Operated Outreach
Program (US) LOP AC - Liason of Provincial Associations Committee (School
Library Associations - CA) LORA - Lecturer Oriented Response Analysis LORBAS Large-Offline Rapid Text Base Access
System LORCO - Long Range Planning Committee, 1971(ISO) LORCOST - Levels of Output Related to Cost of
Operation of Scientific and Technical Libraries
LORDS - Licensing On-line Retrieval Data System LORIS - Local and Regional
Information Service
(WESLINK-GB) LORLS - Lake Ontario Regional Library System
LOSS - Libraries of the Social Sciences LOUCGIZ - Leningradskoe Otdelenie
U5ebno-Pedaeogiceskogo Izdatel'stva (SU)
LOUISA - Linguistically Oriented Understanding and Indexing System for Abstracts
(Universit6 de Liege-BE)
Line Printer
List Processing
LP&KTF - London Printing and Kindred Trades' Federation (GB)

LP record - Long Playing record

LPA - Labor Press Association (US)
LPD - Leitstelle Politische Dokumentation (Freie Universitat Berlin - WB)
LPE - London Press Exchange Ltd (GB)
LPF - Library Processing Facility
LPGA - Lithographic Plate Grainers Association
LPIU - Lithographers and Photoengravers International Union, int; <- IPEU; - GAIU
Linear Programming Language
List Processing Language
LPN A - Lithographers' and Printers' National Association (US)
LPPG - Litho Poster Printers Group LPPTFS - London and Provincial Printing
Friendly Society (GB)
LPRA - Library Publication Relations Association LPRC-Library Public Relations
Council, 1939(US)
LPRINT - Lookup Dictionary Print Program LPRL - Long Playing Record Library
Ltd (GB) LPRT - Library Periodicals Round Table (ALA US) LPS
Library Processing Systems, Inc. (US)
Library Programs Service (GPO - US)
London Press Service (GB)
LPS/PIA - Litographic Platemakers Section of Printing Industries of America (US)
Library Planning Study Committee (US)
Literary Publishers of Southern California (US)
University Wisconsin System Library Planning
Study Committee (US)
LPSS - Law and Political Science Section (ACRL -US)
LQ - Library Quarterly (US)
LRACCC - Learning Resources Association of California Community Colleges (US)
Learning Resources Center
Learning Resources Council (CA)
Library Research Center, 1961- (University of
Library Research Committee (LA - GB)
Library Resource Centre
LRCA - Library Resources Corporation of America (US)
LRCC - Library Resources Co-ordinating Committee (London University - GB)
LRCs - Learning Resources Centers (US)

LRDC - Learning Research and Development Center (US) LRDG - Learning Resources Development Group
LREP = UICA/LREP LRG-Library Research Group (NYPL/Columbia
University Library/Harvard Univ. Libr./Yale
Univ. Libr.-US) LRI
Legal Resources Index, 1980- (American Asso
ciation of Law Libraries - US)
Library Resources, Inc., 1969- (US)
LRIP - Language Research in Progress (Center for
Applied Linguistics - US) LRLS - London Regional Library System (GB) LRMP Library Resources Market Place (R. R.
LRP - Long-Range Planning LRRS
Library and Learning Resources Service (City
of London Polytechnic - GB)
Library Reports and Research Service, Inc.,
LRRT-Library Research Round Table, 1968
Law Research Service (Law Research Service,
Legislative Reference Service, -1971 (LC US);-CRS
Lending Right Society (GB)
Lockheed Retrieval Service (US)
LRTA - Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Abstracts (CAB - GB/World Leisure and
Recreation Association)
LRTS - Library Resources and Technical Services, 1957-(ALA,RTSD-US)
Library Science
Library Services
SystemInformacji Legislacyjnej, 1976- (Biblio
teka Sej mo wa - PL)
LS&R - Leasco Systems and Research Corp. (US) LSA
Library Science Abstracts, 1950-1968 (LA GB);-*LISA
Library Services Act, 1956 (US)
Literary Service Associates (US)
Library Services Authority Act (US)

Library Students Association of Albany (US)
LSB - Library Service Branch, 1938- (Office of Edu
cation - US)
LSBCS - Lagos Seminar on Bibliographical Control
and Standards (NG) LSBPH - Library Service to the Blind and Physically
Handicapped (LC-US) LSBRT - Library Service to the Blind Round Table
("ALA-US) I?,-. .
LSC - ' &U#1*'*
1. Library Science Classification (CR6 -OB)
Library Services Center of Missouri (US)
Library Software Co. (US)
LSCA - Library Services and Construction Act, 1964
Doctor of Library Science
Language for Systems Development
Library Service to the Disadvantaged (ALA US)
Library Systems Development (University of
Library Systems Division (Ohio College Libra
ry Center-US)
LSD-TRIP - Libraries Systems Development, Technical Reports Indexing Project
(Purdue University Libraries - US)
LSDB - Leisure Studies Data Bank, 1972- (University of Waterloo - CA) LSDS
Less Structured Data Systems
Library Service to the Deaf Section (ASCLA US)
LSEP - Library Service Enhancement Program,
1976- (CLR - US) LSG
Language Structure Group (CODASYL - US)
Local Studies Group (LA, RSIS-GB)
LSI - Large Scale Integration
LSIB - "London Stage" Information Bank, 1971-(Lawrence University, Department of
English -GB)
LSIES - Library Services to the Impared Elderly Section (ASCLA - US)
LSJ - London School of Journalism (GB) LSK - Lochstreifenkarte LSL - Local
Studies Librarian
ISLA - Leeds School of Librianship Association (GB)
LSN - Library Security Newsletter, 1974- (US) LSNLIS - Lunar Science Natural
Language Information System LSP
Library Software Package (BLBSD - GB)

Linked Systems Project (RLIN/WIN/OCLC/

LSP/SNI - Linked Systems Project/Standard Network Interconnection (LC - US)
LSPGA - London School of Printing and Graphic Arts (GB)
LSPS - Library Services to Prisoners Section
LSPTP - Low-Speed Paper Tape Punch LSS - Literature Search Service (Share
LSSO - Library Science Students Organizati LSSPC - Large Systems and Storage
Product (US)
torage Product Center
(Freie Umversita, ^ htlsche ^"mentation
Library Storage Unit
LSV - Literatursystematik fur Verlagserzeugnisse. Berlin 1973 (DD)
LSW-Ludowa Spofdzielnia Wydawnicza, 1949-(PL)
LT - Language Translation LTAs - Library Technical Assistants (US) *LTB - Linejnaja
Tehnideskaja Biblioteka LTC
Language Translation Computer
Library Technology Centre, 1982-(Polytechnic
of Central London - GB)
Livros Tecnicos e Cientificos Editora Ltda (BR)
LIT - Lithographic Technical Foundation, 1924(US);-+GAFT
*LTI - Listok Tehniceskoj Informacii Ll'lB - Leed Technical Information Bureau (GB)
LTLS - Lincoln Trail Libraries System (US) LTM - Long-Term Memory
ETN - L<5dzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe (PL) LTP
Editions Litteraires, Theatrales, Philateliques,
1930- (FR)
Library Technology Project, 1959- ("ALA US); > (the same initialism): Library Technolo
gy Program, 1966LTR - Library Technology Reports, 1965- (ALA US) LTS
Language Translation System
Library Technical Services
London Typographical Society (GB); <PMMTS
LUA - Linotype Users' Association (GB) LUB - Lunds Universitetsbibliotek (SE)

London Union Catalogue (GB); - absorbed in

Louisiana Union Catalog (US)
LUCE - LaUnioneCinematograficaEducativa(IT) LUCID
Language for Utility Checkout and Instrumen
tation Development (SDC - US)
Language Used to Communicate Information
System Design
Loughborough University Computerised Infor
mation and Drawings (GB)
LUCIS - London University Central Information
Services (GB) (=CIS) LUCS
Library Updating and Compiling System
London University Computing Services Ltd
LUCSPC - Leicester University Centre for the Study of Primary Communications
LUDA - Land Use Data Analysis (US Geological
Survey) LUF
1. Librarie de I'Universitd de Fribourg (CH)
2. Lunds Universitets Folkminnesarkiv (SE) LUG
Lambeth Umbrella Group (of information and
advice centres) (GB)
LOCAS Users Group (GB)
LUIS - Library User Information Services, 1980(NOTIS-US) LULOP - London Union List of Periodicals, 1951(GB)
LUMIN - Libraries of the University of Missouri Information Network (US)
LUMIS - Land Use Management and Information Systems (California Institute of
Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory - US) LUMSPEC - Lesser-Used Materials
Specification LURC - London Urban Resource Centre (London
Public Library, Ontario - CA) LURID - Loughborough Universal Reference Retrieval
and Indexing Instruction Database, 1982-(Loughborough University, Department of
Library and Information Studies - GB) LURT - Library Unions Round Table, 1936("ALA
LuStB - Landes- und Stadtbibliothek (DE) LUTFCSUSTC - Librarians United to
Fight Costly,
Silly, Unnecessary Serial Title Changes (US) LUTIS-Luton and District Information

1953- (Luton Central Reference Library - GB) LuUB - Landes- und

Universitatsbibliothek (DE) LV - Leihverkehr LVAHEC - Lehigh Valley Area Health
Center Library Consortium (US, Michigam) LV AIC - Lehigh Valley Association of
College Libraries (US) LVBR - Landesverband Bayerischer Rechenzentrum (DE) LVBS - Landesverband der Verleger und Buchhandler Saar (DE)
LVDH - Landesverband Druck Hessen (DE) LVG - Literarische
Verwertungsgesellschaft (AT) LVI - Latvijas Valsts Izdevnieciba. [Latvian Publishing
House] (SU)
LVN - Library Video Network (US) LVO - Leihverkehrsordnung, 1965 (DD) LVR Longitudinal Video Recording *LVS - Lokal'naja Vycislitel'naja Set' (SU) LWAZ Landelijke Werkgroep Automatisering
Ziekenhuisbibliotheken (NL) LX - Index of Linear Files (NASA - US/ESRO Remote
Console System) LYRIC - Language for Your Remote Instruction by
LYSSO - Libyan Standards and Specifications Offi
ce (LY)
LZB - Landwirtschaftliche
LZG - Lodzkie Zaklady Graficzne, 1976- (PL) *LZS - Letopis' iurmlnych State]
(*VKP - SU) LZU - Zapominajuscee Ustrojstvo s Linejnoj Vy-borkoj Informacii
3M Company - Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (US)
M-DAS - Multispectral Data Analysis System
M Ed LS - Master of Education in Library Science
3M-IM Press = IM Press
M-MHSL - Mid-Michigan Health Sciences Libraries (US)
M(N) - Microfilm (Negative)
M(P) - Microfilm (Positive)
Masters Abstracts, 1962- (UMI - US)
Microfilm Abstracts, 1938-1947 (UMI - US);
MA/ALISE - Master of Arts in Archive, Library and
Information Studies and Education (GB) MA in LS - Master of Arts in Library Science
Memoire a Acces Aleatoire
Michigan Archival Association (US)
Microfilm Association of Australia, 1961(AU)

MAACS - Multi-Adress Asynchronous Communication System

MAAL - Microfilm Association of Australia, Limited (AU)
Man and the Biosphere Information System
(Unesco, Division of Ecological Sciences - Pa
ris, FR)
Maschinelles Austauschformat fur Bibliotheken (DFG Bibliotheksausschuss - DE)
MABDIK - Museum, Arkiv, Bibliotek, Dokumen-tation, Information. Kommunikation
(Stockholms Universitet - SE)
Groep Nederlandse Fabrikanten van Magazijn-, Archief- en Bibliotheekirichtingen (NL)
Maschinelles Austauschformat fur Bibliotheken
Machine-Aided Cognition, 1963- (MIT - US)
(=MAC [Machine-Assisted Cognition))
Man and Computer (MIT - US)
Mechanical Analog Computer
Memory-Assisted Cognition, 1963-(MIT-US)
(=MAC [Machine-Aided Cognition])
Micro-Automated Catalog System (New Jersey
State Library - US)
Microfilm Aperture Card
Midwest Archives Conference (US)
Multi-Application Computer
Multiple-Access Computer (MIT - US)
MACs - Micro-Automated Catalogs (US)
MACAP - Management Advancement Current
Awareness Program (State Library of Ohio - US) MACARS - Microfilm Aperture
Card Automated
Retrieval System MACC - Madison Area Computing
sity of Wisconsin-US)
MACCS - Molecular Access System (Sandoz Inc. US) MACDAC
Machine Communication with Digital Automa
tic Computer
Man Communication and Display for an Auto
matic Computer
MACE - Machine-Aided Composing and Editing
MACMIS - Maintenance and Construction Management Information System

MACMOL - Macromolecular Chemistry. [Data file], 1970-(UKCIS - GB)

MACROCAL - Enhanced Macro Version of Common Assembler Language (Interdata
- US)
MACROL - Macro-based Display-Oriented Language (Raytheon - US)
Management and Computer Services, Inc. (US)
Microcomputer Acquisitions Control System
(Kim-Desroches Associates - US)
Multi-Acces Conversional System
MACTIS - Marine and Coastal Technology Infor
mation Service (United Nations)
Machine ANSI Data (US)
Michigan Algorithmic Decoder (University of
MAD-PRES - Agence Madagascar-Presse, 1962(MG) MADAM
Moderately Advanced Data Management
(SDC - US)
Multi-purpose Automatic Data Analysis Ma
MADCORS - Maryland and D. C. Consortium of
Resource Sharing (US) MADERI - Mexican-American Documentation
and Educational Research Institute MADIS - [Medical information system] (Medizinische Akademie Dresden - DD) MADM - Manchester Automatic Digital Machine
(Manchester University - GB) MADOK
Magnetband-Austauschformat fur Dokumentationszwecke (ZMD - DE)
Maschinelle Dokumentation ([Automated Do
cumentation Institute] - (AT)
MADP - Mikrofilm Archiv der Deutschsprachigen Presse, 1965- (Institut fur
Zeitungsforschung LJS^)
MADTRAN - Michigan Algorithm Decoder Translator, 1960- (US)
MAE - Machine Arithmetique Electronique
MAESTRO - Machine-Assisted Educational System for Teaching by Remote
MAEX - Management/Experten Nachweis. [Data base]
MAFD - Management Fakten, Daten, Prognosen.
[Data base] MAFff-ltogyar Filmtudomanyi Intezet 6s Archivum. (Hungarian Film Institute and Archiv]
*MAGATE - Mezdunarodnoe Agentstvo po Atom-noj Energii (=IAEA, eng)

MAGB - Microfilm Association of Great Britain, 1965-(GB) (=MAOGB);<-CMDR;>(thesame initialism): Microform Association of Great Britain, 1982MAGERT-Map and Geography Round Table ("ALA-US)
Machine-Aided Graphics for Illustration and
Machine for Automatic Graphics Interface to a
Computer, 1966 (NBS - US)
Manchester Advisory Group and Information
Centre (GB)
MIDAC Automatic General Integration Com
putation (US)
MAGLOCLEN - Mid-Atlantic-Great Lakes Organized Crime Law Enforcement
Network (US)
MAGNACARD (Magnacard) - [Information retrieval system], 1957- (Magnavox Co.
- US)
MAGNAVUE (Magnavue) - [Videomagnetic information retrieval system], 1957(Magnavox Co. -US)
MAHSL - Maryland Association of Health Sciences Librarians (US)
MaHSLiN - Massachusetts Health Sciences Library Network (US)
MAI - Machine-Aided Indexing, 1967-(DDC-US) (=MAI-DDC)
MAID - Miinchener Arbeitskreis fur Information und Dokumentation, 1979- (DE)
Machine-Aided Information- and Dissemina
tion System
Management Automated Information Display
MAIG - Midlands Agricultural Information Group
Metropolitan Area Interlibrary Loan Services
(US, Washington)
Mid-America Interlibrary Services (US)
MAIMON - Management of Israel Medical Libra
ries On-line, 1979- (National Medical Library- IL)
Maschinelles Informations-System
Microfilm Alpha Index System
MAISLIC - Memphis Association of Independent
Schools Library Center (US) MAJCPI - Mise a Jour du Catalogue des Periodiques de ITsere (FR) *MAK - Mezdunarodnaja Associacija po Kibernetike (=IAC, eng) *MAKIZ (Makiz) - Moskovskoe Akademiceskoe Iz-

datel'stvo (SU) MAKSZAB = MKSzB MAL

Macro-Assembly Language
Merton Alternative Library, London (GB)
3. Meta- Assembly Language *MAL - Mezdunarodnaja Associacija po Lingvistike
MALA - Malawi Library Association, 1977- (MW)
Madison Area Library Council (US)
Midwest Academic Librarians Conference,
1965- (US)
MALCAP - Maryland Academic Library Center for
Automated Processing, 1972- (University of Maryland, McKeldin Library - US) MALHJC - Macomb Area Libraries Health Information Consortium (US, Michigan) MALIMET - Master List of Medical Indexing
Terms, 1962- (ExcerptaMedica Foundation -NL) MALL - Minnesota Association of
Law Libraries
(US) MALMARC - Malaysian MARC, 1974- (National
Library -MY) MALMIC - Macomb Area Libraries Medical Information Consortium (US, Mississipi) MALPI - Maitres-Artisants du Livre et Petites
MALS - Master of Arts in Library Science MALT
Manitoba Association of Library Technicians,
1971- (CA)
MestniArhivvLjubljani, s/o(YU)
MAME - Michigan Association for Media in Education (US) *MAMID - Moskovskij Arhiv Ministerstva Inostrannyh Del, -1925 (SU) *MAMJu - Moskovskij Arhiv Ministerstva Justicii,
-1925 (SU); ^ absorbed by 'CGADA MAMMAX - Machine-Made and MachineAided
MANA - Malawi News Agency, 1966- (MW) MANCOMP - Man-Computer
Interaction (Goteborg Universitet - SE) MANDARIN - Machine-Aided Notification, Dissemination and Retrieval of Information (Unilever
Research Laboratory, Library at the Colworth/
Welwyn-US) MANIAC - Mechanical and Numerical Integrator
and Computer (AEC - US) MANIS - Malaysian National Information System
(MY) *MANK - Mezdunarodnaja Associacija Naucnogo
Kino (=ISFA, eng) MANMAX - Machine-Made and Machine- Aided
Index MANTIS - Manchester Technical and Commercial
Information Services, 1960- (Manchester Public
Libraries - GB) *MANU - Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i U

metnostite (YU) MAOGB = MAGB

*MAOS - Masinnyj Avtonomnyj Otraslevoj Slovar' MAP
1. Maghreb Arabe Press, 1959- (MA)
Media Access Project
Medical Audit Program. [Computerized medi
cal information]
Microprocessor Awareness Project (GB)
Midland Action Project (Information Service,
MAPDA - Mid-America Periodical Distributors Association (US)
MAPICS - Morphological Analysis with Parameters Information Coding Scheme
MAPIS - Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Information Service (CSIR - IN)
MAPLIB - Map Library System (Middlesex Polytechnic-GB)
Minnesota Analysis and Planning System,
1967- (University of Minnesota - US)
Multidimensional Analysis Processing System
(University of Kansas, Space Technology Labo
ratories - US)
Multivariate Analysis, Participation and Struc
ture. [Information work staff]
MAR-SEIMC - Mid-Atlantic Regional Special Education Instructional Materials
Center, 1967-(George Washington University - US) *MAR - Mezdunarodnaja
Associacija Razvitija (=AlD,fre)
MARAC - Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference (US)
MARBI - Committee on Representation in Machine Readable Form of Bibliographic
'h-icfarc Applied Research Co. (US)
Micronesian Area Research Center
Multi-Access Research Catalogue
VMARC) (Marc) - "Machine Readable Cataloging,
MARC-D-MARC, ein Deutsches Austauschfor-mat (DE)
MARC-DS - MARC Distribution Service (LC -US)
MARC IS - MARC Israel, 1973- (IL)
MARC(LC) - Machine Readable Catalog, Library of Congress. [On-line data base]
(LC - US)
MARC-O - MARC Oklahoma, 1970- (Oklahoma State Department of Libraries - US)
MARC/RECOMP - MARC Retrieval and Composition, 1968- (Autocomp Inc. - US)

MARC(S) - MARC for Serials

MARC(UK) - Machine Readable Catalogue, British Library, U. K. [On-line data base]
MARCAL-MARC para America Latina
MARCAV - MARC Audio-Visual
MARCFICHE - Marc Applied Research Company Fichc System (US)
MARCIA - Mathematical Analysis of Requirements for Careerlnfonnation Appraisal
MARCIS - MARC Israel, 1973- (IL)
MARCIVE - [MARC-based system at five academic libraries in San Antonio, Texas],
1970- (US)
MARCON - Micro Archives and Records Collections On-line (Automated Information
Reference Sysems, Inc. - US)
MARCU - MARC Users Discussion Group (US)
MARDPA - Mid-America Periodical Distribution Association (US)
MARGIE - Memory Analysis Response Generation and Inference on English
(Stanford University -US)
MARIDAS - Maritime Data System
MARINE - Management Analysis Reporting Information on the Naval Environment
MARIOL - Magnetic Research of Information, Organisation Locale (Service Central de
Documentation de CEA - FR)
Material Readiness Index Systeml(US)
Materials and Resources Information Service
(Open University, Coventry - GB)
MARK-MARK [=MARC] (Excerpta Medica
Foundation - NL)
*Maifcniznoizdat - Marijskoe Kniznoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
MARL - Maine Academic and Research Librarians (US)
MARLC - Middle Atlantic Regional Library Conference (US)
MARLF - Middle Atlantic Regional Library Federation, 1969- (US)
MARLIB - Marine Library Information Services (Institute of Marine Engineers
Library - GB)
MARLIN - Mid-Atlantic Research Libraries Information Network, 1968- (US,
MARLIS - Multi-Aspect Relevance Linkage Information System (Imperial Chemical
Industries Ltd -GB)
MARML - Mid-Atlantic Regional Medical Library (US)
MARMLP - Mid-Atlantic Regional Medical Library Program (NLM - US)
MARNA - Maritime Navigation. [Data base] (Samson Data Systemen - NL)

MARPDIC - Marine Pollution Documentation and Information Centre, 1970- (Marine

Biological Association - GB)
Machine Assisted Reference Services Section
Machine Retrieval System (ASTIA - US)
Microcomputer Archives and Records Manage
ment System (East Tennessee State University,
Archives of Appalachia - US)
Monographs Acquisitions and Records System
Morphological Analysis for Retrieval Support
Multi-Access Retrieval System (Control Data
System der Morphologischen Analyse zur
UntcBtfltzung von Retrieval-System (DE)
MARS/SIP - Mohawk Access and Retrieval System/
Self-Interpreting Programme generator *MARS NTI - Mezotraslevaja
Avtomatizirovannaja Respublikanskaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
MARSA - Microfilm Association of the Republic of
South Africa (ZA)
*MARSI - Mezdunarodnaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Registracii Serial'nyh
Izdanij, 1980-(*MSNTI - *GPNTB, Moskva, SU); <- *ASRPI
MARSL - Machine-Readable Shelf List (Carleton University - CA)
MARVEL - Managing Resources for University Libraries (University of Georgia - US)
MARVLS - MARC and REMARC Videodisc Library System, 1984- (Carrolton
Press/International Thompson Information - US) *MASBD - Mezdunarodnaja
Associacija Sel'skohoz-jajstvennyh Bibliotekarej i Dokumentalistov, 1955(=IAALD,CTig)
MASCOT - Multi-Access Systems Control Terminal
*MASGIZ (Masgiz) - Gosudarstvennoe Naucno-Tehniceskoe Izdatel'stvo
Masmostroitel'noj Lite-43344ratury (SU)
MASH - Michigan Area Serials Holdings Consortium (Bay Medical Center, Health
Sciences Libra-ry-US)
MASIS - Management and Scientific Information System, 1964-1970 (Headquarters
Air Force System Command - US)
MASL - Missouri Association of School Librarians
*Masmetizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Ma-ginostroitel'noj
MetalloobrabatyyajuScej i Avia-cionnoj Promyslennosti (SU)
*MASNTI - Mezotraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj

MASPAC - Microfilm Advisory Service of the Public Archives of Canada (C A)

MARC-based Automated Serials System,
1970- (BLCMP/Loughborough University of
Michigan Automatic Scanning System (US)
Multi-Access Storage System (University of Ca
lifornia, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory-US)
Multiple Access Sequential Selection
*Masspartgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Massovoj Partijnoj Literatury (US)
MASTAR - Mass Archival Storage and Retrieval
MASTER - Matching Available Student Time to Educational Resources
MASTIR - Microfilmed Abstract System for Technical Information Retrieval, 1969(IIT, Institute of Gas Technology - US)
MAT - Machine-Aided Translation
MARC Translate and Edit (Yale University
Medical Library-US)
Memory-Assisted Terminal Equipment for Disabled Users (University of Essex - GB) 3. Merestechnikai 6s Automatizdlasi
Tudominyos Egyesiilet. [Scientific Society of Measurement and Automation] (HU)
Magnetband-Austauschformat fur Terminologische und Lexikographische Daten (DE)
Magnetic Tape Exchange Format fur Termino
logical Records (ISO)
MATHFILE - [Computerized file of Mathematical Review] (American Mathematical
Society - US)
MATIC - Multiple Area Technical Information Center
MATICO - Machine Application to Technical Information Center Operations, 1962(Lockheed Missiles and Space Co. - US)
MATLAN - Matrix Language
MATPS - Machine-Aided Technical Processing System, 1966- (Yale University Library
- US)
MATRAX - Marine Technology Research Abstracts and Index, 1982- (Japan Foundation
for Shipbuilding Advancement Library - JP); +-JAFSA Library News, 1966-1981
MATRIS - Manpower and Training Research Information System
*MATUB - Mezdunarodnaja Associacija Tehnices-kih Universiteckih Bibliotek
(=IATUL, eng)
MAUL - Mid-America Union List (Law School Library Consortium - US)
MAVA - Michigan Audiovisual Association (US)

MAVI - Medical Audio-Visual Institute (Association of American Medical Colleges US)

MA VIC A - Magnetic Video Card (Sony Company-JP)
Maize Virus Information Service (Ohio Agri
cultural Research and Development Center US)
Medical Audio-Visual Aids Information Servi
ce, 1976- (Dundee University, Centre for Medi
cal Education - GB)
Microprocessor-based Audio Visual Informa
tion System
MAVO - Middelbaar Algemeen Voortgezet Onderwija (NL)
MAW - MJodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza (PL) MAX - Manager Alertness Exchange
(US) MAXMARC - Full MARC MAXNET - Modular Application Executive for
Computer Networks MB
M6diatheque de Belgique, Bruxelles (BE)
*MB - Magnitnyj Baraban
MBA - Master Bookbinders' Alliance of London
*MBA - Meidubibliotecnyj Abonement MBANK - Kentucky Monthly State
(Kentucky Economic Information System - US) MBASIC - MUPID-BASIC (AT)
MBC - Muslim Bibliographic Center, 1955-(American Institute of Islamic Studies - US) MBDB - Master Bibliographic Data Base
Public Library - US) MBDS - Minimum Basic Data Set MBFL - Mit-Bergen
Federation of Public Libraries MBG - Music Bibliography Group (GB) MBI - MBI.
Medico-Biologic Information *MBI - Mezdunarodnyj Bibliograficeskij Institut
(=IIB,/re) MBIC
Michigan Bigfoot Information Center (US)
Monmouth Biomedical Information Consor
tium (US)
MBIP - Medical Books in Print, 1972- (R. R. Bow-ker - US)
MBIRS - Marine Biological Information Retrieval System (OASIS - US)
MBK - Mliszaki Bibliogrdfiai Kozlemenyek. [Bibliographic Index of Technical
Literature] (HU)
MBNA - Min Ben News Agency (TW)
MBO - Management by Objectives
MBO/R - Management by Objectives and Results

Mathematischer Beratungs- und Programmierungsdienst Rechenzentrum (DE)
Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna (PL)
MBP de France - Mathematischer Beratungs- und Programmierungsdienst
Rechenzentrum, Branche France (FR)
MBPA - Malaysian Book Publishers' Association, 1968-(MY)
Management Bibliographies and Reviews,
1975- (MCB Publications - GB)
Management by Results
MBS - Multilingual Biblioservice (NLC - CA) *MBS - Mezvedomstvennaja
Bibliotecna Sistema (SU)
MBSINT - Miedzybranzowy System Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej, pol, int
(MCINT - Moskva, SU)
MBSJC - Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint Committee (BG)
MBT- Magyar Bibliophiltarsasag. [Hungarian Book Lovers Society] (HU)
Mass Communication Department (Unesco)
Monthly Catalog [of United States Government
Publications] (US)
MOST - Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter (IBM-US)
MC TTS- Monotype Casters and Typefounders'
Trade Society (GB) *MC NTI = *MCNTI
Machine a Calculer Analogique
Machine a Calculer Arithmetique
Microfilming Corporation of America, 1967(New York Times Co. - US)
MultipleClassification Analysis "
MCAI - Microcomputer-Assisted Instruction
MCALS - Minnesota Computer-Aided Library System, 1970- (University of
Minnesota - US) *MCAOR - Moskovskij Central'nyj Arhiv Oktjabr's-koj Revoljucii
MCB - Music Cataloging Bulletin, 1970- (Music Library Association - US)
*MCBS - Mezvedomstvennaja Centralizirovannaja Bibliotecnaja Sistema (SU)
Man-Computer Communication

Mechanical Chemical Code

Microelectronics and Computer Technology
Corporation (US)
MCCIC - Model Cities Community Information Center, 1970- (Free Library of
MCCLPHDEI - Massachusetts Conference of Chief Librarians in Public Higher
Educational Institutions (US)
MCCTSS - Mechanical Chemical Code Topological Screen System
MCD - Mechanized Clinical Data, 1970- (Abbott
Laboratories, Chicago - US) *MCD - Mirovye Gentry Dannyh
MCDC - Mass Communication Documentation Centre, 1975- (Unesco - Paris, FR)
MCDS - Military Construction Data System (US Army, Construction Engineering
Research Laborato-ry-US)
MCE - Machine a Calcul Electronique
MCEA - Map and Chart Engravers' Association
MCF - Museum Communication Format (Museums Association, Information
Retrieval Group- GB)
Micrographic Congress of India, 1982- (IN)
Microwave Communications, Inc. (US)
Mie.dzynarodowe Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej, pol, int, 1969- (Moskva, SU)
(=MCINT,po/; *MCNTI, rus)
*MCIA - Moskovskij Central'nyj Istoriceskij Arhiv, 1925- (SU)
MCIC - Metals and Ceramics Information Center, 1958- (Battelle Memorial Institute,
Columbus Laboratory - US); < (formed by the merger of): DCIComfDMIC
MCIDAS (McIDAS) - Man-Computer Inactive Data AccessSystem (University of
Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center - US)
MONT - Mie.dzynarodowe Centrum Informacji Naukowej i Technicznej, pol, int,
1969- (Moskva, SU)(=MCI,po/; 'MCNTI, rus)
MCIS - Map and Chart Information System (US Geological Survey, National Mapping
Division - US)
Manchester Central Library (GB)
Metro Central Library (CA, Toronto)
Michigan Library Consortium (US)
Microcomputer Compiler Language
MCLC -Main Catalog of the Library of Congress
1989-1980. [On microfiches] (K. G. Saur-DE) MCLP - Musachusetts Centralized
Library Processing Center (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, University Library - US) MCLPC - Massachusetts College Library Processing

Center (US) MCLS

Metropolitan Co-operative Library System,
1965- (Pasadena Public Library -, California)
Monroe County Library System, 1952- (US,
MCM - Machines for Coordinated Multiprocessing MCN
Micro Networks Corporation (US)
Museum Computer Network, Inc., 1967- (US,
New York State)
Mezdunarodnaja Cenf'r za Naucna i Tehniceska Informacija, bul, 1969-(*SEV) (= 'MCNTI,
Mezdunarodnyj Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii, 1969- (*SEV - Moskva, SU)
(=CIICT, spa; CIIST, rum; ClflST,fre; ICSTI,
eng; IZWTI, ger; MCINT, pol; *MCNTI, bul;
MCVTI, cze, sla; NTMIK, hun)
Merier Composition Photogravure (FR)
Message Control Processor (BLAISE - GB)
Multiple Character Set (IBM-US)
Multiprogrammed Computer System
MCPS - Mechanical Copyright Protection Society
Magnetic Card Reader
Magnetic Character Reading (or: Recognition)
Micrographic Catalog Retrieval (Information
Dynamics Corp. - US)
MCRML - Mid-Continental Regional Medical Library (US)
MCRMLP - Mid-Continental Regional Medical Library Program, 1972- (University
of Nebraska, Medical Center Library - US)
MCRS - Micrographic Catalog Retrieval System ("LC-US)
Medical Coding System (WRU, CDCR, Com
parative Systems Laboratory - US)
Medical Computer System
Micro-Computer System
Microfilm Computer Service (DE)
Mini-Computer Systems, Inc. (US)
Minicomputer Systems, Ltd (GB)
Multiple Character Set (IBM-US)

Multiprogramming Computer System
MCSIB - Management Consulting Services Infor
mation Bureau (British Institute of Management/
Confederation of British Industry - GB)
MCST - Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter MCT - Magnetic Character Typewriter
1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities (CA, Ontario)
2. Multi-system Communications Unit MCUG - Military Computer Users Group
(US) *MCVIA - Moskovskij Central'nyj Voenno-Istori-ceskij Arhiv (SU)
Medzinarodne Centrum Vedeckych a Technikkych Informacii, sla, 1949- (Moskva, SU)
Mezinarodni Centrum VSdeckych a Technickych Informaci, cze, 1969- (=*MCNTI,
Magnetic Disk
Mini Disk
*MD - Magnitnyj Disk
Marketing and Distribution Abstracts, 1971(Anbar Publications Ltd - GB)
Multi-Dimensional Access
Museums Documentation Association (GB)
MDAP - Morphological Dictionary Adaptor Pro
Medical Data Acquisition System
Meteorological Data Acquisition System
MDAU - Museum Documentation Advisory Unit
Maschinelle Datenorganisation der Bibliothek
(Bayerische Staatsbibliothek - DE)
Memory-Data Bank
Meteorology Data Bank (US)
Museum Data Bank (Museum Computer Net
MDBC - Museum Data Bank Committee (Strong Museum, Rochester, N. Y. -US)

MDBCC - Museum Data Bank Coordinating Committee, 1972- (University of

Arkansas Museum -US)
MDBS - Micro Database Systems
Machinability Data Center, 1964- (Metcut Re
search Associates, Inc. - US)
Master Data Center, Inc. (US)
Materials Dissemination Center (Institute of
Development of Educational Activities)
Mead Data Central, Inc. (Mead Corp. US)
Microprocessor Development Center (Ameri
can Microsystems, Inc. - US)
MDD - Machine Dependent Data MDDK - Mezinarodni Den Dfetske Knihy, cze
MDE - Vereinigung "Meister der Einbandkunst" MDES - Multiple Data Entry
System MDF - Metals Data File (American Society for Metals-US) MDI
Medunarodna Decimalna Klasifikacija cro
Mlodziezowy Dom Kultury (PL)
MOszaki Dokumentaci6s Kozpont. [Technical
Documentation Centre], 1947-1949 [Hunga
rian Engineers Organisation] (HU)
*MDK - Medunarodna Decimalna Klasifikacija, ser
(=UDC, eng) MDL
Macro Description Language
Master Data Library (NASA - US)
MDLS - Master's Degree in Library Science (US)
MDM - Magnetic Disc Memory
MDMLG - Metropolitan Detroit Medical Library Group (US)
MDMS - Multiple Database Management System
MDN - Mikrofilmdienst Niirnberg (DE) *MDNTP - Moskovskij Dom NaucnoTehniceskoj Propagandy (SU)
MDO - MARC Development Office, 1970- (LC -US)
MDPHI - Media Development Project for the Hearing Impaired (US)
MDQS - Management Data Query System
Magnetic Disc Recorder
Magnetic Document Reader
Market Data Retrieval, Inc. (US)
Multi-Disc Reader

MDRS - Management Development Referral Service, 1981- (ILO, Training

Department - Geneve, CH)
Maintenance Documentation System (Bell Te
Mechanized Documentation System
Medical Data System
Medical Documentation Service, 1953- (Colle
ge of Physicians, Philadelphia - US)
Microform Data Systems (US)
Microprocessor Development System
Mohawk Data Science Corp. (US)
Municipal Data Systems (US, Southern Califor
Museums Documentation System
MDSC - Management Data Service Center
MDSS - Meteorological Data Sounding System
Medzinarodne Desatinne Triedenie, sla
Mezin4rodnf Desetinn6 Tfideni, cze (=UDC,
MDT Aibgcn - Mittlere Datentechnik Anlagen MDU - MobileDisaster Unit Profile
Data Base (Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordi-nator-Genive,CH)
ME - Mediath&pe des Enfants (CSI - FR) '
>:-.r3Vi ..
. ,hf
1. Minaatemrteaion Alert, r.pninoii-fll Institute -1 isa
2. Music Editors Association (US)
MEADS - Maintenance Engineering Analysis Data System
MEAL - Module Engineering Analysis Library (University of Pennsylvania - US)
MEC - Media Exchange Cooperative (British Columbia Teachers' Federation
Resources Centre -CA)
MEC/SD - Ministerio da Educasao e Cultura, Servi-50 de (BR)
MECC - Minnesota Educational Computer Consortium (US)
MECCA - Mechanized Card Catalog, 1963- (Boeing Computer Service - US)
MECHEN (MechEn) - Mechanical Engineering. [Data base] (KTHB - SE)
MECS - Media Equipment Control System (Indiana University, Graduate School of
Library and Information Science - US)
MED - Macro-Economic Data (=MEDHOC)
MEDAB - Middle East Data Base
MED AC - Medical Electronic Data Acquisition and Control

MEDARABTEL - Middle East and Mediterranean Telecommunication Network, int,

1980- (ITU/ UNDP)
Meteorological Data Acquisition System (NA
SA - US) (=MD AS)
Microfilm Enhanced Data Systems (DatagraphiX-GB)
Medical Computing Center (US)
International Conference on Medical Compu
ter Science
International Congress on Computing in Medi
MEDCORE - Medical Resources Consortium of Central New Jersey, 1975- (John F.
Kennedy Medical Center - US)
MEDDARS - Medical Display Analysis and Recording System
MEDdoc - Medical Documentation Service, 1972-(Eli Lilly and Co., Indianopolis US)
MEDGEN - [Information system for medical (clinical) genetics] (University of
California, Computer Center-US)
*Medgiz - Gosudarstvennoelzdatel'stvoMedicinskoj Literatury (SU)
MEDHOC - Macro-Economic Data for the House of Commons, 1973- (House of
Commons Library/ International Computers Ltd - GB) (=MED)
MEDI - Marine Environmental Data Information Referral System, 1977(Unesco/UNEP/Intergo-vernmental Oceanographic Commission - Paris, FR)
MEDI-SOTA LIBR - Medi-Sota Library Consortium (US)
MEDIA - Media Evaluation and Dissemination by American Indians (National Indian
Education Association-US)
MEDIA (Media) - Magnavox Electronic Data Image Apparatus, 1960 (Magnavox
Comp. - US)
MEDIA/M - Media/Medicine. [Data base on readership of French medical media]
MEDIA/P - Media/Publicitaire. [Data base on readership of French publicity media]
(Centre d'Etu-des des Supports Publicitaires - FR)
MEDIACULT - International Institute for Audio-Visual Communication and Cultural
Development, 1976- (Wien, AT); <- IMDT
MEDIATOR - Media Time Ordering and Reporter
MEDIC - Medical Electronic Data Interpretation and Correlation
MEDICA EUROPRESS - Comite Permanent de la Presse Medicale Europ6enne
MEDICAT - Medical Catalog Project (OULCS -CA)

MEDICKS - Medical Information Consortium of Kent and Sussex (Delaware State

College Library-US); (the same initialism): Medical Library Resource
Improuvement Consortium
MEDICO - Model Experiment in Drug Indexing by Computer (Rutgers University US)
MEDICS - Medical Information and Communications System
Congres Mondial d'Informatique Medicale,
1974World Conference on Medical Informatics,
1974MEDINFORM = MEDINFO *MEDINFORM (Medinform) - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Sistema Naucnoj Medicinskoj Infor-macii, 1975- (*MSNTI - *YINITI,
Moskva, SU)
MEDIPHOR - Monitoring and Evaluation of Drug Interactions by a Pharmacy
Oriented Reporting (Stanford University Medical Center - US)
International Symposium on Medical Informa
tion Systems
Medical Information Service [Full-text infor
mation service]. (Mead Data Control - US)
Medical Information System Development
Centre (JP)
Medicinsky Dialogovy Informacny System, sla
Univerzita Komenskeho, Lekarska Fakulta, IS-CS) MEDISTARS - Medical
Information Storage and
Retrieval System (US Navy) MEDISTAT - [Data base] (Centre International des
Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Mediterraniennes FR) MEDITEC - Medizinische Technik. [Database]
(DE) MEDITECH (Meditech) - Medical Information
Technology, Inc. (US)
MEDLARS (Medlars) - Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, 1964(NLM - US) MEDLEARN - [Methods of teaching techniques in
using MEDLINE] (NLM/George Washington
University - US)
MEDLI - Medical and Scientific Libraries of Long Island (US)
MEDLINE - MEDLARS On-Line, 1971- (NLM -US)
MEDLINK - Massachusetts Medical Information Link (Massachusetts Medical
Society, Publishing Division - US)
MEDMIS - Medical Management Information System (US Army)

Medical Documents. [Data base] (University of
MEDOC: A computerized Index to U. S. Go
vernment Documents in the Medical and
Health Sciences, 1975- (University of Utah,
Eccles Health Science Library - US)
MEDOL - Medically-Oriented Language
MEDOR - Methode d'Enregistrement de Documentation sur Ordinateur et de
Recherche a Distance, 1970- (Societe Informatique-Organisation-Ordinateur-FR)
MEDS - Macroeconomic Data Systems. [Data base] (United Nations, DIES A Washington, US)
MEDSOC - Medical Socioeconomic Research Sources, 1971-1979 (American Medical
Association US) MEDTRAIN - Medical Literature Training File
[Mechanized documentation for users in the ag
ricultural sector] (BR)
[On-line Medlars service] (Newcastle Universi
ty, Computing Laboratory - GB)
MEF - Mideast Data File, 1982- (Learned Information Ltd-GB)
MEGIS - Micro-Reduction and Enlargement of Graphic Information Study (US)
MEI - Main Economic Indicators, int [Data base] (OECD)
MEILLEUR - Mobility of Employment International for Librarians in Europe
("CLW/LA - GB)
MEIS - Military Entomology Information Service (US Armed Forces Pest Control
MEIU - Management Education Information Unit (British Institute of Management GB)
MEJIN - Medical Journal Index (US)
MK - M6stsk$ Knihovna, cze (CS)
MEKK - Mtiszaki Egyetem Kozponti Konyvtara. [Technical University Central
Library] (HU)
Mezinarodm Komunikativni Format, cze
(=*MEKOF, rus)
Medzinarodny Komunikativny Format, sla
(='MEKOF, ms)
*MEKOF - Mezdunarodnyj Komunikativnyj Format
('MSNTI-Moskva, SU) MELA - Middle Eastern Librarians' Association,
1972-(US) MELCOM - Middle Eastern Libraries Committee
(GB) MELISS - Mitsubishi Electric Literature and Information Search Service, 1966- (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.-JP)

MeLK - Mestska Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS)

MELSA - Metropolitan Library Services Agency (Saint Paul Public Library - US,
MELVYL - [Online union catalog], 1981- (University of California, Division of Library
Automation -US)
MEMA - Maine Educational Media Association (US)
MEMBERS - Microprogrammed Experimental Machine with a Basic Executive for
Real-time Systems
MEMIK - Mezogazdasagi es Elelmezesiigyi Minisz-terium Informicios Kozpontja.
[Ministry of Agriculture and Food Information Centre], 1967- (HU)
Maryland Educational Media Association (US)
Minnesota Educational Media Association
MEMOCS - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Multi-term Out of Context System (JP)
MENA - Middle East News Agency, 1955- (EG) (=MEN)
MENDAP - Melbourne Network Dimensioning and Analysis Programmes (AU)
MEOBS - Microcomputer Emulation of Online Bibliographic Searching, 1982- (CLW
- GB)
Mechanical Engineering Publications (US)
Microfilm Enlarger Printer
MER - Micrographics Equipment Review, 1976-(US)
MERC - Media Equipment Resource Center (US)
MERDJ - Mossbauer Effect Reference and Data Journal, 1978- (University of North
Carolina, Mossbauer Effect Data Center - US)
MERGE - Mechanized Retrieval for Greater Efficiency, 1963- (IBM - US)
MERI - Media Equipment Review Index (US)
MERIP - Middle East Research and Information Project, 1970- (US, Cambridge,
Mechanical Engineers Reading Improuvement
Michigan Educational Research Information
Triad, Inc. (Michigan State University/Wayne
State Univ./University of Michigan - US)
MERLIN - Machine-Readable Library Information, 1975-1979 (BL-US)
MERMLS - Mid-Eastern Regional Medical Library Service (College of Physicians
Library, Philadelphia-US)
MESCO - Middle East Science Co-operation Office (Unesco)
MESH (MeSH) - Medical Subject Headings (NLM-

US) *MESM - MalajaElektronnajaSeetnajaMai*<SO)

MESSIDOR - jjaformation system] MET - Main Enttjf/Title
MICDAT - Machine Readable Numeric Data (University of Western Ontario, Social
Science Computing Library - CA)
MICES - Medical Interlibrary Communications Exchange Service (US)
MICIS - Michigan Inter-university Committee on Information Systems (Michigan
State University/ Univ. of Michigan/Wayne State Univ. - US) MICJ - MilieuInformatiecentrum voor Jongeren,
fie (BE)
*MICKE - Mezdunarodnyj Informacionnyj Issledo-vatel'skij Centr po Problemam
Kollektivnoj Eko-nomiki(=CIRIEC,/re) MICOS - Mini Computer Systems (US)
MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (Addressograph Multigraph Corp. - US) MICRO - Multiple Indexing with Console
Operations (SDC-US)
MICRO-CAIRS - Micro-Computer Assisted Information Retrieval System, 1982(Leatherhood Food Research Association - GB) MICRO-URBA - Microformes des
documents dans
1'Urbanisme, 1975-(URBAMET- FR) MICROCAT - Micro-Catalogue
University - GB)
MICROCITE - [Information retrieval system, based on punched cards], 1961- (NBS
- US) MICROCON - Microcomputer-based Retrospective Conversion, 1984- (OCLC
- US) MICRODATA - [Information retrieval system based on microfilms] (Technical
Indexes Ltd - GB) MICRODIALOG - DIALOG with a Micro (University of London,
CIS - GB) MICRODIS - Microform Document Information
System (US Army)
MICROM - Micro-Instruction Read-Only Memory MICRONET - Microcomputer
Network (PRESTEL-GB)
MICROPSI - Microcomputer Printed Subject Indexes (CLW - GB)
MICROsearch - [Project to extend the ERIC database to microcomputers] (ERIC US) MICROSECS - Microfilm Sequential Coding System (Bell - US).
MICRS - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition System MICS
Management Information and Control System
(IBM Deutschland - DE)
Management Information and Control System
(Maine Department of Human Services - US)
MICs - Music Information Codes MID
Management Information Division (Illinois
State Department of Finance - US)

Minot Information Devices, 1953- (US)
MID-ARK - Mid Arkansas Regional Library (US)
MIDA - Mid-West Independent [Book] Distributors
Association (US)
1. Management information for Decision and
Control (=MI/DAC)
2. Michigan Digital Automatic Computer (US) MIDAS
Medical Information Dissemination using
ASSASIN, 1972- (Imperial Chemical Indus
Memory Implemented Data Acquisition Sy
Metals Information Designations and Specifi
cations (US)
Micro-Imaged Data Addition System, 1969(Birch-CapsLtd-GB)
Microcomputer-Interfaced Data Acquisition
Microprogrammable Integrated Data Acquisi
tion System
Migdzydyscyplinarny Abstraktowy Slownik
Zawartosci Ciagfych Wydawnictw Informacyjnych (Biblioteka Wyzszej Szkofy Morskiej
w Gdyni - PL)
Mixed Data Structures (SPAN-US)
Modular Interactive Data Acquisition System
Monopoly Information and Data Analysis Sy
Multi-mode International Data Acquisition
Service (Australian Overseas Telecommuni
cation Commission - AU)
12. Multiple Index Direct Access System (US)
MIDDLE - Microprogram Design Description
MIDEAST MI LIB - Mideastern Michigan Library Cooperative (US)
MIDEM - Marche International du Disque et de I'E-dition Musicale, int (Cannes - FR)
MIDF - Multiple Input Describing Functions
MIDIST - Mission Interministerielle de ('Information Scientifique et Technique, 1979(FR); <-BNIST; -+ DIXIT

MIDK - Magyar Ipari Dokumentacios Kozpont. [Hungarian Documentation Centre of

Industry], 1945- (HU)
M1DLCOG - Midwest Library Council Coordinators' Group (US)
MIDLNET - Midwest Regional Library Network, 1975-(US)(=MILINET)
MIDMS - Machine-Independent Data Management System (Defense Intelligence
Agency - US)
MIDOC - Microcomputer System for the Management of Structural Documents, int
MIDONAS - Militarisches Dokument-Nachweis-System (Eidgenossisches
MIDORI - Modern Information and Documentation Organizing and Rearrangement,
Inc. (JP)
Management Information and Data System
Management Information Display System
Mechanized Information and Documentation
Mechanizovan^ Informacn Dokumentacni
System, cze (Statni Vyzkumny Ustav Materialu -CS)
Multifunctional Information Distribution Sy
stem, int (NATO)
Multimode Information Distribution System
(Mitre Corp.-US)
MIE - Muszaki Informacio: Energiazddlkodds. [Technical information in energetics]
MARC International Format; -> UNIMARC
Master Index File
IVOFR - Monitored International Frequency Register. [Data base] (International
Telecommunications Union)
MIG - Metals Information Group, 1978- (GB)
MIGRAINE/MIGRALT - Migrations Definitives, Migrations Alternantes. [Database]
MIIA - Medical Information and Intelligence Agency (DOD-US)
MI1F - Master Item Intelligence File
MIIG - Motor Industry Information Group (GB)
Meditech Interpretive Information System
Miscellaneous Inputs Information Subsystem
MIISFIIT - Methode d'Interrogation Immediate

d'un Systeme de Fichiers Inverse a Indexation To-tale (FR)

MIJ - Member of the Institution of Journalists (GB)
MIKAS- Mikrofiche-Katalog-System, 1976-(ETHZ-Bibliothek - CH)
MIKOM - Muszaki Informacio: Korrozio es Medelo-zese. [Technical Information:
Corrosion and Prevention] (HU)
MIKOV - Muszaki Informacio Kornyezetvedelem. [Technical Information:
Environmental Protection] (HU)
MIKRODAT - [Society for Micrographic Data Processing], 1976-(AT)
MIKROPLIS - [Textbase management system] (DE)
MJKSAM - Multiple Indexed Keyed Sequential Access Method
Micro-Implementation Language
Microsystem International Limited
Minnesota Instructional Language (US)
Manchester Interlibrary Cooperative (Manche
ster City Library, New Hampshire - US)
Midwest Inter-Library Center, 1949-1965
MILIC - Ministerial Libraries and Information Centers
Maryland Interlibrary Loan Organization (Sta
te Library Resource Center, Enoch Pratt Free
Miami Valley Library Organization (Dayton
Public Library-US)
MILOPHONE - Miami Valley Library Organization Information Exchange System,
1971-(Dayton and Montgomery County Public Library - US)
MILOR - [Retrospective Information Retrieval on Minicomputers], 1982- (GIXI
Ingen6rie Informa-tique - FR)
Minicomputer Library System
Minnesota Integrated Library System, 1972(University of Minnesota, Biomedical LibraryUS)
MIM - Modified Index Method *MIM
Malaja Integrirujuscaja Maina
Matricnaja Informacionnaja Model
MIMA - Montana Instructional Media Association (US)
MIMC - Microforms International Marketing Company, 1971- (Pergamon Press, Inc. US)

MIMD - Multiple Instruction/Multiple Data

MIME - Muszaki Informacio: Muszaki Ellenorzes. [Technical Information:
Technological Control] (HU)
Microfilm Information Master Image Conver
[Translator for English coding] (Rand Corp. US)
M1MO - Man IN/Machine Out
MIMOLA - Machine-Independent Microprogramming Language
MIMP - Magazine Industry Market Place: The Directory of Periodical Publishing (US)
MIMR - Magnetic Ink Mark Recognition
Medical Information Management System
Monthly Index of Medical Specialities
MIMT - Map-Indexed Microfiche of Tectronix
MINC - Minicomputer
MINCIS - Minnesota Crime Information System
[Information service] (National Association for
Mental Health - GB)
Management and Information through Natural
Discource, 1972- (Rand Corp. - US)
Meeting the Information Needs of the Disable
(Monash University - AU)
MINDOK - Minicomputer Dokumenten Erfas-sungs- und Retrieval System, 1982(Infodas GmbH-DE)
Minnesota Information Network for Educators
(State Department of Education - US)
Montana Information Network Exchange.
1974-(Montana State Library - US)
MINERVA - Multiple Input Network for %$ting Reactions Votes and Attitudes MINERVE - Mechanisations de rinfonnatiofltlans
1'Exploitation et la Recherche Verrieres (Institut de Verre - FR) MINET
Kansas City Metropolitan Information Net
work, 1976- (Kansas City Libraries - US)
Medical Information Network (American Me
dical Association - US)

Mississippi Integrated Network for Electronic

Transmission (University of Southern Missis
MINI - Minicomputer Industry National Interchange
MINI-CATS - Miniaturization of Federal Catalog System Publications (DOD - US)
MINIBIB - [Government department libraries' computer system], 1983-(DK)
MINICS - Minimal-Input Cataloguing System, 1968- (Loughborough University
of Technology Library-GB)
MINICS/PDS - MINICS Periodicals Data System (GB)
Minicomputer-based Information Management
System, mr(IDRC)
Minicomputer-based Integrated Set of Infor
mation Systems (CA)
Ministerstwo WRiOP - Ministerstwo Wyznari Reli-gijnychi OswieceniaPublicznego,
1918-1939 (PL)
MINTTEX - Minnesota Interlibrary Teletype Experiment (Minnesota Higher
Education Coordinating Board -US) (=MINTEX); - (the same initia-lisme):
Minnesota Interlibrary Telecommunications Exchange
MINN DPW LIB - Minnesota Department of Public Welfare Library Consortium
MINOTAURE - [Computer based information system] (Archives Nationales - FR)
MINSEARCH - [Online data base of economic minerals] (Institute of Geological
Sciences - GB)
MinSys - Information System for the Mining and Mineral Industries (GB)
MINT - Magnetic Information Technology (US)
MINTEC - MINTEC: Mining Technology Abstracts, 1983- (Canada Centre for
Mineral and Energy Technology - CA)
MINTERLIB - Municipal Inter-Library Committee (AU)
MIO - Map Information Office, -1973 (US Geological Survey) -> NCIC *MIO Mestni Informacionni Organi, bul
MIPAS - Management Information Planning and Accountancy Service
MiPBP - Miejska i Powiatowa Biblioteka Publiczna (PL)
MIPC - Metropolitan Information Processing Conference
MIPE-Modular Information Processing Equipment

Madjelis Ilmu Pengethahuan Indonesia. [Indo

nesian Council for Sciences of Indonesia], 19561967(ID);->LIPI
Malajah Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia. [Indo
nesian Library Association] (ID)
Mission Interministerielle pour la Promotion de
Plnformatique (FR)
*MIPJa - Mezdunarodnyj Informacionno-Poiskovyj
Jazyk MIPS
Management Information Processing System,
1982- (Data Retrieval Corporation of America
Maticny Informacny Programovy System, cze
*MIPSA - Mezdunarodnyj Institut Prikladnogo Sistemnogo Analiza, 1972- (=IIASA, eng) MIR
Magnetic Ink Read
Management Information Retrieval
Memory Input Register
Music Information Retrieval
Microfilm Information Retrieval Automated,
1968- (Miracle Information Systems - US)
Monthly Index of Russian Accessions, 1948(LC-US)
MIRABILIS - Microsystem for Interactive Bibliographic Searching (University of
Chicago, Graduate Library School - US)
Management Information Research Assistance
Management Information Retrieval and Com
munication System
Microfilmed Reports and Accounts, 1968(GB)
Macro-Implemented Realtime Analytical Che
mistry Language
Management Information Report Access with
out Computer Languages
MIRACODE (Miracode) - Microfilm Information Retrieval Access Code, 1962(Eastman Kodak Co.-US)

Management Information Retrieval and Dis

play System (NASA - US)
Marshall Information Retrieval and Display Sy
stem (Computer Sciences Corp. - US)
MIRAM - Multiple Indexed Random Access Method
MIRC - Metal Information Review Committee (GB)
MIRDAB - Microbiological Resource Bank (Else-vier Science Publishers - NL)
MIRE - Media Information Research Exchange (AU)
MIRF - Multiple Instantenous Response File (Stanford Research Institute - US)
MIRFAC - Mathematics in Readable Form Automatically Compiled (US) MIRPS - Multiple Information Retrieval by Parallel
Selection MIRROR - Management Information Reporting
and Review of Operational Resources System MIRS
Marketing Information Retrieval System (US)
Medical Information Retrieval Service. [Data
base] (Bibliographical Retrieval Service - US)
Melpar Information Retrieval System (Melpar,
Inc. - US)
Micro-Interactive Retrieval System (Cytek In
formation System Corp. - US)
MIRT - Mehrsprachlicher Informationsrecherchethesaurus MIS
Management Information Science
Management Information Service
Management Information System
Marine Information Systems, Inc. (US)
Mathematik Informationssystem (Zentralblatt fur Mathematik - DE)
Medical Information System
Metals Information System, 1944- (ASM US)
Metrology Information Service (US)
Mezinarodni Informacni Sluzba, cze
Microfflm Information System
Mikrofilm Informations-System
Milieu Information Service (US)
MIS-IRPAT - Patent Information Retrieval System
(Nippon Electric Co. - JP) *MIS
Masinoispytatel'naja Stancija
Mezdunarodnaja Informacionnaja Sistema
MISA - Mechanised Indexing System by Anzai (JP)

MISAM - Multiple Index Sequential Access Method

MISAR - Miniature Information Storage and Re
trieval. [Information in bio- medical sciences]
MISCO - McCall Information Systems Corporation (US)
MISDC - Medical Information System Development Center (JP)
MISER - Management Information System for Expenditure Reporting
MISHULS - Michigan Statewide Health Sciences Union List of Serials (US)
MISI - Micro Information Systems, Inc.
MISIAS - Management Information Systems Inventory and Analysis (US Navy)
*MISINFORM - Mezdunarodnaja Informacionnaja Sluzba po Informacionnoj
Teorii i Praktike, 1974-('MSNTI - Moskva, SU)
MISLIC - Mid-Staffordshire Libraries in Co-operation, 1963- (GB); -> Midland
Libraries in Co-operation
*MISNTP - Mezdunarodnaja Informacionnaja Sluzba po Naucnym i Tehniceskim
Perevodam (*MSNTI)(=*MISP)
MISO - Management Information Systems Office *MISOD - Mezdunarodnaja
Informacionnaja Sistema po Opublikovannym Dokumentam 1973-(*MSNTI - * VINITI, Moskva, SU)
*MISOD-SI - Informacionnyj Servis Sistemy
MISOD (*MSNTI - Moskva, SU) MISOE - Management Information System for
Occupational Education (US, Massachusetts) *MISON - Mezdunarodnaja
Informacionnaja Sistema po Obscestvennym Naukam, 1976- (*MCNTI -INION AN
SSSR, Moskva, SU) MISP - Medical Information Systems Program *MISP =
MISRC - Management Information Systems Research Center (University of
Minnesota - US) MISS
Maintenance of Indexed Serials Subscriptions
Management and Information System Staff, int
Medical Information Science Section (National
Institutes of Health - US)
Minicomputer Interfacing Support System
MISSIL - Management Information System Symbo
lic Interpretive Language
Medical Information Service via Telephone.
1969- (University of Alabama, Birmingham
Medical Center-US)
Music Information System for Theorists (India
na University- US)

Michigan State Integral Computer (US)

Model Interstate Scientific and Technical Clea
ringhouse, 1975- (National Conference of State
Legislature, Science and Technology Commit
MISTRAL - Memorisation dTnformations, Selection, Traitement et Recherche
Automatique Lies, 1972- (Compagnie Internationale pour ITnforma-tique - FR)
MISTRIS - Microfiche Information Storage and Retrieval for Intelligence Support,
1974- (US Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration)
MISVE - Management Information System for Vocational Education (Ohio State
University, Center for Vocational Education - US)
Magyar Irok Szovetsege. [Hungarian Writers'
Association] (HU)
Muszaki Informacio: Szabvanvositds. [Techni
cal Information: Standardization] (HU)
MISZON./iM/J = *MISON, riis
MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (US)
MITA - Microcomputer Industry Trade Association
MITC - Microfilm and Information Technology Center
MITILAC - MIT Information Laboratory Automa
tic Coding (MIT-US)
' ,
MITJ - Member oUbt Institute o i l ech lists (GB)
Management Information and Text System
Michigan Information Transfer Source (US)
Microfiche Image Transmission System, 1974(Bureau of Naval Personnel - US)
MTTSI - Moniteur d'Instruction Technique et Scientifique Individuelle (SINFRA-FR) *MIVS - Mezotraslevaja InformacionnoVycisliternaja Set'
MIS - Metropolitan Information Exchange M1Z - Management-Informationszentrum
*MIZ - Moskovskij Institut Zurnalistiki (SU) MJ - Master of Journalism MJA Medical Journalists Association (GB) MJFR - Metropolitan Joint Fiction Reserve
MJI - Member of the Journalists Institute MK
Mestska Knihovna, cze (CS)
Mestska Kniznica, sla (CS)
Modszertani Kiadvanyok. [Methodical publica
tions] (OMKDK - HU)

Magnitnaja Karta
Mezdunarodnaja Kniga (SU)
*MKDP - Muzej Knigi, Dokumenta i Pis'ma (SU) MKE - Magyar Konyvtarasok
Egyesiilete. [Association of Hungarian Librarians], 1935- (HU) *MKI Mezdunarodnaja Klassifikacija Izobretenij
(=IPC, eng)
MKiS - Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki (PL) *MKK - Mezduvedomstvennaja Komissija
po Klassifikacii(*GBL-SU)
MKKE - Magyar Konyvkiadok es Konyvterjesztok Egyesiilese. [Hungarian Publishers
and Booksellers Association] (HU)
MKKEKK - Marx Karoly Kozgazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem Kozponti Konyvtara.
[Karl Marx School of Economic Sciences, Central Library] (HU) *MKKTT Mezdunarodnyj Konsul'tativnyj Komitet
po Telefonii i Telegrafii (=CCITT, eng, fre) MKLE - Magyar Konyvtarosok es
Leveltarosok Egyesiilete. [Hungarian Library and Archive Association] (HU)
MKM - Mestska Kniznica pre Mladez, sla (CS) *MKO - Mezdunarodnyj Knigoobmen
MKP - Mie,dzynarodowa Klasyfikacja Patentowa,
po/(=IPC, eng)
*MKP - Mikrokopiroval'nyj Apparat
*MKPO - Mezdunarodnaja
Promyslennyh Obrazcov *MKPP - Mezdunarodnyj Postojannyj Komitet
Profsojuzov Poligrafistov, 1961- (Berlin, DD) MKSz - Magyar Konyvszemle.
[Library Review]
MKSzB - Magyar Konyvtdri Szakirodalom Biblio-grdfidja. Hungarian Library
Literature, 1973-(OSZK.KMK-HU) (=MAKSZAB) MKSzEK" Magyar
Konyvtarosok Szabo Ervin K6-re. [E. Szabo Society of Hungarian Librarians] (HU)
Minimum Knihovnicke Techniky, cze
Minimum Knihovnicke j Technicky, sla
MKUNT - Miedzynarodowy Komitet Unifikacji
Neologizm6w Terminologicznych (=CIUNT, fre; ICUNT, eng) ML
Archives et Musee de la Litterature (Bibliotheque Royale - BE)
Machine Language
Macro Language
Microprogramming Language
*ML - Magnitnaja Lenta

Maine Library Association, 1893- (US)
Malawi Library Association (MW) (=MALA)
Malta Library Association, 1969- (GB); ->
Gh. B. (MT)
Manitoba Library Association, 1936- (CA)
Marine Librarians' Association, 1972- (GB)
Maritime Library Association, 1935- (CA);
Maryland Library Association (US)
Massachusetts Library Association, 1890(US)
Maszyna Liczaco-Analityczna, pol
Mauritius Library Association (MU)
Medical Library Association, 1907- (US); <Association of Medical Librarians, 1898-1907
Member of the Library Association (GB)
Mercantile Library Association (US)
Metropolitan Lithographers Association
Michigan Library Association, 1891- (US)
Minnesota Library Association, 1891-(US)
Mississipi Library Association, 1909- (US)
Missouri Library Association (US)
Montana Library Association, 1906- (US)
20. Music Library Association, 1931- (US)
MLA/ERIC - ERIC Clearinghouse on the Teaching
of Foreign Literature, 1966- (Modern Language Association of America - US); * (the
same initia-lism): ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics
MLAA - Medical Library Assistance Act, 1965 (US) MLAB - Medical Library
Association Bulletin (US) MLAC - Medical Library Advisory Committee (US) MLAI Medical Library Association of India (IN) MLAN - Music Library Association Notes
Medical Library Center(US)
Memphis Library Council (US)
Michigan Library Consortium, 1974- (Wayne
State University, Purdu Library - US)
Minimum Level Cataloging
Mississipi Library Commission (US)
MLCNY - Medical Library Center of New York,
1959-(US)(=MLC-NY) MLCS - Multitype Library Cooperation Section

MLDAS - Meteorological and Lighting Data Acquisition System (NASA - US) MLE Microprocessor Language Editor MLF - Maison du Livre Franjais, 1920- (FR) MLFC
- Michigan Library Film Circuit (US) MLG-Malayan Library Group, 1954-1958
MLGH - Medical Library Group of Hawaii (US) MLGSCA - Medical Library Group
of Southern California and Arizona (US) MLI - Machine Language Instruction MLib Master of Librarianship MLIS
Multilevel Information System
Multiple Level Indexing Scheme
Mestna Ljudska Knjiznica, slo (YU)
Mestska Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS)
Mistni Lidova Knikovna, cze (CS)
ML'K - Miestna L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
MLL-Maynard Listener Library, 1965- (US); Catholic Listener Library
MLMIS - Minnesota Land Management Information Study, 1971- (University of
Minnesota, Center for Urban and Regional Affairs - US); Lakesho-re Development
Study, 1968MLN - Metropolitan Library Network
MLNC - Missouri Libraries Network Corporation (US)
MLOP - Mobile Library Outreach Program (Community Leaders Adding Support to
Schools - US, California)
Machine Language Program
Moon Literature Project, 1972- (Lunar Science
Multiple Line Printer
Machine Literature Searching
Master of Library Science (or: Studies)
Maxwell Library Systemes (US)
Metropolitan Libraries Section (PLA - US)
Microtext Library Services, Inc., 1971- (James
T. White and Co.-US)
Multi-Language System
*MLS - Magnitnolentocnaja Sluzba
MLSA - Metropolitan Library Service Agency (US)

MLSc - Master of Library Science

MLSS - Military and Federal Specifications and Standards. [Database] (Information
Handling Services - US)
MLT - Master Library Tape
Main Library Trustees Association (US)
Manitoba Library Trustees' Association, 1970(CA)
Massachusetts Library Trustees Association
MM - MflvelSdesugyi Miniszterium. [Ministry of Education] (HU)
Management and Marketing Abstracts. [Data
Multiple Module Access
Mezdunarodnyj Mezdubibliotecnyj Abonement
Mezotraslevoj Mezdubibliotecnyj Abonement
MMC - Man-Machine Communication
MMF - Micromation Microfilm MMI
Machine a Manipuler d'Information
Man-Machine Interface
MMICS - Maintenance Management Information and Control System
MMIPS - Man-Machine Interactive Processing System
McMaster Medical Information System (US)
Medicaid Management Information System
MMIT - Man-Machine Integration Technique
MMK - Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation
MML - Man-Machine Language
MMLA - Metro Manila Library Association, 1976-(PH)
MMML - Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library (Saint John's University,
Collegeville - US)
MMOS - Minnesota Microcomputer Operating System (University of Minnesota - US)
Master Music Printers and Engravers Associa
tion (GB)
Microform Market Place (Microform Review,
Inc. - US and Mansell Information/PublishingGB)

*MMP - JazykMul'timodurnogoProgrammirovanija
MMPA - Midland Master Printers' Alliance (GB)
MMPI - Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (US)
MMPS - Multimikroprozessor
MMPT - Man-Machine Partnership Translation
MMR - Magnetic Memory Record
MMRI - Multi-Media Reviews Index, 1970- (US); -> MRD
MMRS - Multimikrorechnersystem
Man-Machine System
Micro Memory Systems (GB)
Microfiche Management Software (California
Computer Products - US)
Microfilm Management System (CalComp
Multimedia System
*MMT - Mezdunarodnyj Mnogojazycnyj Tezaurus MMUC-Midwest Medical
Union Catalog (John Crerar Library-US)
1. Medzinarodna Medziknizmcna Vypo&CJia Sluzba,sla ....';.'.!j- . ,4-1
2. Mezinarodni Meziknihovni V^pujCni Sluzba,
MMYD - Mental Measurements Yearbook Database (US) *MMZC - Mezdunarodna
Meidubibliotecna Zaemna Sluzba, bul
MNA - Multi-share Network Architecture (Mitsubishi - JP) MNB
Magyar Nemzeti Bibliografia. [Hungarian Na
tional Bibliography] (OSZK - HU)
Malaysian National Bibliography (National Li
brary of Malaysia - MY)
MNB IKR - Magyar Nemzeti Bibliografia: Iddszaki Kiadvdnyok Repertoriuma.
[Hungarian National Library: Index to Periodicals] (OSZK - HU)
MND - Maszynowy Nosnik Danych,po(
MNDP - Multi-National Data Processing
MNI - Maszynowy Nosnik Informacji, pol *MNIIPU - Mezdunarodnyj NaucnoIssledovatel'skij Institut Problem Upravlenija, int *MNIPIASUGH - Moskovskij NaucnoIssledova-tel'skij i Proektnyj Institut Avtomatizirovannyh Si-stem Upravlenija v
Gorodskom Hozjajstve (SU)
MNK - Magyar Nemzetgyflles Konyvtara. [Hungarian Parliament Library] (HU)

MNOSZ - Magyar Nepkoztdrsasdgi Orszdgos Szab-vdny. [National Standard of the

Hungarian Democratic People's Republic] (HU); -> MSZ
MNSzWiT - Ministerstwo Nauki, Szkolnictwa Wyzszego i Techniki (PL)
Machine Operation
Manual Output
Metodicke Oddeleni, cze
*Moarh - Glavnyj Voenno-Morskij Arhiv (SU) *MOASNTI - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj
Informacii, mr *MOAU - Moskovskoe Oblastnoe Arhivnoe Upravlenie (SU) MOB
Magyar Orvosi Bibliografia. [Hungarian Medi
cal Bibliography] (HU)
Maschinenorientierte Bibliotheksorganisation
MOBAC - Monterey Bay Area Cooperative Library
System (US, California) MOBI - Micro-Ordinateur pour Bibliotheques
(DEMIST-FR) MOBI-BULL - Micro-Ordinateur pour Bibliotheque, module de Bulletinage (FR) MOBI-CAT - Micro-Ordinateur pour Bibliolheque, module de Catalogage (FR) MOBI-DOC - Micro-Ordinateur pour Bibliotheque, module de Documentation (FR) MOBI-PRET - Micro-Ordinateur pour
Bibliotheque, module de Pret (FR)
MOBIS - Management-Oriented Budget Information System
MOBL - Macro-Oriented Business Language MOBOL- Mohawk Business-Oriented
(Mohawk Data Systems - US) MOBRAL - Movirnento Brasileiro de Alfabelizaao (BR) *MOBS - Mezdinarodnoe Ob"edinennie Bibliotecnyh Sojuzov (=IFLA, eng) MOBULA - Model Building Language MOC - Microfilm
Output Computer MOCIC - Mid-States Organized Crime Information
Center (US) MOD
Mail-Order Delivery (=BBM; MOL)
Microfilm-Output Device
Mie.dzynarodowa Organizacja Dziennikarzy,
MODABUND - Mosquito Data Bank at the University of Notre Dame (US)
Modell-Datenbanksystem (Gesellschaft fur
Datenverarbeitung - DE)
Modulare Datenbanksystem (Bundes Ministerium fur Forschung und Technologic - DE)
MODAT - Methoden- und Modell-Datenbank fur

luD (DE) *MODIS - Matematiceskoe Obespecenie Dialogovyh Informacionnyh Sistem MODOK - Modulare Dokumentation MODS Medically Orientated Data System (US) *MOF - Masinoorientirovannyj Format
*MOGAOR - Moskovskij Oblastnoj Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Oktjabr'skoj Revoljucii (SU) MOHSLG - Metropolitan Omaha Health
Librarians Group (US, Nebraska) *MOGIZ - Moskovskoe Oblastnoe Otdelenie
KOGIZA (SU) MOGRAMA (Mograma) - Fachausstellung Moderne Graphische Maschinen, 1970- (DE) MOINTE - Mie,dzyzakladowy Osrodek
Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) MOIS - Massachusetts Occupational
System (US) MOiSzW - Ministerstwo Oswiaty i Szkolnictwa
Wyzszego (PL) MOITE - Mie,dzyzakJadowy Osrodek Informacji
Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) MOL
Machine-Oriented Language
Mail-Order Library (=BBM; MOD)
MOLARS - Meterological Office Library Acces
sions and Retrieval System (GB)
MOLC - MARC On-line Collection (LC - US) *MoldASNT - Avtomatizirovannaja
Sistema Naufi-no-Tehniceskoj Informacii Moldavskoj SSR(SU) *Moldavgiz Moldavskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SZ)
*MoldNIITI - Moldavskij Naucno-Issledovalel'skij Institut Naucno- Tehniceskoj
Informacii i Tehni-ko-Ekonomiceskih Issledovanij, 1965- (Gosplan Moldavskoj SSRSU)
MOLDS - Management On-line Data System (Syracuse University Research Corp. US) MOLE - MEDLARS On-Line Experiment
MOLO - Mideastern Ohio Library Organization
MOLT - Magyar OrszagosLeveltar. [Hungarian National Archives] (HU)
MOM - Materials of Music Data Base, 1972- (University of Georgia, Georgia
Information Dissemination Center - US)
MOMS - Miestny Odbor Malice Slovenskej, sla (CS)
Medzinarodna Organizacia Novinarov, sla
Mezinarodni OrganizaceNovinafu, cze (=OIJ,
Ministerstwo Obrony Narodowej (PL); see Wydawnictwo MON

MONCAT - Montana Union Catalog (US) MONIQUE - Mise en Ordinateur d'une

Notice de
Periodique (Universite de Grenoble, Bibliotheque
MONIS - Monitorsystem MONOCLE - Mise en Ordinateur d'une Notice Catalographique de Livre, 1969- (Bibliotheque Universitaire Grenoble - FR) MONTSAME - Mongol Tsahilgaan Medeenly
Agentlag. [Mongolian Press Agency], 1957- (MN) MONY - Mutual of New York
Service (US) MOOS-MULTICS OLPARS Operating System
(Rome Air Development Center - US) MOP
Mobile Outreach Proj ect (Richmond Public Li
brary - US, California)
Multiple On-line Programming (International
Computers and Tabulators Ltd - GB)
MOPL - Machine Oriented Program Language *MOPNTI - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Podsistema Naucnoj i TehniCeskoj Informacii, int MOPS
Maschinenorientiertes Programmier System
*MOPS - MaSinoorientirovannyj Pasport Standarta MOPSI
Manual on Printed Subject Indexes. London
Methods of Producing subject Indexes ("CLWGB)
Matrix Operations System (SDC - US)
Multi-programming Operating System
MOREL - Michigan-Ohio Regional Educational
Laboratory (US) MORPHS - Minicomputer-Operated
(Partially Heuristic) System (GB) MOS
Maschinenorientierte Sprache
Maschinenorientiertes System
Mathematical Offprint Service, 1968-1972
(American Mathematical Society - US)
Mezinarodni Ove'tvovySyst6m, cze
5. Multiprogramming Operating System *MOS
Malaj a Operacionnaja Sistema
Mezdunarodnaja Organizacija po Standartizacii (=ISO, eng)
MOSAIC - Macro-Operation Symbolic Assembler

and Information Compiler MOSFI - Mezinarodni Odvetvovy System Faktografickych Informaci, cze, int (=*MOSFI, rus) *MOSFI - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Sistema
Faktograficeskoj Informacii, int *MOSFltraktorsel'hozmas - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Sistema Faktograficeskoj Informacii
po Izdelijam Traktorno i Sel'skohozjajstvennogo
Masinostroenija, int (*MSNTI) *MOSNTI
Mezdunarodna Otraslova Sistema za Nauina i
Tehnicka Informacija, bul, int (=*MOSNTI,
Mezdunarodnaja Otraslevaja Sistema Naucnoj
i TehniCeskoj Informacii Stran-Clenov SfeV,
*Mosoblgorizdat = *Mosoblgorlit
*Mosoblgorlit - Moskovskoe Oblastnoe i Gorodskoe
Upravlenie po Delam Literatury i Izdatel'stv (SU) *Mosoblkniga - Moskovskaja
Oblastnaja Kontora
Kniznoj Torgovli (SU) *Mospoligraf - Moskovskoe Gosudarstvennoe Ob"edinenie Predprijatij Poligrafiteskoj Promy51ennosti (SU) MOST - Micromation Output Software Translator
(Micromation Ltd) MOStA - Mitteilungen des Osterreichischen Staatsarchiv, 1948- (AT)
Medzinarodny Odtetvovy System Vedeckych
a Technickych Informacii, sla, int (*SEV)
(=*MOSNTI, rus)
Mezinarodni Odvetvovy System Vedeckych a
Technickych Informaci, cze, int (*SEV)
(=*MOSNTI, rus)
*MOT - Mezdunarodnaja
(=ILO,eng) MOUG
Maryland Online User Group (US)
Music OCLC Users Group, 1977- (OCLC US)
MOVIMS-Motor Vehicle Information Management System (Bell - US) *MOZ Mezdunarodnaja Organizacija Zurnalistov
(=OU,eng) MP - Microprint
MP/M - Multi-Programming Monitor for Microcomputers (Digital Research, Inc. US) MP-MS - Miestne Pracovisko Malice Slovenskej, sla
(CS) *MP
MaSinnyj Perevod

*MP i PL - MaSnnyj Perevod i PrikladnajaLingvisti-ka

Magazine Publishers' Association (US)
Magazine Publishers' Association of Canada
Master Printers' Alliance (GB)
Master Printers of America (Printing Industries
of America - US)
Music Publishers' Association (GB)
Music Publishers' Association of the USA
MPAM - Master Printers Association of Malawi
MPB - Maitres Photograveurs de Belgique (BE) MPBA - Machine Printers
Beneficial Association
Machine Punch Card
Micropublishing Projects Committee (US)
MPCE - Music Publishers Contact Employees
*MPD - Muttipleksor Peredaci Dannyh MPDC - Mechanical Properties Data Center,
MPEA - Machine Printers and Engravers Association of the United States (US)
*MPF - Mnogootraslevoj Patentnyj Fond MPG - Max-Planck Gesellschaft zur
Forderung der
Wissenschaften (DE) MPI
Malaysian Periodicals Index (National Library
of Malaysia-MY)
Merchandising and Promotional Intelligence
Service (MS Surveys and Promotional Services
Monthly Periodical Index (National Library
Services, Co. - US)
Mezdunarodnyj Patentnyj Iftstitut, int (=IPI,
Moskovskij Poligraficeskij Institut (SU)
MPiK - KlubMiedzynarodowej Prasyi Ksiazki (PL)
Mezdunarodna Patentna Klasifikacija, bul, int

Mezdunarodnaja Patentnaja Klassifikacija, int

Mikroprocessovyj Kompleks
*MPK po VT - MezpraviteFstvennaja Komissija po Sotrudnicestvu Socialisticeskih
Stran v Oblasti Vy-cislitel'noj Tehniki, int (Moskva, SU) (=IGCCT, eng) MPL
Machine Processable Language
Mathematical Programming Language
Message Processing Language (Burroughs UoJ
Microdata Programming Language
Microprocessor Programming Language
Microprogramming Language
Minneapolis Public Library (US)
Modified Programmers Language
Multiple Purpose Language
Malayan Public Library Association, 1955(MY)
Mountain-Plains Library Association (US)
MPLC - Mid-Peninsula Library Cooperative (US)
Memphis Public Library and Information Cen
ter (US)
Minneapolis Public Library and Information
Center (US)
MPMI - Magazine and Paperback Marketing Institute (US); <- BIPAD
MPMIC - Mechanical Properties of Materials Information Center (US)
MPP - Microfilm Printer/Plotter
MPPA - Music Publishers' Protective Association
(US) *MPPI - Masina Pervicnoj Pererabotki Informacii
Multi-Purpose Processing Language
Multi-Purpose Programming Language
MPRS - Microform Personnel Records System
MPRT - Marine Pollution Research Titles, 1974(Marine Biological Association, Marine Pollution Information Centre - GB) MPS
Mathematical Programming Society, 1971(NL)
Micro-Publishing Systems (Microfilm Unlimit

Multiprogramming Periodic Tasking System

(Raytheon - US)
*MPS - Mikroprocessovnaja Sistema
MPSCL - Mathematical Programming System Control Language
MPSX - Mathematic Programming System Extended (IBM - US)
Mezinarodni Patentove Tfideni, cze, int
Microprogramming Technique
Medical Press Union
Microprocessor Unit
MPV - Marburger Periodika-Verzeichnis (Universitatsbibliothek Marburg- DE) MQAM - Message Queue Access Method MQS Multiprogramming Queued Tasking System
(Raytheon - US) MR
Machine Records,
Microform Review, 1972- (US)
MRA - Machine Readable Archives Division (Public Archives of Canada - CA)
MRAD - Mass Random Access Disc MRAP
Management Review and Analysis Program
(Toronto University Library - CA)
Management Review and Analysis Program,
1974- (ARL, Office of University Library Management Studies - US)
MRB - Microcircuit Reliability Bibliography. [Data base] (US Air Force, Rome Air
Development Center) MRC
Machine-Readable Character
Machine-Readable Code
Media Resources Centre (Inner London Educa
tion Authority - GB)
Medical Research Council, 1920-(GB)
Microcard Reader Corporation (US)
Machine-Readable Data
Machine-Readable Dictionary
Media Review Digest (Pierian Press - US); <MMRI
MRDF - Machine-Readable Data File (MARC) MRDFSYS - Machine Readable
Data File System
(Public Archives of Canada - CA) MRDOS - Mapped Real-time Disc Operating System

MRDS - MARC Records Distribution Service (C A) MRF - Microfilm Reference File

(ISDS) MRFVC - Michigan Regional Film/Video Consortium (US) MRG - Midwest
Regional Group (Medical Library
Association - US) MRIS
Machine-Readable Identification System
Maritime Research Information Service, 1969(Maritime Transportation Research Board US)
Market Research Information System (Bell US)
Medical Record Information Service (Uni
versity of Vermont, Dana Medical Library US)
Medical Research Information System (US Ve
teran Administration)
MRIS-India - Mineral Resources Information System for India (IN)
*MRIT - Moskovskij Redakcionno-Izdatel'skij Teh-nikum (SU)
MRK - Miedzynarodowy Rok Ksiazki, pol, 1972 (=IBY,e*g)
Machine Representational Language
Medical Record Librarian
Municipal Reference Library (Detroit Public
Midwestern Regional Library System (CA, On
Municipal Research Library Service (GB)
MRML - Midwest Regional Medical Library (US)
MRMS - MARC Record Management System
Machine-Readable Output
Media Resources Officer (Inner London Edu
cation Authority - GB)
Mathematics Resources Project ("NSF - US)
Microfiche (or: Microfilm) Reader/Printer
MRR - Microfilm Reader Recorder
MRRC - Minnesota Regional Research Centers
Multilingual Reference System
Municipal Reference Service (Madison, Dane

MRTL - Monthly Review of Technical Literature,

1935- (Railway Technical Centre - (GB) *MRTU - Mezotraslevye Tehniceskie
Uslovija MRWC - Multiple Reading and Writing with Computing
*MRi - Medicinskij Referativnyj turnal (SU) MS
Machine Selection
Matica Slovenska, sla (CS)
Matica Slovenska, slo (YU)
MS in LS - Master of Science in Library Science MS(LS) - Master of Science in
Library Science *MS - Matica Srpska, ser (YU) MSA - Management Science America
(US) *MSA - Mezdunarodnyj Sovet Arhivov, int (=ICA,
MSAM - Multi Sequential Access Method MSB - Mass Spectrometry Bulletin.
[Data base] (Royal Society of Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry Data Centre - GB)
*MSBO - Mezdunarodnyj Standart na Bibliograficeskoe Opisanie (=ISBD, eng) MSC
Management Studies Centre (GB)
Metropolitan Special Collection (AMCL-GB)
Microsystems Centre (GB)
[Mongolian Standards Committee] (MN)
MSCDR-Mohawk Synchronous Communication
Data Recorder (US)
MSCIC - Maryland State Colleges Information Center (US)
MSCS - Multiservice Communications Systems MSCT - Marine Science Contents
Tables (FAO) MSD - Molecular Structures and Dimensions. [Bibliographic
information], 1970- (Cambridge University, Cambridge Crystallographic Data
*MSD - Masninyj Slovar' Deskriptorov MSDB - Main Storage Data Base MSDC
Mass Spectometry Data Centre, 1966- (Royal
Society of Chemistry - US)
Molten Salts Data Center, 1965- (Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute - US)
*MSDS - Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Dannyh o Serijnyh Izdanijah, int (=ISDS, eng) MSF - Master Security File. [Data base] (Automatic
Data Processing Network Services - US) MSH
1. Magyar Szabvdnyugyi Hivatal.
StandardsCfice)(HU) .2. Maison des Sciences de 1'Homme (FR) MSI
Maxwell Scientific Information, Inc. (Pergamon Press - GB)
Metodologia jj Sociologia Informafiei (RO)
*MSI - Mezdunarodnyj Statisticeskij Institut, int
(=ISI, eng) MSINDEX - Marketing Surveys Index, 1983-

(MSI(UK)Ltd-GB) MSINS - Mie.dzynarodowy System Informacyjny

Nauk SpoJecznych,/w/, int (=*MISON, rus) MSINT - Mie/dzynarodowy System
Informacji Naukowej iTechnicznej,pof, int (=*MSNTI, rus) MSIOD - Mie.dzynarodowy System
Informacji o
Opublikowanych Dokumentach, pol, int 1973(=*MISOD,ms) MSIP - Mie.dzynarodowy System Informacji Patentowej, pol, int (=*MSPI, rus) MSIS
Mezinarodni Specializovany Informacni Sy
stem, cze, int (=*MSIS, rus)
Multistate Information System for Psychiatric
Patients, 1966- (US)
1. Mezdunarodna Specializivana Informacionnaj a
Sistema, bul, int (=*MSNTI, rus) 1. Mezdunarodnaja Specializirovannaja Informacionnaja Sistema, int (*MSNTI) *MSIS NIR - Mezdunarodnaja Specializirovannaja
Informacionnaj a Sistema po Naucno-Issledova-tel'skim Rabotam, int, 1973(*MSNTI -Moskva) (=*MSISNIR) *MSIS PK = 'MSISPK
MIS - Medzinarodny Specializovany Informacny System, sla, int (=*MSIS, rus)
MSISL - Moore School Information Systems Laboratory (University of Pennsylvania,
Moore School of Electrical Engineering - US) *MSISNIR = *MSIS NIR
MSISPK - Mezinarodnf Specializovany Informacni System pro Prumyslove Katalogy,
cze, int (=*MSISPK,rj)
*MSISPK - Mezdunarodnaja Specializirovannaja Informacionnaj a Sistema po
Promyslennym Katalo-gam, int, 1973- ('MSNTI - * Vsesojuznyj Centr In-formacii po
Apparature, Ustrojstvam i Oborudov-aniju, Moskva, SU)
MSISPK - Medzinarodny Specializovany Informacny System o Priemyselnych
Katalogach, int (=*MSISPK,rj)
MSIV - Mezinarodni System Informaci o Vynale-zach, cze, int
MSJ - Master of Science in Journalism
MsK - Mestska Kniznica, sla (CS)
MsKM - Mestska Kniznica pre Mladez, sla (CS) *MSKN - Mezdunarodnyj
Standartnyj Kodovyj
Machine Specification Language
Marine Sciences Libraries
Master of Science in Librarianship
MSLAVA - Manitoba School Library Audio-Visual Association, 1971- (CA);Manitoba Association of School Librarians
MSL'K - Mestska L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
MSLOUG - Medium-Sized Libraries/OCLC Users Group (US)

Master of Science in Library Science

Military Studies Library Service (GB)
*MSNS - Mezdunarodnyj SovetNaucnyhSojuzov, int
(=ICSU, eng) *MSNTI
Mezdunarodna Sistema za Naucna i Tehniceska
Informacija, bul, int (=*MSNTI, rus)
Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii, 1971- (*MCNTI) (=ISSTI, eng;
ISWTI, ger; MSINT, pol; 'MSNTI, bul;
MSVTI, cze, sla; NTMIR, hun; SICCT, spa;
SIIST, rum)
*MSNTICM - Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii po Cvetnoj
Metallurgii, int (*MSNTI)
*MSNTICM - Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Nauino-Tehniceskoj Informacii po Cernoj
Metallurgii, int (MSNTI)
*MSON - Mezdunarodnyj Sovet po Obscestvennym
Naukam, int (=ISSC, eng) MSOS
Mass Storage Operating System ("CDC - US)
Membership, Subscription and Order Services
Management System Programmers Ltd (GB)
Medium Speed Printer
MSPG - MARC System Production Group (US) MSPGA - Melbourne School of
Printing and Graphical Arts (AU) MSPI
Medzinarodny System Patentovych Informacii,
Mezinarodni System Patentovych Informaci,
cze, int(=*MSPl,rus)
*MSPI - Mezdunarodnaja Sistema Patentnoj Informacii, int, 1973- ('MSNTI 'CNIIPI, Moskva, SU)
MSPS - Multiphase Serial-Parallel-Serial Storage
MSR - Mechanized Storage and Retrieval *MSRPI - Mezdunarodnaja Sistema
Registracii Pe-riodiceskih Izdanij, int
MSS - Mass Storage System *MSS - Masinoscetnaja Stancija (SU)
MSSC - Mass Storage System Communication
MSSI - Mie,dzynarodowy Specjalistyczny System Informacyjny, pol, mr(*MCNTI)
(=*MSIS, rus)
MSSIS - Management and Social Services Information System (Wyoming Department
of Health and Social Services - US)
MSSS-Mass Spectral Search System, 1973-(UKCIS - GB/EPA - US)

MST - Moravskoslezske Tiskarny, cze (CS)

MSTC - Micrographic Systems Technology Corporation (US)
MSTG - Mass Storage Task Group (CODASYL -US)
MSTS - Multisubscriber Time Sharing System
MSU-CEL - Michigan State University, Continuing Education Library (US)
MSUS/PALS - Minnesota State University System Project for Automated Library
Systems (US)

Medzinarodny System Vedeckych a Technikkych Informacii, sla, int (='MSNTI, rus)

Mezinarodni System Vedeckych a Technickych
Informaci, cze, int (='MSNTI, rus)
MSVTICM - Mezinarodni System Vedeckych a Technickych Informaci pro Cernou
Metalurgii, cze, int (=*MSNTCM, rus)
MSZ- Magyar Szabvdny. [Hungarian Standard] (MSZH);<-MNOSZ
MSZ A - Muszaki-Gazdasdgi Informdcio: Nemzet-kozi Szervezetek. [Technical and
Economic Information: Papers of International Organization] (HU)
MSZH - Magyar Szabvanyiigyi Hivatal. [Hungarian Standards Office] (HU); <- MSZI
MSZI - Magyar Szabvanyugui Intezet. [Hungarian Standards Institute]; -> MSZH
MSzW - Ministerstwo Szkolnictwa Wyzszego, 1951-1966 (PL)
MSzWiN - Ministerstwo Szkolnictwa Wyzszego i Nauki, 1950-1951 (PL)
MSzWiO - Ministerstwo Szkolnictwa Wyzszego i Os-wiaty (PL)
Machine Translation
Magnetic Tape
MT/MF - Magnetic Tape to Microfilm
MT/SC - Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer, 1964-(IBM-US)
MT/ST - Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter (IBM-US)
MT TH - Minisztertanacs Tajekoztato Hivatala. [Council of Ministers Information
Bureau] (HU)
Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. [Hungarian
Academy of Sciences] (HU)
Multiple Terminal Access
MTAK - Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Konyvta-ra. [Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Library] (HU)
Magnetic Type Cassette
Micrographic Technology Corporation (US)
MTCS - Minimal Teleprocessing Communications

MTDATA - Inorganic and Metallurgical Thermodynamics Data (National Physical

Laboratory -GB)
MTESZ - Miiszaki es Termeszettudomanyi Egyesii-letek Szovetse'ge. [Union of
Scientific and Technical Associations] (HU)
Magyar Tavirati Iroda. [Hungarian Press Agen- i
cy] (HU)
Methode et Traitement de 1'Information. [Na
me of a firm] (BE)
Metodika a Technika Informaci, cze (CS)
MTK - Mie.dzynarodowe Targi Ksiazki, 1956- (PL)
*MTK - Mezdunarodnaja Terminologiceskaja Komissija, int MTLA - Micropublishers' Trade List Annual, 1975(Microfilm Review, Inc. - US) !
MTLB - Metropolitan Toronto Library Board, ?
1966-(CA) J
MTLT - MARC Tape to Local Tape (Birmingham I
Public Library-GB) *MTONTI - Mezotraslevye Territorial'nye Organy
Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) <'
MTR - Magnetic Tape Reader MTS
Michigan Terminal System (Michigan Universi- .'
Microfilm Terminal System
*MTSLH - Mezdunarodnyj Tezaurus po Sel'skomu i Lesnomu Hozjajstvu
MTSR - Magnetic Tape Selectric Recorder
MTSS - Magnetic Tape Storage System
MTT - Magyar Tudomanyos Tanacs. [Hungarian Science Council] (HU)
MTTE - Magnetic Tape Terminal Equipment
MTTI - Miiszaki Tudomanyos Tajekoztatasi Intezet. [Institute of Scientific and
Technical Information] (HU)
MTZ - Moravske Tiskafske Zavody, cze (CS) *MU - Magnitnyj Usilitel'
MUA - Monotype Users' Association (GB)
MUB - Miiszaki Ujdonsdgok: Bdnyaipar. [Technical News: Mining] (HU)
MUCIA - Midwest Universities Consortium for International Activities (US)
MUD AS - Multiprogramming Datenservice,GmbH
MUDG - MARC Users Discussion Group (ALA, ISAD - US)
MnDK - Miiszaki Dokumentacios Kozpont. [Technical Documentation Centre] (HU)
MUDPAC - Melbourne University Dual-Package Analog Computer (AU)
MUDPIE - Museum and University Data Program and Information Exchange, 1967(Smithsonian Institution-US)

MUE - Muszala Ujdonsdgok: Energiaipar. [Techni-'

cal News: Energetics] (HU)

Marc Users'Group (LA-GB)
Martive Users Group (US)
MUGLNC - Microcomputer Users Group for Libra-,
ries in North Carolina (US) MUCOUS - Manchester Users Group for On-i-int
Information S^ems (GB) ri'
MUIG - MinicowpMttr Users Interest dBWP
MULISA - Mangalore University Library and Information Science Association, 1985(IN) MULS - Minnesota Union List of Serials, 1972(University of Minnesota Library - US) MULTICS - Multiplexed Information and
Computing Service (General Electric - US) MULTILING - Multilingual Data
1976- (Centre Informatique et Bible - BE) MULTIPLE - Multipurpose Program that
(National Institutes of Health - US) MULTTTRAN - Multiple Translation System
MUM - Multi-Use Manuscript MUMPS - MGH Utility Multi-Programming System
(Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston - US) MUMS - Multiple Use MARC System,
1971- (LCUS) MUPID - Mehrzweck Universell Programmierbarer
Intelligenter Decorder (AT) MURL - Major Urban Resource Libraries (US) MURR Missouri University Research Reactor (US)
MUS - Multiprogramming Utility System (Regnecentralien - DK) MUSAT:SRA - Moisture Utilization in Semi-Arid
Tropics: Summer Rainfall Agriculture Project,
1974- (University of California, Riverside - US) MUSCADOC - [Music
Documentation in Canada]
(University de Montreal, Faculte de Musique CA)
MUSIC - McGill University for Interactive Computer (CA)
MUSICOL - Musical Instruction Composition Oriented Language (State University of
New York at Buffalo-US)
MUSIL - Multiprogramming Utility System Interpretive Language (Regnecentralen DK)
MUSS - Manchester University Software System (GB)
MUSTA - [Database serving agriculture in the se-miarid tropics]
MUSTARD - Museum and University Storage and Retrieval of Data (Smithsonian
Institute - US)
MUSTRAN - Music Translation. [Music data processing system] (Indiana University US)
MUT - Multiprogrammation avec un Nombre Variable delaches

