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DNA MONTHLY April 2007 Page 1 of 12

your FREE online resource for cutting-edge news about who you truly are

April 2007 (Vol. 3, No. 4)

Notable & Quotable: "A divine life in a divine body is the formula of the idea that we
envisage. But what will be the divine body? What will be the nature of this body, its structure,
the principle of its activity, the perfection that distinguishes it from the limited and imperfect
physicality within which we are now bound? What will be the conditions and operations of its
life, still physical in its base upon the earth, by which it can be known as divine?

"If it is to be the product of an evolution, and it is so that we must envisage it, an evolution
out of our human imperfection and ignorance into a greater truth of spirit and nature, by what
process or stages can it grow into manifestation or rapidly arrive? The process of the
evolution upon earth has been slow and tardy--what principle must intervene if there is to be
a transformation, a progressive or sudden change?

"It is indeed as a result of our evolution that we arrive at the possibility of this transformation.
As Nature has evolved beyond Matter and manifested Life, beyond Life and manifested
Mind, so she must evolve beyond Mind and manifest a consciousness and power of our
existence free from the imperfection and limitation of our mental existence, a supramental or
truth-consciousness, and able to develop the power and perfection of the spirit. Here a slow
and tardy change need no longer be the law or manner of our evolution; it will be only so to
a greater or lesser extent so long as a mental ignorance clings and hampers our ascent; but
once we have grown into the truth-consciousness its power of spiritual truth of being will
determine all. Into that truth we shall be freed and it will transform mind and life and body."

Sri Aurobindo


1. Review of Michael Murphy's The Future of the Body, by Brandon Peele

2. "An Archetype of Transformation," by Jenifer Ransom

3. "An Integrated Path to Biospiritual Transformation," by Sol Luckman

Also, Also ... DNA-related Definition of the Month & Did You Know?

1. Review of Michael Murphy's The Future of the Body 26-6-2010
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Brandon Peele

Michael Murphy, Founder of The Esalen Institute, a storied organization that cultivated many
of the great minds of the '60s and the human potential revolution of the '70s, put together the
Institute's research on a wide variety of disciplines in The Future of the Body. This collection
spans studies of physiology, philosophy, psychology, anthropology and religion, looking
deeply into the question, What is possible? The logic being that if one human can attain
remarkable feats in a particular realm, given the plasticity of the human mind and body, we
all can if we apply the same diligence. Moreover, the book takes an evolutionary perspective
of humanity, such that we begin to see humanity not just as begetting and dying, but rather
more like software releases. Each version (generation) makes improvements in
consciousness, integrity, and ability.

What I found most useful in this book was the painstaking detail and diligence of the
research. Up until now, I only had an intuition that anything is possible, as evidenced by the
lackluster beginnings of groundbreaking individuals such as Michael Jordan, Albert Einstein,
Andrew Carnegie, Bill Clinton and Ken Wilber. When I was loaned this book by my friend, a
longtime spiritual seeker and devotee of Aurobindo's Integral Yoga, I knew that I was meant
to read it. And now I know why. The Future of the Body is the skeptic's bridge into higher
consciousness, human potential, and transformation.

Although I remain skeptical of all unsubstantiated claims, I now have a wealth of data from
which to draw upon when communicating my understanding of human potential. Amazing
feats such as those of Japanese ninjas, able to traverse 300 miles in three days over
mountains, or documented mind-over-body phenomena such stigmata, telekinesis,
telepathy, and levitation. Or how people with multiple personality disorders do not
experience their allergies when a certain personality is in control. Or how medical science,
belied by the five senses and verifiable diagnostics, have been unable to account for
spontaneous healing, death, and knowledge transfer.

While each of these phenomena can be disputed individually, taken as a whole, a distinct
appreciation for the plasticity of the human emerges and the realm of possibility indeed
appears infinite. The 800 pages of research, when synthesized and looked at as a story of
both individual humans and humanity, posits that the average human is achieving only a
fraction of his/her potential. It's sort of like we were all given Ferraris for our birthday, but all
we ve managed to figure out is how to check our hair in the side mirror.

