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June-July 2009 (Vol. 5, No. 6)

Breaking News: Swine Flu + Mainstream Media = $$$

"Everyone familiar with the conspiracy media is automatically going to ask me if this is a
synthetic, man-made virus.

"The bottom line is that it probably is.

"The simple fact that such an anomalous, unprecedented virus, combining material from three different hosts,
appeared spontaneously in so many different places around the world--at such a marvelously well-timed
moment to divert attention from the imminent downfall of the New World Order--is a very strong sign of
wrongdoing [...]

"I have personally spoken to one whistleblower who revealed that--much to the frustration of the negative elite-
-it has proven to be 'extremely difficult, if not impossible, to kill large numbers of people with biological agents.'

"The reason for this is that viruses are very, very unstable. They mutate so quickly they can lose their lethality
very rapidly. There is a fascinating energetic component to why they are not threatening that we will discuss as

"Everyone in the alternative media is bringing up the Spanish Flu outbreak of 1918--but that was nearly 100
years ago. Millions of people died at the time. That is true.

"Now think about how long it has been since anything of that scope has happened again, despite the obvious
(for some) intent of those who would like to see it happen--up to and including the possible release of
manmade viruses to get the job done.

"SARS may well have been one such synthetic, deliberately 'seeded' virus--and despite all the
fearmongering ... only 774 people died from it worldwide."

David Wilcock, Blog,


1. "Preface to the 2nd Edition of Conscious Healing," by Sol Luckman 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June-July 2009 Page 2 of 16

2. "That Profound Sound: Sound as a Healing Vehicle," by Zacciah Blackburn

Nueva Columna en Español ... 3. "Responsabilidad celular: volviendo a empoderarte," por

Gabriella Kortsch

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. Preface to the 2nd Edition of Conscious Healing

Sol Luckman

When Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method first appeared in 2005, my
expectations (to the extent I had any) for this unprecedented blending of new science and
"new age" spirituality were modest at best. I knew of no book quite like Conscious Healing
then, and the same still applies today, so I literally had nothing to go on. And of course, self-
publishing, while it can be rewarding, is a step into the unknown, with no support net to
catch you if you fall.

So I was greatly surprised when Conscious Healing began putting up very respectable sales
numbers indeed, consistently appearing on various bestseller lists at online venues such as, which it continues to do to this day.

I also was tremendously gratified by the enthusiastic editorial reviews Conscious Healing
received, to say nothing of reader reviews that often spoke of a book that, by itself, was an
"activation of consciousness," profoundly reminding readers of truths about human potential
and conscious evolution they already knew but had forgotten, in whole or in part.

Nothing was so inspiring and humbling, however, as seeing so many readers go on to

experience personal transformation through the Regenetics Method. While I affirmed from
the beginning that Conscious Healing is a valuable book for its informational content alone, it
hardly can be overemphasized that the life-changing effects of Regenetics cannot be
described fully in words or grasped on a purely intellectual level.

Having been involved in an editorial capacity with the Spanish translation of Conscious
Healing, during which I noted some areas of the text I felt could use clarification and/or
expansion, I already was considering creating a second English edition--when I was
contacted by a European company wanting to release Conscious Healing in German. When
our negotiations ended in a publishing contract, I took this as a sign, and immediately set
about to update the entire book. 26-6-2010
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That is the text you have now. To those already familiar with the first edition of Conscious
Healing, I propose that if you liked that version, you will love this one. I wish both my loyal
and first-time readers to know that a lot of renewed energy has gone into describing and
substantiating the Regenetics Method, as well as the evolutionary context that has fostered
it, as clearly and accurately as possible.

I have added nearly twenty percent more text to the second edition, much of which
incorporates leading-edge scientific and philosophical content. Realizing that readers might
benefit from a more detailed explanation of the sequence of Regenetics activations, I also
have included a description of the fourth and final phase of the Method, Transcension
Bioenergy Crystallization, as well as a brand-new chart showing, at a glance, the
progression of the Regenetics Method Timeline.

Readers interested in 2012, the Mayan calendar, ascension and related topics have not
been overlooked. In particular, Chapter Nine, "The Shift in Human Consciousness," has
been positively packed with new evidence supporting this book's thesis that humanity--
individually as well as collectively--is poised on the brink of a thoroughgoing metamorphosis
into a far more enlightened way of being.

Needless to say, in my process of revision I have expanded the book's already considerable
references, which show up both in the main text and the Bibliography. This has had a
measurable impact on the Index, which has grown proportionally. I also saw the need to add
several new terms to the Glossary, and to refine the definitions of some preexisting terms to
reflect my own evolving understanding of this uniquely empowering form of energy healing.

