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Memoir: This piece allowed me to reflect back on my own connections to urban forestry and
inform others as to why I chose what I did. Being able to analyze my own ties to urban forestry
gave me a greater understanding of what I wanted to accomplish through this project. By seeing
what my mother has done throughout the last several years, I decided that beyond just
researching urban forestry, I actually want to partake in a career that involves conservation. One
day, I hope to make a difference like my mother has. My goal of this project is to ultimately
understand urban forestry better so that I can contribute to it when Im older and with the
knowledge that my mother has given me I am one step closer.
Editorial: This piece is a persuasive article attempting to get people to respect and value urban
forestry more than they have and maybe see trees in a new light by educating them about some
of the numerous benefits that trees provide. By trying to convince others I got to write
persuasively which required me to change my writing style. It enriches my portfolio by adding a
non-objective viewpoint and adding my own opinion. By researching numerous times in which
trees have been cut down unnecessarily, I learned that in many cases people do it for personal
gain, thus taking away the benefits from everyone.
Benefits of Bozemans Urban Forest and Potential Benefits. City of Bozeman. City of
Bozeman, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2016.
"City Sues over 150 Trees Cut down in West Seattle." KOMO. KOMO, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2016.
Morris, Michael. "City Replaces Oak Trees Cut by Wendy's

Owner." Houston Chronicle.

Houston Chronicle, n.d. Web. 1 May 2015.

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"Protecting L.A.'s Trees." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 15 Mar. 2016. Web. 13 Nov.

Top 22 Benefits of Trees. TreePeople. TreePeople, 2016. Web. 19 Sept. 2016.
Interview: This piece was done with the intent of being able to learn more about our urban forest
locally. Since the goal of the project was to learn more about urban forestry so I could contribute
in the future, this was a great place to start. I got to hear about what is going on in our
community that has to do with urban forestry. The person I interviewed is very knowledgeable
and shared some great information which made a great addition to my research paper. By
conducting this interview, I got a fresh take on urban forestry from an involved community
Overton, Mitch. Personal Interview. 1 Nov. 2016.
Biography: The intent of this piece was to research someone very influential to my topic. I chose
Julia Butterfly Hill because of the attention that she has brought to the importance of our trees.
She took extreme action to preserve some of the worlds oldest trees and hopefully people will
be able to look at her actions and realize that they, too can make a difference. By including her in
my portfolio it adds the depth of a person who truly appreciates the importance of our urban
forests. It also adds weight to the overall goal of my project. If someone does not want to take
my word for it, maybe they will take hers.

Butterfly Hill Defends California Redwoods. Swathmore College. Global

Nonviolent Action Database, n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2016.
Purple. Julia Hill, the Remarkable Woman Who Saved a Tree by Living in it for Two Years.
Odditycentral. Odditycentral, 2016. Web. 31 Oct. 2016.

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Watson, Nessim. Julia Butterfly Hill. Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 July

2015. Web. 29 Oct. 2016.

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