Murphy doesn't leave the reader with just the data, but also presents a way in which we can
achieve our full potential, learn to put that Ferrari in gear and open it up on the freeway. He
explores the variety of transformative practices that have been used to cultivate these great
abilities and achieve these amazing feats, looking at areas spanning visualization,
meditation, energy awareness training, sensory deprivation, psychotherapies, somatic
disciplines, athletic training regimes, and fields of philosophical inquiry.

The main insight that this effort produces, which may be common knowledge to some, is
that of the Integral Transformative Practice (ITP). The analogy that describes this practice
best is that of the cross-trainer. We can achieve x% performance increases as a freestyle
sprinter; however, as documented performance research has shown, we can achieve gains
of x+% when we practice not only freestyle, but butterfly, back and breast strokes. As Ken
Wilber has further refined, an Integral Practice incorporates exercises which touch on the
four main avenues of human development: Cognitive (creative pursuits, reading, writing,
etc.), Kinesthetic (aerobic, anaerobic, flexibility, balance, coordination training),
Psychodynamic (psychotherapy, Gestalt therapy, dream journals) and Contemplative
(meditation, prayer, etc.). These can be loosely interpreted as Mind, Body, Soul, and Spirit. 26-6-2010
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Stanford Medical School is doing research on ITP and preliminary findings suggest it is an
unparalleled means of advancing any human's development. The theory is that, like a
machine, a human is bound by constraints and bottlenecks and that development in any one
line is constrained by development in seemingly unrelated lines. For example, meditation
can lower resting heart rate, cultivate a sense of spiritual connection, improve focus on the
playing field, attune a brain to deep thinking, etc.

Aikido, meditation, Integral Transformative Practice and Kata are the highlighted practices
which seem to cultivate the whole human, not just the main area usually seen to benefit from
the practice. If you are serious about your own growth and development and have an as yet
disintegral set of practices, you might want to shore up your weaknesses so that you can
catapult your development in your main field of endeavor, whatever it may be.

I recommend this book to skeptics as a transformative life-changing work, to mystics as a

resource to avoid sounding crazy, and to every human interested in self-improvement.

[Brandon Peele writes on philosophy, spirituality, psychology and economics on his blog at He has also launched three other initiatives related to transformation:, and]

DNA-related Definition of the Month

Subtle Body: one of five energy bodies in humans denominated physical, mental,
emotional, spiritual, and soul. The first four of these are sometimes called the "lesser
bodies." The Regenetics Method proposes that biospiritual transformation occurs as a result
of integrating these bodies into a single gestalt called the Unified Consciousness Field.

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2. An Archetype of Transformation

Jenifer Ransom
"Then take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind …" --Bob Dylan, "Mr. Tambourine Man"

In numerology, the number five represents the energy of adventure, freedom and change,
and the fifth chapter of Alice in Wonderland is rich in the symbolism of far-reaching
transformation. It is said that God must be a mathematician; He may also be a numerologist,
and just may be symbolized by the Caterpillar, cozily ensconced on a mushroom, smoking
his hookah and lording it over those who, like Alice, are seeking answers. He, too, seeks
one: "You! Who are you?" In this, he may represent consciousness itself, which is
continually asking us to define our identity. A change in consciousness may require a period
of land-locked, fuzzy caterpillar-creeping, followed by sequestering in a chrysalis, before
taking flight as the "butterfly" of a new and glorious manifestation.

