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OXFORD Cy Pre ad P Third edition rd edition Tom Hutchinson Lynda Edwards OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS y= Workbook } @ with cD-ROM 3 Tom Hutchinson Lynda Edwards Getting to know someone 1 write the questions. 1 ¢ _What’s your name? * James Burrows. 26 a = * BUdoubleROWws, is * I'm from London. = Se ee © I'm thirteen, Se pe es © 3 December. * 18 Palmer Road. = a © Its073 425 1605, * Its Be = See © Yes, a sister, ee fens Everyday English 2 cE Pput the words in the correct order to make ‘questions or statements. 1 four for What got answer you have number 7 What answer have you got for number four? 2 question the again What's 2 3° answer don't | know the pee 3 4 that anything haven't 1 got for 5 three about What number 6 its think London 1 Present simple — questions 3 cp katherine («) and her brother found a bag Wnith stolen things init. A reporter (a is talking to her. Complete the reporter's questions. R Congratulations, Katherine. Do you want tobe _a detective when you leave school? K Oh yes, I do! pz detective books? Yes. My favourite author is Agatha Christie! And | like detective films, too, ROW Ofte a2 See deceit films? "usually watch them every week, Why 4 —______ detective films? Because they're very exciting! ‘What about your brother? 5_—__ ——_____ detective books, too? Yes, he likes them very much, R What & time? —— in his free He plays computer games with me. Present continuous 4 ccm what are they doing? Look at the pictures. Write the questions and answers. 1 Mike / do homework? Present simple and continuous 5 complete sills e-mail, Use the verbs in the box in the present simple or the present continuous tense, | From: billyboyt23@speedmallcom | Subject: My Friday evening | Hilts 7.30 on Friday evening and 1 _!m sting | at my computer. | usually _ oo ae with my friends on Fridays. We normally a —at the café and then we }« to the cinema or to the sports | centre, and we always =a lott | fun. But is a lot of fun today, because | 7 —_ my little sister, My parents are at a restaurant. They | © dinner with some fiends. My PMCS OE cece DYE dite living room at the moment. it’ her favourite DVD | and she — it all the time. My friends are all at the sports centre now. /S Mike doing his homework? | They" volleyball. Everybody No, he isn’t. He's watching television, | "—___agood time, except me. No, he isn’t. He's watch pon a 7 E 2. Laura/ play computer games? {ts not fair. ‘Anyway, how are you? What you i atthe moment? What * 3. Callum and Jack / cycle? | you usually on Friday evening? ee - = Writing 4 Dean / read? 6 >write to Bit about your Friday evening, | To: 5 Ellie and Jade / ski | From: & : Subject: Friday evening 6 Paul/ride a horse? Anew home Life stages 2 Complete the text with the verbs in the box in the past simple tense. 1 © Match the words in A to the words in B. Then Use the expressions to label the pictures. get married leave school get a job meet be-born (x2) growup die move My grandma, Danielle, _was born __in 1936. She2______ ina small town near » Bristol and when she was ten her family 2_____to Gloucester. she went to school there and when she was eighteen she * i —. She didn’t go to university. She S____......_____in a shop. Shes__________ my granddad, Peter, ‘there and they? —_in 1956. Their child, my dad,*@_______in 1960. My grandma’ ___________last year. he was seventy years old, tf Adjectives 3 czFind seven more adjectives. yle;rir|ele]ojal|c| Ral] VIEJPI|T{/FIR/ITIO;JLI Y/R tly|efejalalol|riulr{z [tfc] w)mMiojalsitiela Qjojzja@jojifejelrlely J|RIN/A|U/G/H/T/Y|N OH PlH|Gip|s|ifalpelijnia Nit{olojulnielalxle|e x|e{H{s|e}x{rRi tio] c|e 5 6 P/O/P/U/L/A|R/I/E/T]Y Past simple 4 © Read the text. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple tense. My name's Margaret and I live in London. We moved (move) house about three months ago. |2 (not want) to move, but our house * (not be) big enough anymore. Anyway, | (not like) the colour of my new bedroom, so last weekend | 5____ (decide) to paint it. On Saturday morning Dad * (give) me some. money and |? (go) to the shops to get some paint. There * (be) lots of different colours, but |® (choose) blue and white. | (buy) two tins of paint and then |" (carry) them to the bus stop. | ® (get on) the bus, but there ® (not be) any seats downstairs, so 1 (it) upstairs. When \___ (stand up) to get off something terrible * (happen). 17”____ (drop) the tin of blue paint down (leave) a line of blue (not know) what (be) horrible! the stairs! It © paint behind it. 1 to do. It™. 5 © Put the words in the correct order from the shortest to the longest. week 1 _asecond. ayear 2 aday 5 an hour amonth 5 esecond 5 a season ‘ aminute & How long ago did these things happen in your life? Complete the sentences. Use ago. 1 Iwas born, 2. I started school 3. I had breakfast 4 The school holidays ended 5 Christmas was 6 7 8 I wrote a test | started this exercise My last birthday was Past simple "7 complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box in the past simple tens cary | went to the Fab Five concert con Saturday. It was great! sack Really? 1? there too. But | 2 you! cary 4 very early and | right at the front! sack 16 their new CD yesterday. Have you got it? Gary Yes and I think its great. |” their first one. It Yes, you're right. a bit boring, Asurprise for Smart Alec! Working with words 2 EB Complete the dialogues. Put the letters in ‘the ct order to ete the comments. 1. complete the dialogues. Use the expressions eae conte she in the box. a the theatre a bit boring | goskiing not bad go swimming | britfiant beill terrible 1 What did you do on Saturday? » |_went to a football match. Oh, was it good? = It was terrible! ‘BRITLEER 1 What did you do on holiday? © We _went skii Did you have a good time? © _Yes, it was briliant. 2: cen Whete 28 with 2 © How was your weekend? pate : © What did you do? _—_! 6rinao © Yes, it was 4 « What did you do at the weekend? - * We ee @ Oh, was it good? Bae é van ee oe A pap = No, SCC vito ys 3 xz write answers about yourself. FRIEND What did you do at the weekend? Your Ps FRIEND Did you enjoy it? OU Soe Past simple — questions 4 © Circle the correct words. Was /Wer@you on holiday last month? Was / Did your dad go to the football match? Did Fiona go / went to school yesterday? Was the test difficult? Yes, it is / was. ‘Was / Were your friends at the cinema last night? Did your sister like /liked the concert? Was / Were you ill yesterday? Did / Does the thief steal anything? eavyausuwne 5 complete the questions. 1 © [played tennis with Paul and Cindy today. + _Did you have 2 good time? Yes, it was great. 2. © You didn't come to school yesterday. Senses) TA ae eee © Yes, Ihad a bad headache. 3.» Myparents went to Spain on holiday last week. een ‘© No, it rained every day! 4 © Somebody stole my bike last week. oS es 2 tiple? Yes, | did. And they found the thief 5. @ Jane and! went to the cinema last night. ep ac a Yes, it was brilliant! 6 © Iwent to England last month. . in English? © Yes, all the time! 6 Ez Look at the picture and the invitation. Complete the questions in the past Come to mis birthday party, ees! re + September €.00~ 9.30 44 canal mond (ny hou See youtnerr 2"? Mark, When _was Mark's Itwas on 4 September. Were sass ee? It was at Mark's house Whee ee _? It started at six o'clock ‘When 22 eestor 7 It finished at about half past nine. ge ee ae ee | gave him some CDs of his favourite group. Wht S28 We ate pizza and cake. Whateces 5 a ee? We listened to music, danced and played games. Pe | got a taxi back home. 1 Look at the family tree. Complete the boxes with the correct words. SU 3 (i ee Eric qi + fy Brenda Brenda is Eric's — z 7 Conrad, Lisa, Kim and Jane 8 Ericand Brenda Neil and Penny's ae: Phil's — 2 Look at the family tree in exercise 1 again. 3. ED write one or two sentences about these Complete Kim’s text. members of your family. I've got quite a big family. I've got one brother and 1 brothers two '_ sisters I'm thirteen, so I'm 2 I've got an older brother. His name's Conrad and Lisa are both ten. They're ® ES ae oi 8 Jane is eight, so she's ¢___. Phil is my 2 sisters . He's an *__ — he doesn't a Kesasiemacae ned have any brothers or sisters. Eric and Brenda are my 4 sic “7______ 1 don't know my father’s parents, 3 cousins because they * before | was born, be supposed to 4, © Complete the sentences with be supposed to in the past and a verb in the box. lo paint post buy go. 1 Dad _was supposed to post a letter yesterday, but he forgot 2) My sister but she bought sat 3 My teacher wasn't happy because | exercise 4 at home, sugar, but I did exercise 2 4 Our neighbour the kitchen yellow. They didn’t have any yellow paint in the shop, so he used orange! 5. My cousin Ricky i to university, buthe meta ait and decided to get a job. Cher. = Me oS a DVD, but the television stopped working, so and because 5 ©@ complete the sentences 50 or because. 1 My cousin is getting married next week, so I must buy a new dress. 2. He didn’t win the competition, __he didn’t practise much 3. Her father got a new job, _____ they moved house. 4 He's very good at English, __he’s going ‘to work in England for a year. 5 I didn’t sleep very well last night, drank a lot of coffee in the evening 6 Ican‘t do this test, its too difficult Past and present 6 EE write sentences, Use the verbs in the box. play eat five have write 1 _Now/Ilive ina big 2 _Now!... house, but when | was younger I lived ina flat Trish’s new friends 1 © complete the text with the words in the box. Trish is a She — girl in our school, 3% from Bristol, because — 2 job here. it was hard forherto* all her friends and her school, but now she can meet New people! We went swimming together today. itwas$ ss We hada good time. Martin is going to have a birthday ‘—_____ on Saturday. t's going to be atthe sports centreandhe?___g Di last week. Trish is coming, too. "have to finish now, because our teacher gave us*______ of homework! Recent Entries Introducing people 2 © Timis anew student in your class, Introduce him to your friend, Lisa. Write the dialogue. you _This is... 1™ usa Everyday English 3 complete the text messages. Hi Beth. We're going to the cinema this join us? Hi John. 'm having a birthday party [on Saturday. Do Hi Stuart. Pete and | are playing football later. Would 7 with us? like + -ing 4, Do you like these things? Write true sentences about yourself. OR 1 _Llike waiting letters. don’t like writing letters. 5 CEE write the questions and short answers. Use like. 1. you / dance Do you like dancing? Yes, | do. 2 your dad / ski 3 your dog / sleep 4 your friends / go to parties 5. your mum / cook 6 you /learn English 7. your teachers / play computer games Writing 6 =D write about your best friend, Write about © his /her life © his / her family + what he / she likes * what you do together nl Progress check 11 Circle the correct words. 3. One verb in each group is regular. Write the 1 My uncle went ((@RY stopped home when he Past simple forms and tick (V) the regular verbs. was sixteen 1 come Ge keke ea 2 My cousin isn’t married, He's one / single / only. lose ride ips 3 My friend, Claire, has two sisters, but she is the cook dnver ee older / eldest / old, Zaye T pandas 4 He's a known / famous / boring sportsman, but eee a 10 one likes him, pay end _ Z 5 My sister and | grew over / on / up in America. 3 fly i, + gt 6 My parents didn’t study / choose / go to Wis ietetic set - go = university , ire 7 ‘often play with my baby niece / daughter / Stowe es ant aunt when her mother is out be ese met a 8 My granddad was died / born / worked in Africa. know stop 2 2 Join the sentences in A with the sentences ae ee = ae in B. Use so or because. eae a tell = take 4. Write the questions. Use the cues. 1 you/ out / yesterday re you out yesterday? 2 where : Iwent to watch our school football match 1. _My brother is going to move to Canada, a as _because his girlfriend lives there. 