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Revised Assignment 1


MARCH 2016


The users of Fuel Gas in Indonesia, especially LPG (Liquefied Petroleum

Gas) and CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) are increasing and continues to grow.
This is in line with the government program which began to divert the use of fuel
oil to fuel gas in some sectors, such as households and public transportation. But
the cases of an accident when using this fuel are increasing too. The types of
accidents that often occur starting from the leakage of gas cylinder until the
explosion that resulted in a fire when the gas usage. Most accidents occur because
of the ignorance of the general public to use the gas fuel properly and safely.
Animation Video of health and safely gas fuel usage has the primary
objective to promote how the use and handling of fuel gas properly and safely.
Socialization using an animated video is the one of effective way, because it can
be spread through many media, such as television and internet. Animation video is
also more easily to attract wide public attention because the socialization materials
will be delivered in audio and visual with an interesting character. The
socialization materials of procedures for the use of fuel gas properly and safely
will be presented in a simple way on this animation video, so that the general
public are more easily understand.
The first stage of making an animation video concept are looking for the
literature and collect information about the fuel gas that is commonly used in the
community. Important information such as the classification of fuel gas, the
combustion process of the fuel gas, the hazard of the fuel gas, standard regulations
on the use of fuel gas, data and statistics from the fuel gas accident, and the
prevention of such accidents were collected. This collected information will be the
main basis of the animated video content that will be created.
The next stage is to find out the public's understanding of how the use of
fuel gas properly and safely. This stage was done by interviewing several people
who often wear the fuel gas in their daily lives and finding more information
about the cause of the accident that most common in people when using fuel gas.
From this stage we can find the key points that should be emphasized in
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socializing how to use fuel gas. This stage also helps in filtering out any
information that is necessary and doesnt need to be aired in a animation video
that will be created.
From the two previous stages, the content and the overview form of an
animation video has been obtained. The core of the animation video content that
will be made are the procedures for the use of LPG and CNG properly and safety,
as well as the ways of prevention and mitigation of accidents due to the use of
such fuel. Overview form of the animation video that will be made is to
socializing the gas fuel with the simple presentation of information so that easy to
understand by the general public, accompanied by the examples of mistakes in gas
fuel usage that often occurs in daily life.

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LIST OF CONTENTS............................................................................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................v
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................1
1.1. Background...............................................................................................1
1.2. Problem Definition....................................................................................3
1.3. Identification of Problem...........................................................................3
1.4. Limitation of Problem...............................................................................3
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE............................................................5
2. 1. Definition and Classification of Fuel Gas.................................................5
2.1.1. Calorific Value...................................................................................6
2.1.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)........................................................6
2.1.3. Natural Gas........................................................................................7
2. 2. Combustion of Fuel Gas..........................................................................10
2.2.1. Combustion Characteristics of Natural Gas.....................................12
2. 3. Hazard of Fuel Gas..................................................................................13
2.3.1. Hazard of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).....................................13
2.3.2. Hazard of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).....................................15
2.3.3. Hazard of Urban Gas Pipeline Networks.........................................17
2. 4. Standard Regulation of Fuel Gas Usage..................................................19
2.4.1. Standard Regulation for Converter Kit............................................19
2.4.2. Standard Regulation of Liquified Petroleum Gas Usage.................21
2.4.3. Standard Regulation of Compressed Natural Gas Usage.................23
2. 5. Data and Statistic of Fuel Gas Accident..................................................24
2.5.1. Statistic of Liquefied Petroleum Gas...............................................24
2.5.2. Statistic of Fuel Gas Accident in Vehicles.......................................25
2. 6. Countermeasures of Fuel Gas Accident..................................................25
2.6.1. CNG as BBG....................................................................................25
2.6.2. LPG..................................................................................................26
2.6.3. CNG on Gas Pipeline.......................................................................27
CHAPTER III REAL LIFE PROBLEM................................................................33
3. 1. Common Mistakes by The People...........................................................33
3. 2. Current HSE Publication of Fuel Gas.....................................................36
3. 3. Implementation of Regulation.................................................................38
3. 4. Peoples Opinion.....................................................................................42
CHAPTER IV CONCLUTION.............................................................................45

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Figure 2.1. Causes of Gas Pipe Accidents...........................................................17

Figure 2.2. LPG Accident Data............................................................................24
Figure 2.3. Emergency Accident Response of Gas Leakage by Earthquake.......29
Figure 2.4. The Relationship in Emergency Organization System......................30
Figure 2.5. Emergency Protection and Secure Procedure....................................31
Figure 3.1. The Food Traders That Use LPG.......................................................33
Figure 3.2. Regulator of LPG..............................................................................34
Figure 3.3. Hose of LPG......................................................................................34
Figure 3.4. The Example of Good Ventilation.....................................................35
Figure 3.5. Trans Jakarta Bus Fire Accident........................................................36
Figure 3.6. Television Advertisement About HSE of Fuel Gas...........................37
Figure 3.7. Poster About Safety Use of LPG 3 Kilogram....................................38
Figure 3.8. The PGN Fuel Gas Station in Surabaya............................................39
Figure 3.9. Distribution Channels of LPG, Monitored by Pertamina..................40
Figure 3.10. The Official and Illegal Commercialization....................................40
Figure 3.11. All of The Components of LPG.......................................................41
Figure 3.12. The Community of LPG Channel....................................................42
Figure 3.13. More Than A Half of Our Respondent Used 12 kg LPG................42
Figure 3.14. Most of Our Respondent is Never Had Gas Fuel Accident.............43
Figure 3.15. The Animation Video Can Spread Widely by Use YouTube Ad.....43
Figure 3.16. The Examples of Cute Characters in Animation Video ..................44

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Table 2.1. Typical Physical & Chemical Properties of Various Gaseous Fuels...6
Table 2.2. Comparison of Chemical Composition of Various Fuels....................8
Table 2.3. Combustion of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Sulphur.................................11
Table 2.4. Hazard Identification in LPG Safety Data Sheet................................14
Table 2.5. Hazard Identification of CNG.............................................................16
Table 2.6. Harmonized System Numbers in Converter Kit and Tank..................20

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1.1. Background
Fuel gas consumption in Indonesia is growing, not only for domestic use,
but also began to be used commercially for fuel transportation. This is supported
by the Indonesian government policies that have shifted the use of oil fuel into
fuel gas in 2006 and began heavily socialized in 2007.
But since the use of fuel gas become wider, the accidents that occur due the
use of such fuel become more often and causes people increasingly restive and
fearful in its use. Based on data from BPKN (National Consumer Protection
Agency), that until June 2012, there have been 33 cases of leakage of LPG
(Liquefied Petroleum Gas) which caused 8 deaths and 48 people injured.
There was an increase in cases of fuel gas in households, recorded annually
until 2010 by National Consumer Protection Agency in Indonesia. Although the
government has conducted various efforts to educate the public about the use of
fuel gas that is safe and the use of LPG has also been widely accepted in the
community, but the accidents caused by these fuels is still rife.
In February 2016, there have been several cases of LPG explosion. In
Malang, East Java, gas explosion of 3 kg LPG caused the destruction of a house
and its occupants were injured (Detiknews, 2016). 12 kilogram gas cylinder
explosion in Tanggerang on last February 18 has also caused a 2-year old toddler
died and three people were injured (Liputan 6, 2016).
Fuel consumption is not limited to gas for domestic use, but is now also
increasingly being developed for the purposes of transportation. In Jakarta, fuel
gas consumption continues to rise and the consumers are varies, ranging from
Transjakarta buses, bajaj, taxi, up to a luxury car. Several new fuel gas station
(SPBG) also been opened to serve the needs of that fuel gas. This is not out of
government support thet providing technical assistance Converter Kit to the public
transport (SK.2336/UM.303/DRJD/2010) so that the increasingly widespread use
of the fuel gas.

