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Spring 2016_Writing

Immersion I Lesson Plan Format

Alyssa Montoya

Grade Level: 1st
Unit: Writers Workshop Personal Narratives
Day, Date, and Time of Lesson: Sept 25, 2016

School: Needham

Number of Students in Class: 24

Lesson Duration: 45 minutes

1. Objective(s):
At the end of this lesson students will apply sequence words to demonstrate a small
moment in their life.

2. ColoradoAcademicStandards:WhatColoradoStateAcademicStandardswillthis

c. Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events,
include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide some sense of closure. (CCSS: W.1.3)
d. With guidance and support from adults, focus on a topic, respond to questions and
suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed. (CCSS: W.1.5)
e. Use pictures or graphic organizers to plan writing

3. LearningTarget(s):
Students can write three different sequenced events that happened in
their life, using sequence words First, Next and Last.

4. Assessment:
I will know that students have met their learning target by looking at their
papers seeing they used:
-Topic sentence introducing event
-Transition/sequence words
- 3 sequence events using details and descriptive words
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-Conclusion sentence

5. Materials:

6. Essential Questions or Big Picture Statement:

Each students has experienced an event in their life that is meaningful to them.
Being able to write down supporting details to describe that specific event:

Today we will be reading the personal narrative Pig Pig Goes to Camp.
(Teacher read this to them before) They used it as a Fiction, Non fiction
comparison chart) Using Sequence Words. Students will then be able to
write able to understand what a personal narrative is and what one looks
like based on this story. (Review of personal narrative, before they worked
on the main idea of a moment and adding details) With me students were
working on small moment in their life. I will then give an example of an
event that has happened in my life and help students understand that by
just taking one event you can stretch it out and list 3 sequenced
supporting details that happened within that one event to help you
become a good writer who adds descriptive words to tell my personal
narrative. (I will already have my graphic organizer written, and will just
read it to them to get an idea)

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7. Introduction/AnticipatorySet:

It will be writing time when I do the lesson. The students will be working
on writers workshop for prior writing lessons. Today class during writing
we are looking at personal narratives. I want all of you to think of one
moment in your life, and stretching it out by using sequence words to
transition between the three events. Here is a poster of what good
writers do when writing (Broken down into the four steps Focusing on a
small moment in your life, creating a beginning, middle and end,
Describing people places and things (five senses) and telling how you feel.
(I will encourage students to use their sight words and refer back to the
wall, and descriptive words that they have on the classroom wall.)


1. I will introduce the poster of what a personal narrative is, and why good writers
incorporate this into their writing. I will inform the students what "In a personal narrative we
are really focusing on a small moment I'm out lives and when we are writing personal
narratives we want to focus on a small moment. All Writing has a beginning middle and end,
describe people, places, and things. We are using the (five senses), I will then ask the
students what the five senses are. The last thing that is listed on the poster that good
writers do is telling how you feel. (This is all located on a poster) I will also introduce the
transitions that they have been working on, and tell the students what words we are going
to be focusing on today. (6 minutes) (Introduction)
2. I will then read them the book of "pig pig goes to camp" ( while reading the book I will be
circling the words that pig pig used to tell his personal narrative) this will allow students to
understand how he was able to tell his story by using these transition words. I will inform the
students to look back at the poster when you are doing your writing so that you make sure
you aren't forgetting anything. (4 minutes)
3. I will then Show students my example of my personal narrative by reading it to them. And
going step by step through my process" (Located on the graphic organizer) (2 minutes)
4. I will have students turn to the person beside them and tell them their topic of what they
are going to be wrong about I will say " now I want you to turn to the person beside you and
tell them what " moment" you will be writing about today in your personal narrative, and
when you and your partner are done please put your hand on your head so I know that you
are done. I will then dismiss you to start working" ( 4 minutes)
5. Student work time and I will be floating around answering questions. Students will be

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working on filling out their graphic organizer and illustrating a picture that best represents
their words in their personal narrative. (25 minutes) (Assess)
6. I will wrap this lesson up by calling on a few students to share their personal narrative in
front of the class. (4 minutes)?

Alyssa Montoya
Writing Lesson Reflection
Teaching Language Arts
October 30, 2016
Writing Lesson Refletion
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While I was teaching my lesson to my First graders I introduced the book Pig Pig Goes to
Camp. They loved it! The students found the book to be hilarious, and would continue to talk
about when they went camping, and how they could relate to some of the things Pig Pig did at
camp. This was a good book that I chose to help students when writing their personal narrative.
Especially working with first graders on a personal narrative I found it helpful to have a book
that is very narrowed down and focuses on a small moment in time. Another helpful tool that I
had when I was teaching my lesson was the poster that I made that the students could refer back
to if they got stuck. This poster listen the main ideas of what a personal narrative consisted of in
kid friendly language. The poster listed Focus on a small moment in our lives, has a beginning
middle and end (using sequence words first, next and last), Describe people places and thing
(using the five sense smell, hear, taste, feel and see), last to tell how they felt expressing emotion
(happy, excited, sad, frustrated). We went through each of these topic that were listed on the
poster, and I asked the students questions to help them understand. For example I asked the
students about what the five senses were as well as what it means to express emotion and to give
me an example. A few of these elements that were in my poster was a little bit of a review for the
students because they had been working on some of those key elements in their writing. Before I
released the students to work on their personal narratives, I paired them up with their classmate
that was sitting next to them and instructed them to do a think, pair, share. By having the
students participate in the think pair share activity this allowed them to think about small
moment they were going to focus on writing about. This activity was helpful because they got to
collaborate with their peer and bounce ideas off of one another, and also helped speed up the
writing process so that when the students were dismissed to their desk they had an idea in mind,
and could right away get started on their work. When the students were done sharing with their

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partner they were asked to put their hand on their head to show me that they were done sharing
what they were going to write about. When working with first graders I knew that I was going to
need more structure for their writing to really help them understand so when I had a graphic
organizer for them to work with that was listing topic sentence (One day..), the three transitions
that they were going to be using (First, Next and Last) as well as a conclusion was helpful and
directed them in the right direction! At the end I asked a few students to share their personal
narratives. It was great to see that the students were so willing to share their personal narratives,
and it was great to see those students excited to present to the class about their small moment.
One of the things that I would change about my lesson was refreshing the students and
teaching them about a topic sentence and giving the students more examples of what one would
look like, I thought that was a reteach, but the teacher mentioned after words that they might
have needed more direction as to what one is memory about what It is very important for
students to be engaging in a read aloud. Students should always have a task to think about or
details to look for in the book that you are reading especially if the book is linked to a writing
lesson, and it is important for you as a teacher to engage them and keep the students thinking
about the writing topic throughout the book. For example you could say oh my goodness a light
bulb just went off in my head, what was Pig Pigs emotions in this part of the book, and you can
say a follow up statement of this is what good writers do, they show emotion. I could have also
incorporated the five senses into what they should be looking for in the book.
I learned that a lot of my students sometimes I over think things and make a few things
too broad and just assume that the students know things, but I always have to remember
especially working with students in the lower grade levels that it is always a good idea to refresh
their memory and reteach topics/ideas for more of an understanding. I also learned a lot about
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my students about topics that they like to write about the most common were birthdays, camping,
Christmas, train rides, and fishing! I also learned that structure for students in the lower grade
levels is important because they can get off task easy, and it is easy for them to get distracted! I
really enjoyed teaching personal narratives and helping students focus on a small moment in time
and I believe that they did too because they loved to share out and read what they wrote about
and share their illustrations!

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