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In this lesson we will be discussing the following:

1. The positive benefits of sunlight in the body.

2. Sunlight and vitamin D
3. The dangers of sunlight

Fascinating Facts: The Sun is an immense object approximately 1.4 million kilometers in diameter, and if you
were to scoop it out like a giant watermelon you could fit the Earth into it about 1.3 million times. It radiates
more heat in one second than man has produced in all of history and has a surface temperature of around 6000
degrees centigrade and is believed to have a core temperature of 15 million degrees centigrade. Each square inch
of the Sun’s surface is producing about 1.5 million candlelight power per second, or equivalent to 70 000 horse
power. The Sun has been placed in just the right position for us to survive, if it was 5-10 million kilometers
either way different the Earth would be in serious trouble. It takes light from the Sun only eight minutes to reach
the Earth, and what’s even more amazing than all these statistics is what it does for you and me each moment of
our lives; let’s get some light shed on the subject.


It would take many volumes of books to exhaust the benefits of sunlight for the human body, but in this
study we will look at just some of the many wonderful things that it does to contribute towards our health.

Sunlight is essential to the well

being of our bodies, without it
disease is inevitable, but it is
something that is given little thought
in the recovery from disease.
Sunshine is valuable in forming
strong bones. It has been said that
Sunshine has the same effect upon
the body as does exercise. They both
decrease the RESTING HEART
amount of LACTIC ACID in the
blood following exercise. They also
STRESS, and the ability of the blood
to absorb OXYGEN.

Sunlight stimulates the THYROID GLAND to increase HORMONE PRODUCTION, which increases the
body’s BASAL METABOLIC RATE, which in turn burns up the calories. It helps the absorption of glucose in
the cells, and stimulates the body to convert it into GLYCOGEN to be stored. The Divine Philosophy and
Science of Health and Healing, page 101.

Sunlight is a natural antibiotic and has the ability to kill germs and is one of the most effective means
for this. Newstart page 34. Sunlight is a purifier and even gives to the air an electrical charge as it passes
through the atmosphere. It would do us well to allow adequate sunlight in our houses each day, especially on our
beds where bacteria are present and moisture resides.

Many people have higher than normal blood pressures, and would be greatly benefited by a sunbathe,
which alone has the ability to reduce blood pressure 8% and combined with exercise it is lowered to about 15%

The effect of sunlight on the diabetic has been discovered to have an insulin like effect on the body, as it
lowers the blood sugar. It does this by converting the fat that is stored in the body to vitamin D, fat is
responsible for covering the receptor sites on a cell to prevent the insulin which is bound to the sugar from
gaining entrance into the cell. A person could have a perfectly normal insulin level and yet be unable to
assimilate the sugar because of an overabundance of fat in the tissues of the body. Sunlight can help by
converting that fat allowing the body to take up the sugar into the cells.

The strength of the heart is steadied and deepened . The pulse rate is lowered because the heart muscle
is pumping more blood with each beat. This enables your heart to rest more between beats. And yet, the blood
output is increased by an average of 39% for several days after a sunbath. God’s Plan page 2.

There has been found a much larger percentage of recoveries in hospital rooms which are exposed to the
sun, than in those which don’t. When the blood cholesterol is high, it becomes incorporated into the walls of the
RED BLOOD CELLS. This reduces their oxygen carrying capacity. It has been estimated that 50% of the deaths
in this country are attributed to diseases of the heart and circulatory system, and are largely caused by excessive

Sunlight treatments cause a definite reduction of arthritis, for they loosen stiff joints. They are also
beneficial for the healing of wounds. Wounds heal faster and better, and are kept germ free. They speed up the
elimination of toxic agents, and help remove the dust from the lungs. In some areas in Russia miners are given
sunlight treatments every day to help remove coal dust from their lungs.