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Unfortunately, the use of fuel gas in transport also raises some issues. In
October 2011 ago, there was an explosion at Pinang Ranti fuel gas stations
(Okezone News, 2011). Other than that, the incidence of the bus broke down and
burned out be the things that often happens in Transjakarta bus service. Many
people who assess it is caused by the use of fuel gas. Nevertheless, PT
TransJakarta stated that fuel gas (BBG) will be continue to be used as the main
fuel, in accordance with Regulation No. 2 Year 2005 on Air Pollution Control in
Jakarta (Kompas, 2015).
Due to the many accidents that occur by the use of fuel gas, the public is
getting restless and decreasing its reliance on the use of these fuels. However,
many people dont realize that most of these accidents occur due to poor
installation conditions support the fuel gas and the lack of public knowledge about
how to use it.
Research recorded in the Journal of the National Public Health indicates that
the lack of housewifes knowledge related the safety matters to use the gas
cylinders and the accessories. The leak in the neck tube, the repeated failure to
ignite the stove, the bad condition of the hose, and the poor installation of
regulator are still be the cause of the most common problems occur in the use of
LPG. (Kompas, 2010). As for the case of Transjakarta bus, commissioner of PT
Transjakarta, Muhammad Akbar, said that a heavy workload and the bus design
that is less support for the use of fuel gas were the main factor of the burning bus
(Kompas, 2015).
Looking from the causes of the problems that have been described
previously, it is necessary to socialization about how to use fuel gas properly and
safely for the general public. The simple socialization, easy to understand, and
attractive be a major base in disseminating this information. Video animations are
easily disseminated via television and internet media be the one of the alternative
options to conduct socialization. By socializing the use of fuel gas properly and
safely through video animation, is expected to increase public enthusiasm towards
the use of fuel gas and reduce cases of accidents that occur due to the use of that

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1.2. Problem Definition

The purpose of making an animated video featuring how to use fuel gas
properly and safely in order to assist the government to educate people about the
importance of attention to several things when using that fuel. It is because of the
many accidents that occur as a result of the use of fuel gas and make people afraid
to use it. So, in this video was also made to reduce the public concern over the use
of fuel gas and help to reduce the number of accidents that caused by it. This
Video animation is expected for help the government's program to reduce air
pollution with increase the use of fuel gas in the country.
1.3. Identification of Problem
From the existing efforts and many ways to reduce the fuel gas accident can
be identified some are as follows:
1 In Indonesia, a number of accidents because of the use of fuel gas by the

peoples are still high.

The lack of peoples awareness and the knowledge about how to use fuel gas

safely that can prevent the accidents.

The needs of efforts to socialize the information about how to use fuel gas

safely for the peoples widely in a creative ways and easy to understand.
The efforts from the government to make socializations and regulations to
prevent the fuel gas accident are still low and poor.

1.4. Limitation of Problem

In order to make study about the fuel gas and the health and safety aspect of
it does not extend, in this chemical product design it will be limited by:
1 This animation video product is designed for the citizens and peoples, so

that they will understand how to use the fuel gas safely in their life.
This animation video product is designed with a cute characters and

interesting plot so it will be easy to attract all the peoples to watch it

This animation video is designed with the contents that explain the fuel gas
combustion (with easy explanation) and how to use the fuel gas with safety

aspect, so that the peoples will understand this video easily.

The fuel gas in this animation video is focused to explain about LPG and
CNG, because these two kinds of fuel gas are widely used by the peoples,
and have used in Indonesia.

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2. 1. Definition and Classification of Fuel Gas

Fuel is a substance which can chemically react with oxygen and produce
heat energy. It can be found in large quantities in nature, it can be transported and
stored, it has an acceptable price, and the products of its chemical processes
pollute the environment within reasonable limits. Its natural substances are of
organic origin with more or less combustible parts. Fuel may be solid, liquid or
gaseous, and either commercial or waste. Commercial fuels are fossil fuels which
are extracted and treated/refined to varying degrees and sold nationwide by
authorized organizations. Waste fuels are the by-products or adjuncts of
processing or domestic activities and are, obviously, only economically available
locally. Each conventional fuel differs from the others in its combustion
characteristics, and this influences heat transfer. Factors other than simple
conversion to heat must also be considered, including those relating to the storage
and handling of fuels, maintenance, environmental impact, etc. All these influence
the overall efficiency and true cost of burning fuel. The most important fuel
elements are carbon and hydrogen, and most fuels consist of these and sometimes
a small amount of sulfur. Fuel may contain some oxygen and small quantities of
incombustibles (water vapor, nitrogen and or ash).
Gaseous fuels in common use are liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), Natural
gas, producer gas, blast furnace gas, coke oven gas etc. The calorific value of
gaseous fuel is expressed in Kilocalories per normal cubic meter (kCal/Nm3) i.e.
at normal temperature (20 C) and pressure (760 mmHg). Gaseous fuels are
without question the easiest fuel to combust with the least danger of fouling a
boiler. However, they are also the most expensive. Chemical analysis is done on a
volumetric basis and the GCV (Gross Calorific Value) is calculated based on this
analysis. In most cases, it is natural gas (NG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG),
liquefied natural gas (LNG), or compressed natural gas (CNG, at 160 bar).

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2.1.1. Calorific Value

Since most gas combustion appliances cannot utlilize the heat content of
the water vapour, gross calorific value is of little interest. Fuel should be
compared based on the net calorific value. This is especially true for natural
gas, since increased hydrogen content results in high water formation during
Table 2.1. Typical Physical & Chemical Properties of Various Gaseous Fuels
Fuel Gas


Natural Gas



ratioTemp. C
m3 of air to
m3 of Fuel



2.1.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

LPG may be defined as those hydrocarbons, which are gaseous at
normal atmospheric pressure, but may be condensed to the liquid state at
normal temperature, by the application of moderate pressures. LPG is the
name given to fuels burned as gases which are liquid oils at ambient
temperature and moderate pressures. The chief constituents of LPG are
propane and butane mixed in any proportion or with air. Although they are
normally used as gases, they are stored and transported as liquids under
pressure for convenience and ease of handling. Liquid LPG evaporates to
produce about 250 times volume of gas.
LPG vapour is denser than air: butane is about twice as heavy as air and
propane about one and a half times as heavy as air. Consequently, the vapour
may flow along the ground and into drains sinking to the lowest level of the
surroundings and be ignited at a considerable distance from the source of
leakage. In still air vapour will disperse slowly. Escape of even small
quantities of the liquefied gas can give rise to large volumes of vapour / air
mixture and thus cause considerable hazard. To aid in the detection of
atmospheric leaks, all LPGs are required to be odorized. There should be
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adequate ground level ventilation where LPG is stored. For this very reason
LPG cylinders should not be stored in cellars or basements, which have no
ventilation at ground level.
LPG is a mixture of predominantly commercial propane and commercial
butane. Its composition is typically 80% propane and 20% butane (on a liquid
volume basis). However, the blend may be as low as 50:50 and it depends on
application and the cost of propane. As propane has vapor pressure of 8.53 bar
(absolute) at 20oC and butane has much lower vapor pressure of 2.06 bar,
equipment requiring higher gas pressures needs LPG with higher propane
fraction. The GCV of commercial propane is 50.3 MJ/kg while butane has the
GCV of 49.5 MJ/kg. The GCV of commercial LPG does therefore vary
slightly between 49.6 MJ/kg (80P:20B) and 49.8 MJ/kg (50P:50B). LPG is
either sold per weight or per liquid volume. Liquid densities at 15C are 0.524
kg/l (80P:20B) to 0.545 kg/l (50P:50B).
LPG has many properties including density (specific gravity), flame
temperature, boiling point, flash point, vapour pressure, odour, appearance,
energy content,


expansion, combustion formula,



flammability, nomenclature.
The lower and upper limits of flammability are the percentages of LPG
that must be present in an LPG/air mixture. This means that between 2.15%
and 9.6% of the total LPG/air mixture must be LPG in order for it to be
The flash point of LPG (propane) is -104C. This is the minimum
temperature at which propane will burn on its own after having been ignited.
Below this temperature, it will stop burning on its own. However, if a source
of continuous ignition is present, it will burn below -104C.
2.1.3. Natural Gas
Natural gas is combustible gas that occurs in the porous rock of the
earths crust and is found with or near accumulations of crude oil. As gas, it
may occur alone in separate reservoirs. It consists of hydrocarbons with a very
low boiling point. Methane is the main constituent of Natural Gas and