The Caterpillar takes a cavalier attitude toward Alice's perception that such a transformation
is "strange," implying that he's accustomed to it. Of course, normal caterpillars go through
this only once. Marc Edmund Jones, in his Studies in Alice (
sees the Caterpillar as symbolizing the inner self: "The real or inner self is symbolized by the
worm … Observe the development of the primal streak or wormlike beginning of
differentiation in the embryo. … The convenient symbolism of the inner self is further borne 26-6-2010
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out in the fact that the true butterfly does not eat, but exists through the whole span of its
existence, aerially or spiritually or in beauty, on the vitality it has stored up in the worm

This also applies to the metaphor of the butterfly as the fulfillment of an idea that has
undergone incubation and is then realized in form, living on the power that has built up
around its "inner self" in the womb of thought, through the time of gestation. Jones goes on
to address the symbolism of the mushroom seat, pointing out that the endocrine glands are
the "mushrooms" of the body because they are symbionts that exert much power in relation
to their environment. "That a caterpillar should be seated on a mushroom is itself a
remarkable bit of inspirational imagining, and that one side of this mushroom should cause
Alice to grow and that the other should reduce her in stature is so perfect a picture of the
functioning of the anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary body as to make Alice in
Wonderland forever immortal as an achievement in symbolism. Growth and its lack,
especially in stature … is controlled entirely by these two lobes in counterbalance."

The Caterpillar's mushroom seat and hookah-smoking have often been taken to be one of
the indications that the Alice books were inspired by some kind of hallucinogenic drug--or at
least, that Lewis Carroll was familiar with them. Although it is highly unlikely that he ever
used these substances, Carroll was an inveterate reader and explorer of many areas of life,
especially the occult (he owned a copy of Stimulants and Narcotics [1864] by the English
toxicologist Francis Anstie,) and it is possible that he had some knowledge of them. Even if
so, it is doubtful the subject held much personal interest for him, since he was quite
conservative, even ascetic, in his habits, although progressive in his thought. Migraines and
temporal lobe epilepsy have been suggested as contributing to his unusual imagination, but
here, too, the facts are inconclusive. In any case, he demonstrated a superb, wide-ranging
imagination throughout his life, as well as a highly developed spiritual awareness that went
far beyond the dogma of his church.

Although psychedelic experiences are often facilitated by psychoactive drugs, they are not
required. The word "psychedelic" means "mind-manifesting," and the psychedelic
experience, as noted in Wikipedia, is "characterized by the perception of aspects of one's
mind previously unknown, or by the creative exuberance of the mind liberated from its
ordinary fetters." In this broader sense, Alice in Wonderland can be seen as psychedelic
literature, and Tenniel's tableau of the Caterpillar sitting on the mushroom smoking a
hookah, with Alice peeking up at him just behind the mushroom, is a powerful archetype of

The hookah may be the most arresting aspect of that tableau. After all, what is that
Caterpillar smoking? Continues Jones: "The hookah, an arrangement to pass smoke
through water, is an added touch of unwitting genius, for the endocrines alone make
possible the entrance of spirit or smoke into sensation or water." Natives of aboriginal
cultures, including American Indians, have long used tobacco to connect to the divine realm
and the Great Spirit. Anthropologist Jeremy Narby set out to discover how, out of the many
thousands of plants growing in the Amazon rainforest, the natives had learned which of
them had medicinal properties and how best to combine them. He was told the information
came from the shamans when in altered states of consciousness.

In The Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge, Narby explores the shamans'
use of high-nicotine native tobacco and other, ingestible plant substances such as
ayahuasca and psychoactive mushrooms. In altered states of consciousness, medicine men
can "take their consciousness down to the molecular level and gain access to information
related to DNA, which they call 'animate essences' or 'spirits.' This is where they see double
helixes, twisted ladders, and chromosome shapes. This is how shamanic cultures have
known for millennia that the vital principle is the same for all living beings and is shaped like 26-6-2010
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two entwined serpents (or vines, ropes, ladders). DNA is the source of their astonishing
botanical and medicinal knowledge, which can be attained only in defocalized and
'nonrational' states of consciousness, though its results are empirically verifiable."

