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DNA MONTHLY November 2008


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November-December 2008 (Vol. 4, No. 10)

Notable & Quotable: "We don't get that much practice in the art of feeling good because
our whole medical system is predicated on the treatment of disease, not wellness care.
Medical practice is all about identifying symptoms, conditions, and treatment: seeing you as
a person with problems. This process allows doctors to figure out which little reality box we
can squeeze you into. And each time you're given a different diagnosis or explanation for
why you have your symptoms, it further limits your awareness of what's possible. You're
stuffed into smaller and smaller boxes, where you can do less and less about more and
more. Pretty soon you feel restricted, despondent, and disempowered.

"We have amazingly low expectations for what we think we can get back from the universe
or out of life. Our experiences will conform very closely to the structure of our beliefs about
life. Often, in an effort to make progress, we end up going around in circles. Many forms of
treatment or therapy seem to reinforce the problem mind-set, despite good intentions."

Richard Bartlett, Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation (Atria Books/Beyond Words
Publishing, 2007)


1. "2012 & the Emergence of Divine Light," by Kiara Windrider

2. "Four Pathways to Oneness," by Judith Pennington

3. "The Electromagnetic Fields: Our Bioenergy Blueprint," by Sol Luckman

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

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1. 2012 & the Emergence of Divine Light

Kiara Windrider
What on Earth is going on? Amid ecological ruin, financial collapse, political breakdowns and
social upheavals around the world, can we look for clear signs of optimism and hope?

It seems clear to me that if something does not radically change on our planet soon, we are
doomed to go the way of the dinosaurs. Whether we go out with a big bang in some sort of
cataclysmic event, or go out with a whimper slowly suffocating in our own wastes, may not
make much of a difference.

Meanwhile, the Mayan calendar, which according to most scholars ends on December 21,
2012, continues to evoke all kinds of speculations. We are not so far away from this date.
Will it come and go with no more impact than one day passing into another? Will the world
suddenly end with a bang in one of several doomsday scenarios? Or could this date
represent a birth passage, an initiation into a deeper planetary consciousness that could
transform our perception of reality as we know it?

If so, then when and how does all this happen?

Amid all the mysteries and controversies surrounding the Mayan calendar, we do know that
it was a predictive calendar going back thousands of years, and that ancient timekeepers set
it up to measure galactic rather than solar cycles.

What is this galactic cycle being measured? Astrophysicist Paul LaViolette coined the
phrase "galactic superwave" to represent a pulse of high-frequency cosmic and gamma ray
particles emanating from the center of our galaxy. This pulse is like a galactic heartbeat,
moving out in concentric waves traveling close to the speed of light, one major pulse every
ten-fifteen thousand years, each one lasting for several hundreds of years.

While LaViolette does not explicitly equate this pulse with the Mayan calendar, I have come
to believe that the end date of the Mayan calendar could well be referring to the next peak of
this galactic superwave moving through our solar system.

Based on geological and mythological records pertaining to earlier cycles of this galactic
superwave, we can predict that the next passage of this wave could have a very significant
impact on our consciousness as well as on the physical body of our planet.

The last impact of this wave was approximately twelve or thirteen thousand years ago,
initiating a chain of circumstances that on a physical level precipitated enormous earth
changes and eventually the sinking of an entire continent known in our mythologies as

This is certainly a scenario that could be repeated this time around. I believe, however, that
collectively we have achieved a state of consciousness where another scenario becomes

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Sri Aurobindo, a highly evolved mystic and Indian freedom fighter, envisioned more than a
hundred years ago the total metamorphosis of the human species in the very near future,
preceded by the signs of apparent chaos that we are seeing all around us.

He referred to the descent of a "supramental light" that would infiltrate our bodies and all
systems on our planet, creating an entirely new species of humanity and transforming the

The cycle of the "yugas" expounded by the great Indian yogi, Sri Yukteswar, may also have
to do with this periodic pulse of the galactic superwave. We are currently at the end of a Kali
Yuga, awaiting the next passage of the galactic superwave to propel us into an imminent
Age of Light.