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accounting for about 95% of the total volume. Other components are: Ethane,
Propane, Butane, Pentane, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and traces of other
gases. Very small amounts of sulphur compounds are also present. Since
methane is the largest component of natural gas, generally properties of
methane are used when comparing the properties of natural gas to other fuels.
Natural gas is a high calorific value fuel requiring no storage facilities. It
mixes with air readily and does not produce smoke or soot. It has no sulphur
content. It is lighter than air and disperses into air easily in case of leak.
It is a mixture of hydrocarbons and nitrogen, with other gases appearing
in small quantities. For samples of natural gases found in several regions of
the United States, it is seen that the gases contain 83-94% methane (CH4), 016% ethane (C2H6), 0.5-8.4% nitrogen and small quantities of other
components, by volume. The ultimate analysis shows that the gases contain
about 65-75% carbon, 20-24% hydrogen, 0.75-13% nitrogen, and small
amounts of oxygen and sulfur in some cases. The higher heating values are in
the neighborhood of 1000 Btu/ft3 on a volume basis and 22,000 Btu/lbm on a
mass basis. In regions where it is abundant, natural gas is frequently the fuel
of choice because of its low sulfur and ash content and ease of use.
Table 2.2. Comparison of Chemical Composition of Various Fuels
Fuel Oil


Natural Gas

(Source: Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)

CNG is stored under high pressure; however, the range of
flammability and combustion is much more narrow with CNG, making it
safer than gasoline. CNG will not burn at concentrations below 5% or
above about 15% when mixed with air. The flashpoint for natural gas is
1100 degrees Fahrenheit (593.33C), making the risk of a vehicular fire in
an accident much lower. Further, natural gas is lighter than air and will

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dissipate if leaked whereas gasoline will sink and puddle, causing damage
to environment. Dedicated NGVs produce little or no evaporative
emissions during fueling and use. An odorant is added to provide a
distinctive and intentionally disagreeable smell that is easy to recognize.
The odor is detectable at one-fifth of the gas lower flammability limit. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
LNG is natural gas that cooled to become liquid at temperatures
between -150 C to -200 C. Development and utilization of LNG require
more complex infrastructure. On the upstream, the development of LNG
not only require regular production facilities, but in need of refineries able
to liquefy the gas to the specified temperature. Cryogenic cooling facility
and the tank requires a huge investment.
On the downstream, the use of LNG requires the facility to convert
LNG back into gas, called LNG regasification terminal. In addition to
regasification facilities, the utilization of the gas produced also require the
pipeline to get to the consumer. With the need for a very low temperature,
LNG can not be distributed in the form of tubes like LPG. However, the
use of LNG regasification facility at the same time requires an integrated
transport system to the user.
For the city gas pipe network (Jargas), the right type of natural gas
requires several separate criteria. Criteria include qualities that can be used
for residential or industrial consumption and meet the specifications of
pipeline transmission company or distribution company. In this case, lean
gas can be an example.
One of the Government's strategic steps to replace use of petroleum
fuels is increasing the use of natural gas for households and small
customers. The program is the network for domestic gas or town gas. For
domestic gas network means the flow of gas (LNG) through pipelines to
the household. Jargas household is a network of natural gas is determined
by considering the supply of gas and consumer needs of households and /
or small customers based on the government's development plans or
business entity. Domestic gas network was built in diversification and
conservation of energy.

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The development program distribution network of natural gas for

households was built in the cities or areas close to the source of natural gas
and has a network of natural gas transmission.
2. 2. Combustion of Fuel Gas
Combustion is the conversion of a substance called a fuel into chemical
compounds known as products of combustion by combination with an oxidizer.
Combustion can be defined as the complete exothermic oxidation of a fuel with
sufficient amount of oxygen or air with the objective of producing heat, steam
and/or electricity. Fuel combustion means letting the molecular Oxygen (O 2) in air
react with the combustible component of fuel.
The final gaseous product of combustion is then a flue gas. Fuels used for
this purpose are mainly hydrocarbons (natural gas, coal, fuel oil, wood etc.) that
are thereby converted to CO2 and H2O, the other fuel components may form by
products such as ash, and gaseous pollutants that may need emission control
equipment. Thus combustion may be represented symbolically by:
Fuel+Oxidizer Products of Combustion+ Energy
Here the fuel and the oxidizer are reactants, i.e., the substances present
before the reaction takes place. This relation indicates that the reactants produce
combustion products and energy. Either the chemical energy released is
transferred to the surroundings as it is produced, or it remains in the combustion
products in the form of elevated internal energy (temperature), or some
combination there of. Fuels are evaluated, in part, based on the amount of energy
or heat that they release per unit mass or per mole during combustion of the fuel.
Such a quantity is known as the fuels heat of reaction or heating value. The
amount of heat transferred to the fluid in returning the products of combustion to
their initial temperature yields the heat of reaction.
In combustion processes the oxidizer is usually air but could be pure
oxygen, an oxygen mixture, or a substance involving some other oxidizing
element such as fluorine. Here we will limit our attention to combustion of a fuel
with air or pure oxygen. Chemical fuels exist in gaseous, liquid, or solid form.
Natural gas, gasoline, and coal, perhaps the most widely used examples of these
three forms, are each a complex mixture of reacting and inert compounds.
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Complete combustion of a fuel is possible only in the presence of an

adequate supply of oxygen. Oxygen (O2) is one of the most common elements on
earth making up 20.9% of our air. Rapid fuel oxidation results in large amounts of
heat. Fuel gases will burn in their normal state if enough air is present.
Most of the 79% of air is nitrogen, with traces of other elements. Nitrogen is
considered to be a temperature reducing dilutant that must be present to obtain the
oxygen required for combustion.
Nitrogen reduces combustion efficiency by absorbing heat from the
combustion of fuels and diluting the flue gases. This reduces the heat available for
transfer through the heat exchange surfaces. It also increases the volume of
combustion by-products, which then have to travel through the heat exchanger
and up the stack faster to allow the introduction of additional fuel air mixture.
This nitrogen also can combine with oxygen (particularly at high flame
temperatures) to produce oxides of nitrogen (NOx), which are toxic pollutants.
Carbon, hydrogen and sulphur in the fuel combine with oxygen in the air to
form carbon dioxide, water vapour and sulphur dioxide, releasing 8,084 kcal,
28,922 kcal & 2,224 kcal of heat respectively. Under certain conditions, Carbon
may also combine with Oxygen to form Carbon monoxide, which results in the
release of a smaller quantity of heat (2,430 kcal/kg of carbon) Carbon burned to
CO2 will produce more heat per pound of fuel than when CO or smoke are
Each kg of CO formed means a loss of 5,654 kcal of heat. (8,084 2,430).
Table 2.3. Combustion of Carbon, Hydrogen and Sulphur
C + O2 CO2 + 8,084 kCals/kg of Carbon
2C + O2 2CO + 2,430 kCals/kg of Carbon
2H2+ O2 2H2O + 28,922 kCals/kg of Hydrogen
S + O2 SO2 + 2,224 kCals/kg of Sulphur