2 oe een No, we lost 4-3. R 5) Look at the things Jason wanted to do last Saturday. Write sentences in the past simple tense. Jason cleaned his room. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ican... Complete the answers and tick (V) the correct box. 1 © What's your surname? I'm thirteen, ¢ What's your address? 2 Whent* (be) a child we 2__ (live) in a very small town. We 2 (move) before | * Look at the chart. What do the people like? What don’t they like? Complete the sentences. -ef 58] -4| x v v x x x Frank Jenny S [baa Mr and Mrs Wills 1 Frank likes horse riding and “ He cling. QA oem She. and 3S Mrand Mts Wil They and Give your opinion on the things in the chart in exercise 6, I $i (start) school. 15 (not like) our new house, because my bedroom was very small But!® (have) a lot of friends there, Kenny, this / itis Jo. She plays / played basketball with me. © Hi, Jo! Nice / Kind to meet you! © Hi, Kenny. 4 football Its great! winter cats pop music EY Journey into space 1 © complete the ‘crossword. Across 2 complete the sentences with words in 3 exercise 1, Put the letters in the correct order to find ‘the words, 1 People can travel in space in a spa ceship._ 2 You can see a lot of _ This isa lace in space. People can work here ——__ in the sky Space st ——__esacp wrosan: at night. 2 This s when people look for new places 3 Nell Armstrong was a famous “2 =e 4 Earth, Venus and Mars are examples of ____ 3° These machines help us do our work Be Wellton thes eee ties hore a er a 6 The Earth goes round the __ 4 Television stations use these. — Lersrsrate ee — RUSTATANO & We often find these under the ground Sey 4 will for the future 4 Dcomplete the texts. Use the verbs in the boxes with will. ‘Where will you go for your next holiday ~ Spain, Florida? Many people believe that soon we * will go con holidays in space. A Spanish company has got plans to build a hotel there. The hotel?___ like a huge bicycle wheel, but inside it”_______a normal hotel with restaurants, a cinema and things like that, It ‘___a hundred bedrooms. The hotel 5___about two years to build. The company believes that the first tourists years from now. At first people ?@____ Shuttle, So holidays at the hotel ®@_ expensive. A three-day holiday ® about £2million. In the future we "®__ larger spaceships. They"______ about fifty people. The new spaceships ® land at airports like normal planes. at the space hotel in less than ten to and from the hotel in small spaceships like the American Space 5 EDA reporter is talking to a director from the space hotel company. Put the words in brackets in the correct order to complete the questions. REPORTER DIRECTOR REPORTER, DIRECTOR REPORTER, DIRECTOR REPORTER, DIRECTOR REPORTER DIRECTOR REPORTER DIRECTOR REPORTER, DIRECTOR REPORTER, DIRECTOR REPORTER, *_What will the hotel look like? (the hotel / will / what / look like) Well, it will look like a large bicycle wheel, but inside it will be a normal hotel, 2 (will / how many rooms / have / the hotel) There will be a hundred bedrooms. to build the hotel? (it /take / will / how long) We think that it will take two years. at your hotel? (when / the first tourists / will / arrive) In the next ten years, we hope. (be / holidays / expensive / will) Yes, at first they will Paieriteccuseiultapiihceiieste sect? (cost/ how much / will they) About £2million for three days. ——_______to and from the hotel? (travel / people / how / will) At first, we will use the Space Shuttle, but later we will have bigger spaceships. *___ special airports? (will /need / they) No, they will use normal airports. Thank you, 5 16 Detective of the year Reading will for decisions 1 Read the text, Are the statements true (/) or 2 C= Complete the dialogues. Use the expression false (x)? in the box with will. yuth Rendell writes detective stories. People all over the world love reading them. You can buy her books in many different languages. She writes exciting stories about different cases, like murders and robberies. She won lots of awards for her books. Her ‘most famous books are about detective Reginald 1 Wexford. He lives and works in the country and solves many cases with his friend, Inspector Burden. Burden is very different from Wexford. Wexford is a friendly and intelligent policeman, Burden is younger, not so friendly and quite Jealous of Wexford! You can see films of almost all the Wexford books and many of Ruth Rendell's ‘other stories, too. Ruth sometimes uses another name when she writes stories — Barbara Vine! These books are also very exciting, but they are more about people and why they do different things. Ruth Rendell is a very intelligent writer and her books are good to read! What do you want to eat? TFithave fish and chips, please. Can you go to the cinema tomorrow? aunwns oN Ruth Rendell is a detective, She is famous only in England. You need to know English to read her books. | She won lots of prizes, She has a friend called Wextord, Wexford is a detective and he lives in the country. Wexford and Burden are friends. Ruth Rendell and Barbara Vine are the same person. I) a Do you want to play football in the park? Oo 3. ED write your own responses to these sentences. Use the expressions in the box. 1 Doyou fancy a snack? © _Yes, please. Ill have a cheese sandwich. _ Don't forget 2 © Don’t touch the saucepan. I'm cooking dinner we'te going out and it's hot! this evening. . 3 © Doyouwant to go bowling this evening? 4 « | lost Maggie’ telephone number. 5 © We haven't got any milk 6 © The phone’ ringing, 7 © Don't forget to e-mail Joanna Did you send Sara a birthday will — negative 4 ex Professor Albert doesn’t agree with these statements about transport in the future. Rewrite the sentences in the negative, 1 In the future people will have their own cars. _ln the future . 2 There will be a lot of traffic jams. | recorded the 3° We will build more roads, programme for you 4 Buses and trains will disappear. 5 Wewill have electric cars. 6 Cities will need more car parks. Your future My future 11 © Read Jason's essay and circle the correct 2. © Match the halves of the words. answers. ‘When I grow up, { wart to be an astronaut, because | like reading about different planets and space exploration. My favourite: subject is. ‘Science and | often go to the Space Museurn rear my home, When | eave school, {think Ill go to university and fl earn to fy a plane Later | 4hink (I travel into space. ’ | don't want to get married too soon, $0 | think {HL wait until 'm twenty-seven. [ hope my partner 1 5 will be a kind and friendly woman. | don't want. 22a eae +o be rich or famous, but | want to be important 3 > aarp and live ina 4 8 1 dont thin that the world will change very 3 ar sy have electric cars and € Write the names of the places. Digger, faster planes. Life will be easier and 1 You get money from here. a_bank sz people wil live longer. We'll build space stations 2 Youstay here when you're ill. a = on other planets, but people won't ive there or 3. You buy things here. a anything like that. 4 You borrow books from here. a 5 You can see cows and a a chickens here 1 Jason wants to ben astronaut a pilot /a 6 People sit at desks if they an Science teacher. Gorter 2 He thinks he'll go to university / teach Science / 7 People make things here a work in a museum. 8 They keep wild animals here. a 3 He wants to get married when he's twenty-five / 9 People study here. a = ‘twenty-seven / twenty-nine 10. Planes take off here. an 4 He hopes his partner will be kind / intelligent / 11 You get a meal here. a quiet 12. You catch a train here a 5 He wants to be rich / famous / important. 13. You use a trolley to shop here, a 4 6 He wants to live in a village / small town / 14 People stay here on holiday. a big city. 15. You take letters and parcels. a 2 7 He thinks that life in the future will be difficult / here: worse / easier 8 He thinks that people will live longer / live in space / find other planets. in/ on 4 © Complete the sentences with in or on. 6 eb will these things happen? Give your predictions. Use the expressions in the box. 1 Wearrived_in a taxi. 2) My best friend, Ollie, lives a flat, Broad Street. 3 My dad works an office, London. 4 Mysister was the radio yesterday. 5° I think we won't live ‘space. 6 {saw my friend TV. 7 | found some information the Internet and | used it my project. 8 We live _____ a city now, but | grew up avillage, a small farm. will for predictions _[ think that Fil be famous. — I don’t think that I'll be famous 2. Will children have lessons on the internet? 5 Lucky Star is telling Jane about her future. Put the words in brackets into the correct form. 3. Will robots do everything for us? 4. Will there be life on other planets? You ' won'tgo (not / go) to university, but you 5. Will we travel to other planets? : (travel) around the world You? (G0) to Africa and you a (help) children there. 6 Will there be another world war? Then you $ (move) to Brazil, but yous (not / speak) the language, so you” (have) a lot of problems. 7 Will aliens visit our planet? Yout (not / have) money and you . (not /be) happy. But you ~ (meet) a nice man and you 8 Will you meet the girl or boy of your dreams? a (get married) very quickly. pe eee eee You *. (have) five children and (be) very happy together! Martin's party 1 © Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. latest made having arranged _ ill borrowed number like make PETE TRISH ‘TRISH PETE TRISH PETE TRISH eve ‘What do you think of the party? Its great. We're ‘_having a good time! Why is Lewis the DJ? The other DJ couldn't? _it, he’s ans But Lewis his equipment and CDs. ‘The music is brilliant. | like this slow 5 ___.. Do you like it? No, | prefer fast songs. And this one is old. | like the *__ numbers, Did you help with the work? Yes, Sonia and!7_____the chairs and tables. Sayeed*____ the sandwiches. Great! Would you *__a drink? Yes, please. Everyday English 2 «complete the bubbles. ae 2 1 Please come to my party. ‘Thanks, I'm really looking forward isn Offering help 3 © Match the verbs in A to the correct expressions in B. 4 offer to help. Use the expressions in exercise 3. 1 _1il put some Zs music on. will or going to? 5 <== Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. EMMA. | read in the newspaper today that the European Space Agency *_is going to send _ (send) a spaceship to Mars in 2030. Do you think they * (find) any life there? emma | don’t know. They * (show) a programme about Mars on TV tonight. | think it * y (be) interesting. BOB Oh! I'd like to see that, but | * (meet) Kathy and Paul in town. We & —_— (play) table tennis. emma Don't worry. 17____ (record) it for you. BoB Thanks Emma! | * (watch) it tomorrow. Writing 6 ED write about your plans for your next school holiday. Write about ... © what you've decided to do ‘© what you think or hope you'll do Progress check 1 Circle the correct words. 4 Write dialogues to match the pictures. Use the sentences in the boxes. 1 Jupiter is the biggest star (planet) satellite in our solar system, OK, I'llsee you at the sports centre at _ 2 Space finding / exploration / checking is very ‘two, then. popular now, because people want to travel into Yes, I'll see you there. Yes, I'd love to. = = TE tennis? space in the future. 3. Astronauts travel in satellites / planes / spaceships and work in space houses / stations / hotels. Te 4 Inthe future, rockets / robots / satellites will do all the work for us. y . 5. Some people don't like living in the city, so they . move to small houses / countries / villages. 6 Doctors usually work in offices / hospitals / outdoors 7 \ don't think people will go / get / take holidays I'd love to, but | have t in space. Oh, that will be great. 2 Complete the sentences. 1 I don't believe you. You're _joking! 2 Ihate going to the dentist. But here ! 3 I'm sorry | can’t__ a9 at tonight, because | have to finish my project. as Se ee 4 We're really good =a time. Thanks for inviting us. ee 5 I'mreally __ forward to a the party. See you there! 