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Which is the best framework for PHP?

Zend Framework is a good foundation for everything and can be used also as
just a library of various functions. It is also the closest thing to being an "official"
PHP framework so there are a lot of developers who know how to use it. It is,
however, not a framework you would use to prototype something very quickly.
There are several frameworks that could be used as a quick RAD (Rapid
Application Development) tools.

A good example is CakePHP, which is a very popular framework. Fairly easy to

learn. It has a lot of sensible defaults and naming conventions that make your life
much easier, but which you can override.

I was pretty skeptical about the viability of the CakePHP project since some of the
core developers have left in 2009 to form the Lithium Framework. However, it got
a particular boost with the development release of CakePHP 2.0 which will address
a number of issues developers had with the original CakePHP. Overall, this should
be an interesting framework to watch.

Which is the best framework for PHP?

Another one in this category is CodeIgniter and it's another reincarnation called
Kohana (which was initially started as a CodeIgniter port to PHP 5 but grew up
significantly since then) -- these are pretty solid development frameworks and
quite popular ones so I would recommend taking a look at one of those.

There is also increasingly popular Yii framework, which is also good for the
development of dynamic, AJAX heavy applications.

Then there are bigger frameworks designed for more advanced professionals
offering a lot of functionality but with a steeper learning curve.

Which is the best framework for PHP?

A good example in this category is Symfony -- very popular and generally well
build one. They are relaunching it as Symfony2 -- completely rewritten for PHP
5.3. Symfony also promotes heavily usage of the Doctrine ORM for data access
(actually they also release Doctrine2 for PHP 5.3). Alternatively, it also allows you
to use another ORM called Propel.

Another emerging framework in this category is called Lithium Framework-also written exclusively for PHP 5.3. This one is made by the original developers of
CakePHP, who decided to start the newer more advanced framework from the
scratch. Lithium uses heavily the new features in PHP 5.3, including namespaces,
closures, and late static binding and looks very interesting from the design
perspective. I definitely recommend to at least look at this one, even if to learn a
thing or two about good coding style. It also has it's own database abstraction
layer similar to ActiveRecord.

All of the frameworks listed have MVC, templating and database abstraction layer
(either internal or use the widely accepted ORM systems like Doctrine or Propel.)

Which is the best framework for PHP?

Most of them based on the standard PDO (PHP Database Object) library that
comes with PHP. BTW, even if you do not use any of the frameworks, it is
generally a good practice to use PDO for database access as it improves the
readability and portability of your code with fairly modest overhead.

Here are few links for you to check: -- Symfony -- Symfony2 -- Lithium Framework -- Propel ORM -- Doctrine ORM
There are also some new emerging frameworks appearing all the time. Some of
them implement best features from other languages and platforms (a lot of ideas
coming from Ruby on Rails for instance). These will be boosted quite a bit with
PHP 5.3 gaining more mainstream popularity as it contains critical features that
allow building more robust frameworks. So the field would be very interesting to
track for the next couple years.

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