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your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

August 2008 (Vol. 4, No. 7)

Breaking News: "Solar Cycle 24 has begun--and it has been predicted by NASA, NOAA
and ESA to be up to 50% stronger than its 'record breaking' predecessor Cycle 23 which
produced the largest solar flare ever recorded. The Sun will reach its 'apex' (maximum) in
late 2011 into 2012. Scientific research along with ancient text documents suggests the
Mayan Calendar ending on December 21st 2012 may very well be connected to solar
activity. Mitch Battros' research shows that charged particles emitted by the Sun in the way
of solar flares, CME's and coronal holes are the cause of extreme earth changes such as
earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and tornadoes. His research also indicates the very
same magnetic flux which affects the Earth, will also affect humans."



1. "How To Navigate the Great Shift in Consciousness," by Fatima Bacot

2. "Predicting the Future Is an Inside Job," by Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich

3. "The Game of Life," by Jed Shlackman

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. How To Navigate the Great Shift in Consciousness

Fatima Bacot

We are living during extraordinary times. The air is rife with possibility and consciousness is
exploding. Everyday people are waking up as if from a deep, deep sleep, questioning to
what values and systems they have given their power, energy, and attention--and wondering
what lies beyond their present reality. Wondering if perhaps there is something "more"
beyond what we are being told or have been taught ...

Interestingly, I was re-visiting Carlos Castaneda's writings recently ... Castaneda was an
American anthropologist who met a powerful shaman--or medicine man--called Don Juan
Matus in 1960 while conducting anthropological field work along the US-Mexico border. He
subsequently became Don Juan's pupil and later went on to write a number of bestselling 26-6-2010
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books based on Don Juan's teachings that have since been translated into seventeen
languages. Under the tutelage of Don Juan, Castaneda learned about Three Forms of

The First Attention is culturally conditioned and confined to the world of our five senses. The
Second Attention orders the world of the unknown--that is, that which is beyond the
limitations of our five senses. The Third Attention integrates the first two, empowering us to
access that which is otherwise unknowable. Reviewing these teachings, it struck me how
relevant such definitions were with respect to Transformation and the growing quest for
Freedom these days.

If we are paying attention, it is very easy to see that we are living during transformational,
exhilarating times. Floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and weather pattern
reversals are escalating; prescriptions for anti-depressants are at an all-time high; and long-
term drought, water shortages, pollution and species extinction are all too common. The
sun, too, is demonstrating all manner of unusual activity, affecting not only weather, but also
human behavioral patterns.

Yes, the Energies of Transformation are intense at this time. And amid the chaos and
mismanagement of our resources, the Earth and each other, the US$70B worldwide
Personal Development Industry is growing exponentially. Interest grows daily in mysticism,
alternative healing, personal development, corporate spirituality, prosperity consciousness,
angels, crop circles, and sacred sites.

Indigenous peoples such as the Hopis, Aztecs, Maoris and Incas, ancient calendars of the
Mayas, Egyptians, Tibetans and Hindus, and leading-edge visionaries and mystics, all say
we are moving towards an end-time in or around 2012. This is truly the end of the world as
we know it. It is insisted that we have the potential to move into a Golden Age of
multidimensional consciousness, if we so choose, one well beyond the limitations of our
current, dominant First Attention focus. This is a time filled with possibility.

Correspondingly, we are in the midst of a major housecleaning of all the thoughts, emotions
and identities that have limited us. We are required to let go of that which no longer serves
us or the evolutionary dynamic. We are quite literally witnesses and participants in the
crossing from an old order into a new one. We are part of the new Emerging
Consciousness, and the signs are everywhere.

Quantum physicists are making major contributions at this time, telling us that the subatomic
energy fields which surround us respond to our feelings, thoughts, and focus. Moreover,
numerous possible realities exist in any one moment. This is exhilarating information! It
means that we contain, within us, immense power to become conscious, deliberate
Architects of Reality.

Russian DNA researchers have discovered that DNA not only constructs our bodies, but
actually follows the syntax, semantics and rules of all human language. By using the correct
language, thoughts and emotions, we can affect DNA waves and therefore genetic data
itself. These findings have been corroborated at the Institute of HeartMath, where tests
revealed that DNA strands changed shape according to the feelings of the researchers.

