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E. E.


The Physics of the Mind

This paper explores the physics behind thought, emotion, sensation and
some amazing capability of the brain and the human body. It traces the
formation of a concept from reception of visible signals from the external
world by the sense organs, their conversion and encoding on
electromagnetic waves as brain waves, transmission to the CreativeIntegrative Region (CIR) of the cortex, composition of the activated neural
chains into a tree (simple neural network) at a nodal region in the CIR that
models a simple concept and dispersal of the activated neural chains as
sensation components to the appropriate sensation regions for storage as
long-term memory. It also explains how the CIR recalls, activates and
recomposes them at their nodal region as an operative concept of thought.
The implications for mathematics-science education are explored. Although
emotion is centered in the heart conscious action triggered by it is directed
by the CIR. The final sections apply biological laws to wellness, especially
treatment of genetic diseases and this paper creative mathematics-science
Keywords: Brain wave, Composite gene, Consciousness, Convertor, Dark
matter, Intuition, Memory, Neural chain, Neutralizer gene, Neural Network,
Nodal region, Primum, Receptor, Reflex, Resonance, Superposition,
1. Introduction

We focus on thought or intelligence as the brain's total mental capability

centered in the cortex but touch on feelings and emotions centered in the
heart, the two components of what we call mind. Mental capability includes
learning and rational thought the latter modelled by qualitative mathematics1,3,
the complement of computation and measurement. Rational thought includes
creativity and critical thinking, the core values of science and mathematics.
This capability is acquired through training (formal or informal), experience
and research. Mathematics is the appropriate language for science.
Construction of mathematical spaces on basic premises or axioms and physical
theory (mathematical space built on natural laws) and technological innovation
are creative activity. Mathematical or abstract concepts, e.g., time and
distance, and natural laws (the latter articulated by thought based on
observation and experience), being creations of thought, have no physical
referents. Physical concepts are also created by thought but induced by signals
coming from their physical referents in the real world that produce sensations
in the creative-integrative region (CIR) of the cortex4.
Visible or ordinary matter, one of the two fundamental states of matter1,6, e.g.,
electron and star, are directly observable but dark matter1, the other

fundamental state consisting of nonagitated superstrings, its fundamental

building block, is only indirectly observable through its impact on visible
matter. The superstring is the fundamental building block of matter, agitated
superstring the fundamental building block of visible matter. Its existence,
composition and structure (nested generalized fractal that makes it
indestructible1,2) were established by the 11 natural laws needed to solve the
gravitational n-body problem in 19977. (Details in1)
While quantitative modelling (formerly called mathematical modeling), the
present methodology of science, describes the appearances of nature (natural
phenomena) mathematically, the new methodology of qualitative mathematics
and modelling (QMAM) explains how nature works in terms of its laws (natural
laws). Thus, QMAM advances traditional physics to the new physics articulated
by the grand unified (GUT)5, its subject matter no longer the appearances of
nature but nature itself. In particular, it elevates traditional psychology to
physical psychology that explains how the mind works and the underlying
physical processes involved in thought3,4,6,8,9,10 our focus in this study. Our
methodology, QMAM, introduced in and the main contribution of11 was applied
to physics for the first time to solve the gravitational n-body problem.
Qualitative mathematics includes this daily activity of the mathematician or
scientist: making conclusions, visualizing, abstracting, thought experimenting,
learning, doing creative activity, intuition, imagination, trial and error to sift
out what is suitable and valid, negating what is known to gain insights into the
unknown, altering basic premises or axioms of a mathematical space to draw
out new conclusions, thinking backwards, devising techniques that yield new
information and, most of all, discovering and articulating the laws of nature.
Aside from mental activity the brain (central nervous system) and its
extension to the secondary nervous system (spinal column and network of
nerves) control body processes, its main function.
2. The human brain

The human brain weighs about two pounds. On top of the upper lobe and
around it just above the ears is the cortex, inch thick comprised of two
billion neurons. Its convolution yields effective surface area of 16 square ft. It
connects to the entire body through the network of nerves which are
extensions of the neurons in the brain. The neurons and axons (bundle of
neural chains) have dendrites sticking out of their nuclei. A sequence of brain
waves carrying signals (information) lights up as it jumps across the tips of
two dendrites (joined by a synapse) along a neural chain or bundle (like radio
transmitter antennas) and establishes communication channel by vibrating
(activating) them and letting through signals with the same characteristics as
the first wave that passes through. (Details in4)
3. Brain waves