Finally, all three of the book's Appendices have been updated. Because they are both
informative and inspiring, in Appendix A I share nearly twice as many Testimonials from
clients. In Appendix B I have added a number of Frequently Asked Questions and
clarifications. And as for Appendix C, it is my sincere intention that readers will find the
sample Electromagnetic Schematic more comprehensible on all levels.

In November of 2007, I wrote as editor in the introduction to a special issue of my popular

free ezine DNA Monthly, 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June-July 2009 Page 4 of 16

Repeatedly, I've felt my finger to be on the pulse of a global zeitgeist of transformation operating in and through
the genetic level of consciousness […] A consistent theme of feedback has been that a more expanded view of
science and healing is not only welcome at this time; it is critically needed as we evolve out of a monolithic
version of reality into the higher-paradigm understanding that there is no such thing as science--there are
ultimately only sciences, any of which can have their strengths and weaknesses based on the strengths and
weaknesses of those of who, consciously or not, create them. Now more than ever, it is incumbent upon us as
a species to create our science(s) of reality consciously.

In making this expanded and updated second edition of Conscious Healing available even
as my novels on the power of the imagination gain greater recognition, I realize the extent to
which my life's work has been to articulate both a science and an art of reality as
consciously as possible. May Conscious Healing be a catalyst for you, as it has been for so
many, in your inner and outer transformation.

Copyright (c) 2009 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[In addition to the bestselling and internationally acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics
Method (which since its original publication in English in 2005 has been translated into multiple languages),
Sol Luckman is author of the groundbreaking Beginner’s Luke Series of six seriocomic novels devoted to
exploring--irreverently and often hilariously--the primary role of consciousness and imagination in creating our
reality. Sol is also a provocative essayist on literary theory, a visual artist, editor of DNA Monthly, and
cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. For more information, visit

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Epigenetic: adjective popularized by biologist Bruce Lipton that signals an important

development in the field of genetics from a focus on the cell nucleus and "nature" as the sole
evolutionary forces worth studying, to the cell membrane and "nurture" as more primary
instigators of evolution. Readers of Conscious Healing will note that the author considers the
"Meta-genetic" an even more fundamental basis for the evolution of species than either the
genetic or Epigenetic.

2. That Profound Sound: Sound as a Healing Vehicle

Zacciah Blackburn
Historically, sound has been used as a point of focus and invocation in meditation, prayer,
healing, and ritual throughout much of the world. As with so much that is mystical, our
culture has lost touch with the nature of sound as a healing vehicle. Yet more and more 26-6-2010
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healers and musicians are focusing on the power sound has on our bodies and wellbeing.

There are two principal aspects to sound, as I see them, in healing and ritual. One aspect of
sound, like a chant or mantra, creates a point of focus for the mind-force, through which
one's intent forms a basic structure, or energetic grid, and through which energy may flow
and be contained, invoked or built into a healing vehicle.

The other aspect is the carrier force of the sound itself. This is dual in nature. The sound
becomes a river upon which, through which, an energy may flow. The sound also has an
intention, a vibration, an essence or a resonance which can be a healing mechanism.

As one becomes involved with sound as a healing vehicle, whether through one's own
intuitive guidance, or in some traditional manner, one sees the power which sound creates

We can see the traditional use of this power by looking at the African shaman invoking
celestial allies through chant, song and prayer, drum or rattle in hand, healing the
imbalances in one of his or her people. We can see it in an entire Native American village
chanting ancient rites to the corn maiden at planting time, or an Israeli village granting
blessings upon a newly married couple through song and dance.

We can look at an African-American gospel choir pouring out their hearts in song, reaching
remarkable states of ecstasy and joy. Or we can look at an East Indian playing sitar,
focusing through power of meditation and specific ancient scales, invoking the balance and
harmony of a specific deity (energy stream) into the room.

With any of these examples, and throughout most native cultures, sound is and has been
used as a point of focus of creative intent and invocation of divine energies. Sound is a
vehicle through which one may carry one's message to the divine, and through which one
may merge with, and express, the creative divine.

The path to sound as a healing vehicle begins within the self. By exploring deep inside
ourselves through sound, we can easily tap into our own ancient mysteries, unfelt feelings,
and creative energies. That sound may come out in the form of "unchained melodies,"
improvisational "noise" or infant cries, but by paying attention to the sounds a particular
wave of energy within our body wishes to make, we can create a truly healing process for
ourselves and, eventually, others.

This process requires a certain degree of trust and release of inhibition, yet doubt or
inhibition is a form of fear keeping our creative, expressive powers at bay. Whatever form of
release we wish to use, the nature of healing and empowerment is to release the fear or
limiting process within the self, and walk into the creative impulse resonating deep within our

By sounding that creative impulse, which is our expressive self, we can walk through all of
our agony and pain, fears and prejudices, and all limiting thought-forms we have created
within ourselves, in this and other lifetimes, which keep us from our true creative self.

