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[i938 : V.N. Act XXIl

Cottori Ginning
and Pressii~gFactories (TamilNadu Amendment)
ACT, 1948.1
(Received the assent of the Governor-General on the
4th March 1949 ;Jirst publislied in zlte Fort, St.
Gcorge Gazette on the 15tJz Xarch 1949.)

An Act further to amend the Cotton Ginning

and Pressing Factories Act, 1925, in its
application to the 3[State of Tamil Nadu].
it is expedient further to ,mend the Cotton G n
Ginning and Pressii~g Factories Act, 1925, in its
application to the 3[State of Tamil Nadu], for the purposes hereinafter appearing ; It is hereby enacted as
follows :1. (1) This Act may be called the Cotton Gin~lillg
and Pressing Factories ('pamil Nadu] Amendment)
Act, 1948.
(2) It extecds to the wiiolc of the "[State of
Tanlil Nadu].
(3) This section shitll come iruo force at once ;
and the rest of this Act, shall co111einto force in such
areas 'and on such dates as the 5(State) Government
may, by notification in the Fort St. George Gozctte,
----__ -_ - -- - - _ -


short title,
extent and



Thcsc words wcre substituted for tllc wo~cl"Madms" by the

Tamjl Nadu Adaptation of Llws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tam11Nadu Adaptationof Laws(Second Arncndrnent)Order, 1969.
For Statement of Objcclsand Reasons,sce Fort St. George Gozefte,
dated the 5th October 1948,Part IV-A, pagcs398-399.
This Act wasextended to the Kanyakulnnri district and thc Shencottahtaluk oftheTirunelvelidistrlctby section 3 of, and the Scl~edule
to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Terr~tory)Extension of Laws Act,
1957 (Tam11 Nadu Act XXII of 1957.)
8 This expression was substituted for the expression "Province
of Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptat on of Laws Order, 1970,
which was deemed to have come into force on the 14th January
4 This expression was substituted for the exprwion " State of
Madras " by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, a s
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendmen?) Order, 1969,
5 This word was substituted for the word fiProvincial" by the
Adaptation Ordh of 1950.


1948 : T.N. Act XXV]

Coiion Ginning
nnd Pressing Factories (Trrtnil Nndu Amendnent)

(i) clause (a) shall be relettered as clause (a-1)

and before the clause as so relettered, the followi~lg
clause shall be inserted, namely :" (a) ' admixed cotton ' means a ni ixttirc of
different varieties of cotton ;"
(ii) in clause (b), the words, " or cotton waste "
shall be omitted ;
(iii) after clause (e), the follo~vingclause sl~all
be inserted, namely :" (e-1) ' foreign substance '
means a substance other than cotton lint, and inc1t~de.scotton
tvaste, but does not include cotton leaf or co,tton secd;"


(iv) after clause

the foflowj~lgclause sl~all
be inserted, na~nely:" ($1) ' licence ' nleans a licence grnntcd
under sect:on 2-A, sub-section ( I ) ;"
(k) aftcr clause (g), the following clause shall
bc inserted, na~ncly:'' (,q-I) ' owiler ' includes ally pc1.co11a!jtliorized t c , rcprcscnt tlic owner,"

3. After section 2 of the said Act, t l ~ cfollowillg In$erclon

or ncw
section shall be inserted, nan~ely:scclvln 2-A
in Ccnlrnl

2-A, (1) No cot ton g i n ~ ~ i n01.

g p i e x i l ~ gfrtclory ALI XI I or
sli;~l!be workctl witlmut a liccrtce granted,to thc owner
thereof, by s~icliauthority, in such f o m,
~ sul?iccl to L
such conditions, and on pay~ncntof sl.tc11 !be, as may wyki-rl: c ~ t t o n

be prescribed.
(2) A licence for which the prescribed Sco
has been paid shall be refilscd oaly on *the grotlncl
thnr the owner or person in c1i;irgc of tllc f:.~ctol.yhas
bccn convictctf of an offcnce p~~nisltablc
11ndcr t l l i s


g l n n ~ n gor

factn I y.