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2.2.1. Combustion Characteristics of Natural Gas

The stoichiometric ratio for natural gas (and most gaseous fuels) is
normally indicated by volume. The air to natural gas (stoichiometric) ratio by
volume for complete combustion vary between 9.5:1 to 10:1
Natural gas is essentially pure methane, CH4. Its combustion can be
represented as follows:
CH4 +2O2 CO2 + 2H2O
So for every 16 kgs of methane that are consumed, 44 kgs of carbon
dioxide are produced.
Methane burns, when mixed with the proper amount of air and heated to
the combustion temperature. The process with the amount of air and fuel
required for perfect combustion.
It has to be stressed that all combustion products such as CO2, CO,
NOx, CnHm, SO2, SO3, except for the water generated by combustion of
Hydrogen to H2O, are harmful. There is literally nothing benign in flue gas,
except water vapor. Even water vapor is not really harmless, because it reacts
with SO3 to generate sulfuric acid (H2SO4).
The composition by mass of gaseous fuel can be calculated if the
composition by volume of fuel is known. In that case the general combustion
equation can also be used for gaseous fuels. From the general combustion
equation a mass balance can be drawn up for each element in turn.
One kilogram of fuel requires a certain minimum of ambient air to be
fully combusted. This minimum amount of air is called Stoichiometric Air or
Theoretical Air. This amount of air will completely combust the fuel to
Carbon Monoxide (CO2), water (H2O) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) if sulfur is
present in the fuel. If the fuel does not get enough air for combustion, it will
generate smoke and a potential unhealthy mixture of flue gas products. In
addition to that, energy will be wasted. The same applies if too much excess
air is used for combustion. The main purpose of combustion technology is
therefore to ensure the proper amount of air that minimizes environmental
impact and fuel consumption.

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The theoretical air-fuel ratio is a fuel specific parameter that has nothing
to do with furnace design or the combustion process, while is parameter that
shows how efficiently fuel is combusted. The closer is to one, the more
efficient is the furnace or burner design and operation. The amount of excess
air can be derived from the measurement of either the O2 or CO2 content of
the flue gas.
2. 3. Hazard of Fuel Gas
2.3.1. Hazard of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
LPG is a liquefied gas which contain mixture of propane and butane. It
is colourless and also odorloss gas. The current OSHA standard for LPG is
1000 parts of LPG per million parts of air (ppm) averaged over an eight-hour
work shift. This may also be expressed as 1800 milligrams of LPG per cubic
meter of air.
There are physical and health hazard on LPG. For the physical hazards,
LPG is approximately twice as heavy as air when in gas form and will tend to
sink to the lowest possible level and may accumulate in cellars, pits, drains
etc. LPG in liquid form can cause severe cold burns to the skin owing to its
rapid vaporization. Vaporization can cool equipment so that it may be cold
enough to cause cold burns. LPG forms a flammable mixture with air in
concentrations of between 2% and 10%. It can, therefore, be a fire and
explosion hazard if stored or used incorrectly. Vapor/air mixtures arising from
leakages may be ignited some distance from the point of escape and the flame
can travel back to the source of the leak. At very high concentrations when
mixed with air, vapor is an anesthetic and subsequently an asphyxiant by
diluting the available oxygen. A vessel that has contained LPG is nominally
empty but may still contain LPG vapor and be potentially dangerous.
Therefore treat all LPG vessels as if they were full.

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Table 2.4. Hazard Identification in LPG Safety Data Sheet

(Source: Tesoro Refining & Marketing Co.)

As in health hazard, LPG can affect the body if it is inhaled or if it

comes in contact with the eyes or skin as the routes of exposure. Overexposure
to LPG can cause lightheadedness and drowsiness. Greater exposure may also
cause unconsciousness and death. Contact with the liquid may also cause
frostbite and irritation. A physician should be contacted if anyone develops
any signs or symptoms and suspects that they are caused by exposure to LPG.
Routine medical examinations should be provided to each employee who is
exposure to LPG at potentially hazardous levels. LPG is gaseous form acts as
a simple asphyxiant and a central nervous system depressant. In liquid form it

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may cause frostbite, as well as skin irritation. Toxicology data are meager, and
no chronic systemic effects have been reported from industrial exposure.
As the warning properties, odor threshold: propane is the main
constituent of LPG, according to the Documentation of TLCs. The odor
threshold of propane (20,000 ppm) is 20 times the permissible exposure limit
(1000 ppm). Eye irritation level: since propane is the main constituent of LPG,
and since the eye irritation threshold of propane is above its lower flammable
limit, eye irritation does not restrict respirator selection either for propane of
for LPG.
2.3.2. Hazard of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Properties of Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) are same with Liquified
Natural Gas (LNG). The difference is the pressure and temperature applied. In
CNG, the pressure is high but the gas appears in ambient temperature. And in
LNG, the pressure is atmospheric and the temperature is low, as in -160 C.
The fact that CNG is stored at high pressure is the most unique physical
characteristic of a CNG fuel system. Inadvertent opening of valves or
loosening of fittings containing high pressure natural gas can result in not only
the creation of a fire hazard, but also the high velocity ejection of metal parts
or fragments that could be lethal to nearby personnel. Ignition of leaking
natural gas near the source of a leak will produce a flame similar to that of a
gas burner or a torch. Because only a small volume of gas will accumulate,
there is reduced danger if the ignition is shortly after the initiation of the leak.
When CNG leaks, the CNG container will be overheated and then there
will be smoke and fumes from burning vehicle components. Large quantities
can accumulate from large leaks over a fairly short time period or from slow
leaks over a long period of time. Large fuel leaks will produce a large cloud of
a flammable mixture that is equal to several gallons of fully vaporized
gasoline. The flammable mixture will rise and form a layer under the ceiling
in a building without adequate ventilation. Ignition of such a mixture will
cause extensive damage as a result of the potential explosion and the
subsequent fire.

Universitas Indonesia


Table 2.5. Hazard Identification of CNG

(Source: The Linde Group)

But when CNG compared with another gases such as LPG, it comes as a
surprise that CNG is one of the a fest transport fuels available. As a safety
measure, the gas is odorised prior to distribution to provide a ready means of
leak detection. The concentration of a gas that can be smelled by average
person is about 16 times lower than the level which will support combustion.
Natural gas has no known toxic or chronic physiological effects.
Exposure to a moderate concentration may result in a headache or similar
symptoms due to oxygen deprivation but it is likely that the smell would be
detected well in advance of concentrations being high enough for this to occur.
The fact that natural gas is lighter than air further enhances its safety.
Unlike other fuels such as diesel, petrol or LPG, which are heavier than air,

Universitas Indonesia


should a natural gas leak occur, the gas will readily dissipate into the
atmosphere. This eliminates the risk of the fuel accumulating or pooling at
ground level causing a greating risk or hazard.
2.3.3. Hazard of Urban Gas Pipeline Networks
The urban gas pipeline network is one of the energy supply alternatives
developed by the government to directly supply fuel gases to many
households, which can then be used for daily chores. The natural gas
contained within the network has a similar composition to LNG (Liquefied
Natural Gas), which mainly consists of methane and ethane. Therefore, their
general properties should be the same as LNG. The difference is that the
natural gas contained in gas pipe network is still in its gas phase, therefore not
needing any liquefaction facilities nor gasification facilities when being
distributed to urban households. But, since the gas is being transported
through far distances from its production facility, the gas must be given high
pressure to ensure that the gas would have enough pressure when reaching
urban households. This is due to the friction loss which happens to the gas
inside the pipeline, therefore decreasing its pressure over distance.

