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8 Practice: The Ideals of the American Revolution

Practice Assignment

AP U.S. History Sem 1 (S3434544)

Michael Chien

Points possible: 40

Date: ____________

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to practice writing a thesis statement, outline, and essay in response to a question similar to
the document-based questions you will see on the AP U.S. History Exam.

Which document did a better job of fulfilling the ideals of the American Revolution: the Articles of Confederation or the United States Constitution? In
order to address this question you will first want to reread both documents. The full text of the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution can be
found on the AP U.S. History Research Library under the Primary Source Document section for the period 1754 1800: Birth of a New Nation. As you read
each document, take notes in the chart below about how well each upholds the ideals of the American Revolution. This section is worth 5 points.
American Revolution Ideal

Articles of Confederation

U.S. Constitution

Freedom of speech

Articles of Confederation allowed for a freedom

of speech and respected that. Many people had
the right to speak out against the taxes while
the Articles were active.

The including the Bill of Rights the Constitution

gave many rights to the people and upheld the
American Revolution ideology. This was key to
the ratification of the U.S. constitution.

Separation of powers

Power was evenly divided between state and

the nation government, but it was so divided
that it hurt the nation as a whole.

The U.S Constitution did a good job in making

sure each branch of power checked and
balanced each other.

Individual liberty

Articles of Confederation protected civil liberties

of the people from tyranny, but slaves were not
protected and went against the American
Revolution republicanism ideal.

The U.S. Constitution with the Bill of Rights was

the ultimate guarantee in civil liberties and
promised that the strong central government
would not turn to tyranny.

Type of central government

The central government was weak and they

could not raise revenue nor have a standing
army. This ultimately led to the downfall of The
Articles of Confederation

Even though the American Revolution ideals

went against the strong central government, the
constitution allowed for balance and stability in
the new nation.

Power comes from the consent of the governed

The Articles held up that ideal in the Articles of

Confederation. It allowed voting for legislation
in the states, and the states were virtually
independent from the national government.

Though less than the Articles, the people are

allowed to vote people into the house of
representatives and this also gives people a say
in government like the American Revolution

Popular sovereignty

Like the American Revolution it allowed the

people a say in government which the Articles
was ratified in the first place. It only let white
property only men vote though.

The Constitution allowed the states to have

their government and allowed the states to
have representatives and 2 in the senate which
allowed for a lot of popular sovereignty which
upheld the American Revolution ideas.

This section is worth 35 points.

Now that you have reviewed and taken notes on the Articles of Confederation and the U.S. Constitution it is time to respond to your writing prompt:
Writing Prompt:

Which document did a better job of fulfilling the ideals of the American Revolution: the Articles of Confederation or the United States
Step 1: Write a thesis statement that clearly and completely addresses the writing prompt.
1. The Article of Confederations ultimately fulfilled the ideals of the American Revolution better due to the fact that it went against a strong central government, allowed
citizens a say in government, and protected the civil liberties which the American Revolution fought so hard for.

Step 2: Create an outline for your essay.

1. Thesis: The Article of Confederations ultimately fulfilled the ideals of the American Revolution better due to the fact that it went against a strong central government,
allowed citizens a say in government, and protected the civil liberties which the American Revolution fought so hard for.
2. Paragraph 2 Detail
Article II. Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated
to the United States, in Congress assembled.

Supporting- allowed the states to rule independently without fear of tyranny

Supporting- allowed the states to dictate their own laws and could not be taxed by any means

3. Paragraph 3 Detail, Article V. For the more convenient management of the general interests of the united states, delegates shall be annually appointed in such
manner as the legislature of each state shall direct..

Supporting- upheld the ideal of representation in government like the saying, no taxation without representation
Supporting- allowed the people to vote and the state to each contribute to government to balance the government.

-The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of
the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States. (Section 8 Constitution)

Showed the desire for a strong central government contrary to the American Revolution.

4. Paragraph 4 Detail Article IV, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several states; and the people of each state shall have free
ingress and regress to and from any other state, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions and

Supporting- protected all the civil liberties as argued in the articles of confederation
Supporting- individual rights were a given and the government could not take them away.