MUV - Muszaki Ujdonsdgok: Vegyipar. [Technical

News: Chemical Industry] (HU) *MUVK - Mehanizirovannoe Ustrojstvo dlja Vyborocnogo Kopirovanija (SU)
MfiZ - Munsterisches Zeitschriftenverzeichnis (UB Munster-DE)
*MUZGIZ (Muzgiz) - Gosudarstvennoe Muzikal'noe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *Mnrizdat- MUZGIZ
MVCRC - Massachusetts Vocational Curriculum Resource Center (US)
MVDS - Modular Video Data System (Sperry Uni-vac-US)
MVIC - Mountain Valley Information Center, 1968-(Mountain Valley Library System US)
MVK - Mestska Verejna Kniznica, sla (CS) *MVK - Mnogomasumyj Vy&slitel'nyj
Kompleks MVL - Miami Valley Libraries (US, Ohio) MVLA - Mohawk Valley
Library Association (US) MVLS - Magic Valley Regional Library System
MVM - Multi-Volume Monographs MVP
Medzinarodna Vy^nena Publikacii, sla
Mezinarodni VymSna Publikacf, cze
Medzikniznicna Vjjpozicna Sluzby, sla
Meziknihovni Vypujcni Sluzba, cze
MVT - Multiprogramming with a Variable Number
of Tasks MVT CSR - Ministerstvo Vystavby a Techniky
CSR, cze (CS) MVT SSR - Ministerstvo Vystavby a Techniky SSR
MWA - Mystery Writers of America, 1945- (US) MWB - Mittlerer Dienst an
Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken
MWDI - Master Water Data Index (US Geological
Survey) MWRiOP - Ministerstwo Wyznari Religijnych i Oswiecenia Publicznego, 1918-1939 (PL) MWRLS - Midwestern Regional Library
System MWT - Ministerium fur Wissenschaft und Technik
MXR - Multiplexer
MYLS - Mid-York Library System (US) MZ - Methodisches Zentrum *MZ Mezdubibliotecno Zaemane, bid MZD - Mie.dzynarodowy Zwiazek Dziennikarzy,
pol, int (=IOJ, eng) MZK - Miinsterischer Zentralkatalog (UB MiinsterDE) MZOINTE - Midzyzakfadowy Osrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) *MZS - Mezdubibliotecna Zaemna
Sluzba, but *MZU - Magnitnoe Zapominajuscee Ustrojstvo MZV - Mannheimer
Zeitschriftenverzeichnis (UB Mannheim - DE)

National Archives, 1934-1949 (US); -* NARS
Noticias Argentines, 1973- (AR)
NAA - Nordic Archeological Abstracts, 1975- (Vi-borg Stiftmuseum - DK)
NAAA - Nordic Association of Advertising Agencies, int, 1952- (=NRF, swe)
Network of Alabama Academic Libraries (US)
Nigerian Association of Agricultural Librarians
NAALD - Nigerian Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists, 1976(Nigerian Libraries Association - NG);- NAAL
NAAN - National Advertising Agency Network (US)
NAAP - National Association of Advertising Publishers (US)
NAARS - National Automated Accounting Research Service (US)
Nederlands Archievenblad (NL)
News Agency of Burma, 1963-(BU)
Nordic Advisory Board for Energy Informa
tion, int, 1981- (DK)
NABD - Normenausschuss Bibliotheks- und Doku-mentationswesen, 1969- (DNA; ->
NABDC - National Association of Blueprint and Diazotype Coalers (US)
NABE - National Association of Book Editors
NABF - Norsk Antikvarbokhandlerforening (NO)
NABIN - North Alabama Biomedical Information Network (University of Alabama,
Huntsville Library-US)
NABJ - National Association of Black Journalists (US)
NABP - National Association of Book Publishers (US)
NABTS - North American Broadcast Teletext Standard (US)
National Archives Council (US)
National Audiovisual Center, 1969- (NARS US)
Network Advisory Committee (LC - US); <NAG
NACAC - National Ad Hoc Committee Against Censorship (US)
NACILA - National Council of Indian Library Associations (IN); - FILA
NACIO - National Association of County Information Officers (US)
NACIP - North American Collection Inventory Project (RLG-US)

National Credit Information Service. [Data ba

se on finance and business] (TRW Business Cre
dit Services Division - US)
North American Cartographic Information So
ciety, 1982- (US); <- CIS
NACL - National Advisory Committee on Libraries,
1966- (US) (=NACOL) NACLIS
National Advisory Commission on Libraries
and Information Science (US) (=NCLIS)
National Advisory Council for Library and In
formation Science (ZA)
NACLS - North Alabama Cooperative Library System (US)
*Nacmenizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Na-cional'nyh Men'Sinstv (SU)
NACO - Name Authority Cooperative Project, 1978-(LC-US)
NACOLADS - National Council on Libraries, Archives and Documentation Services (JM) NACOLIS = NCLIS
National Association of College Stores, 1923(US)
National Association of Computer Stores (US)
NACU - National Association of Colleges and Universities
NACUBO - National Association of College and University Business Officers (US)
NAD - Newspaper Archive Developments Ltd -1982(GB);->RP
NADAS - Nakladatel'stvf Dopravy a Spoju, cze (CS)
NADB - National Aerometric Data Bank, 1969-(EPA, Air Pollution Office - US)
NADC - Nepal Agricultural Documentation Centre (NP)
NADDIS - Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Information System (Department of
Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration - US)
NADI - Normenausschuss der Deutschen Industrie, 1917-(D);-*NDI
Nachrichtendienstliches Infortnationssystem
National Aerometric Data Information System
NADL - Newspaper Archive Developments Limited (GB)
NADSIR - National Documentation and Scientific Information Centre (ZM)
NADUC - NIMBUS/ATS Data Utilization Center, 1965-(NASA-US)
NADUG - North American Datamanager Users Group (US)
NAE - National Academy of Engineering, 1964-(US)
NAEA - Newspaper Advertising Executives Association

NAEB - National Association of Educational Broadcasters (US)

NAEC - NBA Adult Education Clearinghouse (National Education Association - US)
NAEIC - Nevada Applied Ecology Information Center (US)
NAEP - National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1964- (USOE, National Center
for Educational Statistics - US)
NAEST - National Archive for Electrical Science and Technology, 1973- (IEE - GB)
NAETMIR - Nemzetkozi Automatizalt Epite'sugvi Tudomanyos Muszaki Informatics
Rendszer. [International Automated System of Scientific and Technical Information in
Building Industry] (HU)
NAF - Network Access Facility
NAFC - National Anthropological Film Center (Smithsonian Institution - US)
NAFEN - NearaiHlFarEastNewsLtd, 1
NAFS - Name Authority File Service
NAG - Network Advisory Group, 1976- (LC, Network Development Office - US); ->
NAGARA - National Association of Government Archives and Records
Administration, 1985-(US);-e-NASARA
NAGC - National Association of Government Communicators (US); <- GIO
NAGRA (Nagra) - Normenausschuss fur das Gra-phische Gewerbe (DE); > (the
same initialism): Fachnormenausschuss Graphische Gewerbe
NAHRO - National Association of Housing and Development Officials Library (US)
NAHSL - North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries
NAIBM - Norske Sektion AIBM (NO)
NAICC - National Association of Independent Computer Companies (US)
NAID - Nurnberger Arbeitskreis fur Information und Dokumentation, 1980- (DE)
NAIPRC - Netherlands Automatic Information Processing Centre, 1958- (NL)
NAIS - National Aquaculture Information System (OASIS-US)
NAJ - National Association of Journalists (GB)
NAJD - National Association of Journalism Directors (US); ->JEA
NAK - NormenausschussKlassifikation(DIN-DE)
"National Agricultural Library, 1962- (US)
National Assembly Library, 1951- (KR)
New American Library. [Publisher] (US)
Newspaper in Australian Libraries. An Union
Norske Avisers Landsforbund (NO)
NALA-North Alabama Library Alliance, 1969(US)
NALC - National Association of Litho.Clubs (US) NALCON - Navy Laboratory
Computer Network

NALDOC - National Agricultural Library and Documentation Centre (BD) NALGO

(Nalgo) - National Association of Local
and Government Officers (GB) NALJS - Nordic Atomic Libraries Joint Secretariat,
int, 1970-NALL - Nigerian Association of Law Libraries
(NG) NALN - National Agricultural Libraries Network
NALNET - NASA Library Network (NASA - US) NALT - Nevada Association of
Library Trustees,
1959- (Nevada Library Association - US); ->
National, Academic and Medical Libraries
Committees (Library Association - GB)
Newspaper Association Managers
Network Access Machine ("NBS, Computer
Networking Section - US)
Network Access Method ("CDC-US)
NaHBMausschuss Maschinenbau (DE)
NAMDEl/- Name Index
NAMDI - National Marine Data Inventory (NODC -US)
NAME - Nashua Area Materials Exchange (US, New Hampshire)
NAMM - National Association of Music Merchants
NAMP - National Association of Magazine Publishers
NAN - News Agency of Nigeria, 1978- (NG)
National Advertising Newspaper Association
North American Newspapers Alliance (GB);
NANPE - National Association of Newspaper Purchasing Executives
NANTIS - Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Technical Information Service, 1962(GB)
National Association of Photolitographers
National Association of Publishers (US)
Nouvelle Agence de Presse (FR)
NAPA - National Amateur Press Association (US) NAPAC
National Program for Acquisitions and Catalo
NCR's Applied COBOL Packages (NCR - US)
NAPCAE - National Association for Public Conti
nuing and Adult Education (US); -> AAACE
NAPE - National Association for Primary Education (GB)
NAPIM - National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers (US)

NAPIS - National Alcoholism Program Information System (US)

National Air Photo Library (Directorate of To
pographical Surveys - CA)
National Association of Photo-Lithographers,
National Association of Printers and Lithogra
NAPLPS - North American Presentation Level Protocol Syntax. [Standard for videotex]
(ANSI -US/ Canadian Standards Association - CA)
NAPM - National Association of Papers Merchants (GB)
National Association of Printing Purchasers
Native American Publishing Program (Harper
and Row-US)
NAPRALERT - Natural Product Research Data (US)
NAPS - National Auxiliary Publications Service, 1968-(ASIS-US)
NAPSS - Numerical Analysis Problem Solving System (Purdue University, Division of
Mathematical Sciences - US)
NAPTIC - National Air Pollution Technical Information Center, 1965- (US Public
Health Service)
NAPTIS - National Air Pollution Technical Information Svstem
NAPWPT - National Association of Professional Word Processing Technicians (US)
NAQP - National Association of Quick Printers (US)
NAQPF - National Association of Quick Printers
Foundation (US) *NAR - Naucno-Analiticeskaja Rabota
NARA - North American Radio Archives Library (US)
NARAS - National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences (US)
NARDIC - Navy Research and Development Information Center (US)
NARDIS - Navy Automated Research and Development Information System (US); -
NAREM - National Register of Manuscripts (ZA)
NAREMCO - National Records Management Council (US)
National Agricultural Research Information
Centre, 1977- (Institute of Agricultural Rese
arch Statistics - IN)
National Rehabilitation Information Center,
1977- (Catholic University of America - US)
NARISCO - North American Rockwell Information Systems Company (US)
NARM - National Association of Recording Merchandisers

NARRD - National Association of Record Retailer Dealers

NARS - National Archives and Records Service, 1949- (General Services
Administration - US); < NA
"National Academy of Sciences, 1863- (US)
National Advanced Systems (US)
NAS/NRC (NAS-NRC) - National Academy of
Sciences/National Research Council, 1916- (US)
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1962- (US); <- National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NASA-RECON - NASA Remote Console (US)
NASAP - Network Analysis for Systems Application Program (NASA - US)
NASARA - National Association of State Archives and Records Administrators, 1974(US); NAGARA
NASCOM-NASA Worldwide Communications Network (US)
NASEMP - National Association of State Educational Media Professionals (US)
NASIC - Northeast Academic Science Information Center, 1973- (New England Board
of Higher Education - US)
NASIG - North American Serials Interest Group (US)
NASA Aerospace Safety Information System
National Association for State Information Systems, 1969- (Council of State Governments US)
Nevada Statewide Information System (US)
Northeast Academic Science Information Cen
ter, 1973- (New England Board of Higher Edu
cation - US)
National Association of State Libraries (US)
Nevada Association of School Librarians, 1972(Nevada Library Association - US)
NASM - National Association for School Magazines
(GB) NASMD - National Association of Sheet Music
Dealers (US)
NASMV - National Association on Standard Medical Vocabulary *NASNTI Nacionalna Avtomatizirana Sistema za
Naucna i Tehniceska Informacija, bul NASSL - National Association of Spanish
Librarians, 1971-(US) NASTA - National Association of State Textbook

Administrators (US); <- NASTBD NASTBD - National Association of State Textbook

Directors (US); -^ NASTA NASTRAN - NASA Structural Analysis Program
National Association of State Universities (US)
National Association of System/3 Users (IBM US)
NASVTI - Narodni Automatizovany System Vedek-kotechnickych Informaci, cze NASW - National Association of Science Writers,
1934- (US) NAT
Natural Unit of Information
New and Amended Titles Index (ISDS)
Normenausschuss Terminologie (DIN - DE)
Norsk Artikel Tjeneste. [Press Agency] (NO)
NATCENATHLIT - National Centre for Athletics
Literature (Birmingham University - GB)
NATFB - National Archives Trust Fund Board NAT! - Nigerian Association of
Translators and Interpreters (NG) NATIS - National Information Systems, 1974(Unesco) NATIST - National Translation Institute of Science
and Technology (JP) NATMIR - Nemzekozi Agazati Tudomanyos es
Muszaki Informatics Rendszerek (=*MOSNTI,
rus) Natprint - National Printing Machinery Exhibition
(GB) NATRON - National Cash Register Electronic Data
Processing Svstem (US) NATS - Nordisk Aviteknisk Samarbetsnaemnd, M<
1968-(Stockholm, SE) NATSOPA - National Society of Operatsp*Wltt**
and AssistantMGB); -* (the same iM
tional Society of Operative Printers,
Media Personnel, 1972NAUCA - National Association of Users of Computer Applications to Learning (US)
National Audio-Visual Association (GB)
Nigeria Audio-Visual Association (NG)
NAVAC - National Audio-Visual Aids Centre
NAVAL - National Audio-Visual Aids Library (NCAVAE - GB)
NAVC - National Audio Visual Center, 1970- (US)
Navea - National Vereiniging voor Auteursrechten, fie (BE)
NAVEX - National Audiovisual Aids Exhibition
NAVF - Norges Almenvitenskapelige Forsknings-rad (NO)
NAVIS - Navy Information Center (US Navy)
NAVLIS - Navy Logistics Information Sharing (Naval Ship Research and Development

NAVMEDIS - Navy Medical Information System (US)

NAVPUB - Navy Publications and Printing Service (US)
NAVSHIPS - Bureau of Ships Publications (US Navy)
NAVWUIS - Navy Work Unit Information Service (Naval Ship Research and
Development Center -US);<-NARDIS
NAWDEX - National Water Data Exchange (US Geological Survey, Water Resources
NAWND - National Association of Wholesale Newspaper Distributors (GB)
NAWPS - National Association of Word Processing Specialists (US)
NAZ - Neueste Ausldndische Zeitschriften. [Union catalog] (Deutsche Staatsbibliothek DD)
NB - Nationalbibliothek (AT) *NB
Narodna Biblioteka (BG)
Narodna Biblioteka, ?r(YU)
Naucnaja Biblioteka
National Book Awards, 1950-1979 (US); ->
National Braille Association, 1945- (US)
Net Book Agreement. [Book pricing] (GB)
Nya Bokforlags (SE)
NBAC - National Book Awards Committee (US) NBAR - Nasionale
Biblioteekadviesraad, afr (ZA) NBB - Nederlandse Boekverkopersbond, 1907(NL) NBC
National Bibliographical Centre (TW)
National Book Committee, 1954-1974 (US)
National Book Council, 1973- (AU)
National Book Council, 1924-1944 (GB); ->
Nederlands Bibliografisch Centrum (NL)
Notes Bibliographiques Caraibes, int 1977NBCC - National Book Critics Circle (US)
NBCK - Nefcrlandse Bond van Copierders en
Klein-Offsetdrukkers (NL)
NBCLS - North Bay Cooperative Library System (US, California)
NBCN - National Biomedical Communications Network (US)
NBCP - National Book Council of Pakistan, 1962-(PK)
NBD - Nederlandse Bibliotheekdienst, 1913-(NBLC-NL)
National Book Development Council (MY)

National Book Development Council, 1968(PH)

NBDCS - National Book Development Council of Singapore, 1969- (SG)
NBECN - New Brunswick Education Computer Network (CA)
NBERNET - National Bureau of Economic Research Network (US)
NBF - Norsk Bibliotekforening (NO) *NBKM - Narodna Biblioteka
National Book League, 1944- (GB); <- NBC
Norsk Bibliotekarlag, 1946- (NO)
NBLC - Nederlandse Bibliotheek- en Lectuurcentrum, 1972-(NL);<-CV
NBLTA - New Brunswick Library Trustee's Association (CA)
NBM - Non-Book Materials NBMCR - Non-Book Materials Cataloguing Rules
(LANCET-GB) *NBMVO SSSR - Naucnaja Biblioteka Ministerstva
Vyssego Obrazovanija SSSR (SU) NBN
1. Asocio por la Enkonduko de Nova Biologia Nomenklatura, esp, int; 1971- (BE)
(=AINBN, eng) 1. National Book Number
Norme Beige Nationale (BE)
*NBO - Naucno-Bibliograficeskij Otdel (SU) NBP
National Braille Press, 1927- (US)
National Business Publications (US); - ABP
NBPI - Newspaper Benevolent and Provident Insti
tution (GB)
NBR - Norske Bedrifsavisers Redakt0rklubb, 1954(NO) NBS
National Bibliographic Service (LC - US)
National Book Sale (GB)
"National Bureau of Standards (US)
Nationales Bibliothekssystem
New British Standard (GB)
Nordiska Bibliofilsallskapet, Int
NBS/OCI - NBS Office of Computer Information
(US)(NBS-US) NBS-SCC - NBS Standards Communication Center,
-1965 (NBS - US) -> NBS-SIS NBS-SIS-NBS Standards Information Services,
1965- (NBS - US); <- NBS-SCC NBSA - Nigerian Booksellers and Stationers Association (NG) NBSCCST - NBS Center for Computer Sciences and
Technology ("NBS-US) NBST - National Board for Science and Technology,
1978-(IE);*-NSC NBT
National Book Trust (IN)

Nomenclature des Bureaux Telegraphiques.

[Data base] (ITU, Secretariat General - Gene
ve, CH)
NBTI - National Bank Trust of India (IN)
NBTPA - National Book Trade Provident Association (GB)
NBTPI - National Book Trade Provident Institution (GB)
NBTPS - National Book Trade Provident Society (GB)
NBU - National Bibliographical Unit, 1962- (Ministry of Education, Department of
Libraries - PK) *NBVK - Narodna Biblioteka "Vasil Koralov" (BG)
NBW - National Book Week
Comite Estatal de Normalizaci6n (CU)
Newspaper Conference (GB)
NC/STRC - North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center (University of
North Carolina -US)
National Commission on Accrediting, 1949(US);->COPA
National Committee of Archivists, 1953- (IN)
National Congressional Analysis Corporation,
1972- (US)
Northwest Computing Association
Nuclear Science Abstracts, 1948- (AEC - US)
National Coalition Against Censorship (US)
National Conservation Advisory Council (US)
NCACME - National Center for Adult, Continuing
and Manpower Education (USOE - US) NCADE - National Centre for Automated
Data Exchange NCAI
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Informa
tion (National Institutes of Health - US)
National Committee on Atomic Information
NCAIR - National Center for Automated Information Retrieval (New York State
Board of Regents -US);<-LCELR
NCALI - National Clearinghouse for Alcohol Information, 1972- (Public Health
Service - US)
NCAM - Network Communication Access Method *NCAO - Nacional'nyj Centr
Avtomatizirovannogo Obmena Informacii

NCAT - National Center for Audiotape; <- NTR

NCATE - National Committee for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (US}
NCAV - Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovensk6 Akademie Ved,cze, 1953-(CS)
NCAVAE - National Committee for Audio-Visual Aids in Education, 1946- (GB)
NCB - Nordisk Copyright Bureau, int (K0benhavn, DK)
NCBA - Northern Carolina Booksellers Association (US)
NCBC - National Center for Biomedical Communications (US)
NCBD - National Council for Book Development (IN)
NCBE - National Clearinghouse for Bilingual Education (US)
NCBPA - Northern California Book Publicists' Association (US)
NCBPE - National Conference of Business Paper Editors (US)
NCBW - National Childrens' Book Week (GB)
National Climatic Center (NOAA, EDS - US);
National Computer Center (EPA - US)
National Computer Conference (AFIPS - US)
National Computing Centre, 1966- (GB)
National Cultural Center (Smithsonian Institu
Nederlandse Classificatie Commissie (Nobin NL)
Newspaper Comics Council
NCCAN - National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (US)
NCCAS - National Center of Communication Arts and Sciences, 1965- (US)
NCCBMI - National Consortium for Computer-Ba-sed Musical Instruction (US)
NCCJPA - National Clearinghouse for Criminal Justice Planning and Architecture,
1972- (University of Illinois-US)
NCCLS - Nevada Center for Cooperative Library Services, 1967- (Nevada State
Library - US)
NCCN - National Committee on Computer Networks
NCCOP-North Carolina Computer Orientation Project (US)
NCCPA - National Council of College Publications Advisers
NCCS - National College Catalog Service (US)
NCD - Nomenclature Codificada de Diagndsticos (Centro de Documentaci6n e
Informatica Medica-ES)
NCDAI - National Clearinghouse for Drug Abuse Information (Chevy Chase - US,
NCEC - National Center for Educational Communication, 1970-(USOE - US)
NCECS~North Carolina Educational Computing System (US)

NCECSPL-National Citizens' Emergent Ctth-mittee to SavioWPublic Libraries,

NCEEF - National Committee for EleetiWBnglneering Films NCEMMH - National Center on Educational Media
and Materials for the Handicapped, 1974- (Ohio
State University - US) NCERT - National Council for Educational Research and Training (IN) NCES - National Center for Educational Statistics,
National Center for Educational Technology
National Council for Educational Technology,
1967-1973 (GB);-^ GET
NCEW - National Conference of Editorial Writers
NCF - Nederlandsch Centraal Filmarchief (NL) NCFL - National Children's Film
Library (US) NCFVU - Nakladatelstvi Ceskeho Fondu Vytvarnych Umelcu, cze (CS) NCGA - National Computer Graphics Association
(US) NCHEMS - National Center for Higher Education
Management Systems (WICHE - US) NCHPTWA = NCPTWA NCI - National
Computing Industry (US) NCIC
National Career Information Center, 1972(American Personnel and Guidance Associa
tion - US)
National Cartographic Information Center,
1974- (US Geological Survey, Topographic Di
vision);* MIO
National Crime Information Center, 1965-(Federal Bureau of Investigation - US)
NCIP - National Collections Inventory Project,
1983-(ARL-US) NCIS - National Chemical Information System,
1966- (Information Management, Inc. - US) NCITD - National Committee for
International Trade Documentation (US) NCJAVM - National Council on Jewish Audio- Visual Material NCJRS - National Criminal Justice Reference Service, 1972- (Department of Justice, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice - US) NCKL - North Central Kansas Library
System (US) NCL
National Central Library, 1931-1973 (GB); CLS;-BLLD
Network Control Language
NCLA - North Carolina Library Association (US)

Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, 1981(Gale Research Co. - US)

North Country Library Cooperative (US, Min
NCLDS - National Council on Libraries, Archives
and Documentation Services (JM) NCLIS - National Commission on Libraries and
Information Science, 1970- (US) (=NACLIS;
National Clearinghouse for Legal Services,
1968-(Northwestern University, School of Law
North Country Library System (US)
NCME - Network for Continuing Medical Educa
tion, 1964- (US, New York)
NCMHI - National Clearinghouse for Mental
Health Information, 1962- (National Institutes of
Health, National Institute of Mental Health - US) NCMI - National Council of Music
NCMIE NCMIE - National Council of Music Importers and
Exporters;- NCMI NCMLG - Norther California Medical Library
Group (US) NCMS - National Classification Management Society(US) NCMUA - National Committee of Monotype Users'
Association (GB)
NCNA - New China News Agency, 1937- (CN) *NCNTI
Nacionalen Cent"r za Naucna i Tehniceskaja
Informacija (BG)
Nacional'nyj Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
*NCNTI-SHG - Nacionalen Cenf'r za Naucna i Tehniceska Informacija po Selsko
Stopanstvo, Hra-nitelna Promislenost i Gorsko Stopanstvo (BG)
NCOB - Nationaal Centrum voor Openbare Biblio-theken,/Ze(BE)
NCOLUG - North Carolina On-line Users Group (US)
NCOSTI - National Center of Scientific and Technological Information, 1971- (IL)
NCP - Nederlandsch Christelijk Persbureau (NL)
NCPAS - National Computer Programs Abstracts Service (US)
NCPI - National Computer Program Index (National Computing Centre - GB)
NCPTWA - National Clearinghouse for Periodical Title Word Abbreviations, 1966(ANSI - US) (=NCHPTWA)
National Cash Register Co. (US)

National Council for Research (SD)

Nippon Cataloguing Rules (JP)
NC3R - North Country Reference and Research Resources Council, 1965- (New York
State Educational Department - US) (=NCRRRC)
NCRD - National Council for Research and Development (IL); -> NRDA
NCRDS - National Coal Resources Data System (US Geological Survey)
Nevada College and Research Libraries, 1974(US);<-ASLS
North Carolina Regional Library (US)
NCRLC - National Committee on Regional Library
Co-operation, 1931-(GB)
NCRLS - North Central Regional Library System
(CA, Ontario) NCRRRC = NC3R
National Communications System (General
Services Administration - US)
National Crime Survey. [Data base] (DUALabs
Nederlandse Stichting voor Classificatie en andere Ontsluitingsmethoden (NL)
New Classification Society, 1964- (GB)
Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenske Akademie
' Ved, cze, 1953- (CS)
Nakladatel'stvo Ceskoslovenske Akademie
Vied, sla (CS)
NCSDCT - National Centre for Software Development and Computing Techniques,
1974- (IN)
NCSIR - National Council for Scientific Research, 1967-(ZM)(=NACSIR)
NCSLAA - National Catholic Student Library Assistants Association, 1959- (US)
NCSPAA - National Council of School Press and Advisers Association
National Council for Scientific Research (NZ)
National Council for Scientific Research, 1967(ZM) (=NACSIR)
National Conversational Software Systems,
Inc. (US)
National Council of Social Service (GB); >

National Centre for School Technology (GB)

National Committee on Science and Technolo
gy (IN)
Nigerian Council for Science and Technology
NCSTAS - National Council of Scientific and Technical Arts Societies
NCSTRC - North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center (US)
NCSVU - Nakladatelstvi Ceskoslovenskych Vytvar-nych UmSlcu, cze, 1955- (CS)
National Cable Television Association (US)
National Council for Technology Awards
NCTE/ERIC - ERIC Clearinghouse on the Teaching of English, 1967- (National
Council of Teachers of English - US); ^ ERIC/RCS
NCTFC - North Central Texas Film Cooperative. [Library network] (US)
NCTJ - National Council for Training of Journalists,
1952-(GB) *NCU - Neposredstvennoe Cifrovoe Upravlenie
NCUF - National Computer Users Forum (GB)
NCUGAE - National Computer User Group in Agricultural Education (GB)
NCVAE - National Committee for Visual Aids in
Education (GB) NCVO - National Council for Voluntary Organisations (GB); <- NCSS NCVU = NCSVU NCWTD - Nationaal Centrum voor
Wetenschappelijke en Technische Documentatie,/7e, 1964- (Koninklijke Bibliotheek - BE) (=CNDST, fre) *NCZ - Naucnyj Cital'nyj Zal ND - Norsk
Data (NO) *ND - Normativnaja Dokumentacija NDAB - Numerical Data Advisory
Board (NAS/
National Academy of Engineering/NRC - US) NDAP - Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwow
Paristwowych, 1951- (PL) NDB
Naczelna Dyrekcja Bibliotek, 1946-1951 (PL)
Nationale Diskoteek van Belgie, fie (BE)
Numerical Data Base, int (INPADOC)
NDBMS - Network Data Base Management System
1 . National Data Center (US)
National Data Communication
National Documentation Centre (NRC - SD)
Nippon Decimal Classification (JP)

Noyes Data Corporation (US)

*NDC - Nacional'nyj DokumentaFnyj Centr
NDEA - National Defense Education Act, 1958
(US) NDEX - Newspaper Index. [Data base] (Bell and
Howell - US)
NDG - Norsk Dokumentasjonsgruppe (NO) NDI - Normenausschuss der Deutschen
-1926 (D); - NADI; - DNA NDIC
National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse,
1978- (US)
Nuclear Data Information Center (ORNL US)
Nuclear Desalination Information Center,
1966-1972 (ORNL -US)
NDK - Nederlandse Documentalistenkring, 1947NDL
National Diet Library, 1948- (JP)
National Documents Library (GB)
Network Definition Language (Burroughs US)
Nyt Dansk Litteraturselskab (DK)
NDLA - North Dakota Library Association, 1906(US)
NDN - Nuclear Data Network (US) NDO - Network Development Office (LC - US)
NDOS - New Disc Operating System (Hitachi - JP) NDP
Neue Deutsche Presse (DD)
Nuclear Data Project (ORNL - US)
3 Vereiniging de Nederlandse DagWadpers,
1908- (NL),
NDPCAL - National Development Progwnfl "
Computer Assisted Learning
NDPF - NASA Data Processing Facility (US) NDPIC - Navy Department Program
Center (US)
NDPS - National Data Processing Service (GB) NDR - Nederlandse Document
Reproductie (NL) NDRC - Nutrient Data Research Center (US) NDS
Nationalverband Deutscher Schriftsteller (D)
Novinarsko Drustvo Slovenije, slo (YU)
Nuclear Data Section (IAEA, Vienna Interna
tional Centre - Wien, AT)
NDSIC - National Documentation and Scientific Information Centre, 1969- (NCSIR
- ZM)

NDTIAC - Non-Destructive Testing Information Analysis Center (US)

Nederlandse Dagblad Unie (NL)
Nordisk Dataunion, int, 1965- (K0benhavn,
Nuclear Data Unit, int, 1964- (IAEA)
NDUC - Nimbus Data Utilization Center (US)
NDULS - North Dakota Union List of Serials (US)
NDW - Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft, 1920-(D); 1949-1951 (DE);->DEG NDY - NorskaDeltidsbibliotekarers
Yrkeslag(NO) NDZ (Ndz) - Nachrichten Euro Deutscher Zeitungsverleger (D) NBA
National Editorial Association (US)
National Education Association, 1857-(US)
New England Archivists (US)
Newspaper Enterprise Association (US)
Nouvelles Editions Africaines. [A publishing]
Nuclear Energy Agency, int, 1972- (OECD); <ENEA
NEANDC - Nuclear Energy Agency, Nticlear Data
Committee, int NEAT - NCR Electronic Autocoding Technique
(National Cash Register Co. - US) NEBASE - Nebraska's OCLC Data Base (US)
NEBHE - New England Board of Higher Education
(US) NEBIC - New England Bibliographic Instruction
Collection (Simmons College Library - US) NEBULA - National Electronic
Business Users
NEC-National Educational Consultants, Inc., 1971-(US)
NECC - National Education Computer Center
NECCTA - National Educational Closed-Circuit Television Association (GB)
NECHI - Northeastern Consortium for Health Information (Lynn Hospital Health
Sciences Library, Boston-US)
1. New Editor. [Text processing) 3. New English Dictionary
NEDCC-New England Document Conservation Center (New England Library
Board - US); -> (the same inftw/wm): Northeast Document Conservation Center, 1973-NEDCOMP - Nederlandse Computer Maatschapij
(NL) NEDELA - Network Definition Language
NEDL - New England Deposit Library, 1942- (US) NEDLAN = NEDELA NEDO
- Nederlands Documentatiecentrum voor

Ontwikkelingslanden, 1974- (Koninklijk Instituut

voor de Tropen - NL) NEDS
National Emissions Data Systems (EPA, Air
Polution Office -US)
North East Data Systems, Inc. (US)
National Emergency Equipment Data System
(Environmental Canada - CA)
New England Educational Data System (Har
vard University - US)
Nikkei Economic Electronic Databank System,
1975- (Nikkei [=Nihon Keizai Shibunsha] - JP)
NEEDS-TS - Nikkei Economic Electronic Databank System - Time-Sharing
Service (JP)
NEELS - National Emergency Equipment Locator System. [Data base]
(Environmental Canada -CA)
NEEMA - New England Educational Media Association (US)
NEEMIS - New England Management Information System (US)
NEEP - New England Economic Project. [Data base](US)
*Nefteizdat - Gosudarstvennoe IzdateFstvo Litera-tury po Neftjanoj
Promyslennosti (SU)
National Endowment for the Humanities,
1965- (Learning Libraries Program - US)
Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool (NL)
NEHA - Het Nederlands Economisch-Historisch
NEI - Nordisk Energi Index. [Data base], int
NEIA - National Energy Information Administration (US)
NEIAL - Northeast Iowa Academic Libraries Association (US)
National Earthquake Information Center (En
vironmental Science Services Administration US)
National Energy Information Center (Federal
Energy Agency - US)
New England Information Center (US)
NEICA - National Energy Information Center Affi
liate (US)
NEIDA - Network of Educational Innovation for Development in Africa, 1978(Unesco, Regional Office for Education in Africa - Dakar, SN)

NEIDS - Northeastern Illinois Delivery Service (US)

NEILC - New England Interstate Library Compact (US)
NEINS - National Engineering Information Network System NEIS
National Egg Information Service (GB); -
National Energy Information System (Energy
Information Administration - US)
National Engineering Information System (US)
National Environmental Information Sympo
NEISA - Nueva Editorial Interamericana Sociedad Anonima
NEIULUS - Northeast Iowa Union List of Serials (US)
NEKB - Nordelbische Kirchenbibliothek (DE)
NEKL - Northeast Kansas Library System (US)
NEL - New English Library. [A publisher] (GB)
NELA-New England Library Association, 1939-(US)
NELB - New England Library Board, 1972- (US)
NELIAC - Naval Electronics Laboratory International Algebraic Computer
NELINET - New England Library Information Network, 1966- (New England Board
of Higher Education - US)
NELL - North East Lancashire Libraries, 1955-1974 (GB)
NELLIE - Nebraska Library Loan and Information Exchange (Nebraska Library
Commission - US)
NELSA - Northeast Library Service Area (US)
NELSON - New Editing and Layout System of Newspapers, 1966- (JP)
NEMA - Nebraska Educational Media Association (US)
NEMC-New England Municipal Center, 1971-(US)
NEMIC - New England Materials for Instruction Center, 1967- (Boston University
School of Education - US)
NEMIS - Network Management Information System (Southern Methodist
University - US)
NEMISYS - New Mexico Information System (New Mexico State Library - US)
*Nemizdat - Izdatel'stvo Nemeckih Knig (SU)
NEMPA - North-Eastern Master Printers' Alliance (GB)(US) (US) a
NEMRIP - New England Marine Resources Information Program, 1968- (University
of Rhode Island - US)
NEMROC - Newcastle Media Resources Organising Committee, 1972- (GB)
NEMSINET - National Emergency Medical Services Information Network (US)
NEN - Nederlands Norm (NNI - NL) NENON-New England On-Line Users
1977- (US) NEOMAL - Northeastern Ohio Major Academic
Libraries (US) NEPBC - Northeastern Pennsylvania Bibliographic

Center, 1956-(US) NEPHIS - Nested Phrase Indexing System, 1976(University of Western Ontario, School of Library and Information Science - CA)
NEPP - NORDDOKs Ekspertudvalg for Paedago-gisk og Psykologisk Information
og Dokumenta-tion,rfun, int
NERAC - New England Research Application Center, 1966- (Connecticut
University - US)
NERAIC - North European Region Air Information Center
NERC - Raja Rammohun Roy National Educational Resources Centre, 1972- (IN)
NERCOMP - New England Regional Computing Program, 1971- (US)
NERDAS - NASA Earth Resources Data Annotation System (US)
NERIS - National Energy Referral and Information System (Environmental
Information Center - US)
NERL - Northeast Regional Library (CA)
NERLS - Northeastern Regional Library System (CA, Ontario)
NERMLS - New England Regional Medical Library
Service (US)
*NERPA - Nemecko-Russkij Perevod Avtomatices-kij('VCP-SU)
NESC - National Energy Software Center (Argonne National Laboratory - US)
NESDIS - National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NOAA
- US)
NESEIMC - New England Special Educational Instructional Materials Center
(Boston University -US)
NESFA - New England Science Fiction Association (US)
NESLA - New England School Libraries Association (US)
NESLS - North East of Scotland Library Service (GB)
NESPA - New England Small Press Association (US)
National Environmental Satellite Service
New England Serials Service. 1976- (New Eng
land Library Board - US)
NET - National Educational Television (US)
NET-ID - ARPANET - Identification System (ARPANET Network Information
Center - US)
NETANAL - Network Analysis
NETIS - Nippon Electric Technical Information System (JP)
NETLS - Northeast Texas Library System (US)
NETRC - National Educational Television and Radio Center (US)
NETSET - Network Synthesis and Evaluation Technique
NETWORK - North East Libraries Network. 1977-(Newcastle upon Tyne Central
Library - GB)
NEUCAT-Nebraska Union Catalog (US) - -

NEUCC - Northern Europe Univen>ity1{*fW**er Centre, wr(K0bcnhavn-DK)

>*. A
NEUDATA - Neutron Data under, (Jjj"* ^5B*Bl302
(US);^AAL NIALSA - Northwest Indiana Area Library Services
Authority, 1975- (US) NIAM
Nederlands Instituut voor Audio Visuele Middelen(NL)
Nijssens Information Analysic Method (NL)
National Information Bureau, 1918- (US)
Nieuwe Internationale Bibliotheek (NL)
Normeninformationsbank (DIN - DE)
*NIB - Naucno-Issledovatel'skoe Bjuro (SU)
NIBI - Nederlands Instituut voor Bibliotheekswezen
en Informatieverzorging (NL) NIBIN - Nederlands Instituut voor Beleidinformatie
(NL) *NIBIN - Naucno-Issledovatel'skoe Bjuro Tehniceskih Normativov (SU) NIBJL - National Information Bureau for Jewish
int (OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency) (=NEUDDA)
NEWDOC-New Delhi Cooperative Cataloging (IN)
NEWIL - Northeast Wisconsin Intertype Libraries, 1967-(US)
NEWRIT - Northeast Water Resources Information Terminal (Cornell University,
Water Resources and Marine Sciences Center - US)
NEWSCOMP - Newspaper Composition
NEWSEARCH - [Data base] (Information Access Corp. - US)
NEWSTEC - Newspaper Society Technical Conference and Exhibition
NEWSTEX - [Public access news information system] (Canadian Press - CA)
NEXIS - [Full-text data base of popular and technical journal materials] (Mead Data
Control - US)
NEXUS - Network Exchange of Urban Services (Philadelphia Model Cities
Community Information Center - US)
NFA - National Film Archive, 1935- (British Film Institute - GB)
NFAA - National Federation of Advertising Agencies; > IF AA
NFAIS - National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services, 1972- (US); NFSAIS
NFAM - Network File Access Method

National Film Board (CA) (=NFBC; ONF,
Nordisk Forskningsbiblioteken, irit
Nordiska Fortsattningsskolan for Bibliotekarier,int
NFBC - National Film Board of Canada (CA) (=NFB;ONF;ONFC,/re)
NFBS - Nordiska Forskningsbibliotekens Samarbe-tskommitte, int, 1973NFDS - National Fire Data System (Department of Commerce, National Fire
Prevention and Control Administration - US)
NFE A - Newspaper Farm Editors' Association (US)
NFER - National Foundation for Educational Research (GB)
NFF-Norske Forskningsbibliotekarers Forening, 1948-(NO)(=NFBF)
NFFL - National Freedom Fund for Librarians, -1971 (US)
NFHEA - National Farm Home Editors' Association (US)
NFHS - Newcastle File-Handling System (Newcastle upon Tyne University Library GB)
National Film Library
National Free Library (RH)
grammers (US) NFMPS - National Federation of Master Printers of
Scotland (GB)
NFPS - Norther Free Press Syndicate NFPW - National Federation of Press Women
(US) NFR - Nordiske Folkebibliotekarers Rid, int NFRN - National Federation of
Retail Newsagents,
Booksellers and Stationers (GB) NFS
Network File Structure (RLIN - US)
Non-Fiction Society (GB)
NFSAIS - National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services, 19581972 (American Association for the Advancement of Science - US); -> NFAIS
NFSI - National Foundation for Science and Industry (US)
NFSS - [Scandinavian Committee for Research Libraries Co-operation], int, 19721976; - NORDINFO
NFT - Networks File Transfer
NFWO - Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek,/Ze (BE) (=FRFC,/re)
NGA - National Graphical Association (GB)
NGB - Nederlandse Grafische Bond (NL)
NGDC - National Geophysical Data Center, 1965-(EDS - US) ;- NGSDC
NGDR - Nederlands Genootschap voor Documen-treproductie, 1946-1976 (NL);

NGE - Nigerian Guild of Editors (NG)

NGIS - Next Generation Information System
NGMR - Nederlands Genootschap voor Microgra-fie en Reprografie, 1976- (NL); <NGDR
NGO/DPI - Executive Committee of Non-Government Organizations Associated with
the United Nations Division of Public Information (New York, US)
NGO's - Non-governmental Organizations
NGSDC - National Geophysical and Solar-Terre-stial Data Center, 1972- (NOAA-US)
NGSIC - National Geodetic Survey Information Center (US)
NGSIS - National Geodetic Survey Information Center (NOAA-US)
National Graphical Union
Nordisk Grafiksunion, swe, int
NGV - Nederlands Genootschap van Vertalers 1956-(NL)
NGW - Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wirtschaft (DE)
NHCUC - New Hampshire College and University Council (US)
NHD - Neues Hamburger Datenformat (DE)
NHELP - New Hitachi Effective Library for Programming (Hitachi - JP)
stem, 1967- (National Museum of Natural History
-US) NHL A - New Hampshire Library Association,
1889- (US)
NHLC - New Hampshire Library Council (US) NHLDC - National Health Library and
Documentation Centre (BD)
NHN - Narodni Hudebni Nakladatelstvi, cze (CS) NHPC - National Historical
Publications Commission, 1934- (US); - NHPRC NHPIC - National Health Planning Information
Center, 1974- (US) NHPRC - National Historical Publications and Records Commission (US); < NHPC NHRU - National Home Reading Union NHS [Ministry of Industry, Department for Standardization] (GR)
NHSL - New Hampshire State Library (US) *NHTI - Naucnoe Himiko-Tehniceskoe
(SU) NHVB - Nationaal Houtvoorlichtingsbureau, fle
NHZV - Neues Heidelberger Zeitschriftenverzeich-nis(UB Heidelberg -DE)
Normenausschuss Informationsverarbeitung

Numerical Index
Naucnaja Informacija
Izdatel'stvo "Nauka i Iskusstvo" (SU)
NIA - Newspaper Institute of America (US)
NASA Industrial Application Center (US)
Nutritional Information and Analysis Center,
NIAE - National Institute of Adult Education
(GB) NIAG - Nederlands Administrative Data Processing
Group (NL) NIAL - National Institute of Arts and Letters, -1976
National Informatics Centre (IN)
Neighborhood Information Center, 1972- (At
lanta/Cleveland/Detroit/Houston/Queens Bo
Network Information Center (ARPANET US)
Newspaper Indexing Center, 1969- (Norman
Lathrop Enterprises - US)
Newsprint Information Committee (US)
Nineteen-hundred Indexing and Cataloguing
(International Computers and Tabulators GB)
Stichting Nederlandse Informatie Combinatie,
*NIC - Normativno-Issledovatel'skaja Stancija (SU) NICA - Non-Interactive
Computer Applications NICCP - National Institute for Conservation of Cultural
Property (US)
NICDAP - National Information Centre for Drugs and Pharmaceutical (Central Drug
Research Institute - IN) NICE
National Information Conference and Exposi
tion, 1977- (Associated Information Managers
Nomenclature des Industries Etabliee dans les
Communautes Europeennes, int
NICEE - National Information Centre for Environmental Engineering (IN)
NICEM - National Information Center for Educational Media, 1966- (University of
Southern California-US)
NICET - Northern Ireland Committee for Educational Technology (GB) *NICEVT Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Centr Elek-

tronno-Vycislitel'noj Tehniki (SU) NICFOS - National Information Centre for Food

Science and Technology (Central Food Technological Research Institute - IN) NICFS National Information Centre for Fishery
Science (IN)
NICH - National Information Center for the Handicapped
NICHEM - National Information Centre for Chemistry and Chemical Technology (IN)
NICL - National Information Centre for Leather
NICLAI - National Information Centre in Leather and Allied Industries (Central
Leather Research Institute-IN) *NICMP - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Centr Masinnogo Perevoda (SU)
NICOC - Nursing Information Consortium of Orange County, 1977- (US, California)
New Integrated Computer Language
Nineteen-hundred Indexing Commercial
Language (International Computer taA Tabu
lators -GB) 4l NICOP - Northwest Interlibrary Coflpert*** v of
Pennsylvania (US)
N1COV - National Information Center on Voluntee-rism
NICRAD - Navy/Industry Cooperative Research and Development Program (US)
NICS - Northern Inter-Library Cooperation Scheme (AU, New South Wales)
NICSEM - National Information Center for Special Education Materials, 1977(University of Southern California - US); <- NIMIS
NICSO - NATO Integrated Communications System Organization, 1971- (Bruxelles,
N1CSSE - National Information Centre for Social
Science Education (AU) *NID - Naucno-Informacionnaja Dejatel'nost
NIDC - National Information and Documentation Centre (LS)
NIDER - Nederlands Instituut voor Documentatie en Registratuur, 1921-1966 (NL);
->(the sameini-tialism): Ned. Inst. voorlnformatie, Documentatie en Registratuur,
1967-1971; -> (divided into): NOBIN and Octrooiinformatiedienst
NIDOC - National Information and Documentation Centre, 1955-(EG)
ME - National Institutes of Education, 1972-(HEW -US)
Network Information File (Burroughs - US)
Newsletter on Intellectual Freedom (ALA, IFC
Nordiska Institute! for Fargforskning, int (DK)

Nuclear Information File

NIHSLC - Northeastern Indiana Health Science Library Consortium (US)
*NII - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut (SU)
*NIIAvtoprom = *NIINAvtoprom NIIC - National Injury Information
Clearinghouse (US)
*NIID - Nacional'nyj Institut Informacii i Dokumen-tacii
*NHEinformenergomas - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Ekonomiki, Organizacii
Proizvodstva i Tehniko-Ekonomiceskoj Informacii v Energeti-ceskom Masinostroenii,
1975-(Ministerstvo Ener-geticeskogo Masinostroenija - SU)
*NIIEIR - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Ekonomiki i Informacii po
Radioelektronike (SU) (= *NIIER)
*NIIInformstrojdorkornmunnias - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Informacii po
Stroitel'nomu, Do-roznomuiKommunal'nomuMasinostroeniju(SU)
*NIIINFORMTJAMAS (*NIIInformtjazmas) -Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut
Informacii po Tjazelomu, Energeticeskomu i Transportnomu Masmostroeniju, 1964(SU)
*NIIK - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Knigovede-nija, 1920-1933 (SU)
*NIIMA$ (*NIIma5) - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Informacii po Masinostroeniju,
1964 (SU)
*NIIN - Naticno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Infnrmarii
*NIINavtoprom - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Informacii Avtomobil'noj
Promyslennosti, 1964-(SU)(=*NIIAvtoprom) *NIINTI - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij
Institut NaucnoTehniceskoj Informacii (SU) NIIO - New International Information Order
(=NWICO; NWIO) *NIIP - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligrafii
(SU) *NIIPG - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Prikladnoj Grafiki (SU) *NIIPIT - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligraficeskoj i Izdatel'skoj Tehniki (SU) *NIIPM - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligraficeskogo Masinostroenija (SU) (=*NIIPoligraf-mas)
*NIIPoligrafmas = *NIIPM NUT - National Institute of Instructional Technology
*NIITEHim - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Informacii i Tehniko- Ekonomiceskih
Issledovanij Himiceskoj Promyslennosti, 1959-(SU) *NIITEIR - Central'nyj NaucnoIssledovatel'skij Institut Tehniko- Ekonomiteskih Issledovanij i Nauc-no-Tehniceskoj
Informacii po Radioelektronike (SU)
*NIKBIIB - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Kabinet Bi-bliograficeskogo Istocnikovedenija i
Istorii Biblio-grafii (SU)
NILRC - Northern Illinois Learning Resources Cooperative (US)
NILS - Northern Illinois Library System (US) NIM

NaukowaInformacjaMedyczna, 1971-(GBLPL)
Newspapers in Microform, 1973- (LC - US)
NIM : FC - Newspapers in Microform: Foreign
Countries (LC- US)
NIM : US - Newspapers in Microform: United States (LC - US)
NIMD - National Institute of Management and Development (EG)
NIMDOK - Nehezipari Miniszteriun Muszaki Do-kumentacios es Fordito Iroda.
[Ministry of Heavy Industrie, Bureau of Technical Documentation and Translations],
1961- (HU)
NIMEKK - Nehezipari Muszaki Egytem Kozponti Konyvtara, Miskolc. [Technical
University of Heavy Industry, Central Library] (HU) (=NMEKK)
NIMFILM - Nehezipari Miniszterium Muszaki Filmszolgalata. [Ministry of Heavy
Industry, Technical Film Service] (HU)
NIMIS - National Instructional Materials Information System (NICSEM - US)
NIMKvt - Nehezipari Miniszterium Muszaki Konyvtara [Ministry of Heavy Industry
NIMMS - Nineteen Hundred [Computer] Integrated Modular Management System
Data-base (Medical Research Council Library -GB)
2, Nineteen-hundred [Computer] Management and Recovery of Documentation
(International Computers Ltd - GB) NIMS - Nevada Information Management System
NIMSCO - NODC Index for Instrument-Measured Subsurface Current Observations.
[Data base] (National Oceanographic Data Center - US) NIN
Name Index Number (MERLIN-GB)
National Information Network (ASTIA - US)
National Innovation Network (US)
NINDS - Neurological Information Network of the
National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke, 1964-(US) NINES - Norfolk
Information Exchange Scheme,
1970- (Norwich Divisional Library - GB) *NIO
Nacionalen Informacionen Organ, bul
Nacional'nyj Informacionnyj Organ
Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Otdel
*NIOKR - Naucno-Issledovatel'skie i Opytno-Konstruktorskie Raboty *NIOMA - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Otdel Mehanizacii i Avtomatfeacii (SU) *NIOP - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Otdel Patentov
(SU) *NIOS - Naucno-IssledovatePskij Otdel Standartizacii (SU) NIOSHTIC - NIOSH Technical Information Center
(National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Health-US) NIP
National Information Policy (GB)
National Inventory Program, 1972- (National
Museums of Canada - CA); -> CHIN
Novinarsko Izdavacko Preduzece, cro (YU)
Vereiniging de Nederlandsche Illustratiepapers
NIPD - Not in the Public Domain. [Copyright concerned]
NIPDOK - Nippon DokumentSsyon Kyokai. [Documentation Society of Japan], 1950(JP)
NIPO - Nederlands Instituut voor Publieke Opinie Onderzoek (NL)
NIPP - Non-Inpact Printing Project (US Army)
National Information Processing System
Nippon Information Processing System (JP)
NMCS Information Processing System (Natio
nal Military Command System - US)
Northern Ireland Press Syndicate (GB)
*NIR - Naucno-Issledovatel'skie Raboty
NIRA - Nuclear Information Research Associate (Photonuclear Data Center - US)
NIRC - National Information Retrieval Colloquium, 1964- (US) (=ANIRC)
NIRI - National Information Research Institute
NIRLS - Northwest Iowa Regional Library System
NIRS - Nuclear Information and Resource Service NIS
National Information Service, int (CEC)
National Information System
National Institute for Standards (EG)
Neighbourhood Information Service
Network Information Services
Network Information System
Noise Information System (US)
Norges Industrieforbunds Standardiseringskomite (NO)
*NIS - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Sektor
NISAN - New Interactive Statistical Analysis, 1972-(JP)
NISARC - National Information Storage and Retrieval Centers (US)
NISC - National Information System for Chemistry
NISEE - National Information Service in Earthquake Engineering, 1971- (University
of California Berkeley/California Institute of Technology - US)
NISG - Nursing Interest Sub-Group (Library Association, Medical Health and Welfare
Libraries Group-GB)

NISH - National Information Sources on the Handicapped (BRS - US)

NISIMS - National Information System in the Mathematical Sciences, 1970-fNSFUS)
NISLO - National Information System of Laboratory Organisms (JP)
NISM - National Information System for Mathematics
NISO - National Information Standards Organization (Z39), 1984- (ANSI - US);ANSI/Z39
National Information System for Physics (US)
National Information System for Psychology,
1968- (American Psychological Association US)
NISPA - National Information System for Physics and Astronomy, 1970- (AIP - US);
NISPTF - National Information System's Task Force (Society of American Archivists US)
NISSAT - National Information System for Science and Technology (INSDOC - IN)
National Information System for Science and
Technology (JP)
National Institute of Science and Technology
NISTF - National Information Systems Task Force, 1977- (Society of American
Archivists - US)
NISTI - North Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (CN)
NISz - Nemzctkozi Informacios Szolgalat, turn (International Information Service)
NITCCU - Ndf&ern Information Technbtogy^*tre Consultancy Unit (GB) /NITCs - National Information Tratfllfr* "Centres
Mil - National Institute of Technical Information
(IN) *NITO - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Tehniceskij Otdel
*NITU - Normy i Tehniceskie Uslovija NIU - National Information Unit, int (CEC)
*NIU - Naucno-Issledovatel'skoe Ucrezdenie NIVE - Nederlands Instituut voor
Efficiency, 1925(NL) NIWF - National Instituut voor de Wetenschappelijke Film, fie (BE) (=INCS,/) NIZ - Nationales Informationszentrum (CH) NJ - Norsk
Journalistlag, 1946- (NO) NJA - Nytt Juridiskt Arkiv NJCC - National Joint Computer
Committee, 1951(US)

NJCL - Network Job Control Language NJF - Nordiska Journalistforbundet, swe, int,
1946-NJFR - National Joint Fiction Reserve, 1962- (GB) NJIS
National Jewish Information Service
Norfolk Juvenile Information System (Norfolk
Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court - US,
NJK - Nederlandsche Journalistenkring (NL) NJL - Norsk Journalistlag (NO) NJA New Jersey Library Association (US) NJLTA - New Jersey Library Trustee
(US) NJSZT - Neumann Janos Szamitogeptudomanyi
Tarsasag. [J. Neumann Society for Computing
Technique] (HU) NJUS - Netherlands Jurisprudence. [Data base]
(Koninklijke Vermande B. V. - NL) NJV - Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten
Instytut Wydawniczy "Nasza Ksie.garnia" (PL)
Narodna Knjiznica, slo (YU)
Narodni Knihovna, cze (CS)
NK-MEDIA - Nikkan Kogyo Multiple and Effecti
ve Data Base of Industrial Area, 1984- (Nikkan
Kogyo Shinbun-sha - JP)
NKC - Narodne Koordinacne Centrum SSR pre Vy-stavbu, Technicke Zariadenie a
Modernizaciu Kniz-nic Jednotej Siistavy, sla, 1971- (UEK Bratislava -CS)
NKG - Nederlands Rekenmachine Genootschap (NL)
NKJK - Nederlandse Katholieke Journalistenkring (NL)
NKJV - Nederlandse Katholiek Journalisten Ver-bond (NL)
NKK - Nepkonyvtari Kozpont. [Public Libraries
Centre] (HU)
NKP - Narodowa Klasyfikacja Patentowa (PL) *NKS - NauCno-Koordinacionnoe
Sovescanie *NKU - Nemanipuljativnyj Koordinatnyj UkazateP NL
1. National Library
NL/I - New Language I (IBM - US) NL/1 - Non-programmer Language 1 NL/NL Newsletter on Newsletters (Newsletter Clearinghouse - US) NLA
Naringslivet Arkivrad (SE)
National Librarians Association, 1975- (US)
National Libraries Authority (GB)
"National Library of Australia, 1960- (AU); <CNL
Nebraska Library Association, 1895- (US)
Nevada Library Association, 1946- (US)
Newfoundland Library Association, 1969(CA)

Nigerian Library Association, 1962- (NG); <WALA

NLAB - National Library Advisory Board (CA) NLAC - National Library Advisory
Council, 1967(ZA) NLAQ - Nebraska Library Association Quarterly,
1970- (US) NLB
National Library for the Blind, 1882- (GB)
Niedersachsische Landesbibliothek (DE)
NLBR - National Level Bibliographic Record (US)
National Libraries Committee (GB)
National Library Centre, 1946- (NZ)
"National Library of Canada, 1953- (CA)
Northern Libraries Colloquy, int, 1971Northland Library System
NLD - Nakladatelstvf Lidove Demokracie, cze, 1953- (CS)
NLDA - National Library Development Act (SD)
NLDB - Natural Language Data Base (DDC - US)
NLDC - National Legal Data Center
NLDC-SEA - National Libraries and Documentation Centres of the Southeast Asia,
int, 1978-(=NLDCSEA)
NLDRV - National Library of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (VD)
NLDS - National Library and Documentation Service (RH)
NLEMA - National Lutheran Editors and Managers Association
Norske Litotrykkeriers Forening (NO)
Nouvelle Librairie de France (FR)
NLI - National Library of Ireland, 1877- (IE)
NLISN - National Library and Information Service
Network (US) NLL - National Lending Library, -1973 (GB); *NLLIST; -H> BLLD NLL cards - National Lucht- en Ruimtevaart Laboratoriums cards (NL) NLLNZ - National Lending Library of New Zealand
(NZ) NLLST - National Lending Library for Science and
NLLU - National Lending Library Unit (GB) NLM - National Library of Medicine
1956- (US); <AFML NLN
National Library Network (US)
National Library of Nigeria, 1974- (NG)
Navy Library Network

Northwest Missouri Library Network (US)

NLNZ - National Library of New Zealand, 1966(NZ) NLOA - New Literature on Automation, 1960(NOVI Publicatie Centrum-NL) NLOS - Natural Language Operating System NLP
National Library, Peking (CN)
Natural Language Processing
NLR - Newsletter on Library Research, 1972- (University of Illinois, Graduate School
of Library Science-US)
NLRLIS - National Library Resources Library and Information System
Nassau Library System (US)
National Library of Scotland, 1925- (GB); -
National Library Service, 1945- (NZ)
National Library Services for the Blind and
Physically Handicapped, 1978- (US) (=NLS/
OnLineSystem (Stanford Research Institute US)
On-Line Text System
NLSB - National Library Service Board, 1967- (Ministry of Housing and Social
Services - KE)
NLSCC - National Library of Scotland Cooperative Committee (GB)
NLSI - National Library of Science and Invention, 1967-(GB)
NLSLS - National Library of Scotland Lending Services, 1974- (GB); <- (formed by the
merger of): NLSanrfSCL
NLTF - National Libraries Task Force (LC/NAU NLM-US)
NLVF - Norges Landbruksvitenskapelige Fors-kingsrad (NO)
National Library of Wales, 1907- (GB)
National Library Week, 1966- (GB)
National Library Week, 1958- (US)
New Library World, 1971- (GB); <- Library
World, 1898-1971
National Management Association
National Microfilm Association, 1943- (US); -
(the same initialism): Nat. Micrographics Asso
ciation, 1975-1983; - AIIM
NMAA - National Machine Accountants Association, 1951-(US); - DPMA

_ NTarirmal MpHirql Audiovisual Center.

1968- (NLM - US);- Public Health Service Audiovisual Facility, 1963-1967 NMAUS
- Newsprint Manufacturers'Association of
the United States (US) *NMB
Nakopitel' na Magnitnoj Barabane
Naucnaja Medicinskaja Biblioteka (SU)
NMBLA - North Midland Branch of the Library As
sociation (GB)
NAVA Materials Council (National Audio-Vi
sual Association - US)
Network Management Center
*NMD - Nakopitel' na Magnitnyh Diskah
NMDU - Newspaper and Mail Deliverers' Union of New York and Vicinity (US)
NME - Normativ Milszaki EWirasok, him [Technological Standard Regulations]
NMHC - National Materials Handling Centre (Cranfield Institute of Technology GB)
NMI - Northwest Microfilm, Inc., 1971- (US)
NMIS - Nuclear Materials Information System
NML - National Medical Library (IN) *NML - Nakopitel' na Magnitnoj Lente
NML A-New Mexico Library Association, 1924(US) *NMO - Naucno-Metodiceskij Otdel
NMPA - National Music Publishers' Association (US)
NMP ATA - National Music Printers and Allied Trades Association (US)
NMPC - National Maintenance Publications Center (US Army)
NMPP - Nouvelles Messageries de la Presse Pari-sienne (FR)
NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Literature Retrieval System (National Institute of
Arthritis, Metabolism and Digestive Diseases/Preston Technical Abstracts, Co.-US)
*NMR - Naucno-Metodiceskaja Rabota
NMRAS - Nuclear Material Report and Analysis
System (ERD A-US)
NMRI - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Index (Preston Technical Abstracts Co. - US)
NMRLIT - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Literature. [Data base] (NIH/EPA Chemical
Information System-US)
NMS - National Master Specification. [Data base on construction standards] (US)
*NMS - Naucno-Metodiceskij Sovet NMU-Nordisk Musikforleggerunion, int,
1949(Kobenhavn, DK) NNA
National News Agency, 1962-(LB)

National Newspaper Association (US)

NNC - National News Council, 1973- (US)
NNCL - News Notes of California Libraries,
NNCSDC-National Neutron Cross Center, 1951-<AfiC,
ratory - US)
NNDC - National Nuclear Data Center (Brookha-ven National Laboratory - US)
NNDEN - Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation Newsletter, int (OECD, Nuclear Science
NNECH - National Nutrition Education Clearing House, 1968- (Society for Nutrition
Education -US)
NNF - Nyt Nordisk Forlag (DK)
National Newspaper Index. [Microfilm publica
tion], 1979- (Information Access Corp. - US)
National Newspaper Industry
NederlandsNormalisatie-Instituut (NL)
NNP - Vereiniging "de Nederlandse Nieuwsbladpers", 1945-(NL) NNPA
National Newspaper Promotion Association
National Newspaper Publishers' Association
NNR - National Non-fiction Reserve (GB)
NNRLIS - National Natural Resources Library and
Information System (Department of the Interior, Natural Resources Library - US) NNS
National News Service (PH)
National Newspaper Syndicate
NNSDC - Nigerian National Serial Data Centre (NG)
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , 1970- (Department of
Commerce - US)
NOAASARC - NOAA Southeastern Area Resources Cooperative (NOAA Miami
Library - US)
NOBIN - Nederlands Orgaan voor de Bevordering van de Informatieverzorging,
1971- (NL); <-NIDER; (the same initialism): Stiching Nederlands Orgaan voor...
National Online Circuit (US)
Northwest Ohio Consortium (US)
Notation of Content
NOCI - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Chemische Informatieverwerking, 1969(Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging - NL)

NOCLA - Negros Occidental Library Association

NOD - Norsk Oseanografisk Datasenter (Fiskeridi-rektoratets Havforskningsinstitut NO)
NODAL - Network-Oriented Data Acquisition Language
NODAS - Network-Oriented Data Acquisition System (University of Texas, Health
Science Center-US)
NODC - National Oceanographic Data Center, 1960- (NOAA, Environmental Data
Service - US)
NODL - National Organization for Decent Literature (US)
NOF - National Optical Font (NCR - US)
NOFODI - Noordelijke Fonotheekdienst, 1969-(NL)
NOIBN - Not Otherwise Indexed by Name
NOICC - I*fl^onal Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (US)
NOISE - Noise Information Service (Illinois Institute of Technology - US)
NOLA - Northeastern Ohio Library Association (US)
NOLAG - Northwestern Ontario Library Action Group (CA)
NOLTN - Northeast Ohio Library Teletype Network (US)
NOM - Newspapers on Microfilm (LC - US)
NOMA - National Office Management Association (US)
NOMIS - National On-line Manpower Information System (Durham
University/Newcastle University -GB)
NOMP - Northwestern Ontario Medical Programme (McMaster University, Faculty of
Health Sciences-CA)
NON-SLIP - Non-Speech Language Initiation Program
*NONMB - Novosibirskaja Oblastnaja Naucnaja Medicinskaja Biblioteka (SU)
NOP-H - Nordiska Publiceringsnamnden for Huma-nistika Tidskrifter, int, 1974NOP(M)(NOP-M) - Nordiska Publiceringsnamn-den for Medicin, int
NOP-N - Nordiska Publiceringsnamnden for Natur-vetenskap, int (FI)
NOPC - Nevada Official Publications Catalog. [On microfiches] (Nevada State Library,
State Publications Distribution Center - US)
NOPMS - Network-Oriented Project Management Systems (ANSI-US)
NORASIS - Northern Ohio Chapter of ASIS (US)
NORBRALA - Northern Branch of the Library Association (GB)
National Oceanographic Records Center
National Opinion Research Center, 1947(University of Chicago - US)
NORD - Norsk Data
NORD-PRESS - Nordisk Press Bureau (DK)
NordDATA - Nordic Data Processing Symposia, int

Nordisk Koordineringsorgan for Vitenskapelig
og Teknisk Informasjon og Dokumentasjon,
nor, int, 1970-1976; -> NORDINFO
Nordiska Koordineringsorganet for Vetenskaplig och Teknisk Information och Dokumentation, swe, int, 1970-1976; -> NORDINFO
NORDFOLK - [Nordic Public Library Committee],
int NORDFORSK - Nordisk Samrabetsorgan for de
Tekniska och Naturvetenskapliga Forskningsraden, swe, int, 1947- (Stockholm, SE) (=SCAR,
eng) NORDFORSK-AT- NORDFORSK Arbeidsgruppe for Thesaurus Sponnal, int NORDICOM
1. Nordic Documentation Centre for Mass Communication Research, int, 1972-2. Nordisk Dokumentationscentral for Masskommunikationsforskning, int, 1972NORDINFO (NORDInfo) - Nordiska Samabets-organet for Vetenskaplig
Information, int, 1976-(NORDFORSK); <- (formed by the merger of): NFSSa/uf
NORDTERM (Nordterm) - [Scandinavian Centre for Coordinating Terminological
Work], int, 1976-(K0benhavn, DK)
NOREX - [Information on technical standards in export trade] (AFNOR-FR)
NORIA - Normes et Reglementation - Information Automatisee (AFNOR - FR)
NORIANE - Normes et Reglements - Informations Automatisees Accessibles en
Ligne (AFNOR FR) NORINDOK - Norsk Komite for Informasjon og
Dokumentasjon (NO) NORIS - [Norwegian Studies in Legal Informatics]
(NO) NORLA - Northern Region Literature Agency,
1954- (NG)
NORLUCS - Northern Software Consultants Library Updating and Compiling System
NORMADOC - Centre de Documentation del'AFNOR (FR)
NORMAL - Nova Real-time Macro-Language
NORMARC - Norwegian MARC (Royal University of Norway - NO)
NORMATERM - Normalisation, Automatisation
de la Terminologie, 1973- (AFNOR - FR) *NORMIN - [Document data information
retrieval system] (SU)
NORVEN - Norma Venezolana (COVENIN - VE)
Northwest Library District (US, North Dakota)
Northwestern Library District (US, Ohio)
NOS - Network Operating System (CDC - US); <KRONOS NOSAB - Norsk Samfunnsvitenskapelig Bibliogra-

fi, 1978- (Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo-NO) NOSIF - Nordiske Samarbejde Inden

for Forskningsbiblioteksomradet, dan, int *NOSNTI - Nacional'nye Otraslevye Sistemy Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj Informacii NOSP - Nordisk Samkatalog over Periodika, swe,
int, 1978NOSTRUMS - Navy Omnibus System for the Retrieval of Undersea Measurements
(NODC - US) NOSV - Niederosterreichischer Schriftstellerverband (AT)
NOT - Naczelna Organizacja Techniczna (PL) *NOT - Naucnaja Organizacija Truda
NOTIMEX - Noticias Mexicanas. [Press agency],
1968- (MX) NOTINAC - Agencia Noticias Nacionales Prensa
Venezolana (VE) NOTIS - Northwestern On-line Totally Integrated
System, 1970- (Northwestern University Library NOTM - Nederlands Organisatie van TijdschriftMitgevers (NL) NOTU - Nederlandse Organisatie van TijdschriftUitgevers, 1946- (NL) NOVANET - Nova Scotia Provincial Library and
Union Catalogue (CA) NOVI - Stichting het Nederlands Centrum voor Informatica, 1950- (Universiteit Amsterdam - NL) NOVIB - Nederlands Orgaan voor
Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (NL) *Novosibgiz - Novosibirskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
NOVRAM - Non-Volatile Random Access Memory NP
National Publishing Co. (US, Philadelphia)
Nonprint Code
Norma Portuguesa (PT)
Norsk Presseforbund, 1910-(NO)
*NP - Nelinejnyj PreobrazovateF
1. National Paperboard Association, 1932-1964;
Nemzeti Periodika Adatbazisa. [National Se
rials Data Base] (OSZK - HU)
Newspaper Proprietors' Association
Newspaper Publishers' Association, 1906(GB)
Nigerian Publishers Association (NG)
*NPA - Naborno-Pisuscij Avtomat
National Program for Acquisition and Catalo
ging, 1965- (LC - US)
National Project in Agricultural Communica
tion (LC-US)
NPAN - Newspaper Prioprietors Association of Nigeria (NG)

*NPB - Naucno-Prosvetitel'naja Biblioteka (SU) NPBS - Non-Primary Basic Subject

National Patent Council (US)
National Periodicals Center (US)
National Poetry Centre (GB)
National Press Club (US)
National Press Corporation (GB)
Nordiska Presscentralen, swe, int, 1918NPD
Nachrichten-und Pressedienst
Neuheiten-Pressedienst (AT)
National Patent Development Corporation
National Planning Data Corporation, 1969(US)
NPDN - Nordic Public Data Network, int
NPEA - National Printing Equipment Association
National Printing Equipment and i

National Printing Equipment Showls
NPF - Newspaper Press Fund (GB) NPI
New Periodicals Index, 1977- (The Mediaworks
Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt (NO)
NPIPF - Newspaper and Printing Industries Pension Fund (GB)
NPIRI - National Printing Ink Research Institute (US)
NPIRS - National Pesticide Information Retrieval System (Purdue University,
Department of Entomology - US)
National Physics Information System, 1967CAIP-US)
National Poisons Information Service (GB)
NPJ - Norsk Presseforbunds Journalistgruppe (NO)
Nacional 'naj a Patentnaj a Klassifikacij a
Nakopitel' na Perforkartah
*NPKL - Nepolnokodovaja Perfolenta

Nakladetelstvi Politicke Literatury, cze (CS)

New Programming Language (IBM - US)
New South Wales Public Library (AU)
NPL/CPIS - National Program Library and Central
Program Inventory Service for the Social Sciences, 1969- (University of Wisconsin - US)
*NPL - Nakopitel' na Perfolente NPLS - Natal Provincial Library Service (ZA)
NPLSG - Nottingham Public Libraries Staff Guild
NPM - Nonprint Media *NPM - Naborno-Pisuscaja Masina NPMA - Newspaper
Purchasing Management Association
NPO - Non Purchase Order (BALLOTS - US) *NPO - Naucno-Proizvodstvennoe
Ob"e'dinenie NPP - National Periodicals Publications, Inc. NPPA - National Press
Photographers Association
National Preservation Program Office (LC US)
Navy Publications and Printing Office (US Na
NPPSO - Navy Publications and Printing Services
Office (US Navy)
NPPU - Newspaper Printing Pressmen's Union NPR
National Photographic Record (GB)
Norsk Presseforbunds Redakt0rgruppe (NO)
[Symbolfortechnicalinstructions] (INNI-NL)
National Personnel Records Center (NARS US)
Newspaper Production and Research Center
NPRC(CPR) - National Personnel Records Center,
Civilian Personnel Records (NARS - US) NPRC(MPR) - National Personnel Records
Center, Military Personnel Records (NARS - US)
NPRDS - Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System
National Periodicals System (US)
National Press Service (GB)
National Production Services. [Nonbibliographic data base] (Petroleum Information Corp. US)
Nordiska Press Syndicat, swe, int
Norsk Presse Service, 1960- (NO)
NPSB - Newsprint Service Bureau (US)
NPTA - National Paper Trade Association, Inc

(US) (=NPTAI) NPTAI = NPTA NPTAUS - National Paper Trade Association of the
United States (US)
NPU - Newspaper Press Union of South Africa (ZA) *NPU - NabornoProgrammirujus6e Ustrojstvo NR
Normalisatieraad (NO)
Norsk Redakt0rforening (NO)
NRA - National Register of Archives (Historical
Manuscripts Commission - GB) NRAC
1. National Resources Analysis Center NRC
National Reading Council (US)
National Records Center
3 . National Referral Center for Science and Technology, 1962-(LC-US) (=NRCST)
National Research Council (CA) (=CNRC,fre;
NRCC, eng)
National Research Council, 1958-1968 (GH);
National Research Council, 1970- (SD)
National Research Council, 1916- ("NAS - US)
NRC-CDN - National Research Council, Committee on Data Needs (US) NRCC
1. National Research Council of Canada (CA)
2. National Resource for Computation in Chemistry NRCC/TIS - NRCC Technical Information Service,
-1974(CA);->CISTI NRCD (NRCd) - National Reprographic Centre for
Documentation, 1967-1984 (Hatfield Polytechnic
National Research Council Library, 1953(CA);->NSL
National Research Council Library (US)
NRCMF - National Referral Center Master File
(LC, NRC - US) (=NRCM) NRCP - National Research Council of the Philippines (PH) NRCST - National Referral Center for Science and
Technology, 1962- (LC - US) (=NRC) NRCTIC - National Research Center
Toxicology Information Center (NRC - US)
NRDA - National Research and Development Authority (IL); <- NCRD
National Research Development Corporation

National Research Development Corporation

NRDF - Nuclear Reaction Data File (JP)
NRF - Nordiska Reklamenbyra Forbundet, swe, int,
1952- (=NAAA, eng) NRIC
Naval Reactor Information Center (US)
Nuclear Research Information Center (Ameri
can Nuclear Society - US)
NRIDS - Northern Research Information and Documentation Service (CA)
NRIS - National Resources Information System (Department of the Interior - US)
NRISDP - National Rural Information Services Development Program (US)
NRITL - Northeastern Regional Instructional Television Library (US)
National Reference Library for Science and In
vention, 1966- (GB) (=NRLSI); <- POL; ->
National Registry for Librarians, 1965- (Illinois
State Employment Office - US)
National Research Library (CA)
NRL/SVIC - Naval Research Laboratory, Shock
and Vibration Information Center (US) NRLA
National Reference Library for Agriculture
(East Africa)
Nordic Research Librarians Association
NRLB - Northern Regional Library Bureau (NRLS
Niagara Regional Library System (CA)
Northern Regional Library System (GB)
NRMA - Nuclear Records Management Association (US) NRMC
National Records Management Council (US)
Naval Records Management Center (US)
NRMG - Nederlands Rekenmachine Genootschap (NL)
NRMM - National Register of Microfilm Masters, 1965- (LC - US); -(the same
initialism): National Register of Microform Masters
NRMP - Northlands Regional Medical Program (US)
NRP - Notice of Research Project (SIE - US)
NRPIO - Naval Registered Publications Issuing Office (US)
1. Navy Records Society (GB)

News Research Service

News Retrieval Service, 1977- (Dow Jones US)
NRSCC - National Registry System for Chemical
Compounds (CAS - US) NS
Newspaper Society (GB)
*NS-grammatika = *NSG
*NS-jazyk - Jazyk Nepostredstvenno Sostavljajuscih NSA
National Sound Archive, 1983- (British Library
National Standards Association (US)
Nuclear Science Abstracts, 1948-1976 (AEC;-*
NSAC - Nuclear Safety Information Center (Electric Power Research Institute;
Institute for Nuclear Power Operations - US)
NSAP - Narodni Stfedisko Automatizovaneho Pfi-stupu, cze (UVTEI-UTZ - CS)
NSAV - Nakladatel'stvo Slovenske Akademie Vied, sla (CS)
Nacionalna i Sveucilisna Biblioteka, Zagreb,
National Standards Board (GH)
Newsprint Service Bureau (US)
National Science Council (IE)
National Science Council (LK); > Natural Re
sources Energy and Science Authority
Network Switching Centre, int (EURONET)
NSCC - National Society for the Study of Communi
cation (US); ^ICA
NSCLR - Nova Scotia Council on Library Resources (CA)
NSCLS - North State Cooperative Library System (US, California)
NSCMP - National Science Curriculum Materials Project (AU)
NSCRDFO - National Study Commission on Records and Documents of Federal
Officials (US)
NSD - Norsk Samfunnsvitenskapelig Datajeneste, 1971-(NAVF-NO)
NSDB - National Science Development Board (PH)
National Serials Data Centre, 1975-(BLBSDGB) (=UKNSDC)

Nigerian National Serials Data Centre (NG)
NSDG - Newspaper System Development Group
NSDP - National Serials Data Program, 1967(ARL; since 1971: LC/NLA/NLM - US) NSDRS - National Standard Reference Data
System NSEI - Norsk Selskap for Elektronik Informasjonbehandling, 1960-(NO) NSES - National Society of Electrotypers and Stereotypers (GB)
NSF -'*''
"National Science Foundation, 195ft*|W9
Negotiated Search Facility (IBM, R*M*La313
boratory, Information Sciences Department - US)
3. Norges Standardiserings-Forbund (NO) NSF/DSI - National Science Foundation,
Division of
Science Information, 1976- (US); <- OSIS NSFC - National Society of Film Critics
NSFL - National Science Film Library (CA) NSFORT - Non-Standard FORTRAN
NSG - National Systems Group, 1983- (Telecom Canada - CA); <- CCG *NSG - Neposredstvenno Sostavljajuscih Grammatika *NSHB - Naucnaja SeFskohozjajstvennaja Biblioteka (SU) NSI - Norsk Senter for Informatikk. 1972- (NO); <SNI
*NSI - Normativno-Spravocnaja Informacija NSIC - Nuclear Safety Information
Center, 1963(ORNL-US) NSIDK - Nederlandse Stichting Informatie- en Dokumentatiecentrum voordie Kartografie (NL) NSIR - Nemzetkozi Specializalt
Informatics Rendszerek, hun, int [International Specialized Information System] (=*MSIS, rus) NSIS - Nevada Statewide Information Service (US)
1 . National Science Library (IN)
2. National Science Library of Canada, 1966-1974
1 . National Science Library for Australia (AU)
2. Nova Scotia Library Association, 1973- (CA) NSLS - North Suburban Library
System, 1967- (US,
Illinois) NSMI - National Special Media Institutes (US); ->
1 . Nacionalna Sistema za Naucna i Tehhiceska Informacija, bul
2. Nacional'naja Sistema Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj
Informacii NSO - Nigerian Standards Organization (Federal
Ministry of Industries - NG) NSOPA - National Society of Operative Printers

and Assistants (GB); - SOGAT NSP - Nederlandse Sport Pers (NL) NSPA - National
Scholastic Press Association (US) NSPI - National Society for Programmed Instruction
(US);-* (the same initialism): Nat. Soc. for Performance and Instruction
NSPP - National Serials Pilot Project (ARL - US) NSPS - National Society of Printers,
Sculptors and
Gravers (GB) NSPWSND - National Society of Provincial Wholesale Sunday Newspaper Distributors NSR
National Scientific Register (US)
Nuclear Structure References. [Data base]
National Science Research Council (GY)
National Science Research Council (TZ)
NSRDC - National Standards Reference Data Center (NBS - US)
NSRDP - National Standard Reference Data Program (NBS - US)
NSRDS - National Standard Reference Data System, 1963-(NBS - US)
NSS - National Serigraph Society (US)
NSSDC - National Space Science Data Center, 1965- (NASA - US)
NSSLA - Nova Scotia School Library Association, 1972-(CA)
NST - New Serial Titles, 1953- (LC, Serial Record Division - US); < Serials Titles
Newly Received 1951-1952
NSTDA - National Science and Technological Development Agency (NG)
NSTDC - National Scientific and Technical Documentation Centre, 1969-(LK)
National Scientific and Technical Information
Center (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Naval Scientific and Technical Information
Centre (Ministry of Defence, Navy Department
- GB); <- ACSIL; -> DRIC
NSU - Novinafsky Studijni Ustav, Praha, cze (CS) NU - Novinarsky Studijny Ustav,
Bratislava, sla
NSV - Form der Schweizerischen Vereinigung (CH) NSVTI - Narodni System
VSdeckotechnickych Informaci, cze (=*NSNTI) NSVU - Nakladatel'stvf Svazu Vytvarnych Umelcu,
cze (CS)
NSW - Nebenschlagwort
NSWBA - New South Walia Booksellers' Association (AU) NSWTI - Nationales
System fur die Wissenschaftli-

che und Technische Information (=*NSNT1, ri) NSY/NA - National School

Association NSZO - Nemzetkozi Szabadalmi Osztalyozas, hun
[International Patents Classification] (=IPC, eng) NT - "Narrower Term" reference
National Technical Association (US)
National Telecommunications Agency (US)
Nederlandsch Telegraaf Agentschap (NL)
New Testament Abstracts, 1956- (Weston
School of Theology, Cambridge - US)
NTAG - Network Technical Architecture Group (NAG - US)
NT AST - National Translation Association of Science and Technology (JP)
Neue Technik im Biiro (Verlag Technik - DD)
Norsk Telegrambyra, 1867- (NO)
*NTB - Naucno-Tehniceskaja Biblioteka (SU)
NTBB - Nordisk Tidskrift for Bok-och Biblioteksvasen,int, 1914-NTBL - Nuffield Talking Book Library, 1954(GB);<-TBLB
1. National Telecommunications Conference (IEEE-US)
2 National Translation Center [for social sciences], 1965-(OSTI - US)
3. National Translation Center, 1953- (SLA/ John Crerar Library - US); <- SLA TC
Naucno-Tehniceskaj a Dokumentacij a
Normativno-Tehniceskaja Dokumentacij a
Normativno-Tehniceskie Dokumenty
NTDF - Nordiska Tidningsdistributionsforetagens
Forbund, int, 1948NTDS - Navy Technical Data System (US Navy) *NTtI - Naudno-Tehniceskaja i
Ekonomiceskaja Informacija; - (the same initialism): Naucnaja, Teh-niceskaja i Ekon.
1 Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft im VDE
2. Narrower Term Generic NTH - Norges Tekniske H0gskole (NO) NTHB- Norges
Tekniske H0gskole Biblioteket
Naucno-Tehniceskaja Informacija
Naucno-TehnHeskaja Informacija, 1961(*VINITI-US)

National Technical Information Agency (De

partment of Commerce - US)
National Telecommunication and Information
Administration (Department of Commerce US); <- Office of Telecommunications Policy
NTIAC - Non-destructive Testing Information Analysis Center, 1961- (Southwest
Research Institute-US)
NTIC - Nondestructive Testing Information Center,
1969-(BCL-US) NTICL - National Technical Information Centre
and Library (HU) (=OMIKK, hun) NTIPP - Navy Technical Information Presentation
Program (US Navy) NTIS
"National Technical Information Service, 1970(NBS-US);<^CFSTI
National Technical Information System, 1972(ERIC/CLIS-US)
NEC[=NipponElectricCo.]-ToshibaInformation Systems, Inc. (JP)
NTISeaich - National Technical Information Search
("NTIS-US) NTIST - National Translation Institute for Science
and Technology (JP)
*NTK - Naucno-Tehniceskij Komitet (SU) NTL - Northern Telecom Ltd (CA) *NTL Novosti Tehniceskoj Literatury (*CNTB SU)
*NTLD - Novosti Tehniieskoj Literatury i Dokumen-tocJi(SU)
NTMTK - NemzettcflTi TiiHom^nvns fa Mfh/alci Informacios Kozpont, hun, int (=*MCNTI) NTMIK NME - NTMIK Normativ-MUszaki
Eloirasa, hun, int (=*NTP MCNTI, rus) NTMIR - Nemzetkozi Tudomanyos 6s Muszaki Informacios Rendszer, hun, int (=*MSNTI) NTNF - Norges TekniskNaturvitenskapelige Forskningsrad, 1946- (NO) *NTO
Naucno-Tehniceskij Otdel (SU)
Naucno-Tehniceskoe ObSfiestvo (SU)
*NTO VSNH - Naucno-Tehniceskij Otdel Vyssego
Soveta Narodnogo Hozjajstva (SU) *NTOfc - Baza Dannyh po Naucno-Tehniceskim
Otcetam po Energetike (SU) NTP
Narrower Term Partitive
National Trade Press (GB)
Normativne Technicky Predpis, cze, int
(MCVTI) (= 'NTP MCNTI, rus)

Naucno-Tehniceskaja Propaganda
Naucno-Tehniceskie Predpisanie
*NTP-MCNTI - Normativno-Tehniceskoe Predpisanie, int ('MCNTI)
NTPK - Norsk Teknisk Pressekontor (NO) NTR - National Tape Repository NTS Nordiska Tidningsutgivarnas Samarbetsnaemnd, int
NTSA - National Technical Services Association NTSC - National Television Standard
Code (US) NTSK - [Nordic Telecommunications Satellite Committee], int, 1972-; <- STSK NTSR - [Nordic Telecommunications Satellite
Council], int, 1965-NTU - Network Termination Unit *NTU - Normal'nye Tehniceskie
Uslovija NTUB - Norges Tekniske Universiteksbibliotek
(NO) NTV - Normativ-Technische Vorschriften, int
(IZWTI) (=*NTP MCNTI, rus) NTWL - Nederlandse Technische en Wetenschappelijke Literatuur (NL)
NTWZ - Neues Verzeichnis Technisch-Wissenschaft-licher Zeitschriften, 1970(Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Technisch-Wissenschaftlichen BibUotheken -DE)
NTX - National Teletypewriter Exchange NTZ - Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift,
NUB - Nederlandsche Uitgeversbond (NL) NUC - National Union Catalog (LC US) NUC AV - National Union Catalog: Audiovisual Materials. [Microfiche
publication] (LC - US) (=NUCAV) NUC:H - National Union Catalogue of Library
Materials for the Handicapped, 1981- (AU) NUCAL - National Union Catalog Author
List (LC

NUCEA - National University Contin^ : CP-rion Association (US)

NUCLEUS - Numerical Classification and Evaluation System (BCL - US) NUCM - National, University, College and Medical
Libraries Committee (LA - GB) NUCMC - National Union Catalog of Manuscript
Collections, 1962- (LC - US) NUCOINS - Nutrition Consumer Information System (US)
NUCOL - Numerical Control Language NUCOM - National Union Catalogue of
Monographs ("NLA - AU) NUCOMUSIC - National Union Catalogue of Music
(NLA-AU) NUCORECORDS - National Union Catalogue of
Sound Recordings ("NLA - US) NUCOS - National Union Catalogue of Serials
(NLA - AU) NUCPP - National Union Catalog Publication Project, 1967- (LC - US) NUCRSS - Northwestern University Medical Re-

cord Summary System (US) NUCSEQ - Nucleotide Sequence Search System *NUD
- Numerovannyj Ukazatel' Deskriptorov NUDAC - Nuclear Data Center (US)
NUFIC - Netherlands Universities Fundation for International Cooperation (NL) NUFTIC - Nuclear Fuels Technology Information
Center, 1967- (ORNL - US) NUI - Network User Identifier NUJ
1 . National Union of Journalists, 1907- (GB)
2. Nigerian Union of Journalists, 1954- (NG) NUK
1. Narodna in Univerzitetna Knjiznica v Ljublja2. Narodnf a Universitnf Knihovna, Praha, cze
NUL - Northwestern University Library (US) NULCAIS - Northwestern University
Library Computer-Assisted Information Service (US) NULOS
1 . National Union List of Serials in Nigerian Libraries (NG)
2. National Union List of Serials in Papua New Guinea Libraries (Papua New
Guinea University of Technology - PG) NULSIA - Northeastern University
Libraries Staff
Librarians Association (US) NUMAC - Northumbrian Universities Multiple Access Computer (GB) NUNCAT - New South Wales University Cataloguing (University of New South Wales Library - AU) NUPBPW - National Union of
Printing, Bookbinding and Paper Workers (GB) NUPIDO - Norsk Utvalg for Pedagogisk Informasjon og Dokumentasjon, 1974- (NO) NUROS - Nebraska University Remote
System (US) NUTIS - Numerical and Textual Information System, 1973- (ORNL, Environmental Sciences Division - US)
NiiUB - National- und Universitatsbibliothek NUWPCET - Northern Universities
Working Party for Cooperation in Educational Technology (GB) NVA
Nederlandsche Vereniging van Antiquaren
Norske Vitenskapsakademi (NO)
NVB - Nederlandse Vereniging van Bibliothecaris-sen, 1912- (NL); (the same
initialism): Nederlandse Vereniging van Bibliothecarisses, Docu-mentalisten en
NVBA - Nederlandse Vereniging van Bedrijfsarchi-varissen(NL);^NDK
Nordisk Videnskabeligt Bibliotekarforbund,
dan, int, 1947- (SE)
Nordisk Vitenskapeligt Bibliotekarieforbund,
nor, int, 1947- (SE)

Nordiska Vetenskapliga Bibliotekarieforbundet, swe, int, 1947- (SE)

NVC - Non- Verbal Communication *NVC - Naucno-Vycislitel'nyj Centr NVJ Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten,
1946- (NL) NVLP - Nederlandse Vereniging van Lucht- en Ruimtevaart-Publicisten, 1960- (NL) NVT - Network Virtual Terminal NW - Nachwort
NWALA - Northwest Arkansas Library Association
NWB - Verlag Neue Wirtschafts-Briefe (DE) NWC - National Writers' Club (US)
NWDS - National Water Data System, 1960- (US
Geological Survey, Water Resources Division) NWHSLC - Northern Wisconsin
Health Science Library Cooperative (US) NWICO - New World Information and Communication Order (=NIIO; NWIO) NWIO - New World Information Order (=NIIO;
NWKLS - Northwest Kansas Library System (US) NWMPA - North Wales Master
Printers' Alliance
NWPL - Naval Warfare Publications Library (US) NWRC - National Weather
Records Center, 1957(Environmental Science Services Administration NWRLB - North Western Regional Library Bureau
(NWRLS-GB) NWRLS - North Western Regional Library System
(GB) NWSEIMC - Northwest Regional Special Education Instructional Materials Center, 1966- (University of Oregon - US)
NYAP - New York Assembly Program (US) NYB - National Youth Bureau (GB); <Youth Service Information Centre NYCPG-New York Chapter Publishing Group
("SLA - US) NYEPA - New York Employing Printers' Association (US)
NYLA - New York Library Association, 1890-(US) NYLIC - New York Library
Instruction Clearinghouse, 1975- (SUNY College of Environmental Science and
Forestry, F. Franklin Moon Library -US)
NYLINE - New York Library-Line, 1985- (US) NYLONS - North Yorkshire
Libraries On-line System (GB)
NYPIMA - New York Printing Ink Makers Association (US)
NYPL - New York Public Library (US) NYPRPG - New York Publisher Rights and
Permissions Group (US)
NYPS - New York Publishing Society (US) NYSELL - New York State Inter-Library
Loan Network, 1967-(US)

NYSL - New York State Library (US) NYSLA - New York Chapter of SLA (SLA US) NYSP - New York School of Printing (US) NYT/IB - New York Times
Information Bank,
NYTIS - New York Times Information Service (US) NYTNS - New York Times
News Service (US) NYTSL - New York Technical Services Librarians
NYUCAIS - New York University Computer-Assisted Information Services, 1972(US) NZ
Nakladni Zavod, slo (YU)
NZBC - New Zealand Book Council (NZ) NZBN - New Zealand Bibliographic
Network (NZ) NZBTA - New Zealand Book Trade Association NZBTO - New
Zealand Book Trade Organization,
1968- (NZ) NZDSIR - New Zealand Department of Scientific
and Industrial Research (NZ) NZK
Niedersachsischer Zentralkatalog (DE)
Norddeutscher Zentralkatalog (DE)
NZL - New Zealand Libraries, 1937- (NZ)
NZLA-New Zealand Library Association, 1935(NZ);<-LANZ NZLS - New Zealand Library School, Wellington
(NZ) NZMH - Nakladni Zavod Matice Hrvatske, cro
(YU) NZN - Niedersachsischer
NZNB - New Zealand National Bibliography (NZ) NZPA
New Zealand Press Agency (NZ)
New Zealand Publishers' Association, 1962(NZ)
NZSA - New Zealand Standards Association (NZ) NZSI - New Zealand Standards
Institute, -1966 (Department of Industries and Commerce - NZ); > SANZ
NZSLO - New Zealand Scientific Liason Office NZW - Naczelny Zarzad
Wydawnictw, 1970 (PL)
Organization and Management
Organization and Methods
O/P books - Out-of-Print books
O/S - Operating System
OA - Operations Analysis OAA - Ontario Association of Archivists (CA) OAB Oceanic Abstracts OAB - Offentliche Allgemeinbildende Bibliothek OACUL Ontario Association of College and University Libraries, 1963- (Ontario Library
Association - C A); ^ OCULA OADMS - Office of Automated Data Management

Services (General Services Administration - US) OAED - Office of Audiovisual

Educational Development (National Institutes of Health/NLM- US) *OAF Obscestvennyj Arhivnyj Fond OAIA - Organisation des Agences d'lnformation
d'Asie, int, 1961- (=OANA, eng) OAK - Osterreichischer
OAL - Office o Arts and Libraries, 1981- (Department of Education and Science GB); < DES, Arts and Libraries Branch
OALA - Ohio Academic Libraries Association (US) OALS - OTIS Automated
Library Services (Oregon
Total Information System - US) OALT - Ontario Association of Library Technicians, 1973- (CA) (=ABO/re); <- CLTA OAMPI - Office Africain et Malgache de
la Pro-priete Industrielle, 1964- (Libreville, GA); - OAPI OANA - Organization
of Asian News Agencies, int,
OANS - Overseas American News Service (US) OAPI - Organisation Africaine de
la Propriete Intellectuelle, 1976- (Yaounde, CM);<- OAMPI OAQS - Online Associative Querry
System (University of Illinois - US)
OARS - On-line Automated Reference Service OAS - Organization of American
States, int (Washington, US) (=OEA, spa) *OASD - Otraslevaja
Avtomatizivorannaja Sistema
OASES - Open Access Satellite Education Services, 1976- (Oklahoma County
Libraries System/South Oklahoma City Junior College - US) *OASIC - Otraslevoj
Avtomatizirovannyj Spravocno-Informacionnyj Centr OASIO - Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema
Informacionnogo Obespecenija OASIS
Oceanic and Atmospheric Scientific Informa
tion System (NOAA - US)
Ohio Chapter of ASIS (US)
On-line Administrative Information Sysjf
Open Access Symbiotic Information Sysjeifl
Operational Automatic Scheduling
tion System tr '*
Overseas Access Service to Information Sy
stems (Auckland Public Libraries - NZ)
Oxford Association of Specialists in Informa
tion Science (GB); (the same initialism): Ox
ford Area Section of the Institute of Informa
tion Scientists

*OASNMI - Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Siste-ma Naucno-Medicinskoj