Narby hypothesized that properties of nicotine or the psychoactive plants used by shamans
"activate their respective receptors, which sets off a cascade of electrochemical reactions
inside the neurons, leading to the stimulation of DNA and, more particularly, to its emission
of visible waves, which shamans perceive as 'hallucinations' … There, I thought, is the
source of knowledge: DNA, living in water and emitting photons, like an aquatic dragon
spitting fire." He theorizes that photons are visible as light signals that communicate
information from the DNA cell to cell. Scientists do not know the function of ninety-eight
percent of our DNA, which they term "junk" DNA. Narby suggests we call it "mystery DNA,"
and theorizes that our collective DNA is interconnected and in constant communication.

The information the Amazonian shamans received was not confined to botanical knowledge,
but incorporated into the learning of necessary skills such as weaving and woodworking. In
fact, anything the natives wanted to know was accessible through the shamans. Narby
hypothesized that the symbolism of the snake, a constant in wisdom traditions throughout
history (often accompanied by the Tree of Life or a Caduceus), is connected to the double
helix of DNA in almost all living beings--this, despite the fact that conventional science did
not discover the existence and structure of DNA until 1953. He cites various Cosmic Serpent
creation myths, such as that of the plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl, and refers to our DNA as a
master of transformation: "The cell-based life DNA informs made the air we breathe, the
landscape we see, and the mind-boggling diversity of living beings of which we are a part."
After Alice ingests some of the mushroom and finds that she is able to bend her neck
around like a snake, she encounters an angry pigeon who shrieks that Alice must be "a kind
of serpent."

The transformational features of the mushroom also have a historical meaning, though not
one that you’ll find in many history books. Ethnobotanist and "psychonaut" Terence
McKenna put forth, in his book Food for the Gods, the theory that psychoactive mushrooms
were a crucial catalyst in our rapid evolution. The human brain tripled in size over several
million years; the hallucinogenic compound DMT (di-methyl-tryptamine), found in the
mushrooms and other plants used by shamans, is one of the chemical factors that McKenna
theorizes played a role: "We literally may have eaten our way to higher consciousness."
DMT is also naturally produced in small amounts in the pineal gland, notably in deep dream
states and at birth and death.

Few books convey deep dream states as well as the Alice books; those who insist that
Carroll's works are the products of drug experiences may be sensing this dream chemical
wafting from the pages. Throughout her dream-adventures, Alice struggles with the
epistemological question of whether her experiences are real. Are our dreams and other
altered-state experiences any less "real" than our waking life? Writes Rick Strassman in
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: "The other planes of existence are always there … but we cannot
perceive them because we are not designed to do so; our hard-wiring keeps us tuned in to
Channel Normal." Rather than seeing these other planes as pure hallucination, Strassman
accepts them as realities that we tune in to when in these altered states.

Psychedelic mushrooms are also called entheogens, a term meaning "creating or becoming
divine within." The yogic headstand is perhaps another such tool. Alice's rendering of "You
Are Old, Father William" is the first instance of a character incessantly standing on his head;
this is also a favored, though less deliberate, posture of the White Knight, who assures
Alice: "The more head-downwards I am, the more I keep inventing new things." Most babies
face head downwards in their final weeks in the womb; "inventing new things" can be taken
as a metaphor for any kind of birth or new beginning. We naturally transform our world when 26-6-2010
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standing on our head, both perceptively and on inner levels, through action on the glands,
particularly the pineal. The Hanged Man, hanging serenely upside down from a tree in the
twelfth card of the Tarot, is an archetype of this transitional and transformational process,
and the Caterpillar itself, like all headed for butterflyhood, will hang head downwards as it
transforms within its chrysalis.