All of those devastating habits and self-agonizing behaviors, which have been built through
years or lifetimes of reacting to traumatic circumstances or lack of nourishment, have
embedded themselves in our fibers. They have diminished our being. Sound can resonate
and discharge those emotional energies which have been locked so long in our tissues, our
cellular memories, our emotional, energetic and physical bodies. Sound therapists can guide
and nurture us on the path to self-healing through reconnecting us with our own inner sound,
our own inner child, and helping us express it. 26-6-2010
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That inner child holds abundant energy, love, and grace. By letting go of the noise and
confusion of the outer self, we can hear our deeper, more intimate self sounding, resonating-
-at first ever so timid and quiet, but with each breath, with each courageous expression,
through waves of joy and hope that break through all the pain and doubt we have built
around us.

Yes, this may be painful at first. But with courage and determination, we can break through
the pain and fear, and find unlimited oceans of beauty and wisdom emerging from within.

The Nature of Thought-forms & their Effect on the Etheric Body

To help us understand this process a little better, let us look more deeply at the nature of our
energetic bodies and the creation of limiting forms of energy within them.

We have often heard that we create our own reality. The nature of that reality is so complex
it seems difficult to comprehend just how that might be. Yet, when we look at the nature of
thought-forms as creative forces, it becomes apparent that the development of a positive,
light-building field of energy around us, through our own thoughts and actions, with our own
creative will and intent, is a major key to our wellbeing. For that energy field, as a "thought-
form," is an electromagnetic grid that attracts or dispels other energies around us.

The thought-form is the elemental nature of the creative potential of thought. It is the
energetic "substance" created by all thought, desire, and action. On an energetic level, we
constantly tap into raw (pure) energy and mold it with the resonance of our
thoughts/desires/actions. We also tap into and "channel" life-streams of energy which
resonate with various qualities of existence, both creative (expansive) and destructive

Intelligent forces work through these streams of energy, whether such interactions are
conscious or unconscious. These interactions may take place in the emotional, astral, or
other fields of our bodies. They may interact on a more tangible plane, as we invoke them
(consciously or unconsciously) in saintly acts of kindness or generosity, or in debilitating acts
of alcoholism or abuse.

Thought-forms are the residual energetic effect of our thoughts/desires/actions, and of our
interactions with these energetic streams of consciousness. Thought-forms create
illuminating flames or binding shrouds of energy within our subtle bodies, depending on their
resonant quality. If the residual effect of a thought-form is of a binding or limiting nature, it
can be removed only by a compensatory action, energetic in nature, which has a quality
opposing or balancing it.

Because the thought-form's nature is of vibration, or resonance, the sound healer may find a
resonant quality with which to heal, extract or balance it, through the nature of sound itself.
However, if the nature of the wound is related to conscious "negate-ive streams" of energy,
a more skillful approach is required, in which the healer must have a conscious relationship
with healing energies of a divine nature.

The potential for danger exists for the practitioner, no matter what the modality, who
interacts with these negate-ive energies without conscious awareness of these processes or
the skills to complete them. Indeed, these energies interact in and complicate our lives more
deeply than most of us can imagine. Because of the nature of thought-forms, and these
negating streams of energy, we each need to focus on practices for clarifying our thoughts
and actions, and strengthening our energy fields. 26-6-2010
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Through previous patterns of creative thought (energy), we are attracted, through birth, to
parents who help develop a grid of energy that provides maximum potential for our own
growth. It is not until we begin to take responsibility for our lives and choices that we can see
this clearly. But by focusing on our daily thoughts and actions, and seeking to fill them with
the highest and purest form of good we can imagine, we slowly gravitate toward a more
light-filled body of energy.

The Nature of Creative Will

The sound worker sees an inextricable link between sound, light, and creative intent. Once
we understand the nature of our energetic self, we begin to see the importance of the
content and intent of our thoughts and actions, and how these interact.

The physical body is but one level of expression of our spirit-self. Beyond the physical are
etheric fields of energy which comprise our expressive self. These fields or energy bodies
are interwoven through our major chakras (energy centers) within the body, and are
interconnected with the divine centers of heaven and earth through spirals of light energy
which course through our bodies and these sacred centers. These sacred centers, in turn,
give off more and more subtle levels of energy which radiate through our light-field.

Thought is a tangible creative field of energy which interlaces our light-field and creates
grids of energy resonating through the chakras and about our body. When our thoughts
resonate from a point of fear, inhibition, doubt, confusion, anger or jealousy, we create
through our thought itself a limiting or binding grid of energy. We are not allowing ourselves
to resonate in expressive, expansive forms of creative joy or love.

