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Lesson Plan on Practicing for the Story Elements Test

Name: Brenna Crawford


Date and time for which lesson will be taught: Wednesday November 8th, 9:00am

Course name: 6th Grade ELA, Standard Collaborative

Grade level: 6th

Length of lesson: 45 minutes

Description of setting, students, and curriculum and any other important contextual
characteristics: This is a class of 20 students. Many of them have difficulties with paying
attention in class and with stamina while reading or test taking. There is a distinct separation in
that there is a group of students in the class who need more assistance and scaffolding than the
other 12 or so students do. There is a Special Education teacher, Mrs. Walkup, who generally
assists the group of students who need more help. The desks are arranged in two U shapes.
Number each objective to reference in the Assessment section

Cognitive (know/understand):
The student will know the elements of a story and their definitions.

Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

The student will value and respect the feelings of their peers in a competitive/game environment.

Performance (do):
The student will be able to apply the knowledge they have learned about the parts of a story.
The student will be able to determine the theme of a passage or story.

SOLs: [List with numbers portrayed in the SOL document]

6.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts, narrative
nonfiction, and poetry.
a) Identify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and
h) Identify the main idea.

CCSs: [List with numbers portrayed in the CCS document]


Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details;
provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments.

Assessments: Methods for evaluating each of the specific objectives listed above.
Please use the sentence stems to describe your assessments. In brackets after each assessment
note the number of the objective(s) from above being assessed

Diagnostic: Students will demonstrate what they already know about story elements by
taking the first and easiest quizizz review. (C1, A1, P1, P2, Sol 6.5a,h, CCSS 6.2)

Formative: Students will show their progress towards understanding story elements
by completing the other two review quizizz and going over the most missed answers as a
class. (C1, A1, P1, P2, Sol 6.5a,h, CCSS 6.2)

Summative: Students will ultimately be assessed (today or in a future lesson) on Story

Elements by. Completing the Story Elements test that will be given to all sixth graders (C1,
A1, P1, P2, Sol 6.5a,h, CCSS 6.2)
Materials Needed:
This is just a list of the materials you will need for this lesson to occur. In the Materials Appendix
below, you will include the actual materials or links to what you will be using.
-Quizizz Account- with Story Elements quizzes

Beginning Room Arrangement:

[Changes in this arrangement that become necessary later will be noted in the plan]
two U shapes of the desks
Instructional Steps (Procedures): Detail student and teacher actions, discourse, and

[__2_mins.] Bridge/Hook/Opening to lesson:
Today we are going to be doing our final practice and review for the story elements test which is
occurring TOMORROW. I know that you all have the tools you need to do well on this, so lets
just practice some and see if there are any little gaps that we can fill up right now. As we go
through the questions, the program tells me which ones are being frequently missed, and we will
take the time after each quizizz to go over those particular questions and make sure that
everyone is on the same page and is ready for tomorrow.



Take First Quizizz {individually, but at the same time}

First Quizizz: Lets go over the frequently missed answers,
{Review Missed Answers}
Take Second Quizizz
Review Frequently missed answers
Third Quizizz
Review theme and frequently missed answers


[__2_mins] Closure:

Does anyone have any lingering questions or things that they would like talked through or
clarified before the test tomorrow?

Attention to Individual Student Needs: (Differentiation):

Mrs. Walkup will most likely stand near our students with IEPs and make sure that they make it
onto the quiz site and that they log in the correct entry code. I will go stand near Ethan, Ilyas, and
Enrique and make sure that they dont log in using inappropriate names.
Technology Use:
Computer with Quizizz website

Materials Appendix:

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