Cosmic waves including basic or electromagnetic waves are the prime mover
of our universe. Electromagnetic waves convert non-agitated superstring to
semi-agitated superstring and the latter to a primum (agitated superstring),
unit of visible matter), e.g., electron. The basic prima are the electron and the
positive and negative quarks1; basic because they are basic constituents of the
every atom1. Every piece of matter vibrates due to the impact of cosmic waves

coming from all directions, its vibration characteristics principally determined

by internal structure, e.g., atomic structure, in accordance with the InternalExternal Factor Dichotomy natural law1 that says: The interaction, dynamics
and physical characteristics of a physical system is shaped by internal and
external factors; in general the internal is principal over the external and the
latter works through the former (inspired by Engel's Dialectics of Nature12).
Thus, every piece of matter has temperature above absolute zero (due to
kinetic energy). Moreover, thought is triggered by electromagnetic waves
coming from all directions (generated by the natural nuclear vibrations and
propagated across dark matter) impinging on the nodal regions of neural
networks4 and consciousness is due to the neurons' natural vibration. Since
the nucleus is fractal1,12, so are the basic electromagnetic waves they generate
which are endowed with huge energy that they can penetrate great barriers,
e.g., one can tune in the radio inside concrete banker. When electromagnetic
wave is encoded with vibration characteristics of a living cell it is called brain
wave8. Just as electromagnetic waves convert non-agitated superstrings to
prima so do brain waves. In fact, as we shall see later, brain waves convert
superstrings to prima in the cellular membrane that form the tissues of plants
and animals.
4. Resonance

An important natural law governing wave interaction is the Resonance and

Superposition Law13,14 that says: Two waves of the same order of magnitude
have maximum resonance when they have exactly the same characteristics
and the principal determinant of level of resonance is wavelength or
frequency; when two waves resonate their wave characteristics superpose on
each other and produce a composite wave.
The original Resonance Law was discovered in explaining the disastrous final
flight of the Columbia Space Shuttle15.
5. Sensation and concepts

Any sense organ has two components, receptor of visible signals and convertor
to brain waves for transmission to the CIR through the nerves. In some sense
organs the receptor and convertor are one, in others separate. Consider the
organ of taste, the tongue, its receptor consisting of separate groups of taste
buds (for sweet, sour, bitter and salty) along its edge differentiated by their
visible vibration characteristics that make them resonate with waves coming
from molecules of corresponding tastes. Liquid is accurate medium for
molecular vibration. Take sugar molecules soaked in saliva so that molecular
vibration is transmitted accurately and the taste buds for sweetness attached
to nerves at their base resonate with and are vibrated by them. Their nuclear
vibration wiggles electromagnetic waves they generate, superpose or encodes
the vibration characteristics for sweetness on the natural nuclear vibration that
generates electromagnetic waves and converts them to brain waves which are
transmitted to the CIR through bundles of linear chains of nerve cells. Here the
taste bud is both receptor and convertor. This information has yielded useful
technology. When pancreatic secretion of insulin (which brings blood sugar into
the cell) is inadequate, a condition suffered by diabetics, blood sugar level
rises. Sugar has components that can damage the fine blood vessels of the