It eliminates all types of disease causing agents, including cancer agents. Under normal conditions sunlight
wards off cancer by increasing the use of oxygen in the tissues. It is good for the BONES, COLDS,

Sunlight is nature’s stimulant and

tonic; it invigorates and rejuvenates
the whole system. It revitalizes the
function of every gland in your body.
It strengthens the IMMUNE
SYSTEM, and also increases
lymphocyte production and thereby
increases the production of
INTERFERON, which is a substance
that has the ability to stop the
reproduction of VIRUSES. It is
believed to be effective against the
viruses of CARCINOMA,
Sunbathing should not be too long
and a tan needs to be built up
gradually, especially for those who
are fairer in skin color.
It has been shown that wet skin will burn more readily than dry skin. It is recommended that a sunbathe
be taken when your shadow is as tall as your height, and even then not for too long.
DR Zane Kime, whose book Sunlight is a classic in this field, wrote this: “If too much sunlight is
received, it has a drying effect and one may occasionally have flaking, dry skin. Exposure to the sun should be
progressive, beginning with only a few minutes a day….If the tissues of the skin are saturated with the
necessary vitamins, the sun will not age the skin, but enhance its beauty.” (page 89)

It is very important that a good diet is maintained, otherwise the effects of sunlight will not profit us
much, and may also cause in many cases disease to occur such as skin cancer. The standard diet of our country
is high in fat, it is a well known fact that when reheated fat becomes carcinogenic. The fat is deposited under our
skin and continued exposure to the sun can lead finally to skin cancer, a deadly killer.


Vitamin D is commonly known as a vitamin, but more accurately it acts like a hormone. The body
manufactures vitamin D with the aid of sunlight. It is produced when the sun’s rays are absorbed, converting
cholesterol to vitamin D. CHOLESTEROL CONCENTRATION is higher in the skin than any other organ in
the body. An exposure of the body to sunlight on six inches square of your hands or feet for an hour a day is all
the sun you need for vitamin D production.

Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption in the intestines. DR Goldberg believes that it is the
shorter wavelength radiation that causes the formation of vitamin D in the skin, and that it is the altitude rather
than the latitude that determines their wavelength. So the higher you live on the mountain side, the more short-
wave radiation you receive, the more vitamin D your skin forms, the more calcium your intestines absorb, and
the lower your risk of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, COLON CANCER, and other diseases.

With the many and varied vitamin supplements out on the market nowadays it is worth the investigation
to find out what you are really getting for your money, and most importantly does it assist your body in the
healing process.

Vitamin D supplements can cause a magnesium deficiency in the heart, as well as higher blood
cholesterol. Magnesium is actually necessary for the absorption of calcium which make up a high percentage of
our bones, and supplements therefore could contribute to diseases such as osteoporosis. The vitamin D that is in
supplements is a different sort than that produced by the sun. Its name is CALCIFEROL, which is manufactured
in a laboratory. This is found in DAIRY PRODUCTS, BEVERAGES, SAUCES, MARGARINE, FLOUR,
calcium in the blood, as it leeches it from the bones, and has also caused BLOODY URINE.


Although the sun holds so many blessings for our bodies, it also can work against us if we are
intemperate in exposure to its rays. Skin cancer is getting more prominent in society, which could also be linked
to the fact that our fat intake has increased over the years.

Ultraviolet light can still penetrate through the clouds although only about 60-80% will get through, and
can actually burn you on a cloudy day. Carotene has been known to be more effective than vitamin E in the
prevention of sunburn. Using a sunscreen lotion during a sunbathe will avoid a sunburn but will also inhibit the
skin from producing vitamin D. When the skin is reddened by sunlight, a hormone like substance called
PROSTAGLANDIN is produced. It is produced from LINOLEIC ACID, which is found in monounsaturated
oil, such as OLIVE OIL, AND CORN OIL. Prostaglandin is a substance that inhibits the IMMUNE SYSTEM.


• Sunbathe for only a few minutes a day.

• Get the majority of sun exposure in early morning or late afternoon.
• Wear adequate clothing that will cover your extremities when out in the sun.
• Apply sunscreen only when necessary and wash it off as soon as possible
• Wear a hat that has a wide brim to protect your face
• Decrease your saturated fat content in your diet, and eat more raw fruits and veggies.

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