Cotton Ginning
[I948 : T.N. Act XXV
and Pressing Factories (Tcmil Nadu Amendment)

(3) A licence shall be ~uspendedor cancelled

only on the ground that the owner or person in charge
of the factory has been convicted of an offence
punishable under this Act.
(4) Whoever works a cotton g i ~ i n g or
pressing factory,
( 0 ) in, respect of which no licence bas been
granted, or the licence granted in respect of which has
been susrended or cancelled, or
(b) in contravention of any of the conditions
of the licence granted in respect thereof,

shall be punishable with fine which may

extend to fi1.e hundred rupees, and in the case of a
second or subsequent conviction, with fine which
may eltend to one thousand five hundred rupzss."
Insertion of

new scctions
3-A to 3-F
in ~entrni
Act XI[ o f
Cotton not
t o bc gi1inc.d

or press,.d
in notili~d

4. .4fter section 3 of the said Act, the following

sections s:iall be inserted, namely :3-A. ( I ) The '(State) Govcl-nment m y , by
n~tificntionin tile F11i.t XI. G~loi.:,.~
Gozette, direct that
119 nd:nised cottoll sl~allbe girxrlcd or pressed in a
cotton ginninz or prcsqing fi~ctclry situated in any

spccifiivi ni.:n.

(2) .Atiy onln,:r or pc1.sor1


charge of a

f ~ i ~ t < ) i \s';~:I,
.)in C:)III I . ~ ~ v , / ' c Iof
I ~ :I: ~rlotificatio~i
lind(:i' ~ i l l ) - ~ : 2 t i ( ) l l(I), :ills (31. i)SC'SSCS, or a1101\.s to be
ginncd or pressctl i l l strch f;~ctcrr.yx t ~ ycotton which

hc kr;o\vs o r has rcxsorl t o hclic\lc to hc admixed cotton,

shall 1~ puni5hablc with Tu~c\\,!licl~may cxteltd to one
Watcrod or

Cotton ndt

to be giancd
or presscd.

3-13. .\ny owner or pcs\oj~111 cilc~l.ryc

of ,L cotton
grnning or pressing factory \vllo. k n o w ~ n gor having
re;iwrt to b2licve that itny cotton i<\\satcsctf,or =[has
bccn ~liixcd1vlt1i cot1OII 1c;tf 01 cnt(ort seed] or contains
- -. -- ---__ - ----


Tlli.: word was ~ i l b ~ i i t ~ for

~ f c1 ~1 1f ~\\,( " Provi~icial" by the
Ad;~pI.)tionOrder of 1950.
Thew words Wcrc s ~ ~ h s l r l ~ ~
l e tllc
d words " contains colton
Ic:tf 01.cot [no sced incuco\z if'1111- 171 c\cl 11avlpro port lor^" by section
? of ~ I I C Cntrnn Ginning ant1 1'1ck\1ns
l-,\cIcj~.ies(T.ilnilNIIJUhmendnlclll) Act. 1953 (Tanlil Natlu Act X of 1353).

1948 : T.N. Act XXV]

Cottoit Ginning
and Pressing Factories (Tamil Nadu Amendment)

contains moisture in excess of the normal quantity.

(b) The normal quantity of moisture in any

given quantity of cotton is the amount of moisture
which such cotton may*reasonably be expected to
contain, regard being had to the variety of the cotton,
and the place or places at or to which, and the time
or times of theyear in which, such cotton was picked,
collected, stored, conveyed, left, ginned or pressed.
(c) A certificate given by the prescribed
authority as to the normal quantity of moisture in a
-given quantity of any cotton, and the quantity of
moisturc whicll it actually colltains shall be evidence
of s~.chmaltcis, and sl~all,~lntilthecontrary is proved,
be pres~uncdto be correct ; and if the latter quantity
as specified in the certificate exceeds the former it
shall be pres~uned,until the contrary is proved, that the
cotton has been wat~rctl.
(2) ( ( I ) For the purposes of '[section 3-13]
no variety of cotton shall be deemed to be mixed with
cotton leaf or cotton seed unless such cotton contains
cotton leaf or seed in excess of the qua~~tity
for such variety of cotton,
(b) A certificate ,civen by the prescribcd
authority as to the quantity of cotton leaf or seed
which a given quantity of any cotton actually co~ltains
shall be cvidence thereof and shall, until the contrary
is proved, be presulned to be correct ;abd if the quantity
1 Scclions 3-C and 3-D were transposed a~ldrclet~credas scctlcrb
3-nand 3-C by sccrion4 of the Cotton ~ i n n i n ~ a r1~1cssingFactorics
Nadu Amcndmcnt)Acl, 1953('raln1lNad~iAct
X o f 1953).
a T l ~ cword, lipure t u ~ dletter '' scction 3-R '' wcrc substilutcci for
tllc wortls, figures and lcttcrs "sections 3-Band 3-C " by /bid.

