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Introduction Slides

(Interesting/General info)

Hello I am Carson. I will be presenting The

Pennsylvania Colony. It will be very
interesting. I hope you enjoy.

Facts: Who founded, when, why?

William Penn was the founder of the Pennsylvania colony.

He founded the colony with other Quakers.
It was founded in 1681.
It was founded for religious freedom and trade profits.
William Penn was given the land
William Penn

Geography (landforms, main natural resources, weather,)

The landform in Pennsylvania Colony was mostly
mountains and valleys with forests and rich soil.
The winter was cold, the summer was hot, and fall
+ spring were mild which made a long growing
The main natural resources were coal, iron, and
They also had coastal plains and plateaus.

Geography Photos

Appalachian mountains

Allegheny national forest


(jobs, main products sold/traded, services)

The jobs in Pennsylvania were farming, iron,

agricultural products, fur, coal, and timber.
The three main jobs were trading, farming, and
lumber because they were in the middle colonies
and were in a good port area.
The smaller jobs were shipbuilding, textiles
production, and papermaking.

Economy continued
Shipbuilding was also important for this colony
since it was a big trading post.

Economy Pictures

A Farm!

A trader trading
with someone!

This is an iron

A mill was a place were wheat and wood were
turned into lumber and flour + grain. They
were very common in the
Middle colonies.

Slavery in your Colony?

There were very few slaves because Pennsylvania
Colony did not have giant plantations.
Slaves were not needed because most goods came
from trading in their big port.
The slaves that were there did common house work
and worked on the smaller farms.
Slaves also worked in their master's shops like shoe
making or blacksmithing.

Religion (main religions, religious freedom? influence town life?)

The main religion was Quaker.
There was religious freedom there so a lot of other religions came
such as Catholics, Lutherans, Jews, Moravians, and other
Religious freedom affected the law. For example, boys who were
10 had to read the bible. However, no one was forced to believe
in a religion or made fun of because of their religion.

Religion continued
The religious freedom also brought in Africans, but
not as slaves.

Native Americans (Interactions, trade, war, disease)

In the early years of settlement, the Pennsylvania colony bought
Lenni Lenapes land fairly.
When William Penn died, his sons stole the Natives land
(Lenni Lenapes land) with lies and force.
The Colonists also got along with the Natives because of
religious freedom.
Later the Pennsylvania colony in 1780 wanted the Lenni
Lenapes gone.

Natives continued
The Lenni Lenapes lived close to the Delaware River
The Delaware River

Challenges, Hardships (disease, violence, weather)

The disease smallpox killed of the Pennsylvania
Early settlers had trouble with sea travel because it
made them sick and storms made travel difficult.
The Appalachian Mountains stopped expansion.
All the colonies had different types of money which
made it hard to trade between colonies.

Fun facts
Benjamin Franklin helped make Philadelphia, the head
city, a better place.
Pennsylvania was the second colony to join the free
The population in 1775 was 3000 people.
Pennsylvania was the 12th colony in America.

Kids Britannica



BIbliography 2


Bibliography 3


Closing slide
Thank you for listening to my presentation. I hope
you learned a lot about Pennsylvania colony. If you
want to learn more about it, visit my bIbliography!

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