Informacii (SU)
*OASNTI - Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) OASNTO-sel'hoz - Otraslevaja
Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno- Tehniceskoj Informacii po Sel'skomu
Hozjajstvu (SU)
*OASNTI-SM - Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii v Promys-lennosti StroitePnyh Materialov (SU)
*OASNTIS - Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii po Stro-itel'stvu (SU)
OASR - Odvetvovy Automatizovany System Ri'ze-ni, cze ( = *OASU, rus)
Ob"edinennaja Avtomaticeskaja Sistema
Upravlenija (SU)
Otraslevaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema
OASYS - Office Automation System
OATS - Original Article Tear Sheet (ISI - US); -
(thesame initialism): Original Article Text Service OAU - Organization of African
Unity, int, 1963(=OUA,/re) OAU/STRC = STRC OAW - Osterreichische Akademie der
Wissenschaften (AT) OB
Openbare Bibliothek (NL)
Oblastnaja Biblioteka (NL)
Okr"zna Biblioteka (BG)
OB - Offentliche Bucherei
OBAR - Ohio State Bar Association Automated
Research Corporation, 1967- (US); - LEXIS OBC - Overseas Book Centre (CA)
*OBC - Obsluzivajuscij Vyci'slitel'nyj Centr (SU) OBCH - Overseas Booksellers'
Clearing House
(Book Centre Ltd - GB) *OBD - Operativnyj Bank Dannyh OBIAS - OTIS Basic
Index Access System (Oregon
Total Information System - US) OBiDN PAN - Osrodek Bibliografii i DokumentacjiNaukowej PAN. 1953-1961 (PL);-*ODIN PAN OBIS
Oborove Informacni Stfedisko, cze
Odborove Informacne Stredisko, sla
ObK - Obvodna Kniznica, sla (CS)

*Oblarlriv - Oblastnoe Arhivnoe Upravlenie (SU) "Obljpz - Oblastnoe

Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
(SU) Oblit - Oblastnoe Upravlenie po Delam Literatury i
Izdatel'stv (SU)
"ObNzdat - Oblastnoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) OBL'K - Obvodna L'udova Kniznica, sla
(CS) *Oblknigotorg - Oblastnaja Kontrola Kniznoj Torgovli (SU)
*Oblpoligrafizdat - Oblastnoe Poligraficeskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) OBNS
Oborove Normalizacni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Odborove Normalizacne Stredisko, sla (CS)
*OBNTI - Ob"edinennoe Bjuro Naucno-Tehnices
koj Informacii (SU)
*OBORONGIZ (Oborongiz) - Gosudarstvennoe
Izdatel'stvo Oboronnoj Promyslennosti (SU) OBP - Osrodek Badari Prasoznawczych
(PL); *KOBP Obral - Oscar Brandstetter, Leipzig. [Publishing
house] (D) OBRI - Osrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy Informatyki, 1971- (PL) OBRPP - Osrodek Badawczo-Rozwojowy PrzemysJu Poligraficznego (PL) 1973-;- CLP OBS
On-line Business Systems, Inc. (CA)
Oxford Bibliographical Society (GB)
OBSMI - Oborove Stfedisko Metrologickych Informaci, cze (Ceskoslovensky Metrologicky Ustav -CS) OBSPV
Oborove Stfedisko Patentu a Vynalezu, cze
Odborove Stredisko Patentu a Vynalezu, sla
OBT - Obhodni Tiskarny, cze (CS) *OBTI
Ob"edinenie Tehniceskih Izdatel'stv (SU)
Oblastnoe Bjuro Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
Obscestvennoe Bjuro Tehniceskoj Informacii
Otraslevoe Bjuro Tehniceskoj Informacii
OBV - Osterreichischer Bundesverlag fur Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Kultur (AT) OC - Office of Censorship (US) OC/D - Operation
Commands for Document Reference Access, int (ESRO-SDC) OC/S - Operation Commands for Search Strategy
Development, int (ESRO-SDC) OC/T - Operation Commands for Terminology Access, int (ESRO-SDC) OCA - Office of Computing Activities (NSF - US);

*OCA - Opticeskij CitajuScij Avtomat OCAL - On-line Cryptanalytic Aid Language

OCAM - Organisation Commune Africaine, Malgacher et Mauricienne. [Press information service],
*OCAONTI - Otraslevoj Centr Analiza i Obobscenija Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii OCAS - Organization of Central American States,
int, 1951- (SV) (=ODECA, spa) OCB - Office Central des Bibliotheques (FR)
OCBA - Office Central de Bibliographic Agricole
OCCI - Optical Coincidence Co-ordinate Indexing
OCCS - Office of Computer and Communication Systems (NLM-US)
OCDDLS - Ontario Committee of Deans and Directors of Library Schools (CA)
OCDE - Organisation de Cooperation et de Deve-loppement Economiques, int, 1961(Paris, FR) (=OECD,eg);-^OECE
OCDL - Office Central de Librarie (FR)
OCEDS - Oregon Career Education Documentation System (US)
OCEP - Office Central d'Edition et de Publicite (FR)
OCG - Osterreichische Computer-Gesellschaft (AT)
OCH - Office for Communication in the Humanities (Leicester University - GB)
Office of Computer Information ("NBS, Center
for Computer Sciences and Technology - US);
Oficina Central de Information (VE)
*OCI - Otraslevoj Centr Informacii (SU)
OCIPE - Office Catholique dTnformation sur les Problemes Europeennes, int, 1956(Bruxelles, BE) (=CESlC,eng)
OCIR - Optical Coincidence Information Retrieval System
Ohio College Library Center, 1967- (US); ->
(the same initialism): Online Computer Library
Center, Inc., 19792.
Oklahoma County Libraries System (US)
*OCNTI - Otraslevoj Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj In
formacii (SU)
OCP - Oxford Concordance Project (Oxford University - GB)
OCPC - Office of Compensation and Position Classification
OCPDB - Organic Chemical Producers Data Base (EPA, Industrial and
Environmental Research Laboratory - US)
OCPI - Office Central de la Presse Illustree (FR)
Optical Character Reader Character Recognition

OCR-A - Optical Character Recognition - font A (American Mathematical Society,
Mathematical Offprint Service - US)
OCR-B - Optical Character Recognition - font B (AMS/MOS - US)
OCRIT - Optical Character Recognizing Intelligent Terminal
OCRS - Optical Character Recognition System
OCRUA - Optical Character Recognition Users Association (US)
Online Computer Systems, Inc. (US)
Optical Character Scanning
OCSD - Organic Crystal Structure Data Base (Cambridge University - GB) OCSL =
OCTANET - [Computer-based telecommunications network of medical libraries in
the midconti-nental region], 1982- (MCRMLP - US) *OCTI - Odesskij
Mezotraslevoj Territorial'nyj Centr Naucno-Tehni6eskoj Informacii i Propagandy(SU) *OCU - Opticeskoe Citajuscee Ustrojstvo (=OCR,
eng) OCUL-Ontario Council of University Libraries,
1966- (CA) OCULA - Ontario College and University Library
Association (CA);- OACUL *OCZ - Obscij Cital'nyj Zal OD
Odbor Dokumentacie, sla
Overheidsdocumentatie (NL)
*OD - Opisanie Dokumentov
ODA - Operational Data Analysis *ODA - Okr"zen D"rzaven Arhiv (BG) ODAS
Ocean Data Acquisition System
Osrednji Drzavni Arhiv Slovenije, slo (YU)
ODB - Orszagos Dokumentacios Bizottsag. [Natio
nal Documentation Committee], 1957- (HU)
ODBS - Optical Disc-Based System
ODC - Oxford System of Decimal Classification [in
Forestry] (GB) ODD
Optical Data Disc (or: Disk)
Optical Digital Disc (or: Disk)
ODD - Osterreichischer
(AT) ODDP - Official Directory of Data Processing.
Glendale, Calif. (US) ODE
Office de Documentation Economique (FR)
Oficiul de Documentare Energetica (RO)
Online Data Entry, inr(ESA=IRS)
ODECA - Organizacion de los Estados Centroamericanas, int, 1951- (SV) (=OCAS, eng)
ODEGE-Presse - Office d'Editions Generales-Presse,1959-(FR)
ODEL - Office d'Editions et de Libraries, 1948-(FR)

ODESSA - Ocean Data Environmental Science Service Acquisition

ODESY - Online Data Entry System (Burroughs -US)
ODF - Original Data File (DAEDAC - US) *ODG - Opticeskaja Delitel'naja Golovka
Office de Documentation Industrielle, Poitiers
Office Document Index
ODIC - Office of the Director of Information Control (US) ->
, .*,
ODIL - Osterreiehisehe Dokumentatio^ uN'ln-fnrmatinnsstelle fiir Leibesubunoen.
l%3- (AT)
Online Database Information Network, 1982(Pennsylvania State University Library - US)
Online Dokumentations- und Informationsnetz
(GID, Sektion fiir Systementwicklung der
Fachinformation und -kommunikation, Heidel
ODIN PAN - Osrodek Dokumentacji i Informacji Naukowej PAN, 1961-1974; (PL);
Odvetvove Informacne Stredisko, sla (CS)
Odvetvove Informacni Stredisko, cze (CS)
Online Dialog Service
ODISP - Osterreichisches Dokumentations- und In-formationszentrum fur
Sportwissenschaften (AT)
ODISS - Optical Digital Image Storage System (NA-RA-US)
ODITAS-T - Open Demand Information System for Tactics and Strategy- Tokyo,
1976- (JP)
Orszagos Dokumentacios Kozpont. [National
Documentation Centre], 1949-1950 (Tudomanyos Tanacs - HU)
Orvostudomanyi Dokumentacios Kozpont.
[Medical Documentation Centre], 1948-1960
ODL - Oklahoma Department of Libraries (US) ODNS - Odvetvove Normalizacni
Stredisko, cze
(CS) ODNT - Osrodek Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej (PL) ODOOS - Osrodek Dokumentacji Obrobki Skrawaniem (PL) OOP
Optical Data Processing

Original Document Processing ,
ODPCS - Oceanographic Data Processing and Con
trol Systems
ODPI - Office of the Director of Public Information
(US) ODPT - Oficiul de Documentare i Publicajii Tehnice (RO) ODPT-MAGF - ODPT al Ministerului Aprovizionirii Tehniko-Materiale i Controlului Gospodaririi Fondurilog Fixe, 1971- (RO) ODPT-MICMG - ODPT al Ministerului
Construciiei Masini Grele (RO) ODPT-MIMG - ODPT al Ministerului Industrie!
Miniere sj Geologiei, 1965- (RO) ODPT-MPMG - ODPT al Ministerului Petrolului,
Minelor i Geologiei (RO) ODR
Offset Duplicator Review, Inc. (US)
Original Data Record
ODS - Orszagos Dokumentacios Szabkizottsag.
[National Committee for Documentation], 1957(HU) ODSPV - Odvetvove Stfedisko pro Patenty a Vynalezy, cze (CS) ODT - Optical Data Transmission
ODTS - Optical Data Transmission System ODTW - Osterreichisches
fur Technik und Wirtschaft, 1950- (Technische
Hochschule Graz ; since 1 965 independent -AT) ODZ - Osrodek Dokumentacji
Zabytkow (PL) OE - Office of Education (HEW - US) OEA - Organization de los
Estados Americanos, int
(=OAS, eng) OEB - Office Europeen des Brevets, 1977- (Miinchen, DE) (=EPA, ger, EPO, eng); <- IIB OECA - Ontario Educational
Communications Authority (CA) OECD - Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development, 1961- (Paris, FR) (=OCDE,
OECD/DC - OECD Development Centre, int OECD/IPG - OECD Information
Policy Group, int
(Paris, FR) OECD-MEI - OECD Main Economic Indicators.
[Data base] (OECD, Economic Statistics and National Accounts - Paris, FR) OECD/NIA - OECD National Incom Accounts.
[Data base] (OECD, Economic Statistics and National Accounts - Paris, FR) OECDMEI = OECD/MEI OECDNIA = OECD/NIA
OECE - Organisation Europe'enne de Cooperation
Economique, 1948-1960 (Paris, FR) (=OEEC,
OED - Oxford English Dictionary (OUP - GB) OEEC - Organization for European
Economic Cooperation, 1948-1960 (Paris, FR) (=OECE, fre);

OEG - Osterreichische Exlibris Gesellschaft (AT) OEI
Obchodne Ekonomicke Informace, cze
Obchodno-Ekonomicke Informacie, sla
Oficina de Education Ibero-americana, 1971(Madrid, ES) (=IABE, eng)
Organisation Europeenne dTnformation
OEIMC - Oklahoma Environmental Information
and Media Center (East-Central State College US) OEIPS - Office of Engineering and Information Processing Standards (NBS - US) OEIS - Office of Energy Information Services (Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration-US)
OELL - Oriental Esoteric Library League (US) OELMA - Ohio Educational Library
Media Association (US) OEMA - Oregon Educational Media Association
(US) OEMI - Office Equipment Manufacturer's Institute
(US);-BEMA OEPD - Ofrodek Elektronicznego Przetwarzania
Danych (PL) OERI - Office of Educational Research and Improuvement (Department of Education - US) OES - Organisatie voor Economische
Samenwerking, dut (=OECD, eng)
OESS - Office of Engineering Standards Services
(NBS-US) OET - Organizzazione Editoriale Tipografica, int,
1944- (Roma, IT) OETO - Osrodek Elektronicznej Techniki Obliczeniowej (PL)
*OF - Obmennyj Format OFA - Office Arabe de Presse et de Documentation
OFC - On-line File Corrector OFDNT - Osrodek Francuskiej Dokumentacji Naukowo-Technicznej (PL) OFE - Office Fran$ais d'Edition (FR) OFF! - Orszagos
Fordfto- es Forditashitelsito Iroda.
[National Office for Translations and Attestations]
OFI - Office Frangais dTnformation (FR) OFIS - Office Information System OFIX Office of the Future Information Exchange
Office for Recruitment ( ALA - US)
Officer for Research ("ALA-US)
Original Format Recognition
OFRATEME - Office Francais des Techniques Modernes d'Education (FR); - CNDP

OFSS - Open-File Services Section (US Geological Survey, National Mapping

OFTEL - Office of Telecommunications (GB)
OFV - Orell Fiissli Verlag (CH) *OGAS - Obscegosudarstvennaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Sbora i Obrabotki Informacii (SU)
OGDB - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fiir Doku-mentation und Bibliographic, 19511971; < ODTW; -> OGDI
OGDI - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fiir Dokumen-tation und Information, 1971(AT);- OGDB
OGEFA - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Arbeits-technik und Betriebsrationalisierung
OGI - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Informatik
*OGIZ RSFSR - Ob"edinenie Gosudarstvennyh Knizno-Zurnal'nyh Izdatel'stv, 1930(Narkom-pros RSFSR - SU); <- *GOSIZDAT; - *OGIZ SSSR
*OGIZ SSSR - Ob"edinenie Gosudarstvennyh Izdatel'stv , 1946-1949 (Sovet Ministrov
SSSR - SU); -*OGIZ RSFSR; -> 'Glavpoligrafizdat
OGOR - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fiir Operations Research (AT)
OGPP - Office General de Presse Publicite (FR)
OGRE - Oil and Gas Reports - Electronic (US)
OGRHSD - Organizacija Grafifikih Radnika
Hrvatske, Slavonije i Dalmacije, era (YU) *OGRS - Organizacija Grafickih Radnika
Srbije, ser (YU)
OGSI - Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Statistik
und Informatik (AT)
*OGSPD - ObScegosudarstvennaja Sistema Peredaci Dannyh (SU)
OGYK - Orsziggyiilesi Konyvtar. [Parliament Library ] (HU) (= OK)
OHA - Oral History Association, 1967- (US)
OHB - Osterreichische Historische Bibliographic (AT)
OHDMS - Operational Hydromet Data Management System
OHIN - Oregon Health Information Network (Oregon Health Sciences University US)
OHIONET - Ohio Library Network, 1977- (US) *OHK - Obscestvo Hudoznikov
Knigi (SU)
OHM-TADS - Oil and Hazardous Materials Technical Assistance Data System (EPA
- US)
OHS - Occupational Health Services. [Data base] (US)
OHSLA - Oregon Health Sciences Libraries Association (US)
Olje Indeks. [Data base] (NSI - NO)

Osrodek Informacji, pol

Obrabotka Informacii
Otdel Informacii
OI - Okonomische Informationen *OIAONI - Otdel Izucenija, Analiza i Obobscenija
Naucnoj Informacii (Vsesojuznyj Elektrotehniceskij Institut - SU) OIB - Office International de Bibliographic, int,
1892- (Bruxelles - BE); -IIB OIBD - Office International de Bibliographie et de
Documentation OIBF - Osterreichisches Institut fur Bibliotheksforschung, Dokumentations und Informationswesen,
1966-(AT) QIC
Office of Information Control
Osrodek Informacji Centralnej (CIINTE; -
Centrum INTE - PL)
*OIC - Otraslevoj Informacionnyj Centr (SU) OICP - Office of International
Communications Policy (International Communications Association -US)
OICS-DAT - Organe International de Controle des Stupefians, Data base, 1982(United Nations, Vienna International Centre - Wien, AT) (=INCB-DAT, eng)
OID - Oficiul de Informare Documentara (RO)
OIDAIA - Oficiul de Informare Documentara pen-tru Agriculture i Industrie
Alimentara (Institutul de CercetSri pentru Economia Agrara - RO)
OIDCAS - Oficiul de Informare Documentara pentru Constructii, Arhitectura i
Sistematizare (RO)
OIDE - Oficiul de Informare Documentara pentru Energetica (RO)
OIDEN - Oficiul de Informare Documentara pentru Fizica si Energie Nucleara (RO)
OIDH - Oficiul de Informare Documentara pentru Hidrotehnici (RO);- CIDH
OIDI - Oficiul de Informare DocumentarS pentru
invaJamint(RO);*-CIDI ;
OIDMM - Office International de DoeBma"***""1 de Medecine Militaire, 1930(Uftge, BE)
(=lOMMD,eng) OIDPM - Oficiul de Informare Documentare pentru Probleme Muncii (RO) OIDSP - Oficiul de Informare i Documentara in
tiiniele Sociale i Politice (Academia de tiinje
Sociale s,i Politice - RO); <- CIDSD OIE
Office of Information and Educational Exchan
ge (US)
Osrodek Informacji Ekonomicznej (PL)
Office for Intellectual Freedom ("ALA - US)
Osrodek Informacji Finansowej, 1962-(Instytut Finansow - PL)

Osrodek Informacji Firmowej (Centrum INTE

OIG - Organisations Intergouvernmentales
OH - Office of Invention and Innovation, -1975
(NBS-US) OIICA - Office of International Information and
Cultural Affairs, 1942-(US) OIICE - Oil Industry Information Committee (US) *OIIS
- Otraslevaja Integral'naja Informacionnaja
Sistema OIJ - Organisation Internationale des Journalistes,
1946-(Praha,CS)(=IJO,ger;IOJ,eng;OIP,s/7fl) OIK - Orszagos Orvostudomanyi
Intezetes Informa-cios Kozpont. [National Medical Institute and Information Centre],
1980- (HU); <- OOKDK OIN
Oddziai Informacji Naukowej (PL)
Organisation Internationale de Normalisation
(=ISO, eng)
Osrodek Informacji Naukowej (PL)
OIN PAN - Osrodek Informacji Naukowej PAN,
1974- (PL); <- ODIN PAN OINiB - Osrodek Informacji Naukowej i Bibliograficznej (Wojskowy Instytut Historyczny - PL) OINT - Osrodek Informacji NaukowoTechnicznej
(PL) OINTE - Osrodek Informacji Naukowej, Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) *OIO
Otdel Informacionnogo Obespecenija
Otraslov Informacionen Organ, bul
OIOEJ - Osrodek Informacji o Energii Jadrowej
(Urzad Energii Atomowej - PL) OIP
Odbor Informacny a Publikacny, sla (CS)
Office for Information Programs (NBS - US)
Organization Internacional de Periodistas
(=101, eng)
Osrodek Informacji Patentowej (UP PRL- PL)
*OIP - Obscaja Informacionnaja Programma (Unesco)(=GIP,?ng)
OIPS - Optical Image Processing System *OIPT - Otraslevoj InformacionnoPoiskovyj Tezau-rus
OIRA - Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, 1981- (Office of Management
and Budget -US)
Office of Information Services (US)
Office of Information Systems (HEW, Social
and Rehabilitation Service - US)
Operational Intercommunication System (NA
SA - US)

*OIS - Otraslevaja Informacionnaja Sistema
OISLK - Odborove Informacne Stredisko Liehova-rov a Kozervarni, sla (CS)
OIT - Osrodek Informacji Technicznej (PL)
OITE - Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL)
OITEB - Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Budownictwa, 1960-1965
OITEK - Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Komunikacji 1963(Ministerstwo Komu-nikacji-PL)(=OITiEK)
OIV - Odbor pro Informacnf Vyzkum, cze 1966-(CS)
OIVO - Onderzoeks- en Informatiecentrum van de Verbruikersorganisaties,/Ze (BE)
(=CRIOC,/re) *OIVS - Otraslevaja Informacionno-Vycislitel'naja Set'
OIZ - Oborovy Informacni Zpravodaj, cze (CS) *OIZ - Ob"edinennoe Izdatel'stvo
OIZ - Osterreichisches INIS-Zentrum, 1969-(AT)
OIZI - Osrodek Informacji o Zagadnieniach Informacji, 1955-(IINTE - PL)
OJ(P) - Official Journal - Patents (Patent Office GB) *OJaP - Obobscennyj Jazyk Programmirovanija
OJP - Office de Justification de la Diffusion, 1949-(FR)
OJT - Office de Justification des Tirages (FR) *OJuB - Oblastnaja Junoseskaja
Biblioteka (SU)
Odborna Knihovna, cze (CS)
Okresna Kniznica, Wa(CS)
Okresnf Knihovna, cze (CS)
Orszaggyulesi Konyvtar. [Parliament Library]
(HU) (=OGYK)
*OK - Obscij Kollektor *OKTEI=OKTEI
OKAPI - Online Keyword Access to Public Information (Polytechnic University of
Central London -GB)
*OKB - Opytno-Konstruktorskoe Bjuro OKBK - Orszagos Konyvforgalmi es
Bibliografiai Kozpont. [National Book Office and Bibliographical Centre], 1923-1945
(HU) OKDT - Orszagos Konyvtariigyi es Dokumentacios Tanacs. [National Library
and Documentation Council] (HU) OKI (oki) - Okresni Knihovnicky Inspektor, cze
(CS) OKiDKN - Osrodek KsztaJcenia i Doskonalenia
Kadr Naukowych (PL)
*OKJa - Obscij Komandnyj Jazyk (=CCL, eng) OKK - Orszagos Konyvtari Kozpont.
[National Library Centre] (HU) *OKONH - Obscesojuznyj KlassifikatorOtraslejNarodnogo Hozjajstva (SU) *OKP - Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator Promyslennoj i

Sel'skohozjajstvennoj Produkcii (SU) *OKPDTR - Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator

Processij Rabocih, Dolznostej Sluzascih i Tarifsnyh Razrja-dov (SU) *OKPO Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator Predprijatij i
Organizacii (SU)
*OKR - Opytno-Konstruktorskie Raboty OKS - Osterreichisches Kategorienschema
(AT) *OKSO - Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator Special'nostej
po Obrazovaniju (SU) *OKSTU - Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator Standartov i
Tehniceskih Uslovij (SU) OKT - Orszagos Konyvtagyi Tanacs. [National
Council of Libraries], 1953-(HU) OKTB - Osoboe Konstruktorsko-Tehnologiceskoe
Bjuro *OKTEI - Obscesojuznyj Klassifikator TehnikoEkonomiceskoj Informacii (SU) OKULS - Oklahoma Union List of Serials (Oklahoma
State University Library - US) OL - On-Line System
OL'SAM - Online Data base Search Assistance Machine, 1980- (=OLSAM) (Franklin
Institute Research Laboratory - US) OLA
Ohio Library Association, 1895- (US)
Oklahoma Library Association, 1907- (US)
Ontario Library Association (CA)
Oregon Library Association, 1947- (US)
Osteopathic Libraries Association (US)
OLAS - On-Line Acquisitions System. [Book acqui
sitions] (Brodart Co. - US)
OLE - Openbare Lesezaal en Bibliotheek (NL) OLBG - Online-Benutzergruppe (DGD
Office of Library Coordination (CA)
On-Line Computer
Online Library Cataloga
Ontario Library Council (CA)
OLDB - Online Database
Office of Library Development Program, int
(O AS-Washington, US)
Ohio Library Development Plan, 1969-(US)
On-Line Data Processing
OLE - Office of Library Education, 1966- (ALA -US)
OLEN - On-Line Education News (Manchester Polytechnic, Department of Library and
Information Studies-GB)
OLHMIS - On-Line Hospital Management Information System
OLIC-Online Information Centre, 1979-1985 (Aslib - GB)
1. Online Library Information System, 1982- (Republic Geothermal, Inc. - CA)
2. Oregon Legislative Information System (US)

OLISP - Office of Library Independent Study Projects, 1972- (College Entrance

Examination Board -US)
OLIVIA - [On-Line Inventory Information, Control and Accounting System] (Medical
School of Hannover-DE)
OLK - Okresni Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS)
Obvodna L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
Okresna L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
OLLR - Office of Libraries and Learning Resources (USDE, Bureau of Elementar and
Secondary Education - US)
OLLT - Office of Libraries and Learning Technologies, -1983 (Department of
Education - US); -> CLEI
OLM - Office du Livre Malagasy, 1971- (MG)
OLN - Outreach Library Network (New Hampshire
University - US) *OLNTB - OpornajaLinejnajaNaucno-Tehnceskaja
*OLO - Obscesistemnoe Lingvisticeskoe Obespece-nie
OLOS - Office for Library Outreach Service (ALA -US)
OLP - Online Programming
OLPARS - On-Line Pattern Analysis and Recognition System (Rome Air Development
Center- US)
OLPR - Office for Library Personnel Resources, 1973-(ALA-US)
OLPS - Online Programming System
OLR - Ontario Library Review, 1916- (CA)
OLRT - On-Line Real Time System
On-Line Search
On-Line System
*OLS - Operativno-Logiceskaja Shema OLSAM = OL'SAM OLSC - On-Line
Scientific Computer OLSD - Office for Library Service to the Disadvantaged (ALA - US) OLSUS - Online System Use Statistics (OCLC US) OLTA
Ohio Library Trustees Association (US)
Ontario Library Trustees Association (Ontario
Library Association - CA)
*OLTB - Opornaja Linejnaja Tehniceskaja Biblioteka (SU)
OLUC - Online Union Catalog (OCLC - US)
OLUG - Online User Group (ZA)
OLV - Oberosterreichischer Landesverlag (AT) *OMA - Otdel Mehanizacii i
Avtomatizacii *OMAIR - Otdel Mehanizacii i Avtomatizacii Infor-macionnyh Rabot
OMAR - Optical Mark Reader

Office of Management and Budget (LC - US)
Openbare Muziekbibliotheek (NL)
*OMB - Oblastnaja Medicinskaj a Bibitetek* (SU)
OMBP - Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books (BLRD-GB)
*OMCNT1 - Otraslevoj Mezdunarodnyj CentrNaui-no-Tehniceskoj Informacii
OMD - Operations and Maintenance Documentation (NASA - US)
OMDR - Operations and Maintenance Data Record (NASA-US)
OME - Operateur Mathematique Electronique
OMEF - Office Machines and Equipment Federation (GB)
OMFB - Orszagos Mtiszaki Fejlesztesi Bizottsag. [National Committee for Technical
Development], 1962- (HU)
*OMFK - Otdel Mikrofotokopirovanija *OMGIZ - Omskoe Gosudarstvennoe
Izdatel'stvo (SU)
OMgK - Orszagos Mezogazdasagi Konyvtar. [National Agricultural Library], 19511958 (HU); - OMgKDK
OMgKDK - Orszagos Mezogazdasagi Konyvtar es Dokumentacios Kozpont. [National
Agricultural Library and Documentation Centre], 1958-1967 (HU); < (formed by the
merger of): MgDK and OMgK
OMI - Organization for Microinformation, 1972(University of Denver - US) *OM1 - Otdel Mezotraslevoj Informacii
OMICC - Ohio Multitype Interlibrary Cooperation Committee (US)
OMIKK - Orszagos Mtiszaki Informacids Kozpont es Konyvtar. [National Technical
Information Centre and Library], 1982- (HU) (=NTICL, eng); <- OMKDK
OMIPE - Office Mondial d'Information sur les Pro-blemes d'Environment, 1971(=WOIEP, eng)
Operational Management Information System
Organisation Mondiale de ITmage et du Son,
1964- (Bern, CH) (=PSWO, eng)
OMK - Orszagos Mtiszaki KOnyvtar. [National Technical Library], 1956-1962 (HU);
<- KTK; -* OMKDK
OMKDK - Orszagos Muszaki Konyvtar es Dokumentacios Kozpont. [National
Technical Library and Documentation Centre], 1962-1981 (HU) (=OMK DK); <OMK; -> OMIKK *OMKMR - Otdel Mehanizacii Kopirovalno-Mnozi-telnyh Rabot
OML-MsK - Odbor Marxizmu-Leninizmu Mestskej Kniznice, sla (CS)
OMMA - Office Microfilm Management Association, 1973-(US)
OMNIDATA - [System applicable for chemical data] ("NBS- US)
OMP - Oxford Microform Publications Ltd (GB)

OMBP - Department of Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books (British Library

Reference Division -GB)
OMPI - Organisation Mondiale pour la Proprie" te Intellectuelle, 1970- (Geneve, CH) (=WIPO, eng);
<-BIRPI OMPP - Organisation Mondiale de la Presse Periodique (Bruxelles, BE) OMPR - Optical Mark Page Reader OMPX - OCLC
Microcomputer Program Exchange
Optical Mark Reader
Optical Mark Reading (or: Recognition)
OMRAC-OCLC Musical Recordings Analytics
Consortium (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Music Collection - US) OMS
Office of Management Studies, 1970- (ARL US)
Organisation Mondiale de la Sante (=WHO,
OMSS - Online Manuscripts Search Service (Western Carolina University, Hunter
Library - US)
OMULO - Operations, Materials, Users, Librarians and Organisation
ON - Oborova Norma, cze (CS) *ON
Obrascajuscij NositeF
Otraslevye Normali
ON - Osterreichisches Normungsinstitut, 1969(AT);<-ONA
ONA - Overseas News Agency (US) ONA - Osterreichischer Normenauschuss,
(AT);<-ONIG;->ON ONAREST - Office National de la Recherche
Scientifique et Technique, 1965- (CM) ONAS - Ordine Nazionale Autori e Scrittori
(IT) ONB - Osrodek Normalizacji Bibliograficznej,
1969-(IB BN-PL)
ONB - Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek, 1921 ONBAB - Organizaci6n Nacional
de Bibliotecas
Ambulantes y Populares (CU) ONBI - Office National des Brevets d'Inventions
ONCE - Online Network of Continuing Education ONF- = ONFC ONFC - Office
National du Film du Canada (CA)
(=NFB, NFBC.en^; ONF, /re) ONG - Organisations Non-gouvernmentales ONI
Oficina Nacional de Informacion (PE)
Organismos Nacionales de Informacion, spa
*ONI - Otdel Naucnoj Informacii (SU)
*ONI NHVS - ONI Naucno-Issledovatel'skogo Institute Problem Vyssej Skoly, 1974(Ministerstvo Vyssego i Srednego Special'nogo Obrazovanija -SU)

ONIG - Osterreichischer Normenausschuss fiir Industrie und Gewerbe (AT); -> ONA
ONIITEM - Oficina Nacional de Invenciones, In-formacidn Tecnica y Marcas (CU)
"ONION - Otdel Naucnoj Informacii po ObSeestven-nym Naukam (SU)
*ONION AN BSSR - Otdel Naucnoj Informacii po
Obscestvennym Naukam Akademii Nauk BSSR, Minsk, 1971-(SU)
*ONION AN USSR - Otdel Naucnoj Informacii po ObScestvennym Naukam
Akademii Nauk USSR,
Kiev, 1977- (SU) ONISEP - Office National d'Information sur les Enseignements et les Professions (FR); - BUS ONIST - Office National d'Information
et Technique (ZR) ONIW - Osrodek Naukowej Informacji Wojskowej
*ONK - Optimal'nyj Neravnomernyj Kod ONL
On-Line Systems, Inc. (US)
Outreach Library Network, 1970- (University
of Hampshire, New England Center for Conti
nuing Education - US)
Oblasna Naukova Medicna Biblioteka, ukr
(SU, Ukrainian SSR)
Oblastnaja Naufino-Medicinskaja Biblioteka
*ONMI - Otdelenie Naunoj Medicinskoj Informacii
ONORM - Osterreichische Norm (AT) *ONOTTI - Otdel Naucnoj Organizacii Truda i
Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) ONPI - Office National de la Propriete Industrielle,
1963-1973 (DZ)
*ONPI NIIOP APN - Otdel Naucno-Pedagogi6es-koj Informacii i Propagandy
Naucno-Issledova-tel'skogo Instituta Obscej Pedagogiki Akademii
PedagogiCeskihNauk, 1970- (SU) ONRS - Organisme National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1973-(DZ) ONRSI - Office National des Recherches Scientifiques et Industrielles (FR); - ONRSII ONRSII - Office National des Recherches
Scientifi-ques, Industrielles et des Inventions (FR); <-ONRSI ONS
Oborove NormalizaSni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Overseas News Service (GB)
ONSITE - Online Site Evaluation. [Data base] (Urban Decision Systems, Inc. US)
ONTAP-Online Training and Practice (ERIC/
Lockheed Information Systems - US) *ONTB
Oblastnaja Naucno-Tehniceskaja Biblioteka

Osnovnaja Naucno-Tehniceskaja Biblioteka

Otraslevaja Nau6no-Tehniceskaja Biblioteka
*ONTD - Otcetnaja Naucno-Tehniceskija Dokumentacija (SU) "ONTEI - Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj i Ekonomiceskoj Informacii (SU) *ONTCPI - Otdel Nau6no-Tehniceskoj, Ekonomiceskoj i Patentnoj Informacii (SU) ONTERIS - Ontario Educational Research Information System (CA); -(the same initialism): Ontario Education Resources Information
System *ONTI
Ob"edinenie Nau6no-Tehniceskih Izdatel'stv,
1932-1939 (SU) (=*ONTIZ)
Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
*ONTI VNIIDAD - ONTI Vsesojuznogo NaucnoIssledovatel'skogo Instituta Dokumentovedenija i
Arhivnogo Dela, 1967- (Glavarhiv SSSR - SU)
*ONTII - Otdel za Naucno-Tehni6eska i Ikonomiceska Informacija (BG) *ONTIP - Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i
Propagandy (SU)
*ONTIP VNIIKOM2 - Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i Patentnovedenij a
Vsesojuznogo Nauc-no-IssledovatePskogo Instituta Kompleksnyh Problem
MaSinostroenija dlja Zivotnovodstva i Kor-moproizdvodstva, 1974- (Ministerstvo
Masinost-roenija dlja Zivotnovodstva i Kormoproizvodstva -SU) *ONTIPI OtdelNaucno-Tehniceska,Ikonomiceska
i Patentna Informacija (BG) *ONTITEI - Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i
Tehniko-Ekonomiceskih Issledovanij (SU) *ONTilEImikrobioprom - Otdelenie
Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i Tehniko- Ekonomiceskih Issledovanij
Mikrobiologiceskoj Promyslennosti, 1970- (Glavnoe Upravlenie
MikrobiologiCeskoj Promyslennosti - SU) *ONTIZ = *ONTI
*ONTPI - Otdel Naucno-Tehniceskoj i Patentnoj Informacii (SU)
*ONTS - Otraslevoj Naucno-Tehniceskoj Sovet (SU) ONU - Organisation des
Nations Unies, 1945(=UN,eng)
ONUDI - Organisation des Nation Unies por le De-veloppment Industriel, 1967(Wien, AT) (=UNIDO, eng)
ONULP - Ontario New Universities Library Project, 1964- (University of Toronto CA) ONZ - Organizacja Narodow Zjednoczonych, pol,
mr, 1945-(=UN, eng) OOA - Ohranna Organizace Autorska, cze (Cesky
Fond Vytvarnych Umeni - CS) OOB - Orszagos Osztalyozasi Bizottsag. [National
Committee for Classification] (HU) OOC - Office of Censorship (US) *OOD Oborudovanie dlja Obrabotki Dannyh OOK - Orszagos Orvostudomanyi Kozyvtar.

[National Medical Library] (HU); - OOKDK OOKDK - Orszagos Orvostudomanyi

Konyvtar es Dokumentaci6s Kozpont. [National Medical Library and Documentation
Centre], 1960- (HU); -(formed by the merger of):Of>Kand OOK; - OIK OOL Operator Oriented Language OOLUG - Oklahoma On-Line Users Group (US) *OON
- Organizacija Ob"edinennyh Nacij, int (UN,
*OONTI - Otraslevoj Otdel Naucno-TehiKeskoj
formacii (SU)
Off-line Orthophoto Printer
Office for Official Publications, int (CEC)
Out of Print
OOPS - Open Order Plan Subscription (IEEE-US) *OOSN - ObScezavodskoj Otdel
Standartizacii i Normirovanija (SU)
OOUG - Oregon Online Users Group (US) OP
Official Publications
Orient Press, 1952- (KR)
OP books - Out of Print books
Office of Patents and Inventions
Office of Publications and Information (De
partment of Commerce - US)
Operacionnaja Programme
Operativnaja Pamat'
*OP i NT - Otdel Patentovedenija i Novoj Tehniki
OPA - Orbis Press Agency, 1977- (CS) OPA - Osterreichische Presse-Agentur (AT)
OP AC - Online Public Access Catalog (Columbia
University Libraries - US) OPACs - Online Public Access Catalogs (US) OPAL Operational Performance Analysis Language
OPB - Offene-Posten-Buchhandlung (DE) *OPB - Obscestvennoe Patentnoe Bjuro
On-line Publiekscatalogus (NL)
Overseas Press Club of America (US)
OPCS - Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
Osrodek Pism Drukarskich (PL)

Osrodek Przetwarzania Danych, pol
OPDBN - Osrodek Przetwarzania Danych Bibliote
ki Narodowej, 1974-(PL)
OPD - Osterreichischer Pressedienst (AT) OPED - Oficiul de PresS, Editura si
Documentare al Cailor Ferate Romane, 1948-1966 (RO); -+ CDPT-MCF
OPEN - Outreach Programs for Essential Needs (Washington Library Association US, Washington State)
OPEP - Office de Propagande, d'Edition et de Publicite (FR) *OPF
Otraslevoj Patentnyj Fond (SU)
Otraslevoj Podfaset
Office de la Propriete Industrielle (FR)
Office of Public Information
OSrodek Przetwarzania Informacji, pol
OPI - Otdel Patentnoj Informacii
*OPI GIM-Otdel Pis'mennyh Istocnikov Gosu-darstvemiogo Istoriceskogo
Muzea (SU) (=
OPI - Osterreichische Presse-Information (AT)
OPIF - Orient Press International Federation, 1946(=FIPO,fre;lFOP,eng) OPIGIM = *OPI GIM
OPINS - Oakland Planning Information System
OPINTI VIST! - Otdel Patentnoj i Naucno-Tehni-ceskoj Informacii Vsesojuznogo
Proektno-Tehni-ieskogo i Eksperimental'no-Konstruktorskogo In-stituta po Sportivnym i
Turistskim Izdelijam, 1969-(Komitet po FiziCeskoj Kul'ture i Sportu pri Sovete
OPIR - Orszagos Pedagogiai Informacios Rendszer. [National Information System for
Pedagogy] (HU)
OPK - Orszagos Pedagogiai Konyvtar. [National Pedagogical Library] (HU)
*OPK-Otdel Prodvizenija Knigi (*GOSIZDAT, Torgovyj Sektor - SU)
OPKM - Orszagos Pedagdgiai Konyvtar es Mu-zeum. [National Pedagogical Library
and Museum] (HU)
Official Publications Library (BLRD - GB)
On-line Programming Language
Ottawa Public Library (CA)
OPLA - Ontario Public Library Association, 1977-(Ontario Library Association - CA);
OPLAC - Ontario Public Librarians' Advisory Committee, 1975- (CA)

OPLB - Ontario Public Library Board (CA)

OPLC - Ontario Provincial Library Council, 1967-(CA)
OPLIC - Office of Public Libraries and Interlibrary Cooperation (US, Minnesota)
OPM - Office of Personnel Management (US)
OPMA - Overseas Press and Media Association
(GB) OPNOL - Otdel Predvaritel'noj Naucnoj Obrabotki
*OPNTI - Otdel Patentov i Naucno-TehniCeskoj Informacii (SU) *OPOD Obobscennyj Poiskovyj ObrazDokumenta
OPOL - Optimization-Oriented Language
OPOLiS - Osrodek Przetwarzania Obrazow Lotni-czych i Satelitarnych (Instytut
Geodezji i Kartogra-fii-PL)
Optical Page Reading
Optical Patten Recognition
OPRA - Overseas Publishers Representatives Association
OPRAD - Operations Research and Development Management
OPRIS - Ohio Project for Research in Information
Service, 1971- (State Library of Ohio - US) OPRIZ - Otdel Patentnovedenija,
Racionalizacii i Izobretatel'stva (SU)
OPT - Ostodek Poste.pu Technicznego (NOT-PL) OPTI-Otdel ProizvodstvennoTehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
OPTIIR - Otdel Patentno-Tehniceskoj Informacii,
Izobretatel'stva i Racionalizacii (SU) OPTOL - Optimized Test Oriented Language
OPTR - Optical Punched Tape Reader OPUS
Octal Program Updating System (Honeywell US
Office des Publications Scientifiques de Langue
OPV - Ostschweizerischer Presse-Verband (CH) OPWZ - Osterreichisches Zentrum
fiir Wirtschaftlichkeit und Produktivitat (AT) OPZ - Osterreichisches
OQL - On-line Query Language OR - Operational (or: Operations) Research OR&A Operations Research and Analysis OR/MS - Operations Research and Management
OR/SA - Operations Research/Systems Analysis ORABI - Organisatorische
Anforderung an Verteile Betriebliche Informationssysteme (BIFOA DE) GRACE - Optional Reception of Announcement by
Coded Viewdata ORACLE

Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical

Engine (ORNL-US)
On-line Retrieval of Acquisitions, Cataloguing
and Circulation Details for Library Enquiries
(Queensland State Library - AU); - LIB SAC
Optical Recognition of Announcements by Co
ded Line Electronics. [Teletext system] (GB)
Optimum Record Automation for Court and
Law Enforcement (US, Los Angeles County)
ORALL - Ohio Regional Association of Law Libraries (US)
ORAN - Organisation Regionale Africaine de Normalisation, int (KE) (=ARSO, eng)
ORASA - Operational Research and Systems Analysis
ORAVEP - Observatoire ds Ressources Audiovisu-elles pour 1'Education Permanente
ORBIT - On-line Retrieval of Bibliographic Information Time-shared (SDC - US)
ORC - Opinion Research Centre (GB)
ORCHIS - Oak Ridge Computerized Hierarchical Information System (ORNL- US)
ORCUP - Ontario Region of Canadian University Press (CA)
ORD - Office for Research and Development, 1965( ALA -US)
*ORD - Organizacionno-Rasporjaditel'naja Doku-mentacija
ORDA - Gesellschaft fiir Organisation und Daten-verarbeitung
ORDEAL - Oak Ridge Data Evaluation and Analysis Language (ORNL-US)
ORDIS - Optical Reading Direct Input System
1. Dokumentations-Leitstelle Moderner Orient,
1966- (Orient-Institut - DE) 2. Orvostudomanyi Dokumentaci6s Kozpont. [Medical
Documentation Centre] (HU) (=ODK) ORDP - Oxford Development Records
1977-(GB) ORDU - Occupational Research and Development
Unit, 1967- (Auburn University - US) OREALC - Oficina Regional de Education de
la Unesco para America Latina y el Caribe, int, 1963-(Unesco - Santiago, CL) *ORF Otdel Rukopisnyh Fondov (SU) ORFIS - Organisation von Informations-Dienstleistungs-Unternehmungen unter Besonderer Be-riicksichtigung der
Fachinformationssysteme (DE) ORGANODOC - Organic Chemicale Patents Documentation (Derwent Publications Ltd - GB) Orgtransstroj - Central'nyj Institut
Normativnyh Issledovanij i Naucno- Tehniceskoj Informacii v Transportnom
Stroitel'stve, 1964- (Ministerstvo Transportnogo Stroitel'stva - SU) ORI
Occurence of Reinforcing Information
Office of Research and Information, 1967- (Na
tional Association of State Universities and
Land-grant Colleges - US)

Ongoing Research Information

Operations Research, Inc. (US)
ORIADOC - Bureau National d'Orientation et
d'Acces aux Sources d'Information et de Documentation, 1982-(FR)
ORICAT - Original Cataloguing, 1981- (University of Haifa, HOBITS-IL)
ORIEL-ACQUI - Oriel On-line Acquisition System (Oriel Computer Services - GB)
ORIEL-MICRO - Oriel Micro-based Library Housekeeping System, 1982- (Oriel
Computer Services-GB)
ORIFLAMME - Older Residents Involved from Library Activity in Mass Media
Experiment, 1973-(Inland Library System - US, California)
ORIGAN - Orientation de la Recherche par Indexation Generate des Archives
Nationales (FR)
On-line Retrieval of Information Over a Net
work (GB)
[UCLA Library's On-line Information Servi
ce], 1982-(UCLA - US)
ORK - Oborudovanie dlja Refleksnogo Kopirovanija ORKA - Eesti NSV Oktoobrirevolutsiooni ja Sotsialististliku Ulesehitustoo Riiklik Keskarhiiv, est
[Central State Archive of the October Revolution
and Socialist Development of the Estonian SSR]
(SU) ORKLB - Otdel Redkih Knig Leninskoj Biblioteki
(*GBL-SU) ORLB - Otdel Rukopisej Leninskoj Biblioteki
1. Ohio Regional Library and InfornWtiorfSjfrteih
2. ORL-Literaturinformations-System (DE) *ORM - Otraslevye RukovodjaScie
Materialy ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ERDA US) ORNLL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Library
OROS - Optical Read-Only Storage *ORP - Otdel Rasprostranenija Pecati (SU)
ORRMIS - Oak Ridge Regional Modelling Information System (ORNL - US) ORS Operational Research Society, 1953- (GB);
<- (founded as): OR Club, 1947-ORSA - Operations Research Society of America,
1952- (US) ORSAC-Oak Ridge Systems Analysis Code
ORSDI - Oak Ridge Selective Dissemination of Information (ORNL - US) *ORSK Otraslevaja Respublikanskaja Spravocnaja
Kartoteka (SU) ORSTOM - Office de la Recherche Scientifique et

Technique d'Outre-Mer, 1943-(FR) *ORTZ - ObsCestvo Rasprostranenija

Znanij (SU) ORWN PAN-Osrodek Rozpowszechniania Wydawnictw Naukowych PAN (PL) (=ORPAN) OS - Operating System
OS/MFT - Operating System/Multiprogramming Fixed Task (IBM - US)
OS/MVT - Operating System for Multiprogramming with a Variable Number of
Oborove Stfedisko Technicko-Ekonomickych Informaci, cze (CS) v
Odborove Stredisko Technickych a Ekonomic
kych Informacif, sla (CS)
Oborove Stfedisko V6decko-Technickych a
Ekonomickych Informaci, cze (CS)
Odborove Stredisko Vedecko-Technickych a
Ekonomickych Informacii, sla (CS)
Odvetvove Stfedisko Vedecko-Technickych a
Ekonomickych Informaci, cze (CS)
Oborove Stfedisko Vedecko-Technickych In
formaci, cze (CS)
Odborove Stredisko Vedecko-Technickych In
formacii, sla (CS)
ObScesojuznyj Standart (SU)
Operacionnaja Sistema
OtklonjajuJcaja Sistema
OSA - Ochranny Svaz Autorsky, cze (CS) OSAIG - Ogdlny System Archiwizacji
Geologicznych (PL) OSAJS - Oil Spilage Analytical Information Service
(Laboratory of the Government Chemist - GB) OSAM - Overflow Sequential Access
OSAR - Optical Storage and Retrieval
OSAS - Oborove Stfedisko Automatizace Sazby, cze(CS)
OSC - Open Systems Connection (ISO and ANSI/ NBS-US)
OSCAP - Operating System Communication Application Program
Online Serials Control at the Radcliffe (Oxford
University, Radcliffe Science Library-GB)
Optically Scanned Character Automatic Rea
der (Plessey Co. - US)

Optically Stored Computer Assisted Reference

Oregon State Conversational Aid to Research
OSCL - Operating System Control Language OSCRL - Operating System Command
and Response Language
OSD - Osrodek Szkolenia Dziennikarskiego (PL) OSDOP - Onderzoekings-,
Studie- en Documen-tatiecentrum voor Publiciteit, fie (BE) (=OREDOP,fre)
OSEF - Office Scolaire d'Etudes par le Film (FR) OSI
Office of Scientific Information, 1950-1958
Open Systems Interconnection, 1978- (ISO)
Open Systems Interconnection (CA)
Operating Systems, Inc. (US)
OSI model - Open Systems Interface reference model
OSIC - Oil Spill Information Center (US) *OSIF - Otraslevoj SpravocnoInformacionnyj Fond
OSIL - Operating System Implementation Language *OSIO - Otraslevoe
Obsluzivanie (SU) *OSIR - Otdel Spravocno-Informacionnoj Raboty
1. On-line Search Information Retrieval and Information Storage (Information
Sciences and Plans Branch, Naval Material Command - US) 3. Organized Set of
Integrated Routines for Investigation with Statistics (University of Michigan -US)
OSIS - Office of Science Information Service, 19581976 (NSF - US); - OSI; -> "NSF/DSI OSK
Orszdgos Szechenyi Konyvtar. [National Szechiinyi Library] (HU) (=OSZK)
Osteuropa-Sammelkatalog, 1953- (SBPrKB WB)
*OSK-ZK - ObScesojuznyj Svodnyj Katalog Zarubeznyh Knig (SU) OSL
1. Operating System Language
Oregon State Library (US)
OSLA - Ontario School Library Association, 1976(OLA - CA); <- School Library Division OSMVT = OS/MVT
*OSN - Otdel Standartizacii i Normalizacii (SU) *OSNTI - Otraslevaja Sistema
*OSP - Operativnaja Sistema Programmirovanija OSPIC - Overseas Patent
Information Center (JP) *OSPK - Obs6estvennyj Svodnyj Pecatnyj Katalog

"OSPK-ZK - ObScesojuznyj Svodnyj Pecatnyj Katalog Zarubeznyh Knig (SU)
OSPM - Original Society of Paper Makers *OSPOD - Obobscennyj Statisticeskij
Obraz Dokumenta OSR
Office of Standard Reference Materials (NBS US)
Optical Scanning Recognition
Organization for Scientific Research (ID)
Office of Scientific Research and Development
Office of Standard Reference Data, 1963(NBS - US)
Oficiul de Stat pentru Standarde (RO)
Sudanese Organisation for Standards Specifica
tion (SD)
OSSL - Operating System Simulation Language OST
Office of Science and Technology, 1962-1973
Office for Science and Technology (United Na
Organisation Scientifique du Travail
Ostravske Tiskarny, cze (CS)
ObScesojuznyj Standart, 1925-1940 (SU); -*
Otraslevoj Standart (SU)
Office for Scientific and Technical Information,
1965-1974 (DES - GB); ^ DSIR; -* BLRDD
Office for Scientific and Technical Information
Organisation for Social and Technical Innova
tion (US)
OSTP - Office of Science and Technology Policy
OSTS - Office of State Technical Services (US) OSUL - Ohio State University
Libraries (US) OSUZI - Otvetvovy Subsystem Vedeckych Zdra-

votnickych Informacii, sla (CS, Slovakia) OSV - Osterreichischer

Schriftstellerverband (AT) OSVIF - Odvetvovy System Vedeckych Informaci v
Oblasti Farmacie, Farmakologie a Zdravotnicke
Vyroby, cze (CS) OSVIZ - Odvetvovy System Vedeckych Informaci
ve Zdravotnictvi, cze (Resort MC CSR - CS) OSVTEI = OS VTEI
osvn = os VTI
OSW-MIC - Office of Saline Water, Materials Information Center, 1968- (ORNL US) OSYGRAPH - Online System fur die Graphische
OSZIIR - Orszagos Szakirodalmi Informatics Rendszer. [National Information
Centre for Professional Literature] (HU)
OSZIR - Orszagos Szakmai Informatics Rendszer. [National Specialized Information
System] (HU)
OSZK (OSzK) - Orszagos Szechenyi Konyvtar. [National Szechenyi Library] (HU)
OSZTIK - Egfiszsegugui Miniszterkium Szervezesi, Tervezesi es Informacios
Kozpontja. [Ministry of Health Protection Management, Planning and Information
Centre], 1964- (HU)
Office of Telecommunications (US)
"Opposite Term" reference
Ostravske Tiskarny, cze (CS)
OTA - Old Testament Abstracts, 1977-(Catholic Biblical Association of America - US)
OTAF - Office of Technology Assessment and Forecasts (Patent and Trademark Office
- US) *OTD - Otdel Techniceskoj Dokumentacii (SU)
OTH - Orszagos Talalmanyi Hivatal. [National Patents Office] (HU)
Office of Technical Information (AEC - US);
Office Technique de TImprimerie, -1952 (FR);
*OTI - Otdel Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) OTIA - Office of Technical Information
Agency (US
OTIEP - Office of Technical Information and Educational Program (NASA - US)
*OTII - Otdel Tehniceskoj Informacii i Izobretatel'stva (SU) *OTIIR - Otdel Tehniceskoj Informacii, Izobretatel'stva i Racionalizacii (SU)
OTIP - Office of Technical Information and Publications ("EPA, Air Pollution Control
Office - US) *OTIR - Otdel Tehniceskoj Informacii i Racionalizacii (SU) OTIS
Occupational Training Information System

Oklahoma Teletype Interlibrary Service, 1968(Oklahoma State Department of Libraries US); - (the same initialism): Oklahoma Tele
communications Interlibrary System
Oregon Total Information System, 1968- (US)
OTIU - Overseas Technical Information Unit (De
partment of Trade and Industry; > Department of
Otdel TehniCeskoj Informacii i Izobretatel'stva
Otraslevoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stw(SU)
1. Odborna Technicka Literatura, cze
2. Ohio Theological Librarians (US) *OTMD - ObscijTelekommunikacionnyj
OTN - Operational Teletype Network *OTONI - Division of Theoretical
Foundations of
Scientific Information] ('VINITI - SU) OTP - Office of Telecommunications Policy
Office of Technical Services, 1946-1964 (De
partment of Commerce - US); > CFSTI
Orbital Test Satellite. [Communications satelli
te programme], int (ESA)
Oxford Text System (Oxford University Press GB)
*OTS - Obscaja Teorija Sistem
OTSZK - Orszagos Tervhivatal Szamitastechnikai Kozpontja. [National Planning
Office, Computing Centre], 1968-(HU)
OTTI - Ostbayerisches Technologie-Transfer-Insti-tut,1979-(DE)
OTUS - Office Tunisien de Standardisation (TN)
OUA - Organisation de 1'Unite Africaine, int, 1963-(=OAU,eng)
OUBCP - Ontario Universities Bibliographie Centre Project, 1969- (CA)
OUG - Online Users Group
OUGDJ - Opsto Udruzenje Graficke Delatnosti Ju-goslavije (YU)
OUK - Okresm'Ucitelska Knihovna, cze (CS)

OULCS - Ontario Universities Library Cooperative System, 1973-(C A)

OUP - Oxford University Press (GB) *OUPS - Otraslevoj UkazateF Patentnyh Ssylok
OUTRAN - Output Translator (IBM - US)
OVAC - Overseas Visual Aids Centre (Centre for Educational Development Overseas GB); > British Council Media Department Resource Centre
OVAL - Ohio Valley Area Libraries (Herbert West-coat Memorial Library - US)
OVB - Osterreichischer Verein fiir das Bibliotheks-wesen, 1896-1919 (AT)
OVD - Optical Video Disc
OVF - Organe de Calcul en Virgule Flottante
OVGTSL - Ohio Valley Group of Technical Service Librarians (US)
OVID - On-line VDU Interrogation of Data-bases (British Steel Corporation, Strip
Mills Division, Technical Information Systems - GB)
OVIS - Optical Visual Information System
OVK - Orszagos Vezet5kepz8 Kozpont. [National Management Development Centre]
OVK-NIC - OVK Nineteen-hundred Indexing and Cataloguing System (Orszagos
Vezet8kepz8 Kozpont-HU)
OVK TTSZ - Orszagos VezetflkepzO Kozpont, Tudomanyos Tejekoztato Szolgalat. [OVK Service
for Scientific Information], 1967- (HU)
*OVNIIEM - Otdelenie VsesojuznogoNaucno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Elektromehaniki po Naucno-TehmSeskoi Infnrmarii
Standartiyacii i
Informacii v Elektrotehnike (SU) OVRMP - Ohio Valey Regional Medical Program
(University of Kentucky - US) *OVS - Odnopodnaja Vycislitel'naja Set' OVTR Operational Video Tape Recorder OWB - Opleiding tot Wetenschappelijk Bibliothecaris (Universiteit van Amsterdam - NL) OWB - Offentliche Wissenschaftliche
1946-1954 (DD); (=OWiBi); -+ DSB OWDC - Office of Water Data Coordination,
1965(US Geological Survey, Water Resources Division)
OWiBi = OWB OWITE - Oddziaf Wojskowej Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (Sztab Generalny, Zarzad
Techniczny - PL) OWLS - Outagamie-Waupaca Counties Federated
Library System (US)
OWPA - Offset Workers, Pressmen and Assistants OZDB - Osterreichische
*OZI - Otdel Zarubeznoj Informacii (SU) OZK
Odborna Zavodna Kniznica, sla (CS)
Odborna Zavodni Knihovna, cze (CS)
*OZU - Operativnoe Zapominajuscee Ustrojstvo

OZZ - Osterreichischer Zeitschriftenzentralkatalog

P/E News - Petroleum/Energy Business News Index. [Data base] (American
Petroleum Institute, CAIS-US)
P-P-B - Planning-Programming-Budgeting System
Petroleum Abstracts, 1961- (University of Tulsa, Division of Information Services - US)
Physics Abstracts, 1898- (IEE - GB)
Press Association Ltd (GB)
Psychological Abstracts (American Psychologi
cal Association - US)
Publishers' Association, 1896-(GB)
Publishers' Association (US)
*PA - Pisuscij Avtomat
PAACE - Pennsylvania Association for Adult Continuing Education (US)
PAARL - Philippine Association of Academic and Research Libraries, 1973- (PH)
PAAS - Pakistan Association of the Advancement of Science (PK)
PAASCU - Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities,
1954- (PH)
Patent Abstracts Bibliography (NASA - US)
Pollution Abstracts (QL Systems Ltd - CA)
PABE - Professional and Academic Book Exhibi
tion (GB)
PABMI - Performing Arts Rioeranhv Master Index.
1979- (Gale Research Co. - US) PAC
Preservation and Conservation Programme
PRESTEL Administration Centre (British Te
lecom - GB)
Public Access Catalog (US)
Public Archives of Canada (CA)
PACAS - Psychological Abstracts Current Awareness Service (PASAR - US)
PACBS - Philippines Advisory Council on Bibliographical Services (PH)
PACCIOS - Pan American Council of International Committee of Scientific
Management, int
PACDIS - Pacific Area Communicable Disease Information Service (PH)
Patterns of Ambulatory Care: Evaluation Re
search (Los Angeles County Department of
Health Services-US)

Program to Analyze Coal Energy Ressources

(US Geological Survey, National Coal Resour
ces Data System - US)
PACFORNET - Pacific Coast Forest Research Information Network (University of
Washington Libraries Seattle, Forest Resources Library - US); > WESTFORNET
PACH - Publishers" Accounts Clearing House, 1958- (British Publishers' Guild - GB)
PACIMWA - Pacific Coast Independent Magazine Wholesalers Association (US)
PACIR - Practical Approach to Chemical Information Retrieval (US Patent Office); -
PACNET - OCLC Pacific Network (US)
PACO - Prix Agricoles et Comptes de I'Agricultur-ne. [Data base] (FR)
Physics and Astronomy Classification Sheme
Picture Archiving and Communications System
Programming and Computation Service (Uni
versity of Wisconsin, Social Data and Computa
tion Center - US)
PACSERCH - Pacific Serials Clearinghouse (University of Hawaii - US) PACT
Pandick Computerized Typesetting (US)
Pollution Abatement and Control Technolo
gies. [Data file], int (ECE, Environmental and
Human Settlements - Geneve, CH)
Primary Access to Chemical Titles
PACTEL - Planning Associates for Computers and
Telecommunications (GB)
PACU - Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PH)
Pontiac-Allen Park-Detroit Consortium (Hutzel Hospital Medical Library - US)
Prelucrarea Automata a Datelor, rum (=ADP,
^ Prnoram Analysis for Documentation
4. Programmation Automatique des Donnees PADAMS - Pathology Data
Management System
(JP) PAD AT - Psychological Abstracts Direct Access
Terminal, 1972-(PASAR - US) PADCT - Programa de Apoio ao Desensolvimento
Cientifico e Technologico (BR) PADEL - Pattern Description Language PADIS
Pan African Documentation and Information
System, int, 1980- (UN Economic Commission
for Africa - Addis Ababa, ET)

Pharmacy Automated Drug Interaction Screen

ing System (Holy Cross, Hospital in Fort Lauderdale,Fla-US)
PADRE - Portable Automatic Data Recording Equipment
PADS - Predicast Article Delivery Service (Predi-cast, Inc. - US)
PADTIG - Paisley and District Technical Information Group, -1970 (GB)
PAE - Presses Academiques Europeennes (BE)
PAHOLINE - PAHO Document Retrieval System On-Line (Pan American Health
Organization, Documentation and Health Information Center -Washington, US)
Pacific Aerospace Index (US)
Polska Agencjalnterpress, 1966-(PL)
*PAI - Podrazdelenie Analiza Informacii
PAIN - Philadelphia Acquisitions Information Network (US) PAIR
Permanent Association for Intellectual Resour
ces (US)
Pontiac Area Instructional Resources Group,
1972-(US, Michigan)
PAIRS - Photographic Archive Information Retrieval System, 1970- (Purdue
University - US) PAIS
Periodici Associati Iniziative Stampa (IT)
Project Analysis Information System (Agency
for International Development)
Psychological Abstracts Information Services
Public Affairs Information Service, Inc. (US)
PAIS FLI - PAIS Foreign Languages Index. [Data
base] (Public Affairs Information Service - US) PAJU - Pan-African Journalists'
Union, 1963(Accra, GH) (=UPAJ,/h>) PAK - Problems in Archives Kit, 1980-(SAA-US) PAKSI Pakistan Standards Institute (PK) PAL
DOE Patents Available for Licensing (Depart
ment of Energy, Technical Information Center
Pacific Aeronautical Library (US)
Patent Associated Literature ,1971- (1NSPEC GB)
Pilots Association of Librarians, WrM^
Polska Akadenria Literatury, 1933-1939 (ft)

6. Process Assembler Language

PAL A - Polish American Librarians Association, 1975- (US)
PALAC - Philadelphia Area Library Automation Conference (US)
PALAPA - [Communication Satellite System] (ID)
PALGA - Pathologisch-Anatomisch Landelijk Ge-automatiseerd Archief, 1970- (NL)
PALINET - Pennsylvania Area Library Network, 1972- (University of Pennsylvania US)
PALIS - Ponds and Lakes Information System (US, Massachusetts)
PALM - Philips Automated Laboratory Management System (Philips - NL)
PAMAI - Program for Action for Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry ("ALA - US)
PAMD - Public Access Machine-readable Documents
PAMS - Partitioned Access Method
Polska Akademia Nauk, 1952- (PL); <- PAU
Project voor Automatische Namenverwerting
(Bibliotheque Royale Albert I -BE)
Pan-African News Agency, 1979- (OAU - Da
kar, SN) (=AIPA, fre)
Pan-Asia Newspaper Alliance, 1949- (HK)
Pars News Agency, 1936- (IR)
PANAFTEL - Pan African Telecommunications
Network, 1973PANANEWS - Pan-Asia Newspaper Alliance, 1949- (HK) (=PANA)
PANDA - PRESTEL Advanced Network Design Architecture (PRESTEL - GB)
PANDEX (Pandex) - All-inclusive Index. [PAN in Greek language = All], 1967(CCM Information Corp. - US)
PANDEX-CISTL - PANDEX Current Index to Scientific and Technical Literature
(CCM Information Corp. - US)
PANPA - Pacific Area Newspaper Production Association, 1969- (AU); <ANZWONA
PANS - Pest Articles and News Summaries (Overseas Development Association,
Centre for Overseas Pest Research - GB)
PANSDOC (Pansdoc) - Pakistan National Scientific and Technical Documentation
Centre, 1957-1973 (PK); -*PASTIC
PANTHEON - Public Access by New Technology to Highly Elaborate On-line
Networks (GB)
PAO - Pamiec Operacyjna, not

Polska Agencja Prasowa, 1945- (PL)

Polska Agencja Publicystyczna, 1925-1939
Powiatowe Archiwum Panstwowe (PL)
PAPA - Preview Abstracts in Physic and Astronomy
("AIP-US) PAP ADI - Perhimounan Ahli Perpustakaan, Arsipadan Dokumentasi Indonesia. [Indonesian Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists
Association], 1956-1962 (ID); <- PAPSI; - APADI
PAPERCHEM - Paper Chemistry. [Data base] (Institute of Paper Chemistry, Division
of Information Services-US)
PAPGAI - Pakistan Association of Printing and Graphic Arts Association (PK)
PAPIR - [Automated programme of retrospective information services] (EMBRAPA
- BR)
PAPRICAN/IRS - Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, Information
Retrieval Services (CA)
PAPSI - Perkumpulan Ahli Perpustakaan Seluruh Indonesia. [Indonesian Library
Association], 1954-1956 (ID) ;^PAPADI
Polska Agencja Reklamy, 1919-1939 (PL)
Professional Abstracts Registries (Database In
novations, Inc.-US)
PARAC - Parliamentary Automation Centre, 1978-(NL)
PARADEX - Paradigmatical Index (US)
PARBICA - Pacific Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives, int,
Profile Analysis and Recording Control System
Public Archives Records Centre, 1972- (CA)
PARCH - Package for Archivists, Record Mana
gers, Historians, Social Scientists and Information
Scientists in the Business Environment and Public
Services, 1981- (University of Glasgow - GB)
PARCS - Pesticide Analysis, Retrieval and Control System. [Data base] (EPA - US)
PARD - Precision Annotated Retrieval Display (General Precision, Inc. - US)
PARIF - Program for Automation Retrieval Improvement by Feedback, int
Parlamentsinformationssystem, 1973- (Deutscher Bundestag - DE)
Pictorial Artifact Retrieval Information System
(Canadian Heritage Information Network CA)

Postal Address Reader Indexer System

Program Resource Information System (US
Department of Agricultural, Science and Edu
cation Department, TIS - US)
PARL - Printing Arts Research Laboratories
PARLIE - Philadelphia Area Reference Librarians Information Exchange (US)
PARLIS - Parlamentarisches Informationssystem (DE)
PARRS - Physiological Abstracts Reference Retrieval System, 1970- (Syracuse
University - US)
PARSIFAL - [On-line catalogue searching in Copenhagen City Libraries] (DK)
PARTHES - Thesaurus fur Parlamentsmaterialien (Deutscher Bundestag, Abteilung
Wissenschaftli-che Dokumentation - DE) *Partizdat - Partijnoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
PARU - Photographic and Reproduction Unit
Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PK)
Patent Application Service, mf(INPADOC)
Personnel Administration Section (ALA,
Publisher's Alert Service (USOE - US)
PASAR - Psychological Abstracts Search and Re
trieval Service, 1971- (American Psychological As
sociation - US)
Pacific Area Standards Congress, int (CA)
Pan-American Standards Commission, 1961(AR) (=COPANT, spa)
PASCAL - Programme Applique a la Selection et a la Compilation Automatique de la
Litterature, 1971-(CNRS-FR)
PASCAL M - PASCAL Multidisciplinaire (FR)
PASCAL S - PASCAL Specialise (FR)
PASCALINE - PASCAL On-Line (CNRS, Infor-mascience - FR)
PASI - Pragmatic Approach to Subject Indexing
PASITAM-DOC - Documentation Center for the Program of Advanced Study in
Institution Development and Technical Assistance Metodology, 1972- (Midwest
Universities Consortium for International Activities - US)
PASL - Philippine Association of School Libraries, 1977-(PH)
PASLIB - Pakistan Association of Special Libraries,
1968-1969 (PK)
PASS - Petroleum Abstracts Search System, 1961-(University of Tulsa, Information
Services Department-US)
PASSAT - Programm zur Automatischen Selektion von Stichwortern ausTexten
(Siemens A. G. -DE)

PASSIM - President's Advisory Staff on Scientific Information Management (US)

PASTEL - Passage du Selecto au Traitement Elec-tronique de la Documentation (FR)
PASTIC - Pakistan Scientific and Technological Information Centre, 1974- (Pakistan
Science Foundation - PK); - PANSDOC
Panhellenic Association of Translators (GR)
Polska Agencja Telegraficzna, 1918-1945 (PL)
Press Association of Thailand (TH)
PATAFIL - Policies of Author Affiliation Listing
PATEFA - Printing and Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia (AU)
PATELL - Psychological Abstracts Tape Edition-Leased or Licensing, 1971(American Psychological Association, PASAR - US)
PATEX - [Electronic data processing of pathological literature], 1971- (Karl-Franzen
Universitat, Institut fur Pathologic und Anatomic - AT)
PATHA - [Information retrieval system) (General Precision Systems Inc., Link
Information Sciences Division-US)
PATIOS - [Automatic system of patent information] (PL)
PATLAW - Patent Law. [Database] (Bureau of National Affairs - US)
PATLS - Phillipine Association of Teachers of Library Science, 1964-(PH)
PATOL1S - Patent On-line Information System, 1979-(JAPATIC-JP)
PATRA - Printing, Packaging and Allied Trades Research Association, -1930 (GB);
Pattern Recognition and Information Correla
tion (Los Angeles Police Department - US)
Photo Advertising Television Retrieval of In
formation by Computer, 1985- (IE)
PATRICIA - Practical Algoritm to Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric
PATS - Predicate Abstracts Terminal System (Predi-cats, Inc.-US);^PTS
PATSEARCH - Patent Search System. [Data base] (Pergamon International
Information Corp. -US)
Partial Automatic Translation Technique
Project for the Analysis of Technology Transfer
(University of Denver, Research Institute - US)
PATTER - Paper Tape Transcribe and Edit Routine
(AERE Library-GB) PATU - Pan African Telecommunications Union,
1978-(Kinasha, ZR) ( = UPAT,/re) PAU - Polska Akademia Umiejetnosci, 1919-1952
(PL);-AU;-*PAN *PAU - Polnyj Avtorskij Ukazatel' PAUJ - Pan African Union of
Journalists, int, 1981-

(Nairobi, KE)
PAULMS - Pacific Area Union List of Medical Serials PaULS - Pennsylvania Union
List of Serials, 1979(US) PAVIS - Patient Audio-Visual Information System
*PAVMP - Polnost'ju Avtomatizirovannyj Vysoko-kacestvennyj Masinnyj Perevod
PAW-Polskie Archiwum Wojenne, 1915-1939 (PL)
PAWRIN - Podsystem Automatycznego Wyszuki-wania i Rozdziafu Informacji
Normalizacyjnej (PKNiM - PL); > (the same initialism): Podsystem... Informacji
Normalizacyjnej i Metrologicz-nej (PKNMiJ - PL)
Department of Printed Books (BL - GB)
Przewodnik Bibliograficzny (IB BN - PL); <UWD
*PB-kod - Proizvol'no-Blocnyj kod PBAA - Periodical and Book Association of
America (US)
PBC - Provinciate Bibliotheekcentrale (NL) *PBD - Postojannyj Bank Dannyh
PBDS - Publishers' and Booksellers' Delivery Service (GB) (=PPDS) PBG Provincial Bibliotheekcentrale Gelderland
FBI - Projected Books, Inc. (US)
PBII - Philippine Business and Industry Index, 1980(Library Integrated Services Cooperative - PH) PBK - Provinz-Boghandlernes
(DK) PBKTOA - Printing, Bookbinding and Kindred
Trades' Oversees Association (GB) PBL - Polska Bibliografia Literacka (IBL - PL)
Paperbound Books in Print, 1955- (R.R.Bowker-US)
Powiatowa Biblioteka Pedagogiczna (PL)
Powiatowa Biblioteka Publiczna (PL)
Personal Bibliographic Software, Inc. (US)
Personal Bibliographic System
Primary Basic Subject
PBSA - Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America, 1904- (US)

*PBU - Pedagogiceskaja Biblioteka Ucitelja (SU) PBW - Pedagogiczna Biblioteka

Wojewodzka (PL) PBWG - Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group,
1950- (PK) PC
Paper Copy
Personal Computer
Press Club (GB)
Punched Card
PC/PAR - Press Control/Printed Area Reader PCA
Print Council of America, 1956- (US)
Printers' Costing Association (GB)
Printing Corporation of America (US)
PCB - PlurifondsBibco-Chamalieres, 1962-(Fondation Ouvriere Privee Collegium - FR) PCBC - Polk County Biomedical Consortium
Lutheran Hospital, Levitt Health Sciences Library
-US) PCBL - Pennsylvania Citizens for Better Libraries
PCC - Print Collectors Club (GB) PCCER - Planning Council on Computing in Education and Research
PCCR - Publishing Center for Cultural Resources PCDP - Punched Card Data
Processing PCE - Punched Card Equipment PCF - Processed Citation File PCGN Permanent Committee on Geographical
Names for British Official Use (GB) PCHE - Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education
Packet Communications, Inc. (US)
Press Council of India (IN)
Pittsburgh Chemical Information Center (US)
Poison Control Information Center
PCIS - Personal Computer Information Service
1. Print Control Language
2. Programing Checklist
PCLA - Polish Canadian Librarians' Association, 1977- (CA)
PCM - Punch Card Machine
PCMAA - Printers' Cost and Management Accounting Association
PCMI - Photochromic Micro-Image System, 1960 (NCR - US)
PCMP - Philippine Council for Print Media (PH)
PCMR - Photochromic Microreproduction
PCMS - Punched Card Machine System

PCNY - Proof-readers Club of New York (US)

PCOD - Permanente Commissie voor Overheids Documentatie, 1952- (NL)
PCOS - Primary Communications Oriented System
PCP - Punched Card Punch
PCPA - Protestant Church-Owned Publishers Association (US)
PCPI - Permanent Committee on Patent Information, int, 1977- (WIPO)
PCR - Punched Card Reader
PCRC - Primary Communications Research Centre
(University of Leicester - GB) PCRR - Patient Care Related Reading (US) PCS
Patent Classification Service, mf(INPADOC)
Periodical Control System
Punched Card System
PCSIR - Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1953- (PK)
PCX - Patent Cooperation Treaty, int, 1970 (WIPO)
PCTIS - Preston Commercial and Technical Information Service (GB)
[Symbol for British Standards suplements] (BSI
Patentn aj a Dokumentacij a
Peredaca Dannyh
PDAS - Publishers Distribution and Ancillary Services (GB)
PDBS - Personalized Data Base System PDC
Periodical Distributors of Canada (CA)
Philosophy Documentation Center (US)
Photonudear Data Center (NBS - US)
Political Data Center (City University of New
York - US)
Population Documentation Centre, int, 1974(FAO - Roma, IT)
Public Documents Commission (Federal Go
vernment - US)
Publications Distribution Co-operative, -1984
Publishers' Data Center, Inc.
PDD - Produkt - Dokumentation - Design (Rat fur Formgebung Bibliothek,
Information und Dokumentation - DE)
PDE - Professional Development and Education Comtnittpp fl A
Powder Diffraction File (Joint Committee on
Powder Diffraction Standards - US)

Program Data File
Particle Data Group (GB)
Patentdokumentationsgruppe in der Chemischen Industrie, int, 1958- (Frankfurt/M, DE)
Program Development Group (IFLA)
Patentdokumentation und -information
Printing Developments International
PDIN - PusatDokumentasillmiahNasional. [National Scientific Documentation
Centre], 1965- (ID)
PDIS - Pusat Dokumentasi Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial. [Social Sciences Documentation Centre]
Postal Mfiszaki Dokumentacios es Tajekoztatasi Kozpont. [Technical Documentation and In
formation in Communications], 1960- (HU)
Powiatowy Dom Kultury (PL)
Picture Descritption Language
Procedure Definition Language
Program Design Language
Programmable Data Language
Publishers Databases Ltd, 1982- (GB)
PDLs - Patent Depository Libraries (US)
Programmsystem fur Datenverarbeitung und
Nutzsteuerung (DE)
Public Data Network
PDOC - Permanente Commissie voor Overheidsdo-cumentatie, 1952- (Ministerie van
Binnenlandse Zaken - NL)
PDQ/Directory - Protocol Data Query - Directory, 1983- (NLM - US)
PDR - Pharma-Dokumentationsring
PDRD:CL - Parkinson's Desease and Related Disorders: Citations from the Literature
(Parkinson Information Center - US)
Partitioned Data Set
Periodicals Data System, 1972- (Loughborough University of Technology Library - GB)
Personal Data System (International Compu
ters Ltd-GB)

Petroleum Data System (University of Oklaho

ma/US Geological Survey - US)
Pressedatenbank Retrieval - Software (DE)
PDSM - Powder Diffraction Search Match (Royal
Society of Chemical Information Services - GB)
PDVS - Patentdatenverarbeitungssystem (Deut-sches Patentamt - DE)
PE Notes - Projet d'Extension - Proposals ofExten-tion Notes (CDU- UDC) (FID)
PEACESAT - Pan-Pacific Education and Communication Experiment by Satelite,
1970- (University of Hawaii-US)
PEAR - Physical Environment Attribute Repositoment-US) PEARL
Package for Efficient Access to Representa
tions in LISP (US)
Periodicals Automation, RAND Library,
1966- (RAND Corp. - US)
Periodicals Enquiry, Acquisition and Registra
tion Locally (Blackwell's - GB)
Process, Experiment and Automation Real-ti
me Language
Programmed Editor and Automated Resources
for Learning, 1972- (Japan Society for the Pro
motion of Machine Industry - JP)
PEAS - Pacific's Electronics Acquisition Service (Pacific University - US)
PEBCO - Program Evaluation and Budget Committee (ALA - US)
PEBUL - Project for Evaluation the Benefits from University Libraries (University of
Durham - GB)
PEBUQUILL - Prets entre Bibliotheques des Uni-versites de Quebec/Quebec
Universities Interlibra-ry-Loan (CA)
PECI - Public/Educational Communications Institutions
PED - Prelucrarii Electronice a Datelor, rum ( = EDP,eng)
PEDMS - Portable and Extensible Data Management System, 1982- (Infodas GmbH
- DE) *PEF - Periodiceskaja Elektrostaticeskaja Fokusi-rovka
PEGS - Program for Exchange of Generative Studies (Center for Applied Linguistics US)
PEIS - Plant Engineering Information System, 1976- (Nippon Steel Corp. - JP)
PEISLA - Prince Edward Island Association of School Librarians, 1971- (CA)
PEK-Pecsi Tudomanyegyetem Konyvtara. [Pecs University Library) (HU)
PEKOS - Periodica-Kontrollsystem, 1975- (ETHZ-Bibliothek-CH)
PEL - Prado Edition Librarie, Lyon (FR)
PELB-IF - Project Every Library Board Kit on Intellectual Freedom (ALTA - US)
PELIKAN - Programmsystem zum Erlernen Lingu-istischer Klassifikationsalgorithmen
durch Analo-gieschliisse (DE)

PEMS - Pesticide Enforcement Management System. [Data base] (EPA - US)

PEN Club-Poets, Playwriters, Essayists. Editors and Novelists Club, int [Official
name- International PEN], 1921PENCIL - Pictorial Encoding Language
PENELOPE - Pitt Natural Language Processor (Pittsburgh University - US)
PENNSTAC - Pennsylvania State University Automatic Digital Computer (US)
PENNTAP - Pennsylvania Technical Assistance
Program, 1965- (Pennsylvania State Univ*naQLUS) * * ',
PEOC - Publishing Employe
PEP - Program Evaluation Procedure
PEPA - Philippine Book Dealers Association (PH)
PEPCO - Committee on Professional Education for
Publishing (AAP-US) PEPR - Precision Encoder and Pattern Recognizer
(or: Recognition) PERDEX
Periodicals Index. [Data base] (Imperial Che
mical Industries, Organics Division - GB)
Permuted Formula Index. [Molecular formula
Indexajao de Periodicos da Biblioteca do Congresso Nacional (PRODASEN - BR)
Photoengravers Research Institute
Platemakers Educational and Research Institu
te (US)
PERIOR - Pour 1'Enregistrement et la Recherche de ITnformation Organisee (Societe
d'Economie et de Mathe matique Appliquees - FR) PERLINE - Periodicals Control
(UKAEA, Blackwell Technical Services - GB)
PERM - Programmgesteuerte Elektronische
Rechenanlage, Miinchen (DE) PERMUTERM Index - Permutated Terms Index
PERPROF - Personal Roster Data Base (Unesco) PERPUNET - [Data base
comprising a union list of
serials] (MY)
PERSIS - Personnel Information System PERSYST - Periodicals System
(Department of the Navy, Naval Ship Systems Command Technical Library - US)
PERT - Program Evaluation and Review Technique PESEL - Powszechny
Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludnosci (PL) PESTAB - Pesticides Abstracts. [Data subfile of


PESTDOC (Pestdoc) - Pesticidal Literature Documentation , 1968- (Derwent
Publications Ltd - GB) PETAB - Petroleum Abstracts. [Data base] (University of
Tulsa, Information Services Department -US) PETAS - Petrochemicals modification
of Id's
ASSASIN package (GB)
PETRAS - Polytechnic Educational, Technology and Resources Advisory Services
(Newcastle Polytechnic - GB) PETREL - Professional Education and Training for
Research Librarianship, 1980- (CLR - US) PETROEX - Petroleum Products
Exchange Data
Clearing House (GEISCO - US) Petrouiform - Osrodek Organizacji i Informatyki
Przemyslu Petrochemicznego (PL) PEVE - Prensa Venezolana (VE) *PEVM Personal'naja Elektronnaja Vyiislitel'naja
*PF - Patentnyj Fond PFA
1. Press Foundation of Asia, 1967- (Manila, PH)
*PFGU - Patentnyj Fond Golovnogo Upravlenija
Pack File Indexer
Papirindustriens Forknings-Instituut (NO)
PFIS - Personal File Indexing System (Washington
University School of Medicine, Medical Library -US)
PFK - Pressfotografernas Klubb (SE)
PFL - Public Free Library (GY)
PFP - Publisher for Peace
PFS - Patent Family Service, inr (INPADOC)
PFS/INL - Patent Family Service - INPADOC Numerical List, int (INPADOC) *PFU Patentnyj Fond Ucrezdenija (SU)
PGA - Printing and Graphic Arts
PGCML - Prince George's County Memorial Library (US, Maryland)
PGCS - Professional Group on Communications Systems
PGEC - Professional Group on Electronic Computers (IEEE - US)
PGFC - Periodical Guide for Computerists, 1976-(Applegate Computer Enterprises US)
Programme General d'lnformation, 1976(Unesco) (=GIP, eng)
Pusat Grafika Indonesia, 1969- (ID)
PGIS - Project Grant Information System (US)
PGIT - Professional Group for Information Theory

PGK - Preussischer Gesamtkatalog, 1905-1936 (D) PGPE - Post-Graduate

Professional Examination
(LA-GB) PGSLIS - Postgraduate School of Librarianship and
Information Science (Sheffield University - GB) PGZV - Paderborner
Gesamtzeitschriftenverzeichnis (Gesamthochschulbibliothek Paderborn - DE) PHACT - Physical Activity
Information Retrieval
Committee, 1969- (University of Pittsburg - US) PHB
Pedagogische Hochschulbibliothek (DE)
Physikalische Berichte (DE)
PHDS - Post-Harvest Documentation Service (Kansas State University - US)
PHEDRE - Precede Holographique d'Enregistre-ment de Donnees Restituees
Electroniquement (CNET-FR)
PHI - Philosophic Informationsystem (Universitat Diisseldorf, Forschungsabteilung fur
Philosophi-sche Information und Dokumentation - DE)
PfflBB - Projet for Historical Biobibliography (University of Newcastle upon Tyne,
School of Education-GB)
PHID - Zentralstelle fur Philosophische Information und Dokumentation, 1965(Akademie fur Gesellschaftswissenschaften - DD)
PHILQA - Philips Question Answering System (Philips Research Laboratories - NL)
PfflLSOM - Periodical Holdings in the Libraries of
ton University, School of Medicine Library - US) PHIS - Physik Informationssystem
Berichte - DE) PHOENIX - [On-line catalogue system] (New
Brunswick University Library - CA) PHOSIAC - Photographically Stored
Analog Comparator PHOTOCOMP - Computer Typesetting for Photo
Composing Text (Bowne and Co., New York - US) PHOTOSTORE - Photo-Digital
Storage System
PHS - Printing Historical Society, 1964- (GB) PHT - Pohronske Tlaciarne, sla (CS)
PHUY - Princeton-Harvard-Union-Yale divinity
collections (US, New Jersey) PHYCOM - Physicians Communications Service,
1983- (Fischer-Stevens - US) PHYLIS - Physics on-Line Information System
PHYSCOMP - Data Compilations in Physics (FIZ Energie, Physik, Mathematik,
Eggenstein-Leo-poldshafen - DE) PHYSINDEX - Physics Index (US)
Petroleum Information Corp. (US)
Philosopher's Index. [Data base] (US)
Presseanalytischer Informationsdienst (DE)
pi - pharm Index, 1958- (Skyline Publishers - US) *PI - Predvaritel'naja Informacija

Persbureau Indonesia Aneta, dut (ID)
Press Information Agency, Hamburg (DE)
Printing Industry of America (U S); (the same
initialism): Printing Industries of America
Public Information Act
PIADIC - Programa de Informaci6n Agropecuaria del Istmo Centroamericana, int
PIAF - Programme Interactif d'Analyse du Francois (Institut de Mathematiques
Appliquees de Grenoble-FR)
PIAFDOC - Programme Interactif d'Analyse du Francois - Application a la Recherche
Documentaire (FR)
PIAPACS - Psycho-physiological Information Acquisition, Processing and Control
PIASA - Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences in America (US)
Petroleum Information Bureau (GB)
Presse Ilustration Bureau (DK)
Publications and Information Board (Chemical
Publishers' Information Bureau (US)
PIBD - Propriete Industrielle. Bulletin Documentaire(INPI-FR)
Editions Publicite Industrielle et Commerciale, 1907-(BE)
Parkinson Information Center (US)
Pesticides Information Center, 1965-1968
Physics Information Center (US)
Phytovirology Information Center, 1946(University of Illinois, Department of Plant
Power Information Center, I960- (Interagency Advanced Power Group - US)
PRESTEL Information Centre (British Tele
com - GB)
Primate Information Center, 1963- (Universi
ty of Washington, Regional Primate Research
Professional Image Computer

Professional Information Center, 1969(Southeast Metropolitan Board of Cooperati

ve Services - US)
Program Information Center
Public Information Center, 1969-1970 (Enoch
Pratt Library - US)
Publishers' Information Cards (Publishers'
Information Cards Services Ltd - GB)
Press Independence and Critical Ability
Printing Industry Computer Associates, Inc.
Printing Industry Created Award
Project for Integrated Catalogue Automation,
Property Services Agency's Database in Con
struction and Architecture (GB)
PSA Information on Construction Architecture
(Property Services Agency - GB)
PICASSO - Pen Input to Computer and Scanned
Screen Output PICC - Provisional International Computation
Centre (Roma, IT) (=CIPC,/re) PICG - Professional Institutions Conservation
Group (GB) PICI - Programmed Instruction Centre for Industry
PICLS - Purdue University Instructional and Computational Learning System (US)
PICOP - Paper Industries Corporation of the Philippines (PH)
Program Information Control and Retrieval
Program Information Coordination and Re
view Service
Personnel Information Communication [or:
Control] System
Pharmaceutical Information Control System,
1963- (Merck Sharp and Dohme Research La
boratories - US)
Photo Index and Cataloging System
Planning-Information-Control-Statistics (IBM
Printers' International Comparison Scheme

Production Information and Control System

Publishers' Information Cards Sw***
Pictorial Information Digitizer (Network, Inc. US)
Public Information Division
Publications and Information Directorate (IN)
PID-Systeme - Parlamentarische Informations- und
Dokumentationssysteme PIDB - Phytophagous Insects Databank (Institute of
Territorial Ecology - GB) PIDBA - Programa Interamericano de Desarrollo
de Bibliotecas Agricolas, int PIDC - Programme International pour le Developpement de la Communication, int, 1980- (Unesco)
(=IPDC, eng) PIDS
Parameter Inventory Display System. [Data ba
se] (NODC-US)
Patents Information and Documentation Sys
tem, int (WIPO, Patent Information Network Geneve, CH)(=PIN PIDS)
PIDSA - Population Information and Documentation System for Africa, int, 1978(Accra, GH) PIE
Pacific Islands Ecosystems. [Data base] (US
Fish and Wildlife Service)
Physics Information Exchange (US)
Publications Indexed for Engineers (Engineer
ing Index, Inc. - US)
Planning, Implementation, Evaluation System.
[A library model]
Program Information and Evaluation System
PIEU - Printing Industry Employees' Union PIE
British Paper and Board1 Industry Federation
Process Information File (LC - US)
PIER - Presse- und Informationsstelle der Fiirstli-chen Regierung, 1963- (LI)
PUT - Package for Information Formatting and Transformation (NSSDC - US)
PIFTA - Product Improvement through Feature Analysis (University of
Southampton - GB)
PIG - Peterborough Information Group, 1975-(GB)

PII - Printing Industry Institute

PIIC - Pergamon International Information Corporation (GB)
PUN - Public Interest Information Network (Dallas Public Library - US)
PHP - Programa Interamericano de Information Popular, int
PIK - Paristwowy Instytut Ksiazki, 1946-1950 (PL) *PIK - ProizvodstvennoIzdatePskij Kombinat
Pittsburgh Interpretive Language (University
of Pittsburgh, Computer Center - US)
Processing Information List (University of Illi
nois - US)
Perth Inter-Library Loans Study (AU)
Programmed Instruction Language Learning
(World of Learning Ltd - GB)
Permutation Indexed Literature of Technology
(Permutation Indexing, Inc. - US)
Printing Industry Language for Operations of
Programmed Inquiry, Learning or Teaching
PILS - Pacific Information and Library Services
(University of Hawaii, Graduate School of Library
Studies-US) PIMA - Paper Industry Management Association
(US) PiMBP - Powiatowa i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna
(PL) PIMNY - Printing Industry of Metropolitan New
York (US) PIMS - Publishers' International Marketing Services
Ltd (GB) PIN
Patent Information Network, int (WIPO, Clas
sification and Patent Information Division Geneve, CH)
Piece Identification Number
PINC - Printing Industry of Northern California (US)
PINES - Public Information on Nuclear Energy Service (American Nuclear Society US)
PINS - Personnel Information System

Photocomposition Input Option (Wang - US)

Programmed Input/Output
Public Information Office (House of Common GB)
Public Information Office ("ALA - US)
*PIO - Patentno-Informacionnyj Otdel'
PIOS - Zentrale Fundstellen-Dokumentation Perso-nen, Institutionen, Objekte und
Sachen (Bundes-kriminalamt - DE)
Packet-Interface Processor (EURONET)
Pollution Information Project, 1971- (NSLCCA)
Polski Instytut Prasoznawczy, 1946-1950 (PL)
Population Information Program (John Hop
kins University - US)
Probability Information Processing
Pattern Information Processing System (Electrotechnical Laboratory, Tokyo - JP)
Programme d'Echanges d'Information sur les
Politiques Scientifiques et Technologiques, int
(Unesco, Division des Politiques et Technologi
ques - Paris, FR)
PIPs - Project Information Packages (USOE - US) PIR
Paragnostic Information Retrieval
Pedagogiai Informatics Rendszer. [Pedagogi
cal Information System] (OPKM - HU)
PIRA (Pira) - Printing Industry Research Association (GB);- PATR A ; -> (rfie same
initialism): Research Association for the Paper and Board, Printing and Packaging
Industries, 1930PIRATE - Public Information in Rural Areas Technology Experiment (GB)
PIRATES - Pittsburgh Information Retrieval and Text Search (University of
Pittsburgh - US)
PIRC - Publishers Information Record Card (International Book Information Service GB)
PIRETS - Pittsburgh Information Retrieval System (University of Pittsburgh Libraries US)
PIRI - Patent Information Research Institute, 1962-(SU)(=*CNIIPI,ruj)
Pattern Information Retrieval Language

PRISM [=Personnel Record Information Sys

tem for Management] Information Retrieval
Prison Information Reform Project (US)
Program of Information Resources Policy (Harvatd University - US)
Personal Information Retrieval System
Philosopher's Information Retrieval System
(Bowling Green State University, Philosophy
Documentation Center - US)
Photo Image-Retrieval-System
Programme Information Retrieval System, int
Project Information Retrieval System (HEW US)
PIRSY - Piesteritzer Informationsrecherchesystem
(Stickstoffwerk Piesteritz - DD) PIS
Patent Inventory Service, mf(INPADOC)
Personal Information System
Prazska Informacni Sluzba, cze (CS)
Prazske Informacni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
PISA - Public Interest Satellite Association (US)
PISAL - Periodicals in South African Libraries,
*PISCEPROMINFORM (Pisceprominform) -Mezdunarodnaja Otraslevaja Sistema
Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj Informacii po Piscevoj Promyslen-nosti, Int, 1975- (*MSNT1
- *CNHTEIpisceprom, Moskva, SU)
*Piscepromizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Tehniko-Eko-nomiceskoe IzdatePstvo Piscevoj
Promyslennosti (SU)
PISTL - Printing Industries of St. Louis (US) PIT
1. Princeton Information Technology, 1967-(Plenum Publishing Corp. - US)
Printing and Information Technology Division
Processing of Indexing Terms (EURATOM,
PITAC - Pakistan Industrial Technical Assistance
Center (PK) PITCOM - Parliamentary Information Technology

Committee, 1981- (Parliament - GB) *PIU - Priemno-Informacionnoe Ustrojstvo

PIUF - Premiere Imprimerie Ukrainienne en France, Paris, 1938- (FR)
PIW - Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1946- (PL) PIWR - Panstwowy Instytut
Wydawnictw Rolniczych, 1947-1950 (PL); -> PWRiL PJEG - Podstawowy Je,zyk Programowania, pol
PJES - Podstawowy Je,zyk Symboliczny, pol PJFR - Provincial Joint Fiction Reserve
PJIS - Philadelphia Justice Information System (US) PK
Pojizdna Knihovna, cze
Pfirucni Knihovna, cze
Publicistklubben (SE)
Pecatnaja Kartocka
Predmetnyj Katalog
*PK SEV - Postojannaja Komissija SEV, int PKAPI - Polski Komitet
Automatycznego Przetwarzania Informacji, 1966- (NOT- PL) PKB - Panstwowy Kurs Bibliotekarski, 19511958
*PKB - Proektno-Konstruktorskoe Bjuro (SU) PKHI - Posta Kozponti Hirlap
Iroda. [Central
Postal Newspaper Bureau] (HU) PKIU - Printing and Kindred Industries Union PKK
Pedagogicka Knihovna J.A.Komenskeho, cze
Pedagogicka Kniznica J.A.Komenskeho, sla
PKKB - Panstwowy Korespondencyjny Kurs Bibliotekarski (PL)
*PKL - Polnokolovaja Perforlenta PKN- Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny, 1923-1972
(PL);-* PKNiM PKNiM - Polski Komitet Normalizacji i Miar, 1972PKNMU - Polski Komitet Normalizacji, Miar i Jakosci (PL) ;<- PKNiM *PKP - Perforkarta o Kraevoj Perforacii *PKR - ProektnoKonstruktorskaja Rabota *PKS - Paradigmaticeskij Klass Slov VKt-Polska
Klasyfikacja Tematyczna. 1982
(IINTE-PL) *PKTB - Projektnoe Konstruktorsko-Tehnologiceskoe Bjuro (SU) PKTF - Printing and Kindred Trades Federation

PKTFUK - Printing and Kindred Trades Federation of the United Kingdom (GB)
*PKU - Pecatno-KodirujuSCee Ustrojstvo PKZ - Pressekorrespondenz (AT) PL
Prensa Latina, 1959-(CU)
Public Library
PL/1 - Programming Language, Version 1, 1963
PL/M - Programming Language for Microcomputers *PL
Perforator Lentocnyj
Prikladnaja Lingvistika
Pakistan Library Association, 1958- (PK)
Pennsylvania Library Association, 1922-(US);
- (founded as): Keystone State Library Asso
ciation, 1901Philippine Library Association, 1923- (PH)
Private Libraries Association, int, 1957- (GB)
"Public Library Association, 1951- (ALA US)
PLACO - Planning Committee (ISO)
PLAEC - Public Libraries and Adult Education Committee for the North-West (GB)
PLAI - Philippine Library Association, Inc., 1923-(PH) (=PLA)
PLAIN - Program for Language Analysis and Inference
Peninsula Libraries Automated Network (San
Mateo County Libraries - US, California)
Program for Learning in Accordance with
Needs (American Institute for Research - US)
Programming Language Nineteen Hundred
Public Libraries Automation Network (Califor
nia State Library - US)
Public Library Access Network
Public Library Association of Nevada, 1962(Nevada Library Association - US); PLAN/
Public Library Automation Network (US)
PLAN/NALT - Public Library Association of Neva
da/Nevada Association of Library Trustees, 1971-

