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Year Level: 5 Time: 9:30-10:30 Date: 21/09/2016
HASS Strand/s: Geography
Content Descriptors:
The impact of bushfires or floods on environments and
communities, and how people can respond (ACHGK030)
Develop and communicate alternative solutions and follow
design ideas, using annotated diagrams, storyboards and
appropriate technical terms.
Topic: Factors that shape the environmental characteristics
of places.
Questioning and researching. Students need to
research information about their chosen bushfire.
Communicating and reflecting. Students
communicate their research through a news report.
Analysing. Students interpret the information they
found into their own words.
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Critical and

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students have understanding of the main
characteristics (e.g. climate, natural
vegetation, landforms and native animals) of
Students have an understanding as to how
important environments are to animals and
Students have some ideas as to how we can
protect our environments.
Students understand some of the natural
resources that are provided by the
environment (e.g. timber, water).
Previous lesson understanding from the previous
lesson students have some understanding of the
What a bushfire is.
How it can affect our environment.
How it can affect our community.

This is lesson two of five - for the lesson sequence see

appendix 3.

creative thinking


Personal and


Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Understand the importance of a helping people who have been affected by a bushfire. (Knowledge & understanding)
Complete the work booklet using researching skills on the iPad. (Skill)
Demonstrate a collaborative workspace where all students are included in the task. (Attitude)
Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
Provision for students at educational risk:
IPads have been collected for the class.

Groups of four have been organised so that

A work booklet has been created for each student.
students with high academic ability are spread out
Observation checklist has been created to monitor groups 2 and 3 this
across the groups. Therefore those who have a
good standing will assist students who are at
Rubric has been created and placed in the workbook for students to
educational risk.
understand what is expected.
BTN video example has been found.
Students who struggle with their eyesight are to sit
BBC creating a news report video has been found.
at the front of the class. Note the iPads have font
Numbers have been put around the room for allocated group areas.
size that can be changed for these students as well.
Students have been evenly allocated groups according to their abilities
(total of six groups twenty four students).


LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objectives
Mode of Assessment: Observation Checklist
Assessment Strategy: Groups two and three will be assessed using the students observational checklist. I will be
looking for how well they work in groups, how well they understand the content, and how well they can use their
research skills to find appropriate information.
Note: The over news report videos and work booklets will be assessed using the attached rubric (see appendix 2).

Please attach assessment strategy to your lesson