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MDGs dan SDGs

Laporan MDGs 2014 Bappenas

Dari 63 Indikator MDGs,
1. 13 tercapai
2. 36 on track
3. 14 off track (membutuhkan kerja keras)
Dari 31 indikator MDGs
1. 7 tercapai
2. 17 on track
3. 7 off track
Dampak positif MDGs bagi sector kesehatan

Meningkatnya kesadaran isu kesehatan

Meningkatnya alokasi anggaran kesehatan
Menyatunya arah pembangunan kesehatan
Integrase monitoring dan evaluasi untuk isu-isu prioritas

SDGs untuk tahun 2030

Tujuan SDGs
Sebuah kesatuan system pembangunan, tidak mementingkan isu tertentu ->
integrase pembangunan nasional
17 Tujuan SDGs
1. Mengakhiri segala bentuk kemiskinan dimanapun (7 target)

2. Mengakhiri kelaparan, mencapai ketahanan pangan dan

meningkatkan gizi, serta mendorong pertanian yang berkelanjutan
(8 target)
3. Menjamin kehidupan yang sehat dan mendorong kesejahteraan bagi
semua orang di segala usia (13 target)
4. Menjamin pendidikan yang inklusif dan berkeadilan serta mendorong
kesempatan belajar seumur hidup bagi semua orang (10 target)
5. Menjamin kesetaraan gender serta memberdayakan seluruh wanita
dan perempuan (9 target)
6. Menjamin ketersediaan dan pengelolaan air serta sanitasi yang
berkelanjutan bagi semua orang (8 traget)
7. Menjamin akses energy yang terjangkau, terjamin, berkelanjutan dan modern
bagi semua orang (5 target)
8. Mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terus menerus, inklusif, dan
berklanjutan serta kesempatan kerja penuh dan produktig dan pekerjaan
yang layak bagi semua orang (11 target)
9. Membangun infrastruktur yang berketahanan, mendorong industrialisasi yang
inklusif dan berkelanjutan serta membina inovasi (8 target)
Mengurangi kesenjangan di dalam dan antar negara (10 target)
Menjadikan kota dan pemukiman manusia inklusif, aman,
berketahanan dan berkelanjutan (10 target)
Menjamin pola produksi dan konsumsi yang berkelanjutan (11
Mengambil tindakan segera untuk memerangi perubahan iklim dan
dampaknya (5 target)
Melestarikan dan menggunakan samudera, lautan serta sumber daya
laut secara berkelanjutan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan (10 target)
Melindungi, memperbaharui, serta mendorong penggunaa ekosistem
daratan yang berkelanjutan, mengelola hutan secara berkelanjutan,
memerangi penggurunan, menghentikan dan memulihan degradasi tanah,
serta menghentikan kerugian keanekaragaman hayati (12 target)
Mendorong masyarakt yang damai dan inklusif untuk pembangunan
berkelanjutan, menyediakan akses keadilan bagi semua orang, serta
membangun institusi yang efeektif, akuntabel, dan inklusif di seleluruh
tingkatan (12 target)
Memperkuat perangkat-perangkat implementasi (means of
implementation) dan merevitalisasi kemitraan global untuk
pembangunan berkelanjutan (19 target)

Millennium Development Goals

In September 2000, leaders of 189 countries gathered at the United

Nations headquarters and signed the historic Millennium Declaration, in
which they committed to achieving a set of eight measurable goals that
range from halving extreme poverty and hunger to promoting gender
equality and reducing child mortality, by the target date of 2015.

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)

Goal 1
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Goal 2
Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3
Promote gender equality and empower women
Goal 4
Reduce child mortality
Goal 5
Improve maternal health
Goal 6
Combating HIV/AIDs, malaria, and other diseases
Goal 7
Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 8
Develop a global partnership for development

The MDGs were revolutionary in providing a common language to reach

global agreement. The 8 goals were realistic and easy to communicate,
with a clear measurement/monitoring mechanism.

Substantial progress has been made regarding the MDGs. The world has
already realized the first MDG of halving the extreme poverty rate by
2015. However, the achievements have been uneven. The MDGs are set to
expire in 2015 and the discussion of a post-2015 agenda continues. The
focus is now on building a sustainable world where environmental
sustainability, social inclusion, and economic development are equally

The MDG Fund contributed directly and indirectly to the achievement of

the MDGs. It adopted an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the
MDGs. The approach was guided by the Millennium Declaration and its
emphasis on development as a right, with targeted attention directed
towards traditionally marginalized groups such as ethnic minorities,
indigenous groups, and women.

The Global Consultation of Sustainable Development Goals

The Rio+20 conference (the United Nations Conference on Sustainable

Development) in Rio de Janeiro, June 2012, galvanized a process to
develop a new set of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which will
carry on the momentum generated by the MDGs and fit into a global
development framework beyond 2015.

In the interest of creating a new, people-centered, development agenda, a

global consultation was conducted online and offline. Civil society
organizations, citizens, scientists, academics, and the private sector from
around the world were all actively engaged in the process. Activities
included thematic and national consultations, and the My World survey led
by the United Nations Development Group. Specialized panels were also
held and provided ground to facilitate intergovernmental discussions. The
UN Secretary General presented a synthesis of the results of these
consultation processes.

In July 2014, the UN General Assembly Open Working Group (OWG)

proposed a document containing 17 goals to be put forward for the
General Assemblys approval in September 2015. This document set the

ground for the new SDGs and the global development agenda spanning
from 2015-2030.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as proposed by the OWG

Goal 1
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
Goal 2
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote
sustainable agriculture
Goal 3
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long
learning opportunities for all
Goal 5
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Goal 6
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation
for all
Goal 7
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for
Goal 8
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and
productive employment, and decent work for all
Goal 9
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
industrialization, and foster innovation
Goal 10

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Goal 11
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and
Goal 12
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Goal 13
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
Goal 14
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for
sustainable development
Goal 15
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land
degradation, and halt biodiversity loss
Goal 16
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all, and build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels
Goal 17
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global
partnership for sustainable development
The SDG Fund and the SDGs

The SDG Fund is the first cooperation mechanism specifically designed to

achieve the future SDGs. Building upon the experience and lessons
learned of the previous MDG Achievement Fund (2007-2013), the SDG
Fund intends to act as a bridge in the transition from MDGs to SDGs,
providing concrete experiences on how to achieve a sustainable and
inclusive world post-2015 through its integrated and multidimensional
joint programmes.

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