Figure 2.1. Causes of Gas Pipe Network Accidents

(Source: Qiuju You, et al., 2014)

Universitas Indonesia


From the short analysis above, we can say that big trouble would arise if
for some reason a leak happens within the gas pipe network. If no decent
countermeasures are being done quickly, a risk of explosion can happen. But,
this kind of accident wouldnt happen because the engineers have calculated
and predicted the construction for the pipelines thoroughly. Even so, the risk
of accidents still exists within certain factors, whether in the design or by other
external factors. Qiuju You et al. (2014) have created a flowchart in their risk
assessment regarding gas pipe network, containing almost every factor that
could impose danger to the urban gas pipe network.
From the above flowchart, it can be seen that there are 4 major factors
which could affect the risk of accidents in urban gas pipe network, which are
third-party interference, corrosion factor, design factor, and mis-operation
factor during and/or after the construction. The third-party interference
consists of factors which involve outside party, such as civil developer and the
citizen. These interferences can happen because of their lack of information
about gas pipe network hazard and prohibition and/or limitations regarding the
latter. Then, the corrosion factor deals with the material being used for the
pipelines. This factor has a connection with pipeline simulation & calculation
to decide the best material which can cause the least corrosion speed, but with
economic price. The prevention of this factor also requires periodic pipeline
inspection, which is aimed to see if there are any segment of the pipeline has
deteriorated or not. The third main factor is the design factor, which deals with
technical factors regarding the pipeline construction. The factors which must
be considered include the steel selection, safety factor which deals with safety
aspects towards the worker and the citizen, fatigue factor which deals with
metal fatigue due to weight over time, and hydrostatic test if the pipe has to go
through water bodies. The last main factor is the mis-operation, which takes
account of any mistakes made when doing the prescribed procedures. This
mis-operation factor includes mistakes made in the construction process,
operation, or the maintenance.

Universitas Indonesia


2. 4. Standard Regulation of Fuel Gas Usage

2.4.1. Standard Regulation for Converter Kit
Converter kit must be installed before using LNG (usually known as
Liquified Gas for Vehicles) and/or CNG. The most important regulation is
Ministry of Industry and Trade Regulation no. 70/M-IND/PER/7/2012 about
technical requirements enactment for converter kit component system in
vehicles. Clause 2 Converter Kit and Tank Scope
(1) Based on fuel used in Converter Kit and Tank for vehicles, it is divided
into two types which are :
a. Converter Kit and Tank for Vehicles with Compressed Natural Gas
(CNG) fuel
b. Converter Kit and Tank for Liquified Gas for Vehicle (LGV) fuel
(2) At least Converter Kit system shouold be required with :
1) Converter Kit with CNG fuel

Cylinder valve
Isolation valve
Refuelling non-return

g. Refuelling connection
h. Safety cut-off device

i. Gas pressure controlling

j. Fuel volume indicator
k. Electronic Control Unit
l. Electrical wiring for Gas



2) Converter Kit with LGV fuel

Universitas Indonesia



LGV filer
Change over switch


Volume indicator
Refuelling point
Electronic Control Unit

(3) Converter Kit and Tank as given in Clause 1 have number EX HS.
8413.30.92.00 which is a complete converter kit type for injector and
mixer (updated from Ministry of Industry and Trade Regulation no.
17/M-IND/PER/3/2014) and consist of components with Harmonized
System (HS) numbers as follows :
(4) Table 2.6. Harmonized System Numbers in Converter Kit and

(6) Products Name





From steel, weld,

with volume more than 30


L but less than 110 L

equipped with valve or no


working pressure






more than 30 L but less

than 110 L equipped with
valve or no valve, with
200 bar working pressure
seamless with composite
coating and volume more
than 30 L but less than
110 L equipped with valve
or no valve, with 200 bar
working pressure







with volume more than 30

L but less than 110 L

equipped with valve or no




working pressure
From aluminium,


with volume more than 30

L but less than 110 L

equipped with valve or no



working pressure
Injector and Mixer








Power Supply: DC


12 V 28 V

(36) (Source: Ministry of Industry and Trade Regulation) Clause 3 Gas Conversion Tank Specification

(1) Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Tank as given in Clause 2 is a tank
with 200 bar pressure and used in vehicles as storage of CNG fuel.
(2) Liquified Gas for Vehicles (LGV) that is equipped with multi-valve as
given in Clause 2 is a tank with 20 bar pressure and used in vehicle as
storage of LGV fuel. Clause 4 Quality Requirements
Converter Kit and/or Tank with CNG fuel and LGV fuel as
given in Clause 2 from domestic or international market should fulfill the
technical requirements and own product certificate which are :
(1) Economic Commission for Europe R110 and/or ISO 15500 series,
ISO 11439, ISO 14469, SNI ISO 155000-5-2009, SNI 7407-2009,
SNI 7408-2009 for CNG fuel Converter Kit; or
(2) Economic Commission for Europe R 67 for LGV fuel Converter Kit.
2.4.2. Standard Regulation of Liquified Petroleum Gas Usage
(39) The regulation for LPG (known as LGV) usage is given in








SK.78/AJ/006/DRJD/2008 about the usage of Liquified Gas for Vehicle

(LGV) in vehicles. Chapter 2 Fuel Gas Usage Installation system

Requirements for Vehicles

Clause 2
(1) Every vehicle that meets the technical requirements could use fuel
(2) Vehicles that use fuel gas as given in (1) should equipped with fuel
gas usage installation system requirements for vehicles
(3) Usage installation system as given in clause 2 consist of :
a. BI FUEL system which is vehicle that use fuel gas or gasoline
b. DUAL FUEL system which is vehicle that use fuel gas and
diesel fuel together
c. FULL DEDICATED ENGINE system which is vehicle that
only use fuel gas
(4) Fuel gas usage installation system as given in Clause 2 at least
should consist of following components :
a. LGV Tank that can equipped with following devices :
1) 80 per cent stop valve
2) Level indicator
3) Pressure relief valve
4) Remotely controlled service valve with excess flow valve
5) Fuel pump
6) Multi valve
7) Gas tight housing
8) Power supply bushing
9) Non return valve
10) Pressure relief valve
b. Piping
c. Regulator
d. Injector/distributor
e. LGV filter
f. Change over switch (on/off) for bi-fuel and dual-fuel
g. Volume indicator
h. Refueling point
i. Electronic unit control
j. Shut-off valve/solenoid valve
(5) LGV usage installation system as given in (4) should fulfill UN

ECE R-67 standard

Clause 3
Fuel gas usage installation system as given in Clause 2 (2)
should fulfill the following requirements:


a. Administrative
b. Technical
2.4.3. Standard Regulation of Compressed Natural Gas Usage
(42) The regulation for CNG usage is given in Ministry of
Transportation Regulation no. PM. 39 year 2012 about the usage of
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in vehicles.
(43) Chapter 2 CNG Fuel Type Usage Installation system

Requirements for Vehicles

Clause 2
(1) Every vehicle use CNG fuel and operated in streets should meet
the technical requirements
(2) Vehicle as given in (1) should equipped with fuel gas usage

installation system
Clause 3
(1) Fuel gas usage installation system as given in Clause 2 (2) consist
of :
a. Bi-fuel system
b. Dual fuel system
c. Full dedicated engine system
(2) Bi-fuel system as given in (1) is used for vehicle that use fuel gas
and gasoline alternately.
(3) Dual fuel system as given in (1) is used for vehicle that use fuel gas
and diesel fuel together.
(4) Full dedicated engine system as given in (1) is used for vehicle that

only use fuel gas.

