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nts of the o!er issue newspapers were all dated at .

os )n*eles,U('()( 5ecember 0#,

062%, or one day before the e-piration of the import license in 7uestion, the !
essels89' :E/TU;) and 89' <)T))/, carryin* on board the said merchandise,
actually left the ports of embar=ation, .os )n*eles, and 'an Francisco, on January 01
and January 0+, 062& respecti!ely( >ence,accordin* to the defendant, the
importation must be considered as ha!in* been made without a !alidimport license,
because under the re*ulations issued by the Central <an= and the 8onetary
<oard, ?allshipments that left the port of ori*in after June % , 062%, and are co!
ered by ICC licenses, may be releasedby the <ureau of Customs without the need of
a Central <an= release certicate@ pro!ided they left theport of ori*in within the
period of !alidity of the licenses?( /o Central <an= certi cate for the release of
the*oods ha!in* been shown or presented to the defendant, the latter refused to
ma=e the deli!ery(
Ahether or not the !alid period of the license in 7uestion should be counted up to
the time whenthe !essels carryin* the imported items left the ports of ori*in on
January 01 and January 0+, 062&, orwhen the correspondin* bills of ladin* were
dated, or 5ecember 0#, 062%
/o( The authority of the appellee to import was contained in the Import Control
Commission.icense /o( 0#112, !alidated on June 0$, 062%, and under ;esolution #
of the Commission Badopted8arch 1#, 0621, the same had a si-3month period
of !alidity counted from the said date June 0$, 062%( This license states, amon*
other conditions, that DCommodities co!ered by this license must be shipped from
the country of ori*in before the e-piry date of the license, and are subject to 'ec( 0%
of ;epublic )ct( /o( +2()lthou*h ;epublic )ct /o( +2 , creatin* the Import Control
Commission, e-pired on July %0, 062%, it is tobe conceded that its duly eecuted acts can ha!e !alid e"ects e!en beyond the life span of said*o!ernmental
a*ency(Ahat is important to consider only is the le*al connotation of the word ?
shipped? as the term was used inthe license( 5efendant maintains that it is when
the !essel lea!es the port of embar=ation, while plainti" holds that it is the dates of
the bills of ladin*, which are usually issued after the car*o is placed on boardthe !
essel( The date of the shipment is the date when the *oods for dispatch are loaded
on board the!essel, and not necessarily when the ship puts to sea(5efendants
reliance upon Central <an= re*ulations that the shipment licensed must ha!e ?
left the port of ori*in within the period of !alidity of the ?license? is not maintainable
in the present case, because there*ulations came onto e"ect only on July 0, 062%
already after issuance of the appellee license and cannotbe read into the same(

Duly executed acts can have valid efects even beyond the li e span o said
governmental agency

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