kidney and eye, block entry of sugar into the cell and cause stenosis and other
complications. Since taste is due to the physical structure of food molecule
that determines its vibration characteristics, sweetness can be simulated using
synthetic sugar made of suitably designed carbon molecules with the vibration
characteristics of sugar molecule but without the harmful effect. Now there is
great number of synthetic foods, e.g., beef and crab meat from vegetables,
with their taste but without the cholesterol. In hearing the eardrum is receptor
of ordinary sound waves. On the other side of the eardrum is the inner ear
that contains the cochlea, a spiral canal filled with liquid. Near the eardrum
immersed in the fluid are the three tiniest bones in the human body: malleus
(hammer) its handle attached to the eardrum, incus (anvil) attached to the
hammer and stape (stirrup), in the cochleal liquid near the anvil, in triangular
arrangement that detects the direction sound is coming from. Lining the
cochlea's wall are strands of hair grouped according to vibration
characteristics. Sound waves from an event outside are channeled by the outer
ear canal to the eardrum and vibrate it. The latter vibrates the malleus which,
in turn, vibrates the incus that generates and propagates waves across the
cochleal fluid vibrating the stape via resonance, the latter serving as stirrer
and stabilizer. The waves coming from the stape vibrates the corresponding
strands of hair in the cochlea's inner wall. Their atomic nuclei encode their
vibration characteristics on the nerves and convert them to brain waves that
carry and transmit them to the CIR. Thus, the hair strands are convertor apart
from the eardrum, the receptor.
As diverse brain wave characteristics generated by and external event are
carried by brain waves through single linear chains of nerve cells reach CIR
each characteristic connects and activates (vibrates) a linear chain of neurons
so that the various characteristics induce formation of linear chains of neurons
joined at their common nodal region in the CIR. The length (number of
neurons) of a branch of activated linear chain is proportional to the duration
(hence energy) of that characteristic. The number of distinct characteristics,
e.g., color, sound, etc., is equal to the number of branches of linear neural
chains at this nodal region. The intensity of the event's component signals is
proportional to the size of the bundle of nerves from the convertor that carries
the characteristics to the CIR. The set of nodal points of this event's
component signals forms its composite nodal region; the nodal regions are
connected by neural chains being induced by same event.
In general, the intensity of an event's component is proportional to the size of
bundle of linear chains of neurons that carry the vibration characteristics to the
CIR. When the same event is repeated it resonates with the same neural
network and does not activate a new one. The same event of greater intensity
only adds more linear chains to its bundle. All these follow from Energy
Conservation all other natural laws are consistent with1. In fact, all conclusions
made here from the laws of nature.
The entire neural network activated by an event reverts back to its natural
vibration as soon as it is over and the concept induced by the event is
encoded. During time of activation, encoding and composition of the neural
network its dendrite tips light up and propagate brain waves across dark

Energy Conservation requires that when an encoded neural network is

deactivated its component neural chains are to corresponding sensation
regions for storage as memory. Then the neural network reverts back to
natural vibration and the components are now stored as long-term memory.
When a nodal region is hit by suitable electromagnetic waves from the Cosmos
or vibrated by the CIR its neural chain components in the sensation regions
are activated, recalled and recomposed at their nodal region. This is the
essence of recollection. Thus, the psychologist's prescription for recalling
concepts by association is correct. For instance, the concept of time is the
result of the CIR's creative capability; it is neither an event in the real world
nor associated with sensation nor does it have physical referent. Therefore,
time is determined only in association with contiguous events, which are
connected by activated neural chains. Agitation (vibration) of concept's nodal
region vibrates its component chains in the sensation regions and recalls and
recomposes them around it. All activities in the CIR (mental activities) are
accompanied by passage of brain wave characteristics that light up the
dendrite tips in their networks and emit and propagate brain waves across
dark matter4, the basis of extra sensory perception (ESP) verified in dogs.
By Energy Conservation, the energy of brain waves carrying component
characteristic of an event is proportional to its duration and, therefore, length
of linear neural chain it activates; its intensity is proportional to the number of
such neural chains. Moreover, the total energy of that component expended
during an event is proportional to the duration and length of linear neural
chains it activates and encodes. Thus, the more powerful the event the
broader the neural network it composes, activates and encodes. The neural
network of an event models the concept it forms in the CIR. Every concept has
nodal region that joins all its components together.
6. Value, perception and cognition

Psychology says one's perception of event comes mainly from memory, only
20% from events outside. They use this knowledge to assess one's personality
by asking the subject to tell what he perceives from a set of objects to reveal
the contours of his life experience.
Values including one's way of drawing out conclusions or logic are learned in
accordance with Pavlov's theory of learning or conditioning. Values consist of a
system of correct choices, decisions, conclusions, etc., corresponding to the
right neural connections to their respective concepts in the CIR4. They are
formed through training, peer pressure and experience. In this sense, one's
logic or way of thinking belongs to the category value. Correct choices are
imbibed by approval and incorrect ones by rejection first by parents, later by
teachers, peers and experience. Correct choices, decisions, etc., are encoded
as neural connections from the nodal regions of their premises to the nodal
regions of their choices, decisions, conclusions, etc4. A discipline of knowledge
(e.g., mathematics or physical or social science) consists of system of concepts
and values (including logic) encoded as suitable neural network whose nodal
regions are connected to the central nodal region of the discipline at which its
axioms or natural laws (of physical theory) or social principles are

