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§ 74.

42 45 CFR Subtitle A (10–1–03 Edition)

to such Federal, State or local author- ered. Solicitations shall clearly set
ity as may have proper jurisdiction. forth all requirements that the bidder
or offeror shall fulfill in order for the
§ 74.42 Codes of conduct. bid or offer to be evaluated by the re-
The recipient shall maintain written cipient. Any and all bids or offers may
standards of conduct governing the be rejected when it is in the recipient’s
performance of its employees engaged interest to do so.
in the award and administration of
contracts. No employee, officer, or § 74.44 Procurement procedures.
agent shall participate in the selection, (a) All recipients shall establish writ-
award, or administration of a contract ten procurement procedures. These
supported by Federal funds if a real or procedures shall provide for, at a min-
apparent conflict of interest would be imum, that:
involved. Such a conflict would arise (1) Recipients avoid purchasing un-
when the employee, officer, or agent, necessary items;
or any member of his or her immediate
(2) Where appropriate, an analysis is
family, his or her partner, or an orga-
made of lease and purchase alter-
nization which employs or is about to
natives to determine which would be
employ any of the parties indicated
the most economical and practical pro-
herein, has a financial or other interest
curement for the recipient and the Fed-
in the firm selected for an award. The
eral Government; and
officers, employees, and agents of the
recipient shall neither solicit nor ac- (3) Solicitations for goods and serv-
cept gratuities, favors, or anything of ices provide for all of the following:
monetary value from contractors, or (i) A clear and accurate description
parties to subagreements. However, re- of the technical requirements for the
cipients may set standards for situa- material, product or service to be pro-
tions in which the financial interest is cured. In competitive procurements,
not substantial or the gift is an unso- such a description shall not contain
licited item of nominal value. The features which unduly restrict com-
standards of conduct shall provide for petition.
disciplinary actions to be applied for (ii) Requirements which the bidder/
violations of such standards by offi- offeror must fulfill and all other fac-
cers, employers, or agents of the recipi- tors to be used in evaluating bids or
ents. proposals.
(iii) A description, whenever prac-
§ 74.43 Competition. ticable, of technical requirements in
All procurement transactions shall terms of functions to be performed or
be conducted in a manner to provide, performance required, including the
to the maximum extent practical, open range of acceptable characteristics or
and free competition. The recipient minimum acceptable standards.
shall be alert to organizational con- (iv) The specific features of ‘‘brand
flicts of interest as well as noncompeti- name or equal’’ descriptions that bid-
tive practices among contractors that ders are required to meet when such
may restrict or eliminate competition items are included in the solicitation.
or otherwise restrain trade. In order to (v) The acceptance, to the extent
ensure objective contractor perform- practicable and economically feasible,
ance and eliminate unfair competitive of products and services dimensioned in
advantage, contractors that develop or the metric system of measurement.
draft grant applications, or contract (vi) Preference, to the extent prac-
specifications, requirements, state- ticable and economically feasible, for
ments of work, invitations for bids and/ products and services that conserve
or requests for proposals shall be ex- natural resources and protect the envi-
cluded from competing for such pro- ronment and are energy efficient.
curements. Awards shall be made to (b) Positive efforts shall be made by
the bidder or offeror whose bid or offer recipients to utilize small businesses,
is responsive to the solicitation and is minority-owned firms, and women’s
most advantageous to the recipient, business enterprises, whenever pos-
price, quality and other factors consid- sible. Recipients of HHS awards shall


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Department of Health and Human Services § 74.46

take all of the following steps to fur- ‘‘Debarment and Suspension.’’ (See 45
ther this goal. CFR part 76.)
(1) Ensure that small businesses, mi- (e) Recipients shall, on request, make
nority-owned firms, and women’s busi- available for the HHS awarding agency,
ness enterprises are used to the fullest pre-award review, procurement docu-
extent practicable. ments such as requests for proposals or
(2) Make information on forthcoming invitations for bids, independent cost
opportunities available and arrange estimates, etc., when any of the fol-
time frames for purchases and con- lowing conditions apply:
tracts to encourage and facilitate par- (1) A recipient’s procurement proce-
ticipation by small businesses, minor- dures or operation fails to comply with
ity-owned firms, and women’s business the procurement standards in this
enterprises. Part.
(3) Consider in the contract process (2) The procurement is expected to
whether firms competing for larger exceed the simplified acquisition
contracts intend to subcontract with threshold fixed at 41 U.S.C. 403(11) (cur-
small businesses, minority-owned rently $100,000) and is to be awarded
firms, and women’s business enter- without competition or only one bid or
prises. offer is received in response to a solici-
(4) Encourage contracting with con- tation.
sortiums of small businesses, minority- (3) The procurement, which is ex-
owned firms and women’s business en- pected to exceed the simplified acquisi-
terprises when a contract is too large tion threshold specifies a ‘‘brand
for one of these firms to handle individ- name’’ product.
ually. (4) The proposed award over the sim-
(5) Use the services and assistance, as plified acquisition threshold is to be
appropriate, of such organizations as awarded to other than the apparent
the Small Business Administration and low bidder under a sealed bid procure-
the Department of Commerce’s Minor- ment.
ity Business Development Agency in (5) A proposed contract modification
the solicitation and utilization of changes the scope of a contract or in-
small businesses, minority-owned firms creases the contract amount by more
and women’s business enterprises. than the amount of the simplified ac-
quisition threshold.
(c) The type of procuring instruments
used (e.g., fixed price contracts, cost [59 FR 43760, Aug. 25, 1994, as amended at 61
reimbursable contracts, purchase or- FR 11747, Mar. 22, 1996; 62 FR 41878, Aug. 4,
ders, and incentive contracts) shall be 1997; 62 FR 51377, Oct. 1, 1997]
determined by the recipient but shall
§ 74.45 Cost and price analysis.
be appropriate for the particular pro-
curement and for promoting the best Some form of cost or price analysis
interest of the program or project in- shall be made and documented in the
volved. The ‘‘cost-plus-a-percentage-of- procurement files in connection with
cost’’ or ‘‘percentage of construction every procurement action. Price anal-
cost’’ methods of contracting shall not ysis may be accomplished in various
be used. ways, including the comparison of
(d) Contracts shall be made only with price quotations submitted, market
responsible contractors who possess prices and similar indicia, together
the potential ability to perform suc- with discounts. Cost analysis is the re-
cessfully under the terms and condi- view and evaluation of each element of
tions of the proposed procurement. cost to determine reasonableness,
Consideration shall be given to such allocability and allowability.
matters as contractor integrity, record
of past performance, financial and § 74.46 Procurement records.
technical resources or accessibility to Procurement records and files for
other necessary resources. In certain purchases in excess of the simplified
circumstances, contracts with certain acquisition threshold shall include the
parties are restricted by agencies’ im- following at a minimum: (a) Basis for
plementation of E.O.s 12549 and 12689, contractor selection, (b) justification


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