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Viviana A. Zelizer
Lloyd Cotsen 50 Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology
120 Wallace Hall
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544

Telephone: (609) 258-4557 (office) (609) 258-4531 (departmental office)
FAX: (609) 258-2180 E-mail:


Columbia University, 1977 Sociology
M. Phil.
Columbia University, 1974 - Sociology
Columbia University, 1974 - Sociology
Rutgers University, Phi Beta Kappa, 1971

Academic Honors, Awards, and Visiting Appointments:

Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, Fall 2015.

Interdisciplinary Studies Institute Scholar in Residence, University of Massachusetts. April 12-
16, 2015.

First Recipient, Distinguished Career Service Award for the Section on Children and Youth,
American Sociological Association, 2013

Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award. Department of Sociology, Princeton University, 2012-

Graduate Mentoring Award in the Social Sciences, Princeton University, 2013.

Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, Columbia University, March 2011.

Norbert Lechner Memorial Lecturer. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, November

S. D. Clark Lecturer, University of Toronto, October 2010.

Visiting Professor, Universit Paris X, Nanterre, June 2007.

Elected to the American Philosophical Society, 2007.


Elected to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, 2007.

Member, PEN American Center, 2006-

The Economic Sociology section of the American Sociological Association named its annual
book prize the Viviana A. Zelizer Distinguished Book Award, 2003.

Professeur invit, Dpartement de Science Sociales, cole Normale Suprieure, June 2002.

Outstanding advisor award, Department of Sociology, Princeton University, 2001.

Arthur Leff Fellow, Yale Law School, 1999-2000.

Cotsen Faculty Fellow, 1998-2001, Princeton University.

250th Anniversary Fund for Innovation in Undergraduate Education, Princeton University

Citicorp Behavioral Sciences Research Council grant, 1997-2001

1996 Culture Section Book Award, American Sociological Association, for The Social
Meaning of Money.

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, 1996-

Member, Institute for Advanced Study, 1996-97.

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow, 1996-97.

Directeur d'tudes Associ (Visiting Research Professor), cole des Hautes tudes en
Sciences Sociales, June 1991.

Tuck Fund Award, Princeton University, July 1990.

Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 1987-88.

Member, Sociological Research Association, 1986-present.

1985 C.W. Mills Award, Society for the Study of Social Problems, for Pricing the Priceless
Child: The Changing Social Value of Children.


1985 Elizur Wright Award, American Risk and Insurance Association for Morals and
Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the United States.

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend, 1983.

Emily Gregory Teaching Award (Barnard College), 1983.

Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowship, 1980-81.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant (Barnard College) (Summers 1979 and 1980).

Institute of Life Insurance grant (New York, 1974).

Member of the Social History Traineeship Program at Columbia University, sponsored by
the National Institute of Mental Health (1972-76).

John W. Burgess Honorary Fellow (Columbia 1973-74).

Honorary President's Fellow (Columbia 1972-74).

Fellow of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (Columbia 1971-72).


Professor, Department of Sociology, Princeton University, 1988-2002. Chair, 1992-96.
Lloyd Cotsen 50 Professor of Sociology, 2002-present.

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Barnard College and Graduate Faculty of
Columbia University, 1978-82. Associate Professor, 1982-85. Professor, 1985-88. Acting
Chair, Department of Sociology, Barnard College (1979-1980).

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Rutgers University, 1976-1978.

Visiting Instructor, Department of Sociology, Columbia University, Summer 1976.


Economic Lives: How Culture Shapes the Economy. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
2010. Paperback edition, Princeton University Press, 2013. Spanish translation, Centro de
Investigaciones Sociolgicas, Contemporary Classics series, Madrid, 2015.



Vite economiche. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009.

The Purchase of Intimacy. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 2005. Paperback
edition, Princeton University Press, 2007. Spanish translation, Fondo de Cultura
Econmica, 2009; Chinese translation, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2009;
Portuguese edition, Editora Vozes, 2012; Korean edition, Eco-Livre, forthcoming.

The Social Meaning of Money. New York: Basic Books, 1994. Paperback editions, Basic
Books, 1995, Princeton University Press, 1997. Russian edition, Higher School of
Economics, Moscow, 2004; Chinese translation, Cheng Chung Book Co. Ltd, Taiwan, 2004;
French edition, Editions du Seuil, Paris, 2005, La Signification Sociale de lArgent named
book of the month by Sciences Humaines, February 2006; Spanish translation, Fondo de
Cultura Econmica, 2011.

Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children. New York: Basic Books,
1985. Paperback edition, Basic Books, 1987. Revised paperback edition, Princeton
University Press, 1994. Chinese edition, East China Normal University Press, forthcoming.

Morals and Markets: The Development of Life Insurance in the United States, New York:
Columbia University Press, 1979. Paperback edition by Transaction, 1983. Japanese
edition, Chikura Shobo, Tokyo, 1994.

Articles and book chapters:

Remittance Circuits. In From Economic to Social Remittances: An International
Overview. Transnational Money Initiatives Working Paper Series, January 27, 2015

Sobre la Negociacion de la Intimidad. In Rodrigo Cordero Vega, ed. Formas de
Comprender el Presente. Santiago, Chile: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, pp. 91-104,

Preteklost in prihodnosti ekonomske sociologije. In Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrela, ed.,
special issue of Theory and Practice on Economic Sociology, 2013. Slovenian translation of
Past and Futures of Economic Sociology. In Nicole Woolsey Biggart, editor, special issue
Coming and Going in Economic Sociology. American Behavioral Scientist 50 (April 2007):

The Priceless Child Turns Twenty-Seven. Journal of the History of Childhood and
Youth 5 (Fall 2012): 449-456. In special essay section, Pricing the Priceless Child: a


A Grown Up Priceless Child. In Situating child consumption, edited by Anna Sparrman,

Bengt Sandin, and Johanna Sjberg. Lund, Sweden: Nordic Academic Press, 2012.

How I Became a Relational Economic Sociologist and What Does That Mean? Special
issue on Relational Work in Market Economies, edited by Fred Block. Politics & Society,
40 (June 2012): 145-174.

A economia do care. Civitas. Revista de Ciencias Sociais 10 (2010): 376-391. Portuguese
translation of Lconomie du care. Revue Francaise de Socio-conomie 2 (2008): 13-25.
Reprinted in Helena Hirata et Nadya Araujo Guimares, eds. Cuidado e cuidadoras: as varias
faces do trabalho do care, So Paulo: Editora Atlas, 2012.

Culture and Uncertainty. In Craig Calhoun, editor, Robert K. Merton: Sociology of Science
and Sociology as Science. New York: Columbia University Press, 2010, pp. 94-112.

Caring Everywhere. In Rhacel Parreas and Eileen Boris, editors, Intimate Labors: Cultures,
Technologies, and the Politics of Care. Palo Alto, CA, Stanford University Press, 2010, pp.
267- 279.

Chuck Tilly and Mozart. The American Sociologist 41(December 2010): 423-428.

Moralizing Consumption. Journal of Consumer Culture 10 (July 2010): 287-291.

Risky Exchanges. In Michele Bratcher Goodwin, editor, Baby Markets: Money and the New
Politics of Creating Families. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010, pp. 267-77.

Dinheiro, poder e sexo. Cadernos Pagu 32 (June 2009): 135-157. Portuguese translation
of Money, Power, and Sex. 18 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 303 (2006).

Dualidades Perigosas. Mana: Studies in Social Anthropology 15 (April 2009): 241-260.

Intimacy in Economic Organizations. In Nina Bandelj, editor, Economic Sociology of Work.
Volume 19 in Research in the Sociology of Work. Bingley, UK: Emerald, 2009, pp. 23-55.

Rethinking Markets, Monies, and Organizations (An Interview). The Hedgehog Review,
Summer 2009.

Pasados y Futuros de la Sociologa Econmica. Apuntes de Investigacin 14 (2009), pp. 094-
112. Spanish translation of Pasts and Futures of Economic Sociology. In Nicole Woolsey
Biggart, editor, special issue Coming and Going in Economic Sociology. American
Behavioral Scientist 50 (April 2007): 1056-69.



Lconomie du care. Revue Francaise de Socio-conomie 2 (2008): 13-25.

La rmuneration des services daide la personne. Retraites et socits 53 (January
2008): 14-19.
"Pagos y lazos sociales" Critica en desarrollo. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales 2:
43-61 (2008). Spanish translation of Payments and Social Ties. Sociological Forum 11
(September 1996): 481-95.

Dinero, Circuitos, Relaciones ntimas. Sociedad y Economa 14 (June 2008): 11- 33.
Spanish translation of Argent, Circuits, Relations Intimes. Enfances, Familles, Gnrations,
Spring 2005.

