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nc and Haro Cate BEFORE YOU READ ANY FURTHER... HOW TO FIND YOUR OTHER HALF! belive in “Leamsing by Doing”, before 1 beg i any techniques, prineiples or routines... please allow 3 tie for you Ave you “Lucky in Love"? No? Then you need to perform this Lave Ritual" OR? Do it anyway, yo ean never be t00 Tacky! This ial will gurantee you a wees worth of “Love Luck"! should have different faces, but the same hacks hem, Ill eit for you right ere Go and get You're back! Fine. Take the four eands and shuile them, Do not look at their foes yet I you want the ritual to work, the Suds ust be thors sae, wo tsa he eaten of Your ions is completely random. That's how love svorks, my fend, Nov hold the cards between your hands, ia a slightly beveled position, as you will see in the next picture. Your fingers will stab the cards by their long edge, with your thumbs positioned fm the faces. You ae in the perfect situation to tear the ead in Two pieces. DO TT! Just like the hearts ofa breaking couples are torm in half. Just lke they tear their pictures in two. its all really symbaiei' i2 Now place elther the let hands pieces on top ofthe rights or vice vers. It does not matter if you put the right or the Tet Pieees on top. That's the good thing about Tove, no matter if You're ef-wing oF right-wing; love docs eare about pois. o ‘0k, so you've got a small “deck” made of playing card halves What should yom do with i Cut, Cut and complete. When a ple breaks up, they're “cutting” thir bond, aren't they? Make a small fan wih the plewes of cards in your left hand Take the thre tap picees together, with your night hand, and phic them somewhere inthe mille Square everything. Grab the top piece. Do NOT look ati, just place it in your pocket or wallet. ‘That is something lve isually do, they cary a picture of thelr Tove one somewhere nest their heart. mushy on it Hut rue nevertheless, sake a fan one more time, Take the upper pleee and LUSK t in the mide of the fn, Do tone more time, with two pieees at the same time if you wish, Do it once again, i you fea ike i "Thats what happens when men ty to understand women, they always end up los Let's make this even more complicated (such is love.) Take the tap piece. oF the two top pieces. of even the three top pices. and, You can ether loose tem inthe middle ofthe fan, fr just throw them away. Obviously, no one eould ever have ‘known how many pies would be left in your hand by now: Due to all hat shuffling, cutting, losing pieces in the midale of the stack, thas becomes total MESS, Thats the way men are And women really hate it. they say they always have to pat toler in rss nny euplesurgue over Une hd or sa And now, let's get ready for a week ful of love. take the top picee, and transfer it to the bottom, as you siy: "Sunday Transfer the second picee, ‘Monday”, and s0 on, one by one, ‘until you finish with Sanur” So the week ends up with broken, eu, shuffled lost and messy relationships. And the only thing that ean make us remember true love is the pieure of our loved one safe in oue heat. Wel, Wwe ean always pluck a daisy, and say SHE LOVES ME... SHE LOVES ME NOT. Take the fist pice, and pass it to the bottom ofthe stack, as| you say “SHE LOVES ME” Grab the second one. That one Conreaponds to “SHE LOVES ME NOT", right? Throw 8 far Sway fom yout We don't want those who do not lve ns nearby, dower Repeat the ritual, passing pieee tothe bottom everytime you say “SHE LOVES ME", and throwing away the pieces when you Sy “SHE LOVES ME NOT". “SHE LOVES ME” (pass to bottom), “SHE LOVES ME NOT" (throw avy). You'll end up with only one piece in your hand. That one represents you, Depending on Sour actions during the ritual, fats, shuffles. yonr piece could. have. been a completly tiferent one, Take the one that you saved atthe very beginning put i right next to the one you ended up with T'S YOUR OTHER HALF! The miracle of love! Cupid id i again! Isat it wonderful? App TIONAL REMARKS, | have always loved ticks that the audience can do ves, just by following) the magician’s instructions ati recently named, quite appropriately, Verbal Magic) Nang be because I Tondy remember when I, asa child, saw dua in the legendary Spanish TV program