(US); <- (formed by the merger of): NALT and

PLANES - Programmed Language-based Enquiry
System (US)
*Planhozgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Planovo-Hozjajst-vennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
PLANIT - Programming Language for Interactive Teaching (SDC-US)
FLAP - Public Libraries Association of the Philippines, 1959-(PH)
PLAQ - Professional Librarians' Association of Queen's, 1965- (Queen's University,
Kingston -CA)
PLASDOC - Plastics and Polymers Patents Documentation (Derwent Publications Ltd
- GB)
PLASTEC - Plastics Technical Evaluation Center,
1960- (US Army, Picatinny Arsenal) PLATIS - Philippine Association of Teachers of
Library Science (PH)
PLATO - Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations (University of
Illinois, Compu-ter-Based Education Research Laboratory - US) PLATON
Processing Local Area Terminal Oriented Net
work (University of Ottawa, Department of
Electrical Engineering CA)
Programming Language for Tree Operation
PLATLS - Philippine Association of Teachers of Library Science (PH)
PLAYU - Professional Librarians Association of York University, 1969- (CA)
Programming Language Committe
Progressive Librarians' Council, 1939-1944
PLCFC - Public Library of Columbus and Franklin County (US, Ohio)
PLD - Public Libraries Division (LA - GB)
PLDN - Postsecondary Library Directors in Nebraska, 1974- (US)
PLDS - Pol'nohospodafske a Lesnicke DokumentaC-ne Stredisko, Kosice, sla, 19491962 (CS)
PLEA LINE - Public Legal Education and Assistance Line (Nova Scotia Provincial
Library/Public Legal Education Society - CA)
PLET - Programmed Learning and Educational Technology
PLG - Public Libraries Group, 1974- (LA - GB)
PLIC - Public Libraries and Information Council (AU)
PLIDIS - Problemlosendes Informationssystem mil Deutsch als Interaktionssprache,
1971- (Institut fur Deutsche Sprache - DE)
PLIDOS - Personliches Literatur-Informations-und -Dokumentationssystem, 1982(Fachinfor-mationszentrum Technik - DE)

Patient Library Information Service (California
University Los Angeles, Medical Center Libra
Preclinical Literature Information System
*PLK - Perfolenkarta
PLMG - Publishers' Library Marketing Group PLMRU - Public Libraries
Management Research
Unit (Leeds Polytechnic, School of Librarianship PLMS - Preservation of Library
Materials Section
(ALA,RTSD-US) PLPG - Publishers' Library Promotion Group
(US); Publishers' Library Marketing Group PLR - Public Lending Right (GB)
PLRA - Photo-Litho Reproducers' Association
(GB) PLRG - Public Libraries Research Group (LA GB)
Peninsula Library System (US)
Provincial Library Service (CA, Ontario)
Publishers' Licensing Society (Publishers As
sociation/Periodical Publishers Association/
Purnell Library Service (US)
PLSA - Public Library Services Act, 1963 (US) PLSS - Public Library Systems Section
(PLA-US) PLT - Public Library Trustee, 1958 (ALTA - US) PLUG - Participating
Libraries User's Group (CA,
Ontario) PLUM - Programming Language for User of
PLURIDATA - [Data base system for physioche-mical data] (Centre d'Informatique
et de Documentation Automatique - FR) PLUS
Program Language for User's System (Hitachi JP)
Program Library Update System
Project Literary U.S., 1986- (US)
Promoting Larger Units of Service (US, Illi
PLUTARCH - Program Library Useful to Archaeologists (North Stafordshire
Polytechnic, Department of Computing - GB)
PLYMC - Public-Library of Youngstone and Mahoning County (US, Ohio) *PM - Perevodnaja Masina
PMBO - Participative Management by Objektives

Princeton Microfilm Corporation, 1965- (US)

Printmakers Council (GB)
Programme Management Committee (IFLA)
PMD - Pharmaco-Medical Documentation, Inc.
(Biomedical Information Sciences - US) PMDTK - Postai Mflszaki Dokumentacios es
Tajekoztatasi Kozpont. [Technical Documentation and
Information Centre for Post Services] (HU) PMEST formula - Personality, Matter,
Space, Time formula. [Fundamental categories in
Ranganatan's Colon Classification] PMF - Professional Medical Film PMI
Personnel Management Information
Photography Magazine Index, 1984- (Paragon
Publishing, Panta Rosa - US)
pmi - Photographic Micro-Image
PMIC - Personnel Management Information Center
Personnel Management Information System
Printing Management Information System
Programme Management Information System,
int, 1976- (WHO, Division of Information Sys
tems Support - Geneve, CH)
Projects Management Information System, int,
1979- (Unesco, Assistant Director-General for
Education, Operational Programmes Division
- Paris, FR)
PMIS-EDIT - PMIS Monthly/Editing File Conser-ning On-going Projects (Unesco,
PMIS - Paris, FR)
PMK - Prazska Mestska Knihovna, cze (CS) *PMK - Pecatnyj Masinnyj Katalog
PML - Pierpont Morgan Library (US)
PMMTS - Printing Machine Managers' Trade Society (GB); -> LTS
PMOA - Printers' Managers and Overseers Association (GB)
PMP - Professional Media Publishing (GB)
PMR - Portable Microfilm Reader (DASA Corp. -US)
PMRW - Paristwowa Muzyczna Rada Wydawnicza (PL)
Picturephone Meeting Service (American Tele
phone and Telegraph Co. - US)
Polska Macierz Szkolna, 1905-1907,1916-1939

Program Management System (US)
PMT - Prumyslove Tiskarny, cze (CS)
PMTS - Predetermined Motion Time System
Podnikovd Norma, cze (CS)
Polska Norma (PKN; - PKNiM; - PKNMiJ PL)
PNA - Philippines News Agency, 1973- (PH) PNACL - Pacific Northwest Association
of Church
Libraries (US)
PNAF - Potential Network Access Facility PNB
Pakistan National Bibliography (PK)
Philippine National Bibliography (National Li
brary of Philippines - PH)
PNBC - Pacific Northwest Bibliographic Center, 1940-1982 (Washington State
University Library-US)
PND - Presse-Nachrichtendienst (AT)
PNGLA - Papua New Guinea Library Association, 1974- (PG): <-Papua New Guinea
Branch of LAA
Pharmaceutical News Index, 1976-(Data Cou
rier, Inc.-US)
Philadelphia Newspaper, Inc. (US)
PNK - Proper Noun Keyword
PNLA - Pacific Northwest Library Association (US)
PNM - Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. [National Library of Malaysia], 1971- (MY)
PNP - Pamdtnik Ndrodniho Pisemnictvi, cze, 1953-(CS)
PNPA - Pennsylvania Newspaper Publishers Association (US)
PNRHSL - Pacific Northwest Regional Health Sciences Library, 1968- (University of
Washington, Health Sciences Library - US, Washington State)
People's News Service (GB);-PPA
Philippine News Service, 1950-(PJJ)
PoStova Novinova Sluzba, sla (CS)
PoStovni Novinova Sluzba, cze (CS)
Publishers Newspaper Syndicate
PNUD - Programme des Nation Unies pour leDeveloppement, 1965- (New York, US) (= UNDP, eng)
PNUE - Programme des Nations Unies pour 1'Environnement, 1972- (Nairobi, KE) (=UNEP, eng) PNYME - Papir- es Nyomdaipari
Muszaki Egyesu-let. [Paper and Printing Industry Technical Association], 1945-(HU)

PO - Publications Officielles *PO - Predmetnoe Opisanie *POB - Poiskovyj Obraz

Bloka POCS - Patent Office Classification-System (US Patent Office) *POD
Poiskovyj Obraz Dokumenta
Poznavatel'nyj Obraz Dokumenta
PODAPS - Portable Data Processing System
PODAS - Portable Data Acquisition System
PODIC - Patient Oriented Drug Interaction Com
municative System (CA)
POORS - Patent Office Data Retrieval System (US); - (the same initialism): Patent
and Trademark Office Data Retrieval System
POEK - Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Konyvta-ra. [Medical Academy Pecs
Library] (HU)
POETRI - Programme on Exchange and Transfer of Information [in Water Supply and
Sanitation], int (WHO, International Reference Centre for Community Water Supply Amsterdam, NL)
POGSI - Policy Group on Scientific Information, int
Pervicnaja Obrabotka Informacii
Podsistema Otobrazenij a Informacii
POINT - Philippines Overseas Information and
News Trust (PH)
POINTER - Pre-university Orbital Information Tracker Equipment and Recorder
POIRE - Poetry Information Register (National Poetry Centre-GB)
POISE - Practice-Oriented Information System Experiment
POISINDEX - Poison Information Index (Rocky
Mountain Poison Center - US) *POJa - Problemno-Orientirovannyj Jazyk
POK - Powiatowy Osrodek Kultury (PL)
POKB - Paiistwowy Osrodek KsztaJcenia Bibliote-karzy w Jarocinie (PL)
POKKB - Panstwowy Osrodek Ksztafcenia Kores-pondencyjnego Bibliotekarzy,
1946- (PL); -> CUBK
Patent Office Library, -1966 (GB); - NRL
Problem-Oriented Language
Procedure-Oriented Language
Program-Oriented Language
POLA - Project on Linguistic Analysis
POLCAS - Polytechnic Computer Applications Sys
tems (North Staffordshire Polytechnic Library
POLCEN - "Political Census" file (UCLA - US)
POLDOK (PolDok) - Politische Dokumentation (Freie Universitat Berlin, Leitstelle
Politische Dokumentation - WB)
POLDOR - Polar Documents Retrieval (JP)

Polgos = PWG
POLIDCASYR - [Polymer Documentation System of IDC], int (International
Documentation in Chemistry) *Poligrafizdat - Otdel Izdatel'stv i Poligraficeskoj
Promyglennosti (SU)
*Poligrafkniga - Knizno-Zurnalnyj Poligraficeskij Trest (SU)
POLIN - Skomputeryzowany System Ewidencji Kadr Informatykow Polskich (OBRI
- PL)
Parliamentary Online Information System
(House of Common Library - GB)
Politisches Informationssystem (DE)
*Politizdat - Izdatel'stvoPoliticeskoj Literatury (SU)
POLLS - Parliamentary On-Line Library Study, 1971- (UKAEA Culham Laboratory
Library/House of Commons Library - GB)
POLO - Problem-Oriented Language Organizer
Agencja Prasowa Zwiazku Patriotow Polskich,
pol, 1944-1945 (SU)
Polska Agencja Prasowa, 1945-1946 (PL)
POLYDOC - Polytechnical Documentation (NSI NO)
POLYP - Problem-Oriented Language for System Software Programming
POM - Printer Output Microfilm
POMR - Problem-Oriented Medical Records
PONTA - Popular New Titles from Abroad (US)
POOC - Purchase Order and Original Cataloging (BALLOTS - US)
POOS - Priority Order Output System. [Patent information] (JP)
POPED - Regional Clearing-House for Population Education (Unesco Regional Office
- Bangkok, TH)
POPIN - Population Information Network, 1975-(UN, DIESA - New York, US)
POPINFORM - Population Information Program (George Washington University US)
POPINS - Population Information System (Unesco/ Committee for International Coordination of National Research in Demography)
POPL - Problem-Oriented Programming Language
POPLINE - Population Information On-Line (Population Information Program/Center
for Population and Family Health - US)
POPS - Periodicals On-line Processing System,
1976- (JP)
*POPS - Predmetnoorientirovannaja Programmnaja Sistema (=SOPS, ger)
POPSI - Postulate-based Permuted Subject Indexing (DRTC-IN) *POR - Poiskovyj
Obraz Rubriki

PORTAL - Process-Oriented Real-Time Algorithmic Language

PORTIS - Port Talbot Technical Information Service (GB)
POS - Problemorientierte Systemunterlagen
POSDCORB - Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting,
Budgeting. [Management process]
[ORSTOM Pedology Data Bank] (Office de la
Recherche Scientifique et Technique OutreMer-FR)
Programm System fur allgemeine Dokumentationsprobleme (Bibliothek der Technischen
POSH - Permuted on Subject Headings
POST - Polymer Science and Technology. [Data base], 1966- (CAS - US)
POST-J - Polymer Science and Technology for Journals, 1967-(CAS-US)
POST-P - Polymer Science and Technology for Patents, 1967-(CAS - US)
POTOMAC - Patent Office Techniques of Mechanized Access and Classification
Project, -1972 (US Patent Office)
PERT Oriented Work-scheduling and Evalua
tion Routine
Priority Output Writers, Execution Processors
and Input Readers System
PoWi - Politik- und Wirtschafts-Pressedienst
*POZ - Poiskovyj Obraz Zaprosa *PP
Poiskovoe Predpisanie
Prikladnaja Programma
Pakistan Press Association, 1956- (PK)
People's Press Agency (GB);^PNS
Periodical Press Association of Canada (CA)
Periodical Proprietors' Association (GB)
Periodical Publishers' Association (GB)
Printers' Provident Association (GB)
Printing Platemakers Association (US)
Progress Presse Agentur (DE)
Publishers' Publicity Association (US)
PPB - Planning-Programming-Budgeting System

PPBA - Pakistan Publishers' and Booksellers' Asso

ciation (PK)
PPBAS - Pianning-Programming-Budgeting-Ac-counting System
PPBES - Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Evaluation System
PPBI - Persatuan Pedagang Buku Indonesia. [Indonesian Booksellers' Association],
1972-; - founded (another name) in 1958
PPBMIS - Planning-Programming and Budgeting Management Information System
(US Army)
PPBS - Planning-Programming-Budgeting System
Program-to-Program Communication
Publishers' Publicity Circle (GB)
Pamjat' Prieina Dannyh
Pervicnaja Patentnaja Dokumentacija
Particle Physics Data System (Particle Data
Physical Property Data Service, 1972- (Institu
tion of Chemical Engineers - GB)
Publishers Parcels Delivery Service, 1971(GB) (=PBDG)
PPDSE - Plate Printers', Die Stampers' and Engravers' Union of North America (US)
PPE - Program Planning and Evaluation
PPEAN - Printing and Publishing Employers Association of Nigeria (NG)
PPEDC - Printing and Publishing Economic Development Committee
PPHSL - Periodicals Publications in Harvard Science Library, 1984- (US)
Pakistan Press International, 1959- (PK)
Pergamon Press, Incorporated
Philippine Press International (PH)
Plasma Physics Index/Plasmaphysik-Index
(Fachinformationszentrum Energie, Physik,
Mathematik - DE)
Plenary Publications International, Inc.
Popular Periodical Index, 1973- (US)
PPIP - Physics Post-doctoral Information Pool
("AIP-US) PPITB - Printing and Publishing Industry Training
Board (GB) PPK "Ruch" - Panstwowe Przedsibiorstwo Kolportazu "Ruch" (PL) PPKs - Przeglad Pismiennictwa o Ksiazce, 19551968 (IB BN - PL); -> BABIN PPL

Pergamon Press, Limited (US)

Polymorphic Programming Language
Pretoria Public Library (ZA)
PPLD - Pikes Peak Library District (US,Colorado) PPM - Persatuan Perpustaakan
Malaysia. [Library
Association of Malaysia], 1966- (MY) (=LAM,
eng);<-PPTM PPMA
Printing Paper Manufactures Association (US)
Pulp and Paper Machinery Association (US)
PPMG - Professional Publishers Marketing Group
PPMS - Programme and Project Management Sys
tem, 1981-, int (UNPD Bureau for Finance and
Administration - New York, US)
*PPN - Poluavtomaticeskij Programmirovannyj Nabor
*PPO - Polnyj Poiskovyj Obraz PPP - Parlamentarisch-Politischer-Pressedienst
Paket Prikladnyh Programm
Perekljucatel' Promezutocnoj Pamjati
Proizvodstvenno-Poligraficeskoe Predprijatte
PPPEA - Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Export Asso
ciation (US) '"''
PPPI - Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Institute (US)
PPPS - People's Press Printing Society (GB)
PPR - Periodicals Publishing Record (University of
Alberta Computing Services - CA) PPRI = PPRIC PPRIC - Pulp and Paper Research
Institute of Canada (CA) (=PPRI) PPS
Page Printing System (Honeywell - US)
Paper Publications Society
Peripheral Processing System (Mohawk Data
Science - US)
Persatuan Perpustakaan Singapura. [Library
Association of Singapore] (SG) (=LAS, eng);
5. Problemorientierte Programmiersprache PPSB - Periodical Publishers' Service
Bureau PPSW - Printing Pressmen and Speciality Workers PPT - Punched Paper Tape
PPTI - Technology Index for Plasma Physics Research and Fusion Reactors
(Fachinformationszen-trum Energie, Physik, Mathematik - DE) *PPTI
Partija Proizvodstvenno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
Podsistema Poiska Tematiceskoj Informacii
PPTM - Persatuan Perpustakaan Tanah Melayu.

[Library Association of Malayan Federation],

1960-1965 (MY); - LAMS; - PPM PPTR - Punched Paper Tape Reader PPWK Paristwowe Przedsiebiorstwo Wydawnictw
Kartograficznych, 1951- (PL) PPZI - Przeglad Pismiennictwa Zagadnien Informacji, 1962- (CIINTE , -* IINTE - PL) PR
Permutiertes Register
Potential Requirements
Public Relations
*PR - Perforator-Reproduktor PRA
1 . Peace Research Abstracts (International Peace Research Association - NL)
2. Public Relations Adviser PRADS - Press Release and Distribution Services
(GB) PRAIS - Pesticide Residue Analysis Information
Service (Laboratory of Government Chemist GB)
PRAL - Peace River Associated Libraries (CA) PRB - Panstwowa Rada Biblioteczna
(PL) PRC - Plant Records Center, 1970- (American Horticultural Association - US) PRD (prd) - Publizistikwissenschaftlicher Referatedienst (Freie Universitat Berlin, Institut fur Publizistik und Dokumentationswissenschaft - WB) PRE-MED
-Previous to
Appearance in
MEDLINE. [Data base of current clinical medicine] (BRS- US) PRECIS
Pre-Coordinate Indexing System
Preserved Context Indexing System, 1971(BNB - GB)
PRELA - Prensa Latina, 1959- (CU) PREST - Comite pour la Politique de la
Scientifique et Technique, int (OCDE) PRESTEL - [Teletext system] (British
Telecom GB);<-VIEWDATA PRETEXT - Programme de Recherches dans le
Texte, 1970- (Institut Francais du Petrole, Centre
de Documentation - FR) PRETO - Pelnomocnik Rzadu d/s Elektronicznej
Techniki Obliczeniowej, 1964-1971 (PL) PREVDATA - Potential Projects Descriptive
(Unesco, PMIS - Paris, FR) PREXTEND - PRESTEL Extended (GB) PRF
Potential Requirements File
Processing and Reference Facility (ERIC - US)
Publications Reference File, 1978- (GPO - US)
PRG - Psychological Reader's Guide, 1973-(NorthHolland Publishing Co. - NL)
PRI - Panstwowa Rada Informatyki (PL)

PRIAM - Prearchivage Informatique des Archives des Ministeres, 1978:- (FR)

PRICINDX - Selected Price Indices. [Data base], int (UN, ECE, Statistical Division Geneve, CH)
PRIM - Program tor Information Managers, 1978-(US); > AIM [Associated
Information Management]
PRIMAS - Programm zum Recherchieren und In-dexieren mil Maschinenhilfe
(Siemens A. G. - DE)
Personal Retrieval of Information by Micro
computer and Terminal Ensemble (ISI - US);
Personal Retrieval of Information, Manuscript
Preparation and Telecommunications En
semble (GB)
Planning Resources in Minnesota Education
Planning through Retrieval of Information for
Management Extrapolation (IBM - US)
Primate Information Management Experiment
(University of Chicago - US)
Programmed Instruction for Management Edu
cation (American Management Association US)
PRIMENET - Prime Network Software Package (Prime Computers - GB)
PRIMER - Patient Record Information for Education Requirements *Primizdat Primorskoe Kraevoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
PRIMLINE - Primary Health Care Online, 1982-(Library High School
Boras/Karolinska Institutet -SE)
PrIMMIRS - Prescirptive Instructional Materials Manual Information Retrieval
System (Michigan State University, College of Education - US)
PRIMORDIAL - Primary Order on Dial, int (ESA-IRS)
PRIMOS - Prime Operating System (Prime Computers-US) PRINCE-Parts
Reliability Information Center
(NASA-US) PRINCE/APIC - Parts Reliability Information
Center/Apollo Parts Information Center (NASA US) PRINFOD - Printed Information Distribution (Air
Canada - CA) PRIS
Pilot Project Reports Information Subsystem
(United Nations, New York, US)

Power Reactor Information System (IAEA,

Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety Wien, AT)
Program Resource Information System (De
partment of Agriculture - US)
PRISE - Pennsylvania Resource and Information
Center for Special Education, 1969- (US) PRISM
Personel Records Information System for Ma
nagement (Civil Service Department - GB)
Program Reliability Information System for
Management (US)
Program Reporting and Information Systems
for Management
PRISMA - Permanent Reorganisierendes Informa-tionssystem Merkmalorientierter
Anwenderdaten (Siemens A.G.-DE)
Prisma - Protestantse Stichting tot Bevordering van het Bibliotheekswezen en van
Lectuurvorlichting in Nederland (NL)
PRK - Pressens Korespondentbyra (SE)
PRLC - Pittsburgh Regional Library Center, 1967-(US)
PRLS - Pima Regional Library Service (US, Arizona)
PRO - Public Record Office (GB)
PROCAT - [Automated cataloguing system] (Mac-quarie University
Library/Wollongong University Library-GB)
PROCEED - Program for Continuing Engineering Education (US)
PROCERGS - Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado do Rio Grande do
Sul (BR)
PROCOMP - Program Compiler
PRODAM - Processamento de Dados Municipals (BR, Sao Paulo)
PRODASA - Processamento de Dados/S.A., Recife, Pernambuco (BR)
PRODASB - Processamento de Dados de Sao Bernardo do Campo, 1975- (BR)
PRODASEN - Centre de Processamento de Dados do Senado Federal, 1971- (BR)
PRODBIB - [Computerized bibliographic data base] (Burroughs Wellcome Co. - US)
PRODESP - Companhia de Processamento do Estado de Sao Paulo (BR)
PRODINFORM - [Engineering Information Centre] (HU)
PROFIS - [Database of computer software and
hardware for use in social sciences] (IZSF - DE) *Profizdat - Profsojuznoe Izdatel'stvo
Central'nyj Sovet Professional'nyh Sojuzov-SU) *Proftehizdat - Vsesojuznoe
Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoe Izdatel'stvo po Professional'no-Tehniceskomu
Obrazovaniju (SU)

PROGRESS - Programming Language for Realtime Systems PROGRIS Projektgruppe Informationssysteme,

GmbH (WB) PROHUZA - Centre d'Etudes et d'lnformation des
Problemes Humains dans les Zones Arides (FR) PROI-Public Record Office of
Ireland (IE)
(=PROSPO) PROLAMAT - Conference on Programming
Languages for Numerically Controlled Machine
PROLAN - Processed Language PROLLAP - Professional Library Literature Acquisition Program (E.B.S.Inc. Book Service, New
PROLOG - Programming in Logic PROM - Programmable Read-Only Memory
PROMIDA - Programmiersprache fur die Mittlere
Datentechnik PROMIS
Problem- Oriented Medical Information System
(Medical Center Hospital of Vermont - US)
Project-Oriented Management Information Sy
Prosecutor's Management Information System
(University Notre Dame - US)
*Promizdat - Promyslennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *Promstrojizdat - Promyslennoe
Stroitel'noe Izdatel'stvo (SU); Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Li-teratury po
Stroitel'nym Materialam
PROMT - Predicasts Overview of Markets and Technology (Predicasts, Inc. -US)
PRONI - Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 1924- (GB)
PRORA - Program for Research on Romance Authors. [Concordance software]
(University of Toronto - CA)
PROSPEC - PRO Specification. [Computerized ar-chiv management system] (Public
Record Office -GB)
PROSPO - Public Record Office and State Paper Office (IE) (=PROI)
Protectunion - International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
PROTEST - Program Test Data Generator, 1972-(JIDPEC-JP)
PROTHE - Programme d'Elaboration de Thesaurus, 1969- (Institut Francais du
Petrole, Centre de Documentation - FR)
PROXI - Projection by Reflection Optics of Xerographic Images (Xerox Corp. - US)
PRPCP - Progress Reporting Program for Complex Project (JP)
PRS ' "--'
1. Pattern Recognition Society, 1966~<VS)
Pattern Recognition System

Personal Recording System

Public Relations Section (ALA, LAD - US)
PrSt-B - Preussische Staatsbibliothek (D)
Pattern Recognition Technique
Portable Remote Terminal
PRTB - Purdue University Real-time BASIC (US) PRUDATIS Priifstoffdatenverarbeitungssystem
(DE) PRYC - Agencia Noticiosa Prensa, Radio y Cine
Pakistan Standard (PK)
Pres-Servis (YU)
Presse Services, 1929- (FR)
Publishing Services (ALA - US)
Perforator Scityvaj uscij
Pakistan Science Abstracts (PASTIC - PK)
Philippine Standards Association (PH)
PSAC - President's Science Advisory Committee
PSAM - Partitioned Sequence Access Method PSB - Polski Slownik Biograficzny,
1935- (PL) PSBC - Popular Science Book Club (US) *PSC/TK 46 - Postojannaja
Sovetskaja Cast Tehniceskogo Komiteta 46 (ISO/TC 46) PSCC - Paper Stock Conservation Committee
(American Paper Institute - US) PSCL - Programmed Sequential Control Language
Patent Search Documentation, irit (European
Patent Office)
Printing Systems Division (Xerox Corp. - US)
Public Systems Division, 1957- (SDC - US)
PSDAL - Political Science Data Archive and Labo
ratory (Indiana University - US)
PSDNT - Paristwowa Szkofa Dokumentacji Nauko-wo-Technicznej, 1958-(PL)
PSDP - Phrase Structure and Dependency Parser (IBM-US)
PSEP - Program for the Study of Ethnic Publications, 1972- (Kent State University,
School of Library Science - US)

PSES - Purdue Self Evaluation System for School Media Centers (Perdue University
Media Sciences Center - US)
PSEs - Packet Switching Exchanges (EURONET)
PSF - Pakistan Science Foundation, 1974- (PK)
PSFN - Polskie Stowarzyszenie Filmu Naukowego (PL)
PSHM - Press Service H. Meyer (DK)
Pakistan Standards Institution (PK)
Parisrwowy System Informatyczny (PL)
Participation Systems, Inc. (US)
Permuterm Subject Index (ISI - US)
Present Serviceability Index
Proto Synthex Indexing
PSIA - Paper Stock Institute of America (US) PSIEP - Project of Scientific
Information Exchange in Psychology, 1963- (American Psychological Association - US)
Program Statnf Informacnf Politiky, cze (CS)
Project on Scientific Information in Psychology
(American Psychological Association - US)
PSIRCS - Publishers Standard Information Record
Cards (GB)
PSIS - Programming Systems Information System PSL
Problem Specification Language
Problem Statement Language
PSLA - Pennsylvania School Librarians Association
Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division
(Association of American Publishers - US)
PSRL - Political Science Research Library (Yale University - US)
PSRMLS - Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service (UCLA, Biomedical
Library - US)
Packet Switched Service, 1980- (British Tele
Patent Search System (IBM - US)
Printing and Stationery Service (GB)
Professional Services Secretariat- (LA - GB)
Personal Social Services Council (Aslib Social
Sciences Working Group - GB)

Public Service Satellite Consortium (US)
PSSG - International Printers Supply Salesmen's
Guild (US)
PSSLA - Peel Secondary School Librarians' Association, 1971- (CA, Ontario)
PSSVK - Poradm'Sborpro Vea Statnich Vedeckych Knihoven, cze (CS)
PST - Polymer Science and Technology. [Data base] (CAS-US)
PSTA - Packaging Science and Technology Abstracts (Frauenhofer- Institut fur
Lebensmitteltechnology und Verpackung -DE)
PSTIAC - Pavements and Soil Trafficability Information Analysis Center, 1971- (US
Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station)
PSWO - Picture and Sound World Organization, 1964- (Bern, CH) (=OMIS,/re)
Psyc-INFO = PsycINFO
PSYCHABS - Psychological Abstracts. [Database] (American Psychological
Association - US)
PsyCHES - Psychiatric Case History Event System, 1964- (Reiss-Davies Child Study
Center, Los Angeles-US)
PsycINFO - Psychological Abstracts Information Services (American Psychological
Association US) (=Psyc-INFO)
PSYNDEX - [Psychological database] (DE) PT
Paper Tape
Perforator Tasmy, pol
Press Telegraph (NO)
Printer Terminal
Punched Tape
Personnel and Training Abstracts, 1971- (Anbar Publications - GB)
Printing Trades Alliance (GB)
PTBR - Punched Tape Block Reader
Patent, Trademark and Copyright Institute,
1950- (George Washington University - US)
Press Trust of Ceylon (LK)
PTCR - Patent, Trademark and Copyright Research
Institute (US)
*PTD - Processor Teleobrabotki Dannyh PTES - Printing Trade Education Service
PTF - Polygraphische Tagesfachschule Basel (CH) PTGEC - Professional Technical
Group on Electronic Computers (IEEE - US)
PTGEWS - Professional Technical Group on Engineering Writing and Speech (IEEE US) PTI

Presentation of Technical Information Group,

Press Trust of India, 1949- (IN)
PTIC - Patent and Trade Mark Institute of Canada
(CA) PTIDG - Presentation of Technical Information
Discussing Group (GB) PTIG - Presentation of Technical Information
Group, 1948-1972 (GB); -^ ISTC PTIO - Pesticides Technical Information Office
PTIS - Pacific Technical Information Services (US) PTJ - Printing Trades Journal PTK
- Provoznf Technicke Knihovny, cze (CS) PTL
Process and Test Language
Public Television Library (US)
PTLA - Publishers' Trade List Annual (R.R.Bow-kerCo.-US)
PTLDC - Provincial and Territorial Library Directors' Council (CA)
PTLRS - Publications and Technical Literature Research Section, 1950- (EPA, Office
of Pesticide Programs-US)
PTO - Patent and Trademark Office (Department of
Commerce - US) (=USPTO) *PTO - Proizvodstvenno-Tehniceskij Otdel (SU)
PTOS - Paper Tape Oriented Operating System
Paper Tape Punch
Paper Tape Printer
PTPK - Polskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciof Ksiazki w Paryzu, pol, 1924-1955 (FR)
PTPN Poznanskie Tnwaryvtu/n Pr^viar-i/M' Mont
PTPWNPA - Periodical Trade Press and Weekly
Newspaper Proprietors Association (GB) PTR
Paper Tape Reader
Perforated Tape Reader
Punched Tape Reader
*PTRVI - Priem, Tehniceskoe Redaktirovanie i Vypusk Informacii PTS
Paper Tape-to-Magnetic Tape Conversion Sy
stem (Ampex Corp. - US)
Papiertechnische Stiftung, Miinchen (DE)
Predicasts Terminal System (Predicasts, Inc. US) ;*- PATS
Printing Technical School (GB)
PTSL - Press Trust of Sri Lanka, 1951- (LK)
PTSP-Paper Tape Software Package (Digital
Equipment Corp. - US)

PTSS - University of Pittsburgh Time Sharing System (US) PTST - Prime Time
School Television (Three Prong
Television Production, Inc. - US) PTT - Post, Telephone or Telex. [Interlibrary loan
service] (Technische Hogeschool Delft, Biblio-theek - NL)
PTTC - Paper Tape and Transmission Code PTV - Programmierte Textverarbeitung
PTWK - Polskie Towarzystwo Wydawcow Ksiazek.
1932-1950,1956- (PL); <- ZPWK *PU
Peredaca Upravlenija
Perifericeskoe Ustrojstvo
Predmetnyj Ukazatel'
PU - Patentnyj Ufad, cze (CS)
PUBINFO - Office of Public Information (US)
PUBLIDF - Publication de la Documentation Franc.aise. [Data base] (Documentation Franchise -FR) PUC
Presse Universitaire Canadienne (CA)
PRESTEL User Centre (British Telecom - GB)
PUCC - Purdue University Computing Center (US)
PUCE - Pattern-Unit-Component-Evaluation
PUDOC (Pudoc) - Centrum voor Landbouwpublikaties en Landbouwdocumentatie, 1957- (NL) PUE - Publishers Union of Egypt (EG)
PUF-PressesUniversitaires de France, 1921- (FR) PUFFT - Purdue University Fast
FORTRAN Translator (US)
PUFS - Programmer's Utility Filing System (Cambridge University - US) PUG PASCAL User's Group PUGLIG - Prestel User Group - Library Information Group
Princeton University Library (US)
Program Update Library
PULISDO -PuMie Library System
PUM - Presses Universitaires de Montreal (CA)
PUP - Princeton University Press (US)
PUPiK - Przedsifjbiorstwo Upowszechniania Prasy i
Ksiazki (PL)
PUPS - Public, University and Polytechnic Librarians Group (GB)
PUW - Paristwowy Urzad Wydawniczy (PL) PV - Prumyslove Vydavatelstvi, cze (CS)
*PV - Processor-Vycislitel' PVG - Patentverwertungsgesellschaft (DE) *PVK Podsistema Vydaci Kopij PVKI - Papi'ripari VallalatKutatoIntezete. [Scientific Paper
Institute] (HU) *PVM - Perforacionnaja Vycislitel'naja Masina PVT - Page View
Terminal. [Videotex] PVTR - Portable Video Tape Recorder PVZPV - Pracovisko
pro Vystavbu, Zariadenie a
Technicke Vybavenie Kniznic, sla (CS) PW - Publishers' Weekly, 1872(R.R.Bowker -

US) PWE - Paristwowe Wydawnictwo Ekonomiczne,

1960-(PL);-PWG PWG - Panstwowe Wydawnictwa Gospodarcze,
1949-1960 (PL) (=PoIgos); -> PWE PWHDA - Przedsigbiorstwo WydawniczoHandlowe Drukow Akcydensowych (PL) PWKS - Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Ksiazek Szkolnych,1921-1940 (PL) PWLD - Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Literatury Dziecicej, 1954-1960 (PL) PWLL - Profile Word Logic List PWM - Polskie
Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1945(PL) PWN- Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1951(PL)
PWNDA - Provincial Wholesale Newspaper Distributions Association (GB) PWRIL Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Rolnicze i Lesne, 1950-(PL);^-PIWR PWSZ - Panstwowe Wydawnictwa Szkolnictwa Zawodowego, 1951-1973 (PL); -> WSiP PWT - Panstwowe Wydawnictwa Techniczne,
19491961(PL);^WNT PYRESA (Pyresa) - Prensa y Radio Espanola, Sociedad Anonima (ES) *PZ - Pojasnitel'naja Zapiska PZA - Postzeitungsamt PZB Padagogische Zentralbiliothek (DD) PZBK - Polski ZespoJ Badawczy Klasyfikacii,
1968(PL) PZD - Politische Zeitschriften- und Zeitungsdokumentation (Freie Universitat Berlin - WB) PZG - Panstwowe Zaklady Graficzne (PL)
PZGMK - Poznariskie Zakiady Graficzne im. Marcina Kasprzaka (PL) PZIKJ - Poslovna Zajednica Izdavaca i Kniznara Jugoslavije (YU) PZK-Prirastky Zahranicnych Knih, sla, 1973(UVZI-CS) PZKB - Panstwowy Zaoczny Kurs Bibliotekarski
Postajannoe ZapominajuScee Ustrojstvo
Promeztocnoe Zapominajuscee Ustrojstvo
PZV - Postzeitungsvertrieb, 1949- (DD)
PZWDiC - Polski Zwiazek Wydawcow Dziennikdw
i Czasopism, 1928-1939 (PL) PZWL - Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawnictw Lekarskich, 1951- (PL);*- LINK PZWS - Panstwowe Zaklady Wydawnictw Szkolnych, 1945-1973 (PL);- WSiP
Q/A systems - Question/Answer systems
QAM - Queued Access Method
QAS - Question-Answering System
QASL - Quebec Association of School Librarians (Provincial Association of Protestants
Teachers of Quebec-CA)
QBA - Queensland Booksellers' Association (AU)
QBANK - Kentucky Quarterly State Data Bank (KEIS - US)

QBE - Query by Example (IBM - US)

QCAM - Queued Communications Access Method
QCAS - Quality Control and Applied Statistics. An International Literature Digest
(Executive Sciences Institute - US)
QCIM - Quaterly Cumulative Index Medicos, 1927-1956 (NLM - US)
QCRT - Quick Change Real-Time
QDRI - Army Qualitative Development Requirements Information Program, 1969(Los Angeles Chapter of SLA - US) (=QRI)
QED - Quick Text Editor
QELS - Quality Evaluation of Literature System (NCALI - US)
QICC/LS - Quarterly Index to Current Contents/Life Sciences (US)
QIS - Quellenorientiertes Informationssystem
QISAM - Queued Indexed Sequential Access Method (IBM-US)
QIZ - Quellenorientiertes Informationszentrum
QJLC - Quarterly Journal of the Library of Congress, 1964- (LC - US); <- Quarterly
Journal of Current Acquisitions, 1943
Query Language
Quick Law (QL Systems Ltd-CA)
QL Systems - Quic Law Systems Ltd (CA)
QLA-Quebec Library Association, 1932- (CA)
(=ABQ,/re) QNA
Qatar News Agency, 1975 (QA)
Quarterly National Accounts. [Data base], int
QPBC - Quality Paperback Book Club QPL - Quinsland Public Library (AU) QRI =
QRS - Query Response System (Research Analysis Corp.-US)
QSAM - Queued Sequential Access Method (IBM US)
QSDAM - Queued Sequential Data Access Method QT - Queuing Theory QTAM
Queued Telecommunications Access Method
Queued Teleprocessing Access Method
Queued Transmission Access Method
QTDAM - Queued Telecommunications Data Ac
cess Method
QUACQS - Query on Acquisitions (University of Manitoba Libraries - CA)
QUALTIS - Quality Technology Information Service (UKAEA - GB)
QUANSY - Question-Answering System (US)
QUANTRAS - Question Analysis Transformation and Search (Sheffield University GB)

QUBMIS - Qualitatively Based Management Information System (US)

QUE - Quick Editing (Ohio State University -US)
QUESTEL - [Telesystem] (FR)
QUESTER - Quick and Effective System to Enhance Retrieval (Rand Corp. - US)
QUIC - Queen's University Information Centre (Queen's University of Belfast - GB)
QUIC/LAW - Queen's University Institute for Computing and Law, 1968- (Queen's
University in Kingston - CA)
QUIDS - Quick Interactive Documentation System
Quebec Interlibrary Loans (CA)
Queen's University Interrogation of Legal Lite
rature (Queen's University of Belfast - GB)
Queensland Inter-Library Liason, 1960(LAA, Queensland Branch - AU)
QUIP - Questionnaire Interpreter Program
QUIS - Queen's University Information System (Queen's University of Belfast - GB)
QUOBIRD - Queen's University On-line Bibliographic Information Retrieval and
Dissemination System, 1968- (Queen's University of Belfast - GB)
QUODAMP - Queen's University Databank on Atomic and Molecular Physics
(Queen's University of Belfast - GB)
QUOTE - Quality and User Oriented Type-setting Editor (US)
QWLD - Quality of Worklife Data Base (Human Resources Information Network US)
QWNA - Quebec Weekly Newspapers' Association (CA)
R/D (R&D) - Research and Development R&D Abstracts - Research and
Development Abstracts (TRC-GB) R&EEC = REEC
R&L - Bureau for Reference and Loan Services 3R's Systems - Reference and
Research Library Resources Systems, 1966- (New York State Education Department,
Division of Library Development-US) RA
Research Abstracts, 1973- (UMI - US)
Rijksarchief te Antwerpen,/te (BE) (=RAA)
Riksarkivet (SE)
RAA - Rijksarchief te Antwerpen,/7e (BE) ( = RA) RAB
Raadvan Adviesvoor Bedrijfsinformatie (NL)
Rijkscommissie van Advies inzake het Bibliotheekswezen, 1922-1975 (Verbond van Nederlandse Werkgevers - NL); Bibliotheekraad
Raspredelennyj Avtomatizirovannyj Bank
Dannyh i Dokumentov (SU)

Regionally) Avtomatizirovannyj Bank Dan

nyh (SU)
RABM - Revista de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Museos
RAC - Reliability Analysis Center, 1968- (US Air Force, Rome Air Development
Center) ( = RADC)
RACAR - Remote Access Computer-Assisted Retrieval
RACE - Research and Development in Advanced Communications in Europe, int
(European Commission) RACIC - Remote Area Conflict Information Center
(Battelle Memorial Institute - US) RACS - Random Access Communications System
RADAR - Repertoire Analytique d'Articles de Revues de Quebec, 1972-1983
(Bibliotheque Nationale de Quebec-CA) RADC - Reliability Analysis Data Center
RADCOL - RADC Automatic Document Classification On-Line (US Force, Rome
Air Development Center - US) *RADF - Raspredelennyj Avtomatizirovannyj Dokumental'nyj Fond
RADIALS - Research and Development - Information and Library Science Bulletin,
1974- (LA - GB) RADIC - Research and Development Information
Center (US Army) RADICS - Research and Development in Computer
System Ltd
RADIICAL - Retrieval and Automatic Dissemination of Information from Index
Chemicus and Line Notations (ISI - US)
RADIR (Radir) - Random Access Document Indexing and Retrieval, 1963(Hallicrafters Co. - US) RADOS - Rationalisiertes Dokumentations-System
(Bibliothek und Dokumentation GD PTT-CH) RAES - Remote Access Editing
System RAET - Rekencentrum voor Administrate. Efficiency en Techniek (NL)
RAFAR - Radio Automated Facsimile and Repro
.... S'. -
RAFC - Richmond Area Film Cooperative. [Library network] (US)
RAH - Rijksarchief te Hasselt (BE)
RAI - Research Awards Index, 1962-(National Institutes of Health, Division of Research
RAIAD - Reverse Acronyms, Initialisms and Abbreviations Dictionary, 1976 (US);RAID *RAIC - Respublikanskij Avtomatizirovannyj Infor-macionnyj Centr (SU)
Recherche Automatique de ['Information Disponoble (IRIA - FR)
Reverse Acronyms and Initialism Directory

Rapid Availability of Information and Data for

Safety (Martin Marietta Corp. - US)
Real-time AUTODIN Interface and Distribu
tion System (DOD - US)
RAIE - Random Access Index Edit
Raildoc - Institute for World Railroad Documentation, int (Amsterdam, NL)
RAILS - Reference and Interlibrary Loan Service, 1969- (IULC - US)
RAIN - Rush Affiliates Information Network (Rush University and Medical Center
Library, Chicago -US)
RAINSS - Regional Arab Information Network for Social Sciences, int (ARCSS Cairo, EG)
Random Access Information Retrieval
Remote Access Immediate Response
RAIRO - Revue Franc.aise d'Automatique, d'lnformatique et de Recherche Operationnelle (FR) RAIS - Range Automated Information
System RAIST - Reseau Africain d'Institutions Scientifiques et Techniques, int, 1980- (Nairobi, KE)
(=ANSTI, eng) RAK
Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung
(DD; DE)
Rijksarchief teKortrijk (BE)
RAK-AV - Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung. Sonderregeln fur Audiovisuelle
Materialien (DE)
RAK-OB - Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung in Offentlichen Bibliotheken
RAK-WB - Regeln fur die Alphabetische Katalogisierung in Wissenschaftlichen
Bibliotheken (DE)
RAKA-Eesti NSV Riiklik Ajaloo Keskarhiiv. [Central Historical Archiv of the
Estonian SSR] (SU)
RAL - Register of Additional Locations (LC - US) RALD - Richmond Area Library
Directors (US) RALF
Rapid Acess to Literature via Fragmentation
Codes (E.Merck, Darmstadt - DE)
Repertoire Analytique de Literature Franyaise
RAI I- Resource a~,4 ii i-f ;
(US Geological Survey)
RALIN - Regional Arid Lands Information Network, 1972- (University of Arizona,
Office of Arid Lands-US)
RALU - Register and Arithmetic/Logic Unit

Reading Access Material (Buffalo and Erie
County Public Library - US)
Records Administration in Microfilm Mode
(US Army)
Resident Access Method
RAMA - Recherches Automatisees sur les Medias
Audiovisuels, 1982- (Interaudiovisuel Paris - FR) RAMAC - Random Access Method
of Accounting
and Control (IBM-US) RAMAS - RITL Automated Management System
(Royal Institute of Technology - SE) RAMI - Recherches Avancees en Moyens
d'lnformatique (FR) RAMIS
Rapid Access Management Information Sys
Reseau pour 1'Amelioration de 1'Information
Same, 1983-(FR)
RAMOS - Remote Access Multi-User System
RAMP - Records and Archives Management Programme (UNESCO, General
Information Programme)
RAMPS - Resources Allocation and Multi-Project Scheduling (US)
RAMS - Rochester Area Microcomputer Society
*RAN - Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk, 1918-1925 (SU);^*ANSSSR
RAND - Research and Development Corp. (US)
RANN - Research Applied to National Needs (NSF -US)
RANSER - Report Announcement and Search System in the Nuclear Field (JP)
RAO - Riksarkivets Ostermalmsavdelning (SE)
Relational Associative Processor, 1974- (Uni
versity of Toronto - CA)
Robotnicza Agencja Prasowa, 1946-1948 (PL)
Random Access Personnel Information Disse
Random Access Photographic Index and Dis
Random Access Picture Digitizer, Display and
Memory System (US)
Research Applications Publication and Dis
semination (US)

Research in Automatic Photocomposition and

Information Dissemination
Retrieval of Automatically Processed Informa
tion on Drugs (Food and Drug Administration US)
Retrieval through! Automated Publication and
Information Digest (CDC - US)
Dissemination (University of California, US, School of Engineering and Applied
Science) RAPIDS
Random Access Personnel Information Dis
semination System
Realtime Automated Personal Identification
Card System (US)
RAPRA - Rubber and Plastics Research Association (GB)
RAR - Rijksarchief te Ronse (BE)
RARE - Rochester Area Resources Exchange, 1979-(US)
RARES - Rotating Associative Relational Store (Utah University - US)
Rapid Access Storage
Readers Advisory Service, 1973-(Science Asso
ciates/International, Inc. - US)
Record Association System (US Navy)
Reliability, Availability, Serviceability
Royal Academy of Sciences (GB)
RASCAL - Retrieval and Scanning for Computer
Assisted Linguistics (National Language Research Institute-JP)
RASD - Reference and Adult Services Division, 1972- (ALA - US); -^ (formed by the
merger of): ASDamfRSD
RASD/HS - RASD History Section (ALA - US)
RASD/MARS - RASD Machine-Assisted Reference Section ( ALA - US) *RASHOD
- Respublikanskaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Hranenija i Obrabotki Dannyh (SU) *RASIO - Respublikanskaja
Sistema Informacionnogo Obespecenija (SU) *RASIRPI - Regional'naja
Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Izbiratel'nogo Rasprostranenija Patentnoj Informacii
RASMUS - Real-time Advanced System for Mass Updating and Storage, 1982- (Dudley
Evans Computer Ltd-GB)
*RASNTI - Respublikanskaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii (SU)
RASP - Retrieval and Statistical Processing

*RASPRI - Respublikanskaja Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Poiska i Rasprostranenija

Informacii (SU)
RASS - Rock Analysis Storage System (US Geological Survey, Branch of Exploration
Research) *RASU - Respublikanskaja Avtomaticeskaja Sistema Upravlenija (SU)
RATR - Reliability Abstracts and Technical Review (NASA - US)
RATS - Random-Accessible Text System (US)
RAVE - Random Access Video Editing (US)
RAW - Rationalisierungs-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft (DE)
RAWB - Raad van Advies voor het Wetenschapsbe-leid (NL)
RAX - Remote Access
work (Raytheon - US) RB
Retrospective Bibliography, int (ESA - IRS)
Rij ksarchief te Brugge, fie (BE)
Riksbibliotekjenesten, 1969-(NO)
Ritzaus Bureau. [Information Agency] (DK)
RB-W - Rijksarchief Beveren-Waas,/te (BE)
Referativnyj Bjulleten'
Respublikanskaja Biblioteka (SU)
*RB MSNS - Referativnoe Bjuro Mezdunarodnogo
Soveta Naucnyh Sojuzov ( = ICSU/AB, eng) RBA - Retail Book, Stationery and Allied
Employees Association (GB) RBB - Revista de Biblioteconomia de Brasilia, 1973(BR) RBC - Revised Berne Convention for the Protection
of Literary and Artistic Works (=RBU, ger) RBG - Rare Books Group (LA - GB)
RBIS - Rechnergestiitztes Betriebliches Informationssystem (DE)
RBLS - River Bend Library System (US) RBMS - Rare Book and Manuscripts
(ACRL-US) *RBMSNS = *RB MSNS RBMT - Retrospective Bibliographies on
Tape *RBO - Russkoe Bibliograficeskoe Obscestvo, 18991930 (SU) RBOT - Robotics Information Data Base, 1983(US)
RBR - Reserve Book Room RBRAC - Rome Base Reliability Analysis Center
(US Air Force, Rome Air Development Center) RBRI - Reference Book Review Index,
RBRT - Religious Books Round Table (ALA - US) RBS - Rare Book Section (ACRL
- US) *RBS - Russkij Biograficeskij Slovar' RBSCD - Rare Book and Special
Collections Division (LC - US)

RBT - Remote Batch Terminal RBT (Rbt) - Riksbibliotekjenesten, 1969- (NO) RBU Repertoire Bibliographique Universe! (Insti-tut Internationale de Bibliographic Bruxelles. BE)
RBU - Revidierte Berner Ubereinkunft zum Schut-ze von Werken der Literatur und
Kunst ( = RBC. eng)
RBUPC - Research in British Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges, 1979(BLBSD - GB); *-SRBUC RC - Regnecentralen Computer (Regnecentralen DK)
RCAC - Remote Computer Access Communications Service
*RCBS - Respublikanskaja Central'naja Biblioteka dljaSlepyh RSFSR (SU)
1. Remote Computing Corporation.^!****- (US) J RiiuromDUtercentrum ( N i t
RCDC - Radiation Chemistry Data Center, 1965-(University of Notre Dame, Radation
Laboratory -US)
RCDMS - Reliability Central Data Management System (US Air Force)
RCE - Repertoire Canadien sur ['Education (CA) (=CEI,ig)
RCHM - Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts (GB)
RCI - Remote Console Information Corporation (US)
RCICS - Regional Coastal Information Centres (US)
RCK - Rada Czytelnictwa i Ksiazki (PL) *RCKP - Rossijskaja Central'naja Kniznaja
RCLIS - Research Center for Library and Information Science (Indiana University US)
RCLS - Ramapo Catskill Library System (Ramapo Catskill-US)
RCMI - Research Center for Musical Iconography (CUNY - US)
Recurring Content-Word Phrase
Regional Co-operation Project (NLA - AU)
Registry of Comparative Pathology (Universi
ties Associated for Research and Education in
Pathology - US)
RCP 207 - Recherche Cooperative sur Programme
207 (CNRS - FR) RCS
Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication
Skills (ERIC - US) (=ERIC/RCS)
Remote Computing Service
RCTI - Recherche de Correlation de Topologie - Information (D ARC - FR)
RCTT - Regional Centre for the Transfer of Technology , int, 1977- (United Nations,
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific- Bangalore, IN) *RCU Registrirujusce Cifrovoe Ustrojstvo
Reference Division (BL - GB)

Reichsdruckerei (D)
Research and Development
*RD - Rodovoj Deskriptorov
Remote Data Access
Research and Development Abstracts (AEC US)
RDAL - Representation Dependent Accessing
RDB - Relational Data Base RDBM - Relational Data Base Machine RDC
Refugee Documentation Centre, 1981- (Uni
ted Nations, International Refugee Integration
Resource Centre - Geneve, CH) (=CDR,/re)
Regional Dissemination Centers (NASA-US)
Regional Documentation Center, 1977- (Asian
Institute of Technology, Bangkok, TH)
Research and Documentation Centre, int, 1952;
5. Rules for Descriptive in the Library of Congress (US)
RDCOT - Regional Documentation Centre for Oral Tradition (NE)
RDE - Remote Data Entry
RDF - Riksforeningen Deltidsanstallda Folkbibiote-karier, 1952- (SE)
RdH - Redaktionsgemeinschaft Deutscher Heimat-zeitungen (DE)
RDIS - Research and Development Information System (Electric Power Research
Institute - US)
RDMAS - Research and Development Management Analysis System (Army Engineer
Waterways Experiment Station - US)
RDO - Rechnungswesen, Datentechnik, Organisation (E.Schmidt Verl. - DE)
RDOS - Real-time Data Operating System
Reichsverband der Deutschen Presse (D)
Report Documentation Page; <- DCS
Research Data Publication [Center] (US)
RDR - Research and Development Report
Randomatic Data Systems, Inc. (US)
Raytheon Data Systems (Raytheon - US)
Relational Data System
Replaceable Disk Store

Reprint Distribution Service (GB)

RDT&E - Research, Development, Technology
and Engineering RDTE - Defense Research, Development, Test and
Evaluation (DDC-US) RDTR - Research Division Technical Report RDZ - Ringier
Dokumentationszentrum Zurich
(CH) RDZV - Reichsverband der Deutschen Zeitungsverleger (D) READ
Reader for Event Analysic and Detection (Ohio
State University, Medical Expert System-US)
Reading for Everyone - to Archive and Deve
lop (Camino Real and Santa Clara Valley Libra
ry System - US); -^ SBCLS
Real-time Electronics Access and Display (Philco Corp.-US)
READI - Remote Access and Delivery of Information (US)
READS - Reader Enrollment and Delivery Systems (US)
READSCO - [Regional Centre for Culture and Book Development in Asia], 1958(Unesco - Karachi, PK)
REALCOM - Real-time Communications (Radio Corporation of America - US)
REBI - RepertorioBibliograficoItaliano. [Legal data base] (Corte Suprema di
Cassazione, Centre Elettronico di Documentazione, Italgiure - IT)
REBIS - Repertorio Bibliografico Straniero (Corte Suprema di Cassazione, Centra
Elettronico di Documentazione, Italgiure - IT)
REBUS - Reseau des Bibliotheques Utilisant SIBIL (CH)
REBUS(R) - Reseau Romand des Bibliotheques Utilisant SIBIL (CH)
RECALL - Research Case Assignement and Litigation Locator
RECAP - Retrieval by Computer of Authority Publications (UKAEA - GB)
RECAU - Del Regionale EDB-Center ved Arhus Universitet, 1972- (DK)
RECBIR - Regional Coordination of Biomedical Information Resources (MLCNY US)
RECGAI - Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry (GB)
RECHMEDIS - Recherchemedien der Informa-tionsstellen (DD)
RECIT - Red Centroamericanade Information Tecnologica, int *Recizdat - Izdatel'stvo "Recnoj Transport" (SU)
RECKU - Del Regionale EDB-Center ved K0ben-havn Universitet, 1972- (DK)
RECODEX - Report Collection Index. [Database] (Studsvik Energiteknit AB,
Biblioteket - SE)
RECOL - Retrieval Command Language (Dynamics Information Systems, Inc. - US)
RECOMP - Retrieval and Composition, 1968 (Au-tocomp, Inc. -US)

Remote Console System, int 1970- (ESRO)
Retrospective Catalog Records Conversion to
Machine-Readable Form, 1969- (CRL/LC US); (the same initialism): Retrospective
Conversion of Bibliographic Records (LC US)
RECON IV - Remote Console Informatics Version (Informatics General Corp. - US)
RECON/STIMS - Remote Console/Scientific and Technical Information Management
Systems (Informatics, Inc. - US)
RECONX - Remote Console System, version X (AEC - US)
RECOURS - Recherches Contractuelles en Cours (FR)
RECRAS - Retrieval System for Current Research in Agricultural Sciences, 1972(Japan Science Foundation, Division of System Development)
Red INCA - Red de Information Cientffica Auto-matizada, 1978-(ES)
REDA - Ramo Editoriale degli Agricoltori (IT)
REDAC - Real-time Data Acquisition
REDAT - Recent Data Technologies
REDG - Reseau Europeen en Documentation Geo-logique, int
Real Estate Data, Inc., 1958- (US)
Remote Electronic Delivery of Information
REDIAGRO - [Information network for agricultur
al sciences] (VE)
REDIC - Red de Documentation e Informaci6n de
REDINARA - [Informations network for engineering and architecture] (VE)
REDINSE - Red de Information Socio-Economica
1972- (VE)
REDLARS - Reading Literature Analysis and Retrieval Service
REDUC - Red Latinoamericana de Information y Documentation en Education, int,
1972- (Santiago, CL)
REEC - Register and Examinations Executive Committe (LA - GB) (=R&EEC)
REFAB/REFORG - Refugee Abstracts/Refugee j Organizations. [Data base] (UN,
International Re- > fugee Integration Resource Centre-Geneve, CH)
REFCATS - Reference Catalogue Systems :
REFLECS - Retrieval from the Literature on Electro- -,
nics and Computer Sciences (IEEE, Information
Services Department - US)

REFLES - Reference Librarian Enhancement System (UCLA, Graduate School of

Library and In- ; formation Science - US)
REFORMA - [National Association of Spanish Speaking Librarians in the United
States], 1971REFSEARCH - Reference Materials Searching System (University of California
Berkeley - US)
REG - Reglements de la Chambre de Commune. [Full text data base] (CA)
REG/CAN - Registry Numbers, Chemical Abstracts (CAS - US) (=REGN)
REGAL - Remote Generalized Application Language
Registration System
Relational General Information System with
Graphics and Statistics (General Motors Corp.
REGISTER - Retrieval System for General Information of Scientific and
Technological Research, 1972- (Japan Science Foundation, Division of System
Development - JP)
REGN - Chemical Abstracts Registry Numbers (CAS - US) (=REG/CAN)
REHABDATA - Rabilitation Data Base (Catholic University of America, NARIC US)
Radiation Effects Information Center, 1957("BCL-US)
Rare Earth Information Center (Iowa State
University, Ames Laboratory - US)
Readiness Information System f
Regional Energy Information System (US,
ReserSni Informacm System, cze
REIF - Rapport sur l'tat de I'Information en Fran-ce(FR)
REL - Rapidly Extensible Language (California Institute of Technology - US)
RELAIS - [On-line Retrieval System for Searching Bibliographic Files] (CISTI - CA)
(=CAN/OLE) v
RELI - Religion Index. [Data base] (ATLA - US)
RELIPOSIS - Research Liason Panel on Scientific Information Services (British Gas
Corp. - GB)
REM - Recognition Memory
REMAID - Resumes Medicaux Archives et Interro-g6s Directement par Ordinateur
REMAP - Record Extration Manipulation and Print
REM ARC - Retrospective Machine Readable Cataloging. [Online version of the
Library of Congress Catalog] (Carrollton Press, Inc. - US)

REMCO - Committee on Reference Materials, int (ISO)

REMDOS - Remote Disc Operating System (US)
REMPA - Reference Materials Party, int (ISO)
REMSTAR - Remote Electronic Microfilm Storage Transmission and Retrieval
REMTI - Recherches, Etudes et Methodologie en Traitment de 1'Information, Paris
REMUS - Rectrospective Music (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee - US)
RENADES - Reseau National Documentaire Scientifique et Technique (FR)
RENICYT - Red Nacional de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (PE) *REP
Abonamentna Sistema za Rasprostranenija na
Ezednevnija Pecat (BG)
Rasprostranenie i Ekspedirane na Pecata (BG)
REPHLEX - Retrieval Procedures for Hydrologic
Data from ARS Experimental Watersheds (Agriculture Research Service - US)
REPIDISCA - Red Panamericana de Informacion y Documentation sobre Ingenieria
Sanitaria y Cien-cias del Ambiente, 1981- (WHO, Organizacion Panamericana de
Salud, Centre Panamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ciencias del Ambiente -Lima,
REPLAB - Responsive Environment Programmed Laboratory (University of Illinois,
Coordinated Science Laboratory - US)
REPROM - Reprogrammable Read-Only Memory
REQUEST - Restricted English Question Answering (US)
RERDC - Regional Economic Research and Documentation Centre, int, 1972- (TG)
(=CREDE, fre)
RERIC - Renewable Energy Resources Information Centre [for Asian and Pacific
region], int, 1978- (Asian institute of Technology - Bangkok,)
Record Evaluation System
Reprinting Expediting Service (ALA - US)
RESADOC - Reseau Sahelien de Documentation,
int, 1976- (ML)
RESAGRI - Reseau des Organismes Agricples pour une Documentation Technique,
Socio-Economi-que, Juridique et Financiere (FR)
RESEDA - Reseau de Documentation en Economic Agricole, 1973-(FR)
RESFILE - Resolutions File. [Database], int, 1982-(United Nations, UNBIS)
RESHUS - Reseau d'Information en Sciences Hu-maines de la Sante (CDSH - FR)
RESI - Informationssystem zur Reaktorsicherheit (Siemens, Erlangen - DE)
RESIC - Redstone Scientific Information Center (US Army)
RESIN - Resource Sharing and Information Networks (Haworth Press - US)

RESIND - Research Index, 1980- (Western Australia Department of Agriculture,

Information Branch - AU)
RESINE - Reseau d'Information sur PEconomie de 1'Energie (CDSH - FR)
RESIS - Research and Special Information Services
RESORS - Remote Sensing On-line Retrieval System (Canada Center for Remote
Sensing - CA)
Resources and Services Program Organized
with New Direction, 1975- (Chicago Public Li
Retrieval, Entry, Storage and Processing of On
line Network Data
RESPONSA - Retrieval of Special Portions from Nuclear Science Abstracts, 1963(ORNL- US)
RESRV - Reference Service. [Data base], 1983-(Mead Data Central, Inc. - US)
REST - Reader Evaluation and Selection Techniques
RESUMAST - Report Resume Master File. [Reports in RIE concerned] (LEASCO
System and Research Corp. - US)
RETA - Retrieval of Enriched Textual Abstracts
RETAIN - Remote Technical Assistance and Information Network, 1965- (IBM - US)
RETD - Red Especial de Transmission de Datos (ES)
RETINA - Reseau Teleinformatique Nationale (FR)
RETROSPEC - Retrospective Search System on the INSPEC Data Base (IEE - GB)
REUNIBER - Reunion Iberoamericana de Documentation e Informatica
Documentaria, int
REWDAC - Retrieval by Title Words, Descriptors and Classification (Nippon
Telegraph and Telephone Public Corp.-JP)
RF - Roll Film
*RFAP - Respublikanskij Fond Algoritmov i Pro-gramm (SU)
RFB - Recordings for the Blind, Inc. (US)
RFCIO - Recherche, Formation et Communications dans 1'Industrie Offset (FR)
RFCs - Requests for Comments. [Data base] (ARPANET Network Information
Center - US)
RFHL - Revue Frangaise d'Histoire du Livre, 1971-(FR)
Remote File Inquiry
Request for Information
RFMS - Remote File Management System. 1966(University of Texas - US)
RFPs - Requests for Proposals (US) *RG - Rabocaja Gruppa
RGB - Regionalgruppe Bern (SVD - CH) *RgDZU - Registr' Dolgovremennogo

juscego Ustrojstva
*RgOzu - Registr' Operativnogo Zapominajuscego Ustrojstva
RGPL - Readers Guide to Periodical Literature, 1900- (H.W.Wilson Co. - US)
RGRZ - Rheinisches Genossenschafts-Rechenzen-trum (DE)
RGW - Rat fur Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe, int
(=COMECON, eng; *SEV, rus) *RHA - Russkij Hudozestvennyj Arhiv (SU)
RHEINA - Rheinische Nachrichtenagentur (D)
RHRZ - Regionales Hochschulrechenzentrum
RI - Relational Indexing
RIAA - Record Industry Association of America, 1952- (US); -> (the same initialism):
Recording Industry Association of America
RIAB - Revista Interamericana de Bibliografia. Inter-American Review of Bibliography,
1951-(OAS, General Secretariat - Washington, US) (=IARB,ercg)
RIAC - Research Information Analysis Corporation
RIACT - Retrieval on Information About Census Tapes (US)
RIALIDE - Red de Informacion - Asociacion Lati-noamericana de Instituciones
Financieras de De-sarrollo, int
RIB - Reseau Informatique des Bibliotheques (Secretariat d'Etat aux Universites - FR)
RIBA - Research Instrument Bank in Aging (Midwest Council for Social Research on
Aging - US)
RIBDA - Reunion Interamericana de Bibliotecarios y Documentalistas Agricolas, int,
1978RIBLIN - ReseauInformatisedeBibliotheques-Li-brary Information Network (CA,
Rare-earth Information Center, 1966- (Iowa
State University, Institute for Atomic Research
Remote Information Center
Reprografisch Informatie Centrum (NL)
Research and Information Center
Resource Information Centers (US)
RIC: Repertoire Bibliographique des Institu
tions Chretiennes, 1969- (CERDIC - FR)
*RIC - Regional'nyj Informacionnyj Centr (SU) RICA
Regale Italiana di CatalogazioneperAutori (IT)
Reseau d'Information Agricole
RICAL - Resources Information Center and Library, 1947- (Foster Wheeler Corp. US)
RICASIP - Research Information Center and Advisory Service on Information
Processing (NBS/ NSF-US)

RICC - Regional Information Coordinating Center (Tampa Bay Regional Planning

Council - US)
Regional Information and Communication Ex
change, 1967: (Rice University, FondrenLibra
ry, Houston - US)
Research and Information Centre on Eritrea
Rice Information Cooperative Effort (PH)
RICIRS - Rare-earth Information Centers Informa
tion Retrieval System (US)
RICS - Reports Index Control
RICTI - [Scientific and technical information system
for Latin America], int RID - Report Identifikationsnummer RIDA
Reseau d'Information et de Documentation Archeologiques (Centre de Recherches Archeologiques - FR)
Revue Internationale du Droit d'Auteur (FR)
RIDAQ - Reseau d'Information Documentaire Automatise d'Hydro-Quebec, 1982- (Hydro-Quebec)
RIDC - Research Industry Document Center (US Army Library Fort Belvoir)
RIDECAB - Red Subregional Andina de la Documentation e Informacion Educativa,
RIDIM - Repertoire Internationale d'Iconographie Musicale, 1971-(=RICOM)
RIDL - Referential Idea Language
RIDS - Rogaland Interkommunale Datenbehand-lingssentral (NO)
RIDSLS - Rhode Island Department of State Library Services (US)
RIE - Research in Education, 1966- (ERIC - US); (the same initialism):
Resources in Education, 1975RIEMA - Rhodes Island Educational Media Association (US)
RIF program - Reading is Fundamental program,
1966- (Smithsonian Institution - US) *RIFS - Respublikanskij Informacionnyj Fond
Stan-dartov (SU)
RIG - Regional Information Group (ORNL- US) *RIG - Redakcionno-Izdatel'skaja
Gruppa (SU)
RIHED - Regional Institute of Higher Education and Development in Asia, int, 1970(SG)
RIIA - Reuniones de Intercambo de Informacion Agropecuaria (AR)
RIILN - Rhode Island Interrelated Library Network (US)
RIL - Representation Independent Language

Repertoire International de la Litterature de
VArt, 1975- (Clark Art Institute - US)
Rhode Island Library Association (US)
RILFC - Rhode Island Library Film Cooperative
RILM - Repertoire International de la Uttfrature
Musicale, 1967- (International Musreotagferi Sbciety/IAML) ; : <>' *
RIMC - Regional Instructional Materials Center
RIMC-HCY - Regional Instructional - Materials Center for Handicapped Children and
Youth (USOE/Michigan State University - US)
Regional Information Management System
(Houston-Galveston Area Council - US)
Remote Information Management System
(Northwestern University, Vogelback Compu
ting Center -US)
RIN - Reference Indicator Number, 1977- (BNB GB) RJN/SIN - Reference Indicator Number, Subject Indicator Number, 1977- (BL - GB) RING - Relational Information Grouping
RINGDOC (Ringdoc) - Documentation and Retrieval of Pharmaceutical Literature, 1964- (Derwent Publications Ltd - GB) RINs - Reference Indicator Numbers RINSCA - Regional
Information Network for South
and Central Asia, int *RINTI - Respublikanskij Institut Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) *RINTIP - Respublikanskij Institut Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i Propagandy (SU) RIO - Religious Index One: Periodicals,
1977( American Theological Library Association - US);
Redakcionno-Izdatel'skij Otdel
Retrospektivnoe Informacionnoe Obespecenie
*RIO VSNH - Redakcionno-Izdatel'skij Otdel VysSego Soveta Narodnogo Hozjajstva (SU) RIOS - Reprodukcni Informacni Obsahova
cze (CS) RIOT - Retrieval of Information by On-line Terminal, 1968- (UKAEA, Culham Laboratory Library
-GB) 3RIP system - [An interactive text database system]
(Royal Institute of Technology Library - SE) RIPA - Resource Information for
Planning and
Analysis (Wisconsin University, Institute for Environmental Studies - US) RIPL - Representation Independent Programming

Language RIPM - Repertoire International de la Presse Musicale RIPT - Reseau d'Informations Pedagogiques et
Techniques (Ministere de 1'Agriculture - FR) RIQS - Remote Information Query
System, 197ft(Northwestern University, Vogelbank Computing
Center -US) RIR
Redgrave Information Resources (US)
Relative Index Register
RIRA - Reports and Information Retrieval Activity, 1962- (Internal Revenue Service US)
RIRMS - Remote Information Retrieval and Management System, 1974- (IBM - US)
Reliability Information Retrieval System
Roche Integrated Reaction System (F.Hoffmann-La Roche et Co., Basel - CH)
RIRSS - Regional Information and Referral Support System (United Way of Pinellas,
Inc., St Petersburg, Florida - US)
Regulatory Information System (Federal Po
wer Commission - US)
Remote Information System
Research Information Service, 1947- (John
Crerar Library - US)
Research Information Services, 1968- (Rutgers
University Libraries/State University of New
Jersey Library - US)
Research Information System (Department of
Health, Education and Welfare - US)
Rural Information System
RIS-ALEX - Research Information Services-Alexander Library
RIS MALF - Rechnergestiitztes Informationssy-stem des Ministeriums fur
Allgemeinen Maschi-nen-, Landmaschinen- und Fahrzeugbau (DE) *RIS
Redakcionno-Izdatel'skij Sektor
Respublikanskaja Informacionnaja Set' (SU)
RISAR - Record Information Storage and Retrieval
(Foto-Mem Inc. - US)
RISC - Remote Information Systems Center (NLM -US)
RISCPT - Registre International des Substances Chimiques Potentiellement Toxiques
(UNEP, Office of the Environment Programme - Geneve, CH) (=IRPTC, eng)
Register for International Service in Education
(Institute of International Education - US)

Research and Information Service for Educa

tion, 1966- (Montgomery County School Board
Research Information Service for Education
(Ontario Institute for Studies in Education CA)
RISIX - Reference Indexing System for Information Exchange (US Army, Ballistic
Research Laboratories)
RISM - Repertoire International des Sources Musica-les, 1952- (International
Musicological Society/ IAML)
*RISO AN - Redakcionno-Izdatel'skij Sovet Akade-mii Nauk SSSR (SU)
RISOS - Research in Security Operating Systems Group (University of California,
Lawrence Liver-more Laboratory - US)
RISP - Repertoire International des Sources Phono-graphiques
RISS - Relational Inquiry and Storage System (US)
RIST - Reseau Documentaire National Scientifique et Technique (FR)
Red Interamericana de Telecommunicaciones
Religion Index Two: Multi-Author Works,
1978- (American Theoloeical Library Association-US) RITA
Rand Intelligent Terminal Agent (Rand Corp. US)
Recognition of Information Technology Achie
vement (GB)
RTTC - Regional Information Technology Coordinators (GB)
RTTDS - Reseau International de Traitment de Donnees des Sols. [French language
countries], int
RITE - Rapid Information Technique for Evaluation
RITL - Royal Institute of Technology Library (SE) (=KTHB, swe)
RTTLA - Red de Informacion Tecnologica Latino-americana, int, 1977- (Sistema
Economico Latino-americana - Mexico, MX)
Rapid Information Transmission System
Remote Input Terminal System
RIU - Riuiste (Corte Suprema di Cassazioni, Centro
Elettronico di Documentazione, Italgiuro - IT) RIV - Retrospective
Informationsverbreitung *RIVC - RegionaFnyj Informacionno-Vycisliternyj
Centr (SU) RIVE - Resources in Vocational Education, 1977(Ohio State University, National Center for Research in Vocational Education - US)
*RIVS - Regional'naja Informacionno-VycisliternajaSet'(SU) RJIS - Regional Justice Information System (County

of Los Angeles - US) *RK - Registracionnaja Karta RKD - Rijksbureau voor

Kunsthistorische Documentatie (NL) RKINFSYS - Rock Information System, 1971(Carnegie Institute of Washington, Geophysical
Laboratory - US)
RKS - Relational Knowledge Structure RKW - Rationalisierung-Kuratorium'derDeutschen
Wirtschaft (DE) RL
Reading List
Reference Library
RLA - Rhodesia Library Association, 1967- (RH); <- Library Association of Central
Africa, 1964-; -(founded as): Library Association of Rhodesia and Nyasaland,
RLAA - Research Library on African Affairs, 1961(GH
> ^
RLAC - Research Libraries Advisory Council
RLAF - Reading List on Accounting, Finance and Taxation, 1979- (Institute of
Chartered Accounting in England and Wales - GB)
RLB - Regional Library Bureau (GB)
RLBWM - Regional Library Bureau, West Middlands(WMRLS-GB) *RLD - Rabocij List Dokumentov
1. Regional Librarians Group (National Health
2. Research Libraries Group, 1973-1978 (New York Public Library/Harvard, Yale,
Columbia Universities - US); -> RLIN
RLG CJK (RLG/CJK) - Research Libraries Group - Chinese, Japanese, Korean,
1982- (US)
RLIN - Research Libraries Information Network, 1978- (Research Libraries Group US); <- (formed by the merger of): BALLOTS and RLG
RLIN AMC - RLIN Archives and Manuscript Control (US)
RLLO - Regional Library Liason Officer (Open University - GB)
RLMS - Reproduction of Library Materials Section, (ALA,RTSD-US)
Ranfury Library Service Ltd (GB)
Regional Library System
Research Libraries Section (LA - GB)
*RLZ - Rabocij List Zaprosov
RMARC - RLIN MARC (US) *RMF - Rulonnyj Mikrofil'm RMI - Research
Materials Information (ORNL, Solid State Division - US) RMIC - Research
Materials Information Center,

Resource Management Information System
Rock Mechanics Information Service, 1967(University of London, Imperial College for
Science and Technology - GB)
RMK - Regi Magyar Konyvtar. [Early printed books
bibliography] (HU) RML
Regional Medical Library (US)
Relational Machine Language
Review of Metal Literature, 1944-1968 (US)
RML IV - Mid-Atlantic Regional Medical Library
Program (NLM-US) RMLP - Regional Medical Library Program, 1965(NLM - US) RMNY - Regi Magyar Nyomtatvdnyok. [Hungarian
Early Printed Books] (HU) RMP - Research and Microfilm Publications RMS - Record
Management System RN - Norma Resortowa (PL) RNA
Rapid News Agency (HK)
Romantic Novelists Association (GB)
*RNB - Respublikanskaja Naucnaja Biblioteka (SU)
RNC - Resource Network Committee (CA)
RND - Rijksnyverheidsdienst (NL) *RND - RukovodjaS6ij Normativnyj Dokument
RNEPF - Repertoire National des tudes Pedagogiques en France (INRA - FR)
RNF - Registry Nomenclature File (CAS - US)
RNIB - Royal National Institute for the Blind (GB) *RNMB
Respublikanskaja Naucnaja Medicimkaja Bi
blioteka (SU)
Respublikanska Naukova Medians BlbMeteka,
ukr (SU, Ukrainian SSSR) *RNMBK - RespublikanskajaNaucno-Metodiceskaja Bibliotecnaja Komissija (SU) RNODC - Responsible National Oceanographic
Data Centers (US) *RNSHB - Respublikanskaja Naucnaja SeFskohozjajstvennaja Biblioteka (SU) *RNTB - Respublikanskaja Naucno-Tehniceskaja
Biblioteka (SU)
*RO BIS - Rukopisnoe Otdelenie Gosudarstvennoj Publicnoj Biblioteki im.
Saltykova-Scedrina (SU) (=*ROGPB) *RO GIM - Otdel Rukopisej i Staropecatnyh
Gosudarstvennyj Istoriceskij Muzej (SU) *RO GPB - Rukopisnoe Otdelenie
Gosudarstvennoj Publicnoj Biblioteki im.Saltykova-Scedrina ((SU) (=*ROBIS) *RO
IRLI - Rukopisnyj Otdel Instituta Russkoj Literatury (SU)

ROARS - Report Ordering and Receipt System (John Hopkins University Applied
Physic Laboratory, R.E.Gibson Library -US) *ROBAN - Rukopisnyj Otdel Biblioteki
Nauk SSSR (SU)
ROBDAP - Regional Office for Book Development in Asia and the Pacific, int, 1958(Unesco - Karachi, PK)
ROBINS - Roberts Information Services, Inc. (US) ROC
Reconnaissance Optique de Caracteres
(=OCR, eng)
Reconocimiento Optico de Caracteres, spa
ROC APPI - Research on Computer Applications in
the Printing and Publishing Industries (Leigh
Press, Inc. -US)
ROCIS - Research Officer for Community Information Services (LA - GB) ROCR - Remote Optical Character Recognition
(Cognictronics Corp. - US) ROD - Regional Operational Data RODATA - Registered
Organization Data Bank,
1965- (US Army) *RODK - Russkoe Obscestvo Druzej Knigi, 19201930 (SU) ROEAO - Regional Office for Education in Asia
and Oceania, int, 1961- (Unesco - Bangkok, TH) *ROGBL - Rukopisnyj Otdel
Gosudarstvennoj Biblioteki im.Lenina (SU) ROH - Revolucni Odborove Hnuti, cze (CS) ROHO Regional Oral History Office (US) ROI - Resortowy Osrodek Informacji (PL) ROIE Resortowy Osrodek Informacji Ekonomicznej (PL) ROINTE - Resortowy Osrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) ROITE - Resortowy Osrodek Informacji
Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL) ROL - Real-time Operating System ROLS - Remote On-Line
System (Pertec - US)
F \>r -----*RONMI - Respublikanskij Otdel Naucno-Medicinskoj Informacii (SU)
ROPES - Remote Online Print Executive System ROS - Read-Only Storage
ROSCOP - Report of Observations/Samples Collected by Oceanographic Programs.
[Data base] (NODC-US)
ROSDR - Read-Only Storage Data Register ROSE - Retrieval by On-line Search
(University of
Pennsylvania - US) *Rosgizmestprom - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
Mestnoj Promyslennosti RSFSR (SU) *Rosglavbumprom - Glavnoe Upravlenie
Promyslennosti RSFSR (SU) *Rosglavizdat - Glavnoe Upravlenie Kniznyh Izda-

tel'stv Goskomizdata RSFSR (SU) *Rosglavkniga - Glavnoe Upravlenie Kniznoj Torgovli Goskomizdata RSFSR (SU) *Rosglavpoligrafprom - Glavnoe Upravlenie Poligraficeskoj Promyslennosti Goskomizdata RSFSR (SU)
ROSTA - Regional Office for Science and Technology for Africa, int, 1965- (Unesco
-Nairobi, KE) *ROSTA - Rossijskoe Telegrafnoe Agentstvo, 19181925 (SU); - *TASS
ROSTAS - Regional Office for Science and Technology for the Arab States, int, 1947(Unesco - Cairo, EG) *Rostehizdat - Izdatel'stvo Naucno-Tehniceskoj Literatury RSFSR (SU)
*Rostizdat - Rostovskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) ROSTLAC - Regional Office for Science
and Technology for Latin America and the Caribbean, int, 1966- (Unesco Montevideo, AR) ROSTSCA - Regional Office for Science and Technology for South
and Central Asia, int, 1948-(Unesco - New Delhi, IN)
ROSTSEA - Regional Office for Science and Technology for South-East Asia, int
(Unesco -Jakarta, ID)
*Rosvuzizdat - Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva Vyssego i
Srednego Specialnogo Obrazovanija RSFSR (SU)
ROTAM - Request-Oriented Telecommunication
Access Method ROTNAC - Round Table of National Centres for
Library Services, int (IFLA) ROTR - Read-Only Typing Reperforator ROUT Retrieval of Unformatted Text (Mitre
Corp.-US) *ROVC - Respublikanskij Otraslevoj Vycislitel'nyj
Centr (SU) RP
Read Printer
Reference Paper
Research Publications Ltd, 1982- (GB); NAD
*RP - Retrospektivnyj Poisk RPA
Rationalist Press Association (GB)
Recently Published Articles (American HistoriRFC
Records Processing Center
Remote Communications Processor
Reports of Patent Cases (Patent Office - GB)
*RPF - Respublikanskij Patentnyj Fond (SU)
Religious Publishers'Group (US)
Report Program Generator
RPGL - Report Program Generator Language RPGP - Recent Publications on
Governmental Problems, 1932- (Merriam Center Library, Chicago -US)
RPI - Research Publications, Inc., 1966- (US) RPIC - Rock Properties Information
Center, 1972-

(Purdue University - US) RPIO - Registered Publication Issuing Office *RPK Referativnaja Perfokarta RPL
Recent Polar Literature (Scott Polar Research
Institute - GB)
Richmond Public Library (US)
Running Program Language
RPLD - Regional and Public Libraries Division, 1977 (Ontario Library Association - CA); -
OPLA RPM - Repertoire des Periodiques Biomedicaux dans
les Bibliotheques de Suisse (CH) (=VMZ, ger) *RPM - Raskladocno-Podborocnaja
Masma RPPAF - Repertoire des Publications Perodiques et
de Series de ['Administration Franfaise. 1973 (FR) RPR
Ratio of Cited to Published Articles
Read Printer
RPrK - Reichspressekammer (D) RPS
Real-time Processing System
Registered Publications System
Remote Printing System
RPT NOT - Rada Prasy Technicznej NOT (PL)
RPU - Registered Publication Unit
Reporgraphics Quarterly (NRcD - GB)
RQ. [Reference Quarterly] (ALA,RSD-US)
RRC - Regional Resources Center (US)
RRF - Reading Reform Foundation, 1961- (US) RRH - Regionales Rechenzentrum
(DE) RRIC - Race Relations Information Center, 1969(US)
RRIF - Reading Research Impact Factor RRIS - Railroad Research Information
1972- (NAS/NRC, Highway Research Board US)
RRL - Registered Record Librarian RRMIS - Regional Resources Management
Information System (Midwest Research Institute - US) RRP - Reader and ReaderPrinter RRR - Redactiecommissie Registers Rijkspublikaties (NL) RRRLC - Rochester Regional Research Library
Council 1966-fUSI
RRRLF - RajaRammohanRoyLibraryFoundation
Regulatory Registry Services ("ACS - US)
Research Referral Service, int (FID)
Resources and Referral Service (US)

World Resources and Reserves Data Bank Ser

vice, int, (International Energy Agency)
RRTIS - Renewable Resources Technical Information System (US)
RRUA - Rhodesia Research Uniterm Index A (Department of Research and Specialist
Services Directorate - RH)
RRZN - Regionales Rechenzentrum Niedersachsen (DE)
Reader Service
Reference Sources, 1977- (Pierian Press - US);
Retrospective Search
*RS - Rekommendacijapo Standarizacii, int (*SEV) RSB
Regionale Steunbibliotheek (NL)
Roczne Studium Bibliotekarskie (POKE - PL)
RSBRC - Reference and Subscription Books Re
view Committee (ALA - US)
Reader Service Card
Revised Statutes of Canada. [Legal data base]
(Quick Law Systems - CA)
RSCIS - Royal Society of Chemistry Information
Services (GB); <-UKCIS RSD - Reference Services Division, 1956- (ALA US);->RASD RSdF - Redakteur- und Schriftstellerverband der
Fachpresse (D) RSEXEC - Resource Sharing Executive
Research, Special and Information Section (LA
Resortowy System Informatyczny (PL)
Retrospective Searching Information
Radiation Shielding Information Center, 1962(ORNL-US)
Radical Science Information Service
Redstone Scientific Information Center, 1949(US Army Missile Command)
*RSIF - Respublikanskij Spravocno-Informacionnyj
Fond (SU) RSIL - Rechnergestutzte Systeme fur Information
der Leistung (DD) RSIS - Reference, Special and Information Section,
1950- (LA -GB);-> ISO RSL
Radcliffe Science Library (Oxford University GB)

Royal Society of Literature (GB)
RSM- Rapid Search Machine (General
*RS1NTI - Respublikanskaja Sistema Naucno-Tehnideskoj Informacii (SU) RSP - Resource Sharing Program, 1982-(University
of Washington Libraries - US) *RSP - RasSirjajusciesja Sistemy Programmirovanija
RSPD - Research and Special Project Division,
1947- (Bureau of National Affairs - US) RSR - Reference Services Review, 1972(Pierian
Press-US) RSS
Rapid Structure Search
Rashtriya Sambad Samiti. [Information Press
Agency], 1962-(NP)
Regional Support System (SOLINET - US)
RSSDA - Regional Social Science Data Archive,
1969- (University of Iowa - US) *RST - Respublikanskij Standart (SU) RSU Reference Services Unit *RSVC - Respublikanskaja Set' Vycislitel'nyh Centrov (SU) RSVP
Report Service Very Prompt (Gemini Compu
ter Systems Ltd - GB)
Research Society for Victorian Periodicals,
1968- (University of Toronto, Department of
RSW "Prasa" - Robotnicza SpoWzielnia Wydaw-nicza "Prasa", 1947-1972 (PL)
RSWB - Literaturinformation aus Raumordnung, Stadtebau, Wohnungswesen,
Bauwesen. [Database] (Informationszentrum Raum und Bau - DE)
RSWK - Regelnfurden Schlagwortkatalog (DE)
Real Time
"Related Term" reference
RT/CAT - Regels voor de Tietelbeschrijvings. 3: Re-gels voor de Catalogusbouw.
RT/NBM - Regels voor de Tietelbeschrijving. 4: Be-schrijvingsregels voor NietBoekmaterialen. 1979 (NL)
RT/NS - Regels voor de Titelbeschrijving. 1: Be-schrijvingsregels voor Niet-Seriele
publikaties. 1978 (NL)
RT/SORT - Regels voor de Tietelbeschrijving. 6: Sorteerregels. Regels voorhetsorteren
van catalogu-stitels. 1981 (NL)

Remote Telecommunications Access Method

Remote Terminal Access Method
RTCA - Regional Training Centre for Archivists (Legon, GH)
RTCC - Real-Time Computer Center (NASA-US) RTCS
Real-Time Communication System
Real-Time Composition System (Bedford
Computer Corp.)
RTDAS - Real-Time Data Automation System RTDHS - Real-Time Data Handling
System RTDS - Real-Time Data System RTECS - Registry of Toxic Effects of
Chemical Substances, 1971- (National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health - US); < Toxic Substances List RTES - Real-Time Executive
System, int (SEMIS) RTF - Realt-Time FORTRAN RTTC - Regional Technical
Information Centre
Real-Time Input/Output
Remote Terminal Input/Output
RTIRS - Real-Time Information Retrieval System RTL
Real-Time Language
Register Transfer Language
Run-Time Library (Interdata - US)
RTLB - Round Table of Libraries for the Blind (IFLA)
RTLSB - Round Table on Library Services to the
Blind (ALA - US); -H> HRLSI *RTM - RukovodjaScie Tehniceskie Materialy
RTMOS - Real-Time Multiprogramming Operating System
RTMS - Real-Time Multiprogramming System
RTN - Remote Terminal Network *RTO - Russkoe TehniCeskoe Ob&estvo, 1866-1929
RTOS - Real Time Operating System
RTF - Editions RoTaPrint, Lyon, 1956- (FR)
RTRO - Real-Time Readout
RTS - Rapid Transmission and Storage (Goldmark Corp.-US)
RTSD - Resources and Technical Services Division, 1957- (ALA - US); <- (formed by
the merger of): DDCandSRT
RTSD/AS-RTSD Acquisition Section (ALA -US)
RTSD/CCS - RTSD Cataloging and Classification Section ("ALA-US)
RTSD/PLMS - RTSD Preservation of Library Materials Section ("ALA - US)
RTSD/RLMS - RTSD Reproduction of Library Materials Section ("ALA - US)
RTSD/RS - RTSD Resources Section ("ALA- US)
RTSD/SS - RTSD Serials Section ("ALA - US)
Radet for Teknisk Terminologi, 1956- (NO)

Radio Teleprinter
RTTY - Radio-Teletypewriter
*RTU - Respublikanskie Tehniceskie Uslovija (SU) RUB - Roskilde
Universitetsbibliotek (DK) RUC
Regional Union Catalog (Bibliographical Cen
ter for Research - US, Colorado)
Roskilde Universitetscenter (DK)
Russian Union Catalogue (BLLD - GB)
RUCIBA - Revista de la Unesco de Ciencia de la Informacidn, Bibliotecologia y Archivologta, spa, 1979- (Unesco) (=RUSIBA, fre;
UJISLAA, eng) RUG - Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, fie (BE) RUIN - Regional and
Urban Information Network, 1969- (Network Urban Institute, Washington DC/
Metropolitan Urban Studies Libraries Group -US)
RUNCIBLE - Revised Unified New Compiler with Its Basic Language Extended
RUNTT - Regnesentret ved Universitetet i Trond-heim (NO)
RUSDIC - Russian Dictionary in Machine Translation (University of California - US)
RUSIB A -Revue de /' Unesco pour la Science de V Information, la Bibliotheconomie et
I'Archivistique, 1979- (Unesco) (=UJISLAA, eng) *RUST - Reprodukcionnaja
RUSTAN - Russian Text Analyzer
RUSTIC - Regional and Urban Studies Information Center (ORNL, Energy Division,
Regional and Urban Studies Section - US) *RVC - Respublikanskij Vycislitel'nyj
Centr (SU)
RVD - Rijks Voorlichtings Dienst (NL)
Rada Vzajemne Hospodafske Pomoci, cze, int
(=COMECON, eng; *SEV, rus)
Rada Vzajomnej Hospodarskej Pomoci, sla, int
(=COMECON, eng; *SEV, rus)
*RVNMi - Respublikanskij Viddil Naukovoi Mediino'i informacii, ukr (SU; Ukrainian SSR) RVO - Rijksinstituut voor
*RVS - Raspredelennaja Vycislitel'naja Sistema *RVTU - Respablikanskie
Vremennye Tehniceskie
Uslovija (SU) RWAB - Regionale Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek (DD) RWB - Regionale Wetenschappelijke Bibliotheek
(NL) RWG - Rechenzentrale Wiirttemberger Genossenschaften (DE) RWI - Retrospektywne Wyszukiwanie Informacji,
pol RWJW - Rheinisch-Westfalischer Journalistenverband (DE)
RWM - Read-Write Memory RWPG - Rada Wzajemnej Pomocy Gospodarczej,

po/(=COMECON, eng; *SEV, rus) *Rybinfonn - ASNTI Rybnogo Hozjajstva (SU)

RZ - Rechenzentrum
*R - Referativnyj Zurnal, 1953- ('VINITI - SU) RZB - Rechenzentrum Buchhandel,
1972: (DE) RZETH - Rechenzentrum der Eidgenossischen
Technischen Hochschule (CH) RZG - Rechenzentrum Graz (AT) RZK - Regionaler
S 2000 - System 2000 (MRI Systems Corp. - US)
S+DX - Speech + Derived Telex
S-P - Systems and Procedures
S&T - Science and Technology
S&TI - Scientific and Technical Information
"See Also" reference
ShiD Abstracts. fData hasel ("Helsinki T Tnivcrci.
ty of Technology - Fl/Ship Research Institute of Norway - NO/Swedish Maritime
Research Centre-SE)
Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umjetnosti,
slo (YU)
Society of Archivists, 1955- (GB); *- (founded
as): Society of Local Archivists, 1946Society of Authors (GB)
Sociological Abstracts, 1953-(Sociological Ab
stracts, Inc. - US)
Statni Archiv, cze (CS)
SA(A) - Stadsarchief te Antwerpen,//e (BE)
SA/OR - Systems Analysis/Operational Research
Single Article Announcement ("ACS - US)
Society of American Archivists, 1936- (US)
Standards Association of Australia (AU)
SAAAS - South African Association of the Advan
cement of Science (ZA)
SAALCK - State Assisted Academic Library Council of Kentucky (US)
SAALIC - Swindon Area Association of Libraries for Industry and Commerce, 1961(GB); WILCO
SAAN - South African Associated Newspapers (ZA)
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Allgemeinen Offentlichen Bibliotheken (CH)
Subject Access Project (SE)

Sveriges Allmanna Biblioteksforening, 1915(SE)

SystematikfurAllgemeinbildende Bibliotheken,
1961 (DD)
SABA - South Australian Booksellers' Association (AU)
SAB AM - Societe Beige des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique (BE)
SABER - [Data Base Management System by Relational Schema], 1978- (Centro de
Informac.6es Nu-cleares - BR)
SABEW - Society of American Business and Economic Writers (US); <- SABW
SABI - System Automatyzacji Bibliotecznej (Poli-technika Wrocfawska, APIN - PL)
SABEVA - System Automatyczny Biblioteki Naro-dowej,1980-(BN-PL)
SABINE - Systeme Automatise pour Banques dTn-formations non Numeriques
(Informatech France-Que"bec-CA)
SABINET - South African Bibliographic and Information Network (ZA)
SABIRC - Systeme Automatique de Bibliographic, d'Information et de Recherche en
Carcinologie, 196&- (Jnstitut Gustave-Roussy - FR); - CANCERNIT
SABIRS - Semi-Automatic Bibliographic {formation Hi>tri*!val Svstem 1Q*1_
/XT_..-I o-*fc.o*
School-US) (=SABIR) SABN - Societe des Amis de la Bibliotheque Nationale et des Grandes Bibliotheques (FR) SABREB - South Asia and Burma
Bibliography, int SABRI - Societe Auxiliaire des Bibliotheques et de
Reequipement Intellectuel, 1948- (FR) SABS
South African Bureau of Standards (ZA)
Stanford Automated Bibliographic System
(Stanford University/Social Science Research
Council - US)
Statistical Analysis of Bibliographical Structure
(Northwestern Polytechnic/HERTIS - GB)
SABV - Suid-Afrikaanse Biblioteekvereniging, afr
(ZA) (=SALA, eng) SABW - Society of American Business Writers
Science Abstracting Committee
Scientific Advisory Council, 1964- (ZA)
Subject Analysis Committee (ALA, RTSD US)
Systems Advisory Committee
*SAC - Set' Avtomatizirovannyh Centrov (SU)
SACA - Standards Association of Central Africa, int
SACAC - South African Council for Automation and Computation (ZA)

SACAP - Selection, Acquisition, Cataloguing and Processing (Bro-Dart Industries,

Alanar Book Processing Center - US)
SAC AS - SCONUL Advisory Committee on American Studies, 1980: (GB)
SACC - Science Action Coordinating Committee (US)
SACD - Societe des Auteurs et Compositeurs Dra-matiques (FR)
SACDA - System Analysis, Control and Design Activity (University of Western
Ontario - CA)
SACEM - Societe des Auteurs, Compositeurs et
Editeurs de Musique (BE)
SACNION - Set' Avtomatizirovannyh Centrov Naufnoj Informacii po
Obscestvennym Naukam (SU)
*SACNTI - Set' Avtomatizirovannyh Centrov Nauc-noj i Tehnifeskoj Informacii (SU)
SACPA - South Asian Catholic Press Association (Dhaka, BD)
SACRD - Safety Analysis Computerized Reactor Data, 1975- (ORNL - US)
SACSIR - South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (ZA) (=SACSIR)
SACSIRO - South African Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization (ZA)
Section d'Automation Documentaire, 1961(CNRS-FR);^LADL
System Administrowania Danymi, pol
Systeme d'Accumulation des Donnees (IRIA FR)
SADAG - Societe des Arts Graphiques
SADAIC - Sociedad Argentina de Autores y Compositores de Musica (AR) SADAP - Service Autonome de la Documentation,
des Archives et des Publications, 1975- (Ministere
de 1'Economie et des Finances - CI) SADAVE - Societe de Documentation sur les
Appareils a Vapeur et Electriques (FR) SADC - Southwest Asia Documentation
int (Tehran, IR)
SADE - Sociedad Argentina de Escritores (AR) SADEA - Societe Anonyme
d'Editions Artistiques
(CH) SADECA - Sociedad Argentina de Control Automatico (AR) SADENCA - [Automated documentation center
for culture and arts] (RO) SADEP - Societe Auxiliaire pour la Diffusion des
Editions de Productivity, 1951- (FR) SADF
Semi-Automatic Document Feed
Statistical Analysis of Documentation Files