Energy healers worldwide talk about activating DNA. Many say we are moving away from
being only two-DNA-stranded human beings--obsessed with survival and accumulation of
material goods--into multidimensional beings of limitless expression. In a nutshell, we are
powerful. Our thoughts and feelings have documentable effects on the subatomic world,
including our DNA. Whether we have two DNA strands or twelve or more (as some say),
and whether we understand the subatomic world, each of us can alter reality--radically, if we 26-6-2010
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choose--by changing our focus, thoughts, and emotions.

Scientists are also saying that although 400 billion bits of information per second are carried
through frequencies around us, our brains are decoding only 2,000 bits. We perceive with
our senses only a fraction (less than one percent) of that which is available to be perceived
and experienced. To me, this indicates that we have been boxed into the world of First

So how do we move into Third Attention? How do we navigate the current changes--and the
larger ones yet to come as systems and infrastructures alter--and embrace the potential of
2012? How do we decode more than just 2,000 bits per second so that we can choose our
thoughts wisely and create realities for our highest good and the highest good of others?
Here are seven important keys:

1. Take total personal responsibility. Playing the victim in any area of life leads to abdication
and powerlessness. You create reality. Your reality is the perfect, exact mirror of your
thoughts and what you consistently focus on.

2. Ask yourself key questions. "Why have I drawn this circumstance? What can I learn from
it? What do I need to change about myself?" In so doing, you exit the "2,000-bits-box" and
tap into the multidimensional potential of the other 400 billion bits per second, or the realm of
Third Attention.

3. Be fully conscious of your focus. Eight percent of our self-talk is negative! Stop what you
are doing often and check in with yourself. Change your focus if need be.

4. Learn to maintain sustained focus and cultivate the Presence that exists in the Now.
Scientists also tell us that we are able to sustain focus for only six-eight seconds per minute.
We lose focus up to ten times per minute. This is definitely a scatter-gun approach to
creating reality! Spend time each day focusing consistently on being present so that all your
decisions and actions come from a clear space, and so that you can masterfully focus on a
result or feeling you would like to have more of.

5. Learn how to generate feelings of appreciation, gratitude, ecstasy, joy and happiness at
will. These are very powerful states and have corresponding effects on your DNA, the
subatomic field, and--therefore--your reality. Regularly bring to mind memories or people or
circumstances that induce those particular feelings. Hold the feelings, then focus on what
you want to experience.

6. Take consistent action in the form of books, CDs, seminars, coaching, healing,
affirmation, meditation and visualization to reprogram what may be a mindset based on
limitation. Learn to find your Center. Operate and create reality from your Center.

7. Finally, get out of the way and allow the Universe to move the chess pieces around ...
Often, we set intentions in motion, then with our doubts we sabotage the process.
Remember: doubts create reality, too--if not exactly the reality we want!

This is an exciting time to be present on Earth, a time long-prophesied and -anticipated. The
power is truly within you as to how you experience this moment's potential. Choose wisely!
Every thought you think, every emotion you feel is creating your reality. Right here, right

Copyright (c) 2008 by Fatima Bacot. All Rights Reserved.

[Fatima Bacot is a futurist dedicated to personal and planetary transformation and peace. She has been 26-6-2010
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involved in personal and spiritual development for twenty-five years and believes that we are at a critical time
in our evolutionary journey, with humanity in the driver’s seat as to the realities we will collectively choose to
create. She is passionately committed to the acceleration of a "critical mass" focused on the co-creation of
universal peace. She contributes to this process as a mentor, speaker, channel, healer, and presenter.
Currently, she lives in Australia. Please visit for more information about her
programs and services.]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Galactic Center: astrophysical name for Source or the Logos located between the Black
Hole and White Hole at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Also called the Black Sun and
Healing Sun.

The Adventure of an imaginary lifetime begins. Request your FREE copy today! 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY August 2008 Page 5 of 12

"A mind-bending journey through the mind of the ultimate iconoclast." –Apex Reviews

2. Predicting the Future Is an Inside Job

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich

"We still have very few answers to the big questions ... The more knowledge we accumulate, the less we know.
Gaining knowledge is like chopping down a forest from the inside out. The more we know, the bigger the circle
of the unknown becomes. If we keep going at this rate, in another thirty years we'll be totally clueless." --Edgar

With these words, Edgar Mitchell, sixth astronaut to walk on the moon and founder of the
Institute of Noetic Sciences, answered the question, "Where do you think we will be in thirty
years if we keep going the way we are going right now?" His response, in a nutshell, is that
we will know that we know nothing.