Clause 4
(1) Fuel gas usage installation system as given in Clause 3 at least
should equipped with following components :

a. Fuel gas tank

b. Piping
c. Regulator
d. Mixer
e. Cylinder valve
f. Isolation valve
g. Refueling non-return valve
h. Filling joint

i. Automatic shut-off device

j. Gas pressure controlling
k. Electronic fuel gas
volume indicator
l. Electronic control device and

(2) Components as given in (1) f, g and h could also be a group in a

device or installed separately


(3) In terms of bi-fuel type usage, automatic shut-off device as given in

(1) i should use high pressure gas lock component and petrol lock
off device
(4) In terms of dual-fuel and full dedicated type usage, automatic shutoff device as given in (1) i only use high pressure gas lock.
Clause 5
(5) Fuel gas usage installation system should fulfill the following

a. Administrative

b. Technical

2. 5. Data and Statistic of Fuel Gas Accident
2.5.1. Statistic of Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Government regulation to change energy uses from kerosene to
LPG turned out to be a problem in the first years of usage. Based on National
Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) until June 2010, LPG accident has
raised from 2007 until 2010 as shown in Figure 2.1.

Statistic of LPG Tank Explosion in Indonesia






0 2007



Number of People Died

Number of People Injured








Number of Case



Figure 2.2. LPG Accident Data

(Source: National Consumer Protection Agency)

From Figure 2.2. we could see that the number of people died and

injured tends to increase year by year, so as the number of case reported.

Based on the data gathered by BPKN, LPG tank and components are not
fulfill the requirements, such as 7% of total LPG 3kg tank; 20% of regulator;
50% of gas stove; 66% of tank valve and 100% of hose. In Surabaya, it shows
that the information about LPG tank only delivered to distributor and not


retailer and consumer. That is why not everyone know how to use LPG 3kg
tank correctly, including how to shut the valve, how to buy the right tank and
how to check the condition of hose, regulator and valve.
2.5.2. Statistic of Fuel Gas Accident in Vehicles
The implementation of changing from gasoline to fuel gas for
vehicles also turned out to be a problem. One of the most known accidents is
Transjakarta bus which is on fire. More than 15 cases of Transjakarta bus is
on fire in 2015 and at least 2 cases in 2016. This became big since
Transjakarta bus is one of the vehicle that use fuel gas as the fuel, and not
gasoline. But experts has proved that the risk of vehicle explosion is not on the
fuel and technology applied, but in the maintenance part.
Besides that, the accidents from Transjakarta bus are all on fire,
not explode. If the accidents occurs because of gas, then there will be
explosion. CNG, as mentioned before has lower density than air, which means
when it leak, CNG will vaporize and gone with the air, especially when the
vehicle move, so there will reduce the chance of explosion to almost zero
2. 6. Countermeasures of Fuel Gas Accident
2.6.1. CNG as BBG
Proper maintenance with the right preventive inspection
Proper thermal insulation in the engine
areas of potential sources of fires designed and installed properly
using high-grade electrical components
training for bus drivers and crew in handling fires
using fire detection systems, automatic fire and manuals that are

reliable and correct selection

insulation system that auto fuel breaker in the event of leakage both in
situations of normal operation and in case of accident


Before use, storage tanks of CNG through several tests, as follow:

1. Bump test
2. Bonfire Test
3. Gunfire Test
2.6.2. LPG
1. Gas tube placement
The room should be open and have good air circulation


Placed an air vent at the bottom near the LPG gas cylinder placed
LPG gas cylinders must always be perpendicular and protected

from solar thermal

2. Installation of gas cylinders
Make sure the LPG cylinder does not leak and broken
Tighten the clamp on the stove and regulators at both ends
rubber hose that will be installed on the LPG cylinder.
Players / gas stove knob should be turned off when connecting a

gas stove with LPG cylinder

Remove the plastic seal on the valve LPG cylinder
Before installing the regulator on LPG cylinder valve, knob

position must be horizontal.

Regulators must not loose or easily detached.
Turn 90 regulator knob clockwise (to right) until the knob position
to vertical / perpendicular, so that LPG gas flowing to the gas

Gas stove should be placed on the flat and away from flammable

3. Prior to the use of LPG gas stove
Make sure the LPG cylinder in an perpendicular position
Make sure the regulator on LPG cylinder valve has been locked
Check the gas stove, hoses, clamps and regulators and make sure

there are no leaks.

Hoses must be protected from heat and should not be crushed by

any objects.
4. If there is leakage of LPG gas
There will LPG odor
Remove the regulator
Bring LPG cylinder out of the room / out of the house and put it on
the ground / open space
Do not ingnite a fire or turn the power supply
5. If fire occurs in the accessories (hose, regulator)
Remove the regulator of the LPG cylinder while it possible
Bring LPG gas cylinders and other reserves to a place far away

from the location of the flame.

Put out the fire using a wet burlap sack or with a small fire

extinguisher type of CO2 or dry chemical

6. Maintenance tube


Protect the markings on the tube which is the identity of the gas

Do not use the top gas tube as a place to put objects or household

If gas cylinder is leaking, brought the gas cylinders into the open
space and away from sparks or heat or electricity. Do not try to fix

it yourself.
There may not mix gas in the gas cylinder or try to recharge the

tube itself. Always contact a competent supplier of gas cylinders.

Can not be hit and banged gas cylinders
2.6.3. CNG on Gas Pipeline


Risk of gas pipeline leakage in cities and towns is high, of which

the reason is many-sided. Main reasons are defects of the pipe itself,
corrosion, pipeline construction problems, the third party damage, destruction
of environment factors, gas pipeline leak detection of adverse and gas pipeline
safety management factors. Where, pipe quality, construction problems,
corrosion of buried gas pipeline, and the third party damage are particularly
prominent. Gas is flammable and explosive, and equipment and pipeline of
gas pressure transmission and distribution network are complex, of which gas
supply is continuous, once fire explosion risk of leakage is large, it easily
leads to a large range of gas combustion and explosion spaces. The
electrostatic discharge spark energy of the gas when pressure pipeline breaks
or venting speed is high, is sufficient to ignite the gas.

Gas Pipeline is very safety method to transport and storage of gas

than 3 kg tank LPG. One causes that make leakage accident of gas pipe line is
earthquake. The following steps that we have to respons is:
a. Repair Method of Leakage Accident by Earthquake

Gas pipeline accident repair is an important measure to assure

pipeline integrity after earthquake. There are some common repair

methods for leakage accident of long distance gas transmission pipeline:
the pipe clamping method, repair welding method, pipeline crack repair
technology, cross threaded but joint technology, metal bonds repair


method, confined finite element analysis, online repairing technology and

so on.
b. Emergency Response System

Gas pipeline leakage accident by earthquake should make effective

control and treatment as soon as possible and farthest reduce and eliminate
seismic loss. In order to make pipeline leakage accident emergency
treatment well-organized, figure 3 provides an effective accident
emergency process.

u. Figure 2.3. Emergency Accident Response Progress of Gas Leakage by


(Source: Liu Wu, et al. 2008)

c. Accident Emergency Organization System and Work Duty


Use accident emergency response progress as framework, we can

establish emergency organization like Figure 2.3. shows:









management apartment, local government and the department heads of

environment, police, fire and health. The main duty is making sure
prevention and emergency plan of gas leakage and diffusion accident.
Emergency office: it is a permanent establishment in emergency

organization. It is organized by department heads of pipeline

management department's production scheduling, safe operation and
safety supervision and monitoring station. The main duty is making
and implementing emergency plan and establishing technical reserve.
Emergency professional team: it contains police fire protection,

monitoring assessment, medical rescue and engineering emergency. It

provides various professional help in emergency response.

y. Figure 2.4. The Relationship in Emergency Organization System


(Source: Liu Wu, et al. 2008)

d. Emergency Communication System


Emergency communication system of gas pipeline leakage

accidents contains three parts of accident alarm, emergency command and

disaster information release. The requirements are
1. alarm system should set up special telephone in normal time and make
full use of existed rescue alarm system 110,119,120 to achieve
communication unblocked.
2. command system should be organized by office telephone, cell phone
and interphone that are relatively secure to outside.


