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All Al Qemma staff are expected to contribute to a print-rich environment:

Teachers and staff are expected to post notices in positive terms.
Student work products [other than worksheet copies] are expected to be prominently displayed
in classrooms.
Current bulletin boards are expected to display process writing products and other forms of
student work, instead of displaying commercial products or worksheet copies.
Books and other forms of literature which invite children to read are expected to be prominently
displayed as we work towards developing reading interests of our students.
Each classroom is expected to reflect a focus on problem solving, i.e. on bulletin boards, centers,
students portfolios, etc.
Bulletin boards [Displays] speak loudly about our students, staff, and school. Teachers and staff
are expected to keep them current, attractive, complete, and with corresponding objectives clearly
posted in student friendly language
7c. All Al Qemma staff are expected to contribute to the appropriate supervision of students [See Duty

Expectations for more details, p. 10 ]:

Teachers and staff are expected to escort their students to and from classes, programs, lunch,
playtime, and special events.
Teachers and staff are expected to monitor students bathroom privileges by encouraging students
to use the restroom during natural breaks in the daily schedule.
Teachers and staff assigned to morning, dismissal, playtime and lunch duty are expected to be at
assigned location on time in order to supervise students.
Teachers and staff are expected to actively monitor the canteen and playground areas.
7d. All Al Qemma staff are expected to adhere to established school Timetable [See Attendance Policy for

more details, p. 8 ]
All Al Qemma staff are expected to be in school 15 minutes before and after students arrival and dismissal.
Expected arrival time 6:45a.m and departure time 1:15p.m. Boys section
expected arrival time 7:45a.m. and departure time 2:15p.m Girls section [Flexible 15 minutes
might be considered in some circumstances]
Professional judgment to be used on fog days.

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