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Arpeggio chord / Broken Chord :arpej / krk akor Anthem:ulusal mar,

Sacred song:dini ,Hymn:ilahi, Secular music/profane: Din d Abstract/Absolutemusic: Soyut/salt mzik

Pivot chord: Diatonik modlasyonda 2 ton arasndaki ortak akor
Word setting/Textsetting : Prozodi (speech rhythm and the phrases in relation with those elements of music.)
Cadence: the perfect authentic, the imperfect authentic , plagal, deceptive, half. Feminie ending/cadence
Shifted cadence: the cadance chord appears after the first beat of the cadance measure.
Delayed cadence: one or more tones of the caddence chord are delayed by the presence of nonharmonic chords
(suspensions or appagiatures)
Elided cadence: any phrase begans simultaneously with or before the cadece chord of the first phrase.
Extended cadence: the harmony of the cadence chord is continue one or more measures.
Implied cadance: the progression unmistakably implies a particular harmony but the root is about from the cadence chord.
Modal cadance: the triadic chord groupings derive from a moderather than from a tonality.
Bitonal cadance: a combination of two tonalities, 2 modalities or a tonality and a modality.
Synthetic scales: suni diziler (pentatonic, wholetone, seven-tone, eight-tone)
Tonal-triadic music or serious music (Klasik Mzik) Root position: kk hali Cadential six-four chord: apojatr 6-4
Passing chord: geit akoru Figuring:ifreleme To figre:ifrelemek Figured-bass: ifreli bas
A figre: figr, ifre, motif Multiple figre: oklu- two or more figures are used simultaneously in different voices.
Motive: thematic particle Motivic cell: motivsel hcre Figuration: ilemeler, sslemeler
Harmony in fourparts: 4 partili armoni Part-voice part:ses partisi Part-blme (music structure)
Phrase contraction: frazn ksaltlmas (irregular) Phrase extension: frazn uzatlmas (irregular)
Introduction: giri Main theme (subject)/first theme (subject )/principa ltheme (subject):birinci tema/esas/ilkil
Second theme (subject)/secondary/subordinate: ikinci/ikincil tema Bridge passage/transition: kpr (Link)
Episode: a theme which is heard only once Basic structures: temel yaplar Unitary form: tek kesitli
Binary form: iki kesitli- two part form/simple binary:basit 2 kesitli/ extended binary:uzatlm 2 kesitli
Ternary form: kesitli- three part form/simple ternary/extended ternary/compound ternary:bileik
Rondo form, Sonata-allegro form, Sonata-rondo (hybrid form):melez
Development/episodical section/working-out/free fantasy : gelime epizodik kesit sertbest fantezi
Reexposition/recapitulation --- Coda/codetta/closing section/tail piece : Kuyruk
Triadic/tertial music:akor yaplar llerden oluan/ Quartal music:akor yaplar 4llerden oluan
Imitative Contrapuntal forms:(canon-invention-fugue)
Groundbass (ostinato) forms: passamezzo, passacaglia,
chaconne. Double counterpoint:ifte kontrpuan / kili Kontrpuan Reversible counterpoint: evrilebilir kotrpuan
Cyclic treatment: devri uygulama-bir blmde yer alan tema veya temalarn dierinde de duyulmas.
Episodical form: her tema bir kez seslenir. Heterophony: the accompaniment of a melody by an embellished version of it
self.Abridged sonata/ modified sonata: gelimesiz sonat allegrosu
Concrete music: A kind of electro accustic music which uses natural sounds.
There cording such as machinery,runningwater,birdsongsetc. Join to form a composition. (SOMUT MZK)
Scordatura (mistuning): A tuning in which one or more strings are at a different pitch from the normal. (yanl akortlama)
Scotch snap (scotch catch):A dotted note is preceded by a note of shorter value (sekizlik-noktaldrtlk)
Secondary Dominant (chord): ikincil dominant akoru. dominantn dominant. (Do : re fa# la do)
Fugue:fg-Ka Mono-thematic: tek temal Double fugue: iki temal fg Triple fugue: temal fg
Subject:konu Answer:cevap Antecedent/forephrase/announcing phrase:ncl
Consequent/after phrase/responsive phrase:soncul (canonda)
The leader (proposta):nc The follower (risposta):art (canonda) Crap canon:yenge /Mirror canon
Parallel motion: paralel hareket Contrary motion: ters devinim-inversion (evrim)
Episode:no subject or answer in any part (bar/bars) Codetta: no subject or answer in any part (bar/bars)
Counter exposition: kar sergi Leading-motive: Leitmotiv (Gr.)
Through-bass: basso continuo ncidental music: music played during a performance of a spoken drama.
Cluster: akor salkm performed with the fist, pal mor fore arm.(kolla, avu iiyle alnan akor salkm)
Programme music: illustrative music Score/partition: vokal score,instrumental score,orchestral score (partisyon)
Open score: One part per stave (ak yazm) Inside parts/outside parts/ upper parts: ara partiler/kenar partiler /st partiler
Substitute chords: glge akorlar (V yerine VII, IV yerine II) Resolution:karar,zm
Movement:blm/ Multi Movement:ok blml Section:kesit/ Multi-sectional:ok kesitli
Picardy third: practice dates from the Renaissance in minr key the third of the final chord raised major chord
Feminin Ending: zayf zamanda I gelmesi-Tonic chords occurs on a weak beat of the bars.
Tone-row/Note-row:oniki ton sisteminde nota sras Basic-set:bestecinin oluturduu ilk dizi
Twelve-tonesystem/Dodecaphonique/ Serializm Excended passing note: allmn dnda kullanlan yabanc sesler
Musicale instruments: chordophones (telle),aerophones(havayla),membronophens(deri),
diophones (titreimlerle ses retimi yapanlar) Oboe-houtbois Descant recorder (soprano recorder): flte Flte abec:flt
azl Mouthpiece: azlk (obua,fagot,trompet) Mouth hole:fleme delii(fltteki gibi) Flautato:flagele,flte-like / gibi
Tube:gvde (enstrman gvdesi) Bell: kalak / Pear-shaped bell:armut eklinde kalak (englishhorn daki gibi)
Mute-sourdine:surdin Muffle:timpani surdini. (Bezle sarl) Drumstick:baget
Definit:perdesi olanlar-pitch (silofon,glokenspiel,tubularbells,vibrofon,timpani)
Indefinit:perdesiz olanlar- no pitch (woodblock, tambourine, triangle, whip, cymbals, guiro)
Pandiatonizm: tm diatonizm konusunu kavrayan. Lute/luth:lavta Sirious variation Organ: by water,by electrycity.
Organology:alg bilimi-development of instruments.
Continue- enstruments: harpscord,lute,Clavierchord,organ (polifonik enstrmanlardr.)