The Real Economy. Qualitative Sociology 31 (June 2008): 189-93.

The Purchase of Criticism. Sociological Forum 22 (December 2007): 612-17.

Ethics in the Economy. Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics (zfwu) 1, 2007: 8-23.

Past and Futures of Economic Sociology. In Nicole Woolsey Biggart, editor, special issue
Coming and Going in Economic Sociology. American Behavioral Scientist 50 (April 2007):

Viviana Zelizer, Largent social. [extended interview by Florence Weber]. Genses 65
(December 2006):126-37.

Why and How to Read Why? Qualitative Sociology 29 (Winter 2006): 531-4.

La Sociologa del Dinero. In Salvador Giner, Emilio Lamo de Espinosa and Cristbal
Torres, editors. Diccionario de Sociologa 2d. edition (Alianza Editorial, 2006).

(With Charles Tilly) Relations and Categories. In Arthur Markman and Brian Ross,
editors, The Psychology of Learning and Motivation 47. (San Diego, CA: Elsevier, 2006): pp.

Money, Power, and Sex. Keynote Address. 18 Yale Journal of Law and Feminism 303

Children, Good Matches, and Policies for Care. Research Note, Working Group on
Childhood and Migration., May 2006.

Do Markets Poison Intimacy? Contexts 5 (Spring 2006): 33-8.



Missing Monies. Economy & Society 34 ( November 2005): 584-88.

Intimate Truths. Guardian, September 24, 2005. Reprinted in Haaretz, September 29.

Intimit et conomie. Terrain 45 (September 2005): 13-28.

Argent, Circuits, Relations Intimes. Enfances, Familles, Gnrations, Spring 2005.

The Priceless Child Revisited. In Jens Qvortrup, editor. Studies in Modern Childhood:
Society, Agency and Culture. (London: Palgrave, 2005), pp. 184-200. Spanish translation by
Valeria Llobet, El nino invaluable revisitado Desarrollo Economico 52 (July-September

(With Joan Williams) To Commodify or not to Commodify: That is not the Question. In
Rethinking Commodification: Cases and Readings in Law and Culture, Martha Ertman and
Joan Williams, editors, (N.Y.: NYU Press, 2005), pp. 362-82.

Culture and Consumption. In Neil Smelser and Richard Swedberg, editors. Handbook of
Economic Sociology, second edition. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press and New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2005), pp. 331-54.

Circuits within Capitalism. In Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg, editors. The Economic
Sociology of Capitalism. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005), pp. 289-322.

Circuits of Commerce. In Jeffrey C. Alexander, Gary T. Marx, and Christine Williams,
editors. Self, Social Structure, and Beliefs. Explorations in Sociology. (Berkeley: University of
California Press, 2004), pp. 122-44.

Kids and Commerce. Childhood 4 (November 2002): 375-96.

La construction des circuits de commerce: notes sur limportance des circuits personnels
et impersonnels. In Jean-Michel Servet and Isabelle Gurin, Exclusion et Liens Financiers:
Rapport du Centre Walras. (Paris: Economica, 2002), pp. 425-29.

How Care Counts. Contemporary Sociology (March 2002) 31: 115-9.

Intimate Transactions. In Mauro F. Guilln, Randall Collins, Paula England, and Marshall
Meyer, editors, The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field. (New
York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2002), pp. 274-300. French translation, Transactions
intimes, Genses 42, March 2001: 121-44.



Enter Culture. In Mauro F. Guilln, Randall Collins, Paula England, and Marshall Meyer,
editors, The New Economic Sociology: Developments in an Emerging Field. (New York:
Russell Sage Foundation, 2002), pp. 101-25. French translation, Place la Culture,
Interventions conomiques 33, April 2006, special issue on economic sociology.

Sociology of Money. In Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, editors, International Encyclopedia
of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 15: 9991-4 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001).

Economic Sociology. In Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, editors, International Encyclopedia
of the Social & Behavioral Sciences 6: 4128-31 (Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2001).

Monetization and Social Life. Etnofoor 13 (2000): 5-15. French translation, Montisation
et vie sociale. In Jean-Ives Trpos, editor, special issue, Philosophies de LArgent. Le
Portique 19 (2007): 43-58.

Fine Tuning the Zelizer View. Economy and Society 29 (August 2000): 383-89.