What are the mechanics of this transformation? Geological records indicate that the most
recent passage of the galactic superwave was associated with a collapsing of Earth's
magnetic field, and perhaps even a polar reversal. In our own time, scientists report that
Earth's magnetic field has experienced a sharp decline within the past 150 years, and
continues to decrease exponentially.

How is this relevant to us? Our thoughts, feelings, memories and identities are held within an
electromagnetic field surrounding our physical bodies that we refer to as the "aura." Our
personal auras are directly linked with Earth's electromagnetic fields.

As Earth's magnetic field continues to collapse, it could create a profound shift in our
consciousness. Most of us experience ourselves as a fixed identity based in the past,
separate from the rest of the universe. This is the fundamental cause of our dualistic
perception of reality and the root of aggression, greed, violence, and fear--all of which could
be changing soon.

Along with the collapse of Earth's magnetic field, scientists are also predicting a quantum
shift in the base harmonic frequency of matter as a result of this incoming superwave. All
matter within our solar system is preparing for a frequency shift. As our bodies start vibrating
to this higher frequency, new programs within our DNA could be activated, allowing us to
anchor the frequencies of our soul--resonantly.

The confluence of these two phenomena--a decrease in Earth's magnetic field accompanied
by an increase in matter's frequency--indicates that we are in the process of dissolving a
personal identity based in separation and duality, while at the same time downloading the
highly potent frequencies of our Higher Dimensional Self into our physical, emotional and
mental bodies. Sri Aurobindo saw that we would soon be living in bodies of "true matter,"
collectively transmuting as a species from the "human human" into the "divine human"
capable of experiencing the full potential of our divine self here on Earth!

Is it possible that the end date of the Mayan calendar represents the first large-scale impact
of the galactic superwave into our solar system, activating a sudden and profound collective
shift unlike anything we have seen before?

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Many of us are already beginning to experience this shift. Our bodies are changing. We are
going through extreme emotional roller coasters as subconscious fears come up for release.
Our safe and familiar world is falling apart. We are literally losing our minds. Our linear flow
of time is giving way to a multidimensional reality where the laws of nature no longer work
the same way, where perceived limitations of time, space, matter and consciousness are
dissolving. We are exploring the edges of what we once thought impossible.

The economic, political and social chaos we are currently experiencing in the outer world is
also part of the process. Systems based in the old paradigm of greed and dominance are
falling away, while new systems and understandings of the universe are evolving which
resonate with the new energies coming in.

New technologies are being discovered to replace our dependence on power companies
and oil. New systems of healing based on subtle energy fields are emerging to complement
the current medical model. And we are discovering new ways to release subconscious fears
and trauma from cellular memory in order to access and embody the multidimensional
consciousness of our galactic selves.

For those on a spiritual journey, we are recognizing that it is not enough to briefly experience
cosmic states of consciousness while leaving the body behind. We are being asked instead
to transform the physical body by embodying this cosmic light into cellular consciousness, a
process which changes our very DNA. Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, we may
well be preparing for the most profound genetic transformation in recent geological history.

This is an intense but exhilarating process, and has been part of my own exploration for
many years. Some years ago, it led me to Deeksha, a hands-on transmission of divine light
originating in India. More recently, and even more profoundly, it has led me to working with a
morphogenetic field of divine light known as Ilahinoor, with roots in the mystery school
traditions of ancient Egypt.

Linked also with "ascended masters" such as Jesus, Babaji and St. Germaine, and with the
multidimensional consciousness of whales and dolphins, Ilahinoor is an ancient and
universal morphogenetic field designed to prepare the physical body for merging with the
lightbody. As the intelligence within the body is linked to higher vibrational fields of the
incoming cosmic light, deep subconscious fears and traumas can be released from cellular
memory, allowing us to express the unified consciousness of our multidimensional self.