In any physical endeavor thought gives command through brain waves that
activate appropriate parts of body to execute it. Sometimes thought triggers
automatic execution. For instance, when one thinks of lemon brain waves
convert super strings to saliva in the salivary gland. Thought can now move
the PC curser and hit an icon or even operate the motor of prosthetic arm.
In theoretical research thought utilizes his knowledge, observation,
experimental data, training, social or physical theory, if any, and mathematical
tools to discover and articulate (create) laws of nature upon which to build a
theory. Although natural laws refer to physical concepts their statements are
mathematical principles because they have no physical referents, i.e., one
does not find them in the external world. They are created and articulated by
thought in the appropriate language based on synthesis or analysis of known
information, observation and experience.
For the other function of the brain, as control center of all processes in the
body, stress dulls its ability to keep the autoimmune system in top shape that
the latter is unable to do its normal function of destroying unwanted systems
in the body. Ordinarily, the body has normal level of cancer cells and the autoimmune system adequately destroys and maintains them at tolerable level.
However, under stress, it may fail and be overcome by their replication; then
the person becomes sick. That is why healthy body and mental health must go
together. In some cases extreme stress or emotional trauma may cause
physiological imbalance such as raised level of body regulators, e.g.,
serotonin. This is what happens in depression where the neural network
vibrates even when they are not supposed to and the individual hears voices
or sees things (audio or visual hallucination) that are non-existent or makes
unusual decision, e.g., suicide attempt. Such imbalance may be due to a gene
or emotional trauma that creates the gene; in the latter physiological change
may occur that is eventually encoded genetically in accordance with the
Genetic Encoding law7. In general, strong emotion is accompanied by
physiological changes, e.g., raised adrenalin secretion in anger. Strong
sensation may also cause physiological changes, e.g., extreme pain produces
molecule in the neural membrane16,17.
When the CIR lacks the ability to direct or control thought the person suffers
from a condition called autism where he cannot concentrate or focus. In one
form the person is simultaneously aware of everything around him and cannot
respond properly. Naturally, he has short attention span, since other
sensations compete for attention, and becomes hyperactive (therapy; can now
control this condition).
7. Astonishing Physical and Mental capability

(1) Magnetic levitation well known natural phenomenon. Every atom is a

magnet1. Energy Conservation4 requires that the atoms of the human body be
suitably oriented so that the entire body has a coherent magnetic and is a
magnet. In rare cases a person has suitably strong magnetic flux that he
levitates18,19. Like any other physical characteristic this capability can be
acquired in accordance with the Genetic Alteration and Determinant Laws4,8.
(2) It is known that when a person experiences near-death situation he may
acquire unusual skill such as sharp intuitions and ESP, telekinesis, unusual

strength, facility with numbers and sudden skill, without training, at playing
the piano or in singing. Psychologists explain this in terms of the existence of
survival modules activated during such traumatic experience. We interpret
this as the existence of special neural network, a neural module that gets
activated by the experience. That module, being physical, is in the gene
(Genetic Determinant Law8).
(3) Telekinesis is a well-known but very rare phenomenon where a person
bends a piece of metal by just being near it. The CIR emits hugely energetic
brain waves through the neural dendrite tips at their joins due to the former's
fractal structure2,8 4,8. The person who does this unusual feat simply has higher
level of brain wave energy which is genetic4,8.
(4) Some humans have amazing capability to compute huge numbers without
knowing how they do it. The answer just comes up. One such individual was
Devi Shakuntala of India4. A person with such ability has the appropriate
activated neural network but, due to the sheer enormity of the network
involved, is unable to monitor the computation (uncertainty of large and small
number20). Such rare ability occurs in old civilizations due to the huge
accumulated experience and evolutionary changes that induce corresponding
genetic encoding8.
(5) Thought is not merely an abstraction but a material force or energy arising
from physical processes in the brain. It can activate and direct a prosthetic
arm or hit an icon on the computer monitor.
(6) Proper training can turn an average mind into a superior one. In this
author's experience there is a greater chance for an average student to
become an achiever. Moreover, sustained mental and appropriate physical
activity, especially creative activity into old age can prevent the onset
dementia and Alzheimer's disease and prolong life4. That is what old
statesmen are made off. Studies also show that mathematicians remain
productive in their 90s.
(7) Some minor disruptions in normal functioning of a body organ can be
remedied by thought, e.g., training and concentration can relieve constipation.
Similarly, one can train himself to flap his ear or slow down heartbeat.
(8) There is what is known as Mozart effect. In controlled experiments one
group of students listens to Mozart pieces on the eve of an examination and
another group did not. The first group did significantly better in the
examination compared to the other. This experiment has been replicated each
time yielding the same result.
8. Applications of Biological Laws and the Laws of Thought

