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ID : U-41036-13-1258-IMO [1]

Class 4
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Answer t he quest ions



= 81 , what is


What is the minimum number of line segments required to make letter A ?

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice


Ajoy and Sulekha are ranked 15th and 16th respectively f rom the top in a class of 33 students.
What are their respective ranks f rom the bottom?
a. 19th and 18th

b. 18th and 17 th

c. 19th and 20th

d. 18th and 19th

(4) How many months in a year have 30 days ?

a. 4

b. 3

c. 6

d. 2




= 30

Find the value of

a. 42

b. 32

c. 40

d. 44

(6) Which expression shows perimeter (p) of the rectangle.

10 cm

35 cm


a. p = 2 + (35 + 10)

b. p = 2 X (35 + 10)

c. p = 2 X (35 - 10)

d. p = 2 X (35 X 10)

+ Rs. 12



a. Rs. 70

b. Rs. 66

c. Rs. 68

d. Rs. 69

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= Rs. 20

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ID : U-41036-13-1258-IMO [2]


T he f ollowing table shows the number of ice-creams eaten by Matthew and Kareem in 3 weeks.
Weeks Matthew Kareem

Which of the f ollowing statements is not true?

a. In the last two weeks Matthew ate more ice- b. In 3 weeks Matthew ate more ice-creams
creams than Kareem

than Kareem

c. In the f irst two weeks Matthew ate f ewer

ice-creams than Kareem

d. In the f irst and last week Matthew ate more

ice-creams than Kareem

(9) If the areas of square X and rectangle Y are same, then f ind the length of square X.
4 cm


16 cm

a. 9 cm

b. 8 cm

c. 7 cm

d. 10 cm

(10) Find the missing time in the pattern.

04:50 , 04:40 , 04:30 , 04:20 , ______ , 04:00
a. 04:10

b. 04:30

c. 04:00

d. 04:20

(11) Ram earns Rs. 5 per hour by selling water bottles. Last week he worked f or 11 hours, and spent
Rs. 23 of the money he earned. Which of f ollowing expression shows the money lef t with him?
a. Rs. 5.00 11 + Rs. 23.00

b. Rs. 5.00 + 11 - Rs. 23.00

c. Rs. 5.00 11 - Rs. 23.00

d. Rs. 5.00 11 Rs. 23.00

(12) What is the 15th term of the series below

1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 ...
a. 7

b. 5

c. 4

d. 6

(13) Herman Hollerith was born on 29th February. His birthday comes
a. every year

b. af ter every two years

c. twice in a year

d. once every f our years

(14) Which of the f ollowing letter has a vertical line of symmetry ?

a. E

b. L

c. S

d. Y

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ID : U-41036-13-1258-IMO [3]

Fill in t he blanks
(15) T he diagram below shows the weights of two bags of wheat.

T he scale would be balanced if

grams of wheat is added to the bag Q.

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ID : U-41036-13-1258-IMO [4]





a. 19th and 18th

(4) a. 4

a. 42

(6) b. p = 2 X (35 + 10)

(7) c. Rs. 68

c. In the f irst two weeks Matthew ate f ewer ice-creams than Kareem

(9) b. 8 cm
(10) a. 04:10
(11) c. Rs. 5.00 11 - Rs. 23.00
(12) b. 5
(13) d. once every f our years
(14) d. Y


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