My website offers more details about how each of us can easily and profoundly connect with
this morphogenetic field. The time has come where each of us must recognize ourselves as
part of a bigger whole and take responsibility for our part in the collective transformation of
humanity and the Earth.

My new book, Journey into Forever: Surfing into 2012 and Beyond, goes into a more
detailed exploration of these themes.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Kiara Windrider. All Rights Reserved.

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[Kiara Windrider, MA, is a psychotherapist, author, and spiritual teacher. He currently lives in Turkey, and enjoys
traveling worldwide to share the vision of global awakening. He can be reached through his websites, and]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Intron: ostensibly noncoding segment of genes and primary aspect (with transposons) of
"junk" or potential DNA. When transcription enzymes have transcribed a gene, editing
enzymes remove the introns and splice together the known coding segments, called exons.

2. Four Pathways to Oneness

Judith Pennington

The easiest, most exciting adventure in consciousness follows the lamplit guidance of the
still, small voice in each of us. In the quiet of meditation, we listen to our souls and hear what
is most needed in our lives and how best to obtain it. This wise, kindly voice never fails us
and never falters.

There is no substitute for inner listening. But in our travels, these four pathways emerge to
enhance our joy and draw us into Oneness.

See which of these harmonic pathways resonates best with you: thought and word,
self-knowledge, inner peace, or chanting and toning. All work together, as individual notes or
as a chord, to transport us into the beauty and music of higher consciousness--the light and
sound of Universal Mind, or God.

1. The power of thought and word. When our ideal is peace, healing or prosperity, and we
say or do something out of alignment with this, we sense, feel or know it. The discord itself
keeps us on track and guides us back into oneness with ourselves, others, and Spirit. The
great psychic-healer Edgar Cayce, who said that "[t]houghts are crimes or miracles," lovingly
advised everyone to create an ideal by which to live. This is best done in meditation, so that
the soul voice may show us what is needed most. For you, is it peace, joy, self-discipline,
will, oneness, or something else altogether?

If a single word floats up when you ask this question, create with this word an affirmative

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phrase or sentence, then go back into the silence to see if it is good and right for you. When
it is, post your ideal somewhere and, during meditation, use it as a mantra to draw your busy
mind back into the silence. This will build your ideal into your life. When the words of your
ideal no longer have a "shine" or "go dead" for you, you have incorporated this quality and
it's time to return to meditation for a fresh ideal.

Every time you think or speak your ideal, you are physically attuning your body-mind to it, so
be sure it's a spiritual intention that will uplift you! Ideals are blueprints with which we build
our lives, whether we know it or not. If you aren't convinced that your thoughts, words and
emotions influence the physical world around you, you might find these stories very

Some time ago I attended an historic conference in Virginia Beach that featured physicists
and U. S. military personnel at the center of America's research on remote viewing, termed
"anomalous perception" or "anomalous perturbation" (psychic receiving or influencing) by
these methodical thinkers. One of the presenters was the famous remote viewer and artist
Ingo Swann, who reminded us that thoughts, as vibrations, are heard and felt by all sentient
beings, including house plants!

At a party in New York City, Swann met Cleve Baxter, who later authored the classic book,
The Secret Life of Plants, and visited Baxter's home to participate in experiments. Baxter
hooked up lie detector electrodes to the leaves of ordinary house plants, and every time
Swann struck a match, the readout jumped sharply in reaction. After a while, the reactions
stopped and Swann asked why. "The plant knows you're bluffing!" Baxter told him. And so it
did, as illustrated time and again in Baxter's landmark book.

In other experiments, Baxter and Swann took skin scrapings and drops of blood from a man
and put them in a vial hooked up to the same electrodes. The readouts consistently jumped
when the man was poked with a pin, even when he was five blocks away!

