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Analysis by Unconstrained
Stephen Coughlin
and Patrick Poole

Ten Arabic Words: A Challenge to

National Security Professionals
May 26, 2016Articles, Civilization Jihad, CVE, Islamic Law, Muslim Brotherhood, OIC, Willful

Former US Navy Officer and SEAL Matthew Bracken has thrown down the gauntlet to
professionals in our government and the military who purport to be guardians of our
national security:

Ten Arabic Words: A challenge to national security

professionals engaged in the Global War On Terror

by Matthew Bracken
If you are a politically-correct bliss-ninny with a coexist bumper sticker slapped on the
back of your Subaru, and you dont have the slightest clue what the following ten words
mean, then this essay is not meant for you. You are excused.





















But if you are a national security professional, senior military officer or political
leader involved in any aspect of the Global War On Terror, AKA Countering Violent
Extremism, these are ten words that should already be a part of your working
If you cant readily discuss their meaning, significance, and relationships, then you are
worse than a fool, you are disgrace to your office and a danger to your country.
If you dont already have a firm grasp of the meaning of these words, then you are as
prepared to conduct the GWOT as President Obamas Pajama Boy is prepared to fight
a heavyweight MMA champion in a no-quarter steel-cage death match.
If you couldnt accurately define at least eight out of the ten directly from your
personal knowledge base, then as a national security professional, you are an
abject failure.
You are as dangerously ignorant as a parent who would send his ten-year-old son to a
NAMBLA summer camp, because a friendly self-identified Namblan neighbor said it
was like Boy Scout Camp, but even more fun, and completely free of charge. In effect,
you sent your innocent and vulnerable young son to a summer camp run by perverts,
pedophiles and predators, and you didnt even know it, because you couldnt be
bothered to learn the actual meaning of NAMBLA independently from your helpful
Namblan neighbor. Sounds insane, doesnt it? Nobody could be that stupid, right?
Wrong. That level of stupidity is official Obama administration policy when it comes to
fighting the GWOT.
So, if you are an Army general or Navy admiral who, right here and now, without looking
at your smart phone, cannot discuss how a kafir becomes a dhimmi, and what
a dhimmis rights and options (if any) are under shariah, then you are as ignorant of

your job as an European-theater Army general circa 1942 who did not know a
panzer from a pancake, or a schutzstaffel from a schnitzel. A person as ignorant as
you should be kept away from any responsibility for protecting our nation. You are
incompetent, and you are a fool.
If you dont know how to determine when a Muslim suicide bomber is a shaheed and
when he is a terrorist according to the shariah, then you are as dangerous to our
national safety as a North Atlantic ship captain who believes that icebergs are a fairy
tale concocted by conspiracy theorists. Full speed ahead, Captain Smith!
If you dont know takfir from taqiyya, and cant discuss the meaning and importance of
both, you are as useless as a WW2 intelligence officer who didnt know the
Kriegsmarine from the Luftwaffe, (but who thought that one of them was a private flying
club, based on conversations that he overheard among his ever-helpful German
cleaning staff).
If you cannot, right now, intelligently discuss the global ummah and its
relationship to the OIC in the context of the GWOT, then you should be working
for the Department of Parks and Recreation, and not the Department of Homeland
Security. If you dont know what the OIC refers to in this context, put on a dunce cap,
and go stand in the corner.
And if you dont know whether your office is in the Dar al Islam or the Dar al Harb,
please jump out of an upper-story window, and when you hit the sidewalk, ask any
immigrant who is engaged in hijra. Hell know the answer, even if you do not.
If you dont know how dawah relates to jihad when faithful Muslims are engaged in
long-term hijra, you should turn in your official credentials and take early retirement. You
are as oblivious as a WW2 U.S. Army general who thought that the Geheime
Staatspolizei were German motorcycle policemen much like our American state
troopers, because a helpful German passer-by told him so.
If you dont know what the three options are for a kafir who violates the shariah when
living in the dar al Islam, then please get out of the national security business.
If you dont know why a dhimmi would care about jizya, please retire, and hand your
duties over to someone who has the natural curiosity and personal integrity to conduct
his own study of our actual enemies and their actual strategies.
But in the meantime, you must immediately stop lapping up the false narrative being
spoon-fed to you by hostile foreign agents, domestic traitors, useful idiots, and
cowards who know betterbut who wont make waves while their pensions are
If your job is national security, and you didnt score at least an eighty on the ten-word
quiz, then you have obviously swallowed the big lie that we can safely delegate the

