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0 Introduction

In 1983, Howard Gardner, a west psychologist had founded the theory

related to intelligence which is the theory of multiple intelligence through his
book ,Frames of Mind. The theory is the result of his research conducted on
various walks of life who have a variety of distinctive criteria among normal
children and children with special needs. According to Howard Gardner,
intelligence is not inherited solely and intelligence can be influenced by
culture, environment, education, food, environment and other learning.
Theory of Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner introduced more to the
cognitive and developmental psychology, anthropology and sociology in
explaining human intelligence

Problem of statement

In the recent years, IQ test was conducted to measure the level of

intelligence of a person. Gardner says that traditional education with
traditional testing processes (IQ tests) has ignored a wide range of human
intelligence. According to him, most IQ tests only measure verbal abilities or
language or mathematics and logical thinking. Other skills such as social,
interpersonal and emotion that allows people to function effectively been
excluded from the traditional IQ tests. In addition, people will define of a
person intelligence by counting how many As in their exam and what the
level of education they have reached. It is totally wrong conception as every
person have their own ability and their own unique ways to solve problems.


Purpose of statement

The purpose of this research is to awaken the people to open their mind that
every person have their own abilities and do not depend to education only to
life . Nowadays, most people evaluate others intelligence by counting how
many As they achieve in their exam. Many As mean they have high
intelligence while less As mean lower intelligence. It is totally a wrong
conception since we cant measure ones intelligence based on their
education only .So, people still doesnt realize that every people have variety
of intelligences. Basically, intelligence is based on the skills to solve
problems, deal with the problem according to time and place and produce
effective output . According to Howard Gardner, intelligence can be divided
to 8 parts-interpersonal, spatial, and etc. In this research also we will reveal
one of the 8 intelligences which is the spatial intelligence .We would like to

focus on how spatial intelligence can be useful medium to become a

successful person especially for the sport person.


Objective of study

1. To analysis the effect of visual imagination techniques to the athletics

for better
2. To determine the benefits of spatial intelligence to stabilize the
emotions for an athletics.
3. To create awareness on how visual can motivate people to become
successful on their own career.

1.5 Scope of study


1.0 Introduction

Without a proper knowledge and deep understanding regarding

intelligence, it is very difficult to define intelligence. Over the decades, many
researchers and scholars have developed multiple theories and conducted
various studies, trying to shed some light onto this seemingly unsolvable
problem. One theory which manages to catch the public eyes is the Multiple
Intelligence (MI) theory, introduced by Howard Gardner in 1983. Contrary to
popular belief that intelligence is a singular trait that can be measured by IQ
tests (Gardner, 1993c), MI theory states that there are eight intelligences
linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic,
interpersonal, and naturalist. In this term paper, we are going to take a
closer look at spatial intelligence.

1.1 Background of Study

Our Malaysian community still sees intelligence as the ability to do well
in academics how many As we get, how fast we can calculate
mathematical problems, and
Throughout or daily lives, whether we realize it or not, we have make use of
spatial intelligence. From trying to remember where we put our assignments
last night, to singing along to the song that stuck in our head, or even
navigating our way into the faculty all these are examples of our spatial
intelligence in action. Spatial intelligence or in simpler term, our visualizing
power is not often used to its full potential.

1.2 Problem statement

Most students of UTM limits themselves in terms of visualizing. They
did not think deeply enough when trying to realize their dreams. If a certain
problems or obstacles approach, they begin to feel demoralized and all of a
sudden they stopped chasing their dreams. They fail to visualize all the
possible solutions to solve the problems and turn things around.

1.3 Purpose of study

This study is conducted to raise awareness among UTM students on
the importance of visualizing in order to achieve their goals and dreams.

1.4 Objective of study

The objective of the study are:
1.4.1 to understand how UTM athletes utilize visual images in their
respective sports.
1.4.2 to gain knowledge on how to benefit from visual images in
everyday life

1.5 Scope of study

The study is conducted on UTM students who lives in the vicinity of
Kolej 9 & 10 of UTM Skudai.

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