Such grids, or patterns, are magnetic fields that attract potential situations to us, allowing us
to make choices to help us grow. I emphasize potential, for we work within a school of free
choice, and there is a high degree of fluidity due to the interactions of all beings' free
choices, which create the ever-unfolding formation of reality. Psychics can read this potential
and give us a probability based on how definitively those grids are in place, but the concept
of free choice is always in play, ruling our aspect of the universe.

Our intent and focus of that intent (will) are the creative tools of our expression of self (via
our thoughts and actions--i.e., the choices we make). Consciously or unconsciously, we use
our will in the creation of the unfoldment of our daily lives. And we can use it at any given
moment to alter the course of our previous choices.

If we do not, any thought-forms that have become embedded in our energetic field
eventually will affect our daily lives. For most of us, they already have, impacting our clarity
of consciousness, emotional wellbeing, relationships, and even professional success.

In the end, these thought-forms may emerge as physical symptoms ... repetitive sore throats
for those afraid to speak up and express their feelings, chronic fatigue for those who have
had non-nurturing relationships, ovarian or breast cancer for those subjected to sexual
trauma, etc.

The Use of Creative Will in Sound Healing

The sound healer focuses intent to create a channel through which divine energies, or
"higher resonances," may be poured into the recipient's energy field. The primary focus of
intent is on being a clear vessel to allow the greatest good to manifest for the individual's

Once the sound work has begun, the focus of intent may become more specific. For 26-6-2010
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instance, the healer may see an ingrained pattern of thought in the energy field constricting
the recipient's energy flow, and may call upon specific energetic tools to remove or
transform it. That pattern may be manifesting in a limiting behavior or illness in the
recipient's life. Or the focus may remain more general, creating a doorway through which
divine energies may enter the more tangible planes and work within the recipient's field for
the greatest good.

The sound healer also may work with thought-forms or elemental energies which are not of
this person's making. These may be projections from other individuals' creative intentions
(repressive parents, for example), or projections from other streams of consciousness of a
lesser realm.

The recipient must be a willing participant, wanting to receive these energies and to
release/heal unwanted thought-forms. The greater the level of focus and intent on healing
the recipient can manifest, the greater the potential for positive outcome will be. Also, the
recipient may need to take some tools home to reinforce these new patterns of behavior or
energetic qualities within the self.

In my work, my point of focus is usually either in the Ajna center (the third eye) or the eighth
chakra (above the crown of the head). From the Ajna center, I can direct specific light-
energies into the body through the vehicle of sound utilizing specific tools.

The eighth chakra is a powerful interdimensional point linking the primal soul and divine
seat. Within the eighth chakra, the focus is more specifically on illumination, opening the
doorway through which divine energies may enter more easily, with greater power and
awareness than my more conscious self can provide. This requires much more giving of
self, more surrender, and thus the quality of light pouring through is brighter and purer. I
become more unconscious of the specific interaction of energies with the recipient, but both
of us are drawn to a higher, clearer state.

The point of intention remains the same. The intent of the healing practitioner is to focus on
the most pure, worthy energies for the recipient's needs. The intent opens the doorway. The
sound becomes the vehicle through which the light moves. And it offers an extraordinary
point of focus for the healer to place his or her intentions upon.

In my work, the sound may come with the use of an instrument: a crystal or brass bowl, a
tingshaw (Tibetan brass cymbal), a flute, rattle, or Native ceremonial drum. But more often, I
am the sole instrument, opening the voice to a sacred mantra, chant, song, prayer, or what I
like to call "dialects." These dialects are a form of divine invocation, or prayer, a sacred
language, a speaking in tongues, in which the energy becomes most pronounced.

Whatever the instrument or modality, the sound itself, through its own vibration or
resonance, rearranges the molecular structure of cells, lifts thoughts and energy into an
elevated dimension, and invokes/carries a higher energy (intelligence) through it, which
interacts with the energy field in a variety of ways.

Sound resonance may function like a set of tuning forks, in which the pure resonance of one
tuning fork, once set in motion, carries waves of energy to the other, which, by its like
nature, begins resonating. Or the sound may act on the crystallized blockage of energies in
the energetic body as a pure tone might upon a crystal glass, causing it to shatter, quicken,
or release. The resonance of sound may be sensed as a pure stream of energy, like a
waterfall, cleansing the energy field and re-energizing it; as a rain shower; or as waves of
peaceful light.

The Interplay of Sound & Light 26-6-2010
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Coupled with the intent of the sound resonator (healer), specific qualities of light, or specific
energetic streams, may be called upon, or invoked, to aid the practitioner in removing
binding or shrouding energies, and to recharge the energy field with light.