understanding of our Islamist enemies to the WW2 equivalent of moderate

Sounds insane, doesnt it?
But under President Obama, this is indeed our national policy for fighting the
GWOT: allow a range of Muslim Brotherhood front groups to conduct Americas
narrowly limited analysis of so-called radicalized Islam, and thereafter guide
our policies toward Islam and Muslims in general.
Here is an important example straight from current events. Please tell us, oh national
security professional, whom has the United Nations delegated the critical task of
selecting and screening the Muslim refugees who are currently arriving in the USA at
the rate of thousands per month? Any guesses? It is the same organization that the
Obama administration has also optimistically granted the authority to choose our new
Muslim refugee immigrants? If you dont know the answer, please get out of the
national security business.

So who is it?
Its the fifty-seven-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation, headquartered in Saudi
Arabia, which I referenced above. The mission of the OIC is to promote the spread of
Islam across the globe until there is no more dar al harb, and all of the kafirs have
either been converted to Islam, killed, or forced into submission as dhimmis. If you
didnt know, dhimmis are formally and legally subjugated second-class citizens who
must pay the special jizya tax as the price of their being allowed to live under shariah in
the ummah.
But this special offer is only extended to Christians and Jews: all others must choose
between conversion to Islam, and the sword. That is, if their Muslim conquerors grant
them the option of conversion.

According to the Shariah, the defeated kafirs may also be killed or enslaved, if either of
these two outcomes would be considered more beneficial to the ummah, based on local
conditions and needs. (Of course, the captured women and girls may be taken as sexslaves.) Mohammed did all of the above, and he commanded that these practices be
continued in perpetuity, and they are.
The charter of the OIC puts Islamic shariah law ahead of secular law. This means, for
example, that the official position of the OIC is that Muslims who leave the faith should
be killed, and that any faithful Muslim who kills an apostate ex-Muslim has done no sin,
but instead should be thanked and congratulated for the deed. Its the same with
adulterers: they should die, and killing an adulterer is no crime.
Yes, that really is their position, and they really do believe it, and much more than that.
The OIC is made up of fifty-seven Muslim nations, united by a common belief in the
supremacy of Islam, and their mutual obligation to conduct both dawah and jihad until
the Dar al Islam covers the globe, and Allahs eternal and immutable shariah has
supplanted godless democracy and all manmade laws. This dawah includes the
practice of using taqiyya when making arrangements or having negotiations with as-yet
unsubmitted kafirs in the dar al harb.
So its no wonder that ninety-nine percent of the refugees being screened by the OIC
and transported into the USA are Muslim, even though the Christians and other nonMuslims (who until recently made up over ten percent of the populations of Syria and
Iraq) are suffering a brutal genocide and holocaust at the hands of Islamic State
kidnappers, mass-rapists and mass-executioners.
The same OIC which is choosing our Muslim refugees is also strong-arming the
European Union, the United States and the United Nations into accepting shariahcompliant religious blasphemy laws, which will turn criticism of Islam into illegal
hate speech.
Its worth noting that Bill and Hillary Clinton have collected millions of dollars in
speaking fees and donations from OIC members, and perhaps unremarkably, Hillary
Clinton also supports outlawing criticism of Islam, if the criticism leads to violence by
In light of this, its particularly sad to see disgraced former General David Petraeus heap
even more shame upon himself, with his recent call for a mindless capitulation to Islamic
extortion threats, extortion threats which have been ongoing against kafirs for 1,400
With fourteen centuries of history to examine, Dont make the Muslims angry, or theyll
run amok like uncontrollable sub-human savages, and kill lots of innocent people is a

wretched strategy for a former American general and intelligence agency director to
His call for the end of free speech rights anywhere and anytime that they offend
Muslims is no different than warning a beaten wife not to anger her chronically abusive
husband again, lest he give her yet another violent thrashingwhich would then be
entirely her fault. In fact, she should be punished again, just for provoking him after
being warned not to!
This is not merely the hecklers veto, which we are, sadly, familiar with today on the
American college campus. This is the Muslim terrorists veto, and it means forced
submission to Islams shariah law as the price of temporarily forestalling Muslim
Shame on David Petraeus for siding with the perpetrators of Islamic terrorism, and not
the victims.
But at least his motives are transparent: pure greed. Petraeus, who has no background
in finance or economics, is making millions of dollars by hustling in Muslim nations for
the multi-billion-dollar global hedge fund KKR. They want something for their money,
and he gave it to them in his recent Washington Post column. (Read Why David Petraeus
really wants you to shut up about Islamism,, May 18, 2016.)
Let me offer you another simple test that you may apply to your own national security
work space and mission.
If you have been ordered to purge the ten listed Arabic words (and others) from
your official GWOT lexicon, and instead to hand over the task of analyzing
Islamic radicalism to alleged moderate Muslims, then you are being played
for a fool by our nations most implacable and devious enemies, both foreign and
Fifteen years after the twin towers came down, you have no excuse for such
obliviousness. After the next 9-11, you will not be able to plead ignorance yet again.

