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Ul ) Burlington i Megan Blair Craig Stevens [3 nurtington Books ss dio —D Tracklist Class Audio CD I Track 1: Opening announcement UNIT | Track 2: Reading, pp6-7 Track 3 Listening p12, Exercise A2 Track 4: Listening, p12, Exercise B Track: Speaking p13, Exercise A UNIT 2 Track 6: Reading, p18 Track7: Listening, p24, Exercise AB Track 8: Listening, p24, Eercise 82 Track 9: Speaking, p25, Eercise 82 Class Audio CD 2 UNIT 3 Track 1 Reading, pp30-31 Track 2: Listening, 36, Eercise A Track 3: Listening, p36, Exercise B Track 4: Speaking, p37, Exercise 82 Track 5: Speaking, p37, Exercise B4 UNIT 4 Track 6: Reading, pp42-43 Track 7: Listening, p48, Exercise A ‘Track 8 Listening, p48, Exercise B UNIT 5 Track 9: Reading, p54 Track 1 Listening, p60, Exercise A2 Track 11 Listening, p60, Exercise B2 Track 12: Speaking p61, Exercise B2 Track 13: Speaking, p61, Exercise Ba Class Audio CD 3 UNIT 6 Track 1: Reading, p66 Track Listening, p72, Exercise A Track 3 Listening, p72, Exercise B2 unit 7 Track: Reading, p78 Track 5: Listening, p84, Erercise A “Track 6: Listening, p84, Exercise B UNIT & Track 7: Reading, pp90-91 Tack 8: Listening, p96, Exercise A Track: Listening, p96, Exercise B Class Audio CD 4 UNIT 9 Track 1: Reading, pp102-103 Track 2: Listening, p108, Exerdse A Track 3: Listening, 108, Exercise B2 UNIT 10 Track 4 Reading, p14 Track: Listening, p120, Exercise A Track 6: Listening, p120, Exercise B Track 7: Speaking, p121, Exercise B2 ‘Tack 8: Speaking, p121, Exerdse C1 Class Audio CD 5 UNIT Track 1 Reading, pp126-127 Track Listening, 132, Exercise A Track 3: Listening, p132, Exercise B UNIT 12 Track 4: Reading, p138 Track : Listening, 144, Exerse A Track 6: Listening, p144, Exercise B Tack 7 Speaking, p145, Exercise B2 Track &: Speaking, p145, Exercise B4 BH Talking about yourself Comparing plctures: Reaching a decision Expressing and justifying opinions Helpsolvea problem Comparing pictures: Anartide describing Astory ‘Aninformal email I review ‘An opinion letter Anartide eT eT EE EXAM DING uN Cr a | Thecorreet + Word biking + Multiple choice | + Mutiplechokce Impresion? |. phrasalverbswithtum grammarand | story rutile | calocations ae |+ Multiple J iiraccts b eae Band) Preentcneand transformations anexhange First impressions + Multiple choice doze | rogranie pases PureGeniss | - Word building + key word + Multiple rmuitplecholce |. toms transformations | matching + Easily confused words |* Multiplechoice | books + Past Simple and somes and pom vocabulary completion Famous Authors, PastContinuous, - Famous Characters txedto/ ould, [+ Wordformaton | Costes a be /getusedto , World Class | - Word building + Multiplechoice + Multiple choice geppedtert |. cacatinswithpoint | gfammarand ——_peopletaltingin resent PeriectSiple | Yay Varus situations andPresent Perfect |= Multiple choice doze | Mutipl choice Continuous + Key word boarding school All Study, No Play? transformations | age 23 | — RealtyTV ——|- Wordbuiling |+ Open doze | sentence ‘rultple + Ezsily confused words + Multiple choice completion matding | asters with go |_sararand studensteachat vocabulary aod = Cllocatons Niticicone + Modals and eae aad ¥ What's On? eee | vafomaion, | se pages + Modal erect JustaGame? + Word building + Multiple choice | Multiple choke ceppedtet |. colocatinswithtoke | gtammarand baling + Past Perfect simple and | Yoabueny “+ Mattie Past Perfect Continuous |* Key word matching transformations —__peerpresure Follow the Crowd | + Word formation pages TheRight Kind_|+ Word building |- Mattiplechoice = choosing the oftiowe — |. verbsconnected «| grammarand comectpiture mutplecoice |" with money vocabulary + Multiple choice + Wordsconnected with» Key word computer ime an transformations ‘Against the Law = The Future + Multiple choice doze vos Ni ete =)

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