That we are all one body and one mind is indisputable. Yet we so easily forget and doubt
how our thoughts and words affect everyone--and everything--else, including our own bodies
and minds.

2. The power of self-knowledge. My still, small voice has said for the past sixteen years
that releasing darkness enables us to attract and hold more light, and recently, DNA
experiments carried out by a Russian scientist proved definitively that this is true. It's
intuitively verifiable as well, and a phenomenon that we can physically feel as it takes place.

Here's how to bypass your ego, which I call a "hero in its own mind," and awaken to what
you need to know about yourself. Every time you find yourself angry, frustrated or in conflict
with someone else, "Stand back and watch yourself go by," as Cayce so vividly advised.
"Know Thyself," emblazoned on the temples of Greek mystery schools, is the key to
conscious evolution. If we do not undertake this journey, we are not really conscious at all.

I was taught this by my meditative writings, and as I traced my discordant words and actions

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back to their source--fear of inadequacy and a crippling lack of self-love--I was able to see
and correct the destructive patterns of behavior that drove me to addictive decisions and
ways of life. I could actually feel my burdens growing lighter, as my pain, sorrow and
yearning gave way to increased amounts of light in my body-mind.

What fascinated me most was the correlation of this "en-lightenment" to sound: with each
stride forward, I could hear my singing voice becoming ever more resonant and beautiful! I
can still hear the difference in my voice, in shifting from one state of consciousness to
another, and especially in singing with other spiritual seekers, wherein everyone's voice
grows more harmonious, resonant, and beautiful. I concluded that the high frequencies of
love bring us into our blossoming, literally and in response to our deepest desires.

3. The power of inner peace. Silent meditation, by building up the divine currents of energy
within us, is a powerful way to heal and transform the body-mind. These currents, containing
the light and sound of God, tune up our bodies through the chakra system, or "wheels of
energy," as Cayce called them. He said (and virtually all medical intuitives have seen) that
these energy centers connect the spiritual dimensions with our endocrine glands, located at
major nerve centers. The chakras, powered-up like frequency transformers with multi-level
circuits, step our energy up or down.

You can feel this happen during meditation, and the longer you meditate, the more sensitive
you become to these subtle energies, which carry us into Oneness. I experience this unity
not only as a sense of love for and connection with others, but also as oneness with my
highest mental clarity, creativity, and intuition. After sixteen years of regular practice, I
emerge from every meditation, brief or lengthy, feeling more centered, grounded and in
attunement with my true self. Going within kindles the divine spark in us so that we may
know and speak the truth of who we are--and, in this, reach out to others in love,
compassion, and service.

A calm, peaceful sense of oneness is critical to our evolution; otherwise, we volley back and
forth from one state of consciousness to another without ever really knowing what is real and
what is not. I experience this shifting consciousness when I don't meditate every day. The
slippage is all too apparent to me, and unfortunately, to others around me as well.

When I do return to meditation, I am amazed at the consistently gentle, loving voice of my

heart, which does not complain when I skip my contemplative time, but waits patiently for me
to return. Recently, while in deep meditation, I heard a quiet little voice say, "I am too
hurried." Upon engaging in a pen-and-paper dialogue with my heart and mind, I learned that
both want and need the restful peace of meditation.

This makes sense, doesn't it? It is in Oneness that both are energized and made more
vibrant and whole. In this blissful state, these three notes organize themselves into a chord
made of the proper co-creative partnership: mind serving heart, heart serving soul, and soul
serving what I call the Divine Harmonic.

4. The power of chanting and toning. To comprehend the potential of sound, we have only

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to read the Hebrew Bible, which tells us how the powerful vibration of trumpets and the beat
of marching feet toppled the walls of Jericho. In modern times, we have seen this same
harmonic phenomenon in a California bridge undulating in resonance with the frequency of
wind blowing all around it. The bridge eventually shattered. Equally unpleasant to many of us
is the deep, rumbling bass of automobile speakers passing by and thumping our beating
hearts into palpitations.