5 complete the sentences with the correct verbs 6 Would you in the box and will. cinema this weekend? to goto the 3 > Complete the dialogues with Do you like or Would you like. 1 © Do you like swimming? Arua ee My dad thinks that in the future people 4 : —— won't drive cars, because they *_ 4 pec oaae iT it 2 = by train, bus or bicycle. But | think that in the future No, thanks aa = m ee Aas Be = a cup of coffee? See SS ee canes *___ quieter and cleaner because they ‘ . ___ electric, but they * eee es apes our traffic problems. We 7 more © No, I don’t. | never drink it roads and car parks. 1. I didn’t have dinner today. Hii make you a sandwich. 2 The dog is hungry. 3 We don't have any food in the fridge! 4 The room is very dirty after the party. Ican... Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 1 willyou.... go to university? wll get married? have children? 5. it's very quiet here. 6 We don't have a CD player for the party. Circle the correct forms of the verbs. 1. Did Frank phone you last night? . extn gong SY Il see him later today. Would you Tike going / to go shopping this afternoon? = Thats a good idea. 'm going to meet /'ll meet you in the café at three o'clock Have you invited Nicole to your party? * Ohno, | forgot. I'm going to e-mail / I'll e-mail her now. | decided this morning. I'm going to stay / I'l stay in this evening and do all my homework © What a good idea! I'm going to do/I'll do mine, too. 5 « I'm very tired. It's getting quite late. © OK. I'm going to call / I'll call you a taxi 6 © Whenis your holiday? © ItSnext week. I'm really looking /1 really look forward to it. 2 |_____ the next President of the USA ___be a woman. 1 it lear. \ he usa postcard from Spain. rain, The sky is forget to send This homework is really difficult al you, 1m thirsty | By What was wages Past continuous 2 <= what were these people doing at seven o'clock yesterday evening? Write their words, 1 complete the sentences with the verbs in Use the expressions In the Bex the box in the past continuous tense. get ready to.go out watch TV dance geen sud euro haveebath read abook wash up have — throw 1 y Clwas having ~~ _a bath, 1 |_was wearing my 2 Bev glasses, an e-mail. 5 Nick and Liz 6 Myfamily Matt Celine __ for an exam, dinner. 3 cm what were you doing at seven o'clock yesterday? Draw a picture and complete the bubble. 4 Make questions about the people in exercise 2 and yourself. Write the answers. 1. Mrs Gilbert / bath ‘*_Was Irs Gilbert having a bath? © _Yes, she was. 2. Tom / play the guitar 3 Wie J Alice / read . 4 whats Mr and Mrs Payne / do 5 wee Matt and Celine /do 6 eh Gary / put on 5 what was happening in your life at ten ‘o'clock on Saturday morning? Use the verbs in brackets to make true sentences. 1 |_was doing / wasn’t doing my homework. (do) 2. My friends a DVD at my house. (watch) Se ea 4 Our neighbours @ lot of noise. (make) Bea a yas (wees) 6 My friends to school. (go) My mum ready for bed. (get) 8st my breakfast. (eat) 6 cE what were they doing yesterday afternoon? Complete the sentences. Mrs Ball _was sleeping. Mr Ball 7 What / you / do 8 you/sit/at a computer { 2 3 Ollie 4 Jane 5 Toby 6 Aman 26 A dangerous situation Natural disasters 1 complete the crossword. 2 © complete the sentences with words in exercise 1. People in this country build very strong houses, because they sometimes have earthquakes. There was a loud ina car park yesterday and everyone ran into the buildings. ‘When there is a(n) hot lava ‘comes down the volcano. We couldn't go skiing, because there was a(n) ____ on the mountain. ‘You mustn't stand under a tree when there is bring very strong winds and a lot of rain If there is a bad people have to travel by boat! ina town the Preposi ms and adverbs 3 but unfortunately Dad his leg while N he think we x there again. Idon't My brother and his wife to Australia last year and! them next December. They usually a lot of forest fires in December, because it's so hot But they ____near the forest, so we OK! My mum holiday, but Mandy to go to Florida on last year and she it very much. It ___ too hot. Also, they often __ __ hurricanes there and there floods in the towns. | think |___at home this year! Virtual Soap Everyday English a | -) €Z Complete the sentences with the words in 2 complete the dialogues with the the box. Then put the sentences in the correct expressions in the box. order. ‘Are you doing anything at the moment the best thingis Z Really You must be joking a so ‘Are you-geing- outwith — she likes: Do you want to come round to my place here it is 1 mary Are you going out with _ Becky Tom Becky? ae Mary Why? | know TOM eee | didn't know that. Trish shows Sonia her new computer game ‘called Virtual Soap. You can also 2 — your own photo in and be one of the? [7] tts sunday morning, the day after Martin's party and Sonia goes*____ to Trish’s place. L_] Then she thinks about Lewis, because she really wanted to dance with him, but she couldn't, Rick No, not really ___ because he was the DJ rAlAn ace Michelle is a student and she wants to Rick OK. I'llbe there in about half an hour. | ‘ th Pete M: = ee Nee 3. sacos Can have a look at your new DVD? Sonia asks Tish if she likes boys called Pete, PAR tae because she was dancing with Pete Dickens a abbecwfee Caer lot at Martin’ party PETRA It's detective story (71 Tish is going to be Michelle Harris, 1ncos. Isit good? Its a*___soap opera and you can Petra Yes, and = change the characters and make your own it’s got Brad Pitt init. Trish tells Sonia that Pete only talked about *___allevening, Twent bungee jumping yesterday. This is a photo of my cousin, Bill. Do you want a piece of this cake? Twas studying for a test all weekend. Do you like my new hairstyle? | fell off my bike yesterday, Wasn't Mark a good DJ? ‘We're going to live in New Zealand. Do you want to borrow this DVD? 3 Match the sentences (1-9) to the responses (a-i). That sounds boring Yes. It looks delicious. That sounds dangerous. Yes, please. It looks very interesting. That sounds ternble. Are you OK? ‘Mmm. He looks nice. Yes, it looks really cool. Wow! That sounds exciting 17 Yes. He was great. Collocations 4 &@ Match the verbs in A to the expressions in B. Then, in each box, write another expression that goes with the same verb. Writing 5) Ed Write an e-mail to a friend and tell im / her about your favourite computer game. Write about ... ‘the name of the game what you can do the characters why you invite your friend to come and play it with you 32 1 Label the pictures. Progress check 2 Choose the correct verb and write it in the past simple or the past continuous tense. It was Sunday afternoon and John Williams *_was sitting _ (send / sit) in a small boat on Dover Lake. On the shore of the lake, his younger brother, Pete,2_____(brush / play) with their dog, Oscar. He? _ (bring / throw) a stick and Oscar 4 (run /sit) to get it. The weather wasn't very nice. It$____ (not rain / shine), but it was cloudy and windy. Suddenly, John's hat & (hit / fall) in the lake. As John 7 (solve / try) to get it, he *______ (jump / fall) out of the boat. ‘Help! Help!” he* _______(shout/sing). When Oscar ®__ (watch / see) John, he *___(walk /jump) into the water, ” _— (swim / fly) to the boy and ®____ (throw / bring) him to the shore, 3 Yesterday someone took a gold ring from Lady Montague’s bedroom, Smart Alec is iterviewing Lady Montague’s son, Jake. Complete the questions in the past simple or the past continuous tense. ALEC What * were you doing _ JAKE 1 was reading in the living room. ARggWhet?____- ea JAKE. I was reading the newspaper. tec Where 2 JAKE_ | was sitting on a sofa near the window. Abece fs geen eR JAKE No, it wasn't raining, ‘ALEC When 5 JAKE | left the living room at ten past five ‘alec Where ® JaKe | went upstairs PALE Why taser ee JAKE Because | wanted to have a rest. auc * ee aoe JaKe Yes, | did. | saw Jenkins, the butler. A WEEE ai rent a JAKE He was coming downstairs auc 1 anything JAKE Yes, he was carrying a tray with some cups on it ‘tec Thank you, Mr Montague. 4, Your friend tried to call you yesterday but you didn’t answer. What were you doing? Ican... Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 4,30 _1was swimming at the sports centre. 5.30 1. When the teacher came into the classroom | 6.30 7.30 Jackie phoned me while | aan 9.00 10.00 At half past seven last night | 5 Read the story. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous tense. 1) While |_was shopping (shop) with my friend last Saturday, we (see) an accident. 2 We (have) lunch outside a café, when it (happen). 3) Awoman (cross) the street, when a boy on a bike (come) round the corner very fast. 4 Theboy____________(not look) and Aig a Se 5 When! (ee) it,1 (take out) my mobile phone and | (phone) for an ambulance. 6 Apoliceman (arrive) while we (wait) for the ambulance, and he (ask) us some questions. 7 While we (talk) to the policeman, the ambulance (come) and (take) the woman and the boy to hospital. 8 Later, while | (listen) to the radio, | (heat) a news report about the accident, The two people were fine. ‘Are you doing something / anything at the moment? Gary is going off / out with Lara. Do you want to arrive / come round to my place / building? ‘You must be laughing / joking! I met the President last week. nae exciting! Look! This is everything | have to read for the test > S| ¢ Thisis a photo of my new Internet friend. Oh... He interesting! | | wy Sightseeing Famous places 2 @] Write the numbers of the pictures in 1 @ Label the pictures. exercise 1 in the boxes. You can see all of London from here. a b Dinosaurs are here. ¢ You can sit outside and have lunch here. d Big Ben is part of this building e f ‘The Queen lives here, There are fountains, lions and pigeons here. ED Find these things in the wordsearch. 1 whe lulrfolelripi[nja o}uU All A oO ise O|;E B c tle Ww} tlaln|. oT UNA R oO Ejc NM G c Kio LIE N K ale clc[e[t[P[s o|w Alu Q K 4 <= Complete the e-mail with the or — for no article. From: Subject: Your phone call Hi Luciena I'm sorry | wasn’t at home yesterday when you phoned, We went away for the weekend. When | ‘came home from school on Friday, | got changed and then we went to the station and got the train to’ London. We had a lot of fun. From our hotel we saw # Houses of 2___Parliament.. They are on the other side of River Thames, We did lots of things. On Saturday morning we went to the shops and then in the afternoon we did some sightseeing. We saw$_ Nelson's Column. tts in the middle of @_ Trafalgar Square. Then we went to see 7_ Buckingham Palace and *__ Natural History Museum, My mum took my photo in front of *___Biig Ben. While we were crossing the street near * Westminster Bridge we saw the Prime Minister. Later we went to "__ Madam Tussauds and we saw models of famous people. Then on Sunday we went to *___ Tower of London. Its the oldest building in the City of London After lunch I wanted to go to ®__ Hyde Park, but we didn't have time. In the evening we went to “__ Victoria Palace Theatre. On Monday morning we got the train back to *__ Oxford. tt was a great weekend! Bye, Prepositions 5 complete the text with in, on, at or to. My name's Danny. live *__in__ Oxford, a town 2 __the south-east of England, I live number 65 Baker Street and | go*___ Headington School. It's 5 Headington Road, That’s*____ the other side of town, sol go 7_ my mums car. A lot of visitors come 8___ Oxford, because it's got a lot of old buildings and colleges What can you do *______ Oxford? You can see Y ‘exhibitions ®__ the Ashmolean Museum, 1_____ Beaumont Street. You can go ®_ the shops ____ the town centre. You can go ‘“_____ the cinema. You can see a play ‘$____ the New Theatre and *___ the summer there are plays "the park, too. ‘At the weekend there are lots of boats ®"__ the river. We often stand" _ Magdalen Bridge and watch them, Writing 6 Write about your town. ‘My name's (fie rvs oo a | live _______ number and! go. School. jen What can youldo 52 a? You can 36 It’s next to the police station ‘1 © Match the expressions to the pictures. 