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The Auto Sex Texan Pioneer Association,


And By-Laws
July, 1965
July, 1969
January, 1990

The Auto Sex Texan Pioneer Association, International

Constitution and By-Laws
Article 1
The name of this organization shall be the Auto Sex Texan Pioneer Association, International.
Article II
Section One
The object of this Association is to promote the standard of Perfection and breeding, development,
and exhibition of the Auto Sex Texan Pioneer pigeons; to sponsor District and annual shows; to create good
will and fellowship among the breeders/members; and to cooperate with local and National Pigeon Clubs.
Section Two
To sponsor at least three shows each year, and these shows to be open to all breeders of
Auto Sex Texan Pioneer.
Place and date of each of these three shows to be announced at the business meeting held
in conjunction with the Annual Show. Should places and dates not be available at the Annual Business
Meeting, it will be the responsibility of the Secretary to secure this information just as soon as possible and
advise the Club Members in the next quarterly bulletin.
Article III
Section One
The elected officers of this Association shall consist of a President, Vice-President, and
These three elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Association.
Section Two
The Executive Committee shall conduct the elections of officers each election year.

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Article IV
Section One
No member shall be nominated or appointed to any office until he or she has been a member in
good standing for at least one year.
Section Two
The Executive Committee shall furnish a ballot containing names of the eligible members for
each officer, who have served the club well and are worthy as officer candidates. This ballot to be
emailed or mailed to club members no later than June 1st of each election year.
Sections Three
The Executive Committee shall have secured, in writing, an acceptance from the nominees
appearing on the ballot that they will serve in that office to the best of their ability if elected.
Section Four
The Secretary shall email or mail these ballot to each paid up member by June 1st.
Section Five
Your return ballot envelope must be marked on the outside BALLOT. The ballot must be
signed to count in the election.
Section Six
The deadline for your ballot to be returned to the Secretary is July 1st. As soon as possible after
this date the the Executive Committee should beet, open and tabulate the ballots.
Nominees receiving the highest number of votes automatically becomes the clubs new officers
for the next two years.
The results should be mailed to all candidates immediately, and the entire membership to be
advised in the next regular quarterly bulletin.
Section Seven
Any member who has not received their ballot by June 15th of the election year should request a
ballot from the Club Secretary.

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Article V
Term of Office
Section One
The President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two (2)
years, and shall serve until a successor is duly elected. In the event of death or resignation of any officer,
the president shall have the authority to appoint a member to serve the unexpired term. Should the
President resign or die, the Vice-President automatically becomes President, he or she then appoints a
new Vice-President to fill that vacancy.
Section Two
All elected officers may service as long as he or she desires, but must be nominated and elected
each year.

Article VI
The continental United States is divided into four (4) districts and each district shall be represented by a
Director (if one is available). The Districts are divided as follows:
District 1 (Northeastern) : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York,
New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa,Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Michigan, Maryland, Delaware, and Rhode Island.
District 2 (Southeastern) : North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama,
Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana.
District 3 (Northwestern) : Washington, Oregon, California, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska.
District 4 (Southwestern) : Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma

Article VII
Duties of Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and shall be a member of the Executive
Committee and act as Chairman. He shall appoint the four (4) District Directors, Publicity Directors,
Show Superintendents, and special committees and fill vacancies in office during his term and shall see
that all officers and committees carry out their responsibilities.

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The Vice-President shall preside at the meetings where the President is absent. He shall be a
member of the Executive Committee and help form the policy of the Association. In addition he shall act
as a good will ambassador and help stimulate enthusiasm and enlist new members.
(A) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep minutes of all club meetings. He or she shall conduct the
general correspondence of the club, and shall keep a current accounting of all income and expenses of the
club. Receipts on all bills paid must be kept, and made available for the annual audit of the Treasuress
book. Most club bills should be paid by check. However, smaller purchases can be paid for out of a
petty cash fund.
(B) At all meetings of the Association, both membership and executive, shall deliver a financial
report showing t he financial status of the club.
(C) The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide ballots for the officers election to all paid-up
members, inform the newly elected officers just as soon as the ballots are tabulated, and in the next
quarterly bulletin advise the entire membership of the results of the elections.
(D) The Secretary-Treasurer shall publish quarterly bulletins (March-June-September-December)
keeping our membership up to date on club activities.
(E) The Secretary-Treasurer shall work with the other Executive Committee members and
the Publicity Director in the preparation of club advertisement.
Publicity Director
(A) The Publicity Director is responsible for placing articles in a National Pigeon magazine
promoting the Auto-Sex Texan Pioneer and the Texan Pioneer Club.
Promoting the Auto-Sex Texan Pioneer and current activities of the Auto-Sex Texan Pioneer Association,
(B) The Publicity Director is to work with the Executive Committee planning advertisement on
the various pigeon platforms available and the National Pigeon Association quarterly bulletins.
District Directors
(A) The District Directors shall perform such duties in their respective districts as are assigned to
them from time to time bt the President and Executive Committee.
(B) Each Director shall reside in his own district.
(C) Each District Director shall encourage attendance at the Annual Show and Business Meeting,
and shall promote the club and enlist new members in his or her district.
Executive Committee
(A) The Executive Committee shall have general supervision and control of the Club.
(B) The Executive Committee shall have the final decision on matters arising not covered under
the Constitution and bylaws.
(C) All called meetings of the Executive Committee, two (2) of the three (3) officers present
shall constitute a quorum. However, the absent member must be advised of decisions to be made in the