The interplay of sound and light is important to the conscious user. In modern physics, we
find that the principal difference in sound, light and matter is one of vibrational frequency, or
resonance. The interrelationship of these is more like a broad spectrum of energy than three
separate forms.

In so many tales of Creation, it is sound which is the first and elemental form of Creation,
and the vehicle which moves energy from the potential realm to the manifest world.

In Hinduism, the sound of "Om" resonates as the elemental causal form of all creative
manifestation. In Australian Aboriginal culture, perhaps the oldest culture on the planet, the
"Ancestors," defined as "fathomless, luminous beings of light and energy," dreamed of all
forms of life in Creation and "sang" them into existence through templates of thought energy
along "songlines," which are comparable to the ley lines, or electromagnetic grid, of the

In Judaism, the ancient mystical Cabalistic roots of the culture teach us that each of the
twenty-two letters of the alphabet not only symbolizes, but carries and emits through its
enunciation, with pure intent, one of the principal aspects of universal energy. Linguistic
interactions in letter configurations (words) are significant in this universal flow and
unfoldment. This was so clearly understood that it was considered sacrilege to enunciate the
cryptic word for "God," the Anglicization of which is Jehovah, or Yahweh. In its cryptic verse,
understanding the meaning of this one word itself, in all its depth, potency and purity, was a
path to enlightenment.

In Christianity, many sources indicate that Jesus taught esoteric thought to his disciples in
far greater detail, in private settings, than his more popular metaphorical stories to the public
would indicate. Many of these sources also say Jesus was an initiate in the ancient mystery
schools of the East, receiving teachings in the great temples of Egypt and traveling to India,
where tales still exist of "Saint Issa," who returned to his people in Jerusalem 2,000 years
ago, only to be crucified. The Book of John, written by one of his principal disciples, opens
with the verse, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
was God."

The nature of this verse is extremely specific. The "Word," the sound, is the first
manifestation of creative vibration, or intent, and holds in its resonance the very essence of
the Divine. In Greek, from which we get much of the New Testament script, and from which
we get the origin of "Word," Word means "to say."

This implies an innate understanding that the very resonance of sound, of the Word, draws
power to it, and carries power through it. We have often heard of "the power of the spoken
word," but we may not have given much credence to it. It is our thought, will and intentions
that give power to the spoken word, and to sound in all of its forms and uses. Sound is a
profoundly powerful healing vehicle. The nature of its power rests in the conscious, and
unconscious, intent of its initiator.
Copyright (c) 2009 by Zacciah Blackburn. All Rights Reserved.

[Zacciah Blackburn is a sound healer based in Vermont trained in classical healing, shamanic traditions, and
sacred sound cultures. Director of Education for the Sound Healing Network, an international community of
healing practitioners broadening the awareness of sound healing through networking, education and scientific
research, Zacciah is also Cofounder of the World Sound Healing Organization and All One Now Network, a 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June-July 2009 Page 10 of 16

non-profit organization joining the efforts of numerous individuals and organizations worldwide, embracing
sound as a healing catalyst in simple ceremony throughout the world. For more information, visit and]

Did You Know ... that there is an qualitative and quantitative difference between
mindfulness and Enlightenment? The former centers on calming the parietal lobes during
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goes far beyond this stepping stone into physiological illumination through activation of the
"angel lobes" or prefrontal cortex ... ultimately resulting in divine, luminous embodiment.

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Adventure on through the mind of the "ultimate iconoclast" (Apex Reviews). Request your FREE copy

3. Responsabilidad celular: volviendo a empoderarte

Gabriella Kortsch
Quien no está ocupado en nacer, se está muriendo. --Bob Dylan

¿Te acuerdas lo que solía durar un día cuando eras un niño? Para pasar del principio de la
semana al final de la misma parecía un montón de tiempo, y ni hables de lo que duraba un
mes … parecía como los años de ahora … ¿por qué era tan diferente entonces?

Tolle y el Ahora

Muy sencillo realmente. He escrito sobre ese tema en el pasado en otros artículos. Lo que
es sencillo sobre la razón explicando por qué nuestros días ya no duran tanto como lo
hacían antes es porque progresivamente vivimos menos y menos tiempo en el momento
actual. Cuando éramos niños y estábamos construyendo un castillo de arena, toda nuestra
atención se centraba en esa actividad. Cuando zampábamos una porción de tarta de
cumpleaños, toda nuestra atención se centraba en esa actividad. 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June-July 2009 Page 11 of 16

Ahora sin embargo, estamos hechos añicos en cierta medida, y mientras que nos
dedicamos a una actividad del momento actual, también estamos en diferentes lugares del
pasado o del futuro en nuestra mente, y por tanto le robamos al momento actual su
potencial más pleno, nos sentimos tirados en muchas direcciones diferentes, y cuando
hayamos terminado con esa actividad del momento actual, a menudo nos cuesta trabajo
recordar muchos detalles de la misma, debido a que tan poco de nuestro ser actual estaba
presente en el momento.