1 Go round the b {e roundabout, 2 It’s opposite the station. 3 Its on the corner. 4 Go past the bu: P< 7 Take the second {turning on the right 8 Its onthe Sel le 9 It'son the 4 th Ca 10 Go over the stop. $ Go along this street till you come to some bridge. ¢ 11 Go under the bridge. traffic lights. 6 Take the first turning on the left the, a/ an e h k 1 —le 12 It’s on the other side of the river. 2 © Look at the map in exercise 3. Complete the dialogues with a/an or the. Then draw the routes on the maj 1. The people are at the station, © Excuse me. How dol get to__the_ museum, please? © Go down here till you come to roundabout. Turn left at roundabout, then take ____ second turning on Street. There's __sports shop on see __ museum on © Thank you. left right. That's Treeview corner. Go down there and you'll The people are at the traffic lights. «Excuse me. Is there__café near here, please? nearest café is near____ bus station. Go straight down here until you see railway bridge. café is just in front of bridge. its next to newsagents Thank you Asking the way 3. Ez Look at the map and complete the dialogues. Excuse me. |s there _a cinema near here _? Yes. Go along here. Take the first turning on the right and its on the right next to the chemist’s me. How ~ please? It’s on the other side of the river, Go along here. Take the second turning on the left. Go down there till you come to a bridge. Go over the bridge and it’ on the right. WN ae all IA eae a Jeower ee) ae = t ! SF llsseoe Al = : 3 © Excuse me. How do | get to the sports shop, please? * Go i eee Sand tales Se) ASN BEG Sather go cong) Hherenmes Se Fee At turn The eee Thank you. Writing 4, ED Write the route from your house to school. ‘11 Read the text. Match the names in the boxes (1-5) to the letters (a-e) in the picture. Landon is the capital of the United Kingdom and its one of the largest cities in Europe. Over 7 milion people live there. Thats almost 15 per cent of Britain’ population, London is really three cities = the City of London, the City of ‘Westminster and the City of Southwark (pronounced isOeki) {At one time, they were three separate cities with ferms and fields between them, but now they are parts of one big city. ‘The oldest part is the City of London. People ust call it The City’, Thousands of people work here during the day, but only a {ew hundred people actualy five here, because almost allof the ‘buildings are banks or offices. At one time, St Pauls Cathedral ‘was the tallest bullding in the City, but today it looks small ‘among all the modem skyscrapers. ‘The City of Westminster the government centre. The Houses ‘of Parliament, 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and all, ‘the government buildings are here. ‘The City of Southwark is on the other side of the river Its one Of the poorest parts of London, There are lots of houses here {and one of London's biggest stations ~ Waterioo. To the north of Westminster is the West End. All the big shops, theatres, restaurants and expensive hotels are here. ‘Oxford Street isin the West End. ‘Originally London was a port and there were large docks east of the City. But modern ships are very big and they can't come up ‘the River Thames to London, so in the 1980s the docks closed down. The old buildings became flats and offices. At one time, ‘this was the poorest part of London, but now Docklands is a ‘ery fashionable place to live. London's tallest building, Canary ‘Wharf Tower, is in Docklands 1 The City 2 Westminster ic 3. Docklands 5. The West End 4 Southwark 38 2 write these things in the boxes (1-5) in exercise 1. houses and station _ banks and offices government buildings shops, theatres, restaurants, hotels flats and offices 3) cEED Read the text in exercise 1 again. Are the statements true (7) or false (x)? 1 London is a capital city i Almost 7 milion people live in London. More than 15 per cent of British people live in London. 4. The City of London, the City of Westminster and the City of Southwark are three separate cities. 5 Almost all of the buildings in ‘The City’ are banks and offices. 6 St Paul's Cathedral isthe tallest building jin London. 7 10 Downing Street is in the City of Westminster. 8 Waterloo Station isin the government centre. 9 The West End is a very expensive part of London, with many theatres and restaurants. 10 Ships can use the docks to come up the River Thames to London. w something 4, complete the text with the words in the box. In my dream I was in Dublin and | was looking for *__ something _, but | couldn't find it. Then 2___ehind me said ‘tts in your bag.’ So opened my bag, but it was empty. There was a____ init. Then a bus arrived. | got on, but it was funny, because there wasn’t 4___ else on the bus. | was on the bus for along time. | said ‘Hello’ to the driver, but he didn’t say $__ __. When | got off, there were lots of people and___was laughing at me. Pronouns and possessive adjectives 5 Replace the words in brackets with personal pronouns or possessive adjectives. It was Patrick's birthday, but (Patrick) *_he wasn’t happy. (Patrick's) 2 parents didn’t say anything and there were no cards or presents for (Patrick) * After breakfast (Patrick) 4___went out. (Patrick) $__ met (Patricks) © neighbour, Claire. (Claire) 7___was cleaning (Claire's) © parents’ car. (Patrick)*__said “Hr, but (Claire) * didn’t say anything. Then Mike and Ken walked past. (Mike and Ken) *"__ were taking (Mike and Ken's) ® 2 walk, but (Mike and Ken) anything either. dog for didn't say Patrick spent the day at the sports centre and then, (Patrick) * went home, When (Patrick) ‘opened the door, (Patrick) *___got a big surprise. ll (Patrick's) __friends were there. ‘Surprise!’ (Patrick's) friends shouted and then (Patrick's friends) ** all gave (Patrick) %____ presents. So it was a good birthday after all, 39 Kids Lewis’s plan 1 © Complete the text ap the correct words. Martin and Lewis are outside the "cinema, __ They want to go and?s____ Cyberspace, but Lewis #c__go on Saturday, because his g are coming for the Sw Martin can’t make it on Friday, because he's *p. football. Lewis decides toa _____ Tish if she tw. to see the film, _ day Lewis sees Trish at "s_______ He decides to ask her Mo__ But Trish is talking to Sonia 2a_____ virtual Soap. Sonia asks if she is Wg out with Pete, Trish says that they met at the “c and that they're 8g ___ to the cinema at the weekend Lewis thinks that they're **t Pete Dickens. Then Pete Dickens comes. Trish doesn't about want tot____ to him, so she pulls Sonia into a"*c, Pete speaks to Lewis, but he says ‘Get #|__ Everyday English 2 «complete the dialogue with the expression in the box. there he is Guess what What's wrong Are you going out with him Howsitgoing Get lost don’t want to talk to him You're kidding He asked me out Jane Hi, Fran, ‘ How’s it going? FRAN Great, thanks. JANE Raper ais ! | went tog party with Jack yesterday. Fran What??___ = JANE ‘RR Fis a school on Thursday, FRAN Oh, did he? JANE Why? ® = FRAN. He asked me out too. JANE. FRAN pains ae JANE Oh, Ido! yack Hi girls. JANE ' Future arrangements 3) Look at Tara's diary for next week. What is she doing? Complete the sentences. MON 10_ finish my English project = TUES 11. after school: buy Kirk's birthday present 2 = WED 12 5 pm: go to the doctor's = eve: play basketball with Emma and ay : | 3 Aunt Ela, Unde Brian and baby Zach — Making arrangements 4, write the sentences in the correct order to make Sean and Zack's conversation. No, Sunday's no good for me. I'm playing stan _Dream World is on this week. Zack ae 1. On Monday she _ finishing her English project. 2. After school Tuesday she 3 _____ five o'clock on Wednesday she —__ 4 ____ the evening ie 5 ____ Thursday Aunt 6 _____Friday evening her mum and 7 Tara i baby Zach 8 _____ Saturday morning she 9 _____ Sunday morning Aunt 10 ‘the evening Tara SEAN ZACK Writing 5) ED What are you doing next week? Describe your real or imaginary arrangements. Write a sentence for each day. 1 _On Monday I'm Progress check 11 Look at the map and complete what Bella says. 2 Look at the map in exercise 1 again. You are Use a / an, the or — for no article. Then mark talking to a woman at the station. The womar Bella's house, her school and her route to school. wants to get to the ABC Cinema. Write the — dialogue. O _|f= ] | woman [we] (eta ott EI O) | ron re you ae eas y 3 Put the letters in the correct order to make x words to complete the dialogue. : Recnere ‘¢ What can | see when | go ‘sightseeing _ "| in your city? ener + Well, there's a2_____of Ta ‘a famous king. its in the middle of a large * There are lots of interesting old 4 | live in Albert Street. There's "a ___newsagent's woundit You can Seoeentiengs next to my house. | walk to school every day. This is ‘ fee aay tas my route. When | come out of my house | turn right zi and I walk down Albert Street. At2__end of Seren Can ou gnene 5 street | turn right into the High Street 7 Par haanise: There's *___ railway bridge there. | go under uf Wal galeria LiaHIStG 5___rallway bridge and then I walk along the pares are High Street till | come to ¢ traffic lights. At Hoh AE late 7__traffc lights | cross * _ street. | iightattge Sct usually meet my friend Tracy on *_____other side 3 sat Voir ee of ® street outside" __ Museum. We ftseasyl ross Station Road and go into Winston Park. There's erent *___fountain in ® middle of ™__ park. We go round fountain and we come out of *__ park opposite ”____police station. We cross *_ street and we turn right. Then we take ® second turning on #®___left. There's café on comer. We go down there and our school is on left. Circle the correct words. 1 I couldn't find the railway station, so | stopped Gomebodyy anybody to ask directions. 2. There was anything / nothing in the fridge, so we had to go to a restaurant to eat 3. Iknew there was nothing / something I had to do, but | couldn’t remember what it was! 4 | didn’t go out somewhere / anywhere on Saturday, because | didn’t have any money. 5 Anybody / Somebody phoned me in town, but the signal was bad and | don't know who it was. 6 I'm sure | heard a knock on the door, but there was anybody / nobody there. Complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 « Areyou seeing (see) Helen next Saturday? A the park at three o'clock 2 © How Get) tothe concert next Friday? * Mydad take) us. 3 ¢ Where ___(go) with Brian tonight? * We____(not go) out tonight. He’ ill. 4 « Pam____(not come) to the party next week 6 Yes, know: She i) to London for the weekend, Sie Se ee neo renee? * Yes, we _________ (leave) at five o'clock tomorrow morning! 6 © Where______(play) football next Saturday? se We See SME reve Manchester for a big match! Ican ‘Complete the answers and tick (Y) the correct box. 1 ese me Hew to Trafalgar Square? * Go___the High Street and ____ the first turning on the right. 2. There's a statue / fountain of a famous king and a beautiful old square / bridge over the river, We have two supermarkets / museums where you can see some good exhibitions and lots of places to go buying / shopping. 3 « Do_____to play football on Friday? © Sorry, © —______ about Sunday? ‘Sat 14__meet Tack at the sports cenire Sun 15_ study for the Maths test ‘Mon 16 go on our school trip #0 London, On Saturday /’m ‘On Sunday (On Monday =a ») Experiences | | | Al They’ve been successful have / has Colloca‘ 1 © Every year children in our school do jobs and collect money for children in Africa. Complete the sentences about the jobs the children have done with have or has. 3 © Match the verbs in A to the expressions in B, Then, in each box, write another expression that goes with the same verb. ___ done some jobs for our neighbours. We _ helped them in the house. They given us some money. Aimee ______washed the windows Present perfect — cleaned their car. —_____ hoovered the floor, — taken their dog for a walk, too. 4 complete the sentences with the expressi in exercise 3. Use the Present perfect tense. Ben 1” My little brother _has ridden a bike for the first time today! 