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Joshua Lee
Eunice Kim
Hannah Kim

Real World Application

on Limits: Exponential

The Concept of Slopes & Derivatives

What does a slope indicate?
The slope of a line indicates the rate at which a line rises
or falls.

How do slopes work on non-linear graphs?

Because a tangent line approximates the slope of a

graph at a point, the problem of finding the slope of a
graph at a point is the same as finding the slope of the
tangent line at the point.

Why is it important?

The derivative, or the slope the tangent line of the

graph or a function at a point, can be used to analyze
rates of change.

Archaeologists use the exponential, radioactive decay of carbon-14 to
estimate the death dates of organic matter.The stable form of carbon is
carbon-12 and the radioactive isotope carbon-14 decays over time into
carbon-12 and other particles. Experts can compare the ratio of
carbon-12 to carbon-14 in dead material to the ratio when the
organism was alive to estimate the date if its death. Estimate the slope
of the following function, for the point x = 55 (representing 55%):

f(x) =



x 5730

Definition of the Slope (for non-linear lines)

The slope m of the graph of f(x) at the
point (x, f(x)) is equal to the slope of its
tangent line at (x, f(x)), and is given by:

m = lim msec
= lim

f(x + h) - f(x)

provided this limit exist.

Explaining the Function

natural logarithm

normally representing
initial value


Carbon-14 Decay Rate


Carbon-14s half
life value

Step 1: Replace the
variables with the
functions given.
Step 2: Replace the
variable x with the value
55, as told in the problem.


Step 3: Simplify!
Step 4: Using the Quotient
Property of Natural
Logarithms, break down the

Step 5: Simplifying!!!

Step 6: Simplified again...

Step 7: Substitute the variable

h with 0. According to the
limit given in the problem.


Normally, in class, we would try to

avoid an asymptote for an answer.
However, we decided to take a look
at the graph to see if its accurate .

So Lets Take A Look at the Graph!!!

zoomed in version

zoomed out version

Investigates the World: We investigated how
carbon-14 dating affects the world by being an
important idea in paleontology and forensics.
Recognizes Perspectives: We shared our own
perspective on how carbon-14 dating affects our
lives. Understanding the concept of half-lifes
and distributing it into areas in our society is

Communicate Ideas: While working on the
project together, we talked to each other about
how this idea can take part in fields such as
paleontology and forensics.
Takes Action: We took action by researching
about half-lifes and how carbon-14 in our bodies
can serve purpose in figuring out how old a
corpse is. We also took action by making this
wonderful presentation to share the knowledge
to our peers. :)

Works Cited

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