Acuérdate que el ahora es todo lo que tienes … tu vida verdadera no está en tu pasado, ni
tampoco se encuentra en tu futuro … es solamente y siempre ahora, en el momento actual.
No obstante, aunque nuestra mente racional reconoce la verdad inherente en esto, el
dilema presenta unos retos a nuestra psique. ¿Cómo nos podemos llevar al momento
presente y quedarnos allí?

Estímulos en tu vida se pueden llevar tu poder

Piensa en los estímulos en tu vida que toman cautivo a tu poder de tal manera que se va a
lugares y fechas que no son aquellos donde tú te encuentras en este momento. Aquí hay
unos ejemplos:

• Música: imagina que vas en coche, disfrutando del día tan maravilloso y tocan una canción
llena de nostalgia agridulce para ti. Te transporta a la gloria y al dolor de una relación
pasada. De repente ya no disfrutas del día esplendido, al contrario, estás re-viviendo
aspectos de lo maravilloso que fue aquella relación, y luego te sientes llevado por el dolor
de otros aspectos de la misma. Cuando llegues a tu destino, no solamente no te sientes tan
bien como lo hacías al comienzo del trayecto en coche, sino que ni siquiera te acuerdas del
trayecto real … todo porque tocaron una canción en la radio.

• Olores, perfume, aromas: imagina que te presentan a un extraño en un cocktail. Imagina

que eres una mujer, y el extraño es un hombre, y según te acercas para saludarlo, o para
besar la mejilla como hacemos en tantos países, te llega el aroma de su colonia. Es la
colonia que usaba tu padre. Inmediatamente, de alguna manera, o asocias al extraño con tu
padre – aunque sea durante un instante – o te vas a un recuerdo del pasado, quizás de ti
sentada en el dormitorio de tus padres, charlando con tu padre mientras que se ponía la
colonia, y ese recuerdo te lleva a otro momento de tu pasado, con tu padre cuando te contó
que iba a dejar a tu madre y a ti porque había conocido a otra mujer … Ahora el cocktail se
tiñe de ese recuerdo, con los sentimientos que evocó, y cuando vuelvas a casa, puede que
te des cuenta que casi no te acuerdas de ninguna de las conversaciones que mantuviste
mientras que estabas allí … todo por una colonia.

• Películas con escenas especificas: esas pueden tener un efecto similar como lo descrito
más arriba, y puede que te des cuenta que a menudo te sientes atraído a películas que te
hacen revivir ciertas partes de tu vida.

Eckhard Tolle, autor de El Poder del Ahora le llama a esto el cuerpo de dolor. Chris Griscom
(Sanar las Emociones) lo llama el cuerpo emocional.

En el fondo, ambos se refieren a aquella parte nuestra que le gusta revolcarse en nuestro
dolor. ¿Qué? me dices. ¿Por qué me revolcaría en algo doloroso? La respuesta se hace
obvia. Porque es un lugar que conoces. Porque alli te sientes como en casa. En otras
palabras, hemos estado alli tan a menudo ya, en ese lugar de dolor, que cuando nos
enfrentamos con la elección de hacer algo nuevo y desconocido, o elegir revolcarnos, es
mucho más facil caer en el camino conocido y ya pateado y revolcarnos. Casi ni lo
pensamos. Sencillamente nos vamos allí porque lo conocemos. Y luego encontramos 26-6-2010
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consuelo en lo familiar que nos parece ese dolor. ¿Lo reconoces? ¿Ya has estado allí? ¿Y
te sientes tentado ahora mismo, a pesar de lo que acabas de leer hasta aqui, a volver a tus
pensamientos dolorosos? ¿Aquello te parece tanto más fácil?

En cierto sentido, eso es lo que hacemos cuando escuchamos aquella canción en la radio,
o cuando nos llega el aroma de una colonia conocida, o cuando vemos ciertas escenas de
algunas películas. Y nos vamos a aquel lugar de dolor inconscientemente porque no somos
conscientes de nosotros mismos. O quizás seamos lo suficientemente conscientes de
nosotros mismos para darnos cuenta lo que sucede, pero aun no hemos tomado la decisión
de hacernos responsables por nosotros mismos.

Biología molecular & celular … genes & ADN

Ahora lanzo un pensamiento algo inesperado … si nuestros pensamientos, como he escrito

en artículos anteriores, realmente influyen sobre nuestro cuerpo, nuestras células, nuestros
genes, e incluso hasta el mismísimo ADN, entonces tiene sentido que si continuamente
vuelves a visitar el pasado y vuelves a vivir dolores y penas de aquella época, entonces
estás influyendo de modo negativo sobre esas mismas células del cuerpo (ver también
Como los Pensamientos Cambian el Cuerpo).