11 12

Cotton Ginfling arrd 11948: T.N. Act XXV

Pressing Factories (Tumil Nndu Amendment)

specified in the certificate exceeds the limit prescribed

uuder clause (a) for cotton of that variety, it shall be
presumed, until the contrary is proved, that the cotton
has been mixed with cotto11leaf or seed in excess of the
limit so prescribed.

[3-D.] Any owner of cotton who knowingly

(a) mixes one variety with another variety of

(b) waters any ginned cotton which is being,

or is intended to be, pressed in a cotton pressing factory,
(c) mixes with ginned cotton any foreign
substance, cotton leaf or cotton seed. or
(d) abets, or allows the conlmission of, any
of the acts specified in the foregoing clavses,
shall be punishable with fine which nlay extend to one
thousa-nd five hundred rupees.

(a) ,sue mofu, it" such Government or officer

has reason to believe that there has been contravention of the provisions of sections 3-A, 3-B or $[3-D]
in respect of any cotton or package or bale of cotton, or
(b) on receipt of a complaint from any
person that there has been such a contravention in
respect of any cotton or package or bale of cotton and
on payment of the prescribed fee hy he complainant,
cause such cotton or the contents of such package or
bale to be exanlined by the prescribed authority.

1 Sections 3-C and 3-D wore transposed and relettered as sections

3-D and 3-C by section 4 of the Cotton Ginning and Pressing
Factories (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1953 (Tamil Nadu Act
X of 1953)
a This word was substituted for the word " Provincial'' by the
Adaptation Grdcr of 1950.
a The figure and letter " 3-D" were substituted for the fi ilre a d
7ettq.r '63.~" by sections oftlleCn(tc'nGinning and ~ r e s s i n g R c t o r 1 ~
(Tamil Nadu A~endrnent)Act, 1953 (Tamil Nadu Act X of 1953). :

."..... ..*..


1948 : 2'. N. Act XXV]

Cotton Gitlning
and Pressing Factories (Tamil Nadu Ametio'mnmt)

3-F. (I) The '(State) Government may authcrizc E n f l y and

any officer to enter and inspect, at any reasonablc ln.pcc"On.

time, any cotton ginning or pressing factory for the purpose of ascertaining whether there is any contravention
therein of any of the $ovisions of this Act, or of any
rule made thereunder, or of any of the conditions
subject to which a licence has been granted in respect
of such factory, and to seize and remove all things in
respect of which an offence punisllablc under this Act.
appears to have been commi ltcd ,
(2) The owner or person in cilhrge of thc factory
shall give every rcasoriable assistance to the j11spc.cting oacer in the perfornlance of his duties under
sub-section (I).

(3) The owner or pcrson in cl~argc of the

factory sh~1.11bc pcrrnittcd to bc prcsent dur~ngthc
inspection ; and ihc tlli~lgsscizcd during such i ~ \ pectiorl shall bc scalcJ iri tlic picscrihc~lmnnllcl..

5. For scctiox~G oC thc said Act, tllc following S u l ~ ~ r i t u ~ l ( ~ n

section shall be substitutctl, namely :-

6 . (I) No sc,llcs or wcigl~tsshall bc kcpl or Scnlcs and

used in any cotton g i t ~ n i ~ ror
g plxsiing factory other 2;1,!":;,:i:
than scalcs 'or \vcights prcscl ibcd by tllc Ccr~tral
Government or notilied by t i ~ c'(~tatc) Governn:cnt,
in this behalf.
(2) If, in any sllch factbry, any scaks or
weights not so prescribed o r notiiiecl ale kcpt o r usetl,
the owner of the factory shall bc pilnishablc with
fine wllicli [nay cxtcld to fifty rupces, or in casc hc
---- ----- 1 '1111s N O I ~~ : i hsuL)\~jt\