Statisticke Analyzy Dokumentacnich Fondu,

Sanders Associates Direct Indexing
Secretariat Atomated Document Index (US)
SADIE - Secure Automatic Data Information Ex
change (US)
SADIO - Sociedad Argentina de Investigaci6n Operativa, 1960- (AR) SADIS
Southern African Development Information
System, int
Southern African Documentation and Informa
tion System, int
SADPO - Systems Analysis and Data Processing Office, 1967-(NYPL-US)
SADSACT - Self Assigned Descriptors from Self and Cited Titles (NBS,
Information Technology Division - US)
Societa fra gli Autori e gli Editori (IT)
Society for the Advancement of Education
SAEH - Society for Automation in English and the
Humanities, -1975 (US) SAEL - Societa Arte Editoriale Libraria (IT) SAEMS Saskatchevan Association of Educational
Media Specialists, 1960- (CA) SAENET - South Australia Educational Computer
Network, 1975- (AU)
SAEP - Societe Africaine d'Edition et de Publicity SAEPKT - Scottish Alliance of
Employers in the
Printing and Kindred Trades (GB) SAERIS - South Australian Education Resources
Information System (South Australian Education
Department, School Libraries Branch - AU) SAETA - S.A.Espanola de Traductores
y Autores,
1939- (ES) SAP
1. Search and Find, 1982- (Program-Makarna
AB, Stockholm-SE)
"See Also From" reference
Svenska Antikvariatforeningen (SE)
Site Appraisal for Area Resources Inventory,
1976- (Cleveland Area Metropolitan Library

Systeme Automatise pour les Fichiers Administratifs et le Repertoire des Individus (FR)
SAFEORD - Safety of Explosive Ordnance Databank, 1970- (US Navy, Naval
Weapons Laboratory)
SAFIR - Systeme d'Acces a des Fichiers en Temps Reel, 1974-(CNET-FR)
SAFIS - Southeast Asian Fisheries Information Centre, int
SAFRAS - Self Adaptive Flexible Format Retrieval and Storage System (University of
Western Ontario - CA)
Syndicat Suisse des Arts Graphiques (CH)
Systems Analysis Group (US)
SAGA - Society of American Graphic Artists (US) SAGACE - Systeme Automatique
pour la Gestion
d'Archivage des Comptes Economiques (INSEE FR)
SAGE - Service to the Aging (Brooklyn Public Library-US) SAGEP - Systeme
Automatique de Gestion des Periodiques, 1971- (MBP de France, Mathematiques
et Informatique - FR) SAGESSE - Systeme Automatique de Gestion et de
Selection de Documentation (IBM France - FR) SAGO - System
Gromadzenia i Odszukiwania Informacji (CPITE - PL) SAGO-CZAS - System
Automatycznego Gromadzenia i Odszukiwania Informacji z Czasopism,
1970- (CPITE - PL) SAHLC - Seattle Area Hospital Library Consortium
(US, Washington State) SAI
Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (IE)
Syndicat des Agences d'Information (FR)
*SAI - Signal'naja Adresnaja Informacija
SAIB - System Automatycznej Informacji Biblio-tecznej. (Akademia Ekonomiczna w
Katowicach, Biblioteka Instytutu Organizacji Przetwarzania Danych - PL)
SAIBI - Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut vir Biblioteek en Inligtingwese, afr, 1979(=SAILIS, eng); -SABV
SAIBM - [Swedish Section of AIBM] (SE)
SAICER - Sindicato Autori Italian!, Compositori, Editori Riunti (IT)
Semiautomatic Integrated Documentation
System Analysis Index for Diagnosis
System for an Automated Information Dissemi
nator (Datatrol Corp. - US)
SAIDC - Sistem za Avtomatizacijo Informacijsko Dokumentacijskih Centrov, slo

Stanford Artificial Intelligence Language
(Stanford University - US)
Structural Analysis Input Language
Sault Area International Library Association
(US, Sault Ste Marie, Michigan/CA, Sault Ste
Marie, Ontario)
South African Indian Library Association,
1968- (ZA)
SAILIS - South African Institute of Librarianship and Information Science, 1979(ZA); (=SAIBI.
SAILS - Swets Automated Independent Library
System (University College Dublin, Library - IE) SAIMS - Selected Acquisition
Information and Management System (DOD - US) SAINT - Semi-Automatic Indexing of Natural
Language (SDC- US) SAIO - Service Academique d'Information et
d'Orientation (FR) SAIS
Scientific Apparatus Information Service (US)
Standard Aeronautical Indexing System
1 . Service d'Analyse de 1'Information Technologi-que (Centre de Recherche
Industrielle du Quebec -C A)
Servizio Archivi Industrial Tecnici (IT)
Sistema Andine de Information Tecnologica,
int, 1980- (BO/VE/CO/TE/EC)
South African Institute of Translators (ZA)
SAITINT - South African Institute of Translators
and Interpreters, 1956- (ZA) SAK - Statni Akademicka Knihovna, cze (CS) SAKI Selektive
(Siemens A. G. -DE) SAKO - System Automatycznego Kodowania (IMM
Simple Author Language
Society of Antiquaries of London (GB)
Structured Assembly Language
Subject Authority List (NASA - US); - NASA
Suomen Aikakauslehdentoimittajain Liitto.
[Finnish Association of Journalists] (FI)
Symbolic Assembly Language

Systems Assembly Language
1 . Society of Alabama Archivists (US)
2. South African Library Association. 1930-1980
(ZA) (=SABV, afr); -> SAILIS SALALM - Seminar on the Acquisitions of Latin
American Library Materials, int, 1956- (Amherst,
Michigan, US) SALAT - System for Automatic Language Analysis
and Translation (Ruprecht- Karl-Universitat Heidelberg -DE) SALB - South African Library for the Bflrtd. 1919
Serials Automation at the Library of Congress
Committee (LC- US)
Southwest Academic Library Consortium (US)
SALCKIN - Subject Access to Library Catalogues
through Keyword Indexes (Bath University- GB) SALD - Section d'Automatique
Linquistique et Documentaire (CNRS - FR) SALG
Scottish Agricultural Librarians Group, 1979(GB)
South Asia Library Group (LA - GB)
SALINET - Satellite Library Information Network,
1974- (University of Denver, Graduate School of Librarianship - US)
SALINFO - Samenwerkingsverband voor de Natio-nale Literatuur- en
Informatievoorziehing in de beta-sector (NL)
SALIS - Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists, Eaglville (US,
Sierra Leone Library Association (SL)
South African Law Libraries (ZA)
SALM - Sociedada de Amigos del Libro Mexicano
(MX) SALO - Sacramento Area Library Organization
Societe Africaine de Librarie-Papeterie (GA)
Special Adult Learning Program (UK, Bed
Southern Adirondack Library System (US,
New York State)

Statistical Analysis with Least Squares Fitting

SALSSAH - Serials in Australian Libraries: Social Sciences and Humanities ("NLA AU)
SALSSAH/NRT - SALSSAH Newly Reported Titles (NLA - AU)
Saskatchewan Association of Library Techni
cians, 1973- (CA)
Society for Applied Learning Technology (US)
State Agency Libraries of Texas (US)
Semantic Analysis Machine
Sequential Access Method
*SAM - Scetno-Analiticeskaja Masina
SAMANTHA - System for the Automated Management of Text from a Hierarchical
Arrangement, 1974- (Information and Publishing Systems, Inc. -US)
SAMARC - South African MARC (ZA)
SAMBLA - Seminario Latinoamericano sobre Control y Adquisicion de Material
Bibliografico, int, 1975SAMEP - Societe Artistique de Maitrise pour 1'Edi-tion de la Presse (FR)
SAMFOR - Sequential Access Method in FORTRAN
SAMKAT - Samlingskatalogisering (DK)
SAMKATPER - Norsk Samkatalog. Utenlandske Periodika i Norge, 1972- (NO)
SAMM - Societe d'Applications et de Methodes Me-canographiques (FR)
Southwest Area Multi-county Multi-type Interlibrary Exchange (Southwest State UniversityUS, Minnesota)
System for Aiding Man-Machine Interaction
SAMP - South Asia Microfilm Project, 1967- (Center for Research Libraries - US)
SAMPLE - Survey Analysis Macro Programming Language
Small and Medium-size Libraries Sub-Commit
tee (GBRLS - CA)
Society for Advanced Medical Systems (US); -
SAMUEL - Searcher and Mutator for Use in the Examination of Languages SAN
Standard Account Number (Booksellers - GB)
Standard Address Numbers (BISAC - US)

Standard Article Number

*SAN - Srpska Akademija Nauka, ser (YU)
SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency, 1965- (SY)
SANAGRA - Salon National des Arts Graphiques
SANB - South African National Bibliography, 1959-(South Africa State Library - ZA)
SANCST-Saudi Arabian National Centre for Science and Technology (SA)
SAND AS - Systeme d'Automatisation et de Normalisation de la Documentation
concernant les Arts du Spectacle, int (FIAB)
SANI - Sistema Informative per 1'Accesso all'Ana-grafe Camerale e Operativa delle
Imprese Italiane. [Data base] (CERVED - IT)
SANP - Sistema Informative per 1'Accesso all'Ar-chivio dell'Anagrafe Nazionale dei
Protest!. [Data base] (CERVED - IT)
SANSS - Structure and Nomenclature Search System (National Institutes of
Health/EPA, Chemical Information System - US)
*SANU - Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosti, ser (YU)
SANZ - Standards Association of New Zealand, 1966-(NZ);^-NZSI
SAOB - Staatliche Allgemeine Offentliche Biblio-thek (DD)
SAOB/H - SAOB, hauptberuflich geleitete (DD)
SAOB/N - SAOB, nebenberuflich geleitete (DD)
SAOLM - Subject Analysis and Organization of Library Materials Committee
SAOUG - South African Online User Group (ZA)
Sbornik Archivnlch Praci, cze, 1952-(CS)
Slagords-AutomatiseringsDroiektet (Lund Universiteitsbibliotek - SE)
Society of Artists Printmakers (GB)
Socjalistyczna Agencja Prasowa, 1946-1948
Stowarzyszenie Archiwistow Polskich (PL); <
Stowarzyszenie Autorow Polskich (PL)
Subject Access Project (Syracuse University US)
Sistema Avtomaticeskogo Poiska
Sistema Avtomatizacii Programmirovanija
South African Press Association, 1938- (ZA)
South African Publisher's Association, 1945(ZA)

SAPD - System Automatycznego Przetwarzania Danych.po/

SAFE - Society for Automation in Professional Education, -1975 (US)
SAPEF - Societe Africaine de Publicite etd'Editions Fusionnees
SAPHIR - [Archival material processing computerized system], 1979- (Archives
Nationales du Quebec-CA)
SAPHYDATA - Systems for the Acquisition, Transmission and Processing of
Hydrological Data, int (Unesco, International Hydrological Decade)
Salesmen's Association of the Paper Industry
System Automatycznego Przetwarzania Informacji,po/
SAPIG - System Archiwizacji Podstawowych Infor-macji Geologicznych (PL)
SAPIM - System Automatyzacji Procesow Infor-macji Medycznej (GBL-PL)
SAPIR - System of Automatic Processing and Indexing of Reports, 1961- (University
of California -US)
SAPIS - State Alcoholism Profile Information System (National Institute on Alcohol
Abuse and Alcoholism - US)
SAPLA - Standing Advisory Panel on Library Automation (LRCC - GB)
SAPONE1 - South African Post Office Network, 1980- (ZA)
SAPP - Societe Anonyme de Presse et Publicite (FR)
SAPPHIRE - [System for retrieval of chemical structures and related properties data]
(Imperial Chemical Industries - GB)
SAPPHO - Scientific Activity Predictor from Patterns with Heuristic Origins, 1968(Sussex University, Science Policy Research Unit - GB)
SAPPI - South African Pulp and Paper Industries Ltd (ZA)
SAPRISTI - Systeme Automatique de Production d'Information Scientifique
(Commissariat a
*SAPSI - Sostavlenie Algoritmov po obrabotke Slo-vesnoj Informacii
SAR - Society of Authors' Representatives, 1928-(US)
SARA - Stichting Academisch Rekencentrum Amsterdam (NL)
SARAP - Southern Africa Research Archival Project (ZA)
SARB - Selecteur Automatique de References Bi-bliographiques
SARBICA - South-east Asia Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives,
1968- (Kuala Lumpur, MY)
SARC - System Analysis and Research Corporation
Sistema de Almacenamiento y Recuperation de
la Information (CU)
Systeme d'Acquisition et de Restitution de 1'Information (BIAM - FR)
*SARI - Sistema Avtomaticeskogo Raspredelenija Informacii

SARIAS - [Information System in the State Archives] (Archivele Statului - RO)

Services and Agency Resources Information
System (Community Council Serving Maricopa
County - US, Arizona)
South African Retrospective Information Sys
tem, 1976-(CSIR - ZA)
SARMG - Southeast Asian Research Materials
Group (LAA - AU) SARNIL - Sous-Agence Romande pour la Numerotation Internationale des Livres, 1972- (CH) SAROAD - Storage and Retrieval of
Data (EPA, Air Pollution Control Office - US) SARY - Suomen Autorengasyhdistys
Single Article Service ("ACS - US)
Slovensky Autorsky Svaz, sla (CS)
Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (GB)
Statistical Analysis System (North Carolina Sta
te University/ORNL - US)
System Adresow Symbolicznych (ZAM - PL)
SASDI - South African Selective Dissemination of
Information, 1973- (CSTI - ZA) *SASED - Sistema Analiza Social'no-Ekonomiceskih Dannyh SASI
Servizi Associati Stampa Italiana (IT)
South African Standards Institution (ZA)
System on Automatic Safety Information,
1965- (General Motors Corp., Research Labo
ratories Library - US)
SASIG - System Archiwizacji Specjalistycznych In-formacji Geologicznych (PL)
SASLIC - Surrey and Sussex Libraries in Cooperation, 1969-(GB)
(GB) '>
SASLO-South African Scientific Liason *OWiee
SASM - Society for Automation in the Science and Mathematics, 1968- (US)
SASO - Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (S A)
SASP - Society of the Advancement of Scholarly Publishing (US)
SASPAC - Small Area Statistics of the Office of Population Censuses (GB)
SASS - Society for Automation in the Social Sciences, 1968-1975 (US)
SASSIF - Self-Adjusting System of Scientific Information Flow
Service Announcements in Science and Techno
logy ("NTIS - US); <- CAST; -> GRTA

System Automatycznego Scalania Tezaurusow

SASWTI - Staatliches Automatisiertes System der Wissenschaftlich- Technischen
SAT - System Access Technique (Sperry Univac -US)
Committee on Scientific and Technical Com
munication Information (NAS/National Aca
demy of Engineers - US)
Satellite Communications Agency, 1960- (US)
SATELLITE - Scientific and Technological Library
Literature. [A congress]
SATF - Societe des Anciens Textes Francais (FR)
SATIN - Systeme Automatique de Traitement de ITnformation, 1973- (Unite de
Recherche, Analyse Documentaire et Calcul en Archeologie, Marseille - FR)
SATIRE - Semi-Automatic Technical Information Retrieval (SDC- US)
Science and Technical Information Sources
(Schols Council Project Technology^- GB)
Scientific and Technical Information Service,
Socially Appropriate Technology Information
Services, int (NL)
SATO - Systeme d'Analyse de Textes par Ordina-teur, 1972- (University of Quebec,
Department of Philosophy - CA)
SATRA - Science and Technology Research Abstracts, 1975- (SSIE - US)
SATU - South African Typographical Union (ZA)
SATW - Society of American Travel Writers, 1957(US) *SAU - Sokrascennyj Avtorskij Ukazatel'
SAUDIPRESS - Saudi News Agency, 1970- (SA)
SAUL - St Andrews University Library (GB Scotland)
SAULNET - Southeast Asian University Library Network
SAUZ - System Automatyzacji Udostepniania Zbiorow (PL)
SAV - Slovenska Akademia Vied, sla (SC); <-SAVU
SAVA - Verband Schweizerischer Annoncen-Ver-waltungen und Agenturen (CH)
SAVES - States Audiovisual Education Study SAVI
1 . Stf edisko Automatizovane Vymeny Informaci , cze (CS)
2. Suid-Afrikaanse Vertalerinstituut, 1956- (ZA) SAVIS - Student Audiovisual
Interface Units SAVS - Suburban Audio-Visual Service (US, Illinois) SAVU - Slovenska Akademia Vied a Umeni, sla
SAWI - Speichern und Automatische Wiederauffin-

dung der Information (ROBOTRON - DD) SAWI-2P - System Automatycznego

Informacji Patentowej, 1969- (CIINTE - PL) SAWIC - South African Water
Information Centre
(ZA) SAZAPS - System Analiz Zagranicznych Podr6zy
Sluzbowych (IINTE - PL) SAZI - Standortverzeichnis Auslandischer Zeitungen
und Illustrierten in Bibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschliefllich Berlin West
(SBPrKB-WB) SAZU - Slovenska Akademija Znanosti in Umetnosti, slo (YU) SB
Sallskapet Bokvannarna, 1946- (SE)
Samachar Bharati. [News agency], 1966- (IN)
Selective Bibliography
Speciale Bibliotheek (NL)
Stiftung Buchkunst
Svenska Biblioteksforlaget (SE)
SB&F - Science Books and Films, 1975- (AAAS US) ; AAAS Science Books. A Quarterly Review,
SBA - School Bookshop Association (GB) *SBA - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskij
Apparat SBACEM - Sociedade Brasileira de Autores, Compositores e Editores de la Musica (BR) SBARN - South Bay Area Reference Network
SBB - Stadt- und Bezirksbibliothek (DD) *SBB - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskoe Bjuro
Skolbokscentralen (SE)
Small Business Computer
Societe Bibliographique du Canada, 1946(CA) (=BSC, eng)
Statutes of British Columbia. [Data base] (Bri
tish Columbia Ministry of the Attorney General
SBCLS - South Bay Co-operative Library System
(US California); <- READ SBD
1 . Schweizer Bibliotheksdienst (CH)
Service de Bibliografia e Documentaao (Universidad Federal do Ceara - BR)
Society for Book Distribution (ZA)
Standard Bibliographic Description

5 . Studieselskab for Bibliografisk Databehandling SBDA - Stichting Bibliotheek- en

Documentatieacademies (NL) SBDS
Stichting Bibliotheek- en Documentatiescholen
Structure Based Deduction System (JP)
SBER - Societe Beige des Editions Radio, 1949(BE) SBF
Skandinavisk Bogforlad (DK)
Svenska Bokbindareforbundet (SE)
*SBF - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskij Fond
SBG - Schweizerische Bibliophile Gesellschaft,
1921-(CH) SBGW - Stadtische Bucherei der Gemeinde Wien
Sektor Bibliografie a Informaci, cze (CS)
Sistema de Busqueda Informativa, spa
SBI-SK CSR - Sektor Bibliografie a Informaci Statni Knihovna CSR, cze (CS); <- UBS SBIB - Societe des Bibliophiles et
Iconophiles de
Belgique (BE) SBIN - Shared Bibliographic Input Network (DTIC
SBK - Standard-Buchlaufkarte *SBK - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskaja Kartoteka
SBKV - Schweizerischer Buchbinder- und Kartonagerverband (CH) SBL
Serials in the British Library, 1981- (BLBSD GB)
Stichting Bevordering Literatuuronderzoek
SBLAM - Syndicat Beige de la Librarie Ancienne et
Moderne (BE)
SBLI - Siiddeutsch. Bibliothekar-Lehrinstitut(DE) SBMA - Smaller Business
Management Abstracts,
1980- (Anbar Publications - GB) *SBMB - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskoe Medicinskoe
Bjuro (SU)
SBME - Society of Business Magazine Editors (US) SEN
Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (IT)
Standard Book Number
Spravocno-Bibliograficeskij Otdel (*VGBILSU)

Spravocno-Bibliograficeskoe Obsluzivanie
Standartnoe Bibliograficeskoe Opisanie
SBOF - Standard Book Order Form
SBP - Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1953(PL);-ZBiAP
*SBP - Sojuz na Bulgarskite Pisateli (BG) SBPA - Singapore Book Publishers'
(SG) SBPC - Sociedade Brasileira para o Progresso da
Ciencia (BR) SBPD - Society of Business Publication Designers
(US) SBPIM - Society of British Printing Ink Manufactures (GB)
SBPK = SBPrKB SBPR - Sociedad de Bibliotecarios de Puerto Rico,
1961-(PR) SBPrK = SBPrKB SBPrKB - Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz (WB) (=SBPK; SBPrK; SPK) *SBR - Spravocno-Bibliograficeskaja Rabota SBS
Satellite Business Systems (IBM/COMSAT/
Aetna Insurance - US)
Secondary Basic Subject
Spolok Bibliofilov na Slovensku, sla. 1930(CS)
Statens Bibliotekskole (NO)
Svenska Bibliotekariesamfundet, 1921-(SE)
*SBT - Spravocnyj Bank Terminov
*SBT ASITO = *SBTASITO *SBTASITO - Spravocnyj Bank Terminov Avtomatizirovannoj Sistemy Informacionno-Terminologi-cesko Obsluzivanija ("VNIIKI - SU)
SBUB - Sveriges Blabandsforenings Ungdomsforbunds Bibliotek (SE) SBV
Sallskapet Bibliotekens Viinner, 1958- (SE)
Schweizerischer Buchdruckverein (CH)
Schweizerischer Buchhandlerverein, -1949
SBW - Schweizerischer Buchhandler- und Verle-gerverein, 1949- (CH); < (formed by
the merger ofr.SBVandVSV
SBX - Student Book Exchange
Subject Classification [of J.D.Brown]
Superimposed Coding
Scientific Council for Africa
Society of California Archivists (US)
Surface Coating Abstracts. [Data base] (Paint
Research Association of Great Britain - GB)

*SCA - Sistema "Celovek i Avtomat" SCAC - Sub-Committee on Cataloging and

Classification (JSCLCBS - MY) SCAD
[Central Archives and Documentation Servi
ce], inf(CEC)
Societe Canadienne pour 1'Analyse de Docu
ments, 1977-(CA) ( = IASC, eng)
SCAL - STAR [=Self Testing and Reporting] Computer Assembly Language
SCALA - Scottish Adult Literary Agency (GB)
SCALE - Statutes and Cases Automated Legal Enquiry, 1977 (AU)
SCALL - Southern California Association of Law Libraries (US)
SCALS - Standing Conference of African Library Schools, int, 1973- (Dakar, SN)
SCAM - Synchronous Communications Access Method
SCAMP - Scottish Association of Magazine Pub
lishers (GB) u
Sandia Corporation Accession News (Sandia
Selected Current Aerospace Notices, 1966(NASA-US)
Selected Current Awareness Notification (IBM
Service Center for Aging Information (US)
Short Current Abstracts and Notes (Wyeth La
Southern California Answering Network,
State Controlled Area Network (Washington
State Library - US)
Systematic Classification and Analysis of Non
verbal Behaviour (US)
SCANDALS - Suffolk, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk Direct Approach Lending
Scheme (GB) SCANDOC - Scandinavian Documentation Center.
int, 1960-(Washington, US) SCANNET - Scandinavian Network for Scientific
and Technical Information, int, 1976(NORDFORSK) SCANP - SCANP: Scandinavian Periodicals Index
in Economics and Business, 1977- (Helsinki School
of Economics - FI) SCAP - Sistema Conversacional de Consulta para
Artigos de Periodicos (Pontif. Universidad Catolica - BR) SCAR - Scandinavian Concil for Applied Research,
int, 1947- (Stockholm, SE) (=NORDFORSK,
swe) SCARinfo - Scandinavian Committee for Technical
Information Service, int (SCAR) SCARO - Standing Conference of Area Resource

Organisations (GB) SCATT

Scientific Communications and Technology
Transfer, -1979 (University of Pennsylvania,
Wharton School - US)
Shared Catalog Assessed Through Terminals
1970- (SUNY Biomedical Communications
Network - US)
SCAUL - Standing Conference on African University Librarians, int, 1964SCAUL/WA = SCAULWA
SCAULEA - Standing Conference of African University Librarians, Eastern Area,
int, 1971-(SCAUL)
SCAULWA - Standing Conference of African University Librarians, Western Area, int,
1972-(SCAUL) (=SCAUL/WA)
SCB-Spolek Ceskych Bibliofilu, cze, 1908-(CS)
SCBBS - Series Catalogorum Bibliothecarum Bava-riae Sdentificarum (DE)
Services Central Book Depot (W.H.Smith GB)
SoctetS des Collectionneurs de Bandes Dessinees (FR)
Sectional Classification Code (INSPEC - GB)
Standards Council of Canada (CA)
SCCAC - Society for Conceptual and Content Ana
lysis by Computer, int
SCCDEST - Steering Committee on Crossborder Data Exchange in Science and
Technology (US)
SCCL - Society of County Children's Librarians (GB)
Science Communication Division (George
Washington University Medical Center -US);
Subject Cataloging Division (LC - US)
SCDCEA - Service Central de Documentation du
Commissariat a PEnergie Atomique (FR)
SCDU - Svaz Ceskych Dramatickych Umelcu, cze (CSRS)
SCE - Superior Council of Education (CA, Quebec) (=CSE,/re)
SCEAL - Standing Conference of East African Librarians, int
SCECSAL - Standing Conference of Eastern, Central and Southern African Librarians,
int, 1974SCEDSIP - Standing Conference on Educational Development Services in
Polytechnics (GB)

SCEI - Special Committee on Environmental Information, 1973-(SLA - US)

SCEITD - Service Centralisateur d'Etudes et dTn-formations pour les Transmissions
de Donnees (FR)
Societe Cooperative d'Edition et de Librairie,
1958- (FR)
Standing Committee on Education in Librarianship (GB)
SCELBAL - Scientific Elementary Basic Language
SCELMIS - Schools and Colleges of Education Learning Materials Information Service
(Inner London Education Authority, Media Resources Centre - GB)
SCEMI - Societe Continentale d'Editions Modernes Illustrees, 1947-(FR)
SCEMP - Scottish Community Education Microelectronics Project, 1981- (Scottish
Education Department/Scottish Community Education Council -GB)
SCENIC - Scientific Engineering Information Center
SCEP - Societe Continentale d'Editions et Periodi-ques (FR)
SCEPROG - Societe Centrale d'Etudes et de Pro-grammation (FR)
SCERT - Systems and Computers Evaluation and Review Technique
SCET - Scottish Council for Educational Technology (GB);^SFC
SCF - Scientific Computing Feature (International Computers Ltd - GB)
SCFC - Southern California Film Circuit (US)
SCFL - Scottish Central Film Library (GB)
SCFPDA - Societe Canadienne-Francaise de Protection du Droit d'Auteur, 1969- (CA)
SCHIN - South Carolina Health Information Network, 1978- (Medical University of
South Carolina Library/University of South Carolina, School of Medicine Library - US)
SCHOLAR - Scherring Oriented Literature Analysis and Retrieval System, 1969(Scherring Corp. -US)
SCHULIS - Schulinternes Informationssystem (DE)
Scan Column Index
'Science Citation Index, 1963- ("ISI - US)
Science Communications Incorporated (US)
Scientific Computers, Incorporated
Society of Scribes and Illuminators, 1921-(GB)
Systems Control Incorporated (US)
SCI-MATE - [Software package] (ISI - US); <PRIMATE SCI-TECH
Science-Technology Division (SLA - US)
Scientific and Technical Information Depart
ment, 1955- (Lockheed Aircraft Corporation,
Lockheed Georgia Company - US)
*SCI - Specializirovannyj Centr Informacii

SCIB - Sistema Colombiano de Information Biblio-grafica (CO)

SCICAT - Science Reference Library Catalogue, 1975-(BLSRL-GB)
SCICON - Scientific Control Systems Ltd (GB)
SCICT/CICE - Sous-Commission Internationale de Classification des
Telecommunications, int (CICE)
SCIDOC - Searle Co-ordinate Index to Documents (G.D.Searle and Co. - GB)
SCIL - Simulation Command and Input Language
SCILL - Southern California Interlibrary Loan Network (LAPL - US)
SCILS - Suffolk County Information and Library Service (GB)
SCIM - Selected Categories in Microfiche, 1968-(NTIS-US);^SDM
SCIMP - Selective Cooperative Index of Management Periodicals, 1978- (Manchester
Business School Library, European Business Schools Librarians Group - GB); ->
SCIMP: European Index of Management Periodicals
Scanning for Information Parameters
Stanford Center for Information Processing,
1967- (Stanford University - US)
Students Chemical Information Project (OSTI
SCIPAG - Syndicat des Constructeurs de Machines
pour les Industries du Papier, du Carton et des Arts
Graphiques (FR) SCIPIO - Sales Catalog [of Art] Index Project Input
Online (RLIN - US) SCIRT - Supplier Capability Information Retrieval
Technique (Sandia Laboratories - US)
SCISA - Standard Code Identification for Serials
Articles SCISEARCH - Science Citation Index Search (ISI
-US) SCISRS - Sigma Center Information Storage and
Retrieval System, 1964- (AEC - US) SCITEC - Association of the Scientific,
and Technological Community of Canada (CA) SCJ - Society for Collegiate Journalists
SCK - Svaz Ceskych Knihovniku, cze (CS) SCKLS - South Central Kansas Library
System (US^ SCKN - Spolek Ceskych Knihkupcu a Nakladetelu,
cze (CS) SCL
Scottish Central Library, 1948-1974 (GB); <(founded as): Scottish Central Library for Stu
dents, 1921-; -> NLSLS
Society of County Librarians, 1954- (GB)
Systems Control Language (International Com
puters Ltd-GB)

South Carolina Library Association, 1915(US)

Suffolk County Library Association (US, New
SCLH - Standing Conference for Local History (National Council for Social Service GB)
SCLL - State and Court Law Libraries of the United States and Canada, 1973- (US/CA)
Serra Cooperative Library System (US)
South Central Library System (US)
Southwestern Connecticut Library System
Suffolk Cooperative Library System, 1961(US)
Salida de Computador Microfilmada, spa
(=COM, eng)
Scientific Calculator Machine (Compagnie In
ternationale pour ITnformatique - FR)
Society for Computer Medicine (US);
*SCM - Sistema "Celovek i Masina" SCMA
Service Cinematographique du Ministere de
Southern California Microfilm Association
SCMAI - Staff Committee on Mediation, Arbitration and Inquiry (ALA - US)
ScML - Science Museum Library (GB) (=SML) *SCMM - Specializirovannaja
Cifrovaja Matemati-ceskaja Masina
SCMP - Second-Class Mail Publications; -> ASCMP
Sdruzeni Ceskoslovenskych Nakladatelstvi, cze
Svaz Ceskych Novinafu, cze (CS)
SCO - Singel Copy Order. [Book trade] ;
SCO ALIS - Spotkane County Automated Library
Information System (US, Washington)
SCOBOL - Structured COBOL

SCOCLIS - Standing Conference of Co-operative Libraries and Information Services

1969- (GB); -Standing Conference of Commercial and Technical Library Co-operative
SCODS - Standing Committee on Ocean Data Stations (National Environmental
Research Council -GB)
SCOHLZA - Standing Conference of Head Librarians of Zambia (ZM)
SCOLAS - Small On-line Acquisitions System
SCOLCAP - Scottish Libraries Cooperative Automation Project, 1973- (NLS/Stirling
University/ Dundee Univ./Glasgov Univ./Glasgow PL/Edinburgh PL-GB)
SCOLCAT - Scottish Libraries Union Catalogue (GB)
SCOLE - Standing Committee on Library Education , 1978- (ALA - US); <- LED
SCOLLUL - Standing Conference of Librarians of Libraries of the University of
London (GB)
SCOLMA - Standing Conference on Library Materials on Africa, int, 1962- (London,
SCOLUG - Scottish On-Line Information Users' Group (GB)
Service Central d'Organisation et Methodes
(Ministere de 1'Economie et des Finances-FR)
Subcommittee on Microforms, 1969(JSCLCBS-MY)
SCONMEL (SConMel) - Standing Conference for Mediterranean Libraries, int, 1973(MT)
SCONUL - Standing Conference of National and University Libraries, 1970- (IL)
SCONUL (Sconul) - Standing Conference of National and University Libraries, 1950(GB)
SCONUL/SEEG - SCONUL Slavonic and East European Group (GB)
SCOOP - Standing Committee on Official Publications, 1983- (GB)
SCOP - Single-Copy Order Plan (Association of American Publishers' - US); -> STOP
SCOPAL - Standing Committee on Pacific Libraries, int, 1978SCOPAS - Standing Conference on Professional Activities in Scotland, 1968- (GB)
Scholarly Communication: Online Publishing
and Education, 1983- (City University of New
York, Queens College - US)
Setting, Content, Objectives, Program, Eva
luation. [Methods of the examination of an or
ganizational process in the library]
Standing Committee on Professional Education
System to Coordinate the Operation of Periphe
ral Equipment (Honeywell - US)

Systematic Computerised Processing in Catalo

guing (Guelph University Libraries - C A)
Inc., Technical Information Department - US) SCOPL - Simple Checkout-Oriented
SCOPT - Subcommittee on Programming Technology (ACM-US) SCORE
Select, Copy or Report (Programming Methods
Senior Citizens Outreach Endeavor (Stark
County District Library - US, Ohio)
SCORPIO - Subject-Content-Oriented Retrieval for Processing Information On- line,
1974- (LC CRS - US)
SCOSSI - Standing Conference on Social Science Information (LIRG - GB)
SCOT - Semi-automated Computer-Oriented Text System
SCOTAPLL - Standing Conference of Theological and Philosophical Libraries in
London, 1948-(GB);->ABTAPL
SCOTPRINT - Scottish Plastics Packeging and Printing Exhibition (GB)
SCOTUL - Standing Conference of Technological University Libraries (GB)
SCOUG - Southern California Online User Group (US)
SCOUT - Service Components Utility
SCOW AH - Schmulowitz Collection of Wit and Humor (SFPL-US)
Sdruzeni Ceskych Pfekladatelu, cze, 1978(CS)
Service Central des Prets (BN - FR)
Societe de Composition Programme (FR)
New York Scientists' Committee for Public In
formation, Inc., 1958- (US)
Small Computer Program Index (GB)
SCR - Supreme Court Reports. [Data base] (QL Systems Ltd-CA)
SCRAP - Series Computation of Reliability and Pro-bality
SCRC - SystemeCanadiendeRenseignementssurla Construction (CA)
SCREED - Screen-Edit program (H.W.Wilson Co. -US)
SCRI - Scientists' Committee for Radiation Information
SCRIBE - Selection, Communication et Recherche d'Informations Bibliographiques
Etendues (Labo-ratoire Central des Fonts et Chaussees - FR)
SCRIPT - Stanford Computerized Researcher Information Profile Technique (Stanford
University -US)
SCRIS - Southern California Regional Information Study (Bureau of Cenaus - US)
SCRL - South Central Regional Library (CA, Ontario)

SCRLC - South Central Research Library Council, 1967- (New York State Educational
Department SCRLS - South Central Regional Library System
(CA) SCROLL - String and Character Recording Oriented Logogrammatic Language SCRUB - Science Cutting and Rejecting of Un-information Bulletin (US)
SCS - Society for Computer Simulation, 1952- (US) SCS - Svaz Ceskych Spisovatelu,
cze (CS) SCSBM - Society for Computer Science in Biology
and Medicine SCSDI - Service Central de Statistique et de Documentation Industrielles (FR)
Spolek Ceskoslovenskych Knihovniku, cze
Svaz Ceskoslovenskych Knihovniku, cze (CS)
SCSN - Standard Computer Software Number
SCSN - Svaz Ceskoslovenskych Novinafu^ cze (CS) SCSS - Svaz Ceskoslovenskych
Spisovatelu, cze (CS) SCT - [Computerised Telecommunication System]
(ES) SCT - Stfedoceske Tiskarny, cze (CS)
1 . Service Central des Telecommunications et de rinformatique (FR)
2. Special Committee for Technical Information
(GB) SCTIE - Service de Compilation et de Traitement de
1'Information en Education (CA) SCUL - Simulation of Columbia University Libraries, 1963- (US) SCUNIAL - Subcommittee of United Nations InterAgency Librarians, int (United Nations) SCVTR - Scan Converting Video Tape
Recorder SD
Syndikaat der Druknijverheid
Szerszy Deskryptor,po/
SD Classification - Superintendent of Documents
Classification (US) SD METRO - San Diego Greater Metropolitan
Area Library and Information Agency Council
(San Diego County Law Library - US, California) SD PRL - Stowarzyszenie
Dziennikarzy Polskiej
Rzeczpospolitej Ludowej, 1982- (PL) *SD - Strukturnye Dannye SDA
Samnordisk Dokumentationscentral for Arbejdsmilj0, dan, int, 1975- (K0benhavn, DK)
Schutzverband Deutscher Autoren
Schweizerische Depeschenagentur, 1894- (CH)
Secgao de Adontologica (BR)
Source Data Automation
Standard Descriptive Abstract

SDA-ATS - Schweizerische Depeschenagentur Agence Telegraphique Suisse, 1894- (CH) SDAC - Seismic Data Analysis Center (US)
SDAP - Systems Development Analysis Program SD ARI - Savez Drustava Arhivskih
Radnika JugosSDAS - Scientific Data Automation System SDB
Science Databank, Inc., 1967-(Chemical Rub
ber Co.-US)
Societe de Banque de Donnees Bibliographi
ques (FR)
Systeme de Documentation Bibliographique
SDBJ - Savez Drustava Bibliothekara Jugoslavije,
cm, 1949- (YU) SDBS - Samson Database Services (Samson Data
Systemen - NL) SDC
Sahel Documentation Center, 1976- (Michi
gan State University, International Library US)
Scientific Data Center
Scientific Documentation Center, 1973- (TW);
Scientific Documentation Centre Ltd, 1962(Dumfermline - GB)
Seismological Data Center (Environmental
Science Services Administration - US)
Space Data Corporation
Superintendent of Documents Classification
"System Development Corporation (US)
SDC/CHEMCON - SDC, Chemical Abstracts Condensates Data Base (SDC - US) SDC/J - SDC Japan (US) SDCID - State
Department's Current Information
Division (US)
SDCR - Source Data Communication Retrieval SDD
Selective Dissemination of Documentation
(American Institute of Aeronautics and Astro
nautics - US)
Stored Data Description
Studien-Dokumentation-Design (Rat fur
Formgebung Bibliothek, Information und Dokumentation - DE)
System for Distributed Databases (Computer
Corporation of America - US)

Systems Development Division (IBM, Los Gatos, Calif. - US)

Stored-Data Definition Language
Systems Development Division Library, 1958(IBM, Laboratory Library Kingston, N.Y. US)
Scientific Document Delivery System
Solid Discharge Data System (EADS - US)
SDE - Society of Data Educators, 1960- (US)
SDEEC - Societe de Diffusion des Editions Economiques et Commerciales (FR) SDF
Sammenslutning af Danmarks Forskningsbiblioteket (DK)
Standard Distribution Format, 1972- fCAS US)
- Standard Disc File Svstpm
SDGIM - Service de Documentation Generate et
d'Information des Maires, 1966- (FR) SDI
Selective Dissemination of Information
Selective Dissemination of Information Ltd,
1969- (GB)
Selektive Darbietung von Informationen
Selektivna Diseminacija Informacija, cro
Selktivna Distribiicia Informacii, sla
Selektywna Dystrybucja Informacji, pol
Service de Documentation et d'Information
Service de Documentation Interministerielle
(Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommuni
cations - FR)
Service de Documentagao e Informacao,par
Societe de Documentation Industrielle (FR)
Source Data Information
SDI/EMBRAPA - SDI/Empresa Brasilena de Investigacibn Agropecuaria (BR) SDI-LINE = SDILINE SDIC - Service de
Documentation et d'Information
Conjugate (FR) SDILINE - Selective Dissemination of Information
On-Line, 1972- (NLM - US) (=SDI-LINE) SDIM

System for Documentation and Information in

Metallurgy, int, 1972-(CEC, Centre for Infor
mation and Documentation - LU)
Systeme de Documentation et d'Information en
Metallurgie, int, 1972- (CEC)
SDIP - Service de Documentation et d'Information Pedagogiques (FR)
SDIS - Southdale Information Service (Hennepin County Library - US)
SDITA - Service de Documentation et d'Information Technique de 1'Aeronautique,
1945-1963 (Mi-nistere de la Defense Nationale - FR) (=SDIT) *SDK - Standartnaja
Dokumentacionnaja Karta
Software Design Language
Software Development Language (Burroughs US)
System Descriptive Language
System Design Language
System Development Language
Systematic Design Language
Systems Designers Ltd (GB)
SOLA - South Dakota Library Association, 1907(US) SDLT - Societe pour la Diffusion et 1'Exploitation
des Livres Scientifiques et Techniques Francois
(FR) SDLZ - Slovenske Divadelne a Literarne Zastupitel'stvo, sla (CS) SDM - Selected Dissemination of Microfiches, 1968(CFSTI-US);-*SCIM SDMA - Shared Direct Memory Access SDMS - Spatial Data
Management System (US) SONS - Scottish Daily Newspaper Society (GB)
SDO-VtJOP - Studijne a Dokumentacne Oddelenie pri Vyskumnom Ustave Oblastneho Planovanie,j/a, 1965-(CS) SDOI - Sistema Informative per 1'Accesso all'Archivio della Domanda/Offerta Internazionale. [Data
base] (CERVED - IT) SDON - Sistema Informativo per 1'Accesso all'
Archivio della Demanda/Offerta Nazionale.
[Data base] (CERVED - IT) SDP
Source Data Processing
Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich, -1982
SDPC - Service de Documentation des Pontes et
Chaussees (Ministere de 1'Equipement et du Logement - FR) SDPD - Systeme DARC Pluridata (Centre d'lnformatique et de Documentation Automatique - FR) SDPL - Societe de Developpement du
Livre et du Pd-

riodique, Montreal (CA) SDR - Scientific Data Recorder SDS

Samson Data Systemen (NL)
Schutzverband Deutscher Schriftsteller
Scientific Data Systems, Inc. (US); - XDS
Selective Documentation Services (DDC-US)
Serials Data System
Service de Documentation Spatiale, int, 1965(ESRO-Roma,IT)
Servizio di Documentazione Spaziale (EURODOC-Roma, IT)
Space Documentation Service, int, 1965(ESRO - Roma, IT); -> IRS
Sydsvenska Dagbladet Snallposten (SE)
SDS&RU - Soil Data Storage and Retrieval Unit,
1970- (Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service - US) SDSI
Scientific Data Systems Israel, Ltd (IL)
Shared Dataset Integrity System
SDSL - South Dakota State Library (US)
SDSS - Schutzverband der Schriftsteller Deutscher
Sprache im Ausland, Sitz Schweiz (CH) SDT
Scientific Distribution Technique
Serial Data Transmission
SDTI - Selective Dissemination of Technical Information (Institute of Paper Chemistry
- US/Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada - CA)
SDTS - Satellite Data Transmission System
SDUK - Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (GB)
SDX - Satellite Data Exchange
SE - Syndicat d'Editeurs (FR)
Sindicato de Escritores y Artistas (EC)
Socie'te d'Electronique et d'Automatique (FR);
Sociology of Education Abstracts (Pergamon
Social and Economic Archive Centre (Essex
Standards Electronic Automatic Computer
(NBS - US)
SEACOM - Southeast Asia Communications SEACPA - South East Asian Catholic
Press Association, 1976- (SG) SEADE - Funda?ao Sistema Estadual de Analise de

Dados, Sao-Paulo (BR) SEAFLA - Southeast Asian Federation of Library

Associations, int, 1968SEAIC - Southeast Asia Information Center, int SEAIG - Southeast Asia Information
Group SEAL - South-East Area Libraries Information Service, 1968-(GB)
SEAL A - Southeast Asian Library Association, int SEALG - South-East Asia Library
Group (GB) SEALLINC - Southeast Louisiana Library Network
Cooperative (US) SEAM - Southeast Asia Microfilm Project, 1970(Center for Research Libraries, Chicago - US) SEAM/NAP - Southeast Asia
Microfilm Project North American Pool (US) SEAMEO - Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization, 1965- (Bangkok, TH) SEAMIC - Southeast Asian Medical Information
Centre, int (Southeast Asian Medical and Health Organization)
SEANET - Southeast Asian Library Network, int SEAPA - South East Asian
Publishers' Association,
SEAPC - South-East Asia Press Center SEAPRINT - Southeast Asian Imprints
Project, int
SEAR-HELLIS - South-East Asia Region Health Literature, Library and Information
Services Network, 1980-(WHO-New Delhi, IN) (=HELLIS) SEARCC - South-East
Asia Regional Computer
Confederation, 1978-(SG) SEARCH
Science, Engineering and Related Career Hints
(Scientific Manpower Commission - US)
System for Electronic Analysis and Retrieval of
Criminal Histories, 1969- (Law Enforcement
Assistance Administration - US)
Systematized Excerpts, Abstracts and Reviews
of Chemical Headlines. [Database] (Internatio
nal Business Data, Inc. - US)
SEASCO - Science Cooperation Office for Southeast Asia, int
SEE - Syndicat des Editeurs Beiges (BE) SEBA
Southeast Booksellers Association (US)
Stichting tot Exploitatie en Bescherming van
Auteursrechten (NL)
SEBAN-System Ewidencji Badari Naukowych, 1969- (Politechnika Wroclawska,
Biblioteka GWwna JOINT-PL)
SEBC - Southeastern Bibliographic Center (SUNY -US)
SEBE-Service d'Entreaide des Bibliotheques
Ecclesiastiques (FR) SEBIC - Southeastern Bibliographic Instruction
Clearinghouse, 1977-(SELA - US) SEC

Simpler Electronic Computer (Birkbeck Colle

ge London - GB)
Societe Europeenne de Culture, int, 1950- (IT)
Society for Educative Communication
SEC A - Southern Educational Communications Association (US)
SECIR - Semi-automatic Encoding of Chemistry for Information Retrieval (US Patent
Office); <-PACIR
SECLA - Southeastern Connecticut Library Association (US)
SECOBI - Servicio de Consulta a Bancos de Information (MX)
Societe d'Edition des Communes Modernes
System Engineering Communication (IBM US)
SECOURS - Systeme d'Enseignement Controle par Ordinateur et Utilisant de
Resources Satellites (Universite Laval - CA)
SECT (SeCT) - Severoceske Tiskarny (CS)
Service Etudes et Documentation
South East Division (Association of Assistant
Librarians- GB) (=AALSED; SEDAAL)
Space Engineering Document
Societe d'Editions Documentaires Agricoles
Societe d'Etudes pour le Developpment de
PAutomatisme (FR)
SEDAAL - South East Division of the Association
of Assistant Librarians (GB) (=AALSED; SED) SEDAB - Svenska Elektroniska Data
AB (SE) SEDAP - Societed'Editiondel'ApostolatdelaPriere, 1951- (FR) SEDBA - Societe d'Editions et de Documentation
du Batiment (FR) SEDDES - Societe pour 1'Etude et la Diffusion de
Documents Economiques et Sociaux (FR) SEDE - Societe d'Edition de Dictionnaires
et d'Encyclopedies (FR) SEDEC - Societe d'Edition, de Documentation
Economique et Commerciale (FR) SEDECOS - Secretariado de Comunicacion Social
(CL) SEDEIS - Societe d'Etudes et de Documentation
Economiques, Industrielles et Sociales (FR) SEDEP - Socie~t6 d'Etudes de
Distribution, d'Edition et de Publicity (FR) SEDES - Soda* d'Editions d'Enseignement
Supe'rieur(FR) SEDEST - Societe d'Editions et de Documefctation
Economique, Scientifique et Technique (FR) SEDET - SoeMtf d'Etudes de
Docuawnta'tton et

d'Editions Techniques (FR)

SEDIC - Sociedad Espanola de Documentation e Information Cientifica, 1976- (ES)
SEDILA - Service de Informagao Legislativa Agri-cola, 1979- (BR)
SEDIMO - Societe des Editions Modernes, 1961-(FR)
SEDINE - Service de Documentacao do Nordeste (BR)
SEDIX - Selected Dissemination of Indexes
SEDJI - Service d'Etudes et de Documentation Juri-dique Internationale (Ministere des
Affaires Internationales - BE) (=DSIRD, fie)
SEDL - Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 1966- (Southwest
Educational Development Corp. -US)
SEDN - Systeme Europeen de Documentation Nucleaire, int, 1966(EURATOM) (=ENDS, eng)
SEDOC - Servicio de Documentation y Comunica-cion para el Desarrollo Rural (NI)
SEDOCAR - Service de Documentation des Armees, 1963-1968 (FR);^CEDOCAR SEDOS - Servizio di Documentazione e Studi
(IT) SEDPA - Societe d'Edition et de Diffusion de la
Presse Agricole (FR)
SEDPC - Scientific and Engineering Data Processing Center (US) SEDS
Service d'Etudes et de Documentation Sociales
de la Province de Namur (BE)
Society for Educational Data Systems, 19681975 (US)
SEE - Super Eight Experiment (Ponoco District Library Center, Scranton, Pa. - US)
SEEDIS - Socio-Economic, Environmental and Demographic Information System
(Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Mathematics and Computing Group - US)
SEEG - Slavonic and East European Group (SCONUL - GB); -> ACSEEM
SEEIS - Socio-Economic-Environmental Information System
Sooner Exchange for Educational Knowledge
(US, Oklahoma)
Systems Evaluation and Exchange of Knowledge (US)
SEELB - South Eastern Education and Library
Board (GB, Northern Ireland) SEEN - Statewide Extension Education Network
(University of Wisconsin - US) SEES - Slavic and East European Section (ACRL US) SEF
Societe d'Editions Economiques et Financieres, 1922-(FR)
Svenska Exlibrisforeningen (SE)

Syndicat des Ecrivains Frangais (FR)
SEFA - Scottish Educational Film Association (GB)
SEFEP - Satiete" d'Editions Financiers, Economi
ques et Politiques (FR)
Service, Formation, Information (IRIA - FR)
Societe d'liditions Francais Internationales
SEFLIN - Separate Feature Linear Notation System [for Chemical Compounds]
SEFT - Society for Education in Film and Television (GB)
SEG - Societe d'Editions Generales, 1944- (FR)
SEGETEC - Societe d'Editions Generales et Techniques (FR)
SEGIA - Societe d'Etudes de Gestion Informatisee et Automatisee (FR)
SEGRAMS - Serials Graphic Record Management System (University of California
San Diego - US)
SEGS - System Gebundener Schlagworter (Doku-mentationszentrum der Bundeswehr
- DE)
Secretaria Especial de Informdtica, 1979- (BR)
Service d'Experimentation et dTnformation,
Service des Echanges Internationaux (FR)
Service Europeen dTnformation
Socialno-Ekonomicka Informace, cze
Societa Editrice Internazionale (IT)
Societe d'Edition et dTnformation, 1958- (FR)
Societe d'Editions Internationales, 1934- (FR)
Society of Engineering Illustrators
Sistema Ekonomiceskoj Informacii
Sostavnaja Edinica Informacii
SEIAC - Science Education Information Analysis
Solar Energy Information Center (US)
State Educational Information Center (Massa
chusetts State Department of Education - US)
Systems Effectiveness Information Center (US)
SEICT - Sistema Estadual de Informacao Cientifica
e Tecnologica (BR)
SEIDAL - Servicio de Information y Documentacion Forestal, 1975- (CO)
SEIDB - Solar Energy Information Data Bank (Solar Energy Research Institute - US)
SEIE - Societe d'Etudes et d'lnformations Economiques (FR)

Southeastern Interlibrary Facility (US)
System Elektronicznej Informacji Finansowej
SEIMC Network - Special Education Instructional Materials Centers Network, 19661969 (US Office of Education); -H> IMC/RMC
SEIMC/RMC - Special Education Instructional Materials Center/Regional Media
Center (US)
SEIMP - Service Europeen dTnformation Ministe-rielle et Parlementaire (BE)
1. Societe d'Electronique Industrielle et Nucleaire (FR)
7 Srwiot/s rl<,o 6,4:.: i-i.t .
. .,
SEIRS - Suppliers and Equipement Information Retrieval System, int, 1975- (ICAO,
Technical Assistance Bureau - Montreal, CA)
Service d'Echange d'lnformations Scientifiques, 1964- (Maison des Sciences del'HommeFR)
Solar Energy Information Services, 1977(US)
SEIT - Satellite Educational and Informational Telecommunication
SEJI - State Education Journal Index, 1963- (US) SEKLS - Southeast Kansas Library
System (US) SEKRLC - Southeastern Kentucky Regional Library Cooperative
(US) SEK - Stfednf Ekonomicka Knihovnicka Skola,
cze (CS) SEL
Science-Engineering Library (US)
Self-Extensible Programming Language
SELA - Southeastern Library Association (US)
SELB - Southern Education and Library Board
(GB, Northern Ireland)
SELC - Schweizerischer Ex Libris Club (CH)
SELCO - Southeastern Libraries Cooperating (US, Minnesota)
SELDAM - Selective Data Management System
SELDOM - Selective Dissemination of MARC, 1970- (NSL/University of
Saskatchewan - CA)
SELEAC - Standard Elementary Abstract Computer
SELECT A VISION - Selected Television Video Disc System (Radio Corporation of
America - US)
National Citizens Committee to Save Education
and Library Funds

Societe des Ecrivains Luxembourgeois de

Langue Franchise (LU)
Syndicat des Ecrivains de Langue Franchise
SELFIC - Self-Featuring Information Compression SELGEM - Self-Generating
Master (National Collection of Fine Arts - US) *Sel'hozgiz = *Sel'hozizdat
*Sel'hozizdat - (Gosudarstvennoe) Izdatel'stvo Sel's-ko-Hozjajstvennoj Literatury (SU)
(=*Sel'hozgiz) SELICAV - Selection d'lnformations pour la Communication
Audiovisuelle, 1972- (CROP - FR) SELINET - South East Library Information Network (US)
*Sel'kolhozgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Sel'skohozjajst-vennoe i Kooperativno- Kolhoznoe
Izdatel'stvo (SU)
SELN - South Eastern Library News (GB) SELRC - Southeastern Library Resources
Council SELRL - South East London Reference Libraries
SELS - Southeast Library System (US, Minnesota) SELSA - Southeast Library
Service Area (US) SELT- SAGE [=Semiautomatic Ground EnvironSEMA
Societe d'Economie et de Mathematiques Appliquees (FR)
Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association
SEMANTRAN - Semantic Transfer
Southeastern Massachusetts Health Sciences
Libraries Consortium (US)
Southeastern Michigan Computer Organiza
tion (US)
SEMCOR - Semantic Correlation (General Electric Co. - US)
SEMDI - Service Maghrebin dTnformation et de Documentation Industrielle, int
(Tanger, MA)
SEMIRAMIS - Systeme d'Enregistrement de Microfiches par ITntermediaire de
Reseau d'Amplitude Multiplexant les Informations par Superposition (CNET-FR)
Societe des Editions Modernes, Industrielles et
Sportives, 1952- (FR)
Societe Europeenne de Mini-informatique et de
Systemes, int, 1976- (=SEMS)
State Extension Management Information Sys
tem (Department of Agriculture - US)
SEMSQ - Societe des Editeurs de Manuels Scolaires du Quebec, 1960- (CA)

Senagra - Salon National des Industries Graphiques

SEND - Special Education Needs Database, 1983-(Department of Trade and
Industry/Scottish Council for Educational Technology - GB)
SENDOC - Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre, 1971- (Small Industry
Extension Training Institute - IN)
SENECA - Semantic Networks for Conceptual Analysis
SENTOKYO - Senmon Toshokan Kyogikai. [Special Libraries Association], 1952- (JP)
SENYLRC - Southeastern New York Library Resources Council, 1965- (New York
State Educational Department - US) *SEOD - Sistema Elektronnoj Obrabotki Dannyh
SEP - Societe d'Edition et de Presse
SEPA - Societe d'Editions et de Publications Agri-coles (FR)
SEPD - System Elektronicznego Przetwarzania Da-nych, pol (=EDPS, eng)
SEPE - Societe d'Edition et de Publications en Ex-clusivite (FR)
SEPEMA - Societe d'Etudes pour PElectronique et les Mechanismes Automatiques
SEPIN - System Elektronicznego Przetwarzania Informacji Normalizacyjnych
SEPLRS - Statewide Evaluation of Public Library Reference Service (US)
SEPOL - Soil Engineering Problem-Oriented Language
Analysts, 1969-1975 (US) SEPTEN-DIA - Services d'Etudes et Projects Thermiques et Nucleaires, Division Information Analytique (FR) SEPTLA - Southeastern Pennsylvania Theological
Libraries Association (US) SEQUEL - Structure English Query Language; -
SQL SEQUIP - Study of Environmental Quality Information Program (US) SERAPIS - Systeme informatique pour I'accumulation et la restitution de series energetiquess, -1984
(Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Economiques
sur 1'Energie - FR) SERB - South East Regional Bureau (SERLS - GB)
(=SERLB) SERC - Science and Engineering Research Council
SERCNET - SERC Network (GB); <- SRCNET SERCOLD - Service Regional de
Cooperation pour
la Lecture et la Documentation (FR) SERDAT - Service de Documentation en
Agronomie, Tropical Developpement Rural (BE) SERDDAV - Service d'Etude, de
Realisation et de
Diffusion des Documents Audiovisuels (CNRS FR) SERDOC/LPS - Laboratoire de Psychologic Sociale, Service de Documentation, 1954- (Universite
de Paris VII/CNRS - FR) SERDS - Standard Ergonomics Reference Data
System (US) SEREP - System Environment Recording, Editing
and Printing SERF - Societe d'Edition de la Revue Franchise
(FR) SERG - Societe d'Etudes et de Realisations Graphi-

ques, 1958- (FR) SERHOLDS - National Biomedical Serials Holdings (NLM- US) SERICI - Societe d'Etudes et de Realisations dans
les Industries de la Connaissance et de 1'Informatique (FR) SERIX - Swedish Environmental Research Index.
[Data base] (Swedish Council of Environmental Information - SE) SERLB - South Eastern Regional Library Bureau
(SERLS -GB)(=SERB) SERLINE - Serials on-Line (NLM - US) SERLIST University of New South Wales Serials
List(AU) SERLS - South Eastern Library System, 1930-1969
SERM - Society of Early Recorded Music SERMAP (Sermap) - Societe d'Etude et de
Realisation de Materiel Audiovisuel et Pedagogique
(FR) SERMLP - Southeast Regional Medical Library
Program, 1967-(Emory University, A.W.Calhoun
Medical Library - US) SERMME - Societe d'Etudes et de Realisations de
Materiel M6canique et Electronique, 1973- (FR)
SERPIA - Service d'Etudes et de Realisation des
Produits d'Information Avances (CNRS, Centre
de Documentation Scientifique et Technique - FR) SERPIC - Societe d'Editions et de
Recherches pour
la Protection Industrielle et Civile, 1946- (FR) SERPRO - Servi?o Federal de
Processamento de
Dados (BR) SERSYM - Series Symbol File. [Data base], int
(UNBIS-Washington, US) SERT - Societe d'Edition et de Publicite de Radio et
Television, 1954-(FR) SERTI - Societe d'Etudes et de Realisation pour le
Traitement de 1'Information (FR) SERVIR - [System for the Dispatch, Retrieval and
Verification of Requested Information], 1977(Centro de Informacpes Nucleares - BR) SES - Societe des Ecrivains Suisses (CH)
SESA - Societe d'Etude des Systemesd'Automation SESAC - Society of European
Stage Authors and
Composers, int SESAM
System Electronique de Selection Automatique
de Microfilms, -1971 (Centre de Recherches
Scientifiques et Techniques de ITndustrie des
Fabrications Metalliques - BE)
System fur die Speicherung Alphanumerischer
Merkmale, 1971- (Siemens A.G. - DE)
SESD - Service d'Etudes Semiologiques et Documentaires (FR) SESI
Servicio de Sistemas de Information, 1977(Universidad de Chile - CL)

Societa Editori della Svizzera Italiana (CH)
*SESM - Specializirovannaja Elektronnaja S6etnaja
SESS - Societa Editrice Stampa Sportiva (IT) SETAR - Service d'Enseignement des
Avancees de la Recherche (FR) SETCO - Societe d'Editions Techniques Coloniales,
1945-(FR) SETECA - Societ^ des Editeurs Techniques Associes, 1948- (FR) SET! - Societe Europeenne pour le Traitement de
['Information (FR) SETIAC - Societe des Editions Techniques, Industrielles, Agricoles et Commerciales, 1950- (FR) SETINA - Southeast Texas
Information Network
Association (US) SETL - Set Theoretic Language SETRLIS - South Ea&t Thames
Regional Library
and Information Service Network (GB) SEU
Service des Echanges Universitaires (FR)
Solar Energy Update. [Abstracts journal] (De
partment of Energy, Technical Information
*SEV - Sovet Ekonomiceskoj Vzaimopomosci, int,
1949- (Moskva, SU) (=COMECON, eng) SEVPEN - Societe d'Edition et de Vente des
Publications de 1'Education Nationale, 1946- (INRDP-FR)
SEVPO - Service d'Edition et de Vente des Publications Officielles (FR)
SEVT - Statisticke" a Evidencni Vydavatelsrvf Tisko-pisu, cze, 1954- (CS)
SEVT - Statisticke a Evidencne Vydavatel'stvo Tla-civ, sla, 1954- (CS)
SEWHSL - Southeastern Wisconsin Health Science Libraries Consortium (US)
SEWINTE - System Elektronicznego Wyszukiwa-nia Informacji NaukowoTechnicznej i Ekono-micznej, 1974- (Petroinform - PL)
SF - Science Fiction
SFA - Scientific Film Association (GB)
SFB - Sonderforschungsbereich
SIB - Systematik fur Biliotheken (DE)
SIB System - [Classification system for building industry literature, elaborated by the
SiB] (Samar-betskommitten for Byggnadsfragor - SE)
SFBRI - Science Fiction Book Review Index, 1970-(US)
Scottish Film Council (GB); - SCET
Statens Filmcentral (DK)
SFCSI - Special Foreign Currency Science Information Program (NTIS - US)
SFELT - Societe Francaise d'Editions Litteraires et Techniques (FR)

Science Fiction Foundation (GB)

Standard File Format, 1971- (University of Ge
orgia, Computer Center - US)
Svenska Folksbibliotekarierforbundet, 1938(SE)
SverigesForfattareforening, 1971-(SE)
SFFRI - Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Index,
1982- (US); <- Science Fiction Research Index,
SFH - Filmhistoriska Samlingama i Stockholm (SE) SFI - Service Franjais
d'Information (FR) SFIB - Syndicat National des Fabricants d'Ensemble
Informatiques et des Machines de Bureau (FR) SFIC
San Francisco Information Center (US)
Small Firms Information Centre (Department
of Trade and Industry-GB) (=SMIC);<- (for
med by the merger of): ILC and ILS
SFICEC State-Federal Information Clearinghouse
for Exceptional Children (Council for Exceptional
Children-US) SFICS - Small Firms Information Centre Service
(Department of Trade and Industry - GB) SFIL - Societe Francaise d'Imprimerie et de
(FR) SFIMS - Societe Francaise d'Iconographie Medicale
et Scientifique (FR) SFIS
Small Firms Information Service (Department
of Industry-GB)
Statewide Federated Information System
SFK - Sallskapet for Klassifikationsforskning (SE)
SIK - Sektion filr Kommunikation (GID - DE) SFL
Societe Franchise du Livre, 1950- (FR)
Symbolic Flowchart Language
SFP - Standard Front Page
SFPL - San Francisco Public Library (US)
SFR - Selective-File Retrieval
SFRA - Science Fiction Research Association (US)
Suomen Standardisoimisliitto. [Finnish Stan
dards Association] (FI)
Svensk Fortattningssamling (SE)
Sektion fur Systementwicklung (GID - DE)
Studiengruppe fiirSystemforschung, 1958-1977

SFSA - Sage Family Studies Abstracts, 1979- (Sage

Publications - US)
SFT - Societe Franchise des Traducteurs, 1947-(FR) SfT - Sektion fur Technik der
Fachinformation und
-kommunikation (GID - DE) SFU - Statsbibliotekets Fagreferentudvalg (DK) SFW Stichting Film en Wetenschapp (NL) SFWA - Science Fiction Writers of America,
1965(US) SGA
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fiir Automatik,
Society of Graphic Arts (GB)
SGAA - Southern Graphic Arts Association
SGAE - Sociedad General de Autores de Espana
SGB-DOC - Societe Generate de Belgique - Documentation. [Data base] (CIGL-BE)
SGBD - Systeme de Gestion de Bases de Donnees
SGBIP - Subject Guide to Books in Print (US)
SGD - Schweizerische Sammelstelle Geologischer Dokumente (CH)
SGDBMS - Study Group on Data Base Management Systems (ANSI, Standards
Planning and Requirements Committee - US)
SGEL - Sociedad General Espanola de Libreria (ES)
SGG - Schweizerische Graphische Gesellschaft (CH)
SGGW - Szkofa Gtowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego (PL)
SGH - Szkofa Gfowna Handlowa, 1933-1949 (PL); -SGPiS
Search Group Incorporated (US)
Sveriges Grafiska Industriforbundet (SE)
SGIE - Societ6 Generate d'Imprimerie et d'fidition,
1907-(FR) SGIS - Student Government Information Service
Societ des Gens de Lettres (FR)
Syndicat General du Livre (FR)
SGM - SchwctoerifdMS Gutenberg Musewflf(CH) SGML - Standard Generalized
Markup language
*SGODA - Sofijski Gradski i Okr"2en Dr"zaven Arhiv (BG)
SGPA - Scottish General Publishers Association (GB)
SGPiS - Szkofa Glowna Planowania i Statystyki, 1949- (PL) (=SGPS); <- SGH
SGRJ - Savez Grafickih Radnika Jugoslavije, cro (YU)
SGSR - Society for General Systems Research, 1955- (US); - (founded as): Society
for the Advancement of General Systems Theory, 1954-

SGTE - Scientific Group Thermodata Europe

SHA - Software Houses Association, -1975
SHAD - Service d'Histoire, Archives et Documentation, 1959- (Vicarial aux Armees
Franchises -FR)
SHADRAC - Shelter-Housed Automatic Digital Random Access
SHAL - Subject Headings Authority List (Rand Corp. - US)
SHALSA - Stone Hills Area Library Services Authority (US, Indiana)
SHARAF - Shared Authority File (NLC - CA)
Shared Acquisitions and Retention System,
1968- (METRO - US) (=SHARES)
Shared Area Resources Exchange. [Library
So Handicapped All Read Easily Program
Society to Help Avoid Repetitive Effort (IBM US)
SHARES - Shared Acquisitions and Retention System, 1968- (METRO - US)
SHARP - Ships Analysis and Retrieval'*Program, 1964- (Department of Navy, Bureau
of Ships Technical Library - US)
SHAD - Subject Headings Authority Unit (Rand Corp. - US)
SHBV - Sallskapet Halmstads Biblioteks Vanner (SE)
SHDC - Subject Headings used in the Dictionary Ca-W/og(LC-US);>->LCSH
Subject Headings for Engineering, 1972-(Engi
neering Index, Inc. - US)
Subject Headings in Education: A systematic list
for use in a dictionary catalog (US)
*SHfe - Sel'skohozjajstvennaja Enciklopedija (US) SHED - Service Hydrographique,
Bureau d'Etudes
et de Documentation (FR)
SHEMROC - Sheffield Media Resources Organizing Committee, 1974- (GB) SHIB Statens Hantverksinstituts Bibliotek (SE) SHIC - Social History and Industrial
Sheffield 1983 (GB)
SHIEF - Shared Information Elicitation Facility SHIPDES - Ship Descriptions. [Data
base] (Maritime Information Centre - NL)
SHIRTDIF - Storage Handling and Retrieval of Technical Data in Image Formation
SHLS - Shawnee Library System (US)
SHN - Statni Hudebni Nakladatelstvi, cze, -1953 (CS)

SHPZV - SchweizerischerHausierer-.Privatsender-und Zeitungsverkaufer Verband

SHRTDIF - Storage, Handling and Retrieval of Technical Data in Image Format
SHS/DC - Social and Human Science Documentation Centre (Unesco, Division of
Economic and Social Sciences - Paris, FR) *SHUD - Sistema Hranenija i Upravlenija
SHV - Slovenske Hudobne Vydavatel'stvo, sla, 1949-1952 (CS)
Israel Standard (IL)
Scientific Information
Service d'lnformation
Ship Abstracts (NSI - NO)
Smithsonian Institution, 1846- (US)
Society of Illustrators (US)
Society of Indexers, 1957- (GB)
System Informatyczny, pol
10. Systeme International d'Unites *SI - Signal'naja Informacija SIA
Science Information Association, 1973- (US)
Service in Informatics and Analysis Ltd (GB)
Service de Informagao Agricola (BR)
Societe d'Informatique Appliquee (FR)
Society of Indiana Archivists (US)
*SIA - Spravocno-Informacionen Aparat, bul
Sistema Informative per 1'Administrazione Camerali. [Data base] (CERVED - IT)
Syndicat Independent des Auteurs et Compositeurs (FR)
SIAD - Societa Italiana Autori Drammatici (IT) SIAE - Societa Italiana degli Autori
ed Editori (IT) SIAL - Southeast Iowa Academic Libraries (Southeastern Community
College - US) SIALSA - Southeastern Indiana Area Library Services Authority (US)
Separate Index Access Metod
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathema
tics, 1952- (US)
System Integrated Access Method
SIAMA - Sistema de Informacpes par a Amazonia
*SIAP - Sistema Informacionnaja dlja Azotnoj Pro-myslennosti (US)
SIAS - Societa Italiana Autori e Scrittori (IT)

SIAT - Secretariat International d'Applications Teleinformatiques

SIATE - [Center for Technical Information and Assistance Service for Enterprises], int
1. Service d'lnformation Bibliographique, 1962(Direction des Bibliotheques - FR)
Servic.0 de Informagoes Bibliograficas (BR)
Sistema de Information Bibliografica (ES)
Societe Internationale de Bibliophilie, 1963(Paris, FR)
Statens Informationsbyra (SE)
*SIB - Sistema Informacionnyh Bankov
*Sibgosizdat - Sibirskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *SIBID - Sistema Standartov po Informacii, Bibliotecnomu i Izdatel'skomu Delu (SU) SIBIL - Systeme Informatise pour les Bibliotheques
Universitaires de Lausanne, 1971- (Bibliotheque Cantonale et Universitaire Lausanne
- CH) *Sibkrajizdat - Sibirskoe Kraevoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) SIBMAS - Section
Internationale des Bibliotheques et Musees des Arts du Spectacle, 1954- (IFLA); ->
(the same initialism): Societe Int. des Bibliotheques et Musees des Arts du Spectacle,
1972- (Paris, FR) SIBONU - Systeme d'lnformation Bibliographique de 1'ONU,
1979- (DHL - New York, US) (= UNBIS, eng) SIC
1 Editions Science-Industrie-Commerce, 1935-(BE)
Science Information Council (NSF - US)
Scientific Information Center
Scientific Information Consultants (GB)
Servicio de Intercambio Cientifico (CR)
Servicio Informativo Colombiano (CO)
Servic.o de Intercambio de Catalogaao
Slivenske Informacne Centrum, sla (CS)
Societe des Sciences de ITnformation et de la
Communication (FR)
Special Interest Committees (ACM - US)
Specialized Information Centre (OSTI - GB)
Standard Industrial Classification (Depart
ment of Commerce - US)
Standards Information Center (NBS - US)
Subject Information Centre, int (CEC)
Survey Information Center

Systeme d'Indexation de Catalogage, 1972(Societe d'Applications et de Methodes Mecanographiques - FR)

Systeme d'lnformation Conjonctorelle. [Data
Specializirovannyj Informacionnyj Centr
Spravocno-Informacionnyj Centr
SICACT - Special Interest Committee on Automata
and Computability Theory (ACM - US); ->
SIGACT SICAN - Sistema Informativo per la Certificazione
Anagrafica. [Data base] (CERVED - IT) SICARCH - Special Interest Committee on
Architecture of Computer Systems (ACM - US); >
SIGARCH SICCAI - Special Interest Committee on Computer
Assisted Instruction, 1967-1969 (ACM - US); ->
SICC APH - Special Interest Committee on Computers and the Physically Handicapped
(ACM - US)
SICDOC - Special Interest Committee on Systems Documentation (ACM - US)
SICFIDET - Special Interest Committee on File Description and Translation (ACM US)
SICLASH - Special Interest Committee on Language Analysis and Studies in
Humanities, 1968-(ACM-US)
SICLOPS - Simplified Interpretive COBOL Operating System
SICME - Special Interest Committee in Measurement and Evaluation (ACM - US)
*SICNTI - Specializirovannyj Informacionnyj Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
SICO - Servizio Informazioni Chiesa Orientale (VA)
SICOB (Sicob) - Salon International de 1'Informati-que, de la Communication et de
1'Organisation de Bureau (FR); -(the same initialism): Salon International de
I'lnformatique, de la Communication, de la Telematique, de 1'Organisation de Bureau et
de la Bureautique
SICODCPT - Special Interest Committee on Digital Computer Programming Training
(ACM - US)
SICOLDIC - Sistema Colombiano de Informacion Cientifica y Tecnica, 1970- (CO)
SICOM - Securities Industry Communications (Western Union - US)
SICOMP - Siemens Computer (DE)
SICON - Sistema de Informaao do Congresso (PROD ASEN - BR)
SICPLAN - Special Interst Committee on Program Languages (ACM-US)
SICRO - Societe d'Informatique, de Conseils et de Recherche Operationnelle (FR)
SICSOFT - Special Interest Committee on Software Engineering (ACM - US)
SICT - Section de Informacion Cientifico-Tecnica, spa
SICTES - Sistema de Cientifica eTecno-logica do Exterior, 1976- (BR)

SICTEX - Sistema de Cientifica e Tec-nologica do Exterior (BR)

Searches in Depth (Northern Colorado Edu
cational BOCS, Information Retrieval Center
Service Central d'lnformation et Documenta
tion (FR)
Service dTnformation et de Diffusion (Pre
mier Ministre - FR)
Service Information et Documentation (Es
sences et Lubrifiants Fran?ais - Entreprise de
Recherches Petrolieres - FR)
Servicio de Informacion y Documentaci6n,
1979- (Unesco, Centre Regional para la Educacion Superior en America Latina y el Caribe
- Caracas, VE)(=IDS, eng)
; .
StstemdelnfonnareDocumentaitsWW 11'
Society for Information Display.
System for Information on Demand
System of Information and Documentation
10. Zentralstelle fur Soziologische Information
und Dokumentation, 1965-SIDA
Service d'Information et de Documentation de
1'Apprentissage et de la Formation Professionnelle (FR)
Swedish Informational Development Authority
Systeme Informatise de Documentation Automatique (Institut Universitaire de Technologie
de Dijon - FR)
Selective Information Dissemination and Re
trieval (Chemicals and Phosphates Ltd - IL)
Symposium on Image Display and Recording
SIDAT - Simple Data Technologies
SIDD - Scientific Information and Documentation Division
SIDEA - Service d'Information et de Documentation sur la Formation des Adultes
(FR) *SIDEI - Sistema Informacionnoj Dokumentacii na ElektrotehniCeskie Izdelija
SIDEL - Sistema Informative Delibere Camerali. [Data base] (CERVED - IT)
SIDER - Systeme d'Indexation Documentaire Elec-tronique a Reponse Vocale (FR)

SIDERAL - Systeme Informatique de Documentation en Recherche Aleatoire, 1970(Essences et Lubricatifs Francais/Entreprise de Recherches Pe-trolieres - FR)
Sistema de Information y Documentation para
la Education Superior (CO)
Source Input Data Edit System
SIDEST - Societe Independante de Documentation et d'Editions Scientifiques et
Techniques (FR)
SIDETEC - Service de 1'Information Industrielle, du Developpement et de
1'Innovation Technologi-que, 1972- (Chambre Regionale de Commerce et d'Industrie
des Pays de la Loire - FR)
SIDK - System Informacyjny dla Kierownictwa, pol (=MK,eng)
SIDOC - Sistema Nacional de Information y Documentation (CL)
SIDOK - Sicherheitstechnische Dokumentation (DIN - DE)
SIDON - Systeme International de Documentation Nucleaire, 1969- (IAEA - Wien,
AT) (=INIS, eng)
SIDOTEX - Sistema de Documentation para la In-dustria Textil (Instituto Nacional de
Tecnologia Industrial - AR)
Satellite Imagery Dissemination System (US)
Space Investigations Documentation System
Speech Identification System
SIDUNEA - Sistema Aduanero Automatizado para el Acceso, el Control y la Gestion,
Diviskm de Cooperation Economica entre Paises enDesarrollo-Geneve,CH)
Science Information Exchange, 1948- (Smith
sonian Institution - US); - SSIE
Select Information Exchange, 1967- (US)
Societe Informatique Europeenne (FR)
SIE-C - Sistemas de Information Estadistica Complementaria (CU) SIECOP - Scientific Information and Educational
Council of Physicians (US) SIECUS - Sex Information and Education Council
of the US, 1964-(US)
SIEDS - Structural Isomers Enumeration and Display System (JP) SIEF - Sistema de
Informacoes para uma Empresa
de Fundacoes (IBBD - BR) SIEICT - Sistema International Especializadodelnformaci6n Cientifica y Tecnica, int (=*MSIS, na) SIERE - Syndicat des Industries
Electroniques de
Reproduction et d'Enregistrement (FR) SIF - Science Information Facility *SIF
Spravocno-Informacionen Fond, bul

Spravo6no-Informacionnyj Fond
*SIF VNDKI - Spravodno-Informationnyj Fond
Searching in Free Text, 1980- (Government In
stitution of Organization and Management NO)
Selection in Film Thought, 1973- (Vigo County
Public Library-US)
Service dTnformation Geologique (FR)
Special Interest Group
Systeme dTnformation aux fin de Gestion
(=MIS, eng)
SIG/AH - SIGon ArtsandHumanities(ASIS-US)
SIG/ALP - SIG on Automated Language Processing (ASIS-US)
SIG/BC - SIG on the Biomedical and Chemical Information Systems (ASIS - US)
SIG/BSS - SIG on Behavioral and Social Sciences (ASIS-US)
SIG/CBE - SIG on Costs, Budgeting and Economics (ASIS-US)
SIG/CIS - SIG on the Community Information Services (ASIS - US)
SIG/CON - SIG on the Confluence of Overload Norms (ASIS-US)
SIG/CR - SIG on Classification Research (ASIS -US)
SIG/CRS - SIG on Computerized Retrieval Services, 1975- (ASIS - US);- SIG/SDI
SIG/ED - SIG on Education for Information Sciences (ASIS - US)
SIG/EEI - SIG on Energy and Environmental Information (ASIS - US)
SIG/EIS - SIG on Education in Information Science
SIG/FIS - SIG on Foundation of Information Science (ASIS-US)
SIG/IAC - SIG on Information Analysis Centers (ASIS-US)
SIG/IAE - SIG on Information Analysis and Evaluation (ASIS - US)
SIG/IGP - SIG on Information Generation and Publishing (ASIS - US)
SIG/III - SIG on International Information Issues (ASIS-US)
SIG/IP - SIG on Information Publishing (ASIS -US)
SIG/ISE - SIG on Information Services to Education, 1974-(ASIS - US)
SIG/LAN - SIG on Library Automation and Networks (ASIS - US)
SIG/LAW - SIG on Law and Information Technology (ASIS - US)
SIG-LOGIS - SIG on Local Government Information Services, 1975- (GB)
SIG/MED - SIG on Medical Information Systems (ASIS-US)
SIG/MGT - SIG on Management Information Activities (ASIS - US)
SIG/MR - SIG on Medical Records (ASIS - US)
SIG/NDB - SIG on Numerical Data Bases (ASIS -US)
SIG/NPM - SIG on Non-Print Media (ASIS - US)

SIG/PPI - SIG on Public/Private Interface (ASIS -US)

SIG/RT - SIG on Reprographic Technology (ASIS-US)
SIG/SDI - SIG on Selective Dissemination of Information, -1975 (ASIS - US);
SIG/TIS - SIG on Technology, Information and Society (ASIS - US)
SIG/UOI - SIG on User On-Line Interaction (ASIS -US)
SIGACT - Special Interest Group on Automata and Computability Theory (ACM US); <- SICACT
SIGALE - Systeme dTnformation pour la Gestion des Activites de 1'Entreprise
SIG ARCH - SIG on Architecture of Computer Systems (ACM - US); -^ SIC ARCH
SIGART - SIG on Artifical Intelligence (ACM -US)
SIGBDP - SIG on Business Data Processing (ACM -US)
SIGBIO-SIG on Biomedical Computing, 1967-(ACM-US);<-BCS
SIGCAI-SIG on Computer-Assisted Instruction (ACM-US)
SIGCAPH- SIG on Computers and the Physically Handicapped (ACM - US)
SIGCAS - SIG on Computers and Society (ACM -US)
SIGCIS - SIG on Community Information Services
SIGCOMM - SIG on Data Communication (ACM SIGCOSIM - SIG on Computer Systems Installation Management (ACM - US)
SIGCPR - SIG on Computer Personnel Research,
SIGCR - SIG on Classification Research (ACM -US)
SIGCRS - SIG on Computerized Retrieval Services (ACM-US)
SIGCSE - SIG on Computer Science Education (ACM-US)
SIGCUE-SIG on Computer Uses in Education, 1969- (ACM - US);- SICCAI
SIGDA - SIG on Design Automation (ACM - US)
SIGDOC - SIG on Documentation (ACM - US)
SIGED - SIG on Education for Information Science
SIGFIDET - SIG on File Description and Translation, -1974 (ACM - US); -
SIGFIS - SIG on Foundations of Information Science
SIGGRAPH - SIG on Computer Graphics (ACM -US)
SIGI - System for Interactive Guidance and Information
SIGIAC - SIG on Information Analysis Centers (ACM-US)
SIGIP - SIG on Information Publishing
SIGIPE - SIG on Information Performance Evaluation
SIGIR - SIG on Information Retrieval, 1962- (ACM -US)
SIGLA - SIG on Library Automation (ADI - US)
SIGLAN - SIG on Library Automation and Networks
SIGLASH - SIG on Languages Analysis and Studies in the Humanities (ACM - US)

System for Information on Grey Literature in

Europe, int, 1980- (CEC - LU)
System fur Information iiber Graue Literatur in
Europa, int, 1980- (CEC - LU)
SIGM - System Informacji o Gospodarce Morskiej
(PL) SIGMA - Sistema Integrate Generico per la Manipulazione Automatica SIGMADOC - Societe Industrielle Generale de Mechanique Appliquee, Centre de Documentation
(FR) SIGMAP - SIG on Mathematical Programming
(ACM-US) SIGME - SIG on Measurement and Evaluation
SIGMETRICS - SIG on Measurement and Evaluation (ACM-US) SIGMICRO SIG on Microprograming (ACM US)
SIGMINI - SIG on Minicomputers (ACM - US) SIGMOD - SIG on Management of
Data, 1974(ACM-US);<-SICFIDET SIGMR - SIG on Medical Records SIGNUM - SIG on
Numerical Mathematics
SIGOPS - SIG on Operating Systems (ACM - US)
SIGPC - SIG on Personal Computing
SIGPLAN - SIG on Programming Languages
SIGPPI - SIG on Public-Private Interface SIGR - System Informacji Gospodarki
Rybnej (PL) SIGREAL - SIG on Real Time Processing (ACM US) SIGSAC - SIG on Security, Audit and Control,
1981- (ACM -US) SIGSAM - SIG on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation (ACM - US)
SIGSIM - SIG on Simulation (ACM - US) SIGSOC - SIG on Social and
Behavioral Science
Computing (ACM - US) SIGSOFT - SIG on Software Engineering SIGSPAC SIG on Urban Data Systems, Planning,
Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACM - US) SIGHS - SIG on Technology,
Information and Society SIGUCC - SIG on University Computing Centers
SIGUOI - SIG on User Online Interaction SIGUSS - SIG on University
Computing Centers
(ACM -US) SIGZ - System Informacji o Gospodarce Zywnosciowej,1981-(CBR-PL) SIR = SIHW
SIHW - Society for Italic Handwriting (=SIH) SII
Societe d'Imprimerie Ivoirienne (CI)

Standards Institution of Israel (IL)

Support Individuel d'Informations
SIIC - Stanford Institute for Intercultural Communication (Stanford University - US) SIICT - Sistema Internacional de Information
Cientifica y Tecnica, int, spa (=*MSNTI, rus) SIID - Systeme InteractifdTnterrogation a
Distance SIIR - Smithsonian Institution Information Retrieval (US) SIIRS - Smithsonian Institution Information Retrieval System (US) SIIST - Sistemului International de Informare StiinJifica i Tehnica, rum (=*MSNTI, rus) SIJEF - Societe d'Informatique Juridique et
(FR) SIJUT - Sistema de Informacoes Juridico-Tributarias (Ministerio da Fazenda - BR) SIR
Svenska Institute! for Konserveringsforskning
System Informowania Kierownictwa, pol
*SIKOD - Sistema Kompleksnoj Obrabotki Dannyh SIKOS - Simulation
Kontinuierlicher Systeme (Siemens - DE) SIL
Scanner Input Language
Sistema Informative Legislative, 1969- (Senate
della Repubblica Italiana - IT)
Subject Indexing Language (IN)
Sygnalowa Informacja Liczbowa, pol
System Implementation Language
SILAB - Salon International du Livre d'Art et de Bibliophilie (CH)
SILADE - Sistem a de Documentation Latinoameri-cana, int
SILADIE - Sistema Latinoamericana de Documentation y Information Educativa,
SILAS - Singapore Integrated Library Automation System, 1984- (National Library
of Singapore -SG)
SILC - System for Inter-Library Communication (ARL-US)
SILG - Specialized International Libraries Group (Association of International
Libraries - Paris, FR)
SILIPA - Societe Ivoirienne de Librarie et Papeterie (CI)
SILK - System for Integrated Local Communications (Hasler Co. - US)
SILO - Serials of Illinois Libraries Online (US)
SILS - School of Information and Library Studies, 1966- (SUNY at Buffalo - US)
Service International de Microfilm, 1948- (FR)

Simulated Machine Indexing

Standards Institution of Malaysia (MY)
Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten
*SIM - Sistema Informacionnyh Massivov SIMA - Service Informatique et
Appliquees (Electricite de France - FR) SIMABON - Siemens Maschinelles
AbonnementsBezugsverfahren (Siemens A.G. - DE) SIMAL - Simulated All-purpose Language
SIMB AD - Star Index on Microfiche >- Base de Donnees (Centre de Donnees
Stellaires, Strassbourg -FR) SIMBOL
Simple Business Oriented Language
Simulated Boolean Oriented Language
SIMC - Societe International de Medicine Cyberne'tique, 1958- (Napoli, IT) (=ISCM, eng) SIMCO - Societe d'Impression
Commerciale (FR) SIMEP - Societe d'lnformation Medicale et d'Enseignement Postuniversitaire, 1965-,(FR) SIMIN - Sectie Informatieverzorging Musea
in Nederland (Nederlandse Museumvereniging - NL) SIMPLE
Self-instructional Microfiche ProgrammedLearning (Kilkenny College of Further Educa
tion, South Australia - AU)
Simulation Programming Language
School Information Management System
Searle Information Management System
(G.D.Searle and Co. - US)
Sedna Information Management System (Sedna Corporation - US)
Socio-economic Information Management Sys
tem (University of Wisconsin, Madison Data
and Computation Center - US)
SIMULA - Simulation Language
SIMULE - Self-Instructional Modules Using Laboratory Experience, 1972- (McGill
University, Graduate School of Library Science - CA)
SIMUPOL - Simulative Procedure Oriented Language
Scarborough Information Network, 1968(Scarborough Public Library - CA)
Scientific Information Notes, 1959-(US)
Selective Information Network (East Carolina
University - US)

Subject Indicator Number (BLBSD - GB)
SINA - Settlement Information Network Africa,
1981- (Nairobi, KE)
SINAGI - Sindicato Nazionale Giornalai d'ltalia (IT)
SINAR - Sistema Nacional de Arquivo, 1978- (BR)
SINASBI - Sistema Nacional de Servicios de Biblio-tecas e Information
Humanistica, de Information Cientifica y Tecnologica, de Archives y de Estadi-sticas
e Informatica, 1978- (VE)
SINBAD - Systeme Informatique pour les Banques
de Donnees (INSERM - FR)
*SINBAD - Sistema Integrirovannogo Nakoplenija Baz Danyh (SU)
SINBUW - Zautomatyzowany System Informacyj-no-Biblioteczny Uniwersytetu
Warszawskiego (PL)
SINCRO - Societe d'Informatique, de Conseil et de Recherche Operationnelle,
1968- (FR)
SINCYT - Sistema Nacional de Information Cientifica y Tecnologica (GT)
SINET - Louisiana State University System Interli-brary Network (Louisiana State
University - US)
SINFDOK - Statens Rad for Vetenskaplig Information och Dokumentation, 19681979 (SE) (=SINFDOC);->DFI
SINFO - Sandwell Information for Officers (GB)
SINGMARC - Singapore MARC, 1979- (National Library of Singapore - SG)
SINI - [National Information System] (PT)
SINICYT - [National System for Scientific and Technical Information] (VE)
SININCA - [National Information System for Argi-culture],1974-(VE)
SINIS - Shared Input Information System, 1975-(Shell International Petroleum GB)
SINORG - Societe Internationale d'Organisation
SINS - System Informacji o Naukach SpoJecznych (PL)
SINT - System Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej (Politechnika Wrocfawska, APIN
- PL)
SINT/NB - System Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej o Pracach NaukowoBadawczych, 1977- (Bi-blioteka GJdwna Politechniki Szczeciriskiej - PL)
SINTAL - [Technical Information Service for Food Industry] (CO)
SINTEC - [Technical Information Services to small and medium-sized industries]
SINTEF - Selskapet for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning (Norges Tekniske
Hogskole - NO)
SINTEX - Systeme d'Indexation Automatique des Textes (Societe Informatique
Europeene - FR)

Panstwowy System Informacji Naukowej,

Technicznej i Organizacyjnej (PL)
Sheffield Interchange Organization, 1932(GB)
SINTOB - System Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej Budownictwa (PL) *SIO
Sistema Informationnogo Obsluzivaija
Sluzba [Registracii] Informacionnyh Organov
Spravocno-Informacionno Obsluzvane, bul
Spravocno-Informarionnoe Obsluzivanie
Spravocno-Informacionnyj Otdel
*SIOD - Sistema Integrirovannoj Obrabotki Dannyh SIP
Scientific Information Processor (Honeywell US)
Scuola Italiana di Pubblicita (IT)
Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa, 1942(New York, US) (=IAPA, eng)
Societa Internazionale Pubblicita, int (Roma,
Software Instrumentation Package (Sperry
Standard Interest Profile
Statni Informacni Politika, cze (CS)
Svensk-Internationella Pressbyran (SE)
Scientific Information Program of Entrophication (University of Wisconsin - US)
Societe d'Imprimerie de Presse et d'Edition,
Thonon-les-Bains (FR)
SIPEM - Societe Internationale de Publications et
d'Etudes Multimedia (BE) SIPEP - Societe Internationale Presse, Editions et
Publications SIPI - Scientists' Institute for Public Information,
SIPLAN - Sistema de Informac,6es para Planeja-mento, Controle e Coordena^ao
(Ministerio do Interior-BR)
SIPP - Systeme d'lnformation des Pouvoirs Publics
SIPPA - Salon International Professionnel de la Papeterie (FR)
SIPPS - System of Information Processing for Professional Societies (Econometric
Society - US)
SIPROS - Simultaneous Processing Operating System (CDC-US)
Science Information Profiling System (DSIR NZ)

Societa Italiana per il Progresso delle Scienze

Socioeconomic Information Processing Sys
tems (US)
State Implementation Plan SystemijData;base]
5. Subsurface Information Processing System (University of Michigan, Geologic
Educational Research Center - US)
*SIPS - Special'naja Informacionno-Poiskovaja Si-sterna SIPSDE - Society of
Independent and Private
School Data Education, -1975 (US) SIPUC - Secretariat Internationale de Presse Universitaire Catholique, 1932- (Lille, FR) SIR
Schools Information Retrieval Project
Scientific Information Retrieval
Scientific Information Retrieval, Inc. (US)
Selective Information Retrieval
Selektiver Informations-Ringtausch (IBM
Deutschland - DE)
Semantic Information Retrieval (MIT - US)
Service d'Information Rapide (INPI - FR)
Servizio Informazioni Romane (IT)
Shut-Ins and Retirees (Detroit Public Library
Simplified Information Retrieval System (US,
Specialized Information Retrieval
Specification Information Retrieval System
Statewide Information Referral, 1979- (US,
West Virginia)
Statistical Information Retrieval System (Phil
lips Petroleum Co. - US)
Stratified Indexing and Retrieval (Fuji Corp. JP)
SIR/DBMS - Scientific Information Retrieval/Data Base Management System, 1982(Scientific Information Retrieval, Inc. - US)
SIR - System Informaci pro Rizem, cze ( = MIS, eng)
SIR AID - Scientific Instrument Research Association Information and Data Service
JSIRAP - System of Information Retrieval and Analyses for Planners (US)

SIRBUG - Structural Information Retrieval by Unit Group

Science Information Research Center (US)
Sport Information Resource Centre, Ottawa
SIRCULS - San Bernardino-Inyo-Riverside Counties United Library Services (US,
California) SIRE
Second International Research Forum on Infor
mation Science. K0benhavn 1977, ml
Series of International Reports on Education, int
Symbolic Information Retrieval System (US)
Syracuse Information Retrieval Experiment
(Syracuse University - US)
SIRENE - Systeme Informatiquepourle Repertoire des Entreprises et des
Etablissements (INSEE -FR)
Southearn Interlibrary Research Facilities,
1955- (US)
Statistiques et Indicateurs des Regions Frangaises. [Data base] (INSEE - FR)
SIRHI - Sistema de Informaoes de Recursos Hi'dri-cos (BR)
SIRIC - Soybean Insect Research Information Center (Illinois University - US)
SIRIM - Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (MY)
SIRIO - [Communication Satellite System] (IT)
SIRIS - Scientific and Industrial Research Information System, 1976-(DSIR - NZ)
Standard Interface for Retrieval of Information
by Users (University of Manitoba - CA)
Systeme Integre de Recherche dTnformation
Utilisant des Symboles, int (UNCTAD - Gene
ve, CH)
SIRK - System for Tidskriftssirkulasjon (Norges
Byggforskningsinstitut - NO) SIRLS
Selective Information Retrieval System for the
Sociology of Leisure and Sport, 1971- (Univer
sity of Waterloo, Faculty of Human Kinetics
and Leisure Studies - CA)
Southwest Idaho Regional Library System (US)
System of Information Retrieval for Leisure
and Sports
SIROCO - Systeme dTnformation Repertoriant les

Operations de Construction (FR) SIRPA - Service dTnformation et de Relations Publiques des Armees (Ministere de la Defense-FR) SIRPI - Sistemul de Immagazinare
Ragasire i Prezentare a Informajiei (CIDAS - RO) SIRS
Selective Information Retrieval System
Social Issues Resources Services, Inc. (US)
Specification Information Retrieval System
Statutory Information Retrieval System
School of Information Studies (Syracuse Uni
versity - US)
Science Information Service
Science Information Services Department
(Franklin Institute Research Laboratories US)
Scientific Information System
Seed Information System, int 1983- (FAO,
Agriculture Department - Roma, IT)
Selected Invertor Service, int (INPADOC)
Service Information Securite, 1967- (Enginee
ring Sicli, Paris - FR)
Servizio Informazioni Stampa (IT)
Slovenska Informacna Sluzba, sla (CS)
Special Information Services (ORNL - US)
Special Information System
Specialized Information Services (NLM - US)
Specification Information System
Standards Information Services (NBS - US)
Stavebni Informacni Stfedisko, Praha, cze
Studijm Informacni' Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Sverige Industriens Standardiseringskommission, 1922- (SE); - (the same initialism):
Svenska Industriens Standardiseringskommission; > Standardiseringskommissionen i Svenge
Studijno-Informacna Sluzba, sla (CS)