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(D) The Executive Committee shall serve the Association as auditors. They shall audit the
Treasureers financial records each year before the fiscal year ends (November 30th). This will enable the
Secretary-Treasurer to prepare the Annual Financial report given at the Annual Club Meeting.
(E) The Executive Committee can, when they deem it necessary, raises the clubs annual
membership dues in order to keep the club solvent and strong financially. A one year notice shall be
given the club membership of an impending increase in dues. This notice shall be given at the annual
club meeting and notice of this increase in dues published in the next club quarterly bulletin after that
Article VIII
Sections One
Any person interested in the ideals and welfare of this Association ins eligible for membership.
In order to be a candidate for office, he or she must be a member for a period of one year.
Section Two
All applications for membership shall b e sent to the Secretary-Treasurer along with the
prescribed membership dues. Applicants shall agree to comply with the Constitution and By-Laws of this
Section Three
Membership dues are recommended by the clubs Executive Committee. Membership dues
for subsequent year are due by October 1st each year.
Section Four
Honorary members shall consist of such persons, firms, or corporations as may be so elected by
the Executive Committee and shall not be required to pay membership fees as stated in Article VIII,
Section Three. Honorary members shall not have a vote in matters pertaining to the business of our
Article IX
At any meeting of the club, those members present plus an elected officer, shall constitute a quorum for
the transaction of business.

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Article X
The Constitution and By-Laws of this Association may be altered or amended at any meeting by a twothirds vote of the members present provided written notice of intent has been given the Executive
Committee sixty days before the meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall provide due notice to the
membership at least thirty days before the meeting date.
Article XI
Section One
The annual meeting of this Association shall be held in conjunction with the annual show. Said
meeting shall include the installation of new officers, on election years. This is an open meeting for all
paid up members and family. Notice of this meeting shall be announced in our club bulletin.
Section two
The Executive Committee shall have the authority ot call a membership meeting at any time and
any place during the course of the year as deemed necessary in their judgement. Proper advanced notice
of such special meetings must be in printed forms.
Article XII
Shows and Awards
Section one
The show sponsored by this Association shall be open to all breeders of Auto-Sex Texan
Pioneers. All Auto-Sex Texan Pioneer Association, International sponsored shows shall be
conducted with and by the approved show and showing rules, regulations, and etiquette. These
rules regarding shows were first written by the club Executive Committee in November 1971, and
have been revised in 1989, and again in 1998. By vote of the club at the annual meeting in 1971,
gave authority to the Executive Committee to prepare such rules and regulations and to keep
them up-graded as needed.
Section two
All trophys, ribbons, and/or other specials shall be awarded to winner of same regardless whether
club member or not.
Section three
Each member of this Association is encouraged to enter and attend all shows sponsored by this
club, and as many other shows as possible in order to promote the Auto-Sex Texan Pioneer

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Section four
Each entry shall be judged according to our latest standard of perfection, and in accordance with
the judging procedures of our Association so far as possible.

Article XIII
Order of Business

- Call to order
- Roll Call of officers
- Reading of minutes
- Report of Secretary-Treasurer
- Report of Committees
- Unfinished business
a. Nominations
b. Communications
c. Otherwise
6 - New Business
8 - Good and Welfare discussion
9 - Amendments
10 - Adjournment
Article XIV
The business of this Association shall be conducted according to its Constitution and By-Laws and as
outlined in Robert Rules of Order.

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