2 My friend's uncle ___ of police dramas. He's a famous actor. aT — in three different countries, 4 The local TV station ur school and town, 5 My brother, Johnny, — writing the best short story 6 Angelina Jolie United Nations. 2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1, Use the short forms, done some jobs for our neighbours. Nounune 5 what have they done? Write sentences with the expressions in the box. Present perfect — negative 6 cB complete the forms of the verbs jalogues with the correct the box. 1. © Whois your favourite character in Virtual Soap? © don't know, |_haven't played it 2 Doyou do your shopping on the Internet? NO, a ae eee. 3 @ Would you like to see the new James Bond film? © I'dlove to. 4 Doyou know Judy? © No, ee 5 © Were you in the County Championship? © Yes, but! 6 © Doyou like Mika's new CD? | don’t know, | Past participles 11 © Complete the crossword with the past participle forms of the verbs. Across 2 win 5 climb 7 meet 10 do 11 play 13 see 14 travel 15 fly Have you ever climbed a mountain? Down iG 7 1 ride write 0 read aT stop oa a visit be hey] go Reanawn fall rs Present perfect 2 what has happened to you? Use the cues to write true sentences about yourself. 1 I/win a writing competition Present perfect — question: 3 <= pput the words in the correct order to make questions. 1 you seen have I have won a writing competition. Have you seen this film? OR_/ haven’t won a writing competition. 2 Michesle hee played 2. A spaceship /land in our street Virtual Soap? 3. We/see a Grand Prix 4 I /use the Internet 5 Our class / visit the museum 6 My friends / fly in a helicopter have eat they fish and chips? done you have Se voluntary work? met you have SS Sa ferrous roe your friend has ridden horse? ever and never 4 Brad is doing a survey for his project on teenage experiences. Use the cues in the questionnaire. Write Brad's questions and give answers about yourself. A survey on teenage experiences Have you ever done these things? 5 EE) Look at Trevor's answers to a questionnaire on using English. Write the questions and answers about Trevor's experiences. Using English Do you ever use English outside school? Have you ever done these things? Name Trevor Hopwood stay out late? write to a magazine or newspaper? send a Valentine's card? phone a radio station? 1, see a Shakespeare play? 7, 2 speak to someone from ‘the USA or Britain? a have a party in your house? fe} wash your own clothes? ask somebody out? cook dinner? ew nuneawn 1 pao _Have you ever stayed out late? you _Yes, | have. / No, | have never stayed out late. 2 erao You you 4 BRAD You you (Os pean 5 ee you 7 BRAD 8 BRAD 3 write an e-mailin English? | 7 4 visit Britain or the USA? 7. 5 read an English mag 6 watch a film in English? Vv ¢ _Has Trevor seen a Shakespeare play? © _No, he hasn't. 6 ©ED write what Trevor has done. 1 _He's never seen a Shakespeare play. x 2 3 a 5 6 Reading ‘1 Read the text. Are the statements true (7) or false (x)? Lookat the world around you. Have you seen anything different? Everybody has heard stories about terrible weather problems. The world is warmer now, some animals ae going to disappear and soon the sea will ‘get higher. Roads, forests and houses will be under water and our lives will change forever. Why is this happening? Well, people have caused these problems, "We have new machines and modern equipment that have made our lives easier. But this is destroying the clean air, the seas and the rivers. We have changed ature. = Can we stop this? We can make small changes. We ‘can turn off TVs, computers and other equipment when we aren't using it. We can use energy from the sun or the wind. Some people have started to recycle their rubbish. But the most important thing is to make people aware of these problems, Then, ‘together we can try to make bigger changes. The weather in many countries is warmer now. v A lot of animals have died, LU New machines and equipment make our lives easier. Our air and water is cleaner than it was before. People can't do anything to help, ‘We can get energy from the sun and wind. People don’t recycle rubbish. People must learn about the problems. Present perfect 2 © Every year Yvonne goes on a summer camp. 3 <@ Look at the pictures. Which things has What can you do there? Join the verbs in A the expressions in B. At the summer camp you can: with dolphins a mountain inatent a bungee jumy in a balloon ahose -aracing car ‘Yvonne done? 4, © what have you done? For each expression write if you have or have never done it. 1. play ice hockey —tve played ice hockey, OR _I've never played ice hockey 2 climb to the top of a tree 3 see a ghost 4 be late for school 5 gb on a summer camp 6 swim in the sea 7 leave rubbish in the park «ED Complete the sentences with the present perfect or past simple forms of the verbs in brackets. 1 |_have never ridden ___ (never ride) a horse, but! ___(ride) an elephant on holiday last year. 2 Mybrother __ (climb) a lot of mountains, He —__ (climb) Mount Everest two years ago. 3 |_______ (see) some dolphins. |_____ them when we went to Spain. 4 My friend — (do) a bungee jump. He _____it when he was in Australia. 5 |________ (never sleep) in a tent, but | —— leep) in a caravan at my friend's house last week. 6 Mygranddad ____(never fly) in a plane, but he —__ (fi) ina balloon on his birthday. 7 Myaunt___(be) on TV a few times. She —___ (be) in a reality show in February. 8 |_____ (never break) my leg, but | (break) my arm three years ago. 49 Trish's news 1. © Complete the text with the word: the box. date dead were disappeared water waiting slipped at arrives saved shouting enough bridge dived late standing __ the sports for Martin but Sonia and Lewis are *_at centre. Lewis is »___ he’s going to be 2=___ ____and Sonia asks her about ch hers ______with Pete. Lewis doesn't ‘want to know about it ~ he’s heard « _____ about Pete Dickens. Trish tells, them that they?______in the park and while they were *______ona 2 _____ over the river, they saw a gil in ee She Was psi eSHelp" Pete @________into the water and ___ the girl. But as he was getting ___ and hit his __under water and now out of the river, he ™. head. He *__ pemee 3 , arrested eDpIe | can’t wait. of summer. aren 4. The kids think its a ___ wr : ee that he's leaving, 3. c=>Match the halves of the statements and 5 Lewis says that he's a S GBDHAE! questions to make dialogues. but he'll miss him. 1 « Shall we go — I can't. 6 On Saturday, there's going to be a © Sorry, ) Isee. disco at the sports _ RNETCE Why i any money. 7. Everyone wants to go, but Lewis = Idon'thave shopping today? can't how they can talk _owosveutar «Oh, not? di So eee 2. © Doyou want to apity! 8 Lewis thinks that Pete is oie EDAD © Sorry, to go last week. and they shouldn't go to the disco. i But you wanted I.can’t now. 9 Trish tells him that Pete Mancini, a " aes Im afraid go to the disco? een EMC aaa © Oh, that’s Ican't. is dead, not Pete Dickens. 4 ‘Complete the the box. © What are you "going todo 2___ evening? . ___ just stay ____ and listen to some CDs. « §___don't we go * the sports centre? © No,17 think I'll ® oA 2 1% are tel 8a Bt © Butyou ® to go yesterday. ° Well, ® changed my aa Prepositions 5 = complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 1 We mustn't bring mobile phones _to ‘school, 2. My friend fell over _the corridor yesterday. 3. Patrick was ill___ Monday, so he stayed home. 4 He brought a letter his parents and gave it ‘the teacher. 5 We sometimes go the shops after school. 6 There's going to be a disco the sports centre Saturday seven o'clock. 7 Tonight, my favourite film is going to be —_ Ww 8 Myeyes hurt, so | must go the opticians. mustn't / don’t have to 6 complete the sentences with mustn't or don't have to. 1. |_don‘t have to do my homework tonight, 2 We dump rubbish in parks or on the beach! 3 You run in school corridors! 4 You go to the doctor if you have a cold. 5 |____ dean my room during the week. 6 | go to bed too late tonight. 7 You leave your bike there 8 We touch statues in museums, should / shouldn't 7 Bryony and Tom don’t always do the right thing. What should and shouldn't they do? Write sentences. 1. Bryony doesn’t study for her tests Bryony should study for her tests. 2 Tom eats a lot of hamburgers and chips. 3. Bryony and Tom are always late for school 4 Tom doesn’t clean his room. 5 Bryony never feeds the dog. 6 Bryony and Tom don't eat vegetables. 7 Tom plays computer games all weekend. 8 Bryony never plays with her baby sister 61 Progress check ‘11 These people were ill yesterday. What was wrong with them? 1. _She felt tired. - 2 = NI, 6 ee 62 2 Read the instructions. Complete the sentences with must, mustn’t or don’t have to. Read these instructions carefully. 1 Use a blue or a black pen. Do not use a pencil 2 Put your name at the top of the page. 3 Try to answer as many questions as possible. 4 Drawa circle round the correct letter, like this: 1. What is the capital of France? ABerlin @Paris C Brussels D Rome 5 Do not puta circle round more than one letter. 6 Do not write in the boxes. 1 You_must ____ write your name at the top. of the page. 2 et write the date. 3 You_____aease Saimatpenctl 4 Use a blue pen. 5 write in the boxes. 6 You_______ answer all the questions. 7 You ____—_draw a circle round the correct letter. 8 You _— draw a circle round more than one letter. 3) Write sentences about these things. 1 something that you must do today 1_must finish my homework, _ ' ieee 2. something that you mustn't do in shops In SHOPS youn =? avsenetaeeaemeniant 3. something that children don’t have to do. Chile eI 4. something that people shouldn't do People ———___. 5 something that adults should do Bolts se Se 4, complete the dialogues with the expressions in the box. 16 Whats _up ? © Myear Ze Youshould BR fe 2 © Whatsthe___ » Te got ‘© You shouldn't 3 @ Whats s ? «I'm going You should 5 Circle the correct words. 1 | was looking at /fop)Y to my camera, but | couldn't find it 2. Mum tried for / on / out the new microwave, but it didn’t work! 3. The teacher told us to sit down / back / on and do our work. 4 usually get from / off / down the bus outside ‘the book shop. 5 My parents looked round / for /in the new house, but they thought the bedrooms were t00 small. 6 The robber picked on / out / up the bag and ran away. 7 looked out / in / at of the window and saw someone taking my bike 8 We switched in / on / off the TV, but there was no sound, Ican Complete the answers and tick (/) the correct box. 1 poctor Whats _? you I'vegota throat and my back Doctor Anything else? you Yes, tired all the time! 2 When got home, I switched __ the Tand sat on the sofa, | wanted to ‘try ___ my new MP3 player, so | picked my bag and looked inside it. But it ‘wasn't there and it wasn’t my bag! 3 © I'malways tired! © You . (go to bed earlier) ‘© Ihave a toothache. © You — __.. eat sweets) 4. We don’t have to / must / mustn’t touch statues in museums. Drivers don't have to / must / mustn't stop at a red traffic light. We don’t have to / mustn't wear a uniform to school. 11 Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in the box. move house go to university getajob leave school _have a baby growup getmarried _be-born 1 Mybest friend, Dan, was born __ on 7 May, 1993. He in Liverpool, but this year, his family He came to live near me and now we go to the same school. 2. My brother seventeen, but he didn’t go to university. He ___ in a supermarket. He met Rebecca there and they — last year. They're very happy! 3. Mysister_______after she left secondary school. She's married and she works in a bank Last year she _, so 'm an auntie now! _ when he was 2 Write the questions for the answers. 