Studijno-Informacne Stfedisko, sla (CS)
SISAC - Serials Industry Systems Advisory Commit
tee, 1982-(US)
SISAL - Sistema de Information Siderurgica para America Latina, int, 1971SISBIB - [Database on Bresil University Libraries] (CAPES/IBICT-BR)
SISC - Statewide Information Steering Committee (US, California)
SISCIS - Subject Index to Sources of Comparative International Statistics. 1978 (GB)
SISCO - Singer Information Services Company (GB)
SISCOM - Society for Information Science Communication (IN)
Scientific Information Systems Department
(Merrel National Laboratories - US)
Scottish Information System for the Disable
Systeme d'Indexation et de Saisie Documentaire (Compagnie Internationale pour ITnformatique-FR)
SISDATA - Statistical Information System Data (Slamark International - IT)
SISICT - Sistema International Sectorial de Tecnica (=*MOSNTI, rus)
SISIR - Singapore Institute of Standards and Industrial Research (SG)
SISN1DE - [National System of Educational Documentation and Information]
SISO - Schema voor de Indeling van de Systematische Catalogus in Openbare
Bibliotheken. 1958 (NL)
SISSC - Shared Information System Support Center (US)
SIST - Standards for Information on Science and Technology, 1973-(JP)
SISTCLADES - Sistema Cooperative Latinoameri-cano de Documentacibn
Economica y Social, int (CLADES)
SISTEC - Service d'lnformations Scientifiques et Techniques (FR)
SISTRAN - System for Information Storage, Retrieval and Analysis (North American
Rockwell Corp. -US)
Servicio de Informaci6n T6cnica, 1972(CENDES-EC)
Servicio de Informaci6n Tecnica, 1971(CONACyT-MX)
3. Specjalna Informacja Tematyczna (CIINTE, Os-rodek Informacji Centralnej ; -
Centrum INTE -PL) SiT - Paristwowe Wydawnictwo "Sport i Turystyka"
SITAR - System for Interactive Text Analysis and Retrieval (Lawrence University,
Department of English -GB) SITC

Salford Information Technology Centre (Salford University - GB)

Servijo de Informagoes Tecnico-Cientificas
Standard International Trade Calssification
(United Nations)
Servicio de Informaci6n sobre Traducciones
Cientificas en Espanol, 1968- (CNICT, Centre
de Documentation Cientifica - AR)
Sistemas de Tecnico-Cientifica da
SITCEP - Servic,o de Informagoes sobre Tradu$6es
Cientificas em Espanhol e Portugues (BR) SITE
Satellite Instructional Television Experiment,
1974- (IN)
Search Information Tape Equipment (General
Electric Co. -US)
SITES - Smithonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service (US)
Schweizerisches Institut fur Technische Infor
mation, 1979- (CH)
Servicio de Information Technica Industrial
*SITI - Sluzba Nauino-TehniCeskoj Informacii SITPP - Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i
Przemyslu Papierniczego (PL) SITRAM - Systeme dTnformation sur le Transports
de Marchandises (Ministere de Transports, Departement des Statistiques des Transports - FR) SIU - Strojirensky Informacni Ustav, cze
(CS); -
SIUP - Southern Illinois University Press (US) SIV - Selektive
Informationsverbreitung (=SDI,
eng) *SIV - S"vet za Ikonomiceska Vzaipomosi, bul, int
(=COMECON, eng; *SEV, rus) SIVA - Servizio Informazioni e Valutazione Ausili
(IT) SFVIL - Studies in Virgin Islands Librarianship,
1971- (US) SIVO - Speciiilni Informace pro Vedouci Organy,
cze(CS) SIW
Sektion Informationswissenschaft, 1977(DGD-DE)
System Informacyjno-Wyszukiwawczy, pol
SIW-PTS - System Infonnacyjno-WjBZukiwawczy

PrzemysJu Tworzyw Sztucznych, 1967- (Instytut Chemii Przemyslowej, BOINTE PL) SIZ
[Swiss Press Agency] (CH)
System Informacyjny dla celow Zarzadzania
(=MIS, eng)
SIZSOZ - Software Informationszentrale fur Sozial-wissenschaften (Gesellschaft fiir
Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung, Institut fiir Software- Technologic - DE)
SJ-FGTB - Syndicat des Journalistes - Federation Generate du Travail (BE)
SJAA - Swedish Journalists' Association of America
(US) *SJaIN - Systemnyj Jazyk Informacii
SJB - Society of Jewish Bibliophiles, 1961- (US)
SJCC - Spring Joint Computer Conference (US)
SJE - Syndicat des Journalistes et Ecrivains (FR)
Svenska Journalistsforbundet, 1901-(SE)
Syndicat des Journalistes Franais (FR)
SJPA - Syndicat des Journalistes de la Presse Agricole (FR)
SJU - Schweizerische Journalisten-Union (CH)
(=USJ,/re) SJMS - San Joaquin Valley Information Service,
1960-(US, California) SJVLS - San Joaquin Valley Library System
(US, California) SK
Sktadnica Ksiegarska, 1958- (PL)
Slovanska Knihovna, Praha, cze (CS)
Suomen Kirjastonhoitajat - Finlands Bibliotekarier,/irc/.sw, 1945- (FI)
Svaz Knihafu, cze (CS)
Sveucilisna Knjiznica, cm (YU)
SK CSR - Statni Knihovna CSR, cze (CS)
Sistema Kodirovanija
Soprovoditel'naja Karta
, 3. Sovetskie Knigi (SU)
Specjal'naja Kartoteka
Svodnyj Katalog
SK - tudijska Knjiznica, slo *SKA - Svetokopiroval'nyj Apparat

8KB - Stadt- und Kreisbiliothek (DD) *SKB - Specjalnoe Konstruktorskoe Bjuro (SU)
Stuttgarter Kreis fiir Dokumentation, 1964(DE)
Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses Bokforlag
*SKD - Spravocnye Kartoteki Dokumentacii SKED - Sort Key Edit (LC - US)
SKELLEM - Sheffield, Keele, Leeds, Liverpool
and Manchester University Libraries (GB) SKGGI - Standiges Komitee der
SKIP - Sistema Kompleksnoj Informacii Fajlov
SKIP - Svaz Knihovniku a Informacnich Pracovniku, cze (CS) SKJ - Systematik fiir Kinder- und Jugendbiichereien
Sistema Klassifikacii i Kodirovanija
Svodnyj Katalog Knig
*SKM - Svodnyj Katalog Materialov
SKM - Studijska Knjiznica Maribor, slo (YU) *SKN
Sistema Obscesojuznyh i Lokal'nyh Klassifikatorov i Nomenklatur (SU)
Standartnyj Kniznyj Nomer (=SBN, eng)
SKOiB - Studium Kulturalno-Oswiatowe i Bibliotekarskie (PL) SKP - Stowarzyszenie Ksie.garzy Polskich, 1956(PL)
*SKP - Svodnyj Katalog Periodiki SKR
Slovenska Kniznicna Rada, sla (CS)
System von Kleinrechnen, int (RGW)
SKRVT - Statni Komise pro Rozvoj a Koordinaci
Vedy a Techniky, cze (CS) SKS
Savezna Komisijaza Standardizedja, era (YU)
Suomen Kirjallissuuspalvelun Seura. [Finnish
Association for Documentation], 1948- (FI)
Suomen Kirjastoseura. [Finnish Library
Association] (FI)
Statni Knihovnecka Skola, cze (CS)
Stredna Knihovnicka Skola, sla (CS)
Stredni Knihovnicka Skola, cze (CS)
SKSB - Sveriges Kristliga Studentrorelses Bokforlag

SkSB - Skara Stifts- och Landesbibliotek (SE) SKSV-Statni Knihovna

Spolecenskych Ved,
cze (CS)
*SKU - Sobstvenno Kodirujuscee Ustrojstvo SKVT - Statni Komise pro Rozvoj a
Vedy a Techniky, cze (CS) SKWOC - Structured Keyword out of Context SKZ
Slovenski Knjizni Zavod, slo (YU)
Sveucilisna Knjiznica Zagreb, era (YU)
*SKZ - Srpska Knjizevna Zadruga, ser (YU)
SKZP - Souborny Katalog Zahranicnich Publikaci,
cze (CS) SL
Shelf List
Source Language
Special Libraries, 1910-(SLA-US)
System Language
Saskatchewan Library Association (CA)
School Library Association, 1937- (GB)
School of Librarianship and Archives (Univer
sity College London - GB)
xr*fttih T iHrar\/ A ccrwintirm
Singapore Library Association, 1960- (SG);
< LAMS; -* Library Association of Malaysia,
Singapore Branch, 1965-; - LAS
Southwestern Library Association, 1922- (US)
"Special Libraries Association, 1909- (US)
Sudan Library Association, 1971- (SD)
SLA TC - Special Library Association Translations
Center (US) (=SLATC); - NTC SLAAM - Student Library Assistants Association of
Michigan (US) SLAC - Science Library Advisory Committee (Durham University, Science Library - GB) SLACES - Syndicat de la Librarie Ancienne et
Commerce de 1'Estampe en Suisse (CH)
1 Society of Litographic Artists and Designers (GB)
2. State Libraries Agencies Division (ALA SLADE - Society of Litographic Artists, Designers
and Engravers (GB) SLADEPW - Society of Lithographic Artists, De-

signer, Engravers and Process Workers (GB) SLADO - SystemLibrary Activity

Dynamic Optimiser
SLAG - Sheffield Library Automation Group (GB) SLAM
Symbolic Language Adapted for Microcompu
Syndicat de la Librarie Ancienne et Moderne
SLANG - Systems Language
SLANT - School Library Association of the Northem Territory (AU) SLAPNG - School Libraries Association of Papua
New Guinea, 1970- (School Libraries Association
of Australia - AU; > independent - PG) SLAQ - School Library Association of
(AU) SLAS - State Library Agency Section (ASCLA US)
State Leadership Assistance for Technology in
Education (US, Virginia)
Structural Linguistic Analysis and Text Evalua
SLATP - Special Library Association Translation
Pool (US) SLAV - School Library Association of Victoria
1 . Student Library Assistants of Wisconsin (US)
2. Student Library Assistants' Workshop (US, Michigan) SLB
Sachsische Landesbibliothek (DD)
Schweizerische Landesbibliothek (CH)
Servicio Latinoamericano de Bibliotecas (VE)
Stifts- och Landsbibliotek (SE)
SLB A - Sierra Leone Booksellers Association (SL) SLBS - Special Libraries Book
Service (Banbury GB) SLC
Scandinavian Library Center, int (DK)
Schools of Librarianship Committee (GB); >
Short Loan Collection (Durham University Li
Simulated Linguistic Computer (CEC)

Susquehanna Library Cooperative (US)
SLCC - Sheffield Libraries Co-ordinating Commit
tee, 1978-(GB)
SLCI - Syndicat des Libraries de Cote d'lvoire (CI)
SLOP - School Library Development Project, 1961-1962 (American Association of
School Librarians -US)
SLDTF - State and Local Documents Task Force (US)
SLDTSS - Single Language Dedicated Time-Sharing System
SLESR - Societe des Libraries et Editeurs de la Suisse Romande, 1966-(CH)
Samfundet for Litteraturjanst i Finland, swe
Slovensky Literarny Fond, sla (CS)
System Library File
School Libraries Group, 1980- (LA - GB)
Special Libraries Group (US)
SLGDW - Staatliches Lehrinstitut fiir Graphik,
Druck und Werbung, Berlin S1HN - Slovenske Hudobne Nakladatel'stvo, sla
Search of the Library Information Collection
(Bradley University, Illinois - US)
Selective Listing in Combination, 1965- (Impe
rial Chemical Industries Fibres Ltd - GB)
Special Libraries and Information Centres
Southwestern Library Interstate Cooperative
Endeavor, 1971- (SWLA - US)
Surrey Library Interactive Circulation Experi
ment, 1971- (Surrey University Library - US)
SLII - Service de Liason Interministerielle pour
I'lnformation, 1963-1968 (FR); -> CH SLIK
Slovansky Literarni Klub, cze (CS)
Slovensky Literarny Kruzok, s/a (CS)
SLIM - School of Library and Information Management (Emporia State University US)
SLIP - Simulation Language for Information Processing
School of Library and Information Services
(University of Maryland - US)
Social Legislation Information SeMee (US)
SLISIR - Sri Lanka Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (LK)

SLISTIC - Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Center (LK)

SLJ - School Library Journal, 1954- (R.R.Bowker Co.-US)
Statni Lekafska Knihovna, cze, 1949-1961
Sierra Leone Library Association, 1970- (SL)
Sri Lanka Library Association, 1974- (LK); <
SLLK - Slovenska LekarskaKniznica.s/a, 1951-(CS) SLM - Syndicat des Libraries de
Madagascar (MG) SLMCA - Sri Lanka Mass Communication Association (LK)
SLMP - School Library Manpower Project (American Association of School Librarians
- US) SLMQ - School Library Media Quarterly (American
Association of School Librarians - US) SLMS
School Library Media Section (NYLA - US)
School Library Media Specialist
SLN - Southeastern Library Network (US)
SLNA - Sierra Leone News Agency, 1979- (SL)
S1NDK - Slovenske Nakladatel'stvo Detskej Knihy,
sla (CS)
SINKL - Slovenske Nakladatel'stvo Krasnej Litera-tury, sla (CS)
SINPL - Slovenske Nakladatel'stvo Politickej Lite-ratury, sla (CS)
SLOLINE - State Library of Ohio Line (US)
SLOMAC - State Library of Ohio Microfilm Automated Catalog, 1973- (US)
*SLOTERS - Slovarno-Terminologiceskaja Sluzba
Service de Lecture Publique (FR)
Small Libraries Publications, -1978 (LAD US)
Standard Lettering Plan (University of Illinois
SIPN - Slovanske Pedagogicke Nakladatel'stvo, sla (CS)
SLR - Symbolic Logic Retrieval
SLRC - State Library Resource Center (US, Maryland)
School Library Service (NZ)
School of Library Science (US)
School of Library Services (Columbia Universi
Source Library System
Special Libraries Section (LA - GB)

Suburban Library System (US, Illinois)

Supplementary Loan Scheme (Science Museum
SLSENY - School Librarians of Southeastern New
York (US) SLSI - Sri Lanka Science Index, 1976- (SLSTIC)
SLSS-D ATA - Spectral Line Sharpes and Shifts Data (NBS, Optical Physics Division US)
SLSTIC - Sri Lanka Scientific and Technical Information Centre (NSC - LK)
Sourcebook of Library Technology ("ALA .US)
Sveriges Litografiska Tryckerier (SE)
SLTA - Saskatchewan Library Trustees' Association, 1969- (CA) SITK - Slovenska Technicka Kniznica, sla, 1960SLUG -STATUS User Group, 1981- (Atomic
Energy Research Establishment, Howell - GB) SLUNT - Spoken Languages
Universal Numeric
Translation SLURP - Suburban Libraries United for Regional
Planning (US, Chicago) SLUTS - School of Librarianship Urban Transportation System (British Columbia University - CA) SLV - State Library of Victoria (AU)
SM - Slovenska Matica, slo (YU) *SM - Scetnaja Masina SMA - Svenskt
Musikhistoriskt Arkiv (SE) SMAC
Clearinghouse for Science and Mathematics
Education = ERIC/SMAC
Scientific Machine Automation Corporation
Sequential Multiple Analysis Computer
SMAL - Structural Macroassembly Language
SMALGOL - Small Algol
SMALL - Small Machine Algol-like Language SMALNET - Southeast Michigan
Automated Library Network (US) SMART
Salton's Magical Automatic Retrieval of Texts
(Harvard University - US)
Scheduling Management and Allocating Re
sources Technique (TOPICS - JP)
Storage Modification and Retrieval Transac
4 . System for the Mechanical Analysis and Retrieval of Texts (Cornell University,
Department of Computer Science - US)
System Management Analysis, Research and

System to Manage Reserve Text, 1973(Eastern Illinois University - US^)

8MB - Skupina Moravskych Bibliofilu, cze (CS) SMCCL
Society of Minicipal and County Chief Libra
rians (GB)
Southeastern Massachusetts Cooperating Col
lege Libraries (US)
SMCL - Southeastern Massachusetts Cooperating
Libraries, 1968- (US) SMCSLA - Special Libraries Association, Section
de Montreal Chapter, 1932- (CA) SMDC - Superconductive Materials Data Center,
1965- (General Electric Co. - US) SMEAC = ERIC/SMEAC
SMEP-System Malych Elektronickych Pocitacu, cze
SMERC - San Mateo Educational Resources Center, 1969-(ERIC - US)
SMF - System Management Facilities
SMGIF - Syndicat des Metiers Graphiques de ITle-de-France (FR)
SMI - Simulated Machine Indexing (Hughes Aircraft
Co.-US) *SMI - Sredstva Massovoj Informacii
SMIAC - Soil Mechanics Information Analysis Center, 1971- (US Army, Corps of
Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station)
Small Firms Information Centre (GB) (=SFIC)
Sorghum and Millets Information Center,
1976- (International Crops Research Institute
for the Semi-Arid Tropics - IN)
SMID - Sammenslutningen af Mediaforskere i Dan-mark (DK)
SMIL - Statistics and Market Information Library (Department of Trade and Industry GB)
SMILE - Southcentral Minnesota Inter-Library Exchange, 1976-(US)
SMILES - String Manipulation Interpretive Language for Easy Syntax
SMIRS - School Management Information Retrieval Service (ERIC/CEM - US)
School of Management Information Systems
(US Army)
Society for Management Information Systems,
SMK - Svaz Moravskych Knihomilu, cze (CS) *SMK - Sredstva Massovoj
Kommunikacii SML
Science Museum Library (GB) (=ScML)
Serials Master List
Stacja Maszyn Liczacych (PL)
Symbolic Machine Language
SMLA - Stacjy Maszyn Liczaco-Analitycznych (PL)

SMLC - Southwest Michigan Library Cooperative (US)

SMLESIS - Seamless Earth Science Information System (JP)
Small and Medium-sized Libraries Sections
Southwest Missouri Library Service, 1957(US)
SMM - Systematik der Musikliteratur und der Musikalienfur Offentliche Musikbibliotheken (DE) SMMART - Society for Mass Media and
Technology (AU)
*SMO - Sistema Massovogo Obsluzivanija *SMODM - Sistema Mehanizirovannoj
Tehniceskoj Dokumentacii na Osnove Mikrofil'mirovanija (SU) *Sntolgiz - Smolenskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *SMP - Sistemnaja Monitornaja Programma
SMPA - Scottish Master Printers' Alliance (GB) SMPF - Scientific and Medical
Publications of France, Inc.
SMPS - Society of Master Printers of Scotland (GB) SMQ - School Media Quarterly,
1972- (American Association of School Librarians - US);- School Libraries, 1952SMS
Scientific Microsystems, Inc. (US^
Sdruzeni Moravskych Spisovatelu, cze (CS)
Societe de Micro-informatique et de Telecom
munications (FR)
Stredomoravske Tiskarny, cze (CS)
*SMTI - Sistema Massovogo TekusScego Informirovanija SMTWL - Stichting voor Moeilijk, Toegankelijke
Wetenschappelijke Literatur (NL) SMUT - System for Musical Transcription (Indiana
University - US)
SMW - Society of Magazine Writers, 1948- (US) SMX - Semi-Micro Xerography SN
Scope Note [in thesauri]
Serial Number
Statni Nakladatelstvi, cze (CS)
Svenska Nyhetsbyran (SE)
Sisa News Agency, 1951- (KR)
Suburban Newspapers of America (US); AHNA; - SPF

Sudanese News Agency (SD)

Surinaams Nieuws Agentschap, hoi (SR)
Systems Network Architecture (IBM - US)
SNAC - Syndical National des Auteurs et Compositeurs (FR) SNAD - Sindicato Nazionale Autori Drammatici
(IT) SNADOC - Servizio Nazionale di Accesso ai Documenti (IT) SNAP
Society of National Association Publications
Stylized Natural-Language Processor (Colum
bia University School of Library Science - US)
Syndicat National des Agences de Presse (FR)
SNASA - Syndicat National des Agents de Societes
d'Auteurs SNASDP - Syndicat National des Annuaires et
Supports Divers de Publicite SNB
Singapore National Bibliography, 1969-(Singa
pore National Library - SG)
Statutes of New Brunswick. [Fulltext data base]
(QL Systems -CA)
SNCM - Syndicat National des Cadres et Matieres du Livre, de la Presse et des
Industries Graphiques
(FR) SNCML - Syndicat National des Cadres etMaitnses
duLivre(FR) SNCTL - Syndicat National des Cadres Techniques
du Livre

SND - Svenska Nationalkommitten for Dokumentation, 1964-(SE) *SND

Sistema Normativnoj Dokumentacii
Stroitel'no-Normativnaja Dokumentacija
SNDA - Sunday Newspaper Distributors' Associa
tion (GB)
Slovenske Nakladatel'stvo Detskej Knihy, sla,
1953-1956 (CS)
Statni Nakladatelstvi Detske Knihy, cze, 1949(CS)
SNE - Syndicat National de 1'Edition (FR) SNEAR - Societe Nouvelle d'Editions
Reunies (FR) SNED
Societe Nationale d'Edition et de Diffusion,
Societe Nationale d'Edition et de Distribution
desLivres, 1962-(TN)
SNEEPPF - Syndical National des Editeurs-Expor-

tateurs de la Presse Periodique Franchise (FR) SNEI - Societe Nouvelle d'Editions

(FR) SNEJ - Societe Nouvelle d'Edition de Journaux
(FR) SNEL - Syndicate Nacional dos Editors do Livros,
1941- (BR) SNEP - Societe Nationale des Entreprises de Presse,
1946- (FR) SNEPA - Syndicat National de 1'Edition Phonographique et Audiovisuelle SNI
Selected Notification of Information (National
Institute of Justice, NCJRS - US)
Shell Nederland Informatieverwerking (NL)
Sistern National de Informare, rum
Sistema Nacional de Information, 1973- (CO)
Sistema National de Information (VE)
Standard Network Interconnection (RLG/Washington Library Network/LC - US)
Studieselskapet for Norsk Industri, 1944-1972
*SNI - Sektor NauCnoj Informacii SNICA - Sistema Nacional de Information en Cientias Agropecuarios (AR) SNICOP - Syndicat National des Industries et des
Commerces de Publications Sonores et Audio-Visuelles (FR) SNICT
Sistema Nacional de Informagao Cientifica e
Tecnologica, 1971-(BR)
Sistema Nacional de Information Cientifica y
Tecnica (UY)
Sistema Nacional de Information Cientifica y
Technologica (MX)
SNID - Sistemul National de Informare Documentara,1975-(RO) SNID A - Sistema Nacional de Informacao e Documentacao Agricola, 1974- (BR) SNIOKC A - Sistema Nacional de Informacidn v Documentacion en Ciencias Agropecuarios (AR) SNIE - Sistema Nacional de Information
(Servizio National de Aprendizaje - CO) SNIMA - Service de Normalisation
Industrielle Marocaine (MA) SNIMABI - (SNIMaBI) - Syndicat National des
Importateurs de Material de Bureau et d'lnformatique (FR) *SNION - Sektor Naucnoj InformariipoObStestvennym Naukam (SU)
SNIR - Sistema Nacional de Informagao Rural (BR) SNIRE - Subsistema National de
Information en
Recursos Energeticos (COLCIENCIAS - CO) SNJ - SyndicatNationaldesJournalistes,
1918-(FR) SNJ-CGT - Syndicat National des Journalistesaffilie'

a la Confederation Generate du Travail (FR) SNJ-FO - Syndicat National des

Journalistes ForceOuvriere (FR)
*SNJ - Savez Novinara Jugoslavije, ser (YU) SNK - Slovenska Narodna Kniznica, sla
Slovenske Nakladatel'stvo Krasnej Literatury,
sla (CS)
Statnf Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury, cze
SNKLHU - Statnf Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury, Hudby a UmSni, cze, 1953- (CS)
SNKLU - Statni Nakladatelstvi Krasne Literatury a Umeni, cze (CS)
SNOBOL - String-Oriented Symbolic Language, 1964 (Bell Laboratories - US)
SNOMED (SNOMed) - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine
SNOP - Systematized Nomenclature on Pathology
SNORTEJ - Systeme Normalise de References aux Textes Juridiques (FR)
Servicio Nacional de Prensa (CO)
Svensk-Norsk Pressbyran (SE)
Scottish Newspaper Proprietors' Association
Southern Newspaper Publishers Association
Syndicat National de la Presse Agricole et du
Monde Rural (FR)
SNP AMR - Syndicat National de la Presse Agricole et du Monde Rural (FR)
SNPI - Syndicat National des Peintres Illustrateurs
SNPIC - Syndicat National des Professionnels de PInformation et de la
Communication des Entreprises et Collectivites
SNPL - Statni Nakladatelstvi Politicke Literatury, cze, 1953- (CS)
SNPP - Societe Nouvelle de Publications Protestan-tes,1952-(FR)
SNPQ - Syndicat National de la Presse Quotidienne (FR)
SNPQR - Syndicat National de la Presse Quotidienne Rdgionale, 1951-(FR)
SNPUF - Syndicat National de la Presse de Province
et de PUnion Fran9aise (FR) SNRGR - Sindicato Nazionale Rivendita Giornali e
Riviste (IT) SNRP - Sindicato Nacional de Redactores de Prensa
Selected Numeric Service (INPADOC)
Sindicato Nazionale Scrittori, 1945- (IT)
Slovenska Normalizacna Spolecnost', sla (CS)
Sudanese News Service, 1948- (SD)

Svaz Novinarov Slovakov, sla (CS)

*SNS - Struktura Neposredstvenno Sostavljajuscih *SNTI
Sektor Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
Sistema Naucno-Tehnickih Informatija, ser
Sluzba Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
*SNTIpoNTD - Sistema Naucno-Tehniceskoj Infor
macii po Normativno- Tehniceskoj Dokumentacii
SNTTTPP - Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow i Technikow Przemysfu
Papierniczego (PL)
SNTL - Statni Nakladatelstvi Technicke Literatury, cze, 1953- (CS)
SNTL - Statne Nakladatel'stvo Technickej Literatury, sla, 1953-1955 (CS)
SNU - Statni Nakladatelstvi Ucebnic, cze (CS)
SNUJ - Singapore National Union of Journalists (SG)
SNV - Schweizerische Normenvereinigung (CH) (=ASN,/re)
SNZDR - Statni Nakladatelstvi Zdravotnicke Literatury, cze (CS)
SNZL - Statni Nakladatelstvi ZamedeLske Literatury, cze (CS)
SO - Statutes of Ontario. [Full text data base] (QL Systems - CA)
Society of Authors (GB)
Society of Ohio Archivists (US)
Statni Oblastni Archiv, cze (CS)
*SOAN SSSR - Sibirskoe Otdelenie Akademii Nauk
Standing Order Automation Project, -1982
System/Operations Analysis of Programs
(NBS - US)
Society of Authors' Representatives
State-of-the-Art Report
SOASIS - Southern Ohio Chapter of ASIS (US) SOB - Stedelijke Openbare
Bibliotheek, fie (BE) SOBACEM - Sociedade Brasileira de Autores,
Compositores e Editores de Musica (BR) SOBDA - Studenten Overleg Bibliotheeken Dokumentatie Akademies (NL)
SOBICOP - Societe des Bibliophiles et Iconophiles de Belgique (BE)

SOBODI - Societe Bordelaise pour la Diffusion des Travaux de Lettres et Sciences

Humaines, Bordeaux, 1965- (FR) (=SO.BO.DI.) *SOBOR - Sistema Obsluzivanija
Bibliotek Obespe-tenija Razrabotki
SOCADEP - Societe Camerounaise d'Edition et de Publicite (CM)
SOCAPE - Societe Camerounaise de Presse et d'Editions (CM)
SOCAPS - Sociological Abstracts. [Data base] (Sociological Abstracts, Inc. - US)
SOCAS - Subcommittee on Chemical Abstracts Service (ACS - US)
SOCAUDELP - Societe de Caution Mutuelle des Commerces du Livre et du Papier,
1976- (FR); < SOCAUMODEL
SOCAUMODEL - Societe de Caution Mutuelle pour la Modernisation et
1'Equipment des Libraries, -1976 (FR); -> SOCAUDELP
SOCCER - Smart's Own Concordance Constructor, Extremely Rapid (Cornell
University - US)
SOCCS - Study of Cataloguing Computer Software (BL/Microelectronics Education
Program - GB)
SOCEDI - Societe d'Etudes et d'Edition (ZR) *Socekgiz - Gosudarstvennoe
Social'no-Ekonomi-ceskoe Izdatel'stvo (SU); -> (the same initialism): Gos. Izdatel'stvo
Social'no-Ekonomiceskoj Literatury
SOCIAL SCISEARCH - Social Science Citation Index Search. [Data base] (ISI US)
SOCOCO - Symposium on Software for Computer Control, int (IFAC/IFIP)
SOCODI - Societe Congolaise de Disques (ZR)
SOCOM - Society and Commerce Publications
SOCOTEL - Societe Mixte pour le Developpement de la Technique de la
Communication dans le Do-maine des Telecommunications
SOCRATE - System of Operator Consultant Remote for Accession to
System for Organizing Current Reports to Aid
Technologists and Scientists (Defence Scientific
Information Service - CA)
System for Organizing Content to Review and
Teach Educational Subjects, 1964- (University
of Illinois-US)
SOCS - Scottish Office Computer Service (GB) SOCSCAN (SocScan) - Canadian
Directory Service of Social Scientists, 1977- (Social Science Federation of Canada - C
Studiencentruum voor Overheids Documentatie, 1931- (NL); -* (the same initialism): Studiekring voor Documentatie en Adrjiinistratieve Organisatie der Overheid
Superintendent of Documents (GPO - US)

System Operowania Danymi, p<rf.<DMS,

Sistema Obmena Dannymi
Sistema Obrabotki Dannyh (=DMS, eng)
SODA - Source Oriented Data Automation
SODAC - Source Data Collection
SODAMIS - South Dakota Medical Information
Service, 1974-1978 (US); - LATH SODAS - Synoptic Oceanographic Data
Assimilation System SODETAG-TAI - Societe d'Etudes Techniques et
d'Entreprises Generates: Transmissions-Automatique-Informatique (FR) SODETEC - Societe de Documentation et d'Editions Techniques (FR) SODEX - Social Data Exchange Association, 1969(Council for Community Services, Rhode Island US)
SODIP - Societe pour la Diffusion de la Presse (BE) SODOPOM - Societe pour la
Documentation pour
I'Outre-Mer (FR) SODREM - Societe pour 1'Administration du Droit
de Reproduction Mechanique des Auteurs, Compositeurs et Editeurs (FR) SOEPI - Service Oecumenique de Presse et d'lnformation, int (Geneve, CH) SOETO - Stofeczny Osrodek Elektronicznej Techniki Obliczeniowej, 1968- (PL) SOF - Svenska Oversattforbundet, 1970- (SE)
SOFIA - Systeme Operant sur des Fichiers Inverses
en Archeologie (FR) SOFRADEL - Societe Franchise de Documentation
Electronique, 1957-(FR) SOFRADO - Societe Francaise de Documentation
(FR) SOFRO (SoFRo) - Societe Francaise de Recherche
Operationnelle, -1964 (FR); - AFIRO SOFTINF - General Software Information
(DE) SOGAT - Society of Graphical and Allied Trades
(GB);^NSOPA SOGESCI - Societe Beige pour 1'Application des
Methodes Scientifiques de Gestion, 1960- (BE) SOGREP - Societe Generate de
Recherche et Programmation (FR)
SOI - Standards Organization of Iran (IR) SOI-CTPD - Systeme d'Orientation pour
Plnformation de la Cooperation Technique entre Pays en
Developpement, int, 1977- (PNUD - New York,
Sistema Obrabotki Informacii

Sredstvo Otobrazenija Informacii

SOICC - State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (US) SOITE Stofeczny Osrodek Informacji Technicznej
i Ekonomicznej (PL) *Sojuzkniga - Vsesojuznoe Ob"edinennie Kniznoj
Torgqvli, 1958- (SU)
*Sojuzoptknigotorg - Upravlenie Optovoj Knizno-voj Torgovli, 1949-1959
(*Glavpoligrafizdat-SU) SOK - Standortkatalog
SOKRATES - Siemens On-line Kommunikations-Recherche-Auskunftssystem fur
Technisches Schrifttum (Siemens AG, Munchen - DE)
SOKRATUS - Shromazdovani pozadavku, Objed-navani dokumentu, Katalogizace,
Reference, Ak-tivizace, Telekomunikace, Urgence, Statistiky, cze [Automated library
system] (Statnf Knihovna CSR -CS)
Simulation Oriented Language
Solid Waste Management. [Data base] (Envi
ronmental Canada - CA/ORNL - US)
Statsbiblioteket On-Line Systemet (Statsbibliotek Arhus - DK)
Structure Oriented Language
System Oriented Language
SOLACE - School of Librarianship Automated Cataloguing Experiment (New South
Wales University-AU)
SOLAPIC - Solar Applications Information Center, 1974- (Franklin Institute
Research Laboratories, Science Information Services - US)
Semantically Oriented Lexical Archive, 1973("SDC - US)
Storage and On-Line Automatic Retrieval Sys
tem (Washington State University - US)
SOLD - Searle On-line Data Retrieval System
(G.D.Searle and Co., Corporated Information
Services Department - US) SOLER - System for On-Line Entry and Retrieval
(University of Pennsylvania, Moore School of
Electrical Engineering - US) SOLF - Southern Oregon Library Federation, 1968(US) SOLIB - Social Science Program Library for Small
Computers (SUNY-US) SOLID
Self-Organizing Large Information Dissemina
tion System (University of Pennsylvania - US)
Siemens On-Line Datenkommunikationssystem
SOLINET - Southeastern Library Network, 1974(US) SOLIS

Site Online Informacnich Sluzeb, cze (CS)

Literaturinformationssystem (IZSF - DE)
Symbionics On-Line Information System
SOLIT - Society of Library and Information Techni
cians (US)
Southeastern Ohio Library Organization (US)
System for On-Line Operation (NSI - NO)
SOLOS - Student-Oriented Library On-line System
(Indiana University, School of Library and Information Science - US)
SOLTAS - Florida State University School of Library Training and Service, 1946(US)
SOLUG - San Antonio Area Online Users Group, 1979-(CORAL-US)
SOM - Small Office Microfilm, 1971- (US); -* (the same initialism): Satellite Office
SOMISS - Study of Management Information System Support (US Army)
SOMNA - Somali News Agency, 1963- (SO)
SOMODEL - Societe pour la Modernisation des Libraries
SONAR - [System Oriented for the Automatic Notification of References], 1976(Centro de Infor-macoes Nucleares - BR)
SONEPI - Societe National d'Etudes et de Promotion Industrielle (SN)
SONEPRESS - Societe Nationale d'Edition et de Presse (HV)
Simultaneously Operating Numerical Integra
tion Computer
System On-line Network for Information Con
SONNA - Somali National News Agency (SO)
SOP - Standard Operation Procedure *SOP - Standart Ogranicennogo
Primenenija (= *STOP)
SOPAD - Summary of Proceedings and Debate System (LC- US)
SOPECAM - Societe de Presse et d'Editions du Ca-meroun, 1977- (CM)
SOPEX - Societe de Presse et d'Expression
SOPHIE - Sophisticated Instructional Environment (US)
SOPODA - Social Welfare, Social Planning/Policy and Social Devleopment. An
International Data Base, 1979- (Sociological Abstracts, Inc. - US) *SOPR - Sistema
Obespecenija Prinjatija Resenij
SOPRODOC - Societe de Productions Documen-taires, 1943- (FR)
SOPS - Sachgebietsorientiertes Programmiersystem (ROBOTRON-DD)

SOPS AIDOS - Sachgebietsorientiertes Programmiersystem Automatisiertes

Informations- und Dokumentationssystem (ROBOTRON - DD)
SOPS-AIDOS-FRS - SOPS-AIDOS Faktenrecher-chesystem (DD)
SOPS PLUS - Sachgebietsorientiertes Programmiersystem Planung und Steuerung
der Production (ROBOTRON - DD)
SOQUIJ - Societe Quebecoised'InformationJuridi-que, 1974- (CA)
SOR - Statutory Orders and Regulations. [Full text data base] (QL Systems - CA)
SORAD - Storage and Retrieval of Air-quality Data System
SORDAM - Societe de Reproductions de Dessins Anciens et Modernes (FR)
SORT-Staff Organization Round Table, 1937( ALA-US)
*SORZ - Sistema Opticeskogo Raspoznavanija Zna-kov
SOS - Share Operating System
SOSCOL - South Staffordshire College Libraries
Group (GB)
SOSDOC - Service d'Orientation vers les Sources dTnformation et de
Documentation, 1973-(ANRT- FR) (=SOS-DOC)
SOSP - Societe d'Organisation et de Publicite (FR) *SOSP - Sektorno
Orientirovannaja Sistema Pro-grammirovanija (=SOPS, ger)
SOSRIS - Social Sciences Research Information System (DSIR - NZ)
SOSS - Sudanese Organization for Standard Specifications (SD)
SOT DAT = SOTDAT *SOT - Semanticeskaja Obrabotka Teksta
SOTDAT - Source Text Data System. [Data base on air pollution] (EPA - US)
SOTEK - Semmelweiss Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Konyvtara, Budapest.
[Semmelweiss Medical Academy, Library] (HU)
SOTUS - Sequentially Operated Teletypewriter Universal Selector
SoUL - Southampton University Library (GB)
SOUP AC - Statistically Oriented Users Programming and Consulting (University of
Illinois, Department of Computer Science - US)
SOUTHFORNET - Southern Forestry Information Network (University of Georgia,
Science Library -US)
SOVAL - Single Operator Validation (National Research Development Corp. - US)
SOVIN - Samenwerkingsverband voor Opleiding en Vorming op het terrein van de
Informatieverzor-ging via Netwerken (NL)
SOWIDOK - Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumenta-tion der Kammer fur Arbeiter und
Angestellte fur Wien (AT)
SP - Servicio Nacional de Prensa, 1957- (CO) *SP
Scityvatel' Perfolenty
Spisanie Zurnal, bul

Saudi Press Agency, 1970- (SA)

Screen Printing Association, International
Sdruzeny Podnikovy Archiv, cze (CS)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Autores (PT)
Software Producers' Association (GB)
Specialized Publications Association (IN)
Sudanese Press Agency, 1946- (SD)
Syndicat de la Presse Agricole (FR)
Systems and Procedures Association of Ameri
ca, 1947- (US);> (thesame initialism): Systems
and Procedure Association, 1961-; > ASM
[Association for Systems Management]
*SPA - Spravocno-Poiskovyj Apparat
SP \\-Sage Public Administration Abstracts, 1974-(Sage Publications - US)
SPACECOMPS - Spacecraft Components, int [Data base] (ESA)
SPACEM - Sociedad Puertorriquefia de Autores, Compositores y Editores
Musicales (PR)
SP AF - Syndicat de la Presse Artistia#*risaise
SPAG - Societe pour la Promotion des Arts Graphiques, 1970- (FR) SPAI - Screen Printing Association International,
1967- (Washington, US) (=SPA); ^SPPAI SPAM
Satellite Processor Access Method
Society for the Publication of American Music
Statistical Processing and Analysis (SDC-US)
Systems Planning and Analyses
SPAP - System for Publications Acquisitions and Processing, 1969- (Biblionics
Corporation of America - US)
SPAR - Selection Program for ADMIRAL Runs
*SPAR - Specializirovannyj Perevod Anglo-Russkij, 1979-(*VCP-SU)

Standards Planning and Requirements Com

mittee (ANSI - US)
Strategic Planning and Research Coordination
Group (BL-GB)
SPARTAN - System for Personnel Automated Reports, Transactions and Notices
(NASA, Census Bureau-US)
SPAS - Societe Presse Artistique et Sprotive
SPATF - South Pacific Appropriate Technology Foundation, 1977-(PG)
SPAZ - System zum Speichern und Auffinden zeit-lich gegliederter Daten
(Rechenzentrum Statistik-DD)
SPB - South Pacific Bibliography, 1982- (University of the South Pacific, Pacific
Information Center -FJ)
SPB (SPb) - Svenska Pressbyia (SE)
SPBA - Speciality Paper and Board Affiliates (US)
Sec,ao de Pesquisas Bibliograficas e Traduc,6es
Stationers and Publishers Board of Trade (US)
Security Publishing Corporation (US)
Sistema Panamericano de Gasification
Stored Program Control (Plessey Library Sys
tems -GB)
SPCS - Selective Paging Communications System SPD
Sistem de Preluclare a Datelor, rum (=DPS)
Society of Publication Designers
Standard Periodical Directory, 1963-(Oxbridge
Communications, Inc. -US)
System Przetwarzania Danych, pol (=DPS,
Systems Program Documentation
Set' Peredaci Dannyh
Sistema Peredaci Dannyh
Sistema Podgotovki Dannyh
*SPDOP-Set' Peredaci Dannyh Obscego Pol'zo-vanija
SPDP - Society of Professional Data Processors (US)
SPE - Societe de Publications Economiques (FR)
SPEAKEASY - [Programming language] (University of Southern California School of
Library Science - US)
SPEAR - Source Performance Evaluation and Reporting

Screen Printing Exhibition and Conference
Stored Program Educational Computer
System Prenumeraty i Ewidencji Czasopism
[importowanych z krajow II obszaru
platniczego] (Politechnika Wroclawska, Biblioteka GJowna i OINT - PL)
Systems and Procedures Exchange Center,
1973- (ARL, Office of Management Studies US)
SPECI - Societe de Presse et d'Edition de la Cote
dTvoire (1C) SPECOL - Special Customer Orientated Language
(Bath University Library - GB) SPEDE - System for Processing Educational Data
SpeDEK - Spezieller Datenerhebungskatalog (DE) SPEDTAR - Stored Program
Educational Transistorized Automatic Computer SPEEDCOP - Spelling Error
Detection Correction
Project [in textual databases] (CAS - US) SPEEDI - System for the Publication and
Effective Dissemination of Information (US) SPEEDS - System for Pin-pointed,
Exhaustive and
Expeditious Dissemination of Subjects SPEL - SPEL: Selected Publications in
Languages, 1973-(CLW - GB) SPELD - Societe de Promotion a 1'EtrangerduLivre
de Droit, Sciences Economiques, Sociales et Humaines (FR)
SPEO - Societe de Presse et d'Edition Ovine SPER - Societe de Publicite et
d'Editions Rurale,
1947- (FR) SPERAC - Systemes et Peripheriques Associes aux
Calculateurs (FR) SPERAR - Societe de Publicite, d'Edition, de Re"gie
d'Annuaires et Revues, 1950- (FR) SPERT
Simplifield Program Evaluation and Review
Special PERT
Spracovanie Periodik Externou Spolupracou,
sla (Podnik Racionalizacie Riadenia PoFnohospodSrstva a Vyzivy, Bratislava - CS)
SPEX - Specialist Publishers' Exhibition, 1971(GB); - London Book Fair SPF
1. Science Policy Foundation

3. Sveriges Pappersindustriforbund (SE)

SPH - Schweizer Papierhistoriker (CH)
SPHERE - Scientific Parameters for Health and the Environment, Retrieval and
Estimation ("EPA/ OTS-US);<-HEEDA
SPHINX - [Bibliographic base for economic and social information] (INSEE - FR)
SPHP - Syndicat de la Presse Hebdomadaire de Paris (FR)
Service de la Propagande et de 1'Information
Service de la Propriete Industrielle (FR)
Singapore Periodicals Index, 1969- (Singapore
National Bibliography - SG)
Societe pour ITnformatique (FR)
Society of Photographic Illustrators (US)
System Patentovych Informacf, cze
1. System Pravm'ch Informacf, cze
Sistema Patentnoj Informacii
Sovetsko-Partijnye IzdateFstva (SU)
SPIA - Solid Propellant Information Agency (US)
SPIC - Subsecretaria de Prensa, Informaciones y
Cultura (BO)
SPICS - Special Information Circulars (Central Electricity Generating Board - GB)
SPID - Sozialpolitischer Presse- und Informations-dienst (DE)
SPIDEL - Service pour 1'Information et la Documentation en Ligne, 1978- (Societe
pour ITnformatique - FR)
SPIEL - Spokane Inland Empire Libraries (US)
SPIF - School Practices Information File, 1980-(BRS, Educational Services Group US)
Society for the Promotion and Improuvement
of Libraries, 1960-(PK)
Systems Programming Implementation Lan
SPILS - Society for the Promotion of the Interests of Librarianship Students (Newcastle
Library School -GB)
SPIM - Syndicat Professionel des Imprimeurs a Madagascar (MG)
Intergovernmental Conference on Strategies
and Policies for Informatics Torremolinos. 1978
School Practices Information Network, 1980(BRS, Educational Services Group - US)

Searchable Physics Information Notices, 1970("AIP-US)

Southern California Police Information Net
work (US)
Strategies and Policies for Informatics. [World
Conference], 1978- (Intergovernmental Bu
reau for Informatics)
SPINDEX - Selective
(NARS-US) SPINE - Space Informatics Network Experiment
SPINES - Science and Technology Policy Information Exchange System, 1969(Unesco-Paris, FR)
SPINIA - SPINES Index and Abstracts, 1974-(Unesco)
SPINOZA - Semantic Parser Involving Neostratifi-cational Organization and
Conceptual Dependency Heuristics (Stanford University - US)
SPINSTRE - Spencer Information Storage and Retrieval System (Spencer Chemical
Co. - US)
SPIOC - Social-Politik Informatie- en Onderzoeks-centrum,/?e (BE)
SPIR - Search Program for Infrared Spectra, 1977-(DNASystems, Inc. -US; location:
SPIRAL - Sandia's Program for Information Retrieval and Listing (Sandia Laboratories
- US)
SPIRES - Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System, 1967- (Stanford University US); ^ SPIRES II
SPIRES II - Stanford Public Information Retrieval System (Stanford University - US)
SPIRIT - Systeme Syntaxique et Probabiliste dTn-dexation et de Recherche
dTnformations Textuel-les (FR)
SPIRS - Special Purpose Information Retrieval System (Business Computer Systems
Ltd - CA)
SPIRS(BIB) - Special Purpose Information Retrieval System (Bibliographic), 1971(Department of Communications, Information Retrieval Services-CA)
SPIS - System Paristwowej Informacji Statystycznej (PL)
SPIT - Selective Printing of Items from Tape
SPJ/SDX - Society of ProfessionalJournalists/Sigma Delta Chi (US)
Schweizerische Politische Korrespondenz (CH)
Slovenska Pedagogicka Kniznica, sla (CS)
Speaker's Rulings. [Full text data base of parlia
mentary Speaker's rulings] (QL Systems - CA)
Staatsbibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz
Statni Pedagogicka Knihovna, cze (CS)

Statni Publikacni Komise, cze (CS)
Superpozicionnaja Perfokarta
Svodnyj Pecatnyj Katalog
*SPKB - Specializirovannoe Proizvodstvenno-Konstruktorskoe Bjuro (SU) SPKK
Spolocnost' Priatel'ov Klasickych Knih, 19481950, sla (CS)
Statni Pedagogicka Knihovna Komenskeho v
Praze, cze, 1919- (CS)
SPKM - Spolecnost Pfatel Knihy pro Mladez, cze
(CS) *SPKTB - Special'noe Proektno-Konstruktorskoe
Bjuro (SU) SPL
Simple Programming Language
Special-Purpose Language
O.-l :..a DwtAV-amtVklnn T nMrtltflB^
System Programing Language (Hewlett Pac
kard - US)
Systems Programming Language (Philips-NL)
SPLA - Small Public Libraries Association (US)
SPLARC - Monctclair School and Public Library
Relations Committee (US, New Jersey)
SPLEEN - Systeme de Programmation Logique en Economic de 1'Energie, 1971(CNRS, Centre de Documentation Sciences Humaines/Institut Eco-nomique et
Juridique de 1'Energie - FR)
SPLIT - Sundstrand Processing Languages Internally Translated
SPLQ - Scandinavian Public Library Quarterly, 1968- (Scandinavian Library CenterDK)
SPM - School of Printing Management *SPM - Scetno-Perforacionnaja Masina *SPMA
- Sistematiceskij Pecatnyj Masinnyj Katalog
Slovenske Pedagogicke Nakladatel'stvo, sta,
1953- (CS)
Statni Pedagogicke Nakladatelstvi, cze, 1952(CS)
PN - Statne Podohospodarske Nakladatel'stvo, sla,
1953-1955 (CS)
SPNS - South Pacific News Service, 1948- (NZJ *SPNT - Sistema Programmirovanija
Nabora Tekstov
SPO - Section des Publications Officielles *SPOD
Sistema Peredaci i Obmen Dannymi

Sistema Poiska i Obrabotki Dannyh

SPOI - State Paper Office of Ireland (IE)
Societe Professionnelle des Papiers de Presse
Society of Private Printers (GB)
Syndicat de la Presse Pai^ienne (FR)
SPPA - Screen Process Printing Association, 1948-;
SPPAI - Screen Process Printing Association International; <- SPPA; -> SPAI
SPPB - Statens Psykologisk-Pedagogiska Bibliotek (SE)
Sdruzeni Podniku Polygrafickeho Prumyslu,
Societe Professionelle des Papiers de Presse
SPPS - Services de la Programmation et de la Politique Scientifiques (BE) ( = DPWB,/fe) SPQP - Syndicat de la Presse Quotidienne de
Specialist Periodical Reports (Chemical Society
State Paper Room (BLRD - BG)
SPRAKDOK - Nordisk Dokumentationscentral for
Sprakvetenskap, im, 1977- (Goteborg Universiteit -SE)
SPRD - Science Policy Research Division (LC -US)
SPREAD - Support Program for Remote Entry of
Alphanumeric Displays (British Steel Corp., Strip
Mills Division-GB) SPREd - Society of Pictures Researches and Editors
(GB) SPREE - Syndicat de la Presse Radioelectrique
Franchise (FR) SPRESI - Speicherung und Recherche Strukturchemischer Informationen (ZIC - DD) SPRING - Searle-Pfizer RINGDOC, 1972- (US)
Selective Printing
Simultaneous Print
SPRs - Special Periodical Reports (Royal Society of
Chemistry-GB) SPS
Strojna Pocetni Stanica, cze (CS)
Symbolic Programming System
SPSA - Simple Problem Statement Analyzer
SPSG - Stfedni Prumyslova Skola Graficka, cze

SPSI - Society for the Promotion of Scientific Industry (GB)
SPSS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (University of Iowa, Laboratory for
Political Research-US)
SPSTT - State Public Scientific and Technical Library, 1958-(SU) (=*GPNTB, rus)
SPT - Sveriges Personaltidningsforening, 1945-(SE)
SPU - System pro Sber a Pfenos Udaju, cze (CS)
SPUDOK - Dokumentationssystem fur Hinweise und Spuren (Bundeskriminalamt DE)
SPURT - Symbolic Programming Languages for the UNIVAC Real Time System
SQAP - Swedish Question Answering Project (Sweden Research Institute of National
Defense - SE)
SQL - Structure Query Language;<- SEQUEL
SQR - Syndicat des Quotidiens Regionaux (FR)
SQRD - Service Question-Reponse-Developpe-ment, int (OCDE, Centre du
SQUIRE - System for Quick Ultrafiche-based Information Retrieval
Scientific Report
Sound Recordings (Copyright Office - US)
Science Research Associates (US)
Selected Rand Abstracts, 1948-(Rand Corpora
tion - US)
Selected Reports Announcements (Department
of Industry, Technology Reports Centre - BG)
Statens Reproduktionsanstalt (SE)
SRAD - Storage and Retrieval of Aerometric Data
(EPA - US) S3RB - Southampton, Surrey, Sussex, Reading and
Brunei Libraries Group (GB) SRBD - System Ri'zeni Baze Dat, cze SRBUC Scientific Research in British Universities
and Colleges, -1975 (BL, Bibliographic Services
Division - GB); - RBUPC
Science Research Council, 1965- (GB); -
Social Responsibility Committee, 1971- ("SLA
Standard Reference Code (FID); - (the same
initialism): Subject- field Reference Code;

Statutes Revises du Canada. [Legal data base]

(QL Systems-CA)
Subject-field Reference Code, 1972- (Sperry
Rand Corp. - US)
Systems Research Center (Case Western Reser
ve Institute of Technology - US)
SRCC - Serials Record Control System on Computer
(JP) SRCDL - Survey Research Center Data Library,
1978- (University of California, Survey Research
Center- US) ;<-IDLRS SRCL - Service Rural de Culture et Loisirs SRCNET Science Research Council Network
Schnell Referatedienst
Service de References - Developpement, int,
1973- (Society for International Development Paris, FR)
Standard Reference Data
Systeme de Recherche Documentaire
SRD/COMPCARD - Selective Retrieval of Docu
ments using Computers and Cards, 1967- (Image
Systems, Inc.-US)
SRDA - State and Regional Data Archives, 1979(US)
SRDC - Standard Reference Data Center (US) SRDS
Standard Rate and Date Service (US)
Standard Reference Data System (NBS - US)
SREB - Southern Regional Education Board (US)
SRG - Sound Recording Group (LA - GB)
Selektywne Rozpowszechnianie Informacji,
Sistem de Regasire a Informajiilor, rum (=IRS,
Stanford Research Institute (US)
Statistical Reference Index, 1980- (Congressio
nal Information Service, Inc. - US)
SRIC - Southwest Research and Information Center
(US) SRIG - Surrey Reference and Information Group
(GB) SRIM - Selected Research in Microfiche (NTIS US) SRINGIJ - Savez Radnika i Namestenika Graficke
Industrie Jugoslavije, era (YU) SRIS

Safety Research Information Service, 1967(National Safety Council Library - US)

School Research Information Service, 1967(Phi Delta Kappa International - US) SRL
Science Reference Library (GB) (=BLSRL);
Standard Reference Library
SRLS - Starved Rock Library System (US) SRM - Standard Reference Materials
(NBS - US) SRN - Serial Reference Number *SRNO - Sistema Raspoznanija
Obrazov SRNT - Selective Retrieval of New Tapes, 1969(UK Medlars-GB) SROI - Servicio de Registro le los Organismos Informativos, spa
*SRP - Scetno-Resajuscij Pribor *SRPI - Sluzba Registracii Periodiceskih Izdanij (SU)
SRPO - Science Resources Planning Office (NSF US) SRPP - Sojuz Rabocih Poligraficeskogo Proizvodstva (SU) SRPS - Scientific Research Project Support (NSF US) SRRA - Sage Race Relations Abstracts, 1976- (Sage
Publications - US) SRRC - Science Reading Room Collection (LC,
Science and Technology Division - US) SRRT - Social Responsibilities of Libraries
Table (ALA - US)
SRRT AC - SRRT Action Council (ALA - US) SRS
Scottish Record Society (GB)
Selective Record Service (BLAISE - GB)
SRS/RIS - Social and Rehability Service, Research
Information System (Department of Health, Education and Welfare - US) SRSB Scientific Reference Service Branch (Public
Health Service, National Institute of Occupational
Safety and Health - US); -> TISB SRSI-SiWi Religious Studies Information, 1979(SUNY, Institute for Advanced Studies of World
Religions - US)
SRT - Serials Round Table (ALA - US) SRTPA - Syndicat des Redacteurs Techniques
de la
Presse Agricole SRVID - Statens Rad for Vetenskaplig Information
och Dokumentation, 1968- (SE) SRZ - Satz Rechenzentrum (DE) SS - Svenska
Standard (SE) SS-AB - Science Service - Agence Barnier, Paris
(FR) SS VTEI - Specializovane Stfedisko Vedecko-Technickych a Ekonomickych Informaci, cze (CS) SS VTEI - Specializovane Stredisko
Vedecko-Technickych a Ekonomickych Informacif, sla (CS) SSA

Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv, 1906- (Bund,

Kanton und Stadt Zurich - CH)
Social Science Abstracts (University of Tokyo,
Institute of Social Science - JP)
Social Science Archive, 1972- (University of
Michigan, Institute for Social Research- US)
Society of Southwest Archivists (US)
Stockholms Stadsarkiv (SE) (=StSA)
SSAL - Scientific Serials in Australian Libraries
SSAM - Simple Sequential Access Method SSB
Sectie voor Speciale Bibliotheken (NVB - NL)
Stockholms Stadsbiliothek (SE)
SSBV - Specialgruppen for Social Biblioteksverksamhet (SE)
SSC - SCANNET Service Centre SSCI
Social Sciences Citation Index, 1973- (ISI - US)
Societe de Services et de Conseils en Informatique (FR)
SSD - Svensk Samhallsvetenskaplig Datatjansi,
1981- (Goteborg Universitet - SE) *SSD - Standartnye i Spravocnye Dannye SSDA
Social Science Data Archive, 1967- (Carleton
University, Department of Sociology and An
thropology - CA)
Social Science Data Archives, 1981- (AU)
Social Science Data Archives, 1964- (Universi
ty of Illinois, Survey Research Laboratory US)
SSDA/IOWA - Social Science Data Archive, 1969-(University of Iowa, Laboratory for
Political Research - US)
Social Science Data Center, 1968- (University
of Connecticut, Institute for Social Inquiry US)
Social Science Documentation Centre, 1970(Indian Council of Social Science Research and
Documentation - IN)
Social Science Documentation Centre, int,
1952-(Unesco-Paris, FR)
Scuola Salesiana del Libro (IT)

Social Science Data Library, 1969- (University

of North Carolina, Institute for Research in So
cial Science - US)
SSDN - SUNY Social Data Network (SUMY - US) SSDPS - Solar System Data
Processing System SSE - Societe Suisse des Ecrivains, 1912- (=SSV,
SSEC - Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator SSF - Sallskapet for
Standardiseringens (SE) SSG
Social Sciences Group (Aslib - GB)
SSG-NRW - Sondersammelgebiete Nord-Rhein
Westfalen (DE) SSHR - Social Systems and Human Resources
(NSF, Research Applied to National Needs -US) SSI
Social Sciences Index (H.W.Wilson Co. - US)
Social Sciences Information, int (International
Social Science Council)
^ SnnfeCZnV SvstPm Tnfnrmarvinv nnl
4. Svenska Samfundet for Informationsbehandling, 1959- (SE); -> SSI-SUR SSI-SUR - Svenska Samfundet for Informationsbehandling - Systemutredarnas Riksforening, 1972(SE); <- (formed by the merger of): SSI and SUR SSIB - Svensk-Sydosteuropeiska
SSIC - Social Science Information Center (US) SSID
Sistemul Statal de Informare i Documentare
Social Science Information and Documentation
SSIDA - Steel Sheet Information and Development
SSIE - Smithsonian Science Information Exchange, Inc. (Smithsonian Institution US);- SIE
SSII - Societes de Services et d'Ingenierie Informati-ques (FR)
SSIPP - Social Sciences Instructional Programming Project, 1968- (Beloit College
Computing Center-US)
Social Science Information Studies (GB)
Social Science Information System (York Uni
versity, Institute for Behavioral Research - CA)
Squibb Science Information System (Squibb In
stitute of Medical Research - US)
SSIUL - Social Sciences Information Utilization Laboratory, 1972- (University of
Pittsburgh, University Center for International Studies - US)

SSJ - Stfedisko Selekcnich Jazyku, cze (UVTEI -CS)

SSJ S1TK - Stredisko pre Selekcne Jazyky Slovens-kei Technickej Kniznice, sla (CS)
SSJ UVTEI - Stfedisko pro Selekcni Jazyky Ustfedf VSdeckych, Technickych a
Ekonomickych Infor-maci, cze (CS)
SSJCR - Social Science Journal Citation Reports ("ISI-US)
Slezska Studijni Knihovna, cze (CS)
Statnf Studijni Knihovna, cze (CS)
Svaz Slovenskych Knihovnfkov, sla (CS)
Sistema SimboliCeskogo Kodirovanija
Standartnyj Spravocnyj Kod (=SRC, eng)
SSK - Statna Studijna Kniznica v Kosicach, sla (CS)
Software Sciences Limited (GB)
Software Specification Language
Storage Structure Language
Suomen Sanomalehtimiesten Liitto. [Associa
tion of Finnish Journalists], 1921- (FI) (=FJF,
System Specification Language
SSMI - Societe Suisse des Maitres Imprimeurs (CH) SSN
Standard Serial Number
Svaz Slovenskych Novinarov, sla (CS)
SSNS - Standard CtiiHir Mi.mhorir,.* Circtom
SSO - Subject Systems Office (BLBSD - GB) SSOCR - Super-Scale Optical Character
Reader *SSOPI - Sposob Sistematizacii Opisanija i Poiska Informacii SSP - Society for Scholarly Publishing, 1978- (US);
*SSP - Sojuz Sovetskih Pisatelej (SU) SSPE - Spolek Sberatelu a Pfatel Exlibris, cze
(CS) SSPL - Societe Suisse des Patrons Lithographes
(CH) (=VSLB, ger) SSPI - Sammelschwerpunktplan der Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken (DD) SSPS - Statistical Package for the Social Sciences
(IBM-US) SSR - Standing Search Reference File (BALLOTS US) SSRC-Social Sciences Research Council, 1965(GB) SSRDS - State Standard Reference Data Service
(SU)(=*GSSSD,nw) SSRI - Systeme de Stockage et de Recherche de ITnformation
SSRU - Standard Speech Reproducing Unit SSS

Societa degli Scrittori Svizzeri (CH)

Subject Specialisation Scheme
Subject Specialists Section (ACRL - US)
Substructure Search System (CAS - US)
Svaz Slovenskych Spisovatel'ov, sla (CS)
SST - Severoslovenske Tlaciarne, sla (CS)
SSTV - Slov-Scan Television
SSUA - StatnySlovenskyUstrednyArchiv,s/a(CS)
SSUS - Social Science User Service (US)
SSV - Schweizerischer Schriftstellerverein. 1912(CH)(=SSE,/re)
SSVN - Substructure Searching via Nomenclature SSWTI - Staatliches System der
WissenschaftlichTechnischen Information ST
Service des Transmissions
SlovackeTiskarny, cze (CS)
Specification Technique
ST-TRS - Statewide Telephone-Teletype Reference System, 1968- (Mississippi Library
Commission -US) *ST SEV
Institut SEV po Standartizacii, int, 1962(*SEV-Moskva, SU)
Standart Soveta Ekonomiceskih Vzaimpomosci, int
Science and Technology Agency (JP)
Scottish Typographical Association (GB)
Society of Typographic Arts (US)
Statni Archiv, cze (CS)
Stfedoevropska Tiskova Agentura, cze (CS)
StA - Staatsarchiv (DD)
StAB - Staatliche Allgemeinbibliothek (DD) StAB/H - Staatliche
Allgemeinbibliothek, hauptberuflich geleitet (DD) SlAB/N - Staatliche Allgemeinbibliothek, nebenberuflich geleitet (DD)
STACO - Standing Committee for the Scientific Principles of Standardization, int,
1952- (ISO); - (the same initialism): Standing Committe for the Study of Principles of
STAGS - Serials Tracking and Control System. 1985- (Battelle Columbus
Laboratories- US)
STAD - Societe de Traitement Automatique des Donnees (FR)
STADIS - State-wide Dissemination System (US. Michigan)
StAFO - Staatlicher Archivfonds der DDR (DD)

STAG - Semana Tecnologica Artes Graficas (BR)

STAIAT - Service du Traitement Automatique de 1'Information de 1'Armee de Terre
STAIRS - Storage and Information Retrieval System (IBM-US)
STAIRS-AQUARIUS - Storage and Information Retrieval System - A Query and
Retrieval Interactive Utility System, 1972- (BCN - US)
STAIRS/TLS - STAIRS Thesaurus and Linguistic Integrated System (IBM - US)
STAIRS/VS - Storage and Information Retrieval System vor Virtual Storage (IBM US)
STAIS - Student Advisory Information Service, 1970- (University of Dayton - US)
STALIS - Statistical Literature Information System
(DE) STALUS - Statute Law Updating Service (Infolex GB)
STAMIS - Standard Army Management Information Systems (US)
STAMP - Systems Tape Addition and Maintenance
Program (Honeywell - US)
*Standartgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Stan-dartov (SU)
Satellites for Telecommunications. Applica
tions and Research. [An organization)
Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports,
Serial Titles Automated Records (N AL - US)
Societe d'Editions Scientifiques, Techniques el
Artistiques, 1945-(FR)
Statistical Table Assembly and Retrieval (US)
System to Automate Records. 1982- (Cuadra
Associates, Inc. -US)
STARC - Study Team on Automatic Record Creation (BL-GB)
STARFIRE - System to Accumulate and Retrieve Financial Information with Random
Science and Technology Automated Research
Summary Tape Assistance, Research and Trai
ning (National Data Use and Access Laborato
STAS - Slandardede Stal (RO)
STASH - StandardetShteterore. (National Standard)
(AL) STATINDOK - Statisztikai Informacin es Dokumentacio. [Statistical Information and Documentation], 1978- (KSH - HU) STATISBUND - Statistisches Informationssystem

des Bundes (Statistisches Bundesamt - DE) *Statizdat - Gosudarstvennoe

Izdatel'stvo Statisticeskoj Literatury (SU)
STATLIB - Statistical Computing Library (Bell -US)
STATSID - Statistique Service Information Documentation, 1965- (ElfAquitaine/Compagnie Franchise des Pe'troles/Institut Francois du Petrole -FR)
STATUS - Statute Search (UKAEA - GB) STB
Schweizerischer Typographenbund (CH)
Skandinaviska Telegrambyra (SE)
StB - Stadtbibliothek
StBezB - Stadtbezirksbibliothek
STBFB - Schweizerischer Typographenbund zur
Forderung der Berufsbildung (CH) StBii - Stadtbiicherei STC
Satellite Television Corporation Short-Title Catalogue of books printed in England,
Scotland and Ireland, and of English books printed abroad, 1475-1640. London
1926; 2 ed. 1976 (GB)
Society for Technical Communication, 1971-(US);<-STWP
4. 5. 6.
Software Technology for Computers Source Telecomputing Corporation (US)
Standard Transmission Code STCC - Study Team on Classification Categories
(Department of Environment - GB) STD
Society of Typographic Designers, 1928- (GB)
System zur Textdokumentation (IAD-System DE)
*STD na ASU - Sistema Tehniceskoj Dokumentacii
naASU(SU) STDST - Solar-Terrestrial Data Services Division
(National Geophysical and Solar-terrestrial Data
Center-US) STEG - Service de Documentation de la Societe Tunisienne de I'Electricite etdu Gaz (TN) STEI
Scientific, Technical and Economic Informa
tion (=VTEI, cze, sla)
Stfedisko Technickych a Ekonomickych Informaci, cze (CS)
STEIN - Short-Term Experimental Information Network (BL-GB)
STEIOKD - STEI Ostravsko-Karvinskych Dolu,
cze (CS) STEMRA - Stichting tot Exploitatie van Mechanische Reproductierechten der Auteurs (NL) STEP
Scientific and Technical Exploitation Program
Standard Tape Executive System (National
Cash Register-US)

Standard Terminal Program

STEPS-Ships Technical Publication System (US Navy)
STET - Specialized Technique for Efficient Typesetting (Honeywell - US)
Short Title File
Simplified Todai Format (JP)
Svenska Typografforbundet (SE)
STFM - Societe des TextesFrancaisModernes(FR) STG - Special Technology Group
(NTIS - US) StHSB - Stockholms Hogskolas Bibliotek (SE) STI
Science Typographers, Inc. (US)
Scientific and Technical Information
Scientific and Technological Information Net
work (CA)
Secretaria de Tecnologia Industrial (BR)
Service Technique Informatique (IRIA - FR)
Sluzba Techniceskoj Informacii, sla
1. Specialized Textile Information (Shirley Institute-GB) (=STIS)
8. Stfedisko Technickych Informaci, cze (CS) STI/SS - Scientific and Technical
Information/Systems and Services *STI
Sekcija Tehnifieskoj Informacii
Sistema za T"rsene na Informacija, but (=IRS,
STIB - Scientific and Technical Information Branch
STIBOKA - Stichting voor Bodenkartering. [Data
base] (NL) STIC
Science and Technology Information Center,
Scientific and Technical Information Center
Societe des Traducteurs et Interpretes du Cana
da (CA)
Society of Translators and Interpreters of Cana
da (CA)
Science and Technology Information and Docu
mentation, int (European Communities)
Scientific and Technical Information and Docu
Scientific and Technical Information Division
STIEC - Generation and Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information in
the European Communities, int (CEC)

STIF - Scientific and Technical Information Facility, 1962-(NASA-US)

STIL - Statistical Interpretive Language
SUMS - Scientific and Technical Information Modular System (NASA - US)
STIMULI - Systeme de Traitement Interactif des Monographies de I'Universite de
Liege (BE)
Science and Technology Information Officers
Scientific and Technical Information Division
(US Army, Corps of Engineers, Office of the Chief of Engineers)
Scientific and Technical Information Office,
1959- (US Army Material Command, Harry
Diamond Laboratories)
Scientific and Technical Information Program
Scientific and Technical Information Service,
int (IAEA)
STIO - Scientific and Technical Information Office (NASA-US)
STIP - Scientific and Technical Information Processing (US)
STIPA - Systeme de Transfer! de ITnformation Pe-dagogique et Agronomique, int
[French language countries] (INRA - FR)
STIPIS - Scientific, Technical, Intelligence and Program Information System (HEW
- US)
STIPP - Stfedisko Technickych Informaci Potravi-nafskeho Prumyslu, cze, 1958(CS)
Scripture Translation Information Report,
1971- (Final Advance of Scripture Translation US)
Statistics Indexing and Retrieval (Loughborough University of Technology Library GB)
STIRS - Self-Training Interpretive and Retrieval System (Cornell University, School
of Arts - US) STIS
Science and Technology Information Systems
Scientific and Technical Information Services,
Inc. (US)
Scientific and Technical Intelligence System
(Air Force, Foreign Technology Division - US)
Specialized Textile Information Service, 1971(Shirley Institute - GB) (=STI)

STISEC - Scientific and Technology Information Services Enquiry Committee,

STISI - Service du Traitement de ITnformation et des Statistiques Industrielles
(Ministere de ITndu-strie - FR)
STISS - Scientific and Technical Information Systems and Services
STITE - Scientific and Technical Information Transfer for Education, 1973- (Georgia
Institute of Technology, School of Information and Computer Science US)
STIWEX - Stichwort-Index (Siemens A.G. - DE)
Sekce Technickych Knihoven, cze (CS)
Statni Technicka Knihovna, Praha, cze (CS)
STK - Statna Technicka Kniznica, KoSice, sla (CS)
STKS - Suomen Tieteellinen Kirjastoseura. [Finnish
Research Library Association], 1929- (FI) (=FVBS, swe)
STLBW - Stedelijke Technische Leergangen voor Bibliotheekwezen (NL);(foundedas): Stedelijke Middelbare School voor Opleiding van Biblio-theek-,
Archief- en Museumpersoneel, 1940STLS - South Texas Library System (US)
International Group of Scientific, Technical
and Medical Publishers, int, 1969- (IP A - Am
sterdam , NL) (=IPA/STM)
Short-Term Memory
Societe Technique du Microfilm (FR)
Sci-Tech News (US)
Sportovni a Turisticke Nakladatelstvi, cze,
1957- (CS)
StatniTelovychovne Nakladatelstvi, cze, 1954
1957 (CS)
TN - Statne Televychovne Nakladatel'stvo, sla,
1954-1955 (CS)
STNA - Scandinavian Telegraphic News Agency STO
Standing Orders. [Full text data base of Parlia
ment orders] (LQ Systems - CA)
State Library of Ohio (US)
*STOD - Sistema Teleobrabotki Dannyh
STOIAC - Strategic Technology Information Analysis Center (BCL - US); ^BDIAC
STOL - System Test and Operation Language
STOLine - State Library of Ohio On-Line System (US)

STOP - Single Title Order Plan (US); <- SCOP *STOP - Standard Ogranicennogo
Primenenija (= *SOP)
STOPIN - System for Topographic Inquiry (US Army)
STOR - System for Table Oriented Reports (US)
STORES - Syntactic Tracer Organised Retrospective Enquire System (IWIS/TNO NL)
STORET - Storage and Retrieval for Water Quality Data(EPA-US)
STORMS - Standardized Operation Research Management System
Science and Technology Project, 1947- (LC US)
Special Technical Publications
StowarzyszenieTfumaczyPolskich, 1961-(PL)
*STP - Standart Predprijatija (SU)
STPC - Society of Technical Publications Contractors; - (the same initialism):
Society of Technical Presentation and Communication *STPI - Sektor Tehniceskoj
Pomosci i Informacii
*STPK - Svodnyj Tematiceskij Plan Komplektovani-ja
STPL - Standard Test Processing Language
STR - Scientific Technical Report
STRAM - Synchronous Transmit Receive Access Method
STRC - Scientific, Technical and Research Comis-sion, int, 1965- (Organization of
African Unity -Lagos, NG) (=OAU/STRC, eng; CRST,/re)
STRC-IVS - Science and Technology Research Centers - Inverted File Search System
STRIDA - Systeme de Traitement des Inforasations de Defense Aerienne (FR)
1 . Standard Taped Routines for Image Processing (NBS - US)
2. String Processing Language (SE) STRIVE - Standard Techniques for Reporting Information on Value Engineering STRN - Standard Technical Report Number, 1974( ANSI -US) STROBE - Structured Observation of the Environment (US) *STROJIZDAT - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo po
Stroitel'stvu i Arhitekture (SU) STRUBAL - Structured Basic Language STRUDL Structural Design Language (MIT- US) STS
1 . Science and Technology Section (ACRL - US)
Scientific Terminal System

Scottish Text Society (GB)

Selective Tape Service
Slezska Tiskova Sluzba, cze (CS)
STSA - State Technical Service Act (US)
StSA - Stockholms Stadarkiv (SE) (=SSA)
STSC - Scientific Time Sharing Corporation (US)
STSK - [Scandinavian Telecommunications Satellite
Committee], int, 1961-; - NTSK STT-FNB - Suomen Tietotoimisto-FinskaNotisbyra, fin/swe (Fl)
STU - Styrelsen for Teknisk Utveckling (SE) STUB - STUB: Fortegnelse over
(Odense Universitetsbibliotek - DK) STUB (StUB) - Stadt- und
StuLB - Stadt- und Landesbibliothek (DE) STUR - System Test for Uniterm Retrieval
STURPUBS - Study of the Army Publications Systems (US)
STuUB - Stadt- und Universitatsbibliothek (DE) STW
Society of Technical Writers, 1953-1960 (US);
System Tape Writer
STWP - Society of Technical Writers and Publishers, 1960- (US); - (formed by the
merger of}: STWE
*SU - Sistematiceskij Ukazatel' SUA
1 . Slovensky Ustredny Archiv, sla (CS) 2. Statni Ustredm Archiv, cze (CS) SUB
Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek (DE)
Stockholms Universitetsbibliotek (SE)
*SUBD - Sistema Upravlenija Bazami Dannyh
SUBTIL - Synthesized User-Based Terminology Index Language, 1972- (McGill
University, Graduate School of Library Science - CA)
Scottish Union Catalogue (GB)
Slavonic Union Catalogue (BLLD - GB)
Sydjysk Universitetscenter (DK)
SUCESU - Sociedade dos Usua>ios de ComnutadoSUDAM - System Ujmowania Danych Metodycz-nych (Alaska Akademia MedycznaPL)
SUDEL - Societe Universitaire d'Editions et de Li-brarie, 1932-(FR)
SUDENA - Siiddeutsche Nachrichten-Agentur, -1949 (D)
SUDOCS (SuDocs) - Superintendent of Documents Classification System (US)
*Sndpromgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Sojuznoe Izdatel'stvo Sudostroitel'noj

Promyslennosti (SU) *Sudproinizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury

Sudostroitel'noj Promyslennosti (SU)
SUDV - Schweizerischer Ubersetzer- und Dolmet-scherverband (CH) (=ASTI,/re)
SUG - Sdruzeni Umelcu Grafikii, cze (CS)
SUISA - Societe Suisse des Auteurs et Editeurs
*SUKD - Sistema Upravlenija Konstruktorskoj Do-kumentacii
SUKK - Slovenske Ustredie Kniznej Kultiiry, sla (CS)
Small University Libraries Section (CACUL CA)
Southampton University Library (GB)
Stanford University Library (US)
Stirling University Library (GB)
SULIC - Sulzer Literature Dissemination and Classification, 1967- (Gebruder Sulzer
A.G. -CH)
SULIRS - Syracuse University Libraries Information Retrieval System, 1968- (US)
Sulzer-Literatur-Sortier- und Verteilverfahren
(Gebruder Sulzer A.G., Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Forschungsbibliothek - CH)
Syracuse University Library Information Sys
tem, 1970-(US)
SUMER - System Universe! de Memorisation et de Recherche (FR)
SUMEX - Stanford University Medical Experimental Computer (Stanford University,
School of Medicine - US)
SUMEXAIM - Stanford University Medical Experiment - Applications of Artificial
Intelligence to Medical Research (US)
SUMIT - Standard Utility Means for Information Transformation
SUMSTAT - Summary Statistics (NTIS - US)
SPINDEX Users' Network (NHPRC - US)
Symbols, Units, Nomenclature (IUPAP)
Task Force on the Study of User Needs, 1981(FID)
SUNA - Sudan News Agency (SD)
SUNIST - Serveur Universitaire National pour 1'Information Scientifique et Technique, 1984(DBMIST-FR)
SUNY - State University of New York (US) SUNY-BCN - State University of New
York, BiomeHiral Pnmmimi/' Wot.mfrt.-L' ioQ /ITC\

SUNYLA - State University of New York Librarians Association (US)

SUPARS - Syracuse University Psychological Abstracts Retrieval Service, 1969- (US)
*SUPD - Sistema Upravlenija Peredaci Dannyh
SUPPLIERS - Sources for Uniform Procurement Planning Library
Evaluation/Retrieval System (US)
SUPRIR - Sistema para Usuarios de Pesquisa Re-trospectiva em Informacpes
Referenciadas (CNEN/CNPq-BR)
SUR - Systemutredarnas Riksforening (SE); > SSISUR
*SURBD - Sistema Upravlenija Raspredelennymi Bazami Dannyh
SURF - Support of User Records and Files (SDC -US)
SUS - Speech Understanding System
SUSA - Sage Urban Studies Abstracts, 1973- (Sage Publications - US)
SUSE - Systeme Unifie de Statistiques d'Entrepri-ses. [Data base] (INSEE - FR)
SUSF-EL - State University System of Florida, Extension Library (US)
SUSI - Supply of Unpublished Survey Information (Ordnance Survey - GB)
SuStB - Staats- und Stadtbibliothek (DE)
Saarbriicken Ubersetzungssystem (DE)
Suchsystems (German Press Agency - DE)
SUTEIN - Slovensky Ustav pre Technicke a Ekonomicke Informacie, sla (CS) SUTHD - Slovensky Ustav pre Technicku a Hospodarsku Dokumentaciu, sla (CS) SUTI - Slovensky Urad pre Tlac a Informacie, sla
(CS) SUTZ - System Ustrednf Technicke Zakladny, cze
SuUB - Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek (DE) SUVN - Statnf Ufad pro Vynalezy a
cze (CS) SUVTEI - Slovenske Ustredie Vedeckych, Technickych a Ekonomickych Informacii, sla (CS) SUWLSCP - South West University
Libraries Systems Co-operation Project, 1969- (GB); -
SWALCAP SUZDS - Statnf Ustav pro Zdravotnickou Dokumentaci a Knihovnickou Sluzbu, cze, 1961- (CS);
<- (formed by the merger of): SLK and UZD SV
Schweizer Verlagshaus (CH)
Siiddeutscher Verlag (DE)
SVAJ - Schweizerische Vereinigung der Agrarjour-nalisten(CH)(=ASJA,/re)
SVAL - Sangamon Valley Academic Library Consortium (US, Illinois)
SVAR - Svensk Arkivinformation i Ramsele, 1982-(Umea Universitet - SE)
SVB - Schweizerische Volksbibliothek, 1920-(CH)
SVD - Schweizerische Vereinigung fur Dokumenta-tion, 1939- (CH) (=ASD,/re)
SVEB - Schweizerische Vereinigung fur Erwachsenenbildung (CH)

*Sverdligiz - Sverdlovskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)

SVFBJ - Schweizerische Vereinigung Freier Berufs-journalisten (CH) (=ASJLP,/re)
SVGU - Schweizerischer Verband Graphischer Unternehmen (CH)
SMC - Shock and Vibration Information Center, 1947- (US Navy, Naval Research
SVIPA - Suisse Viewdata Information Providers Association (CH)
SVIUK - System Vedeckych Informaci Univerzity
Karlovy, cze (CS) *Svjaz'izdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Voprosam Svjazi i Radio (SU) *Svjaz'radioizdat = *Svjaz'izdat
*Svjaz'tehizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Lite-ratury po Tehnike Svjazi (SU)
SVK - Statnf Vedecka Knihovna, cze (CS)
SVK-OTL - Statnf Vfidecka Knihovna - Odbor Technicke Literatury, cze (CS)
SVK - Statna Vedecka Kniznica, sla (CS)
SVKL - Slovenske Vydavatel'stvo Krasnej Literatury, sla, 1953- (CS)
iSVKL - Statne Vydavatel'stvo Krasnej Literatury, sla (CS)
SVKOL - Statni Vedecka Knihovna Olomuc, cze, 1966- (CS)
SVKOS - Statni VSdecka Knihovna v Ostrave, cze, 1951- (CS)
SVM - Siiddeutscher Verlag Munchen (DE)
SVMK - Sektor Vyzkumu a Metodiky Knihovnictvf, cze(CS)
Spolek Vefejnych Obecm'ch Knihovniku, cze
Statni Vedecka Knihovna v Ostrave, cze (CS)
SVOR - Schweizerische Vereinigung fur Operations
Research (CH)
SVP - Societe SVP [=S'il Vous Plait], 1935- (FR) SVPI - Surface and Vacuum Physics
Index (Fachin-formationszentrum Energie, Physik, Mathematik-DE)
SVPL - Slovenske Vydavatel'stvo Politickej Literatury, sla, 1953- (CS) SVPL - Statne
Vydavatel'stvo Politickej Literatury,
sto(CS) SVRT - Stdtni Vybor pro Rozvoj Techniky, cze,
SVRT - Stitny Vybor pre Rozvoj Techniky, sla (CS) SVS - Sveriges StandardiseringKommission (SE) SVSF - Sveriges Vetenskapliga Specialbiblioteks F6rening,1945-(SE)
SVST - SlovenskS Vysok4 Skola Technicka, sla (CS) SVTL - Slovenske' Vydavatel'stvo
Tcctak*e| Literatury, sla, 1955- (CS)
SVTS-P - Slovenska VedeckotechnickS Spolocnost'
Poligraficka, sla (CS) SWI - Stfedisko pro Vynalezy a V6decke Informace CSAV, cze, 1966- (CSAV - CS) SWA - Schweizerisches Wirtschaftsarchiv, 1910(Offentliche Bibliothek der Universitat Basel SWAC

Specification Writers Association of Canada

Standards Western Automatic Computer
SWAG - Systematik fur die Wissenschaftliche Abteilung der Gymnasialbibliothek (DE) SWALC - Southwest Academic Library
(US) SWALCAP - South West Academic Libraries Cooperative Automation Project, 1972- (GB); <
SWULSCP SWALO - Southern Wisconsin Academic Librarians' Organisation (US) SWAMI - Stanford Worldwide Acquisition of Meteorological Information (US) SWARBICA - South and West Asian Regional
Branch of ICA, int, 1976- (New Delhi, IN) SWB - Sectie voor Wetenschappilijke
(NVB-NL) SWCLC - Southwest Community Library Council
(US) SWDC - Shock Wave Data Center (University of
California, Lawrence Radiation Laboratory - US) SWEDIS - Swedish Drug
Information System (National Board of Health and Welfare - SE) SWELP - South Western Educational Library
Project, 1969- (Western Michigan University Library
SWEMARC - Swedish MARC (SE) SWGHSLC - Southwest Georgia Health Science
Library Consortium (US) SWHSLC - Southeastern Wisconsin Health Science
Library Consortium (US) SWI
System Wyszukiwania Informacji, pol (=IRS,
SWIDOC - Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Informa tie-en Documentatiecentrum, 1963(KNAW - NL)
1 . Significant Words in the Full Title (Olin Mathie-son Chemical Corp. - US)
Significant Words Indexed from Title (RCA
Corp. -US)
Social Work Information for Today (Aslib So
cial Sciences Working Group - GB)
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Te
SWIFT-LASS - Signal Word Index of Field and Title - Literature Abstracts Specialized
Search, 1966-(Carborundum Co. - US)

SWIFT-SIR - Signal Word Index of Field and Title -Scientific Information Retrieval,
1965- (Carborundum Co. - US)
SWIM - Swedish Imprints 1731-1833
SWIRS - Solid Waste Information Retrieval System, 1967- (EPA, Solid Wastes Office US)
SWIT - System Wyszukiwania Informacji z Zakresu Telekomunikacji, 1973- (Instytut
Lacznosci, BOINTE-POL)
SWK (SwK) - Schlagwortkatalog
SWLA - Southwestern Library Association, 1922-(US) (=SLA)
SWLC - Southwestern Library Council (US)
SWLS - Sea War Library Service (GB)
SWMMPA - South Wales and Monmounthshire Master Printers' Alliance (GB)
SWMPA - South-Western Master Printers' Alliance (GB)
SWNA - Saskatchewan Weekly Newspapers Association (CA)
SWOC - Subject-Word-of Context
SWORCC - South Western Ohio Regional Computer Center (Miami University,
Administrative Data Processing Center - US)
SWORD - Shallow Water Oceanographic Research Data System (US)
SWORL - Southwestern Ohio Rural Libraries (US)
SWPA - Southwestern Photoengravers Association
SWR - Schlagwortregister
SWRA - Selected Water Resources Abstracts, 1968-(WRSIC-US)
SWRLB - South West Regional Library Bureau (SWRLS-GB)
SWRLS - Southwestern Regional Library System (GB)
SWRLSS - Southwest Regional Library Service System (US)
SWRN - Statewide Reference Network, 1968- (Colorado State Library - US)
SWRSIC - Southern Water Resources Scientific Information Center, 1972- (North
Carolina State University - US)
SWUCNET - Southwest Universities Computer Network (US)
SWULSCP - South West University Libraries Systems Cooperative Project, 1972(GB); -> SWALCAP
SWURCC - Southwest Universities Regional Computer Centre (US)
SWVLAC - Southern West Virginia Library Automated Corporation (US)
SWW - Systematyczny Wykaz Wyrobow (PL)
SWWJ - Society of Women Writers and Journalists (GB)
SYBIDI - Systeme Bibliographique et Documentai-re Relatif a PImmigration (BE)
SYCOL (Sycol) - System Compiler Language
SYDOL - Systeme de Documentation en Loisir (Centre d'Information sur 1'Enfance et
Adolescence Inadaptees - CA)
SYDOLAB - Systeme de Documentation de Labo-ratoire (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires
- FR)

SYDONIA - Systeme Douanier Automatise pour

la Saisie, le Controle et la Gestion (CNUCED Division pour la Cooperation
Economique entre Pays en Developpement - Geneve, CH) (=ASYCUDA, eng;
SIDUNEA, spa) SYDORE - Systeme Documentaire Reparti (Institut de Programmation - FR) SYFA - System for Access (Computer Automation,
Inc.-US) SYFF - Sveriges Yngre Folksbibliotekaries Forening
(SE) SYFIP - Syndicat Federal des Industries Polygraphiques SYFNID - Sistema y Fondo Nacional de Informacion para el Desarrollo, 1977-(BO) SYFODA - Systeme Documentaire des Fabrications d'un Atelier de Mechanique (Centre d'Etudes Nucleaires - FR)
SYGAL - System-Gaphyor-Language (CNRS, La-boratoire de Physique des Gaz et de
Plasmas a Or-say-FR)
SYGEBRE - Systeme de Gestion des Brevets, 1971- (Service Central de
Documentation de Creu-sot-Loire - FR) SyK - Systematischer Katalog SYMBIOSIS System for Medical and Biological Sciences Information Searching (New York State
University - US)
SYMRO - System Management Research Operation (General Etectric Co. - US)
SYNABA - System Informacji o Pracach Naukowo-Badawczych i Rozwojowych
SYNABA-CH - System Ewidencji Prac Naukowo-Badawczych w Resorcie PrzemysJu
Chemicznego, 1980- (Instytut Ekonomiki Przemysl'u Chemicznego-PL) SYNAICAM
- Systeme National d'Information Camerounais (CM) SYNAP - Syndicat National des Attaches de Presse
SYNAPS - Syntax-Analyse der Patentanspriiche SYNCON - Syntax Conversion
Language SYNET - System Network (Louisiana State University-US)
SYNTHEX - Synthesis of Complex Verbal Materials (SDC - US) SYNTOL Syntagmatic Organization Language,
SYNTRAN - Syntax Translation (IBM-US) SYP - Society of Young Publishers,
1949- (GB) SYSCAD - Systems Concept Analysis, Development (US)
SySFA - Systeme Integre de Fichiers Auto-Programes (Universite de Liege, Centre d'Etudes pour la
Promotion des Ordinateurs dans la Construction BE)
SYSIDORE - Systeme de Selection d'Information
Documentaire Repartie (FR) SYSIF - Systeme dTnterrogation de Fichier (FR)
Systeme de Translation, int, 1970- (CCE)

Systems Analysis Translator, 1965 (US)

SYSX - Systems Exchange Company, 1970- (US)
SYWIR - System Wyszukiwania Informacji i Redagowania Biuletynow (PL)
SZAKMA - Szakszervezeti Konyvtdrak Mukodesi Adatai. Statistiszkikai Tdjekoztato.
[Activity of Trade Union Libraries. Statistical Guide], 1977-(OSZK-KMK-HU)
SZAMALK - Szamitastechnikai Alkalmazasi Val-lalat. [Computer Applications and
Service Compa-nv], 1982- (HU); <- SZAMOK SZAMKI - Szamitogepalkalmazasi
Kutato Inezet. [Research Institute for Applied Computing] (HU) SZAMOK Szamitastechnikai Oktato Kozpont. [Centre for Computing Technique Education],
-1982 (KSH - HU); - SZAMALK SZAMTI - Szamitastehnikai Intezet. [Institute of
Computing] (MuM - HU) SZB - Stadt- und Zentralbibliothek (DD) *SZB - Sojuz na
Zurnalistite v B"lgarija (BG) SZBV - SchweizerundZurcherBuchhandlervereine
(CH) SZdN - Statni Zdravotnicke Nakladatelstvi, cze,
1949-1952 (CS)
SZIIB - Szakirodalmi Informatics Bizottsag. [Committee for Professional Literature
Information] (HU)
SZIKB - Szakmai Informacios Konzultativ Bizottsag. [Advisory Council for
Specialized Information], 1971-(HU) SZIT - Szelektiv Informacioterjesztes, nun
SZITB - Szakmai Informatics Tarcakozi Bizottsag. [Intel-ministerial Advisory Council
for Specialized Information], 1972-(HU)
SZIV - Szamitopeges Informacio Visszakereso Rendszer. [Automated Information
Retrieval System] (HU)
SZKDI - Szovetkezeti Kutato es Dokumentacios Iroda. [Bureau of Research and
Documentation in Cooperative Mouvement] (HU) SZKI - Szamitastechnikai
Koordinacios Intezet. [Institute for Computing Coordination] (HU) SZKSZSZ Szamitogepes Kemiai Szakirodalomfi-gyeld Szolgalat. [Automated Chemical
Information Centre], 1971- (Veszpremi Vegyipari Egye-tem Kozponti Konyvtara HU) SZN
Slovensky ZvazNovinarov,s/a (CS)
Statni ZemfidSlske Nakladatelstvi, cze, 1953(CS)
SZOKONTV - Foldmuvesszotkezeti KonyvtarjesztoVdllalat(HU) SZOT - Szakszervezetek Orszagos Tanasca. [Trade
Unions National Council] (HU) SZOVORG - Szovetkezeti Gazdasagszervezesi es
Szamitastechnikai. [Organisation, Economics and
Computing Technique Centre] (HU) SZT - Szabadalmi Tar. [Patent Collection] (HU)
SZTAKI - Szamitastechnikai es Automatizalasi Ku-tato Intezeteben. [Research
Institute for Computers and Automation] (MTA - HU)

SZT1 - Szamitastechnikai Tejekoztato Iroda. [Computing Technique Information

Bureau], 1969SZIJV - Szamitastechnikai es Ugyvitelszervezd Vallalat. [Bureau of Computing Services and Management Organisation] (HU) SZV - Schweizerischer Zeitungsverleger-Verband,
1890- (CH) (=ASEG, ita; ASEJ,/re) SZVT - Szervezesi es Vezetesi Tudomanyos
Tarsasag. [Scientic Society for Management] (HU) SZVU- Slovensky Zvaz Vytvarnych
Umelcov, sla
T-Card - Transaction Card
T&D Abstracts - Training and Development Abstracts. [Data base] (ILO - Geneve,
T-DAM - Time-series Database Management System (US)
T&E - Training and Education
Telecom Australia (AU)
Term Associe
Traduction Automatique
Translators Association (GB)
Typographical Association (GB)
Typographische Anstalt (AT)
*TA - Tehniceskij Arhiv (SU)
TAA - Thermal Analysis Abstracts, 1972- (Wiley
HeydenLtd-GB) TAADS - The Army Authorized Document System
(US Army) TAAG - Toronto Area Archivists Group, 1973(CA)
TAAN - Transworld Advertising Agency Network TAB
Title Announcement Bulletin (ASTIA-US);-*
(the same initialism): Technical Abstracts Bulle
Translators Association in Britain (GB)
TABA - The American Book Awards, 1980- (Asso
ciation of American Publishers - US); < NBA;
TABAMLN - Tampa Bay Medical Library Network (University of South Florida,
Medical Library Center-US)
*TABD - Tematiceskij Avtomatizirovannyj Bank Dokumentov/Dannyh
TABI - Technical and Business Information (Rochester Regional Research Library
Council - US)
TABLEDEX - Table Index, 1958- (National Bio-medical Research Foundation - US)

Tailored Abstracts (INSPEC - GB)

Technical and Business Service, Columbus,
Ohio (US)
Theological Abstracting and Bibliographic Ser
vices (GB)
Transatlantic Book Service Ltd (GB)
TABSOL - Tabular Systems-Oriented Language
(General Electric Co. - US) TAC
Technical Advisory Committee, int (IFLA)
Technology Application Center, 1965- (Uni
versity of New Mexico - US)
Traitement Automatique de Catalogue (Societe
d'Application et de Methodes Mecanographiques-FR)
Translation Activities Committes (SLA - US)
TACL - Teaching and Coursewriting Computer
TACMIS - Tactical Management Information System (US Army)
TACO - Traitment des Acquisitions et du Cataloga-ge par Ordinateurs (Universite de
Quebec, Trois-Rivieres - CA)
TACOL - Tasmanian Advisory Committee on Libraries (AU)
TACOS - Tool for Automatic Conversion of Operational Software
TACS - Total Access Communication System
Technical Analysis Division (NBS - US)
Technical Assistance Data
Traitement Automatique des Donnees
(=ADP, eng)
Technical Assistance Data System, 1972-(Battelle Memorial Institute, Pacific Northwest La
boratory - US)
Technical Assistance Data Systems (EPA US)
*Tadzikgosizdat - Tadzikskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) *TadzikINTI - Tadzikskij Respublikanskij Institut
Naucno-Tehniceskih Informacii i Propagandy,
1965- (SU) TAFF-Title Abbreviation Formula Feasibility,
1970-(CLW-GB) TAG
Teacher's Automated Guide (Portland Schools

Telecomputer Applications Group (US)
TAGA - Technical Association of the Graphic Arts
TAI - Traitement Automatique de ITnformation TAICH - Technical Assistance
Information Clearing House, 1955- (American Council of Voluntary Agencies for
Foreign Service - US) TAKSI - Telekomunikacyjny Aspekt Krajowego
Systemu Informatycznego (PL) TAL - Terminal Application Language TALA - TeenAge Library Association in Texas
TALC - Tulsa Area Libraries Cooperative, 1979-(US, Oklahoma)
Industry (GB)
TALIC - Tyneside Association of Libraries for Industry and Commerce, 1968-1977
TALINET - Telecommunications Library Information Network, 1978- (Denver
University, Graduate School of Librarianship - US)
TALK - Titles Alphabetically Listed by Keyword
TALMIS - Technology-Assisted Learning Market Information Services (Educational
Programming Systems, Inc.-US)
TALON - Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, New Mexico. [South Central
Regional Medical Library Program] (University of Texas, Health Science Center
Library - US)
TALON/CAP - TALON Cooperative Acquisitions Program for Monographs, 1979(US)
TAM - Telecommunications Access Method
TAMARC - Tasmanian MARC (Tasmanian College of Advanced Education - AU)
TAMIL - [Automatic system on microcomputer for information processing in libraries]
TAMP - Tanzania Association of Master Printers (TZ)
TAN - Title Analytic
TANDEM - [Theatre Information System] (DE)
TANDOC - Tanzania National Documentation Centre (TLS-TZ)
TANJUG (Tanjug) - Telegrafska Agencija Nova Jugoslavia, cm, 1943- (YU)
TANRIS - Tanzanian Research Information Service (TZ)
TANY - Typographers Association of New York (US)
Thermodynamic and Physical Properties Pakkage. [Data base] (University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering - US)
Training, Appraisel and Promotion (LC - US)
Tunesie-Afrique Presse, 1961- (TN)
Turystyczna Agencja Prasowa (PL)
TAPE - Timed Access to Pertinent Excerpts (US)

