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Metaphysics cannot point to anything in particular it is not about one kind of being or
another, but about being simply as being.







Metaphysics cannot point to anything in particular for it is a philosophy that

focuses its inquiry explicitly on the vision of the whole.
Metaphysics is not ontic. All other sciences are ontic, not all of them are
ontological. Metaphysics studies the whole being, not like the ontics which study
particular beings.
What does this mean? First we have to look at what philosophy means.
Philosophy is the critically reflective, systematically articulated attempt to
illuminate our human experience in depth and set it in a vision of the whole. It is
to search for the ultimate grounding of our experience, its ultimate meaning, and
their connections with the rest of reality. Although there are fields of philosophy
that will focus on particular domains of our experience~ philosophy of religion,
philosophy of art, etc but the philosophical eye will always look further to
discover how this particular domain fits into an integrated vision of the universe
as a whole.
Metaphysics fits into the overall project of philosophy as its innermost ground is
that which focuses its inquiry explicitly on the vision of the whole, that is what is
common real beings and what contributes their connectedness to the universe as
a meaningful whole. Metaphysics studies the whole, the whole that which is the
vision of philosophy, binds all particularities, and gives coherence to the parts.
Because metaphysics studies the whole, it touches all particularities at a certain
level therefore it cannot truly point to anything in particular.
Fields like the sciences~ biology, chemistry, economics~ are ontic fields of study
and specialize in a particular subject, or aspect of a being. Metaphysics belongs
outside of this realm~ metaphysics is ontological which pertains to the whole and
the wholeness of being and its existence.
It is not about one kind of being or another, but about being simply as being
Metaphysics is an ontological study, which studies the being and its existence.
Metaphysics studies not one kind of being or another, unlike zoology, marine
biology, etc. but studies being simply as being. Aristotle defines metaphysics as
the study of being qua being, or being as such. This means the study of all
beings insofar as they are real and existent. Hence, metaphysics is an
ontological study of all beings.
Metaphysics covers an incredibly broad and infinite scope of being~ it covers the
whole of it. It studies real existent beings and that which includes also in the real
of mentality of various kinds.
What does it mean then when metaphysics studies being simply as being or
being as such?
The question of being for metaphysics covers all levels and types of being. It is
not only exclusive to human being but it includes all existent beings~ animals,

use objects, etc. Now, metaphysics is looking for what is common in all the forms
of being, and that is the being simply as being-- being as such.

2. Being is substance; esse or the actuality of

all acts and perfection of all perfections; S
ein or
the process which lets things be manifest.



Being is substance
A. Being has plurarility of meaning
B. Among the multiplicity of meanings that being has, there is preeminent mode of
C. the primary sense of being is its whatness and used in this sense it signifies
D. For Aristotle there is only one substance however substance is composed of
E. Things are called beings because of their relation to substance
F. Substance: sub+stare= that which stands under
Being is esse
A. Being is more than the subject that exists; it refers to that by means of which the
subject exists. Being is the esse or the act of that which is or exists
B. The act of being
C. that which the ens exists
D. the act of being
E. Esse is the most perfect of all things, for it is compared to all things as that by
which they are made actual; for nothing has actuality except in so far as it exists
F. Esse comes to a thing by way of efficient causality, which a thing cannot exervise
until it has esse.
Being is Sein
A. The ground of Seinden, the particular phenomena of existence in space and
B. Sein is the ultimate condition which all beings begin to exist at all
C. the process by which beings come into existence
D. the abiding presence which keeps things to remain in existence
E. Sein is that upon which beings are projected in order to be understood in their
Sein. It is the paramount reality wherein being which endures and remains and
finally disposes us to the meaning of Sein.

The creative mind of God is the measure of the reality of every created being and therefore also
if its truth.
Every real being in the universe is constituted by a real metaphysical composition of two
correlative principles which are objectively distinct but not separable.

There can only be one essential form in a substance, otherwise, the intrinsic unity of the being
cannot be maintained.
Every being must have sufficient reason for its existence if not within itself then in an extrinsic
cause to bring it to existence.

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