Toma el tiempo para leer algunas obras de los biólogos moleculares y celulares Candace
Pert (Molecules of Emotion y también Your Body Is Your Subconscious Mind--no lo he
podido encontrar traducido) y Bruce Lipton (La Biología de la Creencia), lee lo que dice el
investigador científico Masaru Emoto sobre el tema, échale un vistazo a las investigaciones
quánticas hechas por el endocrinólogo Deepak Chopra, pero hagas lo que hagas, no te
eches para atrás en tu sillón, con cara de extrañado, y diciendo yo no creo estas tonterías.
No puedes decir eso hasta que no hayas leído algo de las investigaciones que se estén
llevando a cabo.

Para aquellos de vosotros que aun os parece difícil de creer que los pensamientos pueden
afectar al cuerpo, he aquí algunos ejemplos fisiológicos más comunes:

• Algunas personas son capaces de llegar a tener un orgasmo solamente con sus

• Algunas personas pueden provocar lagrimas por el mero hecho de imaginar algo y llorar
debido a ello.

• El biofeedback nos ha enseñado que podemos alterar el latido del corazón de tal manera
que se puede medir la diferencia.

Por tanto, si sabemos que esto es cierto, tiene sentido que necesitamos considerar tomar
responsabilidad celular por nosotros mismos.

Una parte de tu energía se encuentra en tu pasado

¿Qué parte de ti se encuentra en "tu historial" y se perdería si lo soltaras? Cuando hablas

de ti, ese historial en cierto modo te define. Si lo soltaras posiblemente tendrías que
elaborar una definición totalmente nueva de ti … y según lo mires, eso podría ser de lo más
excitante y divertido … dado que ya no llevarías la carga de aquel historial viejo, triste y
terrible que llevas arrastrando contigo.

Me imagino que empiezas a ver que debido a tu historial, una parte de tu energía, una parte
de tu poder, está en tu pasado, ¿verdad? Si te identificas con tu historial, si eso es la
manera en que te defines, entonces una parte de tu poder está allí, y no aquí. 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY June-July 2009 Page 13 of 16

Conseguir llevar a todos tus fragmentos al momento actual

Conseguir llevar a tus fragmentos al momento actual (Gary Zukav, autor del Asiento del
Alma, lo llama una personalidad hecha añicos), forma parte necesaria del proceso de tomar
responsabilidad celular por ti mismo. Se podría decir que hay pedacitos de ti en 1976, otro
pedazo en 1960, otro grupo de pedacitos en los 80, y así sucesivamente, dependiendo de
cuándo, en tu historial, te pasaron cosas que mantienen a una parte tuya, especialmente a
nivel emotivo allí, en aquel momento. El ancla que te mantiene allí es la emoción negativa
que sigues sintiendo cada vez que te acuerdas del suceso doloroso. Eso significa que solo
hay unas partes de ti en 2008 … y mientras que no dejes aquellas partes del pasado--que
contienen una parte tan grande de tu poder--en el pasado, no podrás recuperar tu poder,
tener a todos tus fragmentos en el presente, y no podrás tomar responsabilidad celular por
ti mismo.

Asuntos sin resolver

Sabes que te quedan asuntos--problemas--por resolver con tus padres, tu pareja, tus hijos,
tus hermanos, tus amigos, tus jefes, tus maestros, etc., si continuas teniendo emociones
negativas de cualquier tipo cuando piensas en ellos o en sucesos pasados conectados a
ellos. Esas emociones son aquellas que son capaces de influir adversamente sobre tu
cuerpo y tus células, y son precisamente esas emociones negativas que subyacen todo
aquello por lo que te toca hacerte responsable, si quieres tomar responsabilidad celular por
ti mismo. Resolviendo aquellos asuntos pendientes significa que automáticamente pasarás
mucho más tiempo en el presente en vez del pasado, y que pasarás mucho menos tiempo
centrado en las emociones negativas proveniente de sucesos del pasado.

La Importancia de perdonar

Una vez que puedas perdonar, los asuntos sin resolver del pasado se transforman en
meros recuerdos que ya no conllevan ninguna connotación negativa que consiga quitar tu
poder del presente. Es en ese momento que puedes empezar a tomar responsabilidad
celular por ti mismo, en otras palabras, ya no estarás dañando a tu cuerpo en todos los
sentidos de la palabra, al mantener aquel poder negativo en el pasado.