TAPPI - Technical Association of the Pulp and Pa

per Industry (US)
TAR - Tax Advice Rulings. [Full text data base] (QL Systems-CA)
TARGET - [Terminological data base] (Carnegie-Mellon University, Translation
English Language Center-US)
Training Abstracts Service (Department of Em
ployment and Productivity - GB)
Translation Advisory Services (Aslib - GB)
TASCIS - Tasmania Australian Schools Catalogue
Information Service (Education Department of Tasmania - AU) "TasGIK TaSkenskij Gosudarstvennyj Institut KuPtury(SU) TASS
1. Technische Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Schrift und Sprache (AT)
"> T^1<r*Mntr A iitrtmntir* diriffhinfT ^vctpm
*TASS - Telegrafnoe Agentstvo Sovetskogo Sojuza,
1925-(SU);<-"ROSTA Tatgosizdat - Tatarskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU) "Tatknigoizdat - Tatarskoe Kniznoe IzdatePstvo
(SU) TAU - Thesaurus Alphabetical Update (NASA US) TAUBIP - Total de Bibliotecas Piiblicas (BR, Sao Paulo) TAUBIPE - Total Automate de Bibliotecas Piiblicas e Especializadas ([Municipality of Sao Bernardo do Campo] - BR) TAUM - Systeme de Traduction Automatique de
PUniversite de Montreal (CA) TAXIR - Taxonomic Information Retrieval, 1968(University of Colorado US) TB
Talking Book
Technische Bibliothek
Technischer Bericht
Tasmanian Booksellers' Association (AU)
Taurine Bibliophiles of America (US)
TBBS - The Bread Board System (Loma Linda University Medical Center Library - US) TBC - Terminology Bank of Canada (CA)
*TBCM - Tipovoj Bystrodejstvujus6ij Pecatojus6ij
TBDC - Tokyo Book Development Center (JP) TBDF - Transborder Data Flow
(IFLA) (=TDF) TBI - Tesauro de Busqueda Informativa, spa TBIS - Tasmanian
Bibliographic Information System (AU) TBLB - Talk Book Library for the Blind, 1935-1954
TBLC - Tampa Bay Library Consortium (US) TBLS - Trail Blazer Library System
(US) *TBO - TerritoriaPnye Bibliotecnye Ob"edinenija

Towarzystwo Bibliotek Powszechnych, 19221930 (PL)
Towarzystwo Bibliotek Publicznych, 1930-1935
Towarzystwo Biblioteki Publicznej w Warszawie, 1906-1928 (PL)
TBRI - Technical Book Review Index, 1935- (JAAD
Publishing Co. -US) TBS
Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TZ)
Text Book Service (Indian Institute of Techno
logy, Delhi - IN)
TBTAK - [Turkish Council for Scientific and Technological Research] (TR) TC
Technical Committee
Term Combination
Term Coordination
Terminologicentralen (DK)
TC/ISAE - Terminologia Centre de Intemacia
Scienca Asocio Esperantista, int, 1954-TCA
Tele-Communications Association, 1961-(US)
Telecomputing Corporation of America (US)
TC AM - Telecommunications Access Method (IBM
TCAM-E - Telecommunications Access Method -Extended (IBM - US)
TCAM-IMS/VS - TCAM - Information Management System/Virtual Storage (IBM US)
TCAT - Cobol Test Coverage Analysis Tool, 1981-(Software Research Associates US)
TCBC - Twin Cities Biomedical Consortium (US, St Paul-Minneapolis area)
Technical Change Centre (GB)
Technical Coordination Committee, int (ICIREPAT)
The Computer Company, Richmond, Va (US)
TCCL - Tulsa City-County Library (US)
TCCM - Three-Corner Coding Method
TCCN - Trans-Canada Computer Communications
Network (CA) TCCR - Technical Committee for Computerization,
Tentative Classification of Documents
TOXLINE Chemical Dictionary (NLM - US)

Trinity College Dublin (IE)

TCI - Technology Communications, Incorporated
TCIC - Technical Committee on Industrial Classification (US Office of Management
and Budget)
TCIE - Training Colleges and Institutes of Education (LA, University and Research
Section -GB)
TCIS - Telex Computer Inquiry Service,
Terminal Command Language (Applied Digi
tal Data Systems - US)
Terminal Control Language
Towarzystwo Czytelni Ludowych, 1880-1939
Tri-State College Library Cooperative, 1967(Rosemont College Library - US, Pennsylva
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism, 1978(Gale Research Co. - US)
TCOM - Terminal Communications TCP - Teachers College Press TCR - Tape
Cassette Recorder TCS
Telecommunication System
Telex Communications Service (Western Uni
Terminal Computer System
TCSS - Technical Committee for Search Systems, int
(ICIREPAT) TCST - Technical Committee for Standardization,
Tidskrift for Dokumentation, swe, int, 1944Towarzyszacy Deskryptor,po/
TDA - Training and Development Alert, 1979- (Advanced Personnel Systems - US)
TDAS - Technical Data Automation System TDB
Terminology Data Base
Toxicology Data Bank (NLM - US)
TDBS - Text Data Base System (Kungliga Tekniska
Hogskolan - SE) TDC
Technical Data Center
Technical Document Center
Terminal Data Corporation (US)

Typographic Designers of Canada (CA)
TDCC - Transportation Data Coordinating Com
mittee, 1970-(US)
TDCK - Technisch Documentatie- en Informatie-Centrum voor Krijgsmacht, 1954(NL)
TDF - Transborder Data Flow Programme (IFLA) (=TBDF)
Technical Document List
Translation Definition Language
TDLS - Topographical Data Library System (US Army, Corps of Engineers,
Topographic Data Center)
TDMA - Time Division Multiple Access
TDMS - Time-shared Data Management System, 1966-(SDC-US)
TDOS - Technical Data Operating System (US)
Tape Data Register
Technical Data Report
Technical Documentary Report
Transnational Data Report
TDRS - Text Data Retrieval System
Technical Data System
Technicke Dokumentacne Stredisko, sla (CS)
Technicke Dokumentacni Stredisko, cze (CS)
TDUP - Technical Data Usage Program
*TE - TehnUeskaja Enciklopedija (SU) TEACHTRAN - Teaching Logic Translator
Teakinopecat - Teatral'noe i Kinematograficeskoe
Izdatel'stvo (SU)
TEAL - Teesside Automated Library System (Tees-side Polytechnic Library - GB)
Technical Exchange Association for Microfilm
Terminologie Erfassungs- und Auswertungsmethode (Siemens A.G. - DE)
Terminology Evaluation and Acquisition Me
TEARS - The Exeter Abstracts Reference System.
[Data base] (Exeter University Teaching Service GB) TEAS - Terminologiedatenbank-Erfassungs- und
Aufbereitungs-System (Technische Universitat

TEBROC (Tebroc) - Tehran Book Processing Centre, 1968- (IR)

TECHDOC - Technical Documentation Centre, 1972-(IR)
Techdok - Gesellschaft fur Technische Dokumentation (DE)
TECfflNFO - Technical Information (DOD - US)
TECHNILIB - [Central Processing for Public Libraries in Victoria] (AU)
Asian Network for Industrial Technology Infor
mation and Extension, int, 1973- (IDRC - SG)
Network for Industrial Technology Information
and Extension (NRCC - CA)
TECSI - Techniques etSystemesInformatique (FR) TED
Television Disc (Telefunken-DE/Decca - GB)
Tenders Electronic Daily. [Data base], int (Eur
opean Economic Communities - LU)
Traitement Electronique des Donnees
Translation Error Detector (Thompson Ramo
Wooldridge Inc. - US)
*TED - Tehniko-Ekonomiceskij Doklad TEDIS - Tele-Daten-Informationssystem
TEDLS - Transvaal Education Department Library
Service, 1951-(ZA) TEDM-Centre de Traitement Electronique des
Documents Medievaux (Universite Catholique de
Louvain - BE)
TEDPAS - Technical Data Package Automated System TEG - Training and Education
Group (LA - GB); <LEG "Tehizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Tehniceskoj Literatury (SU) "Tehteoretizdat - Gosudarstvennoe
Tehniko-Teoreti6eskoj Literatury (SU) TEI
Technical and Economic Information
Technicka a Ekonomicka Informace, cze
Technicko-Ekonomicke Informacie, sla
Traitement Electronique des Informations
*TEI - Torgovo-Ekonomiceskaja Informacija (Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Tehniko-Ekonomi6es-kih Issledovanij Himiceskoj
TEI-FAKT - Faktograficeskaja Torgova-Ekonomi-Ceskaja Informacija
TEIP - TransdiscipLinary Engineering Information Program (Engineering Index, Inc. US)
TEJA - Tutmonda Esperantista Jurnalista Asocio,
esp, int, 1946- (Padova, IT) *TEKA (Teka) - TermokopirovaPnyj Apparat
TEKBIK - Tezaurus pro Knihovnictvi, Bibliografii, Informatiku a Knihovfidu, cze

TEKLA - Tezaurusy i Systemy Klasyfikacji. [Information system] (IINTE - PL)

*TEKSO (Tfckso) - Tehniko-EkonomiCeskaja Kar-toteka Socialisticeskogo Opyta
TEL-MED - [Tape Library of Medical Subjets] (San
Bernardino - US, California) TELAAS - Transvaal Education Library and Audiovisual Ancillary Service, 1979- (ZA);- TEDIS TELAM (Telam) - Telenoticiosa
Americana, 1945(AR) TELDOK - Telefunken Dokumentationssystem
TELECAT = UNICAT/TELECAT TELECOM - Telecommunications TELEDAC Television Data Acquisition System TELEDATA - [Viewdata system] (DK)
TELEDOC - [Telecommunications Documentation] (CNET, Service FMI:
Fiabilite, Mesure, Instrumentation - FR) TELELAB - Banque des Donnees sur les
Laboratoires de Recherche (FR)
TELEMAP - [Videotex system] (East Midland Allied Press - GB)
TeleMARC - Telecomputing's MARC (Telecomputing Ltd - GB)
TELENET - [Public network to provide access to a national computational facilities
from terminals] (TYMSHAREInc.-US) TELEPAC - [PTT-Network] (CH)
TELESAT - Telecommunications Satellite TELESET - [Viewdata system] (FI)
TELETAX - Facsimile Transmission Services (FR/
TELETEL - [Videotex system] (FR) TELETEX - Teletext System (GB)
TELETEXT - Teletext System (CH) TELETTDE - [Military viewdata system] (NL)
TELEX (Telex) - Teleprinter Exchange TELI - Technisch-Literarische Gesellschaft
(DE) TELIDON (Telidon) - [Videotex system] (Department of Communications CA) TELIS - Telecomputing Information Services, Inc.,
TELSATCO - Telecommunications Satellite Consortium, int
TELSET - [Viewdata system] (FI) TELTIPS - Technical Effort Locator and Technical
Interest Profile System (US Army) TELUM - [Database on the sources of information
in veterinary medicine] (University of Montreal, Veterinary Medical Library - CA)
TEM - Trzaska, Evert i Michalski, Ksiegarnia Wydawnicza, 1920-1963 (PL) (=TEiM) TEMAC - Text Marco Compiler TEMP - Texas
Educational Media Program, 1961(University of Texas - US)
TENTTU - [Catalogue Online System of Polytechnic Library, Helsinki] (FI) TEP Transparent Electro-Photography TEPIAC - Thermodynamical and Electronic Properties Information Analysis Center, 1957- (Purdue University - US) TEPS
1. Tiskova Edicni a Propagacni Sluzba Mfstnfho Hospodarstvf, cze (CS)
2. Tlacova, Edicna a Propagacna Sluzba, sla (CS)
TERA - Teratology. [Data base] (US)

TERMATREX - Term Matrix Index, 1957- (Jon-ker Business Machines, Inc. - US)
TERMDOK (Termdok) - [Terminology Documentation System], 1968- (TNC-SE)
TERMIA - International Association of Terminology, int, 1982- (Universite Laval,
Quebec - CA)
TERMINOQ - Banque de Terminologie de 1'Uni-versite de Quebec (CA)
TERMIUM - Banque de Terminologie de 1'Univer-site Montreal (CA)
TERMNET (TermNet) - International Network for Terminological Agencies
TERMTRAN - Terminal Translator
TERPS - Terminal Enquiry/Response Programming System (GB)
Technical Enquires Section (DSIR - GB)
Text Editing System
TESA - Technical Services Automation, 1970- (Saskatchewan University Libraries CA)
TESLA - Technical Standards for Library Automation, 1973- (ALA, ISAD - US)
TEST - Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific Terms, 1967 (Engineers Joint Council
- US)
TESY - Terminal Editing System (Electroning Key-boarding, Inc.-US)
Tau Epsilon Chi. [System for handling techni
cal text] (American Mathematical Society US)
Teleprinter Exchange Service (Western Union
TEXAN - Textual Analysis of Language Samples (US)
TEXT-PAC - Text Processing, Retrieval and Current Information Selective System,
1968- (IBM -US) (=TEXTPAC)
TEXTFORM - [Computer-aided indexing] (University of Alberta - CA)
Text Indexing and Retrieval (SDC - US)
Text Information Retrieval (JP)
TEXTLINE - Text Online. [Full texts data base]
(Finsbury Data Services Ltd - GB) TEXTPAC = TEXT-PAC TF
Tekniska Forlags (SE)
Term Frequency
Tryckfrihetsforordningen (SE)
TFA - Task Force on Automation of Library Operations, 1967-(FLC - US)
TFC - Technisch Film Centrum (NL)
TFK - Testnevelesi Fdiskola Konyvtara, Budapest. [Library of Physical Education High
School] (HU)
TFMS - Text and File Management System

TFVA - Training Film and Video Association (GB)

TFX - Telefax
TG - Translators' Guild, 1955- (GB) *TG - Transformacionnaja Grammatika
Target Group Index. [Data base] (Axiom Mar
ket Research Bureau - US)
Techniques Graphiques Industrielles. [A name
of the firm]
TGL - Technische Normen, Giitervorschriften, Lie-ferbedingungen (AfS - DD)
TGM - TypographischeGesellschaftMunchen(DE)
TH - Technische Hochschule
TH Delft - Technische Hogeschool te Delft (NL) (=THD)
THA - Turk Haberler Ajansi. [Turkish Information Agency], 1950- (TR)
THAN/IRMS - Technika Hloubkove Analyzy/ IRMS, cze UVAT/SIU/UTRIN - CS)
THB - Technische-Hochschule-Bibliothek (DE)
THD - Technische Hogeschool in Delft (NL)
THE - Technische Hogeschool in Eidhoven (NL)
THERDAS - Thermochemische Datenbank Anor-ganischer Stoffe
THERMDOC - Systeme de Documentation Signale-tique en Thermodynamique
(Thermodata, Grenoble - FR)
THERMODATA - Banque de Donnees Thermo-chimiques (Thermodata, Grenoble FR)
THESEE - Thesaurus pour I'Electridte et Electroni-que (FR)
THESLA - Tennessee Health Science Library Association (US)
THESMAST - Thesaurus of ERIC descriptors Master file (LEASCO Systems and
Research Corp. -US)
Tobacco and Health Information Services,
1969- (Kentucky University Libraries, Medical
Center Library-US)
Total Health Information System
THN - Technicko-Hospodarske Normy, sla
THOMIS - Total Hospital Operating and Medical
Information System, 1966- (SUNY, Downstate Medical Center-US)
THOR - Thesaurus-based On-line Retrieval (National Computing Centre - GB)
Technical Indexes Ltd (GB)
Technical Information
Technische Information
Telepress International, 1964-(AR)
Traitement de ITnformation

TI/L - Technical Information Section and Library, 1947- (Mobile R&D Corporation,
Field Research Laboratory - US) *TI
Tehniceskaja Informacija
Teorija Informacii
TIA - Typographers International Association, int
1. Technical Information Advisory Committee (AEC-US)
Technical Information Analysis Center (De
partment of the Army - US)
Texas Instruments Automatic Computer (Te
xas Instruments, Inc. -US)
*TIAN - Tipografija Akademii Nauk SSSR (SU) TIB
Technical Information Branch
Technical Information Bureau (GB)
Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover
TIB/THB - Technische Informationsbibliothek und
Bibliothek derTechnischen Hochschule Hannover
*TIB - Tehniko-lnformacionnyj Bjulleten' (SU) TTBAQ - Text-and-Inference Based
Answering of
Questions *TIBD - Tirazirovanie Informacionnyh Izdanij i Baz
Dannyh TIBORDER - TIB Online-Literaturbestelldienst
(TIB Hannover-DE) TIC
Technical Information Center
Technical Information Center (AEC - US); <
Textile Information Center (Institute of Textile
Thailand Information Center, 1972- (Chulalongkorn University - TH)
Toxicology Information Center (NRC - US)
Trade Information Committee
Transducer Information Center (Battelle Me
morial Institute - US)
Translation Information Center (US)
TICA - Technical Information Center Administration (US)
TICCI - Technical Information Centre for Chemical Industry (IN)
TICCIT - Timeshared Interactive, Computer-Controlled Information Television (Mitre
Corp./Brig-ham Young University - US)

TICES - Type-In Coding and Editing System

TICON - International Committee on Newsprint
TICTAC - Terminal Integre Comportant un Televi-seur et 1'Appel au Clavier
Tarsadalomtudomanyi Informacio es Dokumentaci6, hun [Information and Documenta
tion in the Social Sciences]
Technical Information Division, 1967- (BSI GB)
Technical Information Division (AEC - US)
Technical Information Division, 1952- (LC US)
Traitement Integre des Donnees
TIDAS - Totally Integrated Data System
TIDB - Technical Information Dissemination Bureau (SUNY-US)
TIDEX - Technical Information Document Index (International Computers Ltd - AU)
TIDMA - Tape Interface Direct Memory Access
TIDOC - Technical Information Documentation
Center (AGARD- US)
TIDOS - Table and Item Documentation System TIDP - Telemetry and Image Date
Processing TIDS - Technical Information Distribution Service
(KLM Publication Handling Department - NL) TIDU
Technical Information and Documents Unit
Technical Information and Documents Unit
TIDY - Teletypewriter Integrated Display TIE
1. Technical Information Exchange, 1966- (NBS
Technology Information Exchange, 1971- (Pu
blic Technology, Inc. - US)
Texas Information Exchange, 1967- (Universi
ty of Houston - US)
4 . Total Interlibrary Exchange (California Library
Network -US) TIES
Technical Information Enquiry Service (GB)
Technological Information Exchange System,
int, 1979- (UNIDO, Technology Group Wien, AT)
Textbook Information and Exchange Service

Total Information for Educational Systems,

1967- (Minnesota School Districs Data Process
ing Joint Board - US)
Translators' and Interpreters' Educational So
Transmission and Information Exchange Sys
TIE - Technical Information File
TIFA - Touristik Information Facts and Abstracts.
[Data base] TIFO - Technische Information iiber Feinmechanik
und Optik
TIFON - Technique Informatique Fonciere (FR) TIGER
1 . Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing (Bureau of Census,
Geography Division - US)
2. Total Information Gathering and Reporting
(ICL-GB) TIGIT - Temara Iranyulo Gepi Informaci6terjesztes. [Automated Dissemination of Specialized Information] (OMIKK - HU) TIIAL - The International Institute of Applied Linguistics TIL
Technical Indexes Limited (GB)
Technical Information Library (Ministry of
Technology - GB)
TILO - Technical Information Liason Office (US
Army) TILS - Technical Information and Library Services
(Ministry of Technology - GB) TILT - Texas Instruments Data Translator (Texas
Instruments - US) TIM
Tdrsadalomtudomdnyi Informacids Munkabizottsag. [Working Group for Social Science In
formation] (HU)
Technical Information on Microfilm (Technical
Information on Microfilm Ltd - GB)
Total Information Management
TIMA - Technical Illustrators Management Association
TIME - Technique for Information Management and Employment
TIMIS - Totally Integrated Management Information System
TIMP - Texas Instructional Media Project (US)
The Institute of Management Sciences, 1953(US)
TOSS Information Management System (US)
Total Information Management System
TINA - Technology Innovation Alert. [Data base],

1976-(INSPEC-GB) TINAS - Technische Informations-Nachweis- und

Auskunft-System (DE) TINFO - Tieteellisen Informoinnin Neuvottelukunta - Radet for Vetenskaplig Information, finlswe,
1972- (FI); - Tieteellisten Kirj astojen Lautakunta
- Namnden for de Vetenskapliga Biblioteken,
1969-TINFORM - Termekininformaci6, 1974- (Debreceni Egyetemi Konyvtarban - HU) TINT - Teletype Interpreter
Technical Information Office, 1958- (US Geo
logical Survey, Topographic Division)
Television Information Office, 1959- (National
Association of Broadcasters - US)
*TIO - Tekuscee Informacionnoe ObespeCenie TIP
Technical Information Panel, int (NATO, Ad
visory Group for Aerospace Research and De
Technical Information Program (MIT - US)
Teknillinen Informaatiopalvelu. [Technical
Information Service] (FI)
Telefiche Image Processor
Terminal-Interface Processor (EURONET)
Textual Input Processing (MIT - US)
The Information Place (Detroit Public Library
Thematischer Informationsplan
Total Information Processing
10. Toxicology Information Program, 1967-(NLM-US)
TIP/TOP - Tape Input/Tape Output
TIPE - Type-composition Interface to Photocomposition Equipment System (DRCA US)
TIPL - Teaching Information Processing Language
Teaching Information Processing System
Technical Information for Product Safety,
1973- (Consumer Product Safety Commission -US)
Technical Infonnation Processing Service (Ge
neral Electric - US)
Technical Information Processing System,
1964- (North American Rockwell Corp., Aero
space and Systems Group; -> Rockwell Interna
tional Corp., Electronics Research Division US)

Text Information Processing Service, 1976(University of Florida Libraries - US)

Text Information Processing System (US Air
Total Information Processing System (Veterans
Administration - US)
Trade Information Pilot System, 1972(JIPDEC-JP)
TIQRC - Toxicology Information Queries Response Center (NLM-US)
TIR - Technical Information Retrieval
TIRAS - Technical Information Retrieval and Analysis System
Technical Information Retrieval Center (IBM US) (=ITIRC)
Technical Infonnation Retrieval Committee
(Manufacturing Chemists' Association - US)
Toxicology Infonnation and Response Center,
1971- (ORNL/NLM - US)
TIRMMS - Technical Information Reports for Music-Media Specialists, 1973- (Music
Library Association-US)
TIRP - Textile Information Retrieval Program (MIT -US)
TIRSS - Technical Infonnation Retrieval and Storage System (African Explosives and
Chemical Industries-ZA)
Technical Information Service (or: Services)
Technical Information Service (NCR - CA);
Technical Infonnation Service (AEC - US);
Technical Infonnation Service, 1958- (Stan
ford University Libraries - US)
Technical Information Service, 1968- (CSIRZA)
Technical Information Systems (British Steel
Corp., Strip Mills Division - GB)
Technical Infonnation Systems, 1978- (De
partment of Agriculture, Science and Educa
tion Administration - US)
Technicke Informacni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Technologisches Informationssystem
Total Information System

Trade Information Service, 1976- (ESCAP,

International Trade Division - Bangkok, TH)
Trade Information System on Barriers to Tra
de among Developing Countries (UNCTAD Geneve, CH)
TIS/IGP - Intelligent Gateway Processor of the
Technology Infonnation System (US)
TISA - Technical Information Support Acitivities Program (US Army Information
Systems Office)
TISAB - Tydskrifte in Suider-Afrikaanse Biblioteke (ZA)
TISAP - Technical Information Support Acitivities Project, 1968-1974 (US Army
Information Systems Office); f-ATLIS
TISAR - Total Infonnation Storage and Retrieval Systems (Foto-Mem, Inc. - US)
TISB - Technical Information Services Branch (Public Service, National Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health - US); *- SRSB
TISC - Technology Information Sources Center (US, Southern California)
TISCA - Technical Information System for Carrier Aviation Service, 1972- (US Navy,
Naval Air Engineering Center); +- COSIRS
TISCO - Technical Information Systems Committee (Federation of Societies for Paint
Technology -US)
TISCOM - Takeda Information System by Computer (Takeda Chemical Industries - JP)
TISE - Technical Infonnation Service Extension (AEC - US)
TISI - Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TH)
TISO - Technical Information Services Office *TISS - Tekstovaja InformacionnoSpravocnaja Si-stema
TIT - Tudomanyos Ismeretterjeszt6 Tarsasag. [Society for Popularization of Science]
TITEX - Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Textseite (UB/TIB Hannover - DE)
TITLES - Taylor Information Tie Line for Engineers and Scientists (D.W.Taylor Naval
Ship Research and Development - US)
TITLEX - Legislazione dello Stato (Corte Suprema di Cassaziono, Centro Elettronico
di Documenta-zione-Italgiure - IT)
TITUS - Traitement de Plnformation Textile Uni-verselle et Selective, 1968- (Institut
Textile de France - FR); - (the same initialism): Textile Information Users Service, int,
1971- (Institut Textile de France - Boulogne sur Seine, FR)
TIUC - Textile Information Users Council (US)
TIWP - Toxicology Information Working Party (GB)
Technicka Knihovna, cze (CS)
Technicka Kniznica, sla (CS)
Tk - Tarolokonyvtar, Hun [Storage library] *TK - Tehniceskij Komitet *TKA Termokopiroval'nyj Apparat

TKB - Tarsadalomtudomanyi Koordinacios Bizott-sag. [Coordination Committee for

Social Sciences] (HU)
TKBE - A Technologiai Konyvtar Baratainak Egye-siilete. [Society of Friends of
Technical Library], 1930-1949 (HU)
TKD - Turk Kutuphaneciler Dernegi. [Turkish Library Association], 1949-(TR)
TKK - Helsingin Teknillisen Korkeakoulun Kirja-sto. [Helsinki University of
Technology Library] (FI)
TKNSIR - Tudomanyos Kutatasokra Vonatkozd Nemzetkozi Specialis Informatics
Rendszere. [International Specialized Information System of Research Publications]
(=*MSIS po NIR, rus)
TKP - Towarzystwo Kultury Polskiej, 1905-1913 (PL)
TKV-VBT R.Y. - Tieteellisten Kirjastojen Virkai-lijat - Vetenskapliga Bibliotekens
Tjanstemanna-fb'rening, r.y.,fin/swe, 1964-(FI)
TL - Transaction Language
Tanzania Library Association, 1971- (TZ)
Tennessee Library Association, 1902- (US)
Texas Library Association, 1902- (US)
Thai Library Association, 1954- (TH)
Theatre Library Association, 1937- (US)
Toy Libraries Association, 1972-(GB)
Teacher-Librarian Certificate
Tri-County Library Council (University of Wis
consin - US)
TLDIP - Technical Logistics Data Information Program
TLEICS - Treasury Law Enforcement Information and Communications System
TLG - Tekniska Litterturforeningen i Goteborg, 1948- (SE)
TLIB - Tape Library (National Center for Atmospheric Research - US)
TLJ - Texas Library Journal, 1950- (US)
TLMS - Tape Library Management System
Tanzania Library Service (National Documen
tation Centre - TZ)
Technical Library Service, 1962- (GB)
Tekniska Literatursallskapet, 1936- (SE)
Thesaurus and Linguistic Integrated System
Total Library System (OCLC-US)
TLSB - Tanganyika Library Services Board, 1963-(TZ); > (the same initialism):
Tanzania Library Services Board, 1975-

TLSS - Technical Library Services Section

TM-C - Thomas Micro-Catalog Service, 1963-(Thomas Publishing Co. - US)
Telecommunications Management Association
(Institute of Administrative Management - US)
Top Management Abstracts, 1971-(Anbar Pub
Traditional Market Agreement (Publishers'
Association - GB)
TMC - Tape Management Catalogue
TMCL-Texas Medical Center Library (Houston
Academy of Medicine - US)
TMDA - Training Media Distributors Association
TMGDI-A Faipari Kutatd Intezet Tudomanyos MUszaki es Gazdasagi
Dokumentacids 6s Informatics Osztalya. [Forest Industry Institute - Scientific,
Technical and Economical Information Section], 1962-(HU)
TMI - Tudomanyos-Miiszaki Informacio, hun (Scientific and Technical
Technical Meetings Information Center, 19631967(US);^WMIC
Toxic Materials Information Center, 1971(ORNL, Nuclear Division - US)
Technical Meetings Information Service (US)
Total Management Information System
TMK - Towarzystwo MiJosnikow Ksiazki w Krakowie, 1922-1962 (PL)
IMS - Telex Management Systems (Racal Information Systems - GB)
TMT - Tudomanyos es Miiszaki Tdjekoztatds. [Scientific and Technical
Information], 1963-(OMIKK - HU); ^- Muszaki Konyvtdrasok Tdje-koztatoja, 1954TMU - Time-Measurement-Unit
Technical Note
Technicka Norma, cze
TNA - The National Archives and Records Service
(US) TNAUK - Talking Newspaper Association of the

U.K. (GB)
TNB - Tanzania National Bibliography, 1977- (TZ) *TNB - Tekuscaja Nacional'naja
Bibliografija TNC - Tekniska Nomenklaturcentralen, 1941- (SE) TNDC - Thai
National Documentation Centre,
1964- (TH)
TNG - The Newspaper Guild (US); <- ANG TNO - Organisatie voor Toegepast
Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, 1930- (NL) TNOiK - Towarzystwo Naukowe Organizacji i
Kierownictwa, 1949- (PL); <- INOiK TNP - Towarzystwo Naukowe PJockie (PL) TNR
- Texas Numeric Register, 1973- (Texas State
Library - US) TNRIS
Texas Natural Resources Information System
Transportation Noise Research Information
Service, 1969- (Transportation Research Board
TNSRC - Tanzania National Scientific Research
Council (TZ) TNT
Titles Now Troublesome. [School books]
(ALA - US)
Towarzystwo Naukowe w Toruniu (PL)
TNTDL - Tabulated Numerical Technical Data List TNTor = TNT
TNW - Towarzystwo Naukowe Warszawskie, 1907-1952 (PL)
TNYTI - The New York Times Index (US) TO
Tiskovy Odbor, cze
Tizedes Osztalyozas, hun [Decimal Classifica
TOADS - Terminal Oriented Administrative Data
System TOCS
Term-Oriented Classification System (JP)
Terminal Oriented Computer System
TOD - Teleobrabotka Dannyh
TODARS - Terminal Oriented Data Analysis and Retrieval System (NBS-SIS US)
TOD AS - Typewriter-Oriented Documentation-Aid System
TOHYOP (Tohyop) - Hanguk Tosogwan Hyo-phoe. [Korean Library Association]
(KR) (=KLA, eng)
TOI - Terenowy Osrodek Informacji (PL)
TOl - Technisch-Okonomische Informationen

Test-Oriented Language
Towarzystwo Oswiaty Ludowej. [19th century]
TRIS-On-Line (Transportation Research
TOLIS - Total Online Information System
TOMI - Tiskovy Odbor Ministerstva Informaci, cze
TONS - Trans-Ocean News Service (GB) TOOL - Test-Oriented Operator
Language TOOL-IR
Terminal Operation Oriented Language Infor
mation Retrieval (Osaka University - JP)
Tokyo On-Line Information Retrieval, 1975(University of Tokyo - JP)
TOPIC - Teletext Output of Price Information by Computer, 1982- (London Stock
Exchange - GB) TOPICS
Total On-line Program and Information Con
trol System (JP)
Transcripts of Parlib's Information Classifica
tion System (Queensland Parliamentary Library
TOPOCOM - Computerized Topographic Data Bank (US Army, Corps of
Engineering, Topographic Data Center)
Text-Oriented Processing System
Time-sharing Operating System
TOPSI - Teaching of Printed Subject Indexing,
1982-(CLW-GB) TOR - Towarzystwo Oswiaty Rolniczej, 1928-1944
*TOR - Temati6eskoe Obespecenie Rukovodjascih *Torgizdat - Gosudarstvennoe
Izdatel'stvo Torgovoj
Literatury (SU)
TORS - Tele Operator Retrieval System TORTOS - Terminal Oriented Real-Time
Operating System (UCLA, Biomedical Library - US)
TORUS - Tnrnntn I TnHorctonHJnn C,,r,^m /"r,,.-.~
University - CA) TOS
Tape Operating System
Text Organizing System (US)
Topological Representation of Synthetic and
Analytical Relations of Concepts (International

Documentation in Chemistry/Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Chemie- Dokumentation - DE)

Topologisches Verfahren zur Wiedergabe von
Synthetischen und Analytischen Relationen
von Begriffen (DE)
TOSBAC - Toshiba Scientific and Business Automatic Computer (JP)
TOSCA - Total Online Searching for Cataloging Activities, 1983- (LC- US)
TOSL - Terminal-Oriented Service Language
TOSVO - Tiskovy Odbor Spravy Vojenske Osvety, cze (CS)
TOTAL - [A database management system] (CINCOM Systems, Inc. - US)
TOUCH - Telematic Office Universal Communications Host
TOUS - Terminal-Operated Uniterm System (Fok-ker-VFW-NL)
TOX-TIPS - Toxicology Testing in Progress, 1977-(NLM-US)
TOXBACK - Toxicology Backfile (NLM - US)
TOXBIB - Toxicity Bibliography (NLM - US)
TOXICON - Toxixology Information Conversational On-line Network, 1972- (NLM
TOXINFO - Toxicological Information Center (Edgewood Arsenal - US)
TOXLINE - Toxicology Information On-Line, 1973- (NLM - US); <- TOXICON
TOXLINE/TD3 - TOXLINE Toxicology Document and Data Depository (NLM US)
TOXNET - Toxicology Data Net work, 1985-(NLM -US)
TOXTIPS - Toxicology Testing in Progess. [Data base] (NLM-US)
TOZ - Technich-Okonomische Zielstellung
Tape Punch
Technical Paper
Teleprensa (CO)
Text Processing
*TP - Tehniceskij Proekt
Technical Publications Announcement
Technical Publications Association, 1953(GB);-ITAI
TPAM - Teleprocessing Access Method
TPAS - Term Paper Advisory Service (Iowa State
University - US) TPB - Tudomanypolitikai Bizottsag. [Committee for
Scientific Policy] (HU) TPBS - Target Setting, Policv Model Buildine and
Scheduling (JP)

TPC - Technical Publishing Company (US) TPD - Technischer Pressedienst (DE)

*TPF - Territorial'nyj Patentnyj Fond (SU) TPG - Salon International des
Techniques Papetieres et Graphiques, Paris (FR) TPI - Title Page and Index *TPI - Tematiceskij Plan
Izdatel'stva TPIAC - Thermophysical Properties Information
Analysis Center (Purdue University - US) TPIC - Thermophysical Properties
Center (Purdue University, West Lafayette - US) TPIS
Technical Publication Information System (US)
Tropical Pesticides Information Service
TPK - Towarzystwo Przyjaciof Ksiazki, 1958- (PL)
Table Producing Language. [Computers in pub
Teacher Programming Language
Technical Publications Library
Terminal Processing Language
Terminal Programming Language
Toronto Public Library (CA)
TPLS - Texas Panhandle Library System (US) TPN - Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk
(PL) *TPNI - Teorija i Praktika Nauinoj Informacii
(*VINITI-SU) *TPOD - Tematiceskij Poiskovyj Obraz Dokumentov TPPT - Thesaurus of Pulp and Paper Terms (Pulp
and Paper Research Institute of Canada - CA) TPR
Technical Processes Research Office (LC US)
Technical Progress Report
TPRC - Thermophysical Properties Research Center, 1973- (US); <- EPIC TPS
Technical Press Service (GB)
Technical Publishing Society, 1954- (US); -
Text Processing Service (Infotronics, Inc. - US)
TPSIS - Transportation Planning Support Informa
tion System (California Department of Transporta
tion, Library- US)
TQS - Term Question Specificity TR
Tape Reader
Tape Recorder
Technical Report

Technical Report Program. [Data base] (DDC

Tekniske Rapporter. [Data base] (AB Atomenergie - SE)
Technical Reports Announcement Checklist
Telecommunications Research and Action
Center (US)
3. Text Reckoning and Compiling (ACM - US) TRACE
Technical Report Analysis, Condensation,
Time-Shared Routines for Analysis, Classifica
tion and Evaluation (SDC - US)
TRACERS - Teleprocessed Record and Card Entry Reporting System
TRACES - Technology in Retrospect and Critical Events in Science (IIT - US)
TRACIS - Traffic Records and Criminal Justice Information System (US, Iowa)
TRACS - Transport and Road Abstracting and Cataloguing System, int (IRRD)
TRACY - Technical Reports Automated Cataloging: Yes, 1971- (NOAA - US)
TRAIS - Transportation Research Activities Information Service (Department of
Transportation -US)
TRALINET - TRADOC Library and Information Network, 1978- (Army Traning and
Doctrine Command - US)
TRAMP - Time-shared Relational Associative Memory Program (University of
Michigan - US)
TRAMPS - Text Information Retrieval and Management Programme System
TRANET - Transnational Network for Appropriate
Technologies, int 1976Trangiz - Gosudarstvennoe Transportnoe Izdatel'st-vo (SU)
TRANSDEX - TRANSDEX: [Translation Index], 1974-(JPRS-US)
Electronic Document Transmission (CNRS,
Transportation Documentation. [Data base]
(OECD, European Conference of Ministers of
Transport - Paris, FR)
TRANSFAX - Facsimile Transmission
TRANSINOVE - Transfer of Innovation. [Database] (FR)
TRANSIS - Transportation Safety Information System (Department of Transportation US)
TRANSLANG - Translator Language
TRANSPAC (Transpac) - [Data transmission system], 1978- (Direction Generale des
Telecommunications - FR)

*Transzeldorizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Zeleznodoroznomu

Transportu (SU)
TRBL - Transportation Research Board Library (US)
Technical Reports Center (IBM - US)
Technical Resources Center (Syracuse Univer
sity - US)
Technology Reports Centre, 1979- (Depart
ment of Trade and Industry - GB)
Technology Resource Center (PH)
TRC-RADAB - Technology Reports Centre - Re
search and Development Abstracts (GB)
TRDPS - Topographic Retrieval and Data Presentation System
TREES - Teaching Resources for Educating Exceptional Students, 1974-(Connecticut
State Library-US)
TREND - Tropical Environmental Data
TRI - Translations Register Index, 1979- (John Cre-rar Library, National Translations
Center - US) (=TR-I)
TRI-ALSA - Area 3 Library Service Authority (US, Indiana)
TRIAL - Techniques for Retrieving Information from Abstracts of Literature
(Northwestern University - US)
TRIBOS - Tribos (Tribology Abstracts), 1968-(BHRA Fluid Engineering - GB)
Therapeutic Recreation Information Center
(University of Oregon; University of Colora
Transit Research Information Center (Depart
ment of Transportation, Urban Mass Transpor
tation Administration - US)
TRIDAC - Three-Dimensional Analog Computer (GB)
TRILAB - Tri-Service Laboratory Information System (Wright-Patterson USAF
Medical Center -US)
Tailored Retrieval and Information Manage
Technique for Report and Index Management
(University of California Riverside, University
Library Systems Office - US)
TRIMIS - Tri-Service Medical Information System
(DOD - US) TRIP - Technical Reports Indexing Project, 1969(Purdue University Libraries - US) TRIPS

TALON Reporting and Information Processing

System, 1970- (TALON, Southern Methodist
University - US)
Technical Reports Integrated Processing Sys
tem (General Telephone and Electronics Corp.
TRIS - Transportation Research Information Services (Transportation Research Board
- US)
TRIS-ONLINE - Transportation Research Information Services On-Line
(Transportation Research Board - US)
TRISNET - Transportation Research Information Services Network (Transportation
Research Board -US)(=TRIS-NET)
TRIUL - Tri-University Libraries, 1970-Simon Fra-ser University of British
Columbia/University of Victoria-CA)
TRL - Technical Report Literature
TRLN - Triangle Research Libraries Network (University of North Carolina - US)
TROLL - Time-shared Reactive On-Line Laboratory (National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. US) TROPAG - Abstracts on Tropical Agriculture
(Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam - NL) *TRP - Tehnorabocij Proekt TRPD Toxicology Research Projects Directory
TRS - Technical Report Service *Tnidrezervizdat - Vsesojuznoe Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoe Izdatel'stvo Glavnogo Upravlenia Trudovyh Rezervov (SU)
TRUMP - Technical Review and Update of Manuals and Publications, 1975- (US Navy,
Air Rework
Facility) TS
Technical Service
Technical Specification
Term Specifity
Time Sharing
Turk Standardlari. [Turkish Standard] (TR)
TS/DMS - Time-Shared Data Management System
Tehnologiceskaja Specifikacija
Terminarnaja Sistema
TSC - Tans-a-file System Company, 1970- (US) TSCA - Toxic Substances Control Act.
[Data base]
(National Heart and Lung Institute - US) TSCAFT - Toxic Substance Control Act Plant and

Production Search System (US) TSCG - Technical Services Coordinating Group

(Canadian Library Association - CA) TSCOR - Technical Services Cost Ratio
TSD - Technical Services Division (NLM - US) TSDMS - Time-Shared Data
Management System TSE
Terminal Source Editor
Turk Standardlari Enstitiisu. [Turkish Stan
dards Institute] (TR)
*TSfe - Tehniceskaja Sovetskaja Enciklopedija (SU)
TSEP - Tape-Slide Evaluation Project (Surrey University - GB)
TSGB - Technikerschule Grafische Branche Basel (CH)
TSIG - Technical Services Interest Group (Washington Library Association - US,
Washington State)
Time-Shared Information Retrieval
Todai Scientific Information Retrieval, 1970(Tokyo University-JP)
Technicke Sluzby Knihovnam, cze (Statni KnihovnaCSR-CS)
Tekniikan Sanastokeskus. [Technical Termino
logy Centre] (FI)
Tasmania State Library (AU)
Test Source Library
Towarzystwo Szkofy Ludowej, 1891-1939 (PL)
Tree Searching Language
TSLCN - Texas State Library Communication Network (US)
TSM - Time Sharing Monitor TSODB - Time Series Oriented Data Base TSPS Time-Sharing Programming System TSR
Technical Summary Report
Time Sharing Resources, Inc. (US)
Time-Sharing System
Topological Screens System (CAS - US)
TSSD - Typesetting System for Scientific Docu
ments (UKAEA - GB)
TST - Time-Sharing Terminals, Inc. TT
Technical Translation

Tidningarnas Telegrambyran (SE)
"Top Term" reference
Transmitting Typewriter
TT-N - Tidningarnas Telegrambyran - Nyhetsbanken. [Full text news data base] (SE) TTAM
Time-shared Teleprocessing Access
Turk Teknik Haberltsme Merkezi. [Turkish
Centre of Technical Information] (TR)
TTB - Technical Translation Bulletin *TTBK - Tematiko-Tipologiceskij Plan
Kompletov-anija Edinogo Fonda (SU)
TTC - Teletypewriter Centre
TTCP - The Technical Cooperative Program [for research], int (US/GB/CA/AU)
TTD - Textile Technology Digest (Institute of Textile Technology - US)
TTDF - Tariff and Trade Data Files, int (United Nations, General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade)
TTDL - Terminal Transparent Display Language
TTEGY - Tudomanyos Tajekoztatas Elmelete es Gyarkorlata. [Scientific Information
Theory and Praxis], 1960,1963- (OMKDK-HU)
TTG - Technical Translation Group (Aslib - GB)
TTHM - Turk Teknik Haberlesme Merkezi. [Turkish Technical Information Centre],
1952- (Istanbul Teknik Universitesi - TR)
TTIQ - Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Information Quarterly, 1978- (Tropical
Development and Research Institute - GB)
TTIR - Tarsadalomtudomanyi Informacios Rends-zer, hun [Social Sciences
Information Centre]
TTIRS - Total Transparent Information Retrieval System (University of Illinois - US)
TTIS - Translation and Technical Information Services
TTNA - Ta Tao News Agency (TW)
TTP - Tape-to-Print
Tab-Tronic Recorder (Bell and Howell - US)
Teletypewriter Translator
Teletypewriter System

TTSZ - Tudomanyos Tajekoztato Szolgalata. [Scientific Information Service] (OVK HU)

TIT - Tajekoztatasi Tudomanyos Tarsasag. [Scientific Information Society], 1968(MTESZ - HU)
TTUL - Tennessee Tech University Library (US)
TTX - Teletex
TTY - Teletype
Technische Universitat
Tidningsutgivareforening, 1898-(SE)
*TU - Tehniceskie Uslovija
TUA - Telecommunications Users Association
(GB) TUB - Bibliothek der Technischen Universitat (DD;
DE) TUBITAK - [Scientific and Technical Research
Council of Turkey], 1963- (TR) TUCC - Triangle Universities' Computation Center
(University of North Carolina/North Carolina State University/Duke University - US)
TUCOSP - Tehran Union Catalogue of Scientific
Periodicals (IR) TUCRIC - Trade Union and Community Resource
and Information Centre (GB, Leeds) TUD - Technology Utilisation Division (NASA US)
*TUIN - Tehniceskie Uslovija i Normy TUIR - Teaching the Use of Information
(Birmingham Polytechnic, Department of Librarianship - GB) TUK
Technicke LJstfedf Knihoven, cze (CS)
Technicke Ustredie Kniznic, sla (CS)
TUL - Towarzystwo Uniwersytetow 'Ludowych,
1945-1948 (PL) ;^> TURiL *TUL
Tekuscij Ukazatel' Literatury
Tematiceskij Ukazatel' Literatury
TULCC - Triangle University Library Cooperation
Committee (Duke University/North Carolina State University/University of North
Carolina Chapell Hill-US) *TulCNTI - Tul'skij Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU) TULIPS
Tasmanian University Library Information
Processing System (AU)
Tsukuba University Library Information Pro
cessing System (JP)
TUP - Temple University Press (US)
TUR - Towarzystwo Uniwersytetu Robotniczego, 1923-1948 (PL); -> TURiL

TURDOK - Tiirkiye Bilimsel ve Teknik Dokuman-tasyon Merkezi. [Turkish

Scientifique and Technical Documentation Centre], 1967- (TR)
TURiL - Towarzystwo Uniwersytetow Robotni-czych i Ludowych, 1948-1950 (PL);(formedby the merger of): TUL and TUR
"TurkmenASNTI - Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Naucno-Tehnifeskoj Informacii
Turkmenskoj SSR (SU)
*Turkmengoizdat - Turkmenskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
TurkmenNIINTI - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Insti-tut Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
i Tehniko-Ekonomiieskih Issledovanij Gosplana Turkmenskoj SSR (SU)
*Turkmenucpedgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoj Literatury
Turkmenskoj SSR (SU)
TUSC - Technology Use Studies Center, 1964-(Southeastern State College - US); ->
TUTOR - Teaching Users to Operate RECON, int (ESRO-SDS)
TUVIS - Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Vorbereitung eines Umfassendes
Informationssystem fur die Technische Uberwachungsvereine (DE) *Tuvknigoizdat' Tuvinskoe Kniznoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
TVAZ - Tiibinger Verzeichnis Ausldndischer Zeitschriften (UB Tubingen - DE) TVC - Television Communautaire par Cable
(=CATV, eng)
*TVC - Territorrial'nyj Vycislitel'nyj Centr (SU) TVF - Teknisk-Veteriskapling
Forskning, swe, int
TVRP - Television Reading Program (US) TVS - Toegepaste Viewdata Systems (NL)
TW - Techniko-Vedecke Vydavatelstvi, cze (CS) TVZ - Typographische Vereinigung
Zurich (CH) TWA - Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Auskunftsstelle (DD) TWO - Technik, Wissenschaft, Dokumentation,
oHG (DE) TWE - Travelling Workshops Experiment (BLRDD
TWG - Training Working Group (Aslib - GB) TWIN - Third World Information
Network TWIS - Technical Writing Improuvement Society TWK - Towarzystwo
Wydawcow Ksiazek (PL) TWL - Technisch-Wissenschaftliche Lehrmittelzentrale (DE) TWMP - Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Muzyki Polskiej, 1928-1939 (PL) TWP
Towarzystwo Wiedzy o Prasie, 1938-1939 (PL)
Towarzystwo Wiedzy Powszechnej, 1950-(PL)
Teletypewriter Service

Translator Writing System

TWT - Technical Writing Tips (Savannah River Plant
TWU - Technical Writing Unit (NASA - US) TWV - Technische Worterbiicher Verlag
(D) TWX - Tetypewriter Exchange Service (US; CA) TWXIL - TWX Interlibrarv
Loan Network
State Library - US)
TWZ - Verzeichnis von Zeitschriftenbestanden und SerienwerkenausdenGebieten:
Technik, Natunvis-senschaften, Medizin, Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften,
1951-1955 (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Technisch- Wissenschaftlichen Biblio-theken DE)
TWZW-Tajne Wojskowe ZakJady Wydawnicze, 1941-1944 (PL)
TX - Telex
TYGLIS - Transbinary Group on Librarianship and Information Studies (UGC/NAB GB)
TYMNET - TYMSHARE International Data Communications Network
TZ - Tiskove Zpravodajstvi, cze (CS)
TZB - Technische Zentralbibliothek (DE)
TZD - Tematyczne Zestawienie Dokumentacyjne, pol
Technicka Zavodna Kniznica, sla (CS)
Technicka Zavodni Knihovna, cze (CS)
TZV - Tubingen Zeitschriften-Verzeichnis (UB Tu
bingen - DE)
U/APS - Underground/Alternative Press Syndicate; ^-APS and UPS
U/APS(AP) - Underground/Alternative Press Syndicate, Asia-Pacific (HK); <USP(AP)
U/APS(E) - Underground/Alternative Press Syndicate, Europe (Bath and Brigtho,
GB);- UPS(E)
U/APS(LA) - Underground/Alternative Press Syndicate, Latin America (Buenos Aires,
AR); < UPS(LA)
U/APS(USA) - Underground/Alternative Press Syndicate, USA (New York, US); <UPS(USA)
UA - Universitatsarchiv
UA - Ustfedni Archiv, cze (CS)
UA SAV - Ustredny Archiv SAV, sla (CS)
UACC - Universal Autograph Collectors, Club, int (US)
UACP - Union des Agences et Conseils en Publicite
UADPS - Uniform Automated Data Processing System (US)

UADPS/INAS - Uniform Automatic Data Processing System, Industrial Naval Air

Station (US)
Union des Associations Internationales, 1910(Bruxelles, BE) (=UIA, eng)
Universal Access to Information
UAIA - Union des Agences d'Information Africaines, int, 1963- (Jaunde, CM) (=UANA, eng) UAIDE - Users of Automatic
Information Display
Equipment (Stromberg Datagraphics - US) UAIMS - United Aircraft Information
System (United Aircraft Corp. - US) UAL
1. Universal Assembly Language
UAM - Universitatsarchiv Mainz (DE)
UAMV- Ustfedni Archiv Ministerstva Vnitra, cze
*UAN - Ukrainskaja Akademija Nauk, rus (SU) UANA - Union of African News
Agencies, int,
1963- (Jaunde, CM) (=VAlA,fre) UAP
United Arab Press (EG)
Universal Availability of Publications, 1977(Unesco/IFLA) (=AUP,/re)
Union des Agences de Presse Africaines, int
United Amateur Press Association (US)
UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver Trans
UASIF - Union des Associations Scientifiques et In-dustrielles Franchises (FR)
UAT - Union Africaine des Telecommunications, 1961-(Addis Ababa, ET)
UATI - Union des Associations Techniques Internationales (Paris, FR) (=UITA, eng);
Universiteitsbibliotheek, dut
Universitetsbibliotek, dan, swe
Univerzitetska Biblioteka, cw
UB/TIB - Universitatsbibliothek und Technische Informationsbibliothek, Hannover (DE) *UB
Universitetska Biblioteka, but
Univerzitetska Biblioteka, ser
UBA - Universitetsbibliotek Amager (DK)

UBAN - University Booksellers Association of Ni

geria (NG)
UBARI - Union of Burma Applied Research Institute (BU) UBC
Universal Bibliographic Control (IFLA)
University of British Columbia (CA)
UBdFU - Universitatsbibliothek der Freien Univer
sitat (WB)
UBET - Union Beige des Ecrivains du Tourisme
Universiteitsbibliothek Gent, fie (BE)
Universiteitsbibliothek Groningen (NL)
UBI - Unione Bibliografica Italiana (IT)
UBIS - Universitatsbibliothek Informationsstelle,
1978-(UBGraz-AT) UBJC - Union Beige des Journaux Catholiques
(BE) UBK - Universelle Bibliographische Kontrolle
(=UBC, eng) *UBK - Universal'nyj Bibliograficeskij KontroF
(=UBC, eng) UBN - Unabhangiger Biologischer Nachrichtendienst (DE) UBO - University Bookshop Oxford Ltd (GB)
UBS - Ustfednf Bibliograficke Stfedisko, cze (CS);
Universal Book Tester (US)
Universitetsbiblioteket i Trondheim (NO)
*UBT - Universal'nyj Bazovyj Tezaurus
UBTA - Ukrains'ke Bibliotecne Tovarystvo Amery-ky, 1961- (US) (=ULAA, eng)
UBTUW - Universitatsbibliothek der Technischen
Universitat Wien (AT)
*UBU - Universal'nyj Bibliograficeskij Ucet (=UBC, eng)
UC LSD - University of California Library Systems Development Program (US)
UCABCS - University Computer-Aided Bibliographic Control System (Drexel Library
- US)
UCABEL - Union Catalogue of Art Books in Edin-burg Libraries (GB)
UCAN - Union of Catholic Asian News, 1979-(HK)
Union Catalogue of Asian Publications, 1965(London University, School of Oriental and Af
rican Studies - GB)
Union Catholique Africaine de la Presse, 1977(ICUP - Yaounde, SN)

UCASS - University Computer-Assisted Search

Services UCB
Ufficio Centrale Brevetti (IT)
Union Catalogue of Books (BLLD - GB)
University of California Berekeley (US)
UCB-ILR - University of California Berkeley, Insti
tute of Library Research (US)
Unified Classification Code (INSPEC - GB)
Union des Critiques du Cinema (FR)
United Computer Corporation (US)
Universal Copyright Convention, 1952 (Unesco)
University Computing Company (US)
UCC-AC - University Computing Company, Auto
mation Center, 1969- (US)
UCDLG - University and College Departmental Librarians Group (GB)
UCEAM - Union Catalogue of East Asian Monographs (NLA - AU)
UCET - Universities Council for the Education of Teachers, 1967- (GB)
UCF - Union Catalogue File (BLCMP Library Services - GB) *Ucgiz = Ucpedgiz
UCHCIS - Urban Comprehensive Health Care Information System (Denver
Neighborhood Health Program-US)
UCIP - Union Catholique Internationale de la Presse, 1966- (Paris, FR) (=ICUP, eng);
Uniterm Coordinate Index System
University Center for International Studies,
UCISE - Union Catalogue of Institutes and Schools
of Education
UCL - University College London (GB) *UCL - UkazateP Citirovannoj Literatury
UCLA - University of California Los Angeles (US) UCLAP - Union Catdlica LatinoAmericana de la
Prensa, int, 1959- (Montevideo, UY) UCLC
University and College Library Council (US,
Northern Utah)
Utah College Library Council (US)
UCLIE - Union Catalogue of the Libraries of Insti
tutes of Education (GB)
UCLIS - University and College Libraries Section
(LAA-AU)(=UCLS) UCLS = UCLIS UCMP - Union Catalog of Medical

1966- (Medical Library Center of New York - US) UCN - Ustfednf Cirkevni
Nakladatelstvi, cze, 1953(CS) UCOM - Union Catalog of Medical Monographs
and Multimedia (US)
UCOS - Union Catalogue of Orchestral Sets (GB) UCP - Union Central Press (CH)
*Ucpedgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo UcebnoPedagogiceskoj Literatury (SU) (=*Ucgiz) UCPG - University and College Publishers'
Group UCPP - University, College and Professional Publishing (Publishers Association
- GB) UCR = UCRS UCRS - University, College and Research Section
(LA-GB)(=UCR) UCRU - Union Catalog Reference Unit (LC-US)
Universal Character Set (IBM - US)
Universal Classification System
UCSB - University of California at Santa Barbara (US)
UCSC - University City Science Center, 1963-(University of Pennsylvania - US)
UCSD - University of California San Diego (US)
UCSL - Unilever Computer Services Limited (US)
UCUC - University of California Union Catalog (University of California Berkeley US)
UCUCS - University of California Union Catalog Supplement (US)
UCULS - University of California Union List of Serials (US)
UDAC - Uppsala Datacentral (Uppsala Universitet -SE)
Unified Direct Access Standard (ICL - GB)
Universal Database Access Service, 1979(TW)
UDB - Universalle Datenbank UDC
Universal Decimal Classification (FID)
(=CDU...; CZU, rum; DK, ger; ETO, hun;
MDT, cze, sla; UDC, dut; UDK...; *UDK...;
Universal Decimal Code
Universele Derimalc Placcifirati^n At a
University of the District of Columbia (US)
Urban Data Center (Washington University)
UDC/AdPan - UDC Advisory Panel (FID)
UDD - Association pour 1'Utilisation et la Diffusion
de la Documentation, 1944- (FR) UDEFOR - Union des Editeurs Exportateurs Franc.ais d'Ouvrages de Religion (FR) UDEL - Union des Editeurs de Litterature (FR)
UDF - Ustredni Dokumentacni Fond, cze, 1946(Statnf Knihovna v Praze - CS) "Udgiz - Udmurtskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo

UDID - Unique Data Item Description UDIS - Urban Development Information
Universal Dezimalklassifikation (=UDC, eng)
Universella Decimalklassifikationen, swe
(=UDC, eng)
Decimalklassifikation, dan
(=UDC, eng)
Univerzalna Decimalna Klasifikacija, slo
(=UDC, eng)
Universalna Deseticna Klasifikacija, bul
(=UDC, eng)
Universal'naja Desjaticnaja Klassifikacija
(=UDC, eng)
Univerzalna Decimalna Klassifikacija, ser
(=UDC, eng)
UDL - Uniform Data Language UDLC - Universal Data Link Control *UDMK Ul'tradiamikrokarta UDP - United Data Processing UDR
Univesal Document Reader
Urgent Data Request (GIDEP-US)
UDRI/ISS - University of Dayton Research Institu
te, Information Systems Section, 1965- (US)
Unified Data System
Universal Documentation System
Universelle Datenbanksystem (Siemens - DE)
Urban Data Service, int (International City Ma
nagement Association - Washington, US)
UDT - Universal Document Transport UDTS
Universal Data Transfer Service (Globe-Makkay Cable and Radio Corp. - PH)
Universal Data Transfer Service (ITT World
Communications, Inc. - US)
UDUAL - Union de Universidades de America Latina, int, 1949- (MX) UE - Universal-Edition (AT) UEGGSP - Union Europeenne des
de Grossistes Specialises en Papeterie UEI - Union of Educational Institutions (GB)
UEIC - United Engineering Information Center
(US) UEIS - United Engineering Information Service

Ustredna" Ekonomicka Kniznica, Bratislava, sla
Ustfednf Ekonomicka Knihovna, cze (CS)
UELF - Union des Editeurs de Langue Francaise,
UEP - Ustfednf Evidence Pfekladu, cze (CS)
UEPIP - Union of European Practitioners in Industrial Property, 1979- (Paris, FR)
(=UNION, eng; UPEPI,/re);-UNEPA
UEPS - Union Europeenne de la Presse Sportive (Berlin, DD)
UERPIC - Underground Excavation and Rock Properties Information Center, 1972(CINDAS-US)
UETS - Union Educative des Typographies Suisses (CH)
UEVTF - Ustfednf Evidence Vedeckotechnickych Filmu, cze (CS)
UEWP - Ustfednf Evidence Vedeckovyzkumnych a Vyvojovych Pracf, cze, 1966(UTEIN- CS)
UE VZOD - Ustredni Evidence Vyzkumnych Zprav a Obhajenych Dizertacf, sla (CS,
UF - "Use For" reference
UFA - University Film Association (US); - UFPA
UFAG - Union Franchise des Associations Graphi-ques (FR)
UFAM - Universal File Access Method
UFC - Universal Facet Classification
UFF - University Film Foundation (US)
Union Franchise d'Information (FR)
User Friendly Index
UFTTA - Archiv fur Urheber-, Film- und Theaterrecht *UFK - Universal'naja Fasetnaja Klassifikacija
UFK - Ustfednf Fakultnf Knihovna, cze (CS)
UFMG/EB - Universidade Federal de Minas Gera-is, Escola de Biblioteconomfa (BR)
UFOD - Union Fran$aise des Organismes de Documentation, 1932- (FR)
UFOIRC - Unidentified Flying Object Information Retrieval Center (US)
UFOKAT - Umweltforschungskatalog (Umwelt-bundesamt - DE)
UFORDAT - Datenbank Umweltforschungsvorha-ben (DE)
UFPA - University Film Producers' Association (US);-UFA
UFPE/BC - Biblioteca Central da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (BR)
UFPE/SD - Servio de Documentac,ao da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (BR)
UFRGS/SBD - Servic,o de Bibliografia e Documen-13930 da Universidade Federal do
Rio Grande de Sul (BR)
UFSA-Union Franchise des Societes d'Auteurs
(FR) *UFT - UnificirovannajaFoneticeskajaTransknpcijs

T If A ff
UFVA - University Film and Video Association
i r-,:.,:*.. ~t r*
Center (US) UGAIC - University of Georgia Athens, Information Center (US)
UGC - University Grants Committee (GB) UGCB - Vereniging voor de Ontwikkeling
van Uniforme Grondslagen en Coordinatie van Informatie
Verzorging in het Bouwwesen (NL) UGE - Union Generate d'Editions, 1925- (FR)
UGJPB - Union Generate des Journalistes de la
Presse Beige (BE) "Ugletehizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Naucno-Tehniceskoe Izdatel'stvo po Ugol'noj Promyslennosti (SU) UGOLIS - Users Group for OnLine Information
UGP - Udruzenja Grafickih Preduzeca, cro (YU) UGRA - Verein zur Forderung
Untersuchungen im Graphischen Gewerbe (CH) UHR - Ultra High Reduction.
[Micrographics] UHTSS - University of Hawaii Time-Sharing System (US) UIA - Union of International Associations, 1910(Bruxelles, BE) (=UAI, fre); <- (founded as):
Central Office of International Association, 1907-UIAA - Union Internationale des
d'Annonceurs, 1953- (Bruxelles, BE);
UIAP - Union Internationale des Associations de
Presse, 1892-(=IUPA, eng) UIBPIP - United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (Geneve, CH)
(=BIRPI,/re);->WIPO UIC - Urban Information Center (US) UIC/BD - Union
Internationale des Chemins de
Fer, Bureau de Documentation (Paris, FR) UICA/LREP - Union of Independent
Colleges of
Art, Learning Resources Exchange Program,
1967- (US) "
UICPA - Union Internationale de Chimie Pure et
Appliquee, 1919- (Oxford, GB) (=IUPAC, eng) UIDMM - Ufficio Internazionale di
Documentazione di Medicina Militare UIE
1 . Unesco Institute for Education , int
2. Union Internationale des Editeurs (Zurich,
CH) (=IPA, eng; IVU, ger); <- CIE UIEO - Union of International Engineering

zations, 1951- (Paris, FR); - UITA UIF - Ustfedni Informacnf Fond, cze (CS) UIG User Instruction Group UIGA - Unione Italiana Giornalisti dell' Automobile (IT) UII - Union Internationale des Interpretes (=IUI,
eng) UIIGR - Union Internationale des Industries Graphiques de Reproduction, 1968- (Paris, FR); <
UIP UIII- Urban Information Interpreters, Inc., 1971(US) UIJ
Udruzenje Izdavaca Jugoslavije, cro (YU)
Union Internationale des Journalistes
Union Internationale des Journalistes Africains, 1974- (Paris, FR) (=UJA)
Union Internationale des Journalistes Agricoles, 1957- (Paris, FR) (=IUAJ, eng)
UIJPLF - Union Internationale des Journalistes et de la Presse de Langue Franchise,
1952- (Paris)
UlIS - Union Internationales de Journalistes Scien-tifiques, -1971; Union
Europeenne des Associations des Journalistes Scientifiques, 1971UILJ - Union Internationale pour les Livres de la Jeunesse, 1952- (Miinchen, DE)
(=IBBY eng-IKJ.ger)
Udruzenje Izdava6kih Preduzeca, cro (YU)
Union Internationale de la Photogravure et de
la Galvanotypie, 1947- (Paris, FR); -> UIIGR
Union Internationale de Physique Pure et App
liquee, 1922- (Paris, FR) (=IUPAP, eng)
Union Internationale des Publicitaires, 19491955 (=IUPA, eng)
UIPC - Union Internationale de la Presse Catholi-que, 1935- (Paris, FR); <^BIJC; ^UCIP
UIPD - Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory (US)
UIPJ - Udruzenje Izdavackih Preduzeca Jugoslavije, cro (YU)
UIPM - Union Internationale de la Presse Medicale, 1952- (Paris, FR) (=IUMP, eng)
UIPOLA - Union Internationale pour la Protection des Oeuvres Litteraires et
Artistiques, 1886-(Bern, CH) (=IUPLAW, eng)
UIPPA - Union Internationale de Physique Pure et Appliquee, 1922- (Paris, FR)
(=IUPP, eng)
UIPPI - Union Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriete Industrielle (Geneve,
CH) (=IUPIP, eng)
UIPRE - Union Internationale de la Presse Radio-technique et Electronique, 1959(Freiburg, DE)
UIR - University-Industry Research Program (University of Wisconsin Library - US)

Ustav pre Informacie a Riadenie v Kulture,
Bratislava, sla (CS)
Ustav pro Informace a Rizenf v Kulture, cze
UIS - Ustfedni Informacnf Sluzba, cze (CS) UISCH - Ustfedni Informacnf Sluzba
Chemie, cze
(Vyzkumnyo Ustav Technicko-Ekonomicky Chemickeho Prumyslu - CS) UISJP - Ustfedni Informacnf Stfedisko pro Jaderny
Program, cze, 1969- (CSKAE - CS) UISOK - Ustredne Informacne Stredisko
Kultury, sla (Matica Slovenska - CS) UISPER - Unione Italiana Stampa Periodica
Educativa per Ragazzi (IT) UIT
1. Union Internationale de Telecommunications, 1932- (Geneve, CH) (=ITU, eng); <(founded as): Union Telegraphique Internationale, 18652. Union Internationale des Traducteurs UITA - Union of International Technical
Associations (Paris, FR) (=UATI, fre); <- UIEO UJ MK - (jj Magyar Konyvkiado.
[New Hungarian
Publications] (HU)
UJA - Union des Journalistes Africains (=UIJA) UJC-UM - Ustav pro Jazyk Cesky,
Utvar Vedeckych Informaci, cze, 1968- (CSAV - CS) UJCB - Union des Journaux Catholiques
UJCL - Univesal Job Control Language UJEB - Union des Journaux d'Entreprise de
Belgique (BE) UJEF - Union des Journaux d'Entreprise de France,
1947-(FR) UJISLAA - Unesco Journal of Information Science,
Librarianship and Archives Administration, 1979(Unesco) (=RUSIBA,/fe) UK
UniversitetaKarlova,cze (CS)
Universita Komenskeho, cze (CS)
Universitni Knihovna, cze
Univerzitna Kniznica, sla
UK-B - Univerzitna Kniznica Bratislava, sla (CS)
(=UKB) UK/NSDC - National Serials Data Centre, United
Kingdom (GB) UK-P - Universitni Knihovna Praha, cze (CS)
Ustredna Kniznica, sla
IJstfedni Katalogizace, cze

Ustfedni Knihovna, cze

UK SAV - Ustredna Kniznica Slovenskej Akade-mie Vied, sla, 1953- (CS)
UK VT - Ustredna Kniznica VST, sla (CS)
UKAC - United Kingdom Automation Council, 1958-(GB)
UKAEA - United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (GB)
UKASE - University of Kansas Automated Serials System (US)
UKAULI - Udvalget for Central Katalogisering og Indkeh af Undenlandsk Litteratur,
Grammono-fonplader og Musikalier (DK)
Samenwerkingsverband van de Universiteitsen Hogeschoolbibliotheken, Koninklijke Bibliotheek en Bibliotheek Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, 1977(NL)
Univerzitna Kniznica Bratislava, sla (CS)
UKC - United Kingdom Current MARC File. [Data
base](BLAISE-GB) UKCIS - United Kingdom Chemical Information
Service, 1969- (COCI - GB); - CSRUIDR; ->
RSCIS UKCTRAIN - United Kingdom Catalogue Training
UKD - Uniwersalna Klasyfikacja Dziesie.tna, pol
(=UDC,eng) UKDB - Unie der Katholieke Dagbladen van Belgie,/fe(BE)
UKF - Ustfedni Knihovna Filmova, cze (CS) UKITO - United Kingdom Information
Organisation (GB) UKK
Ustfedni Knihovna Kraje, cze
Ustfedni' Kulturni Komise, cze (CS)
UKL - Ustredna Kniznica Lekarska, sla (CS)
UKLDS - United Kingdom Library Database Sys
tems (GB)
UKMARC - United Kingdom Machine-Readable
Catalogue (BLBSD - GB) (=UK-MARC) UKMP - Ustfedni Knihovna
cze (CS) UKNSDC - United Kingdom National Serials Data
Centre, 1975- (BLBSD - GB) (=NSDC) UKOI - Universitni Knihovna v
Olomouci, cze
(CS) UKOLUG - United Kingdom Online Users Group,
1978- (GB) UKP - Universitni Knihovna Praha, cze (CS)

UKPA - United Kingdom Patent Application (GB) UKPL - Ustfedni Knihovna

Patentove Literatury,
cze, 1964- (LJPV-CS) UKPPiW - Urzad Kontroli Prasy, Publikacji i Widowisk (PL) *UKPS - Udruzenje Knjizevnij Prevodilaca Srbije,
ser (YU) UKR - United Kingdom Reprospective MARC
File. [Data base] (BLAISE - GB) UKR
Ustredna Kniznifina Rada, sla (CS)
Ustfedni Knihovnicka Rada, cze, 1955UKRA - United Kingdom Reading Association,
1964- (GB)
*Ukrcentrarhiv - Central'noe Arhivnoe Upravlenie Ukrainskoj SSR, rus (SU)
*Ukrgostehizdat - Ukrainskoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Tehniceskoj Literatury,
rus (SU)
*Ukrmedgiz - Gosudarstvennoe Medicinskoe Izdatel'stvo Ukrainskoj SSR, rus (SU)
HJkrNIIB - Unkrainskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij In-stitut Bumagi, rus (SU)
*UkrNIINTI - Ukrainskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Naucno-Tehniceskoj
Informacii, rus, 1959- (SU); -> (the same initialism): Ukrainskij Naucno-Issled.
Institut Naucno-Teh. Informacii i Tehniko-Ekonomiceskih Issledovanij (Gosudarstvennyj Planovyj Komitet SM USSR - SU) UKS - Ustredny Katalog Slovenska, sla
(CS) UKSAV = UK SAV UKSG - United Kingdom Serials Group (GB)
*UKT - Ukazatel' Kljucevyh Terminov UL
Uncontrolled Language [in indexing]
University Library
User Language
Uganda Library Association, 1957- (UG)
Utah Library Association, 1912- (US)
ULAA - Ukrainian Library Association of America,
1961- (US) (=UBTA, ukr)
ULAE - Universal Limited Art Editions
ULANG - User Language
ULAP - University-wide Library Automation Program, 1971-1981 (University of
California Berkeley , ILR - US); -> DLA
ULAPC - Union Latinoamericana de Prensa Catoli-ca, int (Montevideo, UY)
Universitats- und Landesbibliothek (DD)
Universite Libre de Bruxelles (BE) (=VUB,

Union Library Catalog
Urban Libraries Council, 1971-(US);-^-ULTC
ULD - University Library Dundee (GB)
ULDP - Unesco List of Documents and Publications, 1972- (Unseco, CDS - Paris, FR)
ULF - Udenlandsk Litteratur i Danske Folkebiblio-teker (DK)
ULICS - University of London, Institute of Computer Science (GB)
University Library Information Systems Pro
ject, 1959-1962 (University of Illinois -US)
University of Leeds Industrial Services (GB)
ULISYS - Universal Library Systems, Inc. (US)
ULJD - University of London Journalistic Diploma

Ustredna Lekarska Kniznica, sla (CS)

Ustfedni Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS)
UL'K - Ustredna L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
ULKP - Ustfedni Lidova Knihovna Hlavniho Mesta
Prahy, cze (CS)
ULL - University of Liverpool Library (GB) ULMS
Office of University Library Management Stu
dies, 1970-(ARL - US)
Union List of Montana Serials (US)
ULOM - Union List of Microfilms (US)
ULOSSOM - Union List of Selected Serials of Mi
chigan (Wayne State University - US)
Union List of Periodicals (Northeastern Penn
sylvania Bibliographic Center - US)
University of London Press (GB)
Union List of Serials (US)
University Libraries Section (ARCL - US)
ULSCL - Union List of Serials in Canadian Libraries
(CA) ULSCS - University of London Shared Cataloguing
System (GB)
ULSI - Union List of Serials in Israel Libraries (IL) ULSS-Unified Literature Search
Service, 1974nsnjrrms-CAl
ULTA - Urban Library Trustees Association (US)
ULTC - Urban Library Trustees Council, 1971-(US);--ULC

ULTRA - Universal Language for Typographic Reproduction Applications

UM - University Microfilms (US) (=UMI)
UM-LES - University of Michigan Library Extension Service (US)
UMASS - Unlimited Machine Access from Scattered Sites (University of
Massachusetts, Research Computer Center - US)
UMATVA - Undens0gelsesudvalg for Materiale-valgsleidning,1979-(DK)
UMC - Uniwersalna Maszyna Cyfrowa, pol
UMCC - University of Miami Computing Center (US)
UMCS - Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skiodowskiej, 1944- (PL)
UMEM - Union Mondiale des Ecrivains-Medecins, 1969- (DE);- Societe
Internationale de Medecins Ecrivains, 1967-; <- FISEM
UMF - Ultramicrofiche
UMG - Union des Machines Graphiques
UMI - University Microfilms International (US) (=UM)
UMIS - Urban Management Information System
UMISAL - Union Catalogue of Unofficial Manuscripts in South African Libraries,
Museums, Churches etc. (South African Library - ZA)
UMIST - University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology (GB)
UMLS - University of Montreal Library School
(CA) *UMPD - Udalennyj Multipleksor Peredaci Dannyh
UMPF - Union Mondiale de la Presse Feminine
UMPLIS - Umwelt-Planungsinformationssystem (DE)
UMRECC - University of Manchester, Regional Computer Centre (GB)(=UMRCC)
UMREL - Upper Midwest Regional Education Laboratory (US)
UMS/VS - Universal Multiprogramming System/ Virtual Storage (Mitsubishi - JP)
UMTRIS-Urban Mass Transportation Research Information Service (Department of
UMTS - University of Maine Technical Services Program, 1966-(US)
UmUB - Umea Universitetsbibliotek (SE)
UMWELUNFORM - Informationsdienst Um-weltschutz (DD)
UN - United Nations (=ONU,/re)
Urad pre Normalizaxau, sla (CS)
UNA - Uganda Press Agency (UG)
UNACAST - United Nations Advisory Committee
on the Application of Science and Technology to Development, int UNADS - Univac
Automated Documentation Systern (Sperry Rand Corp. - US)
UNAG - Union d'Agences Suisses de Journaux et Livres en Gros, 1947- (CH)
UNAM - Universidad Nacional Aut6noma de Mexico (MX)

UNAPROS - United Nations Law Abstracting and Print-out Service, int

UNA VIC - United Nations Audio-Visual Information Centre for Human Settlements,
UNAZA - Universite Nationale du Zaire, 1971-(ZR)
UNB/BC - Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasilia (BR)
UNB/SB - Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade
de Brasilia (BR) *UNB - Universal'naja Naucnaja Biblioteka (SU)
UNBID - UN1SIST International Centre for Bibliographic Description, 1976(Unesco, Division of the General Information Programme - Paris, FR)
UNBIS - United Nations Bibliographic Information System, 1979- (DHL - New York,
UNC - Una Norma Cubana (CU) *UNC AN SSSR - Ural'skij Naucnyj Centr Akademii Nauk SSSR (SU)
UNCAST - United Nations Conference on the Applications of Science and
Technology, int
UNCHS - United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat), 1978- (Nairobi,
UNCL - Utah Network of Cooperating Libraries (US)
UNCOL - Universal Computer-Oriented Language
UNCSTD - United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development.
Wien 1979
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 1964- (Geneve CH) (= CNUCEDJre)
UNCTC - United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations, int, 1974- (New
York, US)
UNDEX - UNDEX: United Nations Documents Index, int, 1970-1978 (DHL - New
York, US); <-UNDI;-H UNDOC
UNDI - United Nations Documents Index, 1950-1973 (monthly), 1963-1973 (annual)
(United Nations - New York, US);- Check List of United Nations Documents, 1949-;-*
UNDIS - United Nations Documentation Information System, int, 1974- (DHL- New
York, US)
UNDOC - UNDOC: Current Index. United Nations Documents, int, 1979- (DHL - New
York, U S) ;<-UNDEX
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, 1965- (New York, US)
UNE - Una Norma Espanola (IRANOR - ES)
UNEAC - Union Nacional de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (CU)
UNEEPF - Union Nationale des Editeurs-Exporta-teurs de Publications Francaises,
1948- (FR)
UNEMI - Unione Editori di Musica Italian! (IT)
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme,

1972- (Nairobi, KE) (=PNUE,/re)

UNEP/IRS - United Nations Environmental Programme, International Referral
System, 1975-(Nairobi, KE) (=1NFOTERRA)
UNEPA - Union of European Patent Attorneys and other Representatives before the
European Patent Office, 1975-; (founded as): Union of European Patent Agents; -
UNESCO (Unesco) - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization, 1946- (Paris, FR)
UNFB - United Nations Film Board, int
UNFL - United Nations Filmstrip Library (UN)
Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, 1974(IT)
United News of India, 1959-(IN)
UNI/DRD - UNI Commisione Tecnica "Documentazione e Riproduzione Documentaria", 1961-(IT)
UNIBAT - Union des Centres Franc.ais d'lnforma-tion et de Documentation du
Batiment (FR)
UNIBID - UN1SIST International Centre for Bibliographic Descriptions, int, 1976(Unesco/BL -London, GB)
UNIBRU (Unibru) - Union des Imprimeurs de Bruxelles et de Wallonie (BE)
United Nations Information Centre, int
[Unit of Documentation and Information of
UNICA - Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes, mr
UNICAST - Union Catalogue of Scientific and Technical Books in Sri Lanka
UNICAT - National Union Catalogue of Monographs, 1973-(ZA)
UNICAT/TELECAT - Union CataloguefTelecom-munication Catalogue. [Consortium
of libraries in Ontario and Quebec], 1973-1980 (CA); -> Rl-BLIN
UNICE - Union des Industries de la Communaute Europeenne, int (Bruxelles, BE)
UNICEF - United Nations Internationale Children's Emergency Fund, 1946-1953
(New York, US) ( = ICEF); -(thesame initialism): United Nations Children's Fund,
1953UNICIRC- Universal Circulation System (OCLC -US)
Unit Concept Indexing System
University of Calgary Information Systems,


UNICOL - Universal Computer Oriented Language
UNICOM - Universal Integrated Communication
System UNICOMP - Universal Compiler
Univac Document Accessioning System (Sper
ry Rand Corp., Univac Division - US)
Univac Documentations- und Auskunft-System, 1975- (Sperry Univac Deutschland- DE)
UNIDEX - A UDC-based Index, 1962- (American Meteorological Society - US)
UNIDIG - Union Nationale Intersyndicale des Industries Graphiques (FR)
UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization, 1967- (Wien, AT)
UNIGRA - Union des Industries Graphiques et du
Livre, 1937- (BE) *UNIIPP - Ukrainskij Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligraficeskoj Promys'lennosti, rus (SU) *UNIK - Ukrainskyj Naukovyj Institut
Knyhoznavst-va, 1922-1936, ufcr(SU)
UNIMARC - Universal MARC Format (IFLA); <-MIF
UNIMS - UNIVAC Information Management System (US)
UNINDUST - General Industrial Statistics. [Data base] (United Nations Statisticas
Office - New York, US)
UNIO - United Nations Information Organization, int
Union des Practiciens Europeenns en Propriety
Industrielle, 1979- (Paris, FR) (=UPEPI); UNEPA
Union of European Practitioners in Industrial
Property, 1979- (Paris, FR) (=UNPEPI); <UNEPA
UNIPAC - Union Industrielle des Fabricants de Pa-piers et Cartons (FR) UNIPOL
Universal Problem-Oriented Language
Universal Procedure-Oriented Language
Universal Programmer Oriented Language
UNIPREA - Commissione Tecnica di Unificazione nella Meccanica Precisa, Fine,
Ottica, Fotografia ed Affini (IT)
UNIPRESS - Agenda Universal de Imprensa (PT)
UNIPUB - [Distributor of publications for international organisations] (US)
UNIS - United Nations Information Service, int (=CINU,/)
UNISA - University of South Africa (ZA)
UNISIST - Universal System for Information in Science and Technology, 1971(Unesco)

Univac Storage and Retrieval System (Sperry
Rand Corp., Univac Division - US)
User Network for Information Storage, Trans
fer, Acquisition and Retrieval (Auburn Univer
sity, School of Engineering - US)
UNISYM - Unified Symbolic Standard Terminology for Mini Computer Instructions
UNIT - Institute Uruguayo de Normas Tecnicas
UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 1963- (New York, US)
UNITEC - University Information Technology Corporation, 1968- (Harvard
University/MIT- US)
UNITEL - Universal Teleservice. [Satellite Information Service]
UNIVAC (Univac) - Universal Automatic Computer. 1951 (Remington Rand Corp. US)
UNIVERSE - Universities Expanded Ring and Satellite Experiment (GB)
UNIX - [Electronic ordering system which allows a user to access library services
remotely] (AT&T Bell Laboratories-US)
UNJ - Union Nationaler Journalistenverbande
UNK - Ustfedni Nakupna Knihoven, cze (CS)
UNLIB - United Nations Libraries (UN Library -New York, US)
Urad pre Normalizaciu a Meranie, sla (CS);

Ufad pro Normalizaci a Mefenf, cze (CS);
Udruzenje Novinara Srbije, ser (YU)
Ukazatel' Nautnyh Ssylok
UNSAC - United Nations Scientific Advisory Committee, int
UNSCC - United Nations Standards Co-ordinating Committee, 1944-1946
(=CCNNU,/re); <-ISA; -*ISO
UNSIS - United Nations Statistical Information System, 1979- (UN, DIESA Washington, US)
UNTAP - United Nations Technical Assistance Program, int *UNTI - Upravlenie
Nauno-Tehniceskoj Informacii
*UNTIiP - Upravlenie Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii i Propagandy (SU)
UNU - United Nations University, 1973- (Tokyo, JP)
UNUDB - United Nations University Data Base (UNU Library-Tokyo, JP)
UOC - Universal Output Computer
UOCC - UK Online Coordinating Committee (GB)

UODDL - User-Oriented Data Display Language

UOI - User On-line Interaction *UOI - Ustrojstvo Otobrazenija Informacii
UOL - Utility-Oriented Language
UOLI - User-Oriented Language Interface
UOPC - Union des Oeuvres de la Presse Catholique, 1923- (BE)
United Press (US) ;->UPI
University Press (GB; US)
UP PRL - Urzad Patentowy Polskiej Rzeczypospolitej Ludowej (PL) UPA
United Press of America, 1907-1958 (US)
United Printers Association (GB)
TTPA A _ 1 TnitpH PrAcc Accnrintinn nf Amprira
UP ADI - Uni6n Panamericana de Asociaci6nes de Ingenieros, int, 1949- (Buenos
Aires, AR)
UPAJ - Union Panafricaine des Journalistes, int, 1963- (Accra, GH) (=PAJU, eng)
UP AT-Union Panafricaine des Telecommunications, 1978- (Kinasha, ZR) (=PATU,
UPBT - Union of Publishers and Booksellers of Teheran, 1961-(IR)
Ultrafilm Processing Center (US)
United Press of Canada (CA)
Universal Product Code
UPCC-Uniform Product Code Council, 1972(US)
UPD - Union-Pressedienst *UPD - Ustrojstvo Podgotovki Dannyh *UPDK Ustrojstvo Podgotovki Dannyh na Perfokartah *UPDL - Ustrojstvo Podgotovki Dannyh na Perfolentah UPE - Union de la Presse Etrangere en Belgique,
UPEC - Union de Periodistas de Cuba (CU) UPEFE - Union de la Presse Economique
et Financiere Europeenne, 1962- (Bruxelles, BE) UPEPI - Union des Practiciens Europeens en
Propriete Industrielle, 1979- (Paris, FR) (=UEPIP,
eng; UNION,/re); <-UNEPA UPES-Ufficio Propaganda Edizioni Scolastiche
(IT) UPGRADE - University of Pitsburgh Generalized
Recording and Dissemination Experiment (US) UPH - Uganda Publishing House (UG)
United Press International, 1958-(US);<-(/brmed by the merger of): INS and UP

United Press of India, 1938-1958 (IN)
UPIDOK - Udvalg for Paedagogjsk Information og
Dokumentation (DK) UPIN - United Press International Newspictures
UPIU - United Paperworkers International Union UPK
Ustredna Podohospodarska Kniznica, sla (CS)
Ustfedni Pedagogicka Knihovna, cze (CS)
Universal Programming Language
Universal Publications, London (GB)
User Programming Langu age (Burroughs - US)
UPLIF - Update Loans Information File (AERE Li
UPMAC - Upper Peninsula of Michigan Audiovisual Consortium (US)
*UPMD - Ustrojstvo Prjamogo Metoda Dostupa UPMHLC - Upper Peninsula of
Michigan Hospital
Libraries Consortium (US) UPMPB - Union Professionnelle des Maitres Photograveurs Beiges (BE) UPN - Ufad pro Normalizaci, cze (CS) UPNE - University
Press of New England (US) UPO - Urad pre Patenty a Objavy, sla (CS)
United Press of Pakistan, 1949- (PK)
University of Pennsylvania Press (US)
User Participation Program, 1967- (Engineer
ing Index, Inc. - US); - CITE
*UPP - Upravlenie Poligraficeskoj Promyslennosti (SU)
UPPB - Union de la Presse Periodique Beige (BE)
UPPS - Unified Pilot Publication System ("CAS -US)
UPRS - Utah Publications Retrieval Systems (US)
UPS - Underground Press Syndicate (US); -> U/APS
UPS(AP) - Underground Press Syndicate, Asia-Pacific (HK); - U/APS (AP)
UPS(E) - Underground Press Syndicate, Europe (Bath and Brighton, GB); -
UPS(LA) - Underground Press Syndicate, Latin America (Buenos Aires, AR); -^
UPS(USA) - Underground Press Syndicate, United
States of America (US); -> U/APS0JS) *UPS - Ukazatel' Patentnyh Ssylok
UPTEC - Unite Pluridiscipline des Techniques d'Expression et de Communication
(Universite de Bordeaux III-FR)
UPU FILM LIB - Film Library of the UPU (UN, Universal Postal Union - Bern, CH)
UPV - Ufad pro Patenty a Vynalezy, cze (CS)
UR - Urheberrecht *UR - Upravlenie Registracii

URA - User Requirements Analyzer (SADCAT -US)

URADCA - Unite de Recherche, Analyse Docu-mentaire et Calcul en Archeologie
URBAMET - Reseau d'Information sur 1'Urbanis-me, 1'Amenagement,
I'Environnement et les Transports (Institut d'Amenagement et d'Urbanis-me dTle de
France - FR)
URBANDOC (Urbandoc) - Urban Documentation, 1964- (New York University US)
URBATHEQUE - [Multi-media search system in urbanism] (Institut d'Amenagement
et Urbanisme de la Region Parisienne - FR)
URBIN - Urban Information Network, 1974- (US, New York)
URBIS - Urban Information Systems Project (University of California, Public Policy
Research Organization - US)
URC - Underground Reference Collection (Newcastle University - GB)
URFIST - Unites Regionales de Formation pour ITnformation Scientifique et
Techniques (DEMIST-FR) URG - Urheberrechtgesetz. 1965 (DD)
*Urgiz - Ural'skoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
URGS/SCIB - Serviso Central de Informasoes Bib-liograficas da Universidade de Rio
Grande do Sul (BR)
URI - Unpublished Research Information (NSF -US)
URI-EDL - University of Rhode Island, Extension
Division Library (US) URICA
Universal Realtime Information Cataloguing
and Acquisition System (Ride Library System,
Sydney/Library Board of Western Australia,
Perth - AU)
Universal Real-time Information Control and
Administration (Amalgamated Wireless Aus
tralasia Ltd - AU) ( = AWA-URICA)
Universal Realtime System for Information Re
trieval, Cataloging and Acquisitioning, 1983(DE)
URIS - Universal Resources Information Symposium, 1972- (Southern California
Consortium of Library Associations and Information Societies -US)
URISA - Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, 1964- (Claremont
Men's College -Claremont, Calif. - US)
URJ - Union Romande de Journaux, 1920- (CH) URL - User Requirements Language
(CADSAT US) URL/URA - User Requirements Language/User
Requirements Analyzer (Mitre Corp. - US) URMS - Universal Reproducing Matrix
System URR - Urban and Regional References (Canadian

Council on Urban and Regional Research - CA) URS - Universal Reference System,
1967- (Plenum
Publishing Corp. - US)
URTB - Union des Revues Techniques Beiges (BE) USAAVA - US Army Audio-Visual
Agency (US) USAC - Urban Information Systems Inter-Agency Committee, 1968(Department of Housing and Urban Development - US)
USAEC - United States Atomic Energy Commission (US) (=AEC); - ERDA
USAFETAC = ETAC USAID - United States Agency for International
Development (US) (=AID) USAM - Unique Sequential Access Method USARCEN United States Army Records Center
(US) USAS - United States of America Standard (US); -
USASCII - United States of America Standard Code for Information Interchange (US)
(=ASCII) USASCSOCR - USA Standard Character Set for
Optical Character Recognition (US) USASI - United States of America Standards
Institute, 1966-1969 (US); <- ASA; - ANSI USATL - US Army Technical Library
(US) USB - Union des Serigraphes Beiges (BE) USBC - Universal Standard Book
Code (GB) USBE - United States Book Exchange, Inc., 1948-(US); < ABC; - (the
same initialism): Universal Serials and Book Exchange, Inc., 1975-USBS - United
States Bureau of Standards (US) USCA - United States Contract Awards. [Data base]
(Washington Representative Services -US); -USGCA
USCL - United Society for Christian Literature (GB)
USCLASS - United States Classifications. [Data base for patents] (Derwent
Publications Ltd - GB)
Ustfedni Spolek Ceskoslovenskych Knihovniku, cze (CS) (USCK)
Ustredny Spolok Ceskoslovenskych Knihovnikov, sla (CS) (=USCK)
USCSN - Ustfedni Svaz Ceskoslovenskych Novina-fu,c7e(CS)( = USCN)
USD - University Science Development ("NSF-US) *USD - Unificirovannye Sistemy
Dokumentacii (SU)
USE - UNIVAC Scientific Exchange (US)
USERKIT - Universal Search Enhancement and Retrieval Kit for Interfacing to
USGCA - United States Government Contract Awards (US);- USCA
USGPO - US Government Printing Office, 1860-(US) (=GPO)
USGR - US Government Report (US)

USGRDR - Us Government Research and Development Reports, 1965-1970 (CFSTI US); -USGRR;-^GRA
USGRDR-I - US Government Research and Development Reports Index, 1965- (US);
USGRR - US Government Research Reports, 1955-1964 (NBS - US); <- BTR; -
USHDI - United States Historical Documents Institute (US)
USI - Ustav Stavebm'ch Informaci, cze (CS)
Ustav Skolskych Informaci, Praha, cze, 1967(CS) (=USTN)
Ustav Skolskych Informacif, Bratislava, sla,
1969- (CS) (=U$IN)
USIA - United States Information Agency, 1955-1978(US);^USICA
USIB A - United States International Book Association (US)
USIC - United States Information Center (Department of State - US)
USICA - United States International Communication Agency (US) (=ICA);- (formed
by the merger of): BECA and USIA
USIII - United States Interim International Information (US)
United States Information Service, 1942-1945
Utviklingsselskapets Sekundaer-Insformasjonssystem (Utviklingsselskapet for Naeringsliv
USISL - United States Information Service Library
USJ - Union Suisse des Journalistes (CH) (=SJU, gf)
USJPRS - United States Joint Publications Research Service (Department of
Commerce - US) (=JPRS)
USL - User Specialty Languages (IBM Deutschland, Wissenschaftliches Zentrum
Heidelberg - DE)
USL A - Uganda School Library Association, 1966-(UG)
USMC - United States Microfilm Corporation (US)
USMI - Universal Software Market Identifier
USMLS - United States Museum Librarians Society (US)
USNAL - United States National Agricultural Library (US) (=NAL)
USNARS - United States National Archives and Record Service (US) (=NARS)
USNCFID - US National Committee for FID, 1958-(NAS-US)

USNDC - United States Nuclear Data Committee, 1972-(AEC/NBS-US)

USNP - United States Newspaper Project (LC/Na-tional Endowment for the
Humanities/CONSER -US)
USOE - United States Office of Education (US) *USORD - Unificirovannaja Sistema
Organizacionno-RasporjaditeJ'noj Dokumentacii *USORU - Unificirovannaja Sistema Organizacii
i Raspecatki Ukazatelej
USP - United States Patent (US)
USP/BC - Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR)
USP/ECA/DJE - Departamento de Journalismo e Editoracao da Escola de
Comunicacpes e Artes da Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR)
USPA - United States Patents. [Data base] (Derwent Publications Ltd - GB)
USPEC - United States Paper Exporters' Council (US)
USPECs - Unser Specifications
USPI - Unione della Stampa Periodica Italiana, 1953- (IT)
USPO - United States Patent Office (US)
USPP - Union Syndicate de la Presse Periodique (FR)
USPSD - United States Political Science Documents, 1175- (University of Pittsburg,
University Center for International Studies - US)
USPSIS - United States Political Science Information Service (University of Pittsburg,
University Center for International Studies - US)
USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office (US) (=PTO)
USQBR - United States Quarterly Book Review (US)
USR - Union Suisse des Industries Graphiques de Reproduction (CH)
USRC - Urban Systems Research Center (University of Washington - US)
USRFP - US Request for Proposals. [Data base of
Federal Government requests for R and D proposals] (Washington Representative
Services- US)
USRT - Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter
Unifikovany Softvarovy System, cze (RVHP)
Unifiziertes Software System (ROW)
United States Standard (US)
USSI - United States Standards Institution (US) USSPA - United States Student Press
(US); -> College Press Service USSWA - United States Ski Writers Association
Uniform Slavic Transliteration Alphabet (Uni
versity of California Berkeley, Institute of Li
brary Research - US)
United States Trademark Association (US)
UStB - Universitats- und Stadtbibliothek (DE)

USTI - Unione della Stampa Turistica Italiana (IT)

USTIS - Ubiquitous Scientific and Technical Infor
mation System
USW - Unterschlagwort
UTA - United Typothecae of America (US)
UTB - Uni-Taschenbucher GmbH (DE)
UTEHA - Union Tipografica Editorial HispanoAmericana, int (MX) UTEIN
Ustav pre Technicke a Ekonomicke Informacie, sla, 1958-1966 (CS); UVTEI
Ustav pro Technicke a Ekonomicke Informace,
cze 1958-1966 (CS); - UVTEI
UTES - Ustav Technickych a Ekonomickych Sluzeb, cze (CS)
UTET - Unione Tipografico-Editrice Torinese (IT) tJTHD - Ustav Technicke a
Hospodarske Dokumentace, cze (CS) UTIA - Ustav Teorie Informace a Automatizace,
cze(CSAV-CS) UTICS - University of Texas Institute for Computer
Science (US)
LJTIS - Uganda Technical Information Service (UG) UTK
UstrednaTechnickaKniznica, Bratislava, sla, 1960(CS);->SITK
UstfedniTechnickaKnihovna, Praha, cze (CS)
Ustfedni Telovychovna Knihovna, cze (CS)
UTL - University of Toronto Library (CA)
UTLAS - University of Toronto Library Automated
System, 1971- (CA) (=UT/LAS)
UTOC - United Technologies Online Catalog (United Technologies Research Center,
Library System -US)
UTOL - Universal Translator-Oriented Language
UTOPIA - University of Tsukuba Online Processing of Information System, 1981(University of Tsukuba Science Information Processing- JP)
UTRIN - Ustav pro Technicky Rozvoj a Informace, cze(CS);-SIU
Unified Transfer System. [Computer for trans
lating from English to Russian]
Universal Time-sharing System (Amdahl Corp.