According to the insect biologist Carroll Williams, in an article entitled "When Insects Change
Form" (Life, February 11, 1952), a caterpillar's transformation is triggered by a hormone in
the brain which, in turn, stimulates the thoracic hormone in the region of the heart, which
"forces the body cells to produce a substance called cytochrome, which hastens growth and
change … This same cytochrome exists in the cells of the human body, but its role as a
growth factor has never been known." Along with the ninety-eight percent of our DNA that
seemingly has no function, it could be that this cytochrome substance is far more crucial
than we know.

Is it possible that the Absolute has been cocooned in us, waiting for the right time to awaken
fully in our hearts? Is this what we will experience in the future--or now, if we can but invoke
it--and will the Caterpillar of our collective self flutter free of its cocoon, utterly transformed?

Copyright (c) 2007 by Jenifer Ransom. All Rights Reserved.

[Jenifer Ransom is a poet, metaphysician and freelance editor/writer in the fields of natural health and
consciousness expansion. She is particularly interested in the potentials of sound in activating consciousness
and DNA. Currently, she is working on further Alice studies, and on a study of the alchemical aspects of the
music of the 60s band The Doors. She is putting her creative works together in a blog, with an eye to eventual
publication: She lives and works in San Francisco and can be reached by
email at]

Support your evolutionary path of light--with sound.

Did You Know ... that in the words of David Tansley in one of the early classics in the field
of energy medicine, Radionics: Interface with the Ether Fields, "the nave or subtle spine,
according to the ancient teachings of India, is comprised of three streams of energy; these
three streams provide the link between the soul and its shadow or lower self." According to
Tansley, the "first the Hindus refer to as the Sushumna which is the central path
representing the Father, Spirit or Will aspect of Divinity. Then the Pingala on the left
representing the Mother, Matter or Intelligence aspect and on the right the Ida which is Son,
Soul, or Love-Wisdom aspect. When seen in motion the Ida and Pingala appear to
exchange places; this motion gives rise to two spirals of energy moving about a central
column and is represented in the healing arts by the Caduces. Similiarly the rod of inititiation
wielded by the Bodhisattva, or world teacher, consists of a central straight serpent with two
others intertwined about it, thus symbolizing the three outpourings of Deity; the three worlds
in which man is immersed; and the spinal column with its three channels. It is also reflected, 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY April 2007 Page 7 of 12

not unexpectedly, in the pattern of the DNA double-helix."

Read Back Issues of this FREE ezine online at

3. An Integrated Path to Biospiritual Transformation

Sol Luckman
(Adapted from Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method)

Physicists have recently begun to acknowledge the existence of particles called tachyons, a
powerful form of energy popularized by Star Trek. But tachyons are not science fiction.
Tachyons are particle-waves belonging to the lepton family that, according to the evidence,
fail to obey the law of gravity. In other words, they appear to travel faster than light.

Even normal quantum particles such as electrons have been shown to communicate
"telepathically" with each other at a distance, as if connected at an aetheric level. Indeed,
some members of the scientific community have gone so far as to resurrect the Greek term
aether for the higher-dimensional-energy medium that is "empty" space. Although it is
generally assumed in Western scientific circles that Einstein's theories automatically do
away with the need for a unified energy field, in the 1920s Einstein actually affirmed the
contrary, stating that "in theoretical physics, we cannot get along without" such a field--
which, interestingly, he referred to as "ether." A variety of other scientific phrases, including
"dark energy" and "quantum medium," have been employed in recent years to indicate the
astounding energetic potential of what has for the past century been incorrectly perceived as

Similar findings have been reached in biology. Molecular scientists have identified a striking
phenomenon--zero point energy--by which biological organisms use measurably more
energy than is possible for them to extract from their daily intake of food, water, and air. This
phenomenon occurs when the distance between two non-charged surfaces, such as water
and a cell membrane, becomes negligible, dimensional coherence ("lasing") occurs and, by
most indications, multidimensional "torsion" energy (a phrase coined by Eli Cartan in 1913 to
indicate the spiraling action of this energy) is drawn from the vacuum potential of the space