Adaptawn Order of 1950.

l o t

f[lC\ \ O I L ~

'. L ' ~ < I \ I I ~ L , , ~ I "l)y













Cotton Ginning and [1948: T.N. Act XXV

Pressing Factories (Tamil Nadt Amendment)

has been convicted

previously of any offence

under this sub-section or sub-section (3), with fine
which may extend to five hundred rupees.
(3) The owner or person in charge of any such
factory shall'produce the scales and weights kept or
used therein, at the factory on demand by any pzrson
app3inted by the '(State) Governmctnt in this behalf;
and if the owner or pzrson in charge fails to do so,
he sllall be putlishable with fine which may extend to
fifty rupees; or in case he has been convicted previously
of any offence under sub-section (2) ar :his sub-sectio~z,
with fine which may extend to five l~i~ndred
rupees. "

XII of 1925.

6. In section 7, sub-section (1).

t h e said Act,
for the words and figurer .' for t h e p.l-pxcs of wction
4, 5, " tho words, fig~iresand letters "for the purposes
of sections 3-A, 3-B, 3-F, 4, 5 " sIi.111 be substituted.

7. Inscction 9 o f t l ~ cs,~idAct-Amendment
of section 9,
(i) i l l sub-section (I), the noill
Central ~ c t
XII of
CIIC~of clause ((1) rhall bc omitted ar;d


follow in^

"and " at thc

nftcr clnllcc (h),
clau5e sli,~llbc insc~tc.1. 11ninc1y~-

" (c) a kapas opcncr s!inli bi: i!~stalli.~land

worked for Ihc purposo of freeing r!lc knpas, bcFo1.c
ginning, fi.0111 foreigr~s~thstnnccsL>f!?crtli:~.~~
waste : "
fiii) in sub-section (I-A), for cln~lsc ((1). I lic
follo~vingcl;luse shall bc subMutcd, narnely :
" ((1) 110 S L ~ L I C ~:~lteratiorl~
I I ~ ; ~ ~
or ncldir ions sfinll
be 111ade so as to diminisli tlic degrcc of comp~iar~cc:
the factory as a wwholc(i) with the rcql~ircmentsELI^ fo~.tllill CI;ULSCS
((1) and (h) of sub-scctior~(I),
if t l ~ unltcration5 or
additions, commenced nftcr the 97th February 1939
and beforc thc 31st March 1949, or
- - .-.

T h i s won1 w i s \ I I I > F I I I I I I C I ~ ror ~ l l cUOI I '.ll~o\11lc;ol'' hy I l t c

A t l ~ p ~ a t i oOldrr
o f 19'0

1948 :T.N. Act XXVI Cotton Ginning and

Pressing Factories (Tamil Nadu Arncndmect)

(iv) in the same sub-section, i ~ t clause (t?),

for the words "last-mentioned date", the date "27th
February 1939 " shall be substituted ;
(v) in tlze
shall be omitted,

same sub-scction,



(0-2) the postponement of the application of

rules made under this Act, to cotton giruzing or pressing
factories in any specified area ; and t11c cxemptioll of
factories in any specified arca from tJie operation o f
(0-3) thc pi.ocedllle for makmg a conlplaint
under section 3-E , ~ n dthe i~~vcstigation
thereof: ".

9. After scctioll 15 of the slid Act, thc following r ,,,,

shall be addcd, namely :--

"16. Whoevcr colitravencs any of the provisions of P C I ~ ; I ~ ~lnY

this Act clr any rule lllnde tlmreondcr or any of the
conditicns subject to which a liccllee has bcen panted pr"vi,lcd
to him slz:~ll,if no otl~crpen:rlty is provided in this Act for.
for such contravention, bc punishable with fine which
lnay extend to five 1111ndrcdrirpecs, and in the case of a
\ecc111dor siibsequcnt conviction, with fine which may
extend to onc thousand five hundred rupees.


