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Alfredo L. Almendrala, Jr.
0916 6052254

Course Outline


>It is a branch of Political Science concerned with the relations among

states. (Dictionary)

 The academic discipline devoted to the study of world politics,

embracing International Law, International Economics, and the
history and art of diplomacy. (Black’s Law Dictionary)

 The study of who gets what, when and how in matters external to
the state or in matters crossing boundary lines. (Henderson)

 A branch of Political science involved in the study of foreign

affairs and global issues among nations or states within the
international system, including the role of states,
intergovernmental organizations (IGO’s), non-governmental
organizations (NGO’S), multinational corporations (MNC’s).

Apart from Political Science, the study of IR draws upon such

diverse fields as economics, history, law, philosophy, geography,
sociology, anthropology, psychology, and cultural studies. It involves
a diverse range of issues, from globalization and its impact on
societies and state sovereignty, to ecological sustainability, nuclear
proliferation, nationalism, economic development, terrorism,
organized crime, human security and human rights.

Importance of Studying International Relations and Politics

The world has become a stage where we all are players. We are
part of the world’s drama and are affected by it. EXAMPLES
1. What happens in one part of the world can affect us. Example:
the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, held the world hostage because of
the oil embargo.
2. The war in Iraq affected our foreign policy and our relations
with other states.
3. World politics/International relations play an important role in
keeping peace and prosperity in the world through the UN and
other international and regional organizations like ASEAN as
well as international non-governmental organizations and
Multinational corporations.

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