For those familiar with the officially acknowledged applications of Einstein's theories of
Relativity, it should be easy to see how the mere existence of particles that move faster than
light and/or communicate telepathically through an aetheric medium begins to unravel an
entire paradigm for understanding the physical universe. On the subject of the "Crumbling of
Certainty" in the wake of such logic-challenging discoveries in quantum physics, Charles
Eisenstein in The Ascent of Humanity writes, "The whole idea of certainty of knowledge,
built through objective reasoning, is only as sound as the objectivity at its basis. Question
that, and we question the soundness of the entire edifice of experimentally-derived
knowledge" on which our current sciences, and the worldview connected to them, depend.

Thus we find ourselves in the age of "subquantum" science, in which our greatest minds find
themselves struggling to explain seemingly inexplicable phenomena having to do with
apparently impossible, nonlocal events such as remote viewing and ESP--to cite two
puzzling examples that can now be plausibly explained as intelligent movements of higher-
dimensional torsion energy or universal creative consciousness. I propose that tachyons and
related particle-waves are forms of non-gravitationally-bound or superluminal torsion energy
emanating multidimensionally from our point of origin at the center of our galaxy. 26-6-2010
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The Vedics created an elaborate science spanning yoga, meditation and diet for pooling this
higher-dimensional energy, which they termed "prana," into their bodies. The Taoists
developed a similar science for cultivating "chi." Early in the 20th Century, Nikola Tesla
theorized the existence of "scalar" waves (subsequently popularized by Tom Bearden) that
transcend spatial limitations and are capable of acting instantaneously at a distance. Tesla
created a prototype scalar system for free electricity using no generators or wires. Later,
Wilhelm Reich became famous experimenting with "orgone" energy. Aether, prana, chi,
scalar, orgone--all are names for the light-based aspect of the same spiritual or torsion
energy that gave (and continues to give) rise to the holographic multiverse.

My research suggests that life as we know it depends on a double helix, structurally similar
to DNA, of two differentiated, interfacing types of torsion energy: 1) higher-dimensional
thought or intention manifesting as light; and 2) sound in higher-dimensional octaves which,
like its counterpart, is measurable as a standing spiral wave capable of activating DNA, for
example, with no time lapse across theoretically infinite distances.

To those wondering how such waves could contain sufficient information to (re)program
DNA, it is worth remembering we live in a world crisscrossed with electromagnetic waves
that carry highly complex television, telephone and radio signals that can be easily decoded
with the right equipment. According to Richard Miller, a leading theoretician in the field of
quantum bioholography, even more information can be holographically encoded than with
simple electromagnetic encryption. For practical purposes, the DNA molecule is brilliantly
designed as a holographic torsion-wave-decoding biocomputer--one that magnetizes
creative energy to it, and thus to our consciousness, that is aligned with our beliefs.

What if, by introducing healing sounds and intentions to the genome, sounds and intentions
that derive from the same unified torsion energy of Source that I propose is just a way of
describing the energy of unconditional love, it is possible to key transposons in "junk" or
potential DNA to rearrange themselves and "play" the energy body in a higher octave, one
more in tune with the unlimited creative consciousness of nonlocalized mind? What if we
can thus raise the harmonics of our system of electromagnetic fields and fully align
ourselves with our Higher Selves? What if by raising our vibratory frequency from within, we
can repattern our electromagnetic blueprint and seal the electromagnetic disruption in our
subtle anatomy I call the Fragmentary Body, allowing us to transcend limiting dualistic
patterns and elements related to these patterns--physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual?

Referencing the new Russian research in "wave-genetics," author and researcher David
Wilcock writes that "these studies give extremely convincing evidence that the DNA
molecule is directly affected by outside energy sources. If DNA is actually assembled by an
outside source of energy, then when we increase the flow of that energy into the DNA, we
can also expect that the health and vitality of the organism will increase." Wilcock concludes
that we "are left with the strong impression that torsion waves are the single most important
factor in an organism's health."

