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Exercise sheet 1

Present Tense
Fill in the gaps and translate the sentence.
My cat ___ (to be) brown.
He ___ (to go) to class every day.
I ___ ___(not to want) to be left alone.

We _____ (to need) to get away from this place.

Do you know if she ___ (to have) your wallet?
I still ___ ___ (not to get), where ___ (to be) your car keys?
Mark ___ (to try) hard to enter the Handball team, but I ___ ___ (to think not) he is going to
make it this year.
They __ (to be) here, you can stop _____ (to look) now.

Quin es ese chico de ah?
Dnde est la mochila de Jack?
Quin trae la comida para la fiesta de esta noche?
Dnde trabajas durante la semana?
Qu es eso que tienes en el bolsillo?
Cmo de grande es tu casa?
Cuando traes el bolso que quiero?

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