Such "entrainment" sensations can be reversed by a meditative thought, word or rhythmic

sound, all of which will rapidly shift any frequency pattern. People have always used
chanting and toning to evoke altered states of consciousness and heal with the power of

I've recently read, but have not yet verified, that Egyptian hieroglyphics show adepts using
the vibrations of their voices to heal their patients' energy fields. It makes sense intuitively
that if we fully understood the capabilities of frequency and vibration, we would be able to
heal anything.

The racial memory of these abilities, lost through the ages, has been restored to us by
Cayce and others. Researchers reading of Cayce's glimpses into the distant past believe
that the mastery of sound technology is how the Mayans, Aztecs and Egyptians moved
100-ton boulders hundreds of miles and up mountainsides to build megalithic temples and

David Elkington's meticulously researched book, In the Name of the Gods, claims that
Egypt's pyramids were not meant to be burial chambers, but were frequency modulators for
spiritual ascension and for quickening the mummified dead. Like sacred cairns and stone
circles, pyramidal structures amplify the resonance of chanting voices and may have been
used to raise the frequencies of the crystalline human body into harmony with the crystalline
healing frequencies of the Earth. We know today that this frequency, 7.8 hertz, is a
fundamental brain wave frequency of meditation and spontaneous healing by hands-on

Hindus, Buddhists and many Westerners harmonize the body-mind by chanting the familiar
"Om" or singing the word "Hu," the Sufi and Eckankar seed sound for God. The vowel
sounds in these words move energy through the abdominal, cardio-pulmonary and cranial
cavities of the body when we focus on feeling this movement of loving, divine energy, rather
than how we sound to others. The key to chanting and toning is being present.

Here's a powerful chant from ancient Egypt, resurrected in trance by Edgar Cayce and
explained in a little book, Music as the Bridge, published by Cayce's Association of
Research and Enlightenment ( in Virginia Beach. I've asked
people, during my talks and workshops, to sing this chant and always hear beautiful
harmonic overtones that carry the singers into deep meditative states. Cayce said this
particular chant awakens our ability to draw ourselves into the divine and the divine into us.
See if it works for you!

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Surrounding yourself with a sacred circle of love, chant the word ar-ar-r-r--e-e-e--o-
o-o--mmm. Fill your pelvis and navel with this rich, resonant "ar-ar-r-r" (as in ah-r) and with
your whole body sound the "eeeeee" (as in eat) in your solar plexus, moving the breath
upward and directing the "oooooo" (as in oh) to the heart and throat, then the uuuuuu (as in
blue) to the base and center of the brain, and the "mmmmm" (as in room) to the forehead
and frontal lobe of your brain. You will feel this last sound vibrating the very bones of your

If you sit with this chant for a while, you'll feel the currents of spiritual love coursing through
your body-mind, and a river of peace will carry you into the Oneness of perfect love. Share
your peace and healing by visualizing your loved ones and Earth's people basking in joy.

Joy is the natural outcome of these pathways into Oneness, for here we feel the perfection in
all things and know ourselves to be one with the Divine. All pain, loss and sorrow fall away in
this journey toward the Light and Sound of God. In the beautiful music of this illuminated
Oneness, we soar on wings of freedom and joy, at home in our place of true belonging,

Copyright (c) 2008 by Judith Pennington. All Rights Reserved.

[Judith Pennington is an internationally published journalist, author and coast-to-coast teacher of meditation and
mind expansion. A certified EEG consciousness trainer and professional singer, she produces guided meditation
CDs that awaken the mind to the infinite wisdom of the heart and soul. Visit her website at to explore the science of consciousness on the biofeedback meditation page and to read
more articles like this one in her two free online e-publications.]