The Purchase of Intimacy. Law & Social Inquiry 25 (Summer 2000): 817-48.

From Child Labor to Child Work: Changing Cultural Conceptions of Childrens Economic
Roles, 1870s-1930s. in Stuart Bruchey and Peter Coclanis, editors, Ideas, Ideologies, and
Social Movements: The U.S. Experience Since 1800 (University of South Carolina Press,
2000), pp. 90-101.

"Official Standardization vs. Social Differentiation in Americans' Uses of Money." In Emily
Gilbert and Eric Helleiner, editors, Nation-States and Money: The Past, Present and Future of
National Currencies. (London: Routledge, 1999), pp. 82-96.

Multiple Markets, Multiple Cultures. In Neil Smelser and Jeffrey Alexander, editors,
Diversity and Its Discontents: Cultural Conflict and Common Ground in Contemporary
American Society (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1999), pp. 193-212.
German translation, Die Farben des Geldes, Vielfalt der Mrkte, Vielfalt der Kulturen,
Berliner Journal fr Soziologie10 (2000): 315-332, special issue on The Power of Money.

"How People Talk About Money." In Viviana A. Zelizer, editor, special issue on Changing
Forms of Payment. American Behavioral Scientist 41 (August 1998), pp. 1373-83.

Social Context and Monetary Transfers. In Carlo Mongardini, editor. Il denaro nella
cultura moderna. (Rome: Bulzoni, 1998), pp. 139-47.

The Proliferation of Social Currencies. In Michel Callon, editor, The Law of Markets


(Blackwell, 1998), pp. 58-68.

How Do We Know Whether a Monetary Transaction is a Gift, an Entitlement, or a
Payment? In Avner Ben-Ner and Louis Putterman, editors, Economics, Values, and
Organization (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), pp. 329-33.

"The Many Enchantments of Money." In Sociological Visions, edited by Kai Erickson (New
York: Rowman & Littlefield, 1997), pp. 83-93.

Payments and Social Ties. Sociological Forum 11 (September 1996): 481-95. Swedish
translation, Betalningar och sociala band. In Katarina Jacobson and David Wasterfors
editors, Fran Klarhet Till Klarhet, galit Publisher, 2013.

"Childhood." In A Companion to American Thought, edited by Richard Fox and James
Kloppenberg (Blackwell, 1995), pp. 115-16.

"The Creation of Domestic Currencies." American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings
84 (May 1994): 138-42.

"Making Multiple Monies." In Richard Swedberg, editor, Explorations in Economic
Sociology. (New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1993), pp. 193-212. Russian translation in
Economic Sociology (Volume 3, 2002).

"Money." In the Encyclopedia of Sociology, edited by Edgard F. Borgatta and Marie L.
Borgatta (N.Y.: MacMillan, 1992), pp. 1304-10, second edition, 2000, pp. 1888-94.

"Repenser le March." Actes de la Recherche en sciences sociales 94 (September 1992): 3-26.

"The Social Meaning of Money: `Special Monies'." American Journal of Sociology 95
(September 1989): 342-77. Portuguese translation, O Significado Social Do Dinheiro:
Dinheiros especiais. In Rafael Marques and Joo Peixoto, editors, A Nova Sociologia
Econmica (Oreiras, Portugal: Celta), pp. 125-65.

"Beyond the Polemics on the Market: Establishing a Theoretical and Empirical Agenda."
Sociological Forum 3 (Fall 1988): 614-34.

"From Baby Farms to Baby M." Society 25 (March/April 1988): 23-28.

"Pricing Life: A Historical and Sociological Perspective." In Per Oftedal and Anton Brogger,
editors, Risk and Reason (New York: Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1986), pp. 59-70.

"The Price and Value of Children: The Case of Children's Insurance." American Journal of


Sociology 86 (March 1981): 1036-56. German translation, Preis und Wert von Kindern:
Die Kinderversicherung, pp. 123-48 in Macht der Unschuld: Das Kind als Chiffre
(Wiesbaden: VS Verlag Fur Sozialwissenschaften, 2005).

"Human Values and the Market: The Case of Life Insurance and Death in 19th-Century
America." American Journal of Sociology, 84 (November 1978): 591-610. Russian
translation in Economic Sociology (March 2010).

"The Unmarried Jew: Problems and Prospects." Conservative Judaism XXXII (Fall, 1978):
15-21. Reprinted in: Tefutsot II Israel, XVII, 1979.