As a national security official, you have a duty to

perform your own due diligence. You must educate
yourself, and reject the politically-correct blindfold that
you have been ordered to wrap around your own mind.

Sun Tzu wrote: if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled
in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win
one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in
every single battle.
Today, we are literally outsourcing our intelligence analysis in the GWOT to the
OIC and various Muslim Brotherhood front groups. Simply do a search for Holy
Land Foundation, Hamas, CAIR, and FBI to begin your overdue education.
Is it any wonder that the official Countering Violent Extremism narrative holds:

That there is utterly no connection between Islamic terrorism and Islam?

That the Islamic State, which quotes chapter and verse of the Koran as
justification for its every decision, is not Islamic?
That Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph of ISIS, who holds a PhD in Islamic
Studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad, knows less about Islam than President
Obama and his American-trained national security staff?
In 2016, ignorance of the reality of the Islamist threat is no longer an excuse. Many
resources are readily available if you are willing to look unblinkingly at the light of truth.
I would suggest the online video lectures given by Stephen Coughlin and Dr. Bill Warner as
starting points. Those who need or desire to read an exhaustively researched (over a
thousand footnotes) academic treatise on the present Islamist threat should carefully
study Coughlins Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad.
After 9-11, Mr. Coughlin was an acclaimed subject matter expert and frequent high-level
lecturer at the CIA, the FBI, and the Pentagon, until 2008 when he was made personanon-grata on federal property as an unwelcome Islamophobe.
And who made the determination of Mr. Coughlins Islamophobia? The same Muslim
Brotherhood front groups that our intelligence agencies now rely upon for their
understanding of violent extremism, which, of course, we are assured has absolutely
nothing to do with Islam.
We know this must be true, because President Obama has told us so. Unless, of
course, he is practicing taqiyya on behalf of the ummah. Taqiyya is a bedrock principle
of Islamic shariah, a ready tool for Muslims to use when they are dealing with kafirs.
And not only radical Muslims, but ordinary, everyday, moderate Muslims. According to
the shariah, its not a sin when a Muslim lies to a kafir in order to promote Islam. In that
case, taqiyya is just a very clever form of dawah, helping to prepare the kafirs for the
final Islamic jihad victory.

Now, go look up the Arabic words that you didnt know, and read the article again, with
fuller understanding. Then, go ask your colleagues how they did on the quiz.
In the current threat environment, when mistakes are punished with passenger
jets falling out of the sky, seventy is a failing grade for a trained and educated
national security professional.
Please strive to do better. Your country is depending on you. Dont let us down again.
Educate yourself, and then prepare to stand firm against the prevailing winds of political
Orwell said, In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Remember your core values, and stand tall against Americas enemies, both foreign and

Matt Bracken graduated from the University of Virginia in 1979 with a degree in Russian
Studies. He was commissioned in the US Navy through the NROTC program at UVA,
and then graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL training class 105 in
Coronado California. He served on east coast UDT and SEAL teams, taking a Naval
Special Warfare detachment to Beirut in 1983. Mr. Bracken left active duty after
Lebanon, upon completion of his obligated military service, but he remained in an active
reserve status through the remainder of the 1980s. Since then he has lived in Florida,
Virginia, South Carolina, Guam and California. Matt is a self-described freedomista who
loves ocean sailing for the pure freedom it often permits. In 1993 Mr. Bracken finished
building a 48-foot steel sailing cutter of his own design, on which he has done extensive
ocean cruising, including a solo voyage 9,000 miles from Panama to Guam and two
Panama Canal transits. He is a constitutionalist who believes in the original intent of the
founding fathers of our country. He lives with his family in North Florida and longs for the
wide blue ocean. His website is
Daniel Greenfield Book Review of Catastrophic FailureAugust 23, 2016In "Articles"
We're at War: The Calm Before the StormSeptember 6, 2016In "Civilization Jihad"
2016 OSCESeptember 26, 2016In "Civilization Jihad"

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