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Every night brings along with it; perpetually ghastly darkness

hideously descending down,
Every storm brings along with it; exuberant carpets of
boisterously handsome breeze,
Every morning brings along with it; brilliantly mesmerizing and
optimistic rays of light,
Every wave brings along with it; scores of bountifully tangy and
vivaciously tantalizing salt,
Every flower brings along with it; a fragrance that truly
captivates every corner of
the pathetically dwindling soul,
Every dream brings along with it; an inexplicable feeling of
excitement; that propels you to surge forward; always
rejuvenated in life,
Every toy brings along with it; an immaculately bouncing child;
wholesomely oblivious to the salacious vagaries of this
manipulative planet,
Every wind brings along with it; an inevitable attitude of holistic
change; triggering you to relinquish your past miseries; and
uninhibitedly march towards your ultimate goal in life,
Every shadow brings along with it; a cloud of unfathomable
mysticism; that irrevocably compels you to abdicate the chords
of pragmatic reality,
Every idea brings along with it; a spirit of profound newness;
which keeps indefatigably culminating into a fountain of
marvelously everlasting creation,
Every devil brings along with it; a wave of treacherous
devastation; which try had as it could; eventually succumbs
against the stupendously Omnipotent light of God,

Every coin of currency brings along with it; an atmosphere of

maniacal savagery; people diabolically sucking the blood of their
own revered kin,
Every smile brings along with it; an overwhelming degree of
cheer; profusely enlightening the lives of those engulfed with
incomprehensible pain,
Every yawn brings along with it; an irrevocable concoction of
laziness; an unhealthy desire to snore; when infact the world
outside needed you desperately,
Every star brings along with it; a voluptuously velvety shine;
which intrepidly maneuvers you undaunted in your mission to
save humanity; even in the heart of
the invidiously sinister night,
Every breath brings along with it; an augmenting ardor to
survive; extract your right to exist amidst a pack of savage
toothed wolves,
Every heartbeat brings along with it; an unrelenting passion to
express the thoughts flowing with your crimson blood; the
inexorable tenacity to make you a better human in every aspect
of life,
And every love brings along with it; an unsurpassable power for
the earth to live beyond its destined times; immortally fortifying
its chord with the Almighty Lord; annihilating the demons best
attempts to finish off his planet; like a pack of cards.

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