This section applies biological laws8,13 towards wellness, especially, in the

treatment and control of genetic diseases, acquired or inherited13. Among the
known genetic diseases are cancer, systemic lupos erythematosus, diabetes,
muscular dystrophy and mental disorder, e.g., depression, autism and
epilepsy. The treatment applies, in particular, the Law of Resonance and
Superposition13,14. It also presents the laws of thought and refers the reader to
their applications to mathematics-science education. (The sources for this
section are 4,8,9,10,13,23,24)

8.1 Recent Findings

(1) Brain waves are the common medium of both the brain and the gene for
carrying out their functions2,8,13.
(2) The main function of the brain and its extension to the spinal column
(secondary nervous system) is control of all automatic body processes,
particularly, the functioning of the organs. Thought including command of
conscious activity centered in the CIR are its secondary functions4,8,9,10,13,14.
(3) One of the findings in8 is: genes can be acquired in accordance with the
Law of Genetic Alteration8 that says: The possible sources of genetic alteration
are: (a) radiation, e.g., electromagnetic waves, (b) direct exposure to some
genes, (c) frequent, consistent and sustained use of body part, (d) exposure to
some chemical (mutagen) and (e) preoccupation with or craving for some
object and (f) introduction of a neutralizer gene; this is the basis of physical
training to improve reflexes and skills of athletes. In weight lifting, for
instance, suitable genetic alteration to develop the muscles and enhance arm
strength can be achieved through proper training in accordance with this law.
It can also be applied to control autism through suitable therapy and reverse
the effect of degenerative diseases, e.g., muscular dystrophy, also through
suitable physical therapy8,13,14. In some cases where some part of the brain is
damaged in an accident, e.g., the part responsible for speech, suitable therapy
can build new structure in another part of the brain that restores its functions.
(4) The main function of the genes is production of tissues and chemicals
through the brain waves they emit in the cellular membranes in the right
places on cue from the environment around them in accordance with the
Genetic Activation Law that says: Activation or non-activation of a gene is
controlled on cue from the immediate environment; this prevents anomaly in
the development of an organism8. Their secondary function is passing on the
specific genetic content of the individual to the offspring through reproduction
in the replication of the DNA of the daughter cells8.
(5) A mutant cell is formed through direct insertion of a foreign or mutant
gene into a DNA strand that immediately replicates itself in the other of the
pair of a normal cell. This is one form of genetic alteration8. Exposure to brain
waves of some animals may also cause mutation, e.g., a patch of monkey's
hairy skin, as well as pre-occupation by the pregnant mother with some
object, living or dead, e.g., birthmark. Mutation may also be induced by
exposure to electromagnetic waves, e.g., background radiation, or contact
with carcinogenic chemicals such as PCB used in large transformers.
The mutant gene first spreads in its immediate neighborhood and forms a
culture of cells with specific physical characteristics. Then it spreads
throughout the body through the brain waves they emit that produce tissues
with the mutant genes in accordance with the Genetic Activation and
Determinant Laws. The latter says: A gene determines every physical
characteristic of a plant or animal; conversely, every physical characteristic is
determined by a gene. Physical characteristic involves measurable or
observable characteristic including reflex, physiology and birthmark. An
example of a physical characteristic formed by a mutant through direct

insertion of a wolf's gene is the man's face covered with the wolf's black hair
featured a few years ago by National Geographic TV.
8.2 Genetic Alteration and Modification with Applications