- -------

--Tllc fifiurc . ~ n dIcttcr "3-D" wcrc subutili~tcilfor tl!c flgurc and

b y ~ c t i o r l 5oft!~cCottonCiinnirlr*.rnlt r'

( ~ ~ ~ Nn,l!r
1 i l AmcnA-.



compounding of

Cotton Ginning arid [I948 :T.N. Act XXV

Pressing Fncto ries (Tamil Nadu Amend~nerzt)

17. (1) Any officer empowered by the l(State)

Government in this behalf may accept from any person
whose licence is liable to be suspended or cancelled
under this Act, or who has committed or is reasonably
suspected of having committed an offence punishable
under this Act, a sum of money in lieu of such suspension or cancellation, or by way of composition for the
offencz which has been or may have been committed.
(2) The composition of an offence under subsection (1) shall have the effect of an acquittal of the
offender, and if he is in custody, Ize shall be set at
1 iberty.''



- -

This word was substituted for tlle word

8 he Adaptation Order of 1950.

"Provincial" by
268 Cotton Girnl1~g
und Pressing p953 1 T. N.Act
Fuctorics (2 kmil Nadu lu/~nrlment).


( ~ e c e i v e dthe assen E of the Presihnt on the 1st Jme 1953 ;
first published in the Fort St. George Gazette on the
10th June 1953.)

An Act further to amend the Cotton Ginning a d Pressing

Factories Act, 1925, in its application to the 3[State of
Tamil Nadu].
i t is expedient further to ammd the Cotton
Ginning and Pressing Factories Act, 1925 (Central
Act XI1 cf 1925), in its application to the 8[State of
Tamil Nadn], for the purposes hereinitf .cr appearing ;
It is hsreby enacted as follows :1 (1) This Act may bc called the Cotton Giniring andShort title
and extat, Pressing Factories ('[Tamil N;*2;; I.
(2) It extends ro the whole of the 3[State of Tamil
Nadu] .

a. I n

section 2 oftlte Cotton Ginning and Pressing

2s Factories Act, 1925 (hereinafter referred lo as the principal
Act XI1 Act)-of 1925.
(1) in clause (a-I), after the word " cotton ", the
wolds " or cotton waste " shall be inserted ;
(2) in clause (dl, for the words '"cotton is pressed '*,
the words " cotton 01 cotton waste is pressed '' shall
su bstftuted .


1These words were substituted for the word L'Maciras" by

Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,
2 For Statement of Objects and Reaso~ls,see Fort St, George
Gazette, Part IV-A, dated the 1 lth February 1953, page 11.
This Act was extended to the Kanyakumari district and the
Shencottah tafuk of the Tirundveli district by section 3 of, and the
Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Tcrrifsry) Rxtcnsion of'
Laws Act, 1: '"(Tamil Nadu Act XXII of 1957).
8 T'', expression was substituted for the expression ststateof
Madras" by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as
amended by the Tarnil NaJu ndaptation of Law (Second Amend.
weat) Order, !9i19~


cbttonGjnniItg an# pressing

(Tamil ad^ Amendment)

~ b ~ t ~ r[i963:~*N*
k s
~ ~ t a 3


ACT; 1965.
[Received the assent of the President on +he28th October
1965, Frsl published in the Fort St. George Gazette,
on the 17th November 1965 (Kartika 26, 1887).]

An Act further to amend thz Cotton Ginning and Pressing

Factories Act, 1925, in its application to the 3[State of
Tamil N a d ~ ] .

BE it enacted by the Legislature of the 8[State of Tamil

Nadu] in the Sixteenth year of the Republic of India,
as follows:-sort title,

extent and

1. (1) This Act may be called the Cotton Ginning an

Pr.-*cing Factories '[(Tamil Nadu) Amendment] Act,


(2) It extends to the whole of the "State of Tamil


(3) It shall come into force on such date as the St

Oovernment may, by notification, appoint.

1 Thew words were substituted for the word " Madras " by tho
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by th
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Ordtr, 19

2 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Fort

Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 30th June 1965, Pa
tion 3, page 48.


expression m substituted for the t

" State of Madras " by the Tamil Nadu AdaptatiqOrder,1969 as amended by the T a d Nadu Adaptation
(Second An ieadment) Order, 1969.







section 3-C of the Cotton A m d m a n t of

ries Act, 1923 (Central Act section 3-c
Central AG
of 1925

wing clause shall be subs-

section 3-B, cc~ttonshall

(ii) cakes or patches. ";

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