3. information publication system is consisted of broadcasting, TV and

communication automobiles. It broadcasting accident situation and the
adopted emergency measure.
e. Emergency Protection and Secure

When some great gas pipeline leakage accident happened, the prior

duty of emergency action is control the accident leakage source and

prevents important protection object injuries like population injury.
According to different requirement of protection and secure, we divided
gas sweep region into secure region, protection region and safe region by
diffusion prediction model and set up relatively monitoring place to
monitor and adjust in time. The emergency protection and secure progress
is shown in figure 2.5.


Figure 2.5. Emergency Protection and Secure Procedure

ae. (Source: Liu Wu, et al. 2008)

f. Emergency Plan

The purpose of establishing gas leakage and diffusion accident

possible damage. Once the earthquake caused gas pipeline leakage, we can
gather preparedness information immediately and guide emergency
operation workers to adopt effective emergency measures. The emergency
plan contains
1. emergency organization
2. hazard identifying and risk assessment
3. notification procedure and alarm system
4. emergency equipment and facilities


5. emergency evaluation ability and resource

6. protection measure progress
7. information publish and public education
8. recovery program after accident
9. training and practicing
10. protection of emergency plan.
g. Termination of Emergency Situation

Gas pipeline leakage accident contains two progresses of

emergency disposal and afterward disposal. After emergency disposal, we

can get the following three conditions:
1. according to suggestions of emergency headquarter, make sure leakage
accident is under control with accident equipment is in safe status,
2. relevant department has already adopted effective measures to prevent
public from suffering damage,
3. relevant department is asked to establish and implement environmental
recovery plan.

As the accident control area and environments quality are under

recovery, emergency headquarter can announce terminate emergency

status and work in afterward disposal. Afterward disposals are
1. organized and implement environmental recovery plan
2. continue monitoring and evaluating harmful situation and environment
pollution status until basically recovered
3. evaluate damage loss, collate and harmonize compensation and other




3. 1. Common Mistakes by The People

When we use of fuel gas, there is always a risk or the chances of the
accident to be occurred. The focus of this sub-chapter is explained about the
mistake by the peoples when using LPG, and the accident that caused of it. Its
because those explosion accidents of fuel gas in Indonesia are dominated by the
use of LPG. The risk of explosion when there are the mistakes by the peoples
when using LPG is high.
In Indonesia, peoples sometime do many bad habits when use the fuel gas
that cause the accident. Also, the mistakes that cause hazard are dominated by the
use of LPG. For the examples, peoples that work every day as food traders often
change their gas and open the regulator when the fire is still burn in their stove.
Even, some of them burns their cigarettes when change their fuel gas, even when
the fire is still in their stove. Peoples also dont check whether they have installed
the equipment LPG correctly.

Figure 3.1. The Food Traders That Use LPG


In the causes of the explosion of LPG, there are many reasons beside the
mistake by the peoples that have explained above. Lets focus on the equipment of


LPG. First, the peoples doesnt realize that their regulator have a poor quality.
Some regulator even doesnt have the SNI standard. This kind of regulator is
doesnt cover the tube well, so that the gas from the tube is leak outside. When the
gas is leak outside, the risk of explosion that can occur is high, because the
concentration of C3 and C4 gas in the air is rising.

Figure 3.2. Regulator of LPG


Second, peoples also doesnt take a look to another equipment in LPG, that
is the hose. The hose can cause the explosion. Its not only because of the hose
that maybe have a poor quality. The hose can leak the gas out to the air, because of
the rats. The rats are like to bite the hose. The risk of this disruption of the rats is
high enough, because the LPG must have placed in the bottom. At the result, the
chance of explosion is rise because the leak of the hose.

Figure 3.3. Hose of LPG



The characteristic of good hose that fulfill the standard is consists of three
layers, the outer layer is a fire-resistant teflon, the middle layer is a layer from
yarn that has be oiled by rat poison, and the inner layer is a layer that has designed
to withstand the pressure of the gas. Please note that use of the hose located at the
back of the stove is very prone to be damage due to exposure to hot oil spilling or
bitten by the rats.
Also, the hose also must clean from another gas or air that trapped inside the
hose. Another gas or air inside the hose can become impurities to the LPG gas.
Then, the impurities can affect the quality of the hose, especially if theres some
water inside the hose, because it can make corrosion to the hose. The hose can be
broken by these impurities because the hose is designed specifically only for LPG
gas. Also, these impurities can affect the quality of the gas combustion in the
stove to be imperfect.
There is also one important thing that the peoples miss it when started using
the LPG at their home, there is the ventilation. The ventilation is very important
for the safety aspect of using the LPG. Because, the ventilation inside the house,
especially in kitchen is prevent the gas to be accumulated, so that the chances for
explosion that can occur is getting higher. The good ventilation when using LPG
is not only on the top, but also in the bottom of the room, because the molecular
mass of the gas in LPG (C3 and C4) is little bit heavy.

Figure 3.4. The Example of Good Ventilation

(Source: PT Pertamina, 2010)


The accident of fuel gas, especially by the use of LPG is still high in
Indonesia. The example of that bad habit and the bad quality of the equipment of
LPG can increase the chances of accident, the fuel gas can blazed and explode,
because a wildfire that destroy their asset and property, injured the peoples, even
cause the peoples killed. The peoples like to do anything arbitrarily while use the
fuel gas, without pay attention about the safety aspect.
In the focus of CNG accident, in Indonesia the Trans Jakarta Bus is using
CNG for their fuel. But, sometimes the Trans Jakarta Bus suffers a fire accident.
The causes of bus fire by the fire sources are:

Electricity System
Commonly, the broken electricity system is happens in the room of
battery/accu, alternator, or AC compressor.
In the tyres because of its leak, or the worn-out brakes
Engine components
Because the leaks of fuel gas, lubricants, the broken in exhaust/turbocharger,
or the overheated components.

Figure 3.5. Trans Jakarta Bus Fire Accident

(Source: Kompasiana)

3. 2. Current HSE Publication of Fuel Gas

So far, the government in Indonesia have done the effort to publicize the
health and safety use of fuel gas to the peoples. The objective of the effort is to


educate the peoples how to use the fuel gas safely, in the result to depress the
number of fuel gas explosion accidents that occur. The specific target of HSE
publication is the peoples that often use the LPG, such as housewives and food
trades, the drivers that use the CNG, and the gas station staffs.
For the common peoples like the housewives and the drivers, Pertamina is
use the advertisement on the television. The television is used because the range
and scope of its very large the peoples. Over years ago, there is an advertisement
from the government. The advertisement was explained the safety use of LPG 3
kilograms. But unfortunately, now the advertisement is no longer in television.
This decision is very pity because the advertisement is useful, have a good content
about the safety of using LPG 3 kilograms.