While this might sound quite humble, Mitchell means something entirely different. What he
means is that we are slowly creeping (if sometimes leaping) to the understanding that we
create each moment of our lives and that there is no thing to know "in advance." In other
words, there is no future "out there" except the one that we create in each moment.

The future is usually defined as that which has not yet occurred with respect to the past (that
which has already occurred) or the present (that which is occurring right now). This definition
includes a belief in the concept that time is a concrete dimension that is not malleable or
given to manipulation by the forces of human consciousness. Hence, to be able to say that
something that has not occurred WILL occur is predicated on a conviction that what is
occurring in the present will remain the same and thus lead to the future forecast.

A prediction is usually defined as an informed guess or opinion. The use of the word
"informed" here suggests that the predictor has the ability to base his or her opinion on
some knowledge that is concrete and founded on some type of rigorous informational
input. There are few prophets or paranormal readers who have the humility to state that
their predictions relative to future events are actually based on the fact that conditions must
remain as they are at present for the prediction to come true.

Quantum physics--as well as the philosophy of metaphysics--points out in an increasingly

clear manner that time is an illusory dimension based on our revolution around our
sun. Given a different orbital gravitational body controlling the revolutions of the earth, our
experience of time would be indeed quite different. Perhaps time might not even exist.

Since we need a spatial equivalent to create the need for time, our concept of the future and
what might come of it is rooted in what we are experiencing right now, based on what we
have experienced in what we call the past. Since the human brain always looks for the
familiar with which to cast its next prediction, the brain/mind complex surmises that the
future will be somewhat like what has been experienced in the past--without, generally,
allowing room for anomalies or "supernatural" events.

Humankind's limited viewpoint of linear time has caused much of the chaos experienced by
earth's populations. The basis of quantum physics is nonlocality, in which no system is
independent from all other systems. If this is true, and it appears to be, then every system in
operation affects every other system in some way. Hence, the future is in the making in each
instant based on interactions being created in each instant. Therefore, it is technically
impossible to predict the future--although it is possible to present possibilities and/or
probabilities given what is happening in the present. 26-6-2010
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This discussion naturally comes full-circle back the increasingly widespread notion that our
consciousness creats that which it wishes to experience in each moment. The catch to this
natural form of "active manifesting" is that most people create from past experiences, some
of which were not necessarily comfortable or joyous. What can we do about this
situation? How can we change the memory of what we have experienced and, thus, create a
totally new future more to our liking?

Are you open to believing that you can change the past? It is important to consider this
possibility because you truly can, and must, if you desire the future to be the joyous, loving
perfection that you wish to live. It is imperative that any negative memory you have be
transformed into the ideal situation or experience if you are to change the wavelength of
your frequency and, by doing so, usher in a new set of vibrations that is ... you!

The future you desire requires coherency in your frequency. This does not mean that you
need to actually "enter" the past. It simply means that you must create a new way of
remembering that which you call the experiences you have already lived. Since we typically
anticipate what is coming based on what has been experienced, changing the nature of our
memories automatically changes future events. Nothing exists until we observe (live) it. Any
experience is only a potential in the Zero Point Energy Field awaiting activation--which
always occurs through choice. There is absolutely no limit to that which we can manifest
through choice.

We, and only we, decide what we remember, how we perceive our memories, and what we
experience. The trick is to let go of negative expectations that have become a habit (worry).
Our subliminal belief that by obsessively thinking about "negative" past experiences we can
somehow allay them is form of self-imposed mental abuse, without benefit. In place of this
mental abuse, we are invited to create what we wish to experience, hold it in our heart-
consciousness, and KNOW that, since we are inherently creators, we have set in motion
exactly that which we wish to add to our list of earthly experiences.

Since the present moment contains the energy of the future, it is the perfect--indeed, the
only--place and time to begin future creation.