11 _When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon? | think Neil Armstrong walked on the moon 3 Circle the correct forms of the verbs. PADDY Hi! What ‘will you /@re you g this weekend? — ‘ANDREW | haven't got any plans. What about you? papoy Ben and will / are going to go to the ‘Space Exhibition at the Town Museum. It's supposed to be really good. ‘ANDREW What 2 good idea! | think | ?will go /‘m going to go, too. Why don't you come with us? We will / are going to meet at the bus stop at quarter past three. ‘ANoreW That's very kind of you, thanks. | Swill / am going to meet Jack later in the café. | will am going to ask him if he wants to come. I don’t think he 7will / is going to. | spoke to him earlier and he *will / is going to stay at home because he's got alot of homework! » PADDY PADDY 4. write sentences. Use the past simple or the past continuous tense. in 1969 1. 1/ walk to school / meet my friends 2 S s wes walking to schoo! when | met my friends. I played computer games and read a magazine 2. Ben and Rob / play on the beach / start to rain yesterday, jis pated 3s ae 3. My brother / cross the bridge / he slip We met at Richard's party a A mi ss 4 Amy/break her leg / ski Yes, we had a great time, thanks. en 2 5 # = 5 We/ play computer games / hear a noise was born in 1995, —_ 6 6 Dad / take a photo / drop the camera Heft school when | was sixteen. 64 5 Complete the dialogue with a or the. Excuse me. How do I get to! the bank, please? © Go past? bus stop, then turn right. Go along ?. street till you see # big building. Turn left there. Go along that road tll you come to 5 roundabout. Take ‘ third turning on the right. ” bank will be on the left. And is there * post office near here? = Yes, go over bridge and it's on the other side of river Thank you. 6 Look at Yvette’s diary for next week. Write What she’s doing. 1 _On Monday she is going to the museum with her class '7 Make questions with ever and the present perfect tense. Write true answers about yourself. 1 you/ move house Have you ever moved house? Yes, Ihave. No, | haven't. 2. a friend / text you in the middle of the night 3. you/ forget your homework 4 you /be late for school 5 your English teacher / give you 100% 6 a tornado / hit your school Circle the words with a different vowel sound. 1. save gave 2 break take weak 3 dream dreamt seen 4 low slow cow 5 boot good foot 6 done home come 7 tle tug just 8 toe shoe two 9 twice win climb 0 ghost month won 65 66 Introduction 0.1 Present simple — at You we | ie | They Germany every year. cs aes es ‘a We use the present simple to talk about things that happen again and again. eave school at four o'clock every day. b. We also use the present simple to talk about facts that are generally true. Cows eat grass. ¢ Note these spelling rules: 1. With verbs ending in -o, add -es. He goes to school at 8 o'clock 2. With verbs ending in -ch, -sh, 5, -*, oF 2, add -es. We pronounce -es as /t He teaches English. 3. With verbs ending in -y after a consonant, remove the -y and add -ies. He worries a fot BUT She often plays tennis. 0.2 Present simple — negative 1 You We | don't They like milk. He She | doesn’t It Nespas 0.3 Present simple — questions 1 so | Do | we they live here? he Does | she it Where do you live? 0.4’ Present simple — short answers Do you play football? Yes, | do. (NOT Yes, play.) Does she go to the cinema every day? No, she doesn’t. (NOT No, she doesn’t go.) 0.5 Present simple and continuous Ihave a shower at seven o'clock every morning. Itis seven o’clock now. I'm having a shower. J Ji ) you you we | do, we | dontt Yes, | they No, | they he he | she | does. she | doesn’t [it [it We use the present simple to talk about things that happen again and again. ‘We use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening at the moment we speak 0.6 Present continuous — affirmative He walking. She | '5 | reading a book. K S_| wearing glasses. we You | They ‘We use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening at the moment we speak. For spelling rules of, the -ing form, see Grammar Summary 3.1 0.7 Present continuous — negative 1 am not ‘'m not He She | isnot | swimming. tt isn't We You | are not They _| aren't 0.8 Present continuous — questions Am | 1 he ts | she it listening to the radio? we Are | you they ‘Why are you laughing? 1 = Mylife 1.1 Past simpl 1 He | was ‘She tt We You | were They be — affirmative at home last night. 1.2. Past simp! be — negative (eee He | was not She | wasn't it We | were not fou | weren't They at home last night. 1.3. Past simpl opened He watched She cooked regular verbs — affirmative the door five minutes ago. ‘the football match yesterday. dinner last night. 0.9 Present continuous It looked cold this morning. — short answers We visited my grandparents on Sunday. You needed help in June. aaa ' ‘m not. They started the race at two o'clock. he he ‘We use the past simple for actions and states which she | is. she | isn't. happened at a particular time in the past and are now pes a Rees complete. We often use it with time expressions, such as = a yesterday, ago, on (+ day), in (+ month / year), and ‘4 at (+ clock time). you you | aren't. they they Note these spelling rules: fF Siamngu i Ve mE Wore ned, 1. With verbs ending in -e, remove the -e and add -ed, Are they visiting the school? No, they aren't. He closed the door 2. With verbs ending in a short vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add -ed. | stopped the car 3. With verbs ending in -y after a consonant, remove the -y and add -ied, 67 ar summary ithe President's daughter. ‘the verb stem ends in -d or -t, we pronounce fl. sh, ch, we ounce -ed as it! other cases, we pronounce -ed as /d. st simple: irregular verbs my arm, to France. a new hat, mei ur bicycles. to England last year me some money. Of verbs have an irregular past simple. There are no gs for this. You need to learn the form for each verb, .5 Past simple — nega drink the water. go to France, | be — questions were | you they When was the film on TV? 1.7 Past simple: be — short answers 1 he he she it wasn't we you you they Was he here? Yes, he was. Were they angry? No, they weren't 1.8) Past simple: regular and irregular verbs — questions 1 he she it we you they ‘Why did you say that? 1.9 Past simple — short answers 1 1 he he she she it | ai it we we you you they Did she pass her test yesterday? Yes, she did. (NOT Yes, she passed!) Did they go to London? No, they didn’t. (NOT No, they didn’t go.) 1.10 ago Tmet him They moved house along time ‘two months ago. We use ago with the past simple to say how long before the present something happened. We put ago after the time expression. a week ago three years ago 1.11 like + -ing 2.2 will — negative \ 1 you | ,, He we | like She They Eis it | willnot | buy a carnext year we | won't ing to the cinema, tele eee You she | thes They We use ike or likes and an -ing form to talk about hobbies «2.3 willl — ques’ and activities that we enjoy. ; Note these spelling rules: He 1. With most verbs, add -ing to the verb stem, she will") it meet the Prime Minister? sing-singing play playing carry - carrying we 2 With verbs ending in-e, remove the -e and add -ng. oF dance - dancing they 3 With verbs ending in a short vowel and one Reales consonant, double the consonant and add -ing. U erecta ek ek E st sts: 2.4 will — short answers 4. With verbs ending ine, remove the ~ie and add -ying. ; ; te; Ying: he he she she 2 The future Yes, | it | will No, |it | won't we we 2.1 will — affirmative you you they they 1 He Willyou help me? Yes, will. (NOT Yes, il) she Will you be at the party tonight? No, I won't. (NOT No, | won't be. vil fly to the Moon one day. ? p we 2.5 going to — affirmative They 7 afi ‘a We can use will to make predictions about the future. a 1 be a famous singer. He | is b We can use will to offer to do something, She | 's going to have a party FM cook dinner tonight. i ete We can use will for decisions that we make now. we | are 've only got two pounds left. ll go to the bank and get se some more money. aus, We use gaing to to talk about our plans and intentions for the future I'm going to phone my friend tonight. He's going to buy a new mobile. 69 — questions going to watch a film tonight? going to get up? g to — short answers Bu going to spend all your money? YS fam. (NOT Yes, I'm.) Ie she going to be a teacher? No, she isn’t. 3.1 Past continuous — affirmative , He walking home at four o'clock yesterday. They ‘We use the past continuous to say that somebody or sontething was in the middle of an action or situation at a certain time in the past. It was raining yesterday morning at 10 o’clock. ‘We make the past continuous with was / were and the -ing form. Note these spelling rules of the -ing form: 1. With most verbs, add -ing to the verb stem. sing-singing _play-playing carry carrying ‘With verbs ending in -e, remove the -e and add -ing. dance — dancing \With verbs ending in a short vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add -ing. sit sitting With verbs ending in -ie, remove the -ie and add -ying. lie — lying 3.2 Past continuous — negative i He watching TV last night. were not weren't 3.3 Past continuous — questions \ Was | he she it eating breakfast at ‘eight o'clock? we Were | you they Why was she smiling at me? What were you looking for? 3.4 Past continuous — short answers 1 1 he he was. wasn't. she she Yes, | it No, | it we we you | were. you | weren't they they Were you using the internet last night? Yes, | was. (NOT Yes, | was using.) Was she playing the violin yesterday? No, she wasn’t, 3.5 Past continuous and past simple We often use the past continuous and the past simple together when a shorter action (past simple) comes in the middle of a longer one (past continuous). While Mrs Jones was shopping, she met her friend. The telephone rang while Tom was having a bath. 4 london 4.1. the with place names 2 With most roads, streets, squares and parks, we don’t use the. (on Churchill Road in Oxford Street Trafalgar Square Hyde Park With seas, rivers, oceans and canals, we usually use the. across the Mediterranean (sea) the (River) Thames in the Atlantic ocean) the Suez Canal Note this exception: the High Street With theatres and cinemas, we usually use the. the Playhouse (theatre) the Odeon (cinema) We use the with all place names with of. the Tower of London the City of London the Bank of England ‘With most bridges, we don't use the, Tower Bridge Note these exceptions the Golden Gate Bridge the Severn Bridge With possessive forms ('), we don't use the. Nelson's Column at Durrant’s Hotel 2 Definite and indefinite articles: the and a/ an Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is. Go straight on until you see a bridge. Cross the bridge and turn left We use the: 1 when we talk about something again. Shad 2 meal at a Chinese restaurant last week. The ‘meal was good but the restaurant was very noisy. 2. with superlatives and ordinal numbers. It was the biggest house on the street. Our flat is on the second floor. 3- when there is only one possibilty. He wrote a letter to the Prime Minister. (Britain has only one Prime Minister.) We use a: 1 after There's... /s there ... ? 1s there a doctor in the building? There's a fly in my soup. 2 when we talk about something for the first time. I watched a film last night. When the next word starts with a vowel, we use an: There's an interesting museum in this town. 4.3 something, etc. everybody somebody anybody nobody everything something anything nothing We need to buy some food - there's nothing in the fridge Somebody has taken my pen ~ who was it? Everybody knows that London is the capital of England. 