As cofounders of the Regenetics Method of DNA activation, my partner Leigh and I think of
ourselves not as "practitioners" or "healers" but merely as facilitators for the individual's own
bioenergetic unfoldment. We consider Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning the first
step in a three-part "rebirth cycle" that continues with Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement
and culminates in Elucidation Triune Activation. This process starts with a specific DNA
activation that initiates a domino effect of electromagnetic repatterning that, like human
gestation, takes just over nine months (42 weeks) to unfold.

Because there are two forms of higher-dimensional helical waves that interface with
potential DNA, sound and light, Potentiation employs both. We use sound (produced 26-6-2010
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vocally) and light (in the form of a non-specific healing intention) to produce what we call an
"energized narrative." We contend that this conscious movement of torsion energy in the
form of special vowel-based words is capable of stimulating transposons in the human
genome, activating a reset program that lies dormant in potential DNA. This program (which
we do not need to create because it already exists) starts a chain reaction in which torsion
energy works its way down and up then down again through the various subtle bodies on a
gestational timeline.

After five months, the electromagnetic fields and chakras recalibrate from nine to eight in
number and the bioenergy vacuum constituted by the second field/chakra, the Fragmentary
Body, seals itself. This occurs as the ninth and second fields/chakras fuse in what might be
termed a sacred marriage of opposites. Sealing, I cannot overemphasize, is an
indispensable step on the path to true healing, as it lays the groundwork for a higher energy
body--and ultimately bio-spiritual enlightenment--by initiating the process of integrating the
fragmentation of the Self caused by duality (which Wilcock calls the "Original Wound"). In a
profound sense, we can say that sealing is required for healing or "wholing."

From Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics Method: Energizing the Bioenergy Blueprint.
The above image shows the flow of torsion energy or universal creative consciousness down through
the electromagnetic fields that occurs during Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning. Utilizing the
genetic sound-light translation mechanism detailed in Chapter Six, each sonic field, in turn, energizes
the corresponding chakra with higher-dimensional light, which then transfers as bionergy or kundalini
to specific aspects of the subtle anatomy. Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman and Kara Brown. All
Rights Reserved. Preview Conscious Healing.

Over the next four months, this new bioenergy blueprint begins to fill with Source energy
from the top down much like a tiered fountain as shown in the figure above. The chakras
slowly begin to open, becoming more powerful and efficient, as the electromagnetic fields
gradually increase their harmonic resonance. At this point, "potentiators" often report a
sense of integrating this new energy that can last up to an additional gestational cycle of
nine months.

In terms of consciousness, Potentiation Electromagnetic Repatterning facilitates awareness

of the true nature of the Self (which is divine) and the Cosmos (which is holographic,
meaning the part not only reflects but contains the whole), empowering individual
discernment to begin attracting higher "quantum outcomes" following the universal law that 26-6-2010
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"consciousness creates." This productive use of awareness invites one to begin facing
limiting thoughts, emotions and beliefs and by itself can lead to markedly increased vitality,
more balanced interactions with one's environment (i.e., fewer allergic reactions), greater
financial abundance, more loving relationships, even renewed life purpose.

Articulation Bioenergy Enhancement is appropriate as of the five-month mark of

Potentiation, after the electromagnetic fields have recalibrated and sealing has occurred. At
this point a new bioenergy blueprint (with no interruption or leakage in the form of the
Fragmentary Body) is in place to utilize the potent life force Articulation stimulates. In Vedic
teachings this life force is called kundalini. Leigh and I understand kundalini as the
individual’s own torsion life-wave that, following "As above, so below," marries the micro-
with the macrocosmic in the process of healing. Articulation gently "switches on" kundalini
first at the genetic and cellular levels, providing a continuous bioenergy supply for creativity
and personal transformation in many areas--including artistic expression, interpersonal
communication, healthy sexuality, and rebuilding through diet and exercise.