"Life Insurance as a Social Mechanism." The National Underwriter, November 15, 1975.

"The Conservative Rabbinate - In Quest of Professionalism." Judaism XXII (Fall, 1973): 490-
96 (with Gerald Zelizer). Reprinted in The Rabbinate in America: Reshaping an Ancient
Calling, series on Judaism in Cold War America: 1945-1990, edited by Jacob Neusner
(Garland Publishing, 1993).

Other Professional Publications:

The Gender of Money. Ideas Market, Wall Street Journal, January 27, 2011.

The Best Present Money Can Buy. Op-ed, The New York Times, January 6, 2011.

Rethinking Markets, Monies, and Organizations: An Interview with Viviana A. Zelizer. By
David Franz. The Hedgehog Review 11 (Summer 2009): 66-75.

Ethics in the Economy. Accounts (Newsletter of the Economic Sociology Section of the
American Sociological Association), Summer 2008: 2-12. Revised version of paper
published in Journal for Business, Economics & Ethics (zfwu) 1, 2007: 8-23

Charting A New Discipline. 2007. Review of Caroline Dufy and Florence Weber,
Lethnographie conomique. Paris: La Dcouverte, 2007. European Journal of Sociology
XLVIII: 485-6.

Interview: Viviana Zelizer answers ten questions about economic sociology. European
Economic Sociology Newsletter 8: July 2007: 41-5.

Reflections on Intimacy. Accounts (Newsletter of the Economic Sociology Section of the
American Sociological Association), Spring 2007: 10-12.


False Taboos, May 6, 2007; Pricing a Childs Life, September 6, 2007, Gasoline Gift
Cards: How Americans Invent Money, July 16, 2008, Sex, Money, and Marriage, August
19, 2009, A Humbler Bonus, January 31, 2009, The University as Students Workplace?
(with Lauren Gaydosh), April 1, 2014, Paying Wives: Bonus, Gift, or Allowance? June 2,
2015. Posted on Huffington Post blog.

Essays (Intimate Debts, Micromarkets, Womens and mens money: what difference
does it make?, The Independence Myth, Personal Ties Matter) in Credit Slips: A
Discussion on Credit and Bankruptcy blog, October 30-November 3, 2006.

Circuits in Economic Life. European Economic Sociology Newsletter 1: November 2006: 30-5.
Italian translation: I circuiti nella vita economica. In Francesco Paolo Cerase, editor
Azione economica e azione sociale. (Bologna: Il Mulino, 2008), pp. 257-269.

The Evolution of Economic Sociology. Accounts (Newsletter of the Economic Sociology
Section of the American Sociological Association), Fall 2005: 7-8.

Love Hikers Dont Walk Alone. Newsletter of the Sociology of Culture Section of the
American Sociological Association 18 (Winter 2004): 1, 3-4.

How the World Needs Economic Sociology. Accounts (Newsletter of the Economic Sociology
Section of the American Sociological Association), Spring 2002: 1-2.

Materials for the Study of Childhood, with Nina Bandelj and Ann Morning, Department of
Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J., 2001.

How and Why Do We Care About Circuits? Accounts (Newsletter of the Economic
Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association), Fall 2000 1: 3-5.

A Gendered Division of Labor. Newsletter of the Organizations, Occupations, and Work
Section of the American Sociological Association, Fall 1999. Revised version in the European
Economic Sociology Newsletter 1: June, 2000: 2-5.

Alejandro Portes Sociological Journey, Footnotes, September/October 1998: 4.

Moneys Worth, Interview by Radio Australia, June 1998.

Next Steps in Economic Sociology, Editorial, ECONSOC.
February 1998.



About twenty book reviews in professional journals and mass media.

Selected Presentations (present - 2008)

Circuits and Organizational Economies. Keynote lecture presented at the 2d Conference
of the World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research (WINIR), Rio de Janeiro,
Brasil, September 2015.

La Negociacion de la Intimidad en 2015. Presented at a special event celebrating the 10th
anniversary of Purchase of Intimacy. Centro Brasileiro de Altos Estudos, Universidade
Federal de Rio de Janeiro, September 2015.

Creating Economies: The Case of College Monies. And My Money Obsession. Presented
at the conference on Pricing Practices, Ranking Practices: Evaluation in Economic Life
celebrating the 20th anniversary of The Social Meaning of Money. Paris, June 2015.