If it is necessary to change a past event to know that the future will be different, reassign
new memories to the past. Look at what happened and ask yourself why it happened the
way it did. Ask what you could have done differently and see yourself doing exactly what
would have contributed to a different result. Do this enough that you can actually feel a
change in the memory. The chemical reactions in your body are now shifting and assisting
you in recreating a feeling that will align with your desires for the future.

This is an example of the Law of Attraction at work, and clearly shows that predicting the
future is an inside job!
Copyright (c) 2008 by Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich. All Rights Reserved.

[Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Ph.D., is the owner of Sacred Spaces in the beautiful San Juan Islands off
the coast of Washington State where she conducts personal sessions, retreats and etheric readings for those
drawn to the authentic Self. She is author of The Call--Awakening the Angelic Human and creator of its
accompanying CD, DNA Re-Awakening. For more information please see her websites: and]

Did You Know ... Earth's movement through a denser area of what has been called the
Photon Band directly aligned with Galactic Center began around the time of the so-called
Harmonic Convergence in 1987, will enter into a historical astronomical alignment around
2012, and will be complete (from our present linear perspective) by about 2016? Over the
course of the past two decades, major Earth, planetary and solar changes--from 26-6-2010
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unprecedented alterations in planetary atmospheres to drastic surges in volcanic and

earthquake activity--have been observed. Arguably of greatest significance from our
perspective is that the sun is now moving into alignment with Galactic Center. During this
transit the sun's magnetic field has vastly increased and there have been wildly elevated
levels of sunspot activity (as reported by NASA and other space agencies) that have
transmitted record-breaking waves of energy to Earth and, thus, to us. Could there be a
relationship between such activity and DNA? And could such "ener-genetic" stimulation be
related to the notable increase in human consciousness?

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at

3. The Game of Life

Jed Shlackman

The Paradox Of Perspective

Any particular reality can be experienced and observed from countless different
perspectives. These perspectives represent points of awareness with their own experiential
context. Each perspective and experience is useful and meaningful and all co-exist
synchronistically within the One Source to generate the fulfillment of existence.

These different perspectives are all appropriate within themselves to facilitate the
experiences needed by consciousness. Some are more primitive and imbalanced than
others, yet that is a valid and purposeful part of the expression of Infinite Self imagining its
own evolution.

s the human perspective more expansive than that of a cockroach or a patch of mold? The
roach and the mold would not be engaged in the philosophical dialogue necessary to ponder
such a question, so I will take a brave guess and conclude that humans are more self-aware
(and more aware of Self) than the spiritual expressions operating through simpler biological
vehicles. Yet, there is nothing "wrong" with the level of awareness of insects and fungi. That
fungi might really seem like a "fun guy" if you were a natural "decomposer" living in the
same environment.

One individual's pleasure may be another's pain and suffering. At this physical level of
reality, experience is largely guided by polarized programs operating in one's
consciousness. This includes genetic and biological programs, such as those that generate
fear when safety or security are threatened, hunger when the body needs nourishment,
passion and arousal when the mating instinct is activated, and more.

Soul memory and social and cultural beliefs are also filters for experience. Beliefs about life
roles, justice, freedom, religion, gender, relationships and other aspects of human existence
operate within our minds to shape our experience. By partaking of all these experiences and
experiencing the results of these patterns of consciousness, we evolve toward a greater
understanding of creation and a greater ability to generate balance and harmony within our
environment and our selves. "Self" cannot be fully understood and appreciated without an
experience of "other" in relationships with self.

One thing we can recognize as we interact with others is that each individual has a unique 26-6-2010
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personal memory record of his or her experiences. This recorded history of experiences
informs the individual's perspective, from which it is logically concluded that no two
individuals can share exactly the same perspective on life. Despite this obvious fact, we
often mistakenly assume a shared context of experience or shared perspective when we
interact with people. Likewise, people often experience unease with persons who have a
starkly different perspective from their own.

Examples might include something as important as assuming that others share one's
political or religious beliefs, or something comparatively mundane such as assuming that
someone has been exposed to the same music, TV shows, films, foods, stores, or other
aspects of one's cultural environment. The tendency to expect similarity of perspectives
exists for convenience, just as we place things in our environment into categories for
convenience and develop prejudices as a type of convenience for our mind to make quick
judgments when responding to the environments we encounter.