Elucidation Triune Activation, the third and final phase of the Regenetics Method, is
appropriate following Articulation as of the nine-month (42-week) mark of Potentiation.
Elucidation stimulates a mostly dormant portion of the neocortex or triune brain, facilitating
creation of a higher energy body. Elucidation also encourages "transcendence through
immancence" by assisting the individual to replace limiting and/or harmful beliefs with life-
affirming ones. This restructuring of the belief system, the most fundamental creational level
of human subtle anatomy also known as the spiritual subtle body, can dramatically change
one's experience of reality. The ultimate goal is the embodiment of a new awareness based
no longer on duality and separation but on unity consciousness and unconditional love.

Copyright (c) 2007 by Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

[Sol Luckman is author of the internationally acclaimed Conscious Healing: Book One on the Regenetics
Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for Regenetics. His articles on the
Regenetics Method of DNA activation have appeared in Atlantis Rising, Well Being Journal, Renaissance,
Odyssey, Sedona Journal of Emergence and Kindred Spirit, and also have been featured in the alternative
medicine anthologies Message of Spirit: A Manual for Your Mind and Heal Yourself with Breath, Light, Sound
and Water. In addition, he has been a featured guest of Dr. Stuart Titus on the Internet radio show "Health &
Science: The Next Generation." Nexus New Times called Conscious Healing, which also received a five-star
endorsement from the Midwest Book Review and was recently translated into Turkish, a "paradigm-reworking
book" that introduces a "revolutionary healing science that's expanding the boundaries of being." For more
information visit] 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY April 2007 Page 11 of 12

Preview Conscious Healing. Listen to Sol Luckman's featured interview on Conscious

Healing with Dr. Stuart Titus on the popular Internet radio show "Health & Science:
The Next Generation."

Coming in our May issue ... "The Holographic Concept of Reality" & so much

***Unless otherwise indicated, all materials appearing in DNA Monthly are copyrighted (c) by Sol
Luckman and may be reprinted without permission provided there are no content changes and the
author's byline is included with the following: Sol Luckman is author of Conscious Healing: Book One
on the Regenetics Method, editor of DNA Monthly, and cofounder of the Phoenix Center for
Regenetics, offering cutting-edge educational services and materials designed to activate unity
consciousness and actualize human potential. For information visit***

Subscriptions. Simply drop us an email at with "subscribe" in the Subject heading.
You will receive our current and future issues free via email.

Submissions. If you would like to submit an original article, excerpt, book review or letter to the editors, please
copy and paste it into an email and send to Be sure to write "submission" in the
Subject heading. We offer no financial remuneration for articles we choose to publish, but authors can include
a bio and full contact information, including their website. While authors retain all copyrights to their work, DNA
Monthly reserves the options 1) to edit any submission for clarity, length, grammar, and spelling; 2) to excerpt
portions of articles; 3) to archive articles electronically; and 4) to reprint popular articles in future ezines. Please
limit submissions to 2,500 words or less.

Mission. DNA Monthly seeks to empower readers with vital information relative to their divine genetic
endowment: DNA. This information may range from generalized articles on DNA to news releases on
breakthrough genetic research to educational materials devoted to specific DNA activation methods and

Disclaimer. The editors of DNA Monthly publish free material relative to DNA at their sole discretion as a bio-
spiritual educational resource. The inclusion of articles and other materials in DNA Monthly does not in any
way necessarily denote or imply endorsement of such materials by the editors. The editors assume no
responsibility, legal, medical or otherwise, for the information published as a free information service in their
ezine. 26-6-2010
DNA MONTHLY April 2007 Page 12 of 12

[DNA Monthly is sponsored by the Phoenix Center for Regenetics, facilitating conscious personal
mastery as a bio-spiritual healing path through integrated DNA activation. For information on our
cutting-edge services, click here.]

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