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The Pranic Healers - Our System

Throat Chakra

The Throat chakra has sixteen petals and contains predominantly blue prana with some green and violet


The throat chakra is located at the center of the throat. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)


The throat chakra in Kabbalah means knowledge. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of
Man) It is also the center for higher creativity.
For a person trying to develop spirituality, its role is being a spiritual bridge to the higher world.
Associated with the throat chakra is a very important teaching necessary for ones spiritual development:
What comes out of the mouth is more important than what goes in. This is implied in Mark 7:15-22 and
Ephesians 4:29. If what goes into the mouth is dirty, it just dirties the physical body. If what comes out of
the mouth is dirty, it dirties the soul. It is of great importance to practice pure thoughts and pure
speech rather than put excessive emphasis on clean food.


The throat chakra is the center of the concrete mind or the lower mental faculty. (Master Choa Kok Sui,
The Spiritual Essence of Man) It is through the use of the throat chakra or the concrete mind that a
person acquires knowledge.
The throat chakra is the center of the lower mental faculty or the concrete mind. It is used when
meticulous details are involved in such activities as studying, planning, painting, etc. (Master Choa Kok
Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy) The throat chakra is also the center of higher creativity, while the sex chakra
is the center of physical creativity or procreation. When the throat chakra is quite strong and active, the
sex chakra is also quite strong. This is why artists or creative people have strong sexual drives. However,
sex energy can be sublimated by bringing it up to the throat chakra.
Many artists, successful politicians and businessmen have highly developed throat and sex chakras. This
explains why some of them tend to have sexual affairs. It is impossible for a person to be highly creative
and still have an underactivated sex chakra, be impotent or frigid. For the throat chakra to be highly
activated, it is necessary for the sex chakra to be strong. But the reverse is not necessarily true. A highly
activated sex chakra does not necessarily mean a highly activated throat chakra.


The throat chakra controls and energizes the throat, voice box or larynx, air tube or trachea, thyroid
glands, parathyroid glands and the lymphatic system. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
To a certain degree, it also influences the sex chakra. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Miracles Through Pranic
Healing) (See Fig 9-3 The throat chakra.)
The throat chakra, secondary throat chakra and jaw minor chakras control and energize the mouth,
salivary glands and esophagus. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
The jaw minor chakras, the throat chakra and the secondary throat minor chakra affect and energizes
the carotid arteries going to the head.
Since the throat chakra also controls the mouth, and the mouth is used for chewing and digesting food, a
lot of green prana is produced in a person when he is eating. Green prana has a breaking-down effect.


Depletion of the sex chakra will cause the throat chakra to become partially depleted. (Master Choa Kok
Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)

Malfunctioning of the throat chakra manifests as throat-related ailments such as goiter, sore throat, loss
of voice, asthma, sterility, etc. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Miracles Through Pranic Healing)
In asthma the throat chakra, the secondary throat minor chakra, the back heart chakra and the basic
chakra are affected. The air tubes are constricted. Sometimes, asthma is caused by emotional factors. If
the patient is not able to express freely due to relationship problems, the trachea or the windpipe will
most likely be constricted. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
Sometimes, shoulder pain could be caused by tension or emotional problem which affects the solar
plexus chakra and the throat chakra. Malfunctioning of the throat chakra may affect the armpit minor
chakra which manifests as shoulder pain.
With infants or small children, vomiting is sometimes caused by throat irritation; therefore, the throat
chakra and the secondary throat minor chakra have to be treated.
In hyperthyroidism the solar plexus chakra is congested and filled with dirty red energy. Part of this
diseased energy goes to the throat chakra, causing the throat chakra to become reddish and
overactivated. The ajna chakra is partially affected and contaminated with dirty red energy. Upon
scanning the throat chakra, the healer may feel that it is relatively small and underactivated. This may be
because the patient has already taken medication for quite some time which has inhibited the throat
chakra. This is why sometimes, a patient with hyperthyroidism may end up having hypothyroidism.
When a person worries too much, the throat chakra is overactivated. This manifests as the mind
becoming overmeticulous. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy)


In Chinese medicine, it corresponds to the acupuncture point RN (CV) 23. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The
Spiritual Essence of Man)


In Taoist yoga, the throat chakra corresponds to lianquan, which means stream of purity or clear
The Sanskrit term for the throat chakra is vishuddhi chakra. In Tamil (Southern India), it is called ottu
In Kabbalah it is called Daath. The divine name of Daath is Yehovah Elohim.

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