UTS/VS - Universal Timesharing System/Virtual

Storage (Mitsubishi - JP) *UTUKL - Universal 'nyj TekuScij Ukazatei Kraevedceskoj Literatury (SU) UTZ-Ustfedni Technicka Zakladna, cze, 1972(UVTEI-CS) UUA-UNIVAC Users Association, 1955-1978
UUB - Uppsala Universitetsbibliotek (SE) UUC - Unionde la Critique du Cinema,
1954-(BE) UUN - Ustfednf Ucitelske Nakladatelstvi, cze (CS) UuStB - Universitatsund Stadtbibliothek (DE) UV - Universitats- Verlag, Berlin (WB) UV - Ufad pro
Vynalezy, cze (CS) UVI
Usek V6deckych Informaci, cze [Scientific In
formation Sector] (CS)
Ostav Vedeckych Informaci, cze [SI Institute]
Ustfedi Vedeckych Informaci, cze [SI Centre]
Lltvar Vedeckych Informaci, cze [SI Division]
Otvar Vedeckych Informacii, sla (CS)
UVI EU CSAV - Utvar Vedeckych Informaci Economicky Ustav CSAV, cze, 1953- (CS) UVI-ZK CSAV - Ustfedi Vedeckych
Informaci Zakladni Knihovny CSAV, cze (CS) UVK - Ustfedni Vojenska Knihovna, cze (CS)
UVLI- Ustav Vedeckych Lekafskych Informaci,
cze, 1973- (Statni Lekafska Knihovna, Praha -CS) yVMK = TJVMKK UVMKK Ustfedni Vedeckometodicky Kabinet
Knihovnictvi, cze, 1957- (Statni Knihovna CSR CS) (=UVMK)
Uradpre Vynalezy aNormalizaciu,.s/a(CS);>
Urad pro Vynalezy a Normalizaci, cze (CS); >
UVO - Ufad pro Vynalezy a Objavy, cze (CS) UVOT - Ustfedna Vypocetni a
Organizacni Technika, cze UVR-UVTEI - Usek Vyzkumu a Racionalizace
UVS - Usek pro Vystavbu Site UVTEI, cze (CS) UVTA - Ustav Vypocetni Techniky a
Automatizace,cze(CS) UVTEI - Ustfedi Vedeckych, Technickych a Ekonomickych Informaci, cze, 1966- (CS)
(=COSTEI, eng); <- UTEIN UVTEI-UTZ - UVTEI Ustfedni Technicke Zakladny, cze (CS) UVTEIN = UVTEI

1. Ustav Vedecko-Technickych Informaci. cze.
2. Ustredie Vedeckych a Technickych InformScii, da(CS)
UVTIZ - Ustav Vedeckotechnickych Informaci pro Zemedelstvi, Praha, cze (CS)
UVTR - Ustav pro Ekonomiku a Rizeni Vedecko-technickeho Rozvoje, cze (CS)
UVZI - Ustav Vedeckych Zdravotnickych Informaci, cze (CS)
UW-ELS - University of Wisconsin Extension Library Services (US)
UWCC - University of Wisconsin Computer Center (US)
UWD - Urzdowy WykazDrukow, 1928-1939 (BN-PL);^PB
UWILM - University of West Indies Library at Mo-na (JM)
UWPC - United World Press Cooperative (US); -
The People's Media Cooperative *UZAP - Upravlenie Zascity Avtorskih Prav (SU)
UZdD - Ustav pro Zdravotnickou Dokumentaci, cze, 1952-1961 (CS) (=UZD);
<- ZDS; - SUZDKS *Uzgiz - Uzbeckoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
*Uzgosizdat = *Uzgiz
*UzINTI - Uzbeckij Institut Naufino-Tehniceskoj Informacii i Propagandy (SU)
UZK - Ustfedni Zemeldelska Knihovna, cze (CS)
UZLK - Ustfedni Zemgdglska a Lesnicka Knihovna, cze, -1960 (CSAV - CS)
(=CAFL, eng); -> UZLK-VTI
UZLK-VTI - Ustfedni Zemgdglska a Lesnicka Knihovna Ustavu VedeckoTechnicky'ch Informaci, cze, 1961- (CS);<- UZLK
*UzNIINTI - Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Naud-no-Tehniceskoj Informacii i
Propagandy (Gos-plan Uzbekskoj SSR - SU); - (the same initia-lism): ... Informacii i
Tehniko-Ekonomiceskih Iss-ledovanij,1957*V/O - Vsesojuznoe Ob"edinenie V-I-P - Variable Input Phototypesetter VA
Verlag fur Architektur (CH)
Verleger-Ausschuss (DE)
Vetenskapsakedemien (SE)
VA-NYTT - Vatten- och Avloppsnytt. [Data base
on the environment] (SE) *VAAP - Vsesojuznoe Agentstvo po Avtorskih Pravam, 1973-(SU) VAB - Kungliga Vetenskapsakademiens Bibliotek
(SE) VABB - Vereniging van Archivarissen en Bibliothecarissen van Belgie,//e (BE) (=AABB,/re)
VABCO VerRTlioinD van A rrhivaric>n RiklinthAcarissen en Conservators, fie (BE)
VAC - Video Access Center *VACNTI - Vedorastvennyj Avtomatizirovannyj
Centr Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
VADE - Versatile Automatic Data Exchange

VADICS - Virginia Drug Information and Consultative Service (Virginia University,

Medical College of Virginia Hospitals - US)
VAI - Video-Assisted Instruction
VALA - Victorian Association of Library Automation (AU)
VaLB - Vasteras Laroverksbibliotek (SE)
VALID - Variable Literature Data System (IBM -US)
Veterans Administration Library Network
(Veterans Administration Central Office US)
Virginia Library Network (US)
VALSE - [Microcomputer-based documentation System] (CNRS, Centre de
Thermodynamique et Microcalorimetrie - FR)
VALUELINE - Value Line Data Services (Arnold BernhardandCo.-US)
VAM - Virtual Access Method
Victorian Agricultural Management Informa
tion System (AU)
Virginia Medical Information System, 1970(Medical College of Virginia - US); ^ VES
VAN - Vereniging Archivarissen in Nederland,
VANs - Value Added Networks VA6
Verband der Agrarjournalisten in Osterreich,
1962- (AT)
Verband der Antiquare Osterreichs (AT)
Verein der Auslandischen Presse in Deutschland (DE)
VAPS - Volume, Article, Paragraph, Sentence *VARAT - Vsesojuznaja Associacija
Rabocih Avtorov Tehniceskoj Literatury (SU) VARTAB - Variable Tabulation program ([Cancer
Research Centre]-DE)
VaSB - Vasteras Stifts- och Landsbibliotek (SE) "VASHNIL - Vsesojuznaja
Akademija Sel'skohozjajstvennyh Nauk im. V.I.Lenina (SU) *VASHOD - Vsesojuznaja
Avtomatizirovannaja Sistema Hranenija i Obrabotki Dannyh (SU) VASL - Vermont Association of School
(US);->VEMA VASLA - Virginia Chapter of the Special Library
Association (US)

*VAU - Vsesojuznoe Arhivnoe Upravlenie (SU) VAZ - Verzeichnis Ausgewdhlter

Wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften des Auslandes, 1957- (DGF, Biblio-theksausschuS DE) VB - Volksbucherei
Verbindungsbiiro Bibliotheks- und Archivwesen(GID-DE)
Vereniging van Bedrijfsarchivarissen (NL)
Victorian Booksellers' Association (AU)
Verbund der Bibliotheken der Obersten Bundesbehorden (DE)
Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare an Offentlichen Buchereien, 1968- (DE); <- VDV
Verlag fur Buch- und Bibliothekswesen (DD)
VBC-Vlaamse Bibliotheek Centrale, fie, 1977(BE)
VBD - Verband der Bayerischen Druckindustrie
*VBIL - Vsesojuznaja Biblioteka Inostrannoj Literatury (SU)
VBJP - Verbond van Belgische en Buitenlandse Journalisten der Periodieke Pers,/?e
VBLJ - Vereniging van Belgische Landbouwjourna-listen,/7e, 1957- (BE)
VBN - Vereniging voor Bedrijfsredacteuren in Nederland (NL)
Verein Buchbindereibesitzer der Schweiz (CH)
Vision Business Systems Ltd (GB)
VBT - Vetenskapliga Bibliotekens Tjanstemannaforening, 1958-(SE) VBT R.Y. = TKV-VBT R. Y. VBVB - Vereniging ter Bevordering
van het Vlaamse Boekwezen,/7e, 1929- (BE) VBZV - Verein Bayerischer Zeitungsverleger *VC Vycislitel'nyj Centr (SU) VCA
Video Record Corporation of America (US)
Viewdata Corporation of America (US)
Video Compact Cassette
Visual Communication Congress
VCCS - Video and Cable Communications Section
(IS AD; -> LITA - US); -> IS AS "VCGADA - Viln'njusskij Central'nyj Gosudarstvennyj Arhiv Litovskoj SSR, Otdel Drevnih Aktovyh Knig (SU) *VCIO - Vsesojuznyj Centr Informacii po Oborudovaniju (SU)

*VCJa - Vycislitel'nyj Jazyk *VCK NA - Vsesojuznyj Central'nyj Komitet Novogo Alfavita (SU)
VCMC - Vocational Curriculum Management Center (US) *VCNIB - Vsesojuznoe
Central'noe Naucno-Issledovatel'skoe Bjuro (SU) *VCNILKR - Vsesojuznaja Central'naja NauCnoIssledovatel'skaja Laboratorija po Konservacii i
Restavracii Hudozestvennyh Cennostej (SU) *VCNTI - Vsesojuznyj Centr NaucnoTehnideskoj
Informacii (SU) *VCP - Vsesojuznyj Centr Perevodov Naucno-Tehniceskoj Literatury i Dokumentacii, 1972- (Gosu430
*VCPU - Vsesojuznyj Centr Patentnyh Uslug (SU) VCR - Video Cassette Recorder
(or: Recording)
Video Communications System
Video Computer System
*VCS - Vyiislitel'naja Sistema
VCT - Vychodoceske Tiskarny, cze (CS) VD
Verband der Druckindustrie
Verlag Dokumentation (DE)
Video Disk
*VD - Vedomost' Ssylocnyh Dokumentov VDA
Verband Deutscher Adressbuchverleger
Verband Deutscher Agrarjournalisten, 1951(DE)
Verband Deutscher Autoren
VDA (VdA) - Verein Deutscher Archivare, 1946(DE)
VDAL - Variable Datalength Assembly Language VDAM - Virtual Data Access
Method VDAS - Vibration Data Acquisition System VDASD - Virtual Direct Access
Storage Device VDB
Verband Deutscher Buchbindereien fur Verlag
und Industrie (DD)
Verband Deutscher Buchgewerbekiinstler
Verein Deutscher Bibliotekare, 1900- (D; since
1948: DE)

Vereinigung Deutscher Buchbinderein (DE)

Volksverband der Biicherfreunde (DE)
VdB NRW - Verband der Bibliotheken des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1948-(DE)
VDB A - Verein Deutscher Bibliotheksahgestellten, 1971- (DE); > Verein
Angehoriger des Mittleren und Nichtdiplomierten Bibliotheksdienstes
VDBW - Verband der Druckindustrie in Baden-Wurttemberg (DE)
Verein Deutscher Dokumentare, 1961- (DE)
Verein Deutscher Druckingenieure
Visual Display Data
VdD - Verband der Druckfarbenindustrie, 1967(DE) VdDB - Verein der Diplom-Bibliothekare an Wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken, 1948- (DE)
VDDP - Video Digital Data Processing VDES - Voice Data Entry System VDETS Voice Data Entry Terminal System VDF - Verband der Datenverarbeitungsfachleute
VDfB - Vorankundigungsdienst fur Bibliotheken VDI - Verein Deutscher Ingenieure
(DE) VDJ - Verband der Deutschen Journalisten, 1946(DD) VDK - Verband Deutscher Dokumentar- und Kurzfilmproduzenten
VDM (VdM) - Verband der Motor Journalisten
VdMF - Verband der Mikrofilm-Fachbetriebe (DE) VDN
Verband der Druckindustrie in Niedersachsen
Verband Druckindustrie Nordrhein (DE)
VDNW - Verlag "Das Neue Wort" (DE)
*VDOLK - Vsesojuznoe Dobrovol'noe Obscestvo
Lubitelej Knigi (SU) VDP
Verband der Deutschen Presse (DD)
Verband Deutscher Papierfabrikanten
Video Data Processor
VDR - Verein Deutscher Redakteure (D)
VDRJ - Vereinigung Deutscher Reisejournalisten,
VDRZ - Verband Deutscher Rechenzentren (DE) VDS
Verband Deutsche Sportpresse (DE)
Video Display System
Video Distribution System

VdS - Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller, 1969-(DE) VDSUJOE - Verband

Demokratischer Schriftsteller und Journalisten Osterreichs (AT) VDT
Video Data Terminal
Video (or: Visual) Display Terminal
VDU - Video (or: Visual) Display Unit
VDU (Vdtl) - Verband Deutschsprachiger Uber-setzer Literarischer und
Wissenschaftlicher Werke (DE)
VDV (VdV) - Verband Deutscher Volksbiliotheka-re, 1922-1935 (D); -(thesame
initialism): Verein Deutscher Volksbibliothekare, 1949-1968 (DE); -VBB
vdv - Verlag "Deutsche Volksbiicher" (DE)
Verband Deutscher Werksbibliotheken, 1955(DE)
Verband Deutscher Wissenschaftler
VDWA - Vereinigung Deutscher Wirtschaftsarchivare
VDWB = VdDB VDWW - Vereinigung Deutscher Werks- und Wirtschaftsarchivare, 1957-(DE) VDWZ - Verzeichnis Deutscher Wissenschaftlicher
Zeitschriften (Deutsche Bibliothek - DE) VOX - Videotex VDZ
Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger (DE)
Vereinigte Deutsche Zeitungen
VDZV - Verein Deutscher Zeitungsverleger, 1884(D; - 1949-1954: DE); -> BDZV VEB - Volkseigener Betrieb (DD) VEB (VeB) Vereinigung Evangelischer Buchhandler, 1925- (D; -* DE) VEBUKU - Vereinigung der Buchantiquare und
Kupferstichhandler der Schweiz, 1949- (CH)
(=SLACES, fre)
Verleger der Schweiz (CH)
VECM - Vocational Education Curriculum Materials. [Data base] 1977- (Ohio State
University, National Center for Research in Vocational Education-US)
VEGEST - Veille et Gestion Scientifique et Technique (Services Techniques de
1'Armee - FR)
VEIN - Vocational Education Information Network, 1970- (Millersville State College
- US)
VEIS - Vocational Education Information System
Vermont Educational Media Association (US);
<- (formed by the mergerof): VASLandVMA
Virginia Educational Media Association (US)
VENISS - Visual Education National Information
Service for Schools (NCAVAE - GB)
VEPA - Verband der Papier- und Pappenverarbei-tenden Industrie

VEPAVE - Vereniging van Papierverwerkers

VEPIS - Vocational Education Program Information System (US)
VERA - Verbuchung Ausleihe (Siemens A.G. -DE)
VEREAD - Value Engineering Retrieval of Esoteric Administrative Data (US Air
VERIS - Vocational Education Resources Information Center (US)
VERSAT - Versatile English Retrieval System for Any Text
VES - Virginia Extension Service (University of Virginia Medical Center, Claude Moore
Health Sciences Library - US);- VAMIS
VESIAC - Vela Seismic Information Analysis Center (University of Michigan - US)
*VEST - Vedomstvennyj Standart
VESU - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Unterrichts-filmstellen (CH)
Video Editing Terminal
Viewdata Editing Terminal
VETDOC (Vetdoc) - Veterinary Literature Documentation , 1968- (Derwent
Publications Ltd - GB)
VETINFORM - Veterinarmedizinisches Informa-tionssystem (DD)
VETIS - Informacni System pro Veterinarni Le-kafsrvf, cze (UVTEI - CS)
VF (Vf) - Vydavatelsky Fond, cze (CS) VFEO - Vsemirnaja Federacija InSenernyh
Organi-zacii (=WFEO, eng)
VFG - Verein zur Forderung und Forschung fur die Graphischen Gewerbe und
Verwandte Wirt-schaftszweige
VFI - Veszpremi Forditd Iroda. [Veszprdmi Translations Bureau], 1972- (WEKK - HU)
*VFNR - Vsemirnaja Federacija Naucnyh Rabotni-kov (=WFSW, eng)
VFOB - Vereniging van Functionarissen in Openba-re Bibliotheken (NL)
VG - Gesetz uber das Verlagsrecht
VGB - Verband der Graphischen Betriebe (DE); *VGB - Vsesojuznaja Geologiceskaja Biblioteka
*VGBIL - Vsesojuznaja Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka Inostrannoj Literatury (SU)
VGBN - Verband der Graphischen Betriebe in Nordrhein (DE)
VGC - Visual Graphics Corporation (US)
VGRO - Vereniging van Grafische Reproduktie Ondernemingen (NL)
VHA - Vojensko-Historicky Archiv, cze (CS)
VHD - Video High Density
VHIS - Vodohosporarsky Informacni System (CS)
VHLL - Very High Level Language
VHOL - Very High Order Language
VHR - Very High Reduction [of microforms]
VHS - Video-Home System (Victor Company of Japan - JP)

V6decka Infortnace, cze

*VI - Vnejazykovaja Informacija
Verbally-Indexed Associations
Videotex Industry Association (GB)
*VIA - Voenno-Istoriceskij Arhiv, 1925-1933 (SU);
-*CVIA VIBANK - Vibration Data Bank, 1970- (NSLC CA) VIBS
Verejnd Informacna a Bibliograficka Sluzba,
sla (CS)
Vefejna Informaini a Bibliograficka Sluzba,
VIC - Vision Information Center, 1966- (Harvard University - US)
VICAM - Virtual Integrated Communication Access Method (Sperry Univac - US)
VICAR - Video Image Communication and Retrieval
VICARS - Video Communication and Retrieval System
VICCLA - Victoria Institute of Colleges Chief Librarians Association (AU)
VICI - Video Consola Indexing (US)
VICOM - International Association of Visual Communications Management
VID-R - Visual Information Display and Retrieval (US)
VIDA - Veterinary Investigation Diagnosis Analysis (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries
Food, Central Veterinary Laboratory - GB)
VIDCA (Vidca) - International Market for Video-casette and Videorecord Programs
and Equipment, Cannes, 1971- (FR)
VTDCOM-Salon de la Video-Communication, Cannes, 1971- (FR)
VIDEO-IR - Video Information Retrieval (Dixon Industries, Inc. - US)
VTDEOPAC - [Viewdata system] (STERIA - FR)
VIDEOTEL - [Viewdata system] (IT)
VTOITE - [Videotex system] (CH)
VTOITEL (Viditel) - [Viewdata system] (NL)
VIDOC - Vital Documents, 1972- (Technology Resource Center - PH)
Vidon - [Viewdata system] (CA)
VIDPI - Visually Impaired Data Processors International (US)
VIDSEC - Video Systems Exposition and Conference, 1974- (US)
VIEWDATA - [Teletext system] (GB); -
*VDFS - Vsesojuznyj Informacionnyj Fond Standar-tov i Tehniceskih Uslovij (*
VIGRODOS - Video-Graphic Communication and

Documentation System
*VIK - Vsesojuznaja Informacionnaja Klassifikacija (SU)
VIKS - Vedecko-Informacna a Knihovnicka Sluzba, sla
VILA - Virgin Islands Library Association (US)
VILINET - Virgin Islands Library and Information
Network (Virgin Islands Bureau of Libraries and
Museums - US);- Island Wide Library Network
*VIMI - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Mezotraslevoj Informacii (SU)
Hertfordshire Village Information Network,
Very Informal Newsletter [on Library Automa
tion], 1971- (University of Southampton GB)
*MNITI - Vsesojuznyj Institut Naucnoj i Tehnices-koj Informacii, 1955- (SU); <(formed by the merger of): *INI and *ITEI
"VINTISH - Vsesojuznyj Institut Naucno-Tehniceskoj Informacii po Sel'skomu Hozjajstvu (SU) VIP
Variable Information Processing (VIP Sys
tems Corp. - US)
Variable Input Phototypesetter
Vereinigung der Industriefilm-Produzenten
Vermont Information Processes, 1975- (US)
Versatile Information Processor (Comshare
Videodisc Innovation Project (Utah State
Vision Information Program, 1959- (US)
Visual Information Processor
Visual Information Projection (Honeywell US)
10. Vocabulary Improvement Project (ERIC -US)
VIP COMBASE - Versatile Information Processor Communications Base (Department
of Communications - C A)
VIPA - VisaodelnformaticaPuraaApplicada(BR)
VIPP - Variable Information Processing Package
VIPS - Video-Tape Program Service *VIPT - Vsesojuznyj Informacionno-Poiskovyj
Te-zaurus (SU)
VIRA - Various Information Retriever and Advertiser (KTHB - SE)
VIROC - Visible System of Information Retrieval by Optical Coincidence (GB)

VSdecko-Informacni System, cze
Video Informations System (GOB Computer
Vertrieb - DE)
Vision Infonnation Center (Harvard University
Visual Information Storage
Visual Information System
Vorschriften-Informations-System (Heinze
GmbH, Deutsche Bau Dokumentation - DE)
VIS Index - Virtual Information Storage Index, 1978- (JP)
VISAM - Virtual Index Sequential Access Method
VISC - Video Disc
VISCO - Visual Systems Corporation (US)
VISDA - Visual Information System Development Association
VISIC - Visual Science Information Center (University of California Berkeley - US)
VISPAC - Videotex Information Service Providers Association of Canada (CA)
VISTA - Verbal Information Storage and Text Analysis
VITAC - Voice Input to Automatic Computer
VITAL - Variably Initialized Translator for Algorithmic Languages
*VTTIN - Vsesojuznyj Institut Tehniceskoj Informacii (SU)
VITIS - Viniculture and Enology Abstracts. [Data base)
(IFIS/Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Reben-ziichtung - DE)
VIZ - Vojni Izdavacki Zavod, cro (YU)
VIZDOK - Viziigyi Dokumentacios 6s Tajekoztat6 Iroda. [Water Resources
Documentation and Information Centre], 1968- (HU)
VK - Vedecka Knihovna, cze *VKB - Vyssie Kursy Bibliotekovedenija (SU)
VKBK - Vereinigung Katholischer Buchhandler
und Verleger der Schweiz (CH) *VKD - Podsistema Vydaci Kopii Dokumentov
VKFM - Verzeichnis der Kataloge und FuhrerKunst-und Kulturgeschichtlicher Museen
in der Bundesre-publik Deutschland und in Berlin (West), 1975-(DE)
VKFOB Vereniging van Katholieke Functionarissen aan Openbare Bibliotheken (NL) *VKG OKP - Vyssle Klassifikacionnye
Gruppirovki ObJCesojuznogo Klassifikatora PromySlennoj i Sel'skohozjajstvennoj
Produkcii (SU) *VKP - Vsesojuznaja Kniznaja Palata, 1935- (SU)
VKS - Visuelles Kommunikationssystem *VKS
Vrhoven Komitet po Standartizacija (BG)
Vsesojuznyj Komitet po Standartizacii (SU);-

VKWB - Verband Kirchlich-wissenschaftlicher Bibliotheken (DE) VLA

Verband der Lochkarten- und Automatisierungsfachleute (CH)
Vermont Library Association, 1982- (US)
Virginia Library Association, 1905-(US)
VLAM - Variable Level Access Method
Verband des Linken Buchhandels, 1970- (DE)
Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Backer (DE)
VLDB - Very Large Data Bases
VLB BANK - Vapour Liquid Equilibria Data Bank (Department of Industry, Chemical
Standards Division, National Physical Laboratory - GB)
VLI - Vfidecke Lekafske Informace, cze
Viking Library System (US)
Vojenske Lekafske Informacm Stfedisko, cze
VLK - Vzorna Lidova Knihovna, cze (CS) VL'K - Vzorna L'udova Kniznica, sla (CS)
VLKMK - Vedecka a Lidova Knihovna Mateje Kopeckeho, cze (CS) VLL - Video Layout Terminal VLP - Video Long Play VLSI - Very
Large Scale Integration VLTA - Vermont Library Trustees Association,
1965- (US) VLU - Verwertungsgesellschaft fur Literarische Urheberrechte, 1956- (DE) VLV - Vordruck-Leitverlag (DD) *VM - Vicislitel'naja
Masina VMA
Vermont Media Association (US); - VEMA
Virginia Microfilm Association (US)
VMBI - Vereniging voor Medische en Biologische
Informatieverwerking (NL) VMDA - Verein Medizinischer Dokumentationsassistenten (DE) VMDP - Veterinary Medicine Data Program, 1964(Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute US)
VMG - Videomikrografie, cze VMIC - Veterinary Medical Information Center
(Purdue University - US)
*VMJa - Vspomagatel'nyj Mezdunarodnyj Jazyk VMK - Vfideckometodicky
Kabinet, cze (CS) *VML - Videomagnitnaja Lenta VMLG/AMLA - VeterinaryMedical Librarians
Group (American Medical Library Association US)
*VMLS PI - Vsesojuznaja MagnitnolentoCnaja Sluzba po Patentnoj Informacii (SU)
VMOZ - Verband der Mittel- und Ostdeutschen
Zeitungsverleger (DE) VMZ - Verzeichnis der Biomedizinischen Zeitschriften in Schweizerischen Bibliotheken (CH) (=RPM,

VN - Vytvarnfi Nakladatelstvf, cze (CS) VNA - Vietnam News Agency, Hanoi 1945(VD)
*Vne$torgizdat - Vsesojuznoe Izdatel'sko-Poligraficeskoe Ob"edinenie Ministerstva VneSnej Torgovli SSSR (SU)
* VNFS - Vsesojuznyj Naucnyj Fond Standartov (SU) *VNIC SSD - Vsesojuznyj
Centr Standartnyh i Spravocnyh Dannyh (SU) *VNH - Vsesojuznyj NaucnoIssledovatel'skij Institut (SU) *VNHB - Vsesojuznyj Nau&io-Issledovatel'skij Institut Celljulozno- Bumaznoj PromySlennosti (SU) *VNIIC - Vsesojuznyj NauCnoIssledovatel'skij Informacionnyj Centr (SU) *VNIIC SSD - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij
Informacionnyj Centr Standartnyh i Spravocnyh
Dannyh (SU) *VNIIcentr - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Tehniceskij Informacionnyj Centr (SU) "VNIIDAD - Vsesojuznyj Naufino-Issledovatel'skij
Institut Dokumentovedenija i Arhivnogo Dela,
1966-(*GAU-SU) "VNIIEgazproni - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Ekonomiki, Organizacii Proizvodstva i Tehniko-Ekonomiceskoj Informacii v
Gazovoj Promyslennosti, 1967- (SU) *VNIIESM - Vsesojuznyj NaucnoIssledovatel'skij
Institut Naucno- Tehniceskoj Informacii i Ekonomiki Promys'lennosti Stroitel'nyh Materialov,
1964- (Ministerstvo Promys'lennosti Stroitel'nyh
Materialov SSSR -SU) *VNHGMI-MCD - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Gidrometeorologiceskoj Informacii, Mirovoj Centr Dannyh (Glavnoe Upravlenie
Gidrometeorlogiceskoj Sluzby pri Sovete MinistrovSSSR-SU) *VNIIGPE - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij
Institut Gosudarstvennoj Patentnoj Ekspertizy
(SU) "VNHIS - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Informacii po Stroitel'stvu i Arhitekture Gosstroja SSSR (SU) *VNIIKI - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Klassifikacii i Kodirovanija, 1964- (Gosudarstvennyj Komitet Standartov Soveta Ministrov
itialism): . . Institut Tehniceskoj Informacii, Klassifikacii i Kodirovanija "VNIIKSMIP - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Komiteta Standartov, Mer i IzmeritePnyh Priborov (SU) *VNIIMI - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Meidicinskoj i Mediko-Tehniceskoj I nforma-

cii, 1963- (SU) VNIIOENG - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'

skij Institut Organizacii, Upravlenija i Ekonomiki
Neftogazovoj PromySlennosti, 1962- (Ministerstvo
Neftjanoj Promyglennosti - SU) *VNIIOPIT - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij
Institut Oboroduvanija dlja Pecatnyh Izdanij , Kartoinoj i Bumaznoj Tary (SU) VNHPAS - [All-Union Institute of Applied Automated Systems], 1982- iSUh <- 'VNIISI
"VNIIPI - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij In-stitut Patentnoj Informacii
(Goskomizobretenij SSSR-SU)
VNIIPIT - Vsesojuznyj NauCno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligraficeskoj
PromySlennosti i Tehniki (SU) (=*VNIIPPIT)
*VN1IPP - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Poligraficeskoj
PromySlennosti (SU)
*VNIIS - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Standartizacii (SU)
*VNIISI - Vsesojuznyj Naufinyj Issledovatel'skij Institut Sistemovyh Issledovanij,
-1982 (SU); - VNIIPAS
VNIITEISH - Vsesojuznyj Naueno-IssledovateP-skij Institut Informacii i TehnikoEkonomiceskih Issledovanii po Sel'skomu Hozjajstvu, 1964- (SU) (=*VNIITEIsel'hoz)
*VNIIZ - Vsesojuznyj NauCno-Issledovatel'skij Institut Zvukozapisi (SU)
*VNIPIASU - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Issledovatel'skij i Proektnyj Institut
Avtomatizirovannyh Sistem Upravlenija (SU)
*VNIPIETIIesproni - Vsesojuznvj Nauino-Issledo-vatel'skij i Proektnyj Institut
Ekonomiki, Organi-zacii Upravlenija Proizvodstvom i Informacii po Lesnoj,
Celljulozno-Bumaznoj i Derevoobrabaty-vajuscej Promyslennosti, 1962- (SU)
"VNIPIOASU - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-IssledovateP-skij i Proektnyj Institut po
Otraslevym Avtomatizi-rovannym Sistemam Upravlenija (SU)
*VN1TO - Vsesojuznoe Naucnoe Inzenerno-Tehniceskoe ObScestvo (SU) VNL - Verlag "Neues Leben" (DD) VNLW - Virginia National
Library Week (US)
*VNO - Vydelennyj Nacional'nyj Organ (*MCNTIMoskva, SU)
VNP - Vereniging van Nederlandsche Papierfabri-kanten (NL)
VNPP - Vereniging "De Nederlandsche Periodieke Pers" (NL)
VNR - Verband Norddeutscher Rechenzentren (DE)
"VNTIC - Vsesojuznyj Naucno-Tehniceskij Informa-cionnyj Centr, 1967- (Komitet po
Nauke i Tehnike -SU)(=*VNTICentr)
*VNTO - Vsesojuznoe Naucno-Tehniceskoe ObS-eestvo (SU)
VNU - Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven (NL)
VO - Verordnung

VGA - Verband Osterreichischer Archivare, 1967!AT)

VOB - Vereinigung Osterreichischer Bibliothekare,
1946-(AT) *VOBIG - Volgogradskaja Oblastnaja Biblioteka
im.M.Gorkogo (SU) Vobu - Volksbuchhandel (DD) "Vodoinform - Mezdunarodnaja
Otraslevaja Sistema Naucnoj i Tehniceskoj Informacii po Vodnomu
Hozjajstvu, 1972- (*MSNTI - Vyskumn? Ostav
Vodne'ho Hospodarstva, Bratislava, CS) *Vodtransizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
Vodnogo Transporta (SU) *Voengiz - Voennoe Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo
(SU) *Voenizdat - Voennoe Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva
Oborony SSSR (SU)
*Voenkniga - Upravlenie Kniznoj Torgovli Ministerstva Oborony SSSR, 1%1-(SU);<Voenkniitorg Voenkniztorg - Voennaja Kniznaja Torgovlja,
1939-1961 (SU); - 'Voenkniga "Voenmorizdat - Voenno-Morskoe
(SU) VOGIN (Vogin) - Nederlandse Vereniging van Gebruikers van Online Informatiesystemen, 1977(NL) VOICES - Voice Operated Identification Computer
Entry System *VOIR - Vsesojuznoe ObScestvo Izobretatelej i Racionalizatorov (SU) *VOIS - Vsemirnaja Organizacija Intellektual'noj
Sobstvennosti (=WIPO, eng) VOK - Vojenske Nakladatelstvf a Knihkupectvi, cze
Vedenie ObScesojuznyh Klassifikatorov Tehniko-Ekonomiceskoj Informacii (SU)
Vsesojuznoe Dobrovolnoe ObStestvo Ljubitelej Knigi, 1974- (SU)
*VOKS - Vsesojuznoe ObSdestvo Kul'turnoj Svjazi s
Zagranicej, 1925-1958 (SU) *VOKT - Vsesojuznoe Ob"edenenie po Torgovle
Kul'ttovarami (SU)
VOLINFLO - Voluntary Action Information Flow VOLS - Voluntary Overseas
Library Service, 1964(Ranfury Library - GB)
*Vonaured - Voenno-Naucnaja Redakcija (SU) *VOOAP - Vsesojuznoe ObScestvo
Ohrany Avtorskih Prav (SU) VOPIN - Visie Opleiding Professionele Informatieverzorgers (NL)
VOPP - Verfahrensorientierte Programmpakete VOPS - Verfahrensorientierte
Programmiersystem VdT - Verband Osterreichischer Textautoren (AT) VOTEREC General Assembly Voting Record.

[Data base] (UNBIS - New York, US) VOV - Verband Osterreichischer

(AT) VOZ - Verband Osterreichischer Zeitungsherausgeber, 1945-(AT) VP
Agence Viet-Nam Presse, 1951- (VN)
Video Processor
VP and VLE - Vapour Pressures and Vapour Liquid Equilibria. [Data base] (National
Physical Laboratory-GB)
VP/CSS - Virtual Control Program/Conversional Software System (National CSS, Inc.
- US)
Verlagspostamt (DD)
Videotape Production Association (US)
VPAM - Virtual Partitioned Access Method
VPC - Visual Punch Card
*VPD - Vtoricnaja Patentnaja Dokumentacija VPE - Video Processing Equipment
VPGB-Verband der Papierverarbeitenden und
graphischen Betriebe (DE) VPI - Vfideckopedagogicke Informace, cze VPL
Vydavatel'stvo Podohospodarskej Literatury,
sla (CS)
Vydavatel'stvo Politickej Literatury, sla (CS)
*VPM - Vycislitel'naja Perforacionnaja Masina
*VPO - Vsesojuznoe PoligrafiCeskoe Ob"edinenie
(SU) VPOD - Vereniging van Pers- en Omroepdocumentalisten (NL) VPRB - Vereinigung der Photokopier- und Reproduktionsbetriebe (DE) VPSG - Verband Schweizerischer Papier- und Papierstoff-Fabrikanten (CH) *VPSRPP - Vsesojuznyj Professional'nyj Sojuz Rabocih Poligraficeskogo Proizvodstva (SU) *VPTB - Vsesojuznaja PatentnoTehniceskaja Biblioteka (SU) VR - Verlagsrecht
VRAM - Variable Random Access Memory VRB - Vereniging van Religieuswetenschappelijke
Bibliothekarissen,/fe, 1965-(BE) (=ABRS,/re) VRC - Visible Record Computer VRI
- Verlegervereinigung Rechtinformatik (DE) VRILLE - Vente et Representation
de Livres, Librairies et Estampes, 1940- (FR) VRM - Video Record Machine VRP Visual Record Printer VRS
Video Reference Service
Video Response System
Visual Reference System

VRW - Verlag fur Rechts- und Wirtschaftsliteratur

(D) VRWB - Vereniging van Religieuze Wetenschappelijke Bibliotheken VRZS - Verzeichnis Rechtswissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften und Serien in ausgewdhlten Bibliotheken
der Bundesrepublik Deutschland einschliesslich
Berlin (West) (DE) VS
Verband Deutscher Schriftsteller, 1969- (DE)
Visual Storage
Vypocetni Stfedisko, cze
Vyfiislitel'naja Set
Vycislitel'naja Sistema
Vereinigung Schweizerischer Archivare, 1922(CH)(=AAS,/)
Videographic Systems of America (US)
*VSA - Vnutrisistemnyj Abonement VSAK - Verband Schweizer Antiquare und
Kunsthandler (CH) VSAM
1 . Virtual Sequential Access Method
Virtual Storage Access Method
Virtual System Access Method
VSAV - Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej Akad6mie Vied,
sla (CS) VSB - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Bibliothekare,
1897-(CH)(=ABS,^e) VSBH - Vereinigung Schweizerischer BuchdruckHilfsarbeiter (CH) VSBM - Verband Schweizerischer Buchbindermeister (CH) VSC formula - Volumes, Seats, Circulation. [A
method of calculating the desirable floor space for
public libraries] (US) VSD - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Druckfarbenfabrikanten (CH) VSDI - Verein Schweizerischer Druckingenieure
V$E - Vysoka Skola Ekonomicka, sla (CS) VSEKB - Verbandssortiment
Evangelischer und
Katholischer Buchhandler, -1973 (DE) * Vsestandartkom - Vsesojuznyj Komitet po
Standartizacii (SU) VSF - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Filmkritiker,
1946-(CH)(=ASC,/re) VSFAV - Verband Schweizerischer Film und AVProduzenten (CH) (=APFAV,/re) VSG - Verband Schweizer Graphiker (CH) VsGB Verband der Graphischen Betriebe in Bayern (DE) *VSGIK - Vostocno-Sibirskij Gosudarstvennyj Insti-

tut Kul'tury (SU)

VSI - Vystfizkova Sluzba Informacni, cze (CS) VSIC = VISIC VSID - Vereinigung
von Sachverstandigen fur
Kraftfahrzeuge und Verkehr zur Information und
Dokumentation (DE) VSJUS - Vereinigung Sozialistischer Journalisten
und Schriftsteller (AT) VSKB - Vereniging van Seminarie- en Klosterbibliothecarissen, 1947- (NL); (the same initialims):
Vereniging voor het Godsdienstig- Wetenschappelijk Bibliothecariaat, 1969-1973; - VTB VSLB - Verein Schweizerischer
VSLR - Verband Schweizerischer Lichtpaus- und
Reprographie-Betriebe (CH) VSMF - Visual Search Microfilm File, 1959- (Information Handling Services, Library and Education
Division -US) VSMS - Vereinigung der Schriftgiesser und Maschinensetzer *VSNTTO - Vsesojuznyj Sovet Naucnyh InzenernoTehniceskih ObSCestv (SU) *VSNTO - Vsesojuznyj Sovet Naucno-Tehniceskih
ObScestv (SU) VSO librarian - Voluntary Service Overseas libranan (GB) VSP - Verein der Schweizer Presse (CH) (=APS,
VSP - Vysoka Skola Pol'nohospodarska, sla (CS) VSPG - Verband Schweizerischer
(CH) VSPPF - Verband Schweizerischer Papier- und Papierstoff-Fabrikanten (CH) VSR - Vereinigung Schweizerischer Reproduktionsbetriebe (CH) *VSRPD - Vserossijskij Sojuz Rabocih Pecatnogo
Dela (SU) *VSRPP - Vserossijskij Sojuz Rabocih Poligraficeskogo Proizvodstva (SU) VSS
1 . Verband Sozialistischer Schriftsteller (AT)
2. Vereinigung Schweizerischer Siebdruckereien
Video Storage System
Virtual Storage System
Vocabulary Switching System (Battelle Colum
bus Laboratories - US)
Vocabulary Switching System. [Data base]
VSSJ - Verband Schweizer Sportjournalisten (CH)
(=ASJS,/re) VSSL - Verband Schweizerischer Schallplatten-Lieferanten (CH)
*VSSP - Vsesojuznyj Sojuz Sovetskih Pisatelej (SU) *VSSZ - Vsesojuznyj Sojuz
Sovetskih Zurnalistov
VST - Visual Display Terminal *VST - Vedomstvennyj Standart V$T - Vysoka Skola
Technicka, sla (CS) VSTS - Virginia State Technical Services, 1967-

(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University-US) VSV - Verein Schweizerischer Verlagsbuchhandler,
1917-1949 (CH);-HSBVV VSZ - Verzeichnis Schweizerischer Zeitschriften
1 . Vychodoslovenske Tlaciarne, sla (CS)
VT-ERIC - ERIC Clearinghouse on Vocational and Technical Education, 1967-1974
(Ohio State University - US); -> ERIC/CCE *VT - Vicislitel'naja Tehnika *VTA Videoterminal Alfavitno-Cifrovoj VTAM
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method
Virtual Terminal Access Method
1 . Vereniging voor het Theologisch Bibliothecariaat, 1973-(NL);-VSKB 2. Vetenskapliga BibliotekensTjanstemannaforening, 1958- (SE)
VtB - Verfahrenstechnische Berichte (VtB): Chemical and Process Engineering A
bsiracts (B ayer A .G .
Vedecko-Technicka a Ekonomicka Informace,
Vedecko-Technicke a Ekonomicke Informacie,
VSdecka, Technicka a Ekonomicka Informace
a Propaganda,cze
Vedeckotechnicke, Ekonomicke Informicie a
Propaganda, sla
Vedecko-Technicka Informace, cze
Vedeckotechnicke Informacie, sla
VTK - Vedecko-Technicka Knihovna, cze (CS) VTLS - Virginia Tech Library System
(Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - US) VTN
Vedecko-Technicke Nakladatelstvf, cze (CS)
Video Tape Network
VTOC - Volume Table of Contents
VTOL - Videotape On-Line, 1978- (BBC, Film and
Videotape Library-GB) VTR
Vedeckotechnicky Rozvoj, cze
Video Tape Recorder

Viticord Television Reproducer

Video Tape Recording System
Video Tape Response System
Vereinigung Technischer Schriftsteller (AT)
Viewscan Text System (Wormald International
Sensory Aids - US)
*VTS - Virtual'nyj Terminal Seti VTT - Valtion Teknilen Tutkimuslaitos. [National
Technical Research Centre] (FI) *VTU
Vedomstvennye Tehniceskie Uslovija
Vremennye TehniCeskie Uslovija
VTV - Verband fur Textverarbeitung (DE)
Vtx - Videotex
VU/TEXT - [Full text daily newspaper information]
*VU - Vycislitel'noe Ustrojstvo VtJA - Vojensky Ustfedni Archiv, cze (CS) *VUAN Vseukrainskaja Akademija Nauk, rus
Volksuniversiteitsbibliotheek (NL)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE) (=ULB,/re)
VUBIS - Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Interactive Sys
tems, 1971-(BE)
VUK - Vefejna Universitni Knihovna, cze (CS) VClK - Vyberova Ustfedni
Katalogizace, cze (CS) VULBS - Virginia Union List of Biomedical Serials
(University of Virginia, Medical Center Library US) VUMS - Vyzkumny Ustav Matematickych Stroju,
cze (CS) VUNB - Vereniging van Uitgevers van Nederlandstalige Boeken (NL) VtJOT - Vyzkumny Ostav Obrazove, Zvukove" a
Reprodukcnf Techniky, cze (CS) VUP
Verband der Unabhangigen Presse Osterreichs
Village Underground Press (GB, Bedford)
VtJP - Vyzkumny Ustav Polygraficky, cze (CS)
VUPC - Vyzkumny Ustav Papiera a Celuldzy, cze
(CS) VUPN - Vydavatelstvi Ufadu pro Normalizaci, cze
(CS) VtJPP - Vyzkumny Ustav Prumyslu Papirenske'ho,
cze (CS) VtJSEI - Vyzkumny Ustav Socialne Ekonomickych
Informaci, cze (CS) *VUSNITO - Vseukrainskij Sovet Naucnyh Inzenerno-Tehniceskih Obscesrv, rus (SU) VtJTECH-tJISCH - Vyzkumny Ustav Technicko-

Ekonomicky Chemickeho Prumyslu - Ustfedni Informaem Sluzba Chemie, cze, 1965- (CS) *VUZ - Vyssee Ucebnoe Zavedenie (SU)
VtTZORT - Vyzkumny Ustav Zvukove , Obrazove a
Reprodukcni Techniky, cze (CS) W A
Vereinigte Verlagsanstalten (DE)
Vereinigte Verlagsauslieferung (DE)
WB - Vereinigung-Volkseigener Betriebe (DD)
WBAD - Vlamse Vereniging voor het Bibliotheek-, Archief en Documentatiewesen,/?e (BE) WBADP - Vlaamse Vereniging van
Bibliotheek-, Archief- en Documentatiepersoneel, fie, 1974VVBAP - Vlaamse Vereniging van Bibliotheek- en
Archiefpersoneel,/7e, 1921- (BE); -* WBADP WBPI - Vereinigung Volkseigener
Betriebe Polygraphische Industrie (DD) WLV - Vedette Autorite Auteur dans le Systeme
MEDICS (CSI-FR) WdA - Verlegerverband Deutscher Anzeigenblatter (DE) WDF - Vereniging van Drukinktfabrikanten,
1958- (NL) WEKK - Veszpremi Vegeipari Egyetem Kozponti
Konyvtara. [Central Library of Chemical Industry
Academic School], 1949- (HU) WKB - Vlaams Verbond van Kristelijke Bibliothecarissen,/7f(BE) WR - Verlegervereinigung Rechtsinformatik e.V.
(DE) *WRS - Vyssij Voennyj Redakcionnyj Sovet, 19211926 (SU)
WS - Vyskumne Vypoctove Stredisko, 5/a (CS) WV - Verwaltung Volkseigener
Verlage (DD) WZ - Vfideckovyzkumna Zakladna, cze
Verlag fur Wirtschaft und Verwaltung (DE)
"Volk und Wissen" Volkseigener Verlag (DD)
vwwt- Verlag fur Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und
Technik (DE) VZB - Zeitschrift Verleger in Bayern (DE)
VZK - Verzeichnis der Zeitschriftenbestande in den Kunstwissenschaftlichen
Spezialbibliotheken der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und West Berlins. 1973 (DE)
VZVKB - Vorlaufiges Verzeichnis der im Zentralka-talog der Arbeitsgemeinschaft
katholisch-theologi-scher Bibliotheken erfassten Zeitschriften (AKThB -DE)
WAA - World Aluminium Abstracts (American Society for Metals - US)
WAAE - World Association for Adult Education
WAAL - Wisconsin Association of Academic Librarians (Wisconsin Library
Association - US)
WAALD - West-African Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists,
int, 1975- (Iba-dan, NG)
Werkgroep Adbij Bibliotheken (NL)

Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbiliothek
WAB(B) - Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek
des Bezirkes
WABA - Western Australian Booksellers' Association (AU)
WABLC - Wilmington Area Biomedical Libraries Consortium (US, Delaware)
WAC - Wyoming Academic Consortium, 1971-(US)
WACC - World Association for Christian Communication, int, 1975-(London, GB)
(=AMCC, fre)
WACL - Worcester Area Cooperating Libraries (US, Massachusetts)
WADE - World Association of Document Examiners, 1959- (US)
WADEX - Word and Author Index
WADS - Wide Area Data Service
WAECT - Washington Association for Educational Communications and Technology,
-1978 (US, Washington State); -> WLMA
WAERSA - World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts, 1959- (CAB
- GB)
Wojskowa Agencja Fotograficzna (PL)
Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe, 1959(PL) (=WAiF)
Wissenschaftliche Allgemeinbibliothek
Writers' Action Group (GB)
Wydawnictwo Artystyczno-Graficzne (PL)
WAI - Worterbuchentwicklung fur Automatisches
Indexing (Technische Hochschule Darmstadt DE) WAiF - Wydawnictwa Artystyczne i Filmowe, 1959(PL) (=WAF)
WAIS - World Agricultural Information Service WAITIO - World Association of
Industry and Trade
Information Offices WAITRO-World Association of Industrial and
Technological Research Organizations, 1970(Stockholm, SE) WARS - Wiener allgemeines Kategorienschema.
[Automated document processing] (AT) WALA - West African Library Association,
1953-1962; - (divided into): GLA and NLA;
- restituted 1972WALIC - Wiltshire Association of Libraries for Industry and Commerce, 1963- (GB);
-> WILCO WALL - Western Association of Law Libraries,

1972- (CA) WALN- Western Australian Library Network,

1981-(AU) WALTH - Westhoughton, Atlerton, Leigh, Tyldesley and Hindley [public libraries] (GB) WALU - Waukesha Academic Library
WAM - Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa Modlitwy (PL) WAMI
Washington-Alaska-Montana-Idaho. [Regio
nal Information Center for Biomedical Scien
ces] (US)
World Association for Medical Informatics,
1978- (Paris, FR)
WAML - Western Association of Map Libraries (US)
WAN - Wide Area Network
WANAD - West African News Agency Development Project
WAND - Working Party on Access to National Database (Co-operative Automation
Group - GB)
WANDPETLS - Wandsworth Public, Educational and Technical Library Services,
1966- (GB)
WANs - Wide Area Networks
WAO - Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsorganisation
Wojewodzkie Archiwum, Paristwowe (PL)
Wojskowe Archiwum Panstwowe (PL)
WAPL - Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians
(Wisconsin Library Association - US)
WAPRI - World Association of Pulp and Paperma-king Research Institutes, int
WAPRL - Western Australian Parliamentary Library (AU)
WARBICA - West African Regional Branch of the ICA, 1977WASC - Wielodoste,pny Abonencki System Cyfro-wy (Politechnika Wrocfawska,
ZakJad Informaty-ki - PL)
Wisconsin Association of School Librarians
(Wisconsin Library Association - US)
Wyoming Association of School Libraries (US)
WATCON - Waterloo Concordance. [Text hand
ling] (University of Waterloo - CA)
WATDOC - Water Resources Document Reference System, 1971-(Environment
WATERLIT - Water Literature. [Data base] (SAWIC-ZA)
WATFOR - Waterloo FORTRAN (University of Waterloo-CA)
WATL - Worcestershire Association of Technical

WATS - Wide Area Telecommunications Service WATSTORE - National Water Data

Storage and
Retrieval System (US Geological Survey, Water
Resources Division)
WAUBA - West African University Booksellers Association, int
WAV - Westdeutscher Autorenverband (DE) WAVA - Wisconsin Audiovisual
(US) WAVE - World Association of Video-Makers and
Editions, int, 1976-WAW- Wakalat Al-Anbaa Al-Wataniyah, Beirut.
[Press agency], 1964- (LB) WB
WetenschappelijkeBibliotheek, dut
Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek
WBAA - Wholesale Booksellers' Ajsociation of
Australia (AU)
WBG - Wiener Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft (AT) WBIZ - Wissenschaftliches
Bibliotheks- und Informationszentrum
WBP - Wojewodzka Biblioteka Publiczna (PL) WBS - Welsh Bibliographical Society,
1910- (GB) WBZ - Verband des Werbenden Buch- und Zeitschriftenhandels (DE) WCB - Weekly Criminal Bulletin. [Data base] (QL
Systems Ltd, Ontario - CA) WCCASIS - Western Canadian Chapter of the
American Society for Information Science (CA) WCCE - World Conference on
Computers in Education, 1970-WCCLS - Washington County Cooperative Library
Services, 1975-(US, Oregon) WCLA - Warren County Library Association (US)
WCLC - Washington Community Library Council
(US, Washington State) WCOTP - World Confederation of Organisations of
the Teaching Professions, int, 1952- (=CMOPE,
WCSI - World Centre for Scientific Information WCT NOT - Wydawnictwa
Czasopism TechnicznychNOT, 1949-(PL) WCY - World Communications Year, 1983 (United
WD - We,zszy Deskryptor,po/ WD-O - WorldData-Oceanography(NOAA-US)
Werkstoffdatenbank (Betriebsforschungsinstitut/Verein Deutscher Eisenhiittenleute - DE)
World Data Bank, int, 1975WDC
Washington Document Center (US)
World Data Centres, 1968- (ICSU)
WDC-A - World Data Centre for United States
WDC-B - World Data Centre for USSR

WDC-C - World Data Centre for Western Europe

WDCRS - World Data Center for Rockets and Sa
tellites (NASA - US)
WDCs - World Data Centres, 1968- (ICSU)
WDN - Warszawska Drukarnia Naukowa (PL)
WDP - Wisconsin Dissemination Project (Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction,
Division for Library Services - US)
WDPC - Western Data Processing Center, 1956-(UCLA-US)
WDRC - World Data Referral Centre, 1977- (CO-DATA - Paris, FR) (=CMOD, fre)
WDV - Wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung, GmbH
WEBNET - Western Pennsylvania Buhl Network. [Library cooperation], 1975- (US)
WEBS - Westchester Education Brokering Service (WLS/Cornell University's New
York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations - US)
WEECN - Women's Educational Equity Communications Network (US)
WEFAX - Weather Facsimile Experiment (Environmental Science Services
Administration - US)
WELD - Western Erie Library Development Project (US, Ohio)
WELDASEARCH - Welding Abstracts Search (Welding Institute-GB)
Wegra-Werk fur Graphische Maschinen, VEB (DD)
WEIS - World Event/Interaction Survey (University of Southern California,
Department of International Relations - US)
WELS-Whole Earth Library and Switchboard (Keele - GB)
WEMA - Wisconsin Educational Media Association (US)
WEMCOLS-West Middlands College Libraries (GB)
WENDS - World Energy Data System (Department of Energy-US)
Wielka Encyklopedia Powszechna, 1962-1970
World Economic Prospects (HM Treasury.'Scicon Computer Services - GB)
WERM - World's Encyclopaedia of Recorder Music, 1952-1957
WERT1D - West European Round Table on Information and Documentation, int,
1979WESDAC - Westinghouse Data Acquisition and Control (US)
WESLIB - West Midlands County Boroughs Librarians' Standing Committee (GB)
WESLINK - West Midlands Library and Information Network, 1975- (Birmingham
Central Library -GB)
WESRAC - Western Research Applications Center, 1967- (University of Southern
California, Graduate School of Business Administration - US)
WESS-Western European Specialists Section (ACRL-US)
WEST-FORNET - Western Forestry Information Network (US Forest Service, Pacific
Southeast Forest and Range Experiment Station);

WESTEX - Western Continuing Education Information Exchange and Network

WESTLAW - West Publishing Law System. [Retrieval system], 1975- (West
Publishing Co. - US)
WEWP - West Europe Working Party (Book Development Council - GB)
WFD - Wytwornia Filmow Dokumentalnych, 1949-(PL)
WFEA - World Federation of Educational Associa- ,
tions, int
WFEO - World Federation of Engineering Organi- J zations, 1968-(=FMOI,/>-e)
WFEO/CEI - WFEO Committee on Engineering
Information, int (London, GB) 4>
WFO - Wytwornia Filmow Oswiatowych, 1949-
(PL) '
WFPL - Waltham Forest Public Library (GB)
WFSW - World Federation of Scientific Workers, 1946- (London, GB) (=FMTS, fre)
WFUL - West Florida Union List of Serials, 1969- > (University of West Florida,
John C. Pace Library-US)
WFW - Weltfoderation der Wissenschaftler, 1946-(London, GB) (=WFSW, eng)
Working Group
Wydawnictwa Geologiczne, 1953-(PL)
Weekly Government Abstracts. [Several series],
1971_ (NTIS - US); - GRTA; -> NTIS Ab
stract Newsletter, 19792.
Writer's Guild of America, 1954- (US)
WGAE - Writers' Guild of America, East (US)
WGAW - Writers' Guild of America, West (US)
WGB - Wiener Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft, 1912(AT) WGGB
Wirtschaftsverband Graphisches Gewerbe Ber
lin (WB)
Writers' Guild of Great Britain (GB)
WGH - Wydawnictwo Gorniczo-Hutnicze, 1954-1963 (PL)
WGS-HI - Working Group on Standardization-Harmonization in Informations, int
WGTS - Working Group on Training of Information Specialists, int (European
Communities, CSTID)
WH - Wydawnictwo Harcerskie (PL)
WHCLIS - White House Conference on Library and Information Services, Washington,
1979 (US) (=WHCOLIS)

WHCS - Well History Control System. [Nonbiblio-graphicdata base] (Petroleum
Information Corp. -US)
WHELCOM - Washington Higher Education Library Committee (US)
WHMC- Western Historical Manuscripts Collection (University of Missouri, St Louis
- US)
WHML - Wellcome Historical Medical Library
1 . Welfare Information Network (US, New York)
Western Information Network, 1967- (US)
Whirpool Information Network, 1970- (Whirpool Corporation Information Center - US)
WINDS - Weather Information Network and Display System
WINE - Western Information Network on Energy
(US, Montana) WINITI = "VINITI
WINMIC - Windsor Metric Information Centre (GB)
WINT - Wyszukiwanie Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej. [Data base], 1973- (Instytut Metalurgii
Zelaza-PL) WINW - Wojskowy Instytut Naukowo-Wydawniczy, 1921-1934, 1944-1950 (PL) WIP - Warszawska Informacja Prasowa, 1924-1939
WIPIS - Who Is Publishing in Science, 1972-1978
(ISI - US); <- IDR&DS; - CBD WIPO - World Intellectual Property
1970- (United Nations - Geneve, CH) (=OMPI, WHO - World Health Organization, 1948- (United
Nations - Geneve, CH) (= QMS, fre) WHO/BRIS = BRIS WHO-IRC/CWS =
IRC/CWS WHO/PIRS = PIRS WHOLE - Warrensville Heights Outreach Library
Extension (US, Ohio)
WHOTERM - WHO Terminology Information System (WHO, Health and
Biomedical Programme - Geneve, CH) WHP - World Hydrocarbon Program. [Data
(Stanford Research Institute - US) WHSC - Wisconsin Health Sciences Librarians
(US) WHSLA - Wisconsin Health Sciences Library Association (US)
WHZ - Wydawnictwa Handlu Zagranicznego (PL)
WIA- Wood Industry Abstracts, 1971-(Washington
State University, Engineering Extension Service -

WIADOK - Wirtschafts-Archiv mit Dokumentation (Becker und Co. - DE) WIB
Wissenschaftliche Informations- und Bibliothekswesen(AdW-DD)
Wissenschaftliche Internationale Bibliographie
WIC - Water Information Centre (National Water Council - GB)
WICAT- World Institute of Computer-Aided Teaching (US)
WICHE - Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1952-(US)
WICS - Westinghouse Integrated Compiling. [Videodisc-based system] (US)
WID - Wirtschafts-Informationsdienst, 1945- (DE)
WIGOP - Wirtschaftsgenossenschaftder Presse
WIL - Women in Librarianship (GB)
Western Interstate Library Coordinating Orga
nization, 1976-1977 (US); <- WLN; -> Western
Council of State Libraries
Wiltshire Libraries in Cooperation, 1976(GB); *- (formed by the merger of): SAALIC
WILIOG - Water Industry Librarians and Information Officers Group (GB) WILS
Western Illinois Library System (US)
Wisconsin Interlibrary Loan Service, 1972(University of Wisconsin-Madison, Memorial
WILSH - Welsh Information and Library Services for Health (GB)
WILSONLINE - Wilson On-line Information system (H.W.Wilson Co. - US)
WIMA - Wyoming Instructional Media Association (US)
WiMBP - Wojewodzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna (PL) WIMO - Wiener Bibliotheksmodell (AT)
WIPO (Wipo) - Wirtschaftspolitischer Zeitungsund Zeitschriftenverlag (AT) Wipress - Wissenschaftlicher Pressedienst (D) WIPS Women's International Press Service, int
(New York, US) WIRDS - Weather Information Remoting and Display System WIRE
Waseca Interlibrary Resource Exchange (Uni
versity of Minnesota Technical College Waseca,
Learning Resources Center -US)
Wisconsin Information Retrieval System for
Education (University of Wisconsin, Depart
ment of Educational Administration - US)

WIRES - Womens Information and Referral Service (GB, Leeds)

WIRL - West India Reference Library, 1894- (JM) WIS
Wheat Information Service (JP)
Wisconsin Information Service, 1972- (Wiscon
sin State Department of Health and Social Ser
WISARD - Wideband System for Acquiring and
Recording Data WISC - Women's Information and Study Centre
WISCAT - Wisconsin State Union Catalog (US) WISE
Water Information System for Enforcement
(Michigan State Department of Natural Re
sources, Water Resources Commission - US)
Wisconsin Information System for Education
(University of Wisconsin, Department of Edu
cational Administration - US)
World Information Service for Energy, int,
1978- ( Amsterdam, NL)
World Information Svnthesic anH Pn/-t,^i~~dia (US)
World Information Systems Exchange, 1975(US)
Worldwide Information System for Engineer
ing (US)
WISENOM - Wiswesser Nomenclature
WISI - World Information System on Informatics,
int, 1972- (Intergovernmental Bureau of Informatics) WISLAD - World Information System for Library
Automation Development (LARC Association US) WISMI - World Inventory of Sources of Music Information
WISP - Women in Scholarly Publishing (US) WIT - Wybrane Informacje
Tematyczne (CIINTE;
- Centrum INTE- PL) WITE - Wojskowa Informacja Techniczna i Ekonomiczna (PL) WITID - Wissenschaftliche und Techmsche Information und Dokumentation WITS
University of Waterloo Interactive Terminal
System (CA)
Westinghouse Interactive Time-sharing System
3 . Worldwide Information and Trade System (Department of Commerce - US) WIZ der AdW - Wissenschaftliches Informations-

zentrum, 1973- (AdW - DD) WJCC - Western Joint Computer Conference

WKC - Wydawnictwo Katalogow i Cennikow (PL) WKD - Wojewodzki Dom
Kultury (PL) WKiL - Wydawnictwa Komunikacji i Lacznosci,
1961- (PL) (=WKt) Witt, = WKit
WL - Wydawnictwo Literackie, 1953 (PL) Wt - Wydawnictwo todzkie, 1957- (PL)
Washington Library Association, 1905- (US,
Washington State)
Welsh Library Association, 1971- (LA - GB);
< Wales and Monmouthshire Branch (LA)
Wisconsin Library Association, 1891- (US)
Wyoming Library Association, 1914- (US)
WLA WC - Washington Library Association Women's Caucus (WLA - US, Washington State) WLB
Wilson Library Bulletin, 1939- (H.W.Wilson
Co. - US); <- Wilson Bulletin, 1914-1939
Wisconsin Library Bulletin, 1905- (US)
WLC - Wisconsin Library Consortium, 1976(COWL-US) WLMA - Washington Library Media Association,
1979- (US, Washington State); - (formed by the
merger of): WAECT and WS ASL WLN
1. Washington Library Network, 1972- (Washington State Library - US)
u W,...-.-b fl I
3. Wiswesser Line Notation System [in chemistry].
WLR - Wydawnictwo Literatury Religijnej (PL) WLS
Westchester Library System (US, New York)
World Library Service
WLSP - World List of Scientific Periodicals (GB) WLTA
Washington Library Trustee Association (US,
Washington State)
Wisconsin Library Trustees Association (Wis
consin Library Association - US)
WLW - Women Library Workers, 1975- (US) WLWH - Workshop Library on
World Humour
WM - Wydawnictwo Morskie, 1951- (PL) WMBLA - West Midland Branch of the
Library Association (LA - GB)
WMHIC - Western Massachusetts Health Information Consortium (US) WMI
Werkgroep Medische Informatie (NL)

World Metal Index. [Card index] (Sheffield

Central Library-GB)
WMIB - Waste Management Information Bureau (Harwell Laboratory - GB)
WMIC - World Meetings Information Center, 1968-(US);<-TMIS
WML - Wessex Medical Library (Southampton University - GB)
WMPL - Western Maryland Public Libraries (US)
WMRLB - West Midlands Regional Library Bureau (US)
WMRLS - West Midlands Regional Library System (GB)
WMZ/G1D - Wissenschaftlich-methodisches Zen-trum fur Gesellschaftliche
Information und Dokumentation, 1980- (AdW - DD); <- ZLGID
WN - Wydawnictwo Normalizacyjne, 1956- (PL)
WNB - Weekly Newspaper Bureau
WNBA - Women's National Book Association, 1917-(US)
WNI - Windkracht Nederland Information Centre
WNLA - West Newfoundland Library Association, 1972- (CA)
WNPC - Women's National Press Club (US); -> WPC
WNPLA - Washington Non-Professional Library Association, 1973- (US); -
WNRC - Washington National RecordsCenter(US)
WNS - World News Service (HK)
WNT - Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, 1961-(PL); <- PWT
WNU - Western Newspaper Union (US)
WNYHSL - Western New York Health Science Librarians (US)
WNYLRC - Western New York Library Resources Council, 1966- (New York State
Education Department - US)
WOOD - World Oceanographic Data Display
WODDIN - Worldwide On-line Data and Documents Intelligence System
WOGSC - World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics, 1970- (Blackburn,
WOI - Wojewodzki Osrodek Informacji (PL)
WOIEP - World Office of Information on Environmental Problems, 1971(=OMIPE,/re)
WOINTE - Wojewodzki Osrodek Informacji Nau-kowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej
WOITE - Wojewodzki Osrodek Informacji Tech-nicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL)
WOK - Wojewodzki Osrodek Kultury (PL)

WOLUG - Westlink Online User Group, 1981-(GB)

WOM - Write Only Memory
WON - Werkgroep Octrooi-informatie Nederland, 1977-(NL)
WONA - Web-Offset Newspaper Association
WOOL - Words Out of the Ordinary Language
WORD/ONE - [Interactive text processing for document preparation] (Bowne and Co.,
New York -US)
WORLD - Washington-Oregon Regional Library Development (US)
WORLDDIDAC - World Association of Manufacturers and Distributors of
Educational Materials, int (Basel, CH); *- EURODIDAC
WORLDS - Western Ohio Regional Library Development System, 1972- (Lima Public
Library - US)
WORLDTECH - [Data base] (Control Data Corporation - US)
WORSE - Word Selection
WOTAN - Western Ontario Text Analyzer (Western Ontario University - CA)
WOW - West-Ost-Wirtschaftsdienst (DE)
WP "'
Paristwowe Wydawnictwo "Wiedza Powszechna", 1952-(PL)
Word Processing
Wydawnictwo Poznariskie, 1956- (PL)
World Patents Abstracts, 1975- (Derwent Publi
cations Ltd- GB)
World Press Archives, 1969-(Swedish Institute
of International Affairs, Stockholm - SE)
Washington Press Club (US); <- WNPC
Word Processing Center
World Print Council (US)
wpd - Wirtschafts-Pressedienst (DE)
WPFC - World Press Freedom Committee (US) WPI
Wirtschaftlicher Presse- und Informationsdienst (AT)
Wissenschaftlich-Photographisches Institut
World Patent Information, int (WIPO)
World Patents Index, 1974- (Derwent Publica
tions Ltd-GB)
World Press Institute (US)
WPLiS - Wydawnictwo Przemyslu Lekkiego i Spozywczego, 1954-1968 (PL) WPN-World's Press News Publishing Company

WPO - Wiener Presseorganisation (AT) WPOM-Word Processing Output
Web Printing Press (US)
Wirtschaftsverband Papier und Pappe
WPr - Wydawnictwo Prawnicze (PL)
WPRA - Waste Paper Recovery Association (GB) WPRC - Wisconsin Primate
Resource Center, 1973-(University of Wisconsin, Regional Primate Resource Center US) WPS
International Association of Word Processing
Word Processing System
WPUC - Waste Paper Utilization Council
WR - Weekly Record, 1974-(R.R.BowkerCo.-US)
Water Resources Abstracts. [Data base] (US)
Work Related Abstracts, 1973- (Information
Coordinators, Inc. - US)
Committee for Writing and Reading Aids for
the Paralysed (National Fund for Research into
Crippling Diseases - GB)
Wayne Remote Access Processor (Wayne Uni
versity - US)
WRB - Wissenschaftliches Rechenzentrum Berlin (WB)
WRC - Water Resources Center (University of Illinois-US)
WRENDA - World Request List for Nuclear Data, 1968- (IAEA, Nuclear Data Section
- Wien, AT)
WRiOP see Ministerstwo WRiOP
WRIS - Widland Resource Information System (Pacific Southwest Forest and Range
Experiment Station-US)
WRISC - Western Regional Information Service^
Center, 1972- (University of California, Lawrence1
Berkeley Laboratory - US)
WRLIS - Wessex Regional Library and Information Service (Wessex Regional Health
WRLS-Wales Regional Library Scheme, 1973-(GB)
WRPLS - Western Regional Public Library System (US)
WRSIC - Water Resources Scientific Information Center, 1966- (Department of the
Interior, Office of Water Research and Technology - US)
WRSP - World Register of Scientific Periodicals

WrTN - Wrocfawskie Towarzystwo Naukowe (PL)

WRU - Western Reserve University, -1967 (US); -> CWRU
WSA - Women's Studies Abstracts (US)
WSACL - Washington State Advisory Council on Libraries (US)
Libraries, -1978 (US); - WLMA
WSBP - Western Society of Business Publications (US)
WSCA - World Surface Coatings Abstracts, 1969-(Paint Research Association - GB); Review of Current Literature on the Paint and Allied Industries, 1928-1969
WSD - Wyzsza SzkoJa Dziennikarska, 1927-1939, 1947-1948 (PL)
WSD A - World Storage, Documentation and Abstracting Service
WSDB - World Studies Data Bank, 1968- (Academy dor Educational Development)
WSE - Wyzsza Szkofa Ekonomiczna (PL)
WSET-Writers and Scholars Educational Trust (GB)
WSFS - World Science Fiction Society, int (US)
WSI - Writers and Scholars International
WSIBN - Wielodostpny System Informatyczny Bi-blioteki Narodowej (PL)
WSIN- Western States Information Network (US)
WSiP - Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1974- (PL); <- (formed by the merger
of): PWSZ andPZWS
WSJ - Wewne.trzny Je.zyk Symboliczny, pol
WSLMA - Wisconsin School Library Media Association (Wisconsin Library
Association - US)
WSN - Washington State Network, 1971- (US)
WSP - Wyzsza Szkofa Pedagogiczna (PL)
WSR - Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza (PL)
WSUML - Wayne State University Medical Library (US)
WTA - World Textile Abstracts, 1969-(Shirley Institute - GB); <- Textile Abstracts, 19661969
WTB - Wissenschaftliche Taschenbucher. [Publishing House] (DE)
WTE - World Tapes for Education (GB)
Wetenschappelijke en Technische Informatie,
Wissenschaftliche und Technische Information
World Translations Index, 1978-(International
Translation Centre - Delft, NL)
WTI/OPWZ - Wirtschaftlich-Technischer Informa-tionsdienst, 1950(Osterreichisches Produktivi-tatszentrum; - 1972: Osterreichisches Zentrum fur
Wirtschaftlichkeit und Produktivitat - AT) WTIC - World Trade Information Center
(US) WTID - Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information
und Dokumentation

WTIS - World Trade Information System (US) WTO/SL - Standige Kommission der
Wissenschaft-lich-technischen Organisationen der Sozialisti-schen Lander, int
WTOI - Wissenschaftliche, Technische und Okonomische Information
WTZ - Wissenschaftlich-Techniches Zentrum (DD) WUA - WeltUrheberrechtsabkommen (=UCC,
Water Use Information System (Department of
Energy, Hanfort Engineering Development
Work Unit Information System (DTIC - US)
WUKPPiW - Wojewddzki Urzad Kontroli Prasy,
Publikacji i Widowisk (PL)
WULS - Wisconsin Union List of Serials, 1978-(COWL-US)
WUMSL - Washington University Medical School Library (US)
WUSCS - Wollongong University Subject Catalogue Study (AU)
WUUA - World Union for a Universal Alphabet (US)
WV - Westdeutscher Verlag (DE)
WVALSA - Whitewater Valley Area Library Services Authority (US)
WVLA - West Virginia Library Association, 1914-(US)
WVLC - West Virginia Library Commission (US)
WWA - Western Writers of America, 1953- (US)
WWD - Weltwirtschaftsdatenbank, GmbH (DE)
WWDMS - World-Wide Data Management System
WWIS - World-Wide Information Services, Inc. 1958-(US)
Wolna Wszechnica Polska, 1919-1939
Write Without Program (EURATOM)
WWTB - Werkgroep Wetenschappelijk Theologische Bibliothecarissen (NL)
WWW - World Weather Watch. [Data base], 1968-(World Meteorological Organization
- Geneve, CH)
WWW/OIS - Operational Information Service of the World Weather Watch, 1968(World Meteorological Organization - Geneve, CH)
WWWW - Who, Where, When, Why
WYA - Writers for Young Adults: Biographies Master Indes, 1979- (Gale Research Co.
- US)
WYCAT - Wyoming State Library Community Access Television (US)
Wydawnictwo MON - Wydawnictwo Ministerstwa Obrony Narodowej, 1949- (PL)
WZ-Werbender Buch- und Zeitschriftenhandel (DE)
WZ CRZZ - Wydawnictwo Zwiazkowe Centralnej Rady Zwiazkow Zawodowych,
1950- (PL)

WZG - Wrocfawskie ZakJady Graficzne, 1976-(PL)

WZUSI - Wielofunkcyjny Zhierarchizowany Uczel-niany System Informatyczny
(Politechnika Kra-kowska-PL)
XCS - Xerox Computer Services (Xerox Corp.-US)
XDM - Xerox Dry Microfilm (US)
XDS - Xerox Data Systems (Xerox Corp. - US);XDUP - Extended Disc Utilities Program XEDIA - Xerox Micromedia Classroom
XGP - Xerox Graphic Printer XHIS - Extended Hospital Information System XICS Xerox Integrated Composition System (Xerox Corp. - US)
XMARC - [System for experimental indexing and searching of MARC records]
(University of Chicago, Graduate Library School - US) XOS - Xerox Operating System
(US) XPARS - External Research Publication and Retrieval System (Department of
State - US) XPG - Xerox Publishing Group (US) XRF - Experimental Reproduction
Film (Du Pont US)
XTEN - Xerox Telecommunications Network (US) XTRAN - Extended FORTRAN
(IBM - US) XVMX- Xerox Voice Message Exchange, 1985-(Xerox Corp. - US)
YADLOGIS - Yorkshire and District Local Government Indexing Service, 1975- (GB) YAK - Youth and Knowledge (Shiloh Regional
Library-US, Tennessee) YAKUTOKYO - Nippon Yakugaku Toshokan
Kyogikai. [Japan Association of Pharmaceutical
Libraries], 1955- (JP) YAP - Federal Young Adult Library Services Project, 1968- (US)
YAPS - Yorkshire Alternative Press Syndicate (GB) YARC - Young Adult Reading
Club (Bryans Road
Branch Library, Charles County, Maryland - US) YASD - Young Adult Services
Division, 1957( ALA -US)
YBS - Yale Bibliographic System (US) YCBW - Young Canada's Bool Week (CA)
YDNI - Yayasan Dana Normalisasi Indonesia. [Indonesian Standards Institute] (ID) YEWTIC - Yorkshire (East and West Riding) Technical Information Centre, 1963- (GB) YHA - Yurt Haberler Ajansi. [Press Agency],
YHJLS - Yorkshire and Humberside Joint Library
Service (GB)
YLAG - Young Librarians Action Group (GB) YLG - Youth Library Group, 1963(LA - GB); <YLS YLS- Youth Libraries Section, 1947-1963 (LA -

YMPA - Young Master Printers' Alliance (GB) YMPNC - Young Master Printers
National Committee
YNA - Young Newspapermen's Association (GB) YPA - Yearbook Printers
Association YPSE - Yunit Penyelidekan Sosioekonomi. [SocioEconomic Research Unit] , 1980- (Prime Minister's
Department - MY)
YRLB - Yorkshire Regional Library Bureau (GB) YRLS - Yorkshire Regional Library
System (GB) YUL - Yale University Library (US) YULG - Yale University Library
Gazette, 1926(US) YWU - Yiddish Writers Union
Z-39 - Committee for Librarianship, 1939- (ASA -US); (the same initialism):
Committee on Library Work, Documentation and Related Publishing Practices, 1954(ANSI - US)
*ZA - Zaocnyj Abonement ZADI - Zentralstelle fur Agrardokumentation und
-information, 1969-(DE)
ZAED - Zentralstelle fur Atomkernenergie-Doku-mentation, 1967(Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe - DE) (=AED)
ZAESF - Zentralarchiv fur Empirische Sozialfor-schung (DE)
ZAG - Zeitschriftenverlag Aktien-Gesellschaft
ZAG AIDOS - Zentrale Arbeitsgemeinschaft SOPS AIDOS, 1974- (ZIID - DD)
*Zagotizdat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Tehni-ceskoj i Ekonomiceskoj Literatury
po Voprosam Zagotovok (SU)
ZAIKS (Zaiks) - Zwiazek Autorow i Kompozyto-row Scenicznych, 1921- (PL);
(the same initialism): Stowarzyszenie Autorow ZAIKS, 1953ZAK - Zeitschriftenaufsatzkatalog
ZAKAL - Zeitschriftenaufsatzkatalogisierung Lin-guistik (ZMD - DE)
ZAM - ZakJad Aparat6w Matematycznych, 1957-1962(PL);^IMM
Zavod za Zascito Avtorskih Malih Pravic, slo
Zavod za Zastitu Autorskih Malih Prava, cro
ZAP - Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa, 1945-1966
ZAPA - Zambia Press Agency, 1969- (ZM) ZAR-System - Zentral-Archiv-RetrievalSystem
ZAS - Zpravodajska Agentiira Slovenska, sla (CS) ZASKLIN - Zdravotnicky
Automatizovany System
Souborneho Katalogu Literatury Neperiodicke,
cze (CS) ZAZ - Zentralkatalog Neuerer Ausldndischer Zeit-

schriften und Serien in Osterreichischen Bibliotheken, 1962(ONB-AT) ZB - Zentralbibliothek ZBA - Zimbabwe Booksellers
Association (RH); <
Rhodesian Booksellers Association (RH) *ZBA - Zaocnyj Biblioteinyj Abonement
ZBDI - Zentralblatt der Deutschen Bundespost fur
Dokumentation und Information (ZDI- DE) ZBDSRS - Zveza Bibliotekarskih
DruStev SR Slovenije, slo (YU)
ZBF - Zentralbereich Forderung (GID - DE) ZBG - Zentralbibliothek der
1949- (Bundesvorstand der FDGB - DD) ZBI - Zentrale Wissenschaftliche
Bauinformation ZBiAP - Zwiazek Bibliotekarzy i Archiwistow Polskich, 1946-1953 (PL);<- ZZBP; -> (divided into):
SAPandSBP ZBP - Zwiazek Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1917-1945
(PL) ;^ ZZBP ZBZ-Zakfad Badari Prasoznawczych, 1955-1959
(RSW"Prasa"-PL) ZCT - Zapadoceske Tiskarny, cze (CS) ZD
Zeitungsdienst (DE)
ZD-DSE - Zentrale Dokumentation der Deutschen Stiftung fur Internationale
Entwicklung, 1961-(DE)
ZDB - Zeitschriftendatenbank, 1980- (DBI/Staats-bibliothek Preussischer Kulturbesitz
- DE)
ZDBAM - Zentrale Dokumentation der Bundesan-stalt fiir Materialpriifung (DE)
ZDBJ - Zveza Drustev Bibliotekarjev Jugoslavije, slow, 1949- (YU)
ZDDSE - Zentrale Dokumentation fur Entwick-lungshilfe und Entwicklungslander
(Deutsche Stiftung fur Entwicklungslander - DE)
ZDE - Zentralstelle Dokumentation Elektrotech-nik, 1971- (Fachinformationszentrum
Technik -DE)
ZDG - Zentrale Dokumentation fiir Geographic (Institut fiir Landeskunde in der
Bundesanstalt fiir Landeskunde und Raumforschung - DE)
ZDI - Zentralstelle fur Dokumentation und Information (DE)
ZDINT - Zaklad Dokumentacji i Informacji Nau-kowo-Technicznej (PL)
ZDiWA - Zjednoczenie Drukarri i Wydawnictw Ak-cydensowych, -1968 (PL); -> ZPP
ZDIWD - Zentrale Dokumentations- und Informationsstelle fur Werkstoffdaten (DE) *ZDIZ - Gosudarstvennoe Zeleznodoroznoe
Trans-portnoe Izdatel'stvo (SU)
ZDK - ZakJadowy Dom Kultury (PL)
ZDO - Zentrum fur Datenverarbeitung und Organisation
ZDOK (ZDoK) - Zentrale Dokumentationsstelle des Schnfttums der
Informationswissenschaften, 1962- (DGD - DE); -> (the same initialism): Dokumentations-Zentrum fiir Informationswissenschaften, 1971- (since 1979: GID)

ZDR - Zentrale Dokumentation fur Raumordnung, Raumforschung und Raumplanung

sowie Landes-und Regionalplanung (Institut fur Landeskunde in der Bundesanstalt fur
Landeskunde und Raumforschung - DE)
ZDRP-Zwiazek Dziennikarzy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, 1924-1939 (PL)
ZDS - Zdravotnicke Dokumentacni Stfedisko, cze, 1947-1952 (CS);-UZD
ZDW - Zeitung-Druck-Wirtschaft
ZEIKO - Zeitschriftenkomplettierungsstelle, int
*ZeMoritat - Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Zeleznodoroznomu
Transportu (SU)
ZETO - ZakJady Elektonicznej Techniki Oblicze-niowej (PL)
Zentrale Fachbibliothek Bauwesen (DD)
Zentralinstitut fur Film und Bild in Unterricht,
Erziehung und Wissenschaft, 1950- (DD)
ZfB - Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen, 1884-(D; DD)
ZFBB - Zeitschrift fur Bibliothekswesen und Biblio-graphie, 1954- (DE)
ZtS - Zentralstelle fur Standardisierung (DD)
ZG SBP - Zarzad GJowny Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich (PL)
ZGK-ZakJady Graficzne w Katowicach, 1969-(PL)
ZGMK - Zakfady Graficzne im.Marcina Kasprzaka w Poznaniu (PL)
ZGP - Zaloznisko Graficno Podjetje, slo (YU)
Zgrh - Zeitschriftengrosshandel
Zh - Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenhandel
ZI - Zielinformation
ZIA - Zentralinstitut fiir Automatisierung
Zentrale Informationsbank
Zentralinstitut fiir Bibliothekswesen, 1950(DD)
Zentrum fiir Wissenschaftlich-Technische In
formation im Binnenhandel (DD)
ZIBF - Zimbabwe International Book Fair, 1983-(RH)
ZIBS - Zanzibar Information and Broadcasting Service (TZ)
ZIC - Zentralstelle fiir Information der Chemischen Industrie, 1968- (DD); - (the
same initialism): Zentrale Informationsinstitut der Chemischen Industrie, 1980ZID
Zentralstelle fiir Information und Dokumenta
ZIDA - Zentrum fiir Information und Dokumentation der Aussenwirtschaft, 1966(Ministerium fiir Aussenhandel - DD)

ZIDIS - Zentrale Information und Dokumentation der Isotopen- und Strahlentechnik

ZIH - [Union catalogue of medieval manuscripts], 1972- (Staatbibliothek - DD)
ZIHD - Zentrale Informationsstelle fur Hochschul-didaktik, 1971- (DE)
ZIID - Zentralinstitut fiir Information und Dokumentation, 1964- (DD); *- IfD
ZIL - Zentrale Informationsleitstelle
ZINTE - ZakJad Informacji Naukowej, Technicz-nej i Ekonomicznej (PL)
ZINTEIPF-ZakJad Informacji Naukowej, Tech-nicznej i Ekonomicznej Instytutu
Przemyslu Fer-mentacyjnego (PL)
ZINTiP - ZakJad Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Patentowej (Instytut Chemii
PrzemyJowej - PL) *ZIRI - Zapros Izbiratel'nogo Rasprostranenija In-formacii
Zakladne Informacne Stredisko, sla (CS)
Zakladni Informacni Stfedisko, cze (CS)
Zentrales Informationssystem
Ziekehuis Informatie System (NL)
ZIV - Zentrale Informationsstelle fur Verkehr, 1974- (Deutsche
Verkehrswissenschaftliche Ge-sellschaft - DE)
ZIZ - Zweigorientiertes Informationszentrum
ZJID - Zentralstelle fiir Journalistische Information und Dokumentation (DD)
Zakladni Knihovna, cze
Zavodni Knihovna, cze
ZK CSAV - Zakladni Knihovna Ceskoslovenke
Akademie Ved, cze 1953- (CS);^ ZK-UVI CSAV ZK ROH - Zavodni Knihovna ROH,
cze (CS) ZK-UVI CSAV - Zakladni Knihovna, Ustfedi Vedeckych Informad CSAV , cze (CS) ; *- ZK CS A V ZKA - Zentralkatalog der
Auslandsliteratur, 1946(Deutsche Staatsbibliothek - DD) ZKDDR - Zentralkatalog der DDR, 1971- (ILZ DD) ZKM - Zentralkatalog der Monographien (Deutsche Staatsbibliothek - DD) ZKO
Zentralkatalog der Orientalia (SBPK - WB)
Zentralkatalog der Orientalischen Literatur
(Deutsche Staatsbibliothek - DD)
ZKO/OA - Zentralkatalog der Orientalia, Ostasien
Alphabet (SBPK -WB)
ZKP - Zwiazek Ksie,garzy Polskich, 1907-1950 (PL) ZKSH - Zentralkatalog der
Buchereisy steme (DE) ZKZ - Zentralkatalog der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Zeitschriften und Serien (UB Jena

Zambia Library Association, 1967- (ZM); <(formed by the merger of): Zambia Branch,
Library Association of Central Africa and
Library Association of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
Zemedelsko-Lesnicky Archiv, cze (CS)
Zimbabwe Library Association, 1980-(RH);<
ZLC - Zinc, Lead and Cadmium Abstracts. [Data
base] (Zinc Development Association - GB) ZLD - Zentralstelle fur
ZLDI - Zentralstelle fiir Luftfahrt-Dokumentation und Information, 1954- (DE); <ZLD; - (the same initialism): Zentralstelle fiir Luft- und Raum-fahrt-Dokumentation
und -Information
ZLGID - Zentrale Leitung fiir Gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Information und Dokumentation, 1965- (AdW - DD); -> WMZ/GID
ZLID - Zentrale Leistelle fiir Information und Dokumentation des Bauwesens, 1961(Bauakademie der DDR-DD)
ZLIMID - Zentrale Leistelle fiir Medizinische Information und Dokumentation, 19641968 (Akademie fiir Arztliche Fortbildung - DD) (=ZLMID); -H. ZMBLI
ZLK - Zveza Ljudskih Knjiznic, slo (YU)
ZLKB - Zentrale Leit- und Koordinierungsstelle der Bibliotheken 1970- (Deutsche
Bucherei - DD)
ZLP - Zwiazek Literatow Polskich, 1949- (PL); <-ZZLP
ZLS-Zambia Library Service, 1964- (Ministry of Education - ZM); < Northern
Rhodesia Library Service, 1962ZMA - Zeitungsgemeinschaft fur Marktforschung und Absatzforderung (DE)
ZMBLI - Zentrale fur Medizinische Bibliothekswe-sen und Literaturinformation, 1968(Akademie fur Arztliche Fortbildung der DDR - DD); <-ZLIMID
ZMD - Zentralstelle fiir Maschinelle Dokumentation, 1964-(DE)
ZMMD - Zurich, Mainz, Miinchen, Darmstadt. [Cooperation of 4 Universities in EDP]
ZMT - Zapadomoravske Tiskarny, cze (CS)
Norma Zakladowa (PL)
ZNB - Zimbabwe National Bibliography, 1979-(National Archives of Zimbabwe - RH);
- Rhodesia National Bibliography, 1967-1978
ZNiO-ZakJad Narodowy im.Ossoliriskich (PL) (=ZNO)
ZNJ - Zveza Novinarjev Jugoslavije, slo (YU)

ZNP - Zwiazek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego, 1930-(PL)
ZOI - ZakJadowy Osrodek Informacji (PL)
ZOIET - ZakJadowy Osrodek Informacji Ekono-micznej i Technicznej (PL)
ZOINTE - ZakJadowy Osrodek Informacji Naukowo-Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL)
ZOITE - ZakJadowy Osrodek Informacji Technicznej i Ekonomicznej (PL)
Zavodna Odborova Kniznica, sla (CS)
Zavodni Odborna Knihovna, cze (CS)
Zjednoczenie Organizacji Ksie.garskich, 19321935 (PL)
*ZOMGBT - Zaocnoe Otdelenie Moskovskogo Bibliotecnogo Tehnikuma (SU) ZOSIA - Zjednoczeniowy Ogolnodostpny System
Informacji Adresowanej (Unitech - PL) ZOWAG - ZakJad Obrotu Wydawnictwami
Artystyczno-Graficznymi (PL) ZPA
1. Zentrale Presseauswertung (IDSM - DD)
Zentrales Parteiarchiv (Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands - DD)
Zwischenstaatliche Presse-Agentur (DE)
ZPCP - Zjednoczenie PrzemysJu Celulozowo-Papierniczego (PL)
ZPD - Zintegrowane Przetwarzanie Danych, pol ZPG = ZPGraf ZPGrafZjednoczenie PrzemysJu Graficznego,
1959-1968 (PL); <- CZPGraf; -> ZPP ZPID
Zentralstelle fiir padagogische Information und
Dokumentation, 1969- (since: 1970: Akademie
der Padagogischen Wissenschaften - DD)
Zentralstelle fiir Psychologische Information
und Dokumentation, 1972- (Universitat TrierDE)
ZPP - Zjednoczenie PrzemysJu Poligraficznego,
1968- (PL); <- (formed by the merger of): ZDiWA
and ZPGraf ZPPK-Zwiazek Polskich Pracownikow Ksie,garskich, 1919-1926 (PL)
ZPV - Zentralschweizerischer Presseverein (CH) ZPWK - Zwiazek Polskich
Wydawcow Ksiazek,
1926-1932 (PL); -PTWK ZR - Zoological Record (BIOSIS - US) ZRB - Zentraler
Referatendienst Binnenhandel
(DD) ZRI - Zimbabwe Research Index (Scientific Council
of Zimbabwe-RH) ZSA - Zambia Science Abstracts, 1977- (NCSR ZM)

ZSI - Zambian Standards Institute (ZM) ZSI-G - Zautomatyzowany System

Gornictwa (GJowny Instytut Gornictwa - PL) ZSIK - Zintegrowany System
Informowania Kierownictwa, pol (=IMIS, eng) ZSKBI = ZSKBIP ZSKBIP - Zvaz Slovenkych
Knihovnikov, Bibliografov a Informacnych Pracovnikov, sla, 1968(CS)(=ZSKBI);- ZSKI ZSKI - Zvaz Slovenskych Knihovnikov a Informatikov,Wa(CS);^-ZSKBIP ZSN - Zvaz Slovenskych Novinarov, sla (CS) ZStA Zentrales Staatsarchiv, 1946- (DD); <(foundedas): Deutsches Zentralarchiv, 1946-ZT - Zapadoslovenske Tlafiiarne, sla (CS)
ZTDI - Zentralstelle fiir Textildokumentation und
-information, 1971- (DE) Ztgrh - Zeitungsgrosshandel ZTK
Zavodna Technicka Kniznica, sla (CS)
Zavodni Technicka Knihovna, cze (CS)
Ztv - Zeitungsverlag
*ZU CNTI - Zapadno-Ural'skij Mezotraslevoj Terri-torial'nyj Centr NaucnoTehniteskoj Informacii Ob"edinenija po Rukovodstvu Nau6no-Tehnices-koj Informacii
i Propagande RSFSR, 1957- (SU)
ZUBIN - Zautomatyzowana Uczelniana Biblioteka Informacji Naukowej (Biblioteka
Politechniki Krakowskiej - PL)
ZUD-Zaklad UsJug Dokumentacyjnych, -1971
(CIINTE-PL) ZUM - Zeitschrift fur Urheber- und Medienrecht,
1985- (DE) ZUMA-Zentrum fur Umfragen, Methoden und
Analysen (DE)
ZUN - Zentraler Ubersetzungsnachweis (DD) ZUPiK "Ruch" - Zjednoczenie
Prasy i Ksiazek "Ruch" (PL) *Zurgaz - Zurnal'no-Gazetnoe Ob"edinenie (SU) ZV Zeitungsverlag
zv&zv = zvzv
ZVA - Zeitungsvertriebsamt (DD)
ZVE - Zentrale Verarbeitungseinheit (DD)
ZVEB - Zeitschriften - Verzeichnis Evangelisch-Kirchlicher Bibliotheken
ZVHM - Zeitschriftenverzeichnis der Bezirke Halle und Magdeburg (DD)
ZVIS - Zentralverwaltung Informationssysteme
ZVNW - Zeitschriftenverzeichnis der Kommunalen Bibliotheken und Biichereien in
Nordrhein-Westfa-len (Stadtbiicherei Gelsenkirchen - DE)
ZVTB - Zeitschriftenverzeichnis Thuringer Bibliotheken (Universitatsbibliothek Jena DD)
ZVZV - Zeitungsverlag und Zeitschriftenverlag, 1949-(DE)(=ZV&ZV)
ZWCRS - ZaktadWydawnictwCentraliRolniczych Spoldzielni "Samopomoc
Chlopska" (PL) (=ZWCRS)

ZWA (ZwA) - Zentralstelle fur Wissenschaftliche Altbestande, 1963(Landesbibliothek; since 1959: DSB Berlin-DD)
ZwD - Zweigbibliothek
ZWDI - Zentralstelle fur Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Dokumentation und Information
(Institut fiir Wirtschaftswissenschaften der DAW - DD)
ZWI - Zentrum fiir Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Information (DD)
ZWIM - Zentrum fiir Wissenschaftsinformation in der Medizin, 1971- (DD); -IWIM
ZWL (ZwL) - Zentralstelle fiir Wissenschaftliche Literatur, 1950-1955 (DD); -IfD
ZWO - Nederlandse Organizatie voor Zuiver We-tenschappelijk Onderzoek (NL)
ZWTI - Zentrum fiir Wissenschaftlich-Technische Information
ZWTR - Zentraler Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Rat
ZZBB - Zentralkatalog der Zeitungsbestande in Berliner Bibliotheken (Deutsche
Staatsbibliothek -DD)
ZZBP-Zwiazek Zawodowy Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1945-1946 (PL); <- ZBP; -
ZZD - Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftendienst (AT)
ZZDRP - Zwiazek Zawodowy Dziennikarzy Rze-czypospolitej Polskiej, 1945- (PL); ->
ZZDPRL - Zwiazek Zawodowy Dziennikarzy PRL, -1951 (PL); <- ZZDRP; -*
1. Zeitschriftenzentralkatalog (Sachsische Landesbibliothek - DD)
2. Zeitschriften-Zentralkatalog der KatholischKirchlichen Bibliotheken (DE) ZZLP - Zwiazek Zawodowy Literatow Polskich,
1920-1949 (PL) ;-+ZLP ZZPK - Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownik6w Ksiegarskich, 1936-1945 (PL) ZZPK - Zwizek Zawodowy Pracownikow Kultury
ZZPKiS - Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownikbw Kultury i Sztuki (PL) ZZPKPiR Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownikow
Ksiazki, Prasy i Radia (PL) ZZPP - Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownik6w Poligrafii, 1959-(PL) ZZPPGPiW - Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownik6w
Przemy&fu Graficznego, Prasy i Wydawnictw,
1951-1953 (PL); <- (formed by the merger of):
ZZDPRLartdZZPPP ZZPPP - Zwiazek Zawodowy Pracownikdw PrzemysJu Poligraficznego, 1945-1951 (PL); ->
ADEL - Antenne de Diffusion et d'Echange du Liv-

re a la Maizie de Paris (FR) AFPU - Association Francaisedes Presses d'Universites (FR) ANFIAC/CFNA - Association Nationale pour la
Formation et I'lnformation Artistique et Culturelle
/ Centre de Formation National d'Avignon (FR) APP - Atelier et Produits de
Plastification (FR) APPEL - Association Nationale pour la Promotion
et 1'Extension de la Lecture (FR) ARCI - Association Romande des Corrections d'lmprimerie BIB - 4. Bulletin d'Information des Bibliotheques de
la Ville de Paris (FR) CALCRE - Comite des Auteurs en Lutte Contre le
Racket de 1'Edition (FR) CD-I - Compact-Disc Interactif CDEIN - Centre
Departemental d'Echanges Internationaux du Nord (FR)
CEBEDOC - Centre Beige de Documentation (BL) CIBTC - China International
Book Trading Corporation (CN) CIFC - Comite International de Coordination des
Correcteurs Francophones, 1987 -CQFDL - Centre Quebec France de Diffusion du
Livre (FR)
GRL - Groupe de Reflexion de la Librairie (FR) IME - Information Management and
LAMECH - Liste d'Autorites Matieres Encyclope-dique, Collective et Hierarchisee
(=Systeme Laval, CA) SESC - Societe d'Editions Scientifiques et Culturelles (FR)
SLS - 8. SWALCAP Library Services (GB) Ulpif - Union des Libraires de Paris et Ilede-France USLF - Union Syndicale des Libraires de France

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