A foreign gene, through its brain waves, converts superstrings to molecules in

the chromosome of a normal cell that form its mirror image in a strand of its
DNA. The latter quickly reproduces itself in the opposite strand through its
brain waves to complete genetic alteration8,14. Then this mutant gene
replicates itself in the other cells in the same manner to complete the genetic
A normal cell in the body does not reproduce itself in other normal cells
because they have exactly the same vibration characteristics so that there is
harmonious resonance between them and no discordant (agitational)
resonance that converts superstrings to molecules in accordance the
Resonance and Superposition Law15.
When brain waves of different vibration characteristics from two genes
resonate they modify each other's characteristics to form their composite so
that they objectively form a composite gene with modified characteristics. The
modified gene projects brain waves that convert super strings to its mirror
images in the DNA of other cells in accordance with the Resonance and
Superposition Law. This is what happens in the treatment of cystic fibrosis.
The gene that determines the unwanted symptom of the disease forms a
composite with the neutralizer gene that is introduced into the lungs and
modifies and removes the undesirable symptom of the disease. Like a normal
gene, the modified gene spreads to the entire lungs (and eventually the entire
body) treating the disease effectively8,13,14.
This electromagnetic treatment applies to every genetic disease by introducing
the appropriate neutralizer gene. Moreover, with the Genome Project of 2001,
an undesirable gene can now be identified before it shows symptoms and
neutralized by suitable neutralizer gene. Genetic alteration or modification is
permanent and amounts to treatment.
We present a very practical application of the Law of Genetic Alteration that
would be of interest to athletes. Consider a basketball player. His reflexes and
muscular coordination are fully developed for this sport and are genetically
determined. If he trains himself in another sport that requires different
reflexes and muscular coordination, say, tennis, there is a chance that it would
distort the former reflexes and muscular coordination. For example, in
basketball there are times when both hands throw the ball which requires the
right balance of push. In tennis, only one hand is fully developed and that
could distort that balance.
Another application of natural laws, especially biological laws, is
electromagnetic treatment of genetic diseases, particularly genetic sterilization
which is appropriate for cancer. This requires identification of the
distinguishing principal vibration characteristic (its signature, e.g., wavelength)
of the brain waves emitted by the defective gene. Once identified, the patient
is exposed to radiation of the same characteristic that resonates only with the
same gene in the body so that by raising the radiation intensity only those

genes are sterilized or destroyed. For example, in the case of cancer the
patient is exposed to radiation that selectively resonates with and thoroughly
sterilizes or destroys the cancer gene. Clearly, such treatment has no side
effect. This treatment applies to all genetic diseases including autism and
8.3. The Laws of Thought

Learning is fitting new concepts, information, etc., into knowledge already in

the mind. A normal mind is both selective and focused. It entertains only very
few signals from the external world. For example, most students are aware of
what happens in the classroom but unaware of the noise outside. Of the
registered input only a few is retained as long-term memory, i.e. the
components are encoded, integrated some mathematical space or physical
theory and stored in the appropriate sensation regions as components of long
term memory. What is the basis of long-term memory? It is resonance in the
broad sense. New information is learned or retained when it fits knowledge
already learned based on logic or values particular to it. This process involves
neural encoding and connection to appropriate central nodal region of this
knowledge. It is active mental activity that requires concentration.
Moreover, information that requires deep concentration to understand and
integrate into a knowledge system is never forgotten once grasped. Some
students prefer to listen to and concentrate on the lecture rather than take
notes which can be distracting. This way they grasp and learn the subject
Another source of information is creativity. Thought can compose new
concepts that fit into the individual's knowledge or compose new set of
concepts and principles or even do deductive or inductive reasoning based on
existing knowledge.
What facilitates learning? One is critical thinking, a core value of science aside
from creativity. In fact, creativity is the offspring of critical thinking. Taking a
critical look at existing knowledge thought identifies weakness that triggers
search for remedy. It was this critical attitude that triggered critiquerectification of foundations and the real number system that paved the way for
the resolution of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) and development of the new
real number system21. Moreover, critical thinking increases mental activity and
expands neural interconnections the effect of which is to deepen grasp of the
subject matter and induce long-term retention and retrieval.
In physics critique of its foundations revealed inadequacy of quantitative or
computational modeling. The remedy was qualitative modeling1,3 that gave rise
to theoretical physics and the development of GUT. We identify laws of
thought with practical applications to math-science education and theoretical
research. A program of creative mathematics- science education is laid down
We identify laws of thought with practical applications to mathematics-science
Law of complexity and retention. Learning effectiveness increases with the
level of complexity of the subject matter and mental processing required; the