Chaconna: homophonic,ostinato bas partisinde bulunur. Passacaglia: poliphonic,ostinato yer deitirir.

Sequence:(armonik) yry (Sekvens) Melodikte Olabilir Small scale forms: kk hacimli eserler
Large scale forms: byk hacimli eserler Pedal point:pedal notas Modulatory:ton deiimli
Varied treatment:eitleme uygulamas Upward scale:kc gamlar (ascending)
Downward scale: inici gamlar (descending) Allemande: one or three semi quavers as an up-beat
Courante/corrente: contrapuntal piece in which 6-4 and 3-2 metres are mixe despecially at the approach to cadences.
Sarabande: spanish in origin slow triple time with a stressed second beat.
Embellishment: ssleme (Ornaments)
rregular phrases: dzensiz cmleler (one which is more or less than four measures in length)
Long note sustained: uzun tutulan nota Consecutive octaves or fifths: ardarda paralel 8/5ler
To sing in tune: doru entonasyon / To sing out of tune: yanl entonasyon
To sing flat: detone / To sing sharp: srtone Fugetta: small fugue Fugato: like fugue Etud:study
Ensemble/consort: topluluk Whole concort: all the same family / Broken concort: farkl enstrman topluluu
The first movement-sonata-allegro // The second movements-simple ternary forms (ABA) or Rondo forms
Ternary-A: statement, B: digression, A:restatement
Rondo forms:1)ABA 2)ABACABA(Modern rondo) 3)ABACA(Oldrondo) 4)Sonata-Rondo ABACABA
Sonata-rondo-hybrid (melez) // C section : epizot, en uzun section, development, uzun dn kprs var
Retransition:dn kprs Lyrics:words// Lyric Tenor (kk sesler) // Hiroic Tenor (gl tenor)
ncidental music: tiyatral mzik (seyirciyi etkilemek iin) Poliphonic Works: Written by counterpoint
Simple counterpoint (basit) / double counterpoint (ifte konturpuan) / Reversible Counterpoint (evrilebilir kontpuan)
Imitative counterpoint (taklitli) Countus phirmus:Fixmelody Musical Offering: Mzikal sunum (teklif)

