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Bridgewater Township

County of Rice, State of Minnesota

Meeting Minutes May 12, 2010

The meeting was called to order at 6:59 p.m. The pledge of allegiance was said by

Roll Call: Glen Castore, Kathleen Doran-Norton, Bruce Morlan, Clerk Janalee Cooper,

Brad Pfahning were present. No guest speakers were invited for this meeting.

Agenda: Approval of agenda, with changes, was motioned by Morlan, seconded by

Castore, all agreed.

Minutes from April 14th, 2010 meeting were approved, as changed. Morlan
motioned, Doran-Norton seconded, all agreed.

Minutes from the April 21st, 2010 work session were approved. Morlan motioned,
Castore seconded, all approved.

Approval of Claims; Doran-Norton motioned, Castore seconded, all approved, with


Treasurer’s Report by Pfahning noted no special items.

Correspondence by Clerk Cooper noted addition of Verizon Wireless bill added, filled
in the hourly wages of township employess and contractors.

Old Business: Road Grader purchase with Ziegler was discussed, detailed with a
financial graph by Castore. Purchase of grader was with “Option #5”, as follows:

• Cost of New machine $256,805

• Warranty 7 years, all systems $14,100

• Exchange value ( sell to Iosca Township) $150,000

• Net Cost $120,905

• Guaranteed Buy Back 7 years $145,000

• Net Asset Value after 7 years $24,095

Castore motioned to approve, Morlan seconded, all approved.

Dust Control Bid: Dennis Brown gave report. Bid was given to two companies.
Ferrall Gas and Environmental Enhancements. Morlan motioned, Castore seconded.
Note from Supervisors that Road supervisor was allowed to allocate purchase
between two bids.

Storm Water Ordinance: Doran-Norton updated the Board. Details that the
Bridgewater Twn approach was different than the city of Northfield. It was unclear if
Northfield was consistent throughout their Master Planning Process.

EDA Master Planning Process: Doran-Norton gave report on Hoisington Kegler’s

work for the city of Northfield. Details were better than expected, but overall

New Business: Pet and Nuisance Ordinances passed, after detailed discussion.e

*Ordinance 2010-01 Doran-Norton motioned, Castore seconded, all approved.

* Resolution 2010-08 Morlan motioned, Doran-Norton seconded, all approved.

*Ordinance 2010-02 Doran-Norton motioned, Castore seconded, all approved.

* Resolution 2010-09 Castore motioned, Morlan seconded, all approved.

Landfill Consulting Proposal: Castore gave report, detailed his contract negotiations
with Mike Cook.

*Contract was approved with this specific language, “use money from landfill
hosting fee” to pay, and a special note from conversation is that “private ownership
prohibited.” Contract was limited to $2000.

Comments from the audience suggested that the $2000 might be restrictive,
encouraged the Bd to be more open ended on this point.

Northfield Annexation Policy comments by Doran-Norton, detailed road and tax


Spring Brook Creek monitoring done by Professor Stephanie Schmitt, from St. Olaf
is being done; data to be available on township website.

George Kinney: the Bd is agreed that we should keep moving forward with George
working together with Carolyn Braun .

Dundas Annexation Agreement: Gary Ebling gave substantive remarks about the
orginal Dundas Annexation Agreement, provided copies of the original overlaid
with the revisions sought by Dundas. Concensus was that we not move forward, ask
Gary Ebling and Myron Malecha to visit the Dundas Planning Commission and
review history of the agreement with current members.

Roads: Doran-Norton gave review and handed out the 2007 Road Policy to
Supervisors, followed up with suggestions that we visit with Bridgewater Planning
Commission to review. Hiring a student to research easements and road issues,
was motioned by Morlan: specific language stated”I move that we put out the call
to inventory the roads”. Morlan motioned, Castore seconded, all agreed.

Planning and Zoning Report: Jim Braun brought us up to date with current requests,
issues in P&Z.

Computer Back Up’s: Morlan and Doran-Norton brought information to be

considered to the table.

Letter to John Ophaug: Castore agreed to write up the language to retain John
Ophaug as Town attorney. We had to specifically do this, to prevent conflict of
interest and having Peter Tiede as attorney on annexation issues.

Motion to adjorn: Castore motioned for adjournment at 10:05 p.m., Doran-Norton


Respectfully Submitted,

Janalee Cooper

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