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Webinar 6th December 2016

Emma Sue Prince

Critical thinking
Being proactive

What is empathy? How is it best defined?

Why do we need it?
How do we develop it in ourselves?

the ability to sense other peoples emotions, coupled with the

ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Origin is from the German Einfuehlungvermoegen
Able to feel what someone else is feeling
Able to imagine yourself in someone elses position, to identify
and understand anothers situation, feelings and motives

Both of the words deal with the

relationship one has to the feelings and
experiences of another.
Both sympathy and empathy have roots
in the Greek term pthos meaning
suffering, feeling. The prefix symcomes from the Greek sn meaning
with, together with and the prefix emderives from the Greek en- meaning
within, in.
sympathy is largely used to convey
commiseration, pity, or feelings of sorrow
for someone who is experiencing
most often used to refer to the capacity
or ability to imagine oneself in the
situation of another, thereby vicariously
experiencing the emotions, ideas, or
opinions of that person.

To be with another in this way means that

for the time being, you lay aside your own
views and values in order to enter another's
world without prejudice.
In some sense it means that you lay aside
your self; this can only be done by persons
who are secure enough in themselves that
they know they will not get lost in what may
turn out to be the strange or bizarre world
of the other, and that they can comfortably
return to their own world when they wish.
Perhaps this description makes clear that
being empathic is a complex, demanding,
and strong - yet also a subtle and gentle way of being. Carl Rogers

Empathy creates
connections between people
and helps create bonds of
We need it on many levels

Use the chat box

Write any words or thoughts
as to why you think we need
empathy or situations where
we need to use empathy skills

We need it to cope well with and respond well to change

Empathy is often missing in our every day interactions
An understanding of what makes others tick, creating strong relationships
and being genuinely caring of others cannot be automated or outsourced
It can help with cross-cultural communication
Social IQ able to assess quickly the emotions of those around you and
adapt words, tone and gestures accordingly a key skill

Much of this comes from our ability to focus this is being corroded every day
through multiple distractions

You will be more likely to treat the people you care about the way
they wish you would treat them.
You will better understand the needs of people around you.
You will more clearly understand the perception you create in others
with your words and actions.
You will understand the unspoken parts of your communication with
You will better understand the needs of your customers at work.
You will have less trouble dealing with interpersonal conflict both at
home and at work.
You will be able to more accurately predict the actions and reactions
of people you interact with.
You will learn how to motivate the people around you.
You will more effectively convince others of your point of view.
You will experience the world in higher resolution as you perceive
through not only your perspective but the perspectives of those
around you.
You will find it easier to deal with the negativity of others if you can
better understand their motivations and fears. Lately when I find
myself personally struggling with someone, I remind myself to
empathize and I immediately calm myself and accept the situation
for what it is.
You will be a better leader, a better follower, and a better friend.

So how do we practise

Neuroscience says empathy is

connected with how our brains work
The right brain is linked with seeing
the whole picture emotional
expression, creativity, non-verbal
awareness and it is the neural site of
We are hard-wired through mirror
So we already have empathy we just
need to practise it and heighten
awareness of it.


To be successful requires
the effective awareness,
control and management
of one's own emotions,
and those of other
people. EQ embraces two
aspects of intelligence:

behaviour - and
managing these

You develop and improve EQ by learning and practising new skills

others, their
responses - and
managing yourself
in relation to others

Understanding context
Getting a feel for what is NOT being said
The ego

Reading faces

We need to pay more attention when we interact with people.

Facial expressions that demonstrate real feelings are visible for only a few
but long enough to capture
Read A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink and Emotions Revealed by Paul

Being interested

Being present

1. Take note of situations in which you demonstrated

2. What happens when there is no empathy?
3. Start listening
4. Start looking after yourself
5. Slow down
6. Practise
7. Get better at reading faces and body language
8. Think about outcomes
9. Beware of the Pygmalion effect
10. Start cultivating social generosity

mindfulness, active listening, self-awareness

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