more complex the subject matter the higher the level of concentration required
grasping it and the more permanent the retention.
One's ability to concentrate is enhanced by serious thought in the midst of
great distraction; this is analogous to the greater grasp of subject matter the
more complex it is. The rate of learning graph as a function of time
approximates the logarithmic curve that tapers off away from the origin. This
reflects the law of diminishing return as thought gets tired, loses interest and
concentration drops to zero. When learning requires high level of concentration
due to the complexity of the subject matter the rate of retention graph rises
towards a vertical asymptote at the completion of the learning process
signifying permanent retention or memory. This is true of complicated
scientific analysis or principle. When learning involves only mechanical activity,
learning drops to zero.
Scientific research involves creation of new concepts, principles and their
integration into mathematical or physical theories. As language, mathematical
principles are man-made, borne out of extensive experience and study.
Physical principles are also man-made but inspired by or drawn out of
observation and experience.
Learning and Resonance Law. Thought only imbibes information that
makes sense and, in mathematics and science, processes only information that
fits some mathematical space or physical theory.
There are, of course exceptions, like trivia, where there is motivation to win
some prize at TV quiz. Retention is also enhanced by the number of sensations
involved in the course of learning something.
Learning is not a creative process unless it is the result of original research.
Creativity, e.g., obtaining new results from frontier research, comes from
extensive experience and study and the right orientation. For instance,
research creativity is limited in fields already well explored.
Retrieval or recollection is not learning but looking for information already
encoded in some neural chains in the sensation regions. However, it can
increase one's receptiveness to related incoming information and enhance
learning resonance. In some cases the incoming information may trigger
Well-grasped complicated topics are easy to retrieve due to enormity of
concepts and, therefore, interconnected network involved. Activation of one
network triggers activation of others connected to it.
Dreams are due to actual neural activity triggered directly by cosmic waves.
They are often incongruous because the conscious function of the CIR like
focusing and directing cosmic waves and recomposing concepts, are missing
during sleep resulting in incomplete activation of conceptual components or
incorrect re-composition of concepts. However, the content of a dream is
culture based determined by encoded neural chains in the various sensation
Law of association and neural network interconnection. The more
interconnected and contiguous the encoded neural network the easier and

more precise the recollection is.

Thought learns not only through cognition of similarity and regularity of
patterns but also through comparison and contrast by drawing out extreme
situation and dramatizing the effect or impact of opposite conclusions.
Stressing a point and reducing an undesirable conclusion to absurdity are
among the practical tactics for effective teaching. It broadens neural bundle
activation and enhances permanency of retention. At the same time, reduction
to absurdity or contradiction jolts thought into recognition of error and
negation of a particular point. Their effect is to raise the level of
interconnections and enhance recollection and clarity with details. Conversely,
concepts not recalled for a long time are likely to be drawn into the
subconscious. Physically, this means that when the associated neural network
remains un-agitated for a long time, it becomes difficult to agitate and retrieve
the information encoded in it. This is analogous to the phenomenon of atrophy.
Psychologists have devised techniques for drawing out information from the
subconscious or, perhaps, blocking off unpleasant memory. In the former it
amounts to increasing agitation of neural networks of contiguous events
around the information and, in effect, raising the chance of agitation of the
concepts components. In the latter it amounts to altering the recollection of
previous events. This is not an unusual phenomenon. In some cases, suitable
psychological technique can make an innocent person confess to a crime.
Constant repetition of a lie may cause it to be perceived as truth. This was
used by the protagonists during the Second World War.
Related concepts have interconnected connected neural network. When the
brain is engaged in a certain activity one or more of the nodal regions are
activated. This results in activation of what might be called boundary
conditions through which the nodal regions of decisions, judgment or
commands are activated.
Structure and Coordination of Knowledge. A discipline of knowledge is
encoded as system of neural networks with interconnected nodal regions
connected to a central nodal region. Different disciplines have interconnected
central nodal regions each autonomous but activated one at a time or in
specific groups due to the CIR's ability to concentrate and direct activation.
The central nodal regions of the disciplines of interest to an individual are
connected by bundles of neural chains to the super nodal region so that, in
effect, every concept in every discipline of interest is connected by neural
chains to the super nodal region.
Different disciplines of knowledge of interest to an individual may be
autonomous but connected through their central nodal regions to their super
nodal region by bundles of neural chains so that every concept in every
discipline is connected to it. Then a person can engage in multidisciplinary
research by activating any network of any discipline to obtain desired
information. At the same time neural bundles may connect nodal regions from
different disciplines directly without going through the super nodal region or a
central nodal region. A normal individual may have a system of directly
connected (by neural bundles) that he can activate to allow him to function
day-to-day. By neural networks or chains we mean they are activated for that
is how they were formed in the first place.