Polyphony Works: 1)Invention 2)Fugue 3)Canon

Invention: monothematic but sometimes polythematic. (Motiv, repetition, imitation, freeparts) BULU/CAT
Fugue/Fuga: monothematic sometimes double fugue or triple fugue. vokal ile enstrumental fark ses ykseklikleri (part range)
Subject:konu, Answer: cevap, Counter subject: kar konu, codetta: konuya dahil olmayan ller
Redundant entry: extra fazla konu.4+1,4+ 2, 4+3,4+4
Partial Counter Exposition:Ksmi Kart sergi 4+1, 4+2, 4+3
Complete Counter Exposition: Tam kart sergi 4+4
Modulatory/Middle section: orta kesit (orta kesitte kullanlanlar) Modulation ,inversion ,diminuention augmentation ,stretto)
Final /Coda: lastsection- it must be hole in the main key. 4 lyle de bitebilir. ster tema kullanlr, ister kullanlmaz.
CANON: Kanun-Kural Perpetual Canon / infinite canon (sonsuz), Round canon (ember),
Canon in Inversion, Canon in Augmentation, Puzzle/ridde/enigmatic canon (bilmece),
Crab /retrograte / cancrizans (yenge) zaman aral yok; imitasyon ayn anda balyor.
Miror canon: ayna. Zaman aral yok; ayn anda. t is beginning at the same time.
The leader / Dux / Proposta: ncl ----- The follower / Comes / Risposta: ardcl
Modified Sonata/ abridged: Without development: gelimesi olmayan sonat-allegrosu
Added tone: her yere eklenen nota. Homophonic: Dikey armonik yap Polyphonic: Yatay melodik yap
Sonata Allegro 1st Movement = Sonata Symphony Ouvertures Concerto (Stage Works)
2nd Movement: There are some alternative = simple ternary (A-B-A)
1-Statement 2- Digression 3- Restatement
Whole Consort: Same Family --- Broken Consort: Different Family = Topluluk (Ensemble)
1st Level Rondo (Old Rondo): A-B-A-C-A / 2nd Level Rondo (Modern Rondo) A-B-A-C-A-B-A
3rd Level Rondo (Subordinate Secondary Theme (B kinci Kez Gelirse)
A=Rondeux (Esas Rondo Temas) Refrain: Nakarat

Compaund Ternary --- Song form with Trio

A (a(:ba)---------------B (c(:dc:) C(optional) ---------DC----A(aba)
Incidental Music: Program Mzii erisinde Drama --- (Felix Mendelssohn) Midnight Summer Dream (Wedding Marche)
Transition: Gei Kprs Retransition: Dn Kprs
Polyphonic Work: Written by Counterpoint 1- Simple Contr. 2-Double Contr. 3- Reversible Contr.(A-------B--------)
Cantus Phirmus: Musical Offering (Mzikal Sunu-Tema)
Invention: (Bulu-cat) Motive-Monothematic (repetions-imatitons-free pats)
Fugue: Ka-Kovalamak (Polythematic) Fugue Theme=Dux=Subject (Konu) Answer: Cevap
(Real Answer and Tonal Answer) Counter Subject: (Kar Konu) Maybe II. Counter Subject (Codetta (Free Part)
Four Part Fugue: Exposition 4+2 or 4+3 = Partial Counter Exp. 4+4 = Complete Counter Exposition (Redundant Entry=Extra
Modulatory or Middle Section : Modulation-Inversion-Diminuention-Augmentation-Stretto
Final Section: Coda / Main Key
Double Fugue: ifte Fg (2 Temal) Triple Fugue: 3l (3 Temal Fg)
CANON: Kanun Perpetual/Round= Sonsuz Kanun ember Kanon
Inversion Canon: evrimli veya Ters Devinimli Kanon Interval Canon: (Aralk-3lde Kanon)
2 l arayla Kanon Four in One Canon (4 sesli tek temal Kanon) Four in Two Canon ( 4 sesli iki temal)
Two in One Canon (2 sesli tek temal) Four in One = Puzzle Riddle Enigmatic (Bilmece)
The Leaders Dux Proposta = lk nc Parti ----The followers Comes Risposta = zleyen Partiler
nc ve art partiler (Four in One Canon) Crab-Retrograde= Yenge
Mirror Canon: Ayna Kanon (No time interval) Dont Time Value

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