Domestic accounts. Presented at the seminar on Oikos: Affects, Economies and Politics of
House-ing. Princeton University, May 15, 2015.

Valuing Intimacy: Does Money Corrupt? Presented at the Interdisciplinary Studies Institute,
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April 2015.
Remittance Circuits. Workshop on Following the Intangible Flows: Transnational
Approaches to Immaterial Remittances, Princeton University, September 2014.

How economic sociology can advance the analysis of college debt Discussant, "Hard
Times in College: Conflicting Visions of Affordable Postsecondary Education. Thematic
Session, American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, August 2014.

Co-organizer and Discussant, session on Money Advances: International Developments,
Economic Sociology Section session, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting,
August 2014.

Creating Currencies: The Case of the College Economy, Keynote presentation at the 7th
CIS-Harvard Summer Seminar on Sociological and Political Research, Cambridge, Mass.
August 2014.

College Currencies. Presented at a session on Organizations and Inequality. Annual
Meetings of the American Sociological Association, August 2013.

College Currencies: How Students Manage Their Daily Economic Lives." Paduano
Symposium in Business Ethics, Stern School of Business, New York University, May 2013.


The Morality of Money. Phi Beta Kappa, Princeton University, December 2012.

Maternal Money. "Deconstructing and Reconstructing 'Mother.'" Columbia University
workshop, April 19, 2012.

The Priceless Child Turns 25. Special session on Pricing the Priceless Child: A
Retrospective. Social Science History Association, Boston, November 19, 2011.

Co-organizer and discussant, session on From Embeddedness to Relational Work: A New
Agenda for Economic Sociology. Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association,
August 2011.

Exploring the borderlands of culture and the economy. Discussant, 5th Junior Theorists
Symposium, Theory Section of the American Sociological Association, August 2011.

How I Became a Relational Economic Sociologist and What Does That Mean? Department
of Sociology, Columbia University, March 2011.

A New Agenda for Economic Sociology. Department of Sociology, Columbia University,
March 2011.

The Economics of Intimacy. Economic Sociologists Meet the 21st Century. Distinguished
Visiting Scholar Series, Columbia University, March 2011.

The Social Meaning of Money. Faculty seminar on the Social Meaning of Money sponsored
by the Council of the Humanities, Princeton University, February 2011.

Circuitos y Relaciones. Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, November 2010.

Sobre la Negociacin de la Intimidad. Norbert Lechner Memorial Lecture. Universidad
Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, November 2010.

Circuits and Relations. Department of Sociology, University of Toronto, October 2010.

Circuits and Relational Work. Session on From Community and Network to Relational
Work? 26th EGOS colloquium, Lisbon, 2010.

A Grown Up Priceless Child. Special session on the 25th anniversary of Pricing the
Priceless Child, Conference Child and Teen Consumption, Norrkoping, Sweden, June 2010.

How I Became a Relational Economic Sociologist and What Does That Mean? Presented at


the conference on Relational Work, University of California at Davis, May 1, 2010.

The Economics of Intimacy. Wilson College Faculty Fellows lunch, Princeton University
March 2010.

The future of cultural sociology. Panel on the future of cultural sociology, American
Sociological Association Meetings, August 2009.

Travail et intimit. Conference on Travail, mtier, organisation: quelles mtamorphoses?
Collge de France, Paris, June 2009.

Circuits in Economic Life. Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, January
2009, and Department of Sociology, University of Milan, June 2009.

Nuevas Tendencias en la Sociologa Economica. Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales
(IDAES), Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2009.

Caring Everywhere. Sociological Imagination Lecture Series, Department of Sociology,
New School, May 2009.

Economias Intimas. Instituto de Desarrollo Econmico y Social (IDES), Buenos Aires,
Argentina, May 2009.

Organizer and Moderator, Panel on International Perspectives on Caring Labor. Princeton
University, March 2009.

Discussant, Noah Zatz, Accounting for Care in the Age of Work. Law and Public Affairs
Program, Princeton University, March 2009.

Relationships and Money. 55 Plus, Princeton, March 2009.

An aging new economic sociology. Eastern Sociological Society, March 2009.

Chuck Tilly and Mozart. Contention, Change, and Explanation: A Conference in Honor of
Charles Tilly, October 3-5, 2008, Columbia University, New York

Money in Circuits. Presented at NSF-DFG Research Conference "Contextualizing Economic
Behavior," New York, August 2008.

