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ce 1.0 POLICIES & PROCEDURES DRAWING DISTRIBUTION GUIDELINES =STANDARDS— PROECT: | POLICIES & PROC. woe nox | STANDARD 7 [new eowoeR [nan | 1276707, ance | MO" cONaRETE No rewsion [ey | DATE our | seer wo. 1.0 DRAWING DISTRIBUTION GUIDELINES THE PRIMARY MEANS OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ENGINEERING AND OTHER INTERNAL DEPARTMENTS AND EXTERNAL TRADES OR PARTIES IS VIA DRA SUBMITTALS. THE TABLES BELOW DEFINE HCG STANDARD OPERATING WING PROCEDURE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF DRAWINGS TO THESE VARIOUS PARTIES. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ON A PER PROJECT BASIS MAY SUPERCEDE THESE GUIDELINES. INTHE CASE OF HARDWARE DETAILS, ONLY NON-STANDARD HARDWARE DETAILS NEED TO BE PROVIDED. HARDWARE RELEASES MAY OR MAY NO o COINCIDE WITH OTHER SCHEDULED SUBMITTALS. “OUT FOR APPROVAL” Party: Contents No.of Sets Size (Generel Contactor! Customer [Ful Set (1) Hardware no can be omited [Per Specs Win. «| 22x34 [Celelaons (1) Per Specs -Win.4] _8.5e11 Erestor [Ful Set, Hardware ine can be omitted 1 14.2512 (om. [Ful Set, Hardware Info can be omitted ri 14.2542, (Project Engine [Fu Set, Hardware Info ean be omitted r 14.25422, ‘Springboro Paxton Production Scheduler [Ful Set, Hardware nb can be omites + 14.2542, Project Manager [Ful Sot, Hardware Ino canbe omitted 1 14.25422, (Detailers | Checkers @) [Ful Set TE 14.2542 Hardware Liste tea. x7 Harsware Detail tes. B5e11 (Weld Shop [Ful Set 1 14.25122 Hardware Lists 1 ‘nT Hardware Details 1 35x17 “FOR CONSTRUCTION” Contents No.of Se Size ‘Sener Contactor Customer [Ful Set nctuding Hardware Liste & Detals (1) [Per Specs - Win. 4] Same as OFA rector [Full Set inciuding Hardware Lists & Detas 3 ‘Same as-OFA [Ful Sot of shop Tickets (Upon Request) 1 Th ‘Springboro / Paxton Production Scheduler [Ful Set including Hardware Usts & Detail i Same as OFR Project Manager Ful Set incwding Hardware sts & Detais T ‘Same as OFA (Detaers | Checkers @) [Ful Set incuding Hardware Liste & Detais Tes. ‘Same as OFA ‘Shipping Coorinator [Ful Set Excluang Haroware Lists & Details 7 14. 75022 “HARDWARE RELEASE” Pay: Contents No.of Se Sie ‘Bel Fabrication [Hardware Use and Hardware Detale 3 26x36 [Hardware Requisition Ferm t Bitzait ‘Spingboro 7 Paxton Purchasing Apert [Hardware Lsts i 26136 "SPECIAL CASE" Par Contents Wo. of Set Size Projeat Accountant [Comer of ie Sheet Showing Panel Counts 7 Birzatt eld Senices Coordnaior [Key Plan and Elevations Only t 16x20 lens / Checkers must be kept current with ALL ch (@) Project Accountant must be informed any me ‘actual panel count changes occur 528 to dravings at altimes independent of submits ~STANDARDS— POLICIES & PROC. ‘STANDARD 1d

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