Un, Dos, Tres and felt the magic happen, Hitevally. in my own hans, Today, | hink that experienc has Tat todo with who T ‘ (something Juan Ta oon Engh Te cat magi of Waray Amn am, what 1 do fora living, and the very fact that you are now eading this book As my methods usually have todo with mathematical processes and prineiples, find myself at ease with these kind of ‘ticks. They have, In fact, become one of my “specalos” in magic. I even designed. a routine especially for Nacho ‘Vigalondo, with the aim of promoting his movie The Chrono Grimes, back in 2008. The Moxie fans should go into its website, and wate a video in which Idi the “interactive” tick, ‘The result was not only magic ut it also gave them the key to movie-related “Cheono Game” Internally speaking, this trick Is based on the Australian dowa-under deal, 1 took the idea, and added a basic prineipleT read in Max Maven's Redivider that create, in my opinion a very “heartfelt” feeling of really shulling the cards (plus, you on do the teiek with only four ears, and there's mo need 0 sign ng). The only real shuflle is done at the very beginning, That, the result of tearing the cards in two is a kind of eycic stacks ach le four positions sory from its match. Vou sn ut this “deek" as many times as you want Creating a stack from fairly shuffled cards is something Tam enthusiast about On an external level, the idea ofa collective “itu” that wil make everyone Tucky in love, appeals to the audience. Every ‘mushy topie related tothe theme, which I constantly refer back to (the tom picture, the “other hal, the daisy, “sho loves me", “she lowes me not] juss the procedures. And | think that the final image, withthe spectators holding the two pieces that form a whole cad, is very suggestive For practical reasons, T designed the trick to not require a table. usually perform it when Tam the MC, in patlor shows, and even in theaters with to oF ree hundeed people, each Ihoding their ovm four ennds and fllovsing mo instuetions. In those eases, I'sress the monneal when there i freedom of chee, so thatthe fact That every spectator can do somnething completely different esos wvions, bt everyone pets their mtchingg half newertheless, reaching am Tampons, M ‘very spectator followed the same instructions, and ended up Finding the matching halves, hey could (eoeretl). guess that the whole procedure is just “purzle", and that if they did the ‘sme exact actions back at home the trick would also work Instead, T give them options, some spectators shuffle; others st eut the halves, some of them onee, while others do It four Tine. This makes for x shocking climax, asthe “instructions” ten by fhe magician couldn't possibly have predicted every Spectator’s choice. And Te tied to enhance this foling by inelaing a adaptation of the great Alex Elmsley’s Australian Sif Help in the passing of one card for each day in the week. This allows the spectators to get vd of some cards (their choice) before doing the Australian deal. also use a false due, so that no one in the audience eau produce the trick, should they try iUater. Tuse the moment at ‘shich the ears are opened in a fa, andthe three top pies are list in the middle, Aer tha, the pees are squared. Tell the alice: “Do you know why you have to square the cards? Tewuse I forgot to do something very important!” Ask them to tae the top poses seve i inside the pocket, and naw male the fin once again, in onder to continue with the process. Later 1 wll real the actions as “You eul the cards, ook a piece and aed tan then opened the pens in a fan and shed then [cats that hat Tt them to remember My friend Pipo Villanueva has a geeat idea. If you're performing this trick fora group of people, before asking them lu get thd of some pieces, tll them to take the top piece and ize it with another spectator, Aer the exchange, they idl ofthe fn. Not only does this enhance cffect,a8 the spectators wil be holding is, bul it abo has the added bonus of fet, not only with Uhe magician, but Teter themsele IK yom want to knoe a lot mone about how to. present and perforin these Kind of totines, Freer you to the wise and sential words uf the, Master, Jaan Tamar, is his bok Verbal Magic

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