It is possible to enhance our awareness of self and others by deliberately halting our
assumptions and seeking to learn about the actual perspectives of those with whom we
interact. To do so requires identifying more with our higher selves than with our animal
instincts and human personae. Spirit is curious and desires to learn, while the animal
organism and ego often seek to preserve themselves from real or imagined fears.

It's All Good vs. It's All God

The imbalances perceived in the human realm of existence are inevitable projections of
polarized consciousness experiencing external reflections of these patterns of
consciousness in order to grow, learn and evolve toward greater balance, integration, and
wholeness. Therefore, as we become more aware, we can become more appreciative and
accepting of all that exists, recognizing that all the distortion and dysfunction in the world
facilitates a learning process in which spirits can more fully understand and appreciate
balance and harmony.

In human lingo people sometimes say, "It's all good." It would be even more accurate to
change that phrase to, "It's all God," with an understanding of God as the sum and essence
of all that exists. The word "good" has been used by humans to refer to that which they find
positive or desirable, a concept which has been distorted to be associated with the concept
of that which the Creator approves of. People want to be "on God's side," so they label what
they value as good to indicate it is what they believe God would like.

It is also believed by many that God has an enemy, some "dark force" that wishes to subvert
the Creator. So people associate God with the light polarity and refer to a personification of
the dark polarity as "the Devil" or "Satan." Yet, both polarities are part of the One Source--
actually, they are vibratory illusions generated within the One in order that experience may
occur. Light represents our openness to the flow of Source energy and darkness represents
resistance to the energy stemming from Oneness.

Freedom is the underlying principle that allows any focus of consciousness to choose how it
uses and responds to energy. Freedom allows for experience, learning, and evolution. Since
people have created the conceptual polarities of good and bad, "bad" is part of God's
Creation as well, since God is all there is. It's just our subjective viewpoint that something is
bad. If it exists, then it has value and purpose. That value could be an opportunity to help
one recognize the implications of thoughts or actions, to help another develop more
balanced intentions, or any number of other possible learning opportunities.

Observation of human experience can quickly illustrate how "dark" and "light" need one
another to provide a medium for experience and greater understanding of and appreciation 26-6-2010
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of Self. When seemingly "tragic" events occur (usually involving "death," which seems cruel
and unfair to those attached to the illusory physical identity), people are often motivated to
change their focus in life. This often leads to altruistic ventures or efforts to create change or
progress in society. During wars many people get to aid wounded persons and care for
those affected by loss and separation. Meanwhile, people who desire a more harmonious
world get to voice their desire for peace.

In Florida, where I currently reside, a man whose child was kidnapped and murdered went
on to become an advocate for enlisting cooperation between media, law enforcement and
citizens in capturing persons suspected of carrying out serious crimes. The TV show
"America's Most Wanted" arose from John Walsh's experience of losing his son Adam.
Similarly, people who have been affected by drunk drivers, environmental pollution and
sexual violence are examples of those who have become involved in educating the public to
help others avoid encountering the trauma and injuries that they and their loved ones have
gone through.

One metaphor to help elucidate the polarized dynamic I am describing is that without
darkness there is nowhere for light to shine. The darkness exists so long as the related
experiences are needed by those expressions of consciousness that have intended to
participate in exploring such potentials of existence. All involved in these types of issues and
circumstances have at some higher level chosen to co-create the drama ... Otherwise, the
drama could not exist! So all is One and you can appreciate even those who seem vile and
totally contrary to your values, for they have conspired with you as sparks of the Infinite to
create that which you are experiencing.

All existence is ultimately synchronistic, and this is related to how the process of creation
occurs. Think of creation as a feedback and information processing system. Any change in
input and information within the system will generate a shift in the system. In a system
where separation is actually an illusion and all is One, then the process of movement and
change within the system has to be synchronistic. If time is ultimately an illusion (as many
physicists have recognized and consciousness research corroborates), then linear cause-
effect associations must also be illusory.

This is a difficult concept to accept for any science that only examines the surface of reality.
Time and space exist on the surface of vibrational existence and are observed from within
the level of illusion where they appear to exist. From within that context, it cannot be directly
demonstrated that time and space are just illusions generated to provide a medium for
certain types of experience.