5. Conclusion- Though the Articles of Confederation ultimately failed due to its heavy restriction on a strong central government , it upheld all the ideals of the
American Revolution those being, the protection of civil liberties, popular sovereignty, and the opposition to a strong central government.

Step 3: Write a five-paragraph essay focused on your thesis and using evidence from the documents that fully addresses the writing prompt.

The Constitution, in its present day, is widely regarded as one of the most inspirational and successful documents that structures the foundation of
government. However, the document before, the Articles of Confederation, represent a collection of ideals from the American Revolution that the constitution simply
does not do. The Article of Confederations ultimately fulfilled the ideals of the American Revolution better due to the fact that it went against a strong central
government, allowed citizens a say in government, and protected the civil liberties which the American Revolution fought so hard for.
The American Revolution was widely regarded as the struggle against tyranny; therefore the Articles of Confederation goes against the idea of a strong
central government. The Constitution fails to do this, as it creates a strong central government and limited some of the states power. As the Articles of Confederation
states, Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated
to the United States, in Congress assembled (Article 2) . This was the type of government that the general citizens wished for and The Articles expressed the citizens
sentiments directly. It allowed the states to rule independently without the interference of national government establishing the ideals wished for in the American
Revolution. It allowed the states to dictate their own laws for their people and prevented the national government from taxing them, though this would ultimately lead
to the Articles downfall. The Constitution however, violated the American Revolution ideology such as, The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes,
Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises
shall be uniform throughout the United States (Section 8, Constitution). This was the idea of the strong national government which directly opposed what the
American Revolution was started for. Though the Constitution succeeded, the Articles were the document that really upheld the American Revolution.
The Articles also reflected the American Revolution in a way that it allowed the common people to hold office. It reflected the idea of popular sovereignty
as see in the quote, For the more convenient management of the general interests of the united states, delegates shall be annually appointed in such manner as the

legislature of each state shall direct...(Article V). The state was allowed to make all laws and the state government was composed of the people showing the idea of
popular sovereignty. The Constitution, had delegates represented for the national government, but some states may have had their differences. The idea of popular
sovereignty as seen in The Articles of Confederation allowed what people wanted that they didnt have; representation. The slogan no taxation without representation
was thought about and inputted into The Articles of Confederation, and The Articles mainly reflected change toward the common peoples grievances. Thus, The
Articles would really reflect the American Revolution by making sure that the citizens civil liberties were secured.
Many people mostly wanted their liberties, and wanted to be free of submission to the government. The Articles and The Constitution both reflected that,
but in order to get the Constitution passed, they had to create a Bill of Rights. The Articles of Confederation did not need a Bill of Right as there was no strong, central
government and the peoples rights were secured in the original document. The Articles states, shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of free citizens in the
several states; and the people of each state shall have free ingress and regress to and from any other state, and shall enjoy therein all the privileges of trade and
commerce, subject to the same duties, impositions and restrictions (Article IV). By this statement, it was able to satisfy most peoples needs and this was what
ultimately led to the signing of the Articles in the first place, as it upheld all the ideas that the American Revolution stood for. The Constitution would never have been
passed by 9 states if the Bill of Rights was not included. This was one of the successes in The Articles of Confederation as it firmly stood for the peoples liberty and
Though the Articles of Confederation did ultimately fail due to a lack of a strong national government, it can be said that it reflected the ideology of The
American Revolution more than any other document. It was a premature document, as it did not know the advantages of a strong central government, yet it ultimately
tried to please the peoples desires. It reflected the ideals of state governments being independent from a national one, the protection of all peoples civil liberties, and
popular sovereignty. These many ideals were the crux of The American Revolution and the Articles of Confederation truly did stand for the people more than the
Constitution did.

Here is the rubric on which your assignment will be graded.

Research (5 points)

Points Possible

Read the full text of the Articles of Confederation and the United States Constitution and take notes on how well
each embody the ideals of the American Revolution in the provided chart.

Points Awarded

Write (35 points)


State a relevant thesis that directly addresses all parts of the question.


Create an outline that thoroughly maps out what you plan to cover in your essay.



Write a five-paragraph essay focused on your thesis and using evidence from the documents that fully
addresses the writing prompt.




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