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We are a country of hypocrites and a nation that is at war with itself.

And sooner
or later , a revolution will erupt and will swallow

The church of Rome and slavery. The church of England and slavery. Jews in
slavery. Islam in slavery. Missionaries in Afrika. Speech of Leopold to
missionaries. Church and apartheid.

White people converted Blscks to their religion not to civilize them as the claim
went,but to dehumanised them, strip them off the knowledge of their own
spirituality, culture, worldviews, morals, morays and earthly purpose.

Black people have, for generations,been taught that God is a white man and his
white son Jesus.

From an early age at Sunday school Black children are shown white images
classified as biblical characters.

From God, Jesus and angels; to prophets, apostles and saints - they are all
portrayed as white to this day in most church literature.

This has a disastrous effect on the psyche of our people.

Black people subconsciously believe that white people are the race of God and
that we are of the devil.

The whiteman's religion pacifies black people - preachers emphasise things such
as forgiveness and reconciliation above justice.

In this way Black people are taught and manipulated into accepting white
supremacy as a norm and even perhaps sanctioned by God.

So they pray to a mysterious white God in the sky, hoping for an end of suffering
and misery caused by historical injustices of the white man - land theft,
dispossession, enculturation, rape, murder, plunder and mis-education.

Yet most of the struggles and challenges faced by Black people are a result of
criminal injustices of white supremacy and have nothing to do with their
relationship with the Divine.

But what is more nauseating is the hypocritical responses and reactions of the
so-called orthodox Christian denominations who lashed out in self-righteous
posture at the pastors of the prophetic ministries.

These are the very same people who believe in all the mythologies in the bile
and preach and teach these as literal historical events.

These are the very same people in whose churches cannibalistic rituals of
drinking human blood and eating human flesh are enacted in the former of the

These are the very same people who use the bible to arouse guilt and
manipulate our people's emotions, preaching a message that is abstract and
unrelated to the historical and material conditions site of people today.

These are the very same priests, pastors and bishops who belong to colonial
church institutions which normalise the dehumanisation and dispossession of
Black people and the continued undermining of Afrikan spirituality.

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