Caroline Myss (de cuya obra he tomado prestada la expresión responsabilidad celular),
indicó hace ya casi una década en 1999 en The Science of Medical Intuition (La Ciencia de
la Intuición Médica), junto con el Dr. Norman Shealy, que es también en ese punto donde se
puede empezar a crear y a manifestar. En otras palabras, no importa cuantas
visualizaciones y afirmaciones se hagan - aquellos de vosotros que leéis asiduamente todo
lo que podéis conseguir sobre La Ley de la Atracción o El Secreto--no podréis llegar a crear
hasta que no conseguís llevar vuestro poder al presente momento. Perdonando a nuestros
deudores es uno de los pasos más grandes hacia esa meta.

Una citas sobre el proceso de perdonar por Caroline Myss:

• El veneno más fuerte para el espíritu humano es la incapacidad de perdonarse a uno

mismo u a otra persona. Eso desactiva los recursos emotivos del ser humano. El reto es de
refinar nuestra capacidad de amarles tanto a los demás como a uno mismo y a desarrollar
la capacidad de perdonar.

• Saber perdonar ya no es una opción sino una necesidad para poder sanar y ser sano.

• Uno de los retos mayores del proceso de sanación es de perdonarse tanto a uno mismo
como a los demás y de dejar de gastar energía valiosa en dolores y penas pasadas. 26-6-2010
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• Para poderse sanar a uno mismo, debemos aprender a perdonar.

• Perdona y consigue de vuelta la energía malgastada en eventos pasados.

• El acto de perdonar es el acto de volver al momento actual. Y esa es la razón que explica
que cuando uno se ha hecho una persona que perdona, y que ha conseguido soltar al
pasado, lo que realmente se ha hecho es cambiar la relación que se tiene con el tiempo.

Unas Herramientas

Haciendo algo de lo que sigue, te llevará por el camino de la responsabilidad celular donde
podrás empezar a recuperar a tu poder.

• Hazte consciente de ti mismo, de tus reacciones a estímulos diferentes, de tu necesidad

de entrar al cuerpo de dolor.

• Decide que serás responsable por ti mismo en todos los sentidos de la palabra.

• Elige alternativas mejores porque ahora eres consciente y has decidido hacerte

• Mira tus asuntos sin resolver.

• ¿Para qué sirve mi sentimiento de culpabilidad?

o En vez de reprocharme por lo que hice, ¿por qué no aprender de ello, jurar no volver a
hacerlo, y seguir hacia delante? Si no, aún mayores partes de tu poder se quedarán
ancladas allí.

• Si siento vergüenza por algo mío, ¿me gustaría liberarme de esos sentimientos?

o Vergüenza a menudo constituye la causa subyacente de pensamiento obsesivo porque te

permite centrar tus pensamientos en otra persona como la solución a tus problemas.

• Si revivo el pasado ¿me sirve de algo?

• ¿Puedo reconocer que seguir sintiendo dolor sobre cosas pasadas no resuelve ningún

• Perdonar.

o ¿A quien debo de perdonar?

o ¿Por qué no estoy dispuesta a perdonar?

o Reconocer que no perdonando mantiene partes tuyas en el pasado.

o Entender que cuando perdonas no significa que condones o aceptes, ni tampoco significa
que ahora tienes que tener una magnifica relación con aquella persona … de hecho, puede
que tengas que cortar la relación por lo sano, pero al perdonar, el dominio que esa
experiencia tenía sobre ti, se habrá desvanecido.

o Perdonar tampoco significa olvidar--pero sí significa quitarle el poder o la carga, a ese

recuerdo. 26-6-2010
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• Gratitud--esto es muy importante.

• Estar Presente (mindfulness = la practica de la atencion plena). Échale un vistazo muy en

particular a La Practica de la Atención Plena por Jon Kabat-Zinn)--esto se vincula de una
manera especial con la gratitud, dado que la gratitud puede ser tu primer paso en aprender
a tener atención plena; sintiendo gratitud por algo ahora mismo, automáticamente vuelves
al ahora, y aprendiendo a tener atención plena, serás capaz de quedarte en el ahora.

Derechos (c) 2009 por Gabriella Kortsch. Todos los derechos son reservados.

[Gabriella Kortsch tiene un doctorado en psicología y es psicoterapeuta, hipnoterapeuta clínica, coach de

parejas, escritora, y conferenciante profesional. Emite un programa semanal de radio (en inglés) desde la
Costa del Sol en España, que también se puede oír en el Internet o como clips de audio en su portal. Ella
trabaja con clientes para llevarlos hacia un mayor éxito personal, profesional y de pareja utilizando un enfoque
integral basado en el desenvolvimiento del potencial humano. Suscríbete y motívate con su boletín
vanguardista, ahora disponible en español e inglés. También puedes leer y colgar tus comentarios en su blog
(en inglés).]

Coming in our August issue ... "Crisis in Life Sciences" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit***

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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.] 26-6-2010
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