If your radio is only designed to tune in to FM frequencies, then you have no way of knowing
or demonstrating that AM stations exist. Science is often trapped in a similar dilemma, in
that it operates within a reality that is an illusory creation of deeper layers of reality that are
psycho-energetic (founded on conscious energy) in nature and cannot be measured by
material devices.

Synchronicity & Virtual Reality

Synchronicity is a concept that is difficult for many to comprehend. In Western society, it

became popularized by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a student of metaphysical topics
whose ideas became widely explored in the midst of the "hippie" era and rise of the "new
age" movement. Even a platinum selling rock music album promoted this term, as the album
Synchronicity by The Police brought Sting and his two band mates international success.

The idea of synchronicity posits that there are truly no coincidences. Nothing is actually
random and everything is meaningful. In an article about synchronicity, Val Valerian shares 26-6-2010
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the following quote about synchronicity (source unknown): "Synchronicity is the conscious
perception in a physiological time track of the simultaneous manifestation of the
multidimensional universe. It is the conscious recognition that all events, objects,
relationships, points of view, perceptions and interactions are ONE thing viewed from
different perspectives."

Virtual Reality of Existence

Imagine playing a computer game where something pleasant and rewarding happens with
everything you do, no matter what. That game would get pretty dull and tiresome quickly
because it would provide no challenge or learning system. Meanwhile, a game with all kinds
of hazards and challenges is engrossing and helps the game player refine skills needed to
achieve progress.

We, as aspects of Source, are playing a game at a certain level of existence. A higher
intention generated the game and patterns of spirit were drawn to participate due to their
intentions for experience and growth and desire to understand and experience the essence
of and union with the Ultimate Source.

Just as in the virtual world of a computer game, an entity controlling a character or

characters in the game exists beyond the game and can't be truly harmed or destroyed by
anything that happens in the game. Similarly, the game and all the potential experiences
existing within its matrix or field of probabilities can be played over and over until there is
nothing left to master. Additionally, the entire game and all experiences involved are "stored"
in universal memory. In this context, memory does not refer merely to recollections of an
apparent past, but rather includes all patterns of experienced realities.

There is a paradoxical quality to this game, as the creative process is interactive, nonlocal,
and nonlinear. While we are immersed in the game, everything seems linear and sequential.
Simultaneously, Source is aware of the full spectrum of experiences in the past, present and
future of the temporal game player. For the player immersed in the game, the future doesn't
exist and varies according to choices made within the game. Yet, from a higher perspective,
the future already exists because it is part of the intrinsic matrix of potentials that becomes
"real-ized" when interacted with.

All experience is imaginary from the perspective of the awareness that is detached from the
experience, while it is made real by the awareness immersed in experience. In altered states
of consciousness, an individual may interact with information and energies from either the
past or the future because at the deeper level of reality all awareness is simultaneous and

When someone gets a precognitive psychic impression, s/he is tuning in to vibrational

information concerning experiential potential that is in close vibrational proximity to the
individual present in this reality. The thoughts, choices and energies generated by the
individual and others will shape whether or not the prophetic details will actually be
experienced within linear time.

Clearly, without an experiential layer of reality, all that could exist would be purely
imagination. It is the realm of experience that actualizes reality, so to speak. By using one's
consciousness to bridge the world of the game and the world outside the game, or the self
and higher self, it is possible to facilitate tremendous transformative effects, including
miraculous healings and dramatic life shifts.

Copyright (c) 2008 by Jed Shlackman. All Rights Reserved. 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY August 2008 Page 11 of 12

[Jed Shlackman holds a B.A. in Psychology and an M.S.Ed. in School Counseling and is a Licensed Mental
Health Counselor. His offerings in the field of health and wellness include counseling, hypnosis, past-life
regression, Neuromodulation Technique, HeartMath Heart Coherence Biofeedback, holistic health and intuitive
consultation, and the Regenetics Method of DNA activation. The foregoing article is adapted from Jed's book
Consciousness, Creation, and Existence: A Guide to the Grand Adventure. For more information visit and]

Coming in our September issue ... "2012: Exopolitics, Global Transformation &
Personal Empowerment" & so much more!

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit***

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Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
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[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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