The Gender of Money. American Sociological Association meetings, August 2008.

Risky Exchanges. Prepared for session on Biotechnology, Bioethics, and the Law-Baby


Markets: Money, Morality, and the Neopolitics of Choice. The Law and Society Association
Annual Meeting, May 2008. Presented at the University of North Carolina Law School, April

Care and Inequality. Panel on Diminishing Returns: Income Inequality in the United
States, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, February 2008.

Selected Professional Service:

Member, Visiting Committee, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, July 2015.

Faculty Fellow, Center for Cultural Sociology, Yale University, 2014-

American Sociological Association, Jessie Bernard Award selection committee, 2013-2015.

Member, External Advisory Committee, Institute for Advanced Study, April 2011,
September 2012.

Member, Selection Committee, Lewis A. Coser Award for Theoretical Agenda Setting,
Theory Section, American Sociological Association, 2011.

Member, Board of Trustees, Princeton University Press, 2010-2016.

Member, Membership Committee for Class III, Social and Behavioral Sciences, American
Philosophical Society, 2010-2016.

Faculty Fellow, Wilson College, Princeton University, 2008- .

Member, Working Group on Childhood and Migration, 2006.

Member, Advisory Committee, Center for the Study of Social Organization, Princeton
University, 2009-.

Member, Mainstreaming Team of Sociologists for Women in Society, 2009- 2010.

Member, Overseers Committee, Department of Sociology, Harvard University, 2008-2009.

Faculty Associate, Program in Law and Public Affairs, Princeton University, 2000- ;
Executive Committee 2007-2010; Center for Research on Child Wellbeing, Princeton
University, 2005- .

Member, External Review Committees: Department of Sociology, Queens College (1993);


Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania (2007).

Scientific Committee, Economie Informelle, Travail au Noir: Enjeux economiques et
sociaux. Centre dEtudes de lEmploi, Paris, September 2007.

Participant, planning meeting, The Feinberg Institute for the Comparative Study of Human
Value and Public Life, March 2006.

Chair, Economic Sociology Section, American Sociological Association, 2001-2.

Member, Advisory Boards: Center for the Social Sciences, Columbia University, 1986-87;
Advisory Committee, Yale Sociology Department, 1997-98; Board of Directors, Center for
the Study of Economy and Society, Cornell University, 2002- ; Scientific Council, Paris
School of Economics, 2006-2016; Scientific Council, School of Social Science, cole Normale
Suprieure, 2008-; Doctoral Program in Sociology, Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales and
Universidad Nacional de San Martn, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2008-; International
Advisory Committee, Norbert Lechner Lecture, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile,
2010- ; Scientific Council, Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, 2010-.


Editorial Boards: Studies in Historical Change, University of Kansas Press, 1988-91,
Contemporary Sociology, 1991-1994, Actes de la Recherche en sciences sociales, 1991-1994,
Theory and Society, 1988 2005, Sociological Forum, 1993-1999, American Behavioral
Scientist, 1996-; The Journal of Consumer Culture, 1999- ; Sociological Perspectives on
Contemporary Life, Westview Press, 1999-; Sociologie et Socits 2002- ; Sociological
Theory,1989-1991; 2005-2007 ; book series on Children and Youth: Studies in History and
Culture (ABC-CLIO), edited by Miriam Forman-Brunell; Girls History & Culture book
series, edited by Miriam Forman-Brunell, Palgrave/St Martins, 2004- ; Cultural Sociology,
2006; Journal of Cultural Economy, 2007-2015; American Journal of Cultural Sociology
2013- ; Economic Sociology series, edited by Bai Gao, Shanghai People's Publishing House,
2008-. Comit Cientfico, Coleccin Alternativas, Centro de Investigaciones Feministas,
University of Oviedo, Spain, 2010-. Consultant, Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in
History and Society, Paula Fass, editor. New York: Macmillan, 2004; Encyclopedia of Economic
Sociology, Jens Beckert and Milan Zavirovski, editors. London: Routledge, 2005, Editorial
Board, Princeton Series in Cultural Sociology, 1996-. Scientific Committee, Revue de la
rgulation. Capitalisme, institutions, pouvoirs, 2014-, Culture and Economic Life book
series, Stanford University Press, 2014- 2017

Languages: Read, speak, and write: English, Spanish, French, Italian.


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