Figure 3.6. Television Advertisement About HSE of Fuel Gas


The government, in this case is Pertamina, also have made the poster about
the safety instruction to use the LPG 3 kilograms. In this example, the poster is
have a four main content, such as the safety preparation before using LPG, how to
use a stove gas correctly, how to do when the LPG is exhausted or how to change
the LPG, and the warning about any dangerous action when using LPG. These
main contents in the poster are very good to explain to the peoples, but
unfortunately, this poster is very rarely found among the society.


Figure 3.7. Poster About Safety Use of LPG 3 Kilograms

(Source: PT Pertamina, 2010)

3. 3. Implementation of Regulation
The government in Indonesia has focused to implement the safety regulation
of fuel gas to the LPG and CNG. The common target by the government is the
producer, distributor, and the consumer or the peoples that use the fuel gas. The
authorities that have a right to regulate the regulation of the LPG and CNG are the
central government (Pemerintah RI), province government (Pemprov), and district
or city government (Pemkab or Pemkot). They make the regulation, while the
direct supervision is due by the inspectors of HSE, specialist of steam engines and
pressure vessels.
The implementation of regulation based on the constitution must have
principle to be preventive, systematic, and comprehensive. The regulation from
the government is set the fuel gas (LPG and CNG) in the society by the three
principles above, such as:
a) Plan and design
b) Production and manufacture



Usage and maintenance
Reparation and modification

In the implementation of CNG safety regulation, the target is users (drivers,

etc.) and providers, such as the owners and the staffs of fuel gas station (SPBG).
For the users, the government test the fuel gas vehicle to the standard. When the
vehicle passed the test, it will be given the roadworthy permission to the vehicle.
In the SPBG owners and staffs, the government will be given correct and safety
CNG technical. The government also take standardization to the garage of the fuel
gas vehicles.

Figure 3.8. The PGN Fuel Gas Station in Surabaya


For the LPG, the government have set a standard quality (SNI) for LPG
equipment, such as tube, hose, regulator, etc. The standard quality is very
important to be applied, because to make sure the peoples is safe by using high
quality equipment. Standard quality is applied not only for the domestic
equipment suppliers, but also for the foreign suppliers that want to enter their
product to Indonesia. But sometimes, equipment that not have a standard quality
is wriggle out to the society. Lets check to the distribution and commercialization
channel of LPG.
In the distribution of LPG, especially 3 kilograms, the government has
authorities to monitored LPG distribution channels. The distribution of LPG must
through a number of phases which maintained its quality control. Monitoring of
LPG only up to the agents.


Figure 3.9. Distribution Channels of LPG, Monitored by Pertamina

(Source: PT Pertamina, 2010)

In addition, the trade of LPG actually has official regulation by the

government or Pertamina. After produce at the factory, LPG must enter the
warehouse of Pertamina to have quality control and sampling test before being
distributed to the SPBBE/SPBE. This regulation has the objectives to ensure the
quality of the tube. But, beside of it, there is also illegal trade of LPG. This illegal
trade doesnt check the quality of the product, after being produced in the factory,
the LPG distributed directly to SPBBE/SPBE, agents, and the consumer.

Figure 3.10. The Official and Illegal Commercialization

(Source: PT Pertamina, 2010)

The examples of the SNI standard in LPG equipment are:

SNI 1452-2007 for LPG Steel Tube

SNI 7369-2007 for LPG Regulator


SNI 15-1591-2008 for LPG valve

SNI 06-7213-2006 for LPG hose

Figure 3.11. All of The Components of LPG

(Source: Modul Pengawasan K3 Benjana Tekan, 2013)

The government or Pertamina also has a community of LPG channel

regulation. The community of LPG channel regulation consist of three main
components, such as Sales Representative (SR), Crisis Centre LPG (500-000), and
LPG community, which are interconnected to each other. The duty of this
community channel is:

Monitoring the use of LPG in their territories

Reporting field conditions and do counselling
Reporting incidents or accidents
If the incidents or accidents happens, the community is looking for the
information about:
The cause of the incidents or accidents
Condition of the victim
Damage to the buildings
Chronology of the incidents or accidents


Figure 3.12. The Community of LPG Channel

(Source: PT Pertamina, 2010)

3. 4. Peoples Opinion
We as a group have internal or mini survey by question our family to take
a look to the society about their opinion of fuel gas; all of them are talk about
LPG. The entire respondent is have used the gas fuel over 10 years ago. The gas
fuel that they use now is various, between the 3 kg and 12 kg. All of them also
already know about how to use the LPG correctly. But, they got the information
about this from the gas sellers, not from the government.

Type of LPG That Our Respondent Used


3 Kg
12 Kg

Figure 3.13. More Than A Half of Our Respondent Used 12 Kg LPG


Surprisingly, evidently all of them ever have the experienced when the leak
of gas from the tube is occur after smells the odour substance of gas. One of them
even has a kind of little explosion of the gas, and fortunately dont have any
serious injuries because of that. All of them have similar countermeasures to the
leak gas tube, by remove the hose, bring the tube outside home, and keep the tube
away from the fire sources.

Peoples that ever had gas fuel accident


Figure 3.14. Most of Our Respondent is Never Had Gas Fuel Accident
Related to the publication of HSE of fuel gas, they hope the government is
more often publicize and spread the information and explanation about how to use
the fuel gas safety to the peoples. Also, they hope the government use and utilize
the media that can spread the information widely to many peoples. One of the
media that they want is the television, because its easy to watch. The government
also can place the publication on social media like YouTube, using advertisement
before the video. Publication from posters and brochure is also effective.


Figure 3.15. The Animation Video Can Spread Widely by Use YouTube Ad.

The peoples want the animation video that attractive, and dont have a bored
plot. Because of that, this animation video product will be designed with a cute
characters and funny story plot. The most important thing is peoples want the
video that explain the causes of exploding gas and the HSE aspect. So, the video
will be contained the contents explain the gas fuel uses deeply, such as the gas
fuel combustion, what can makes the gas fuel can explode, the most important,
how to use the gas fuel with safety aspect, all with easy explanation.

Figure 3.16. The Examples of Cute Characters in Animation Video




Fuel gas is a gaseous substance which can chemically react with oxygen and
produce heat energy. The type of fuel gas that is often to used is LPG (Liquefied
Petroleum Gas) and Natural Gas in the form of CNG (Compressed Natural Gas).
Each type of fuel gas has different content and different characteristics of
combustion. This affects to the difference in the amount of energy produced from
combustion in any type of fuel gas. The hazard of the use of LPG and CNG are
also different, but generally CNG safer to use than other fuels gas.
The government has set the regulations of use of LPG and CNG as well as
any system that supports the installation of that fuel usage. But the accidents in
the use of LPG or CNG are still going on. To minimize the occurrence of
accidents, there are the steps and important points that must be considered in order
to prevent and cope with the accidents due to the use of fuel gas.
Most accidents that occur on LPG usage were caused by the public
ignorance to use it properly and safely. While in case of the accidents on fuel gas
public transport, largely due to the electrical system, friction, or the engine,
instead of the fuel gas used.
The Government of Indonesia has conducted numerous publications about
the use of fuel gas, such as posters, counseling, and the advertisements on
television. The government has also set a distribution and safety standard process
installation of fuel gas in Indonesia. From the small survey that was conducted
showed that the public's understanding of the use of fuel gas is still low, so the
socialization of the use of fuel gas properly and safely is really need to do. So, the
animation video of health and safety on gas fuel usage is one of alternative to
socialization, because it can be more interactive and easily to spread through
many media.



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