Did You Know ... that in the words of David Carson and Nina Sammons in 2013 Oracle:
Ancient Keys to the 2012 Awakening, that the "coming world will be as different from our
current one as day is from night"? "Late in the year 2012, manufactured time will end. There
will be a complete shattering of the dark mirrors of time's illusion, revealing dimensions that
will sustain and nourish us. New light will be born and humanity will stand in this new light.
We cannot predict the exact nature of the coming world, because it is beyond any known
principles we can use as guides."

9 of 14 2/23/10 1:24 PM
DNA MONTHLY November 2008

The Adventure of an imaginary lifetime begins. Request your FREE copy of this "mind-bending journey"
(Apex Reviews) today!

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at


3. The Electromagnetic Fields: Our Bioenergy Blueprint

Sol Luckman

The science of muscle testing (kinesiology) employs muscle-response tests to determine

allergies, emotional blockages, and even the truth or falsehood of given statements. Since
its invention in the 1960s, kinesiology has become popular among both alternative and
mainstream healthcare professionals around the world. For the purposes of this article, it is
simply necessary to emphasize that muscle testing, properly utilized, can be a powerful tool
for gathering and evaluating information that has been empirically validated in numerous

My partner Leigh assisted me throughout the development of a powerful technique for DNA
activation called the Regenetics Method. We performed hundreds of hours of muscle
testing--literally tens of thousands of tests--with clients who had come to us suffering from
various chronic ailments. At the time, over six years ago, we were offering a form of
energetic allergy elimination derived from Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique and
an offshoot of NAET called BioSET developed by Ellen Cutler.

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One of our most important realizations about traditional energy clearings such as those used
in NAET and BioSET was that these techniques employ a typically “Western” focus on the
physical--even though the techniques themselves use pure energy! In light of this internal
contradiction, we became interested in the body's energy fields: specifically, the
electromagnetic or auric fields.

The electromagnetic fields can be thought of as an interlocking set of high-frequency "force-

fields," each responsible for the correct functioning of a particular gland, meridian, organ,
emotion, etc. Although I will focus attention on the electromagnetic fields, it should be
remarked that as the chakras align with these fields in order and number, many of the same
observations may also be applied to the chakras. The auric fields, combined with the system
of chakras, form the human bioenergy blueprint that can be envisioned as an
electromagnetic grid--a hologram--of intersecting horizontal and vertical lines of force (see
figure below).

From Book One on the Regenetics Method, Conscious Healing: The Human Bioenergy Blueprint. From the
perspective of quantum biology, the human body is a hologram composed of intersecting lines of
bioenergy. The above figure shows how the vertical, light-processing chakras interface with the
horizontal, sound-generated electromagnetic fields to create the geometric matrix necessary for physical
manifestation. Copyright (c) 2008 by Sol Luckman and Kara Brown. All Rights Reserved.

Many researchers have confirmed the existence of the human bioenergy fields. Kirlian
photography has captured these fields for decades. In the 1980s Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, a
Japanese scientist, developed instrumentation capable of measuring bioluminescent
electromagnetism such as light emitted from the chakras of yoga masters. Valerie Hunt, a
professor at UCLA and author of Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of

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Consciousness, has successfully employed an encephalograph (EEG) machine to register

the auric fields. Dr. Hunt goes so far as to theorize that the mind, rather than residing in the
brain, actually exists in the electromagnetic fields--and that in some as yet poorly understood
way, the latter may be the mind.

The Jewish alchemical science of the Kabala calls the auric fields collectively the nefish,
often described as an iridescent bubble surrounding the body. In their book Future Science,
John White and Stanley Krippner point out that nearly a hundred different cultures refer to
the human aura with nearly a hundred different names. The aura even appears as a halo
around medieval images of Christian saints. One reason Western science has ignored the
aura is that, because of its extremely high (actually higher-dimensional) frequency bands, it
is difficult to quantify.

As our bioenergy blueprint, the electromagnetic fields function as a compendium of all the
data pertinent to our wellbeing. In The Holographic Universe Michael Talbot explains,
"Because an illness can appear in the energy field weeks and even months before it appears
in the body, many … believe that disease ... originates in the energy field. This suggests that
the field is in some way more primary than the physical body."