4.4 Present continuous for future arrangements We use the present continuous to talk about an arrangement for the future, I'm meeting Joe tomorrow evening. We're flying to Barbados in July. 5 Experiences 5.1 Present perfect — affirmative ' We | have You | ‘ve They | climbed a mountain He | ny as She | It a We use the present perfect to talk about experiences in someone's life, without saying when something happened. We've seen the Tower of London, (NOT We've seen the Tower of London last year.) bb To make the present perfect, we use the present simple of the verb to have + a past participle. ¢ Tomake the past participle, we add -ed to the verb stem of regular verbs. ‘The past participle has the same spelling and pronunciation rules as the past simple ~ see Grammar Summary 1.3. d_ A lot of past participles are irregular. There is no rule to, make these past participles. You need to learn the form for each verb. Grammar summary 5.2 Present perfect — negative We | have not You | haven't apey read that book | He — | has not She | hasn't tt 5.3 Present perfect — questions jHave | we you ney been in a film? he Has | she it Why have you hidden my keys? 5.4 Present perfect — short answers 1 Il we | have. we | haven't. you you Yes, | they No, | they he he she | has, she | hasn't. it [it Has he visited France? Yes, he has. (NOT Yes, he has visited.) Have they met the Queen? No, they haven't. 5.5 Present perfect: ever and never Have you ever played rugby? ‘Yes, | have. But I've never played baseball. We can use ever with a question in the present perfect. It means the same as at any time in your life. Have you ever met a famous person? ‘We can use never with the present perfect. It means the same as at no time in your life. Ilive in the USA, but I've never eaten pizza! 5.6 Present perfe : just 6.2 must/ mustn't Martin isn’t hungry. He's just had breakfast. I'm tired. I've just run 10 kilometres! We can use just with the present perfect to talk about something which happened very recently. I've just started going to a new school. | don’t know anyone there. 6 Problems 6.1 should / shouldn't 1 He ‘She tt should visit a doctor. We You: They 1 He She | should not es | getckre talk to strangers We You They We use should and shouldn't to give advice. You should be more careful He should listen to his doctor. They shouldn't run in the corridor. ' He She It must We You They be home before nine o'clock. 1 He she it | mustn't We You ‘They: swim in the river. We use must to say that something is necessary. You must buy a ticket to go into the museum. We use mustn't to say that something is not permitted. You mustn’t shout in the classroom. 6.3. mustn’t and don’t have to You mustn't tell her — its a secret. I don’t have to go to school today — its Saturday. Mustn‘t and don’t have to have different meanings: ‘We use mustn't to say that something is a bad idea. You mustn't drive fast. I's dangerous. ‘We use don’t have to to say that something isn’t necessary You don’t have to drive fast. We've got a lot of time. B ead acecsve (= verb Introduction A Kids capital kept’ Could you? "kod ju! maybe _'mesbi:/ new inju! Pardon? /"paidn/ Pay attention! pet o'tenfn pity pri’ Fiver nwva(r)! ‘take tek! think _/O:nk What about you? wot abaut ‘us B Sweet Sue and Smart Alec allthe time [1 60 ‘tam! tthe moment /at 02 'maomant/ jet 'kleva(ey! climb /klaum’ oat (hoot Customer kastoma(e) cle ‘sail diamond ('daromond/ Excuse me. ik’skju:z mi! fight back fat "bak fly a! follow. folou! get out. /get ‘aut! help. /help! jewel dgual! Teave Tiwi jie atu ‘move in. /mu:y ‘in necklace _/'neklos! hhext door to /neks ‘do: 19 of course /av ‘kos office 'ofis private detective /prarvat di'tektw! put on /pot ‘on Fegularly regjatali fepair /n'pea(t)/ fide a bicycle [raid > barsikl/ fing (a) ir! fing) in) Shake hands. /fetk “hendz! sign ‘sain Someone /'samwan/ Steal/ stole. stil, stool! thief 0: Upstairs /ap'steaz! usually 'ju;guali / wait weit wife wa! work /wa:k! year 1st 1 My life A Anew home ago. /e'gau! baby bebil be born _/bi ‘bos beach /bit city. Pst cold /koold! country. kantril die /dav famous. |'feimos! get a job (get > ‘dsob! Get married —/get ‘mend! {go to university _/go0 19 ju: {grow up (grou ‘Ap! y happy. "hepi! have children shee ‘ftldron! a av international /into'ne fal! job /dsob kid had Teave school liv ‘sku:l make friends /meik ‘frend! iss mus! naughty nati other /'ad2(0)! parents /'pearants! popular 'popilatey/ prefer (pn'fs(ty Quiet "kwarat! quite ‘kwai rich int rugby tabi! sailing sellin! side isa soon _su:n! start school still [sul summer _/'sama(r)! eam ism’ ‘unusual /an'ju:sual! ‘weather | /'weda(t)/ winter 'anto(rV B A surprise for Smart Alec! bit /o bv allright fol ‘rat! farrest _/a'rest/ bad bed! be away (bi owel! boring ("bo:ry break /breik! briliant _/briliont case kes! come back /kam ‘bak! disappear /diso pate)! early. stil exiting /k’saitin! fantastic fen’ uestk/ fly Mus fun fan gardener _ga:dna(r) hrate het! start ‘sku parcel (‘pass party "patti police _/palis/ op concert. /'pop konsat! solve (solv! stay. (ste! story. 'st:t! terrible /tersbl! want. wont! wedding 'wedin) C My fai actually /'ekt{ualil already Jared! ‘another _/2'nada(e)/ aunt. Ja:nt! because | br'koz! bottle "botl! brother "brada(t), carwash "ka: wof/ cook (v) kok! cousin. *kazn! daughter /dovto(t) dentist ("dentist dinner 'dimatr) eldest eldist expect a baby _/ikspekt a “betbi/ family /'Cem(o)ld father /'f:d0(0) female _fizmell fork ki fox. (loks! Geta present (get 2 ‘preznt/ give au grandfather /grenfa:datr) Grandmother greenmadatry Grandparents /'grenpearants! husband /"hazbond! ron) 'aron/ "kati manager _'manidse(0) married /'merid! rik mall imix things up _/muks Onz ‘xp! mother »'mado(t) mum mami nephew _/‘nefju:/ niece nis! only child pack /pek/ park /pack: polish () _'polt pool /pusl! post (v) /poust! put in /pot ‘in! remember _(rr'memba(*) rubbish /'rabif/ soni “fad! sheep _/fip! ship. (Sip! shot (n) fou single sina ‘win Awin/ uncle /ankl! University.» jusm'vssoi walk (n) Iwaki well wel D Kids book (v)_ bok! By the way, .../bar 89 ‘wer! canoeing "ka iy! ‘dancing. ("dans Do you fancy ..?./da ju: ‘esi! We love to. lad lv ta introduce ,/intradjus! invite /m'vai! Tater enatry loads of /audz av/ Nice to meet you. ars (9 ‘mit ju! painting “pent! Practice /‘prekis! follerblading /'roulsblextn/ running "/'ranty! skiing ski! Swimming 'Swimin/ table tennis eb tenis Thanks. /Oenks! Would you ike to ..2 wor jo lak ta! Culture adult edsly alone /alouw common koman! divorce (e)_ [divas ‘at (r) et! home town houm taun! most moot formally ns:mahi nowadays /navadew! share /feo(ry single-parent family _/singl pearant ‘feemli step brates step brada(r), sista) stepparent sep pesrant! typical pik English across the curriculum breed) /orizd! butterfly _batafla! Earth 0 elephant elafant/ fend (n) end! furthest “ia:o1sv insect /msckt! kilometre /kr'lomita(r)/ lay eggs et 'egz! mammal /memol! migrate fmargret! migration ma grea millions of mile a¥/ northern naan! ocean /9ufn/ per day pat) ‘dev route safe salmon "seman! south /sau6/ southern /'ss8an/ spend. /spend/ swallow 'swolau! tem tain! travel (v)_ reel! until /on'al ‘warm Iwata! water /wo:ta(r) Wildebeest. /'waldabist/ zebra /'zebral Song allowed /'laud row hraud! date ide! downstairs /daon’stes2! hang around fhe a aond! happen hepa! Kis) ks middle nn Proud. praod! Fest n) rest! Sigh ) say tired /aisd! 2 The future A Journey into space» agree _fo'gri! air Jeol) astronaut 'estrano:t! build /butd! century _/'sentfari/ dangerous /deindsoros! electricity. /lek'trsti? ‘expensive /ik'spensiv/ expert _'eksps:t/ ‘exploration /ekspla'reifn/ forever iforeva(e)! future /fjutfacey Important /m'poctont light (n) flat’ Mars /ma:z/ mineral _'mmaral/ Moon frau:t! planet _plenit probably "/'probabli! Fobot roubpt! rocket _/'rokit/ satelite /'setalant! space (spew! space station _/'spess stetfn/ spaceship _'speis]ip/ star /sta:(1) Sun /san! tse (v) fiz! Venus /‘vinas! B Detective of the year bridge fonds/ church fst)/ Could speak to ..? kod at 'spitk ta hot show! idea /ar'dio! Wsyourturn. ts js: tani jealous /'dselas! money mani president /'prezdant! rogramme -/"prougriem! record (\) |r’ kosd! robbery /robaril Shall we play tennis. pier tems! Pel wi sing /sin/ stamp _/stemp! straightaway _/streit we! sure (Soa(r), forey! ‘theatre 6rsta(r)) treasure 205a(0)/ worry wari! Your future alien eli’ appear 'piatey disease iaiziz/ farm fa:m! good-looking 'gadlokin/ hope (v)fhaup! hotpital hosp ideal ar diol intelligent. /intehdgant! national /nafnal ewspaper 'njtrspespa(e) partner” pastna(e) perhaps /ps’hups! Questionnaire —kwest{a'ne(ey record (n)reko:d! Village vids) war int) D Kids arrange 'remdy/ borrow "borsa! bungee jump (0) bandsi: dsamp/ clear up Mis) sp! Colt rk! equipment jf kwpmant! lass alas He can't make it. i: kant 'm knee fai! lemonade /lemo'neid/ look forward to lok "wad ta! offer (ofan) real ii! Sandwiches senwidst! slow number slau nambo(ty test () test! thirsty sist? without /wrd'aot! Wow! iwaa! You're kidding! jo: ‘kadiy! Culture airport capo: begin gin busy bz! cart hka:t central sentra change v) fend ‘Channel Tunnel itfenl ‘tan connect /ka'nckt/ control /kan'traal! stiver draws) European _jvats'pian! farmer /'o:matr) free iii! bie (v) nt horse thas! land () fend! main fem! motorway 'mautawer! pay) pew private /pravit’ Wordlist railway Pretiwer several /'sevral/ station. /'stetfn! steering wheel ‘stormy wis! sword sod! system stom’ ‘take off (0) iteuk ‘of! terminal tx:minol/ toll aul! train rem! vehicle /'viokl! west west English across the curriculum approximately /a'proksimatl! billions of /buljanz ov! centre ('sento(ry decide /d'said/ degrees Celsius. (digi: ‘slsiow diameter /dar'emitar)! galaxy galaksi! gas foes! Qoround /gao ‘raund! huge judy! Jupiter /'dsurprta(n) large ad Mercury /"ma:kjarid Milky Way. /mlki ‘wev Neptune neptju:n! crbit (n)_ a:b Pluto /"plustay! possibly /posobli! Satu ‘sets! scientist _'saonust! size sam solar system _/'sool(r) sistom/ spot (n)_/spot’ storm som! surface /ss:fis! temperature /tempritfo(r)/ Uranus. /‘juaranav/ Song burn out /bsmn aot flight art fuse juz! bhigh hau kite ‘kant lonely (lount pack your bags _/piek ja: "bez! preslight "priflant ere! timeless 'taumlas! touch down "tat{daon/ 16 3 Times and places A What was happening? dream (y) fdri:m/ drink (a) ideipk get ready get ‘red Rave dinner "ev ‘dina(ey! pyjamas. /ps'dsa:mae! Send /send’ shower /'fava(r) take photograph /teik 2 faotagrast? throw "/0rau volleyball /volibo: B Adangerous situation avalanche evan bat bet bull bol cab kbs cap “hep! y cary. "keri crack kr cross) kro! dam idem! damage dems danger deindste) drop drop farthauake :Okwetk fxplosionhi’splaoson/ fast ast flood | ad forest fire Tort fa go fehing /g20 fia Grab arab ed hole fool hurricane Pharikon! indoors i'd lighting. Tas! reach /ri:tf! save en? feary. Pskeoe! shout () aot! Shut) 1S Suddenly Pssdak through ior! tornado. /xnexdo0/ tsunami su'na:mi toy turn round itn “aun unhappy anh view aj Volcanic eruption wo kemk apfon! ¢ Murder in the I accident eksidant! butler ("batlo(ry cash ike! catch ket) chauffeur /footo(ey’ check /tfek/ cheese fiz! chip. ip chop top! lean /klin/ cook (n)/kok! cottage pie /kouds ‘pau cup. fkapi dead /ded/ desk desk! dining room /’daunay russ! fingerprints _fngoprmts! floor »ls(r gun igan! handle handl! Pi library (laibeori fa living room livin ru:mi cil ail, ‘open /'aupn/ peel pil plate ‘ples potato /pa'tettsu! sink /sink! tea iti wish (v) vali D Kids character _/"kerikto(r) delicious /dr'ifas! doctor 'dokta(ry/ {90 out with (gau ‘avt wid! He looks nice. "hi Toks nais/ interesting 'mtrastiy jacket dsek penfriend /'penfrend/ Scan (skeen! soap opera soup opra/ sortof. /'sxt av student _/'stju:dant/ That sounds interesting. "det suundz intra virtual /'va:tfusl! What do you mean? /wot da ju ‘mi:ni What wast like? /wot waz 1 lank! What's the matter? /wots do ‘meta(r)/ You must be joking! ju. mast bi ‘d2okin/ Culture become /bi kam conquer /kooka(n/ emigrate /‘emmgrett/ especially _/spefali fing Meg) independent /mdr'pendant! law i monarch 'monak! official /o'fl parliament /‘pa:limant/ part. /pait! thousands of /"Bauzands av/ English across the curriculum axis akss! International Date Line /intaneefnl ‘dest lam! rise raw! fotate /roo'tett/ set (set standard stendad/ time zone tam zaun/ Revision garage _/'gera:3) heart attack host teks helicopter helikoptatry’ lady "lexi mile /mail mountain /'maontin/ paper /pexpate) plece ‘pi study 0) translation Song albatross 'elbotros! back /bek’ bubblegum "bablgam! oud /klavd! dew. idju fall fa field ila! giant (ed) Pdsaiont grass gros! happiness hapmas! reign rem! Sky ska stick (0) isk tin soldier tun ‘soulds(e wake / woke lvetk, Waok! Glondon A Sightseeing Big Ben big ‘ben! Buckingham Palace _/bskigam ‘plas! celebrate /'slabreit! dinosaur _/“dainaso() duke /gjuk! embarrassing _/im'beerasin/ exhibition »/eks'bifn/ fountain (Yaontin’ Houses of Parliament *havzas av “palamant! Hyde Park /haud ‘po:k/ king ‘kn’ lion aron! London Eye /andan ‘av model ‘modi Nelson's Column /nelsonz “kolo own (y) son palace "plas pigeon /'p queen ‘wisn! sight ‘sail sightseeing _/'sats:xy’ square /skwear) statue sietfu! Thames itemz/ tour /twate)’ Tower of London /tava(t) av ‘landan’ Trafalgar Square /trafrlgs“skwes! trip trip! Westminster /westmmsta(y wheel vil! B It’s next to the police station canal. ‘ka'nal! chemists 'kemists! dlinic klik comer /'ko:na(eV/ courthouse /"ko:thaus! Go along... /gau a'lon/ Go past... /g2u ‘past! hairdressers "headresaz! Just a minute. /'dsast 9 mmit/ lover /uva(ey past past! /'stsdi/ ‘treenzesfa/ prison prem rob /rob! roundabout traffic lights Turn left... Aen "lef Turn ight tsi ‘raw! turning (n) ts:mun/ under /'ande(n) Underground /‘andagrauind! € The tailor of Swaffham angrily. engralil anybody /'enibodil anything enidrn/ tig. cig! ‘dream (n) ‘dri! everybody. evribodi! everything evriduy’ fall asleep if slp’ gold igauld/ Fook for lak £30) y nobody. /‘naabadi/ nothing ‘nO! oak /2uk! ‘Once upon a time... /wans apon 9 ‘taim/ pavement _/"pervmant! push (posi ae shopkeeper "Jopki:pa(ey/ wry silver /'silva(ey! somebody _'sambodi something /'samOm/ spade /spetd! straight /strest! Strange _/streids/ lor eil(ey wooden wodn! D Kids ask somebody out Get lost! iget ‘Tost! Guess what! ges 'wou! How's it going? haut ‘gavin PM (Prime Minister) /pi: ‘em (Pram ‘munista(sy/ scuba diving short-sleeved suede /sweid! ‘There she i. /0eo fis z/ Culture art gallery (‘et getaril baseball ""bersba:l! Central Park sentral ‘pork! dollar /'dolo(ry Dutchman /'dat{man! ferry "fer full fol hundreds /handradz/ including /mn’kl island /'alond! nightclub /‘naitklaby noise noiz! plus. /plas! relax licks! skyscraper _/'skatskrespa(e)/ Statue of Liberty /stwtju: av ‘ibati Times Square _taumnz ‘skweo(r)/ traffic trefik! Praundabaut! urefik lasts! Ja'sk smbadi ‘aut! /'skucbo darvin/ (fost slid! English across the curriculum breakout) bk at doth /kind! death ide) dirty. det everywhere evtiwea(ty/ fleas iz! medieval /med'ival mud mad! Outbreak /'autbreik/ parcel "pal plague ple! rat rev! run away. ‘ran a'wev! fread (i) /spred! Sivvve "van wood vod! Song bend ‘bend fairer iton arsn! nail inet! steel st: 5 Experiences A They've been successful actress ett! beinafim/on tv /bim film, on ts VE championship _/'tfempionfip/ county. 'kavinti/ dlowork du 'wa:k! Formula One mjul ‘wan! go-karting | /"gauka:tn! Grand Prie_fgron pri! hero. /hioroo! race. Frets! racetrack restrek! refugee camp /fefu dg: keep! Since then "sins "Den! silly. isi take drugs tik ‘deagz! United Nations jju:nartid ‘nerfinz/ win val B Have you ever climbed a mountain? balloon aun camel "kml! continent kontinant/ fever Peva(t) never /‘neva(ry’ pyramid prom! ‘wophy_ sufi Tove vats € Making people aware aware /a'wea(t) body bod break a record fbreik a 'reko:d/ decompose _di:kom'pauz! display (r) _(dis'plew! empty emt fine (n) fain! global warming /glsubl 'wa:miny ‘medicine /'medsni ‘Mount Everest _/maont ‘evarist! fonygen oksidsan/ 8 Wordlist rubbish dump rab damp! seal sil! Sleeping bag /slipin bea! tent eat! ‘in fun! tonne Jan! top (n)_ top! D Kids bowling boulm! Come on. kam ‘on! dive ‘dav! fore ‘Tetr) finger Tings)! get dressed get ‘rest Help! help! How did it go? /hav did ‘ga Oh dear! au “ia plaster plossta(ty Facquet. /rtkiw Fomantic /r0'mentik’ slip. ship! text (7) tekst You wor't believe. Yok! ak! Culture achievement _/s'tfivmont/ actor /ekto(r)/ band bend! ‘BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) ib: bis ‘si: (ett brosdka:stn ko: poreijny! copy (n)"kopi famine /"femn’ government /'gavanmont hit (n) marry mae! pautical /'no:tikl/ non-stop ‘nonstop! nurse insis/ organize 'o:ganatz! personality /ps:so'nlati’ Feporter /n'po:a(t)/ respectable (ad) /s'pektabl/ sailor 'sela(ry set arecord (set 9 ‘reko:d! solo /'soulau! take part /teik ‘part! voyage vous) wound ‘ound! English across the curriculum bar /ba:tr) beat bi: chord kod crotehet krotfit! key. iki lead guitar lid gita:(ey melody /'meladil mini Jmnum/ rote /mout! piano /pi'znou! ‘quaver /'kwewa(s)! Thythm guitar /ridm gr'o:(ey! scale /skell’ semibreve /'semibri-v/ semiquaver _/'scmikwea(r) tradition tradi tune /Ajusn! fu: waont blew Song ceiling sii crazy” Pkrcia! float Maou dont mind keep an eye.on tine a shake Jerk! Speed (0) spi! Sol) (spi! Stare ste Upstream. /apstim! yawn 6) 6 Problems A Lewis's problem ‘headache [> ‘hedetk! fax daont ‘maid! isp an ‘at oni a sore throat, /9 $9: ‘Orout’ becold fbi kook’ bored "bod! feel sick /fil ‘sik! feel well fl ‘wel housework "bausws:k! my hurts mar. ats! ‘optician /op'tyfn! painkiller /"peikalo(ry properly /'propali’ ore eyes so) ‘atz! sweets. /swi thirsty /@s:sti/ tired apd! toothache /"u:0etk! B Ahappy ending? alarm /s'laxm) corridor "koridox(e)/ escape is keip/ fastasleep fast 2'slipl jewellery duke! playground. 'pleigraund! Fival rar smoke (v) /smauk! switch (n) (swat switch on (v)_/switf ‘on! together. /ta'ged9(0)/ touch ati) Well done! /wel ‘dani C Ashley’s camera assoon as /az ‘sun a7! backwards bekwadz! battery "betori’ creep/ crept /kri:p, krept/ dial (v) datal/ digital camera /didzytl "kero! hide/hid hand, in key fis! knock (9) nok! register (n) _/'redststo(e)! snap(v) /snep! D Kids bighead fig “hed! disco 'diskou! footballer _Tutba:o(e), ‘What on earth are you talking about? ‘vot on 'x8 9 ju: txkan a’ boot! Culture coastguard /"koostgard! crime /kraxm! department _/d'pa:tmant! femergency services _i'ma:dsansi ss:visz! fire service_fato ssvis! first aid fst ‘ed flood sd force fos! operator 'ppareita(ey Baramedic.pera'mediki patrol (v)_/ps'traul/ pupil /‘pju:pal! require /nikwaio(e)’ rescue /reskju’ situation /srifu'esfn! tool /tul English across the curriculum brain bem! bright bra chemicals komik! Srey ida rekt focus () aokes! ‘goggles gol! fens” lenz! optic nerve _/optik‘naw/ protect pra'tekt! pupil pupal retina retina! safety seit! Signal signal! Sunglasses sanglasiz! Sunlight ssnlat Song bush bof! covered» ksv=4 ‘meatball /mictbo ‘moss mos mush /maf/ roll rool sneeze sniz! tasty est Irregular verbs verb Past simple Past participle | Verb Past simple Past participle tobe was, were been tomake made made tobecome became become ‘tomean meant. «= meant tobegin began begun to pay paid paid tobite bit bitten toput put put tobreak broke broken to read ead Fead tobring brought brought —| toride rode Fidden tobuild built built toring rang rung toburn burnt burnt torun ran run tobuy bought bought tosay said said tocatch caught «caught tosee saw seen tocome came come tosell sold sold to cost cost cost tosend sent sent tout cut cut toset set set todig dug dug tosing sang sung todo id done tosink sank sunk todrw drew drawn tosit sat sat todrink drank drunk tosmell smelt smelt todrive drove driven tospeak spoke soafen tocat ate eaten to spell spelt spelt tofall fell fallen tospend Spent spent to feel felt felt tostand stood stood tofight fought fought tosteal stole stolen tofind found found tostick stuck stuck tofly flew fiown tosweep swept swept toget got got toswim swam swum togive gave given to take took taken tog0 went been, gone |toteach taught —taught togrow grew grown totear tore tom tohave had had totell told told to hear heard heard tothink thought -—_‘thought tohide hid hidden tothrow threw thrown tohit hit hit to.understand understood understood tohold held held towake woke woken tohurt hurt hurt towear wore worn tokeep kept kept towin won won toknow knew known towrite wrote written tolearn learnt learnt toleave left left tolie lay lain tolose lost lost PHONETIC SYMBOLS i: asinsee ‘si 3. asinvision /'vign/ —d3_ asin June /dsu:n/ 3 asin fur ffx(ry/ a: asinarm fam’ =) asinssing /smy/ P asinpen /pen’ at. asinfive Marv us _asin too /tu:! S$ asinso (sau! Kk asincat ‘ket! 9 asin hair /hea(r)/ 1 asinsit sit’ hh asinhow shaw’ fF asin fall fs: 2 asinago /s'g0! > asingot /got/ 1 asinieg ‘leg! b asinbad bed’ =a asinnow inav/ A _asincup /kap! % asin 00 fa! 9 asin got /got/ ua asin pure /pjoa(ry, © asinten /ten! m asinman /man/ — v_asin voice /va1s! e asinpage /peids/ 9: asin saw /so:/ 1 asinred red! 1 asintea fi 91 asinjoin /dgom/ —-—asinthin /Om/ J asinshe fi {J asinchin /tfim/ —j_—_asinyes /jes! & asinhat het’ asin no /nao! 8 asinthen iden! 2% asinhome /houm/ 0 asin put /put/ Ww asinwet /wel/ asin did ‘didi 12 asin near /n1o(cy OXFORD (Great Clarendon Steet, Oxford ox2 60 ‘Oxford University Pres isa department ofthe Universit of Oxford ‘furs the Universi objective of exeellnce in research, scholarship sand education by publishing worldwide in ‘Oxtord New York ‘Auckland Cape Town DaresSaliam Hong Kong Karachi Kala Lumpur Madrid Nelbourme Mexico Cty Naiobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipel Toronto ‘with offices in “Axgentina Austia Brea Chile Czech Republic France Greece GGatemala Hungary aly japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam oxronp and oxroxo sxcuisn ae registered trade marks of (Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries (© Oxford University Press 2008 ‘The mora sights ofthe author have been asserted ‘Database right Oxford University Press maker) Fist published 2008 ona 20112010 2009 2008 ‘No unauthorized photocopying ‘Allright reserved No pat ofthis publication may be reproduce, ‘Hore n a fetretal system, or sansmisted, in any form or by ay means, ‘without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Pres, tras expressly pernitedby law, oF under terms agred with the appropriate ‘eprographics rights organization Enguiresconeemingreprodaction| tse the scope of the above should be sent the ELT Rights Department (Ovford University Press a the addres above You must not etelate this Book in any othe binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer “Any websites referred to inthis publication are inthe publle domain and thelr addresses are provided by Oxford University Press for iformation only. ‘Oxford University Press eselaims any responsibilty forthe content sun: 978019 e76an10 Workbook Inn: 978039 4750295 coxoM ISN: 978019 4762400 Pack Printed in Spain by Just Colour Graphic, Sd. Musas ty Piers Baker 4, 20,21, 22,24, 39,44; Cathy Baxendale 2, 29,98 (b, ce: Paul Daviz 6,7, 40, $4, 38,58, 94 fd, 66 village Nick Diguory 14, 26, 29,25; Mark Dials 6, 17.24 30. Comision tera Chris King 20 30, 40, 50,60. (ier potgrap ty: Chri King. Resch photography Alay 16,64, 65,70, 71: Shimizu Corporation 15: stock 10, Tried, tested, trusted ... and now better than ever Key features ‘An analytical approach to grammar with varied practice ‘A clear vocabulary syllabus in lexical sets Cartoons, games, project work and traditional songs and stories Culture sections encourage comparison with students’ own cultures ‘New English across the curriculum sections reflect topics students meet in other subjects Brand new Culture DVDs highlight aspects of life in English-speaking countries The new Workbook Pack contains: ~ a Workbook with: graded exercises for mixed-ability teaching; ‘Can do’ statements after every unit which reflect the Common European Framework system of self-assessment, @ CD-ROM to encourage learner independence with: extra exercises for grammar, vocabulary, dialogues and clips from the DVDs The Teacher's Book contains: - new photocopiable communicative exercises - new DVD worksheets + tests 5 levels of Project Third edition consist of: Pars ey ISBN 978.0-19-476340.0 Resa oussond Ce » Pacis steel www.oup.comjelt

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