In rare cases a person may have disconnected system of values, i.e., their
nodal regions are disconnected. Then he may suffer from multi-personality
syndrome where one personality may not know the others.
There are rare cases where the neural network interconnections are genetically
encoded, not just the physical characteristics of the neurons. An example was
Devi Shakuntala's ability to compute huge numbers up to 13 digits (the
modern computer can only compute 11 digits at a time) and yield the result
quickly without her knowing how she did it. The only possible explanation is
that there was in her cortex suitable interconnected neural network that
activated and carried out the computation automatically as soon as the
numbers were fed in the same way reflex is activated by certain stimuli. Both
this special skill and reflex are genetic. After all, the synapses that join the
dendrites are determined by genes. Such exceptional ability is likely to arise in
old cultures due to genetic and evolutionary factors. Devi Shakuntala was an
Indian and India has the oldest culture dating back to at leaset 25,000 B. C.
Records suggest that the subcontinent went through the ice age twice (occurs
at interval of 10,000 years; this is related to the reversal of the Earth's
magnetic polarity every 25 years22).
Learning Efficiency Law. Learning efficiency is in direct proportion to breadth
of knowledge4.

Memory is a pre-condition for mental activity and involves two components:

encoding and retrieval. Permanency of retention rises with level of
concentration and receptivity of neural network combined with intensity and
diversity of components provided they fit into some system of values. Diversity
expands the neural network activation and enhances recollection by the
principle of association. Intensity enhances details since more neural networks
are activated.
Diversity of signal components also enhances retention, e.g., when the signals
are coming from different sense organs and network. For instance, writing a
concept involves sight and touch on the part of the person doing it. In the
classroom the student has the benefit of both sight and sound.
It is noted4 that intelligence is genetic or hereditary since it reflects the quality
of neural vibrations. Like any genetically determined physical characteristics it
can be acquired initially as a mutant that eventually gets encoded genetically.
Like any other physical characteristics such neural quality can be lost by
atrophy. However, except in very rare cases, knowledge and creativity result
from proper training and experience, not genetically acquired.
8.4 The nature of thought and knowledge

Thought is what happens in the mind and no one else knows what someone is
thinking about. Therefore, we represent thought by some language and for
purposes of science thought by some mathematical spaces, each one the
language of some field of science. Through sensation, synthesis of experience,
training and study the mind creates physical concepts and laws of nature
which, when suitably represented and systematized in the real world, becomes
a physical theory that explains nature in terms of its laws and principles. This
understanding of nature that we now represent and express as physical theory

is based on neural activities in the cortex.

Thus, thought exists in an individual's mind while knowledge exists in the real
world articulated as physical theory built on natural laws. The new physics, for
instance, is built on over 40 natural laws and principles, the theory of
intelligence on 10 physical-biological laws1,4. Present information says that the
most developed cortex has barely 25% of its neurons activated or encoded.
This means that human knowledge has vast potential for expansion. Moreover,
long before the cortex is about to be fully utilized, evolution ensures changes
to provide greater capacity. Therefore, thought is finite at any time but
unbounded. However, since an individual exists in finite space and time the
reach of thought and capacity for knowledge is bounded. At the same time,
the reach of our senses is more narrowly bounded even after extension by
advanced technology. This fact has nothing to do with whether the visible
universe is finite or infinite.
Thought is dialectical in this sense: its understanding of nature advances
qualitatively, not through the sum of bits of information. For example, the
thought is aware of empirical data. Through creativity and ability to recognize
patterns, it may create and articulate some laws of nature based on the given
data that would constitute a physical theory. A physical theory provides a lot
more information than the sum of its component parts combined with
empirical data. This is how the various disciplines of science are built.

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Dr. E. E. Escultura
Research Professor (Honorary), GVP
Professor V. Lakshmikantham Institute for Advanced Studies
GVP College of Engineering, JNT University, Vishakhapatnam, AP, India
Email :; URL: http://users.tpg.comau/pidro/

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