Naturopath Stephen Lindsteadt, author of The Heart of Health: The Principles of Physical
Health and Vitality, explains that an "interruption or distortion in the range, strength and
coherency of the body's electromagnetic system leads to breakdown in the body's
self-healing mechanisms." Physician Richard Gerber in Vibrational Medicine goes a step
further by arguing that if doctors could find a way to treat the bioenergy field, they would
achieve total healing. Until then, Dr. Gerber contends, many treatments "will not be
permanent because we have not altered the basic [blueprint]."

Similarly, Nataliya Dobrova of the Galaxy Wave Group describes the individual as a
"complex emotional bio-energy information system: a microcosm that reflects a
macrocosm--the universe. All of a person's organs and systems have their own
electromagnetic rhythms. Disharmony in this rhythmic activity signifies disease." Dr. Dobrova
goes on to explain how such an "imbalance is closely connected with structural or functional
problems found in a person's organs or systems. If one can restore the person’s own
rhythmic harmonies to a sick organ, one can restore the proper functions of that organ."

A nearly identical line of thinking informs one of the classics in the field of sound healing,
Jonathan Goldman's Healing Sounds: The Power of Harmonics. Through harmonic
resonance, writes Goldman, "it is possible to restore the natural vibratory frequencies of an
object that may be out of tune or harmony. When an organ or another portion of the body is
vibrating out of tune, we call this 'disease.'"

Such belief in the power of sound to heal the body is echoed by Dr. Leonard Horowitz,
whose research in cymatics (the study of the effects of sound on physical form) in DNA:
Pirates of the Sacred Spiral leads him to emphasize that "harmonic frequencies maintain
health, promote growth and healing, while discordant frequencies produce stress, oxygen
deprivation, acidification, electrochemical imbalances, illness and death."

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From a cymatic or vibratory standpoint, disharmony is disease. The critical concept to grasp
here is that all manifestations of disease, whether "physiological" or "psychological," result
from disruption (in the form of toxicity or trauma) of the primary electromagnetic harmonies
and rhythms contained in the auric fields and corresponding chakras.

These bioenergy centers have an intimate relationship with DNA that gives them direct
regulatory access to all cellular functions. Therefore, if we can "reset" our bioenergy
blueprint through harmonic resonance, we can go directly, and noninvasively, to the root of
disease processes and encourage systemic health from the "ener-genetic" level up.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the bestselling Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method (from which
the above article is adapted) and the critically acclaimed Beginner's Luke Series of novels, editor of DNA Monthly,
and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the Regenetics Method have appeared in
numerous print and online venues, including Well Being Journal, Renaissance, Sedona Journal of Emergence,
Kindred Spirit and Atlantis Rising, and also have been featured in the alternative medicine anthologies Message of
Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind and Heal Yourself with Breath, Light, Sound and Water. Nexus New Times called
Conscious Healing, which was recently translated into its third language, a “paradigm-reworking book” that
introduces a “revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being.” For more information on the
Regenetics Method, visit]

Coming in our January issue ... "Nueva Columna en Español" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol Luckman
and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the author's byline

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DNA MONTHLY November 2008

is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics
Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, offering cutting-edge
educational services and materials designed to activate unity consciousness and actualize human
potential. For information visit***

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Monthly reserves the options 1) to edit any submission for clarity, length, grammar, and spelling; 2) to excerpt
portions of articles; 3) to archive articles electronically; and 4) to reprint popular articles in future ezines. Please
limit submissions to 2,500 words or less.

Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a
bio-spiritual educational resource. The inclusion of articles and other materials in DNA Monthly does not in any
way necessarily denote or imply endorsement of such materials by the editors. The editors assume no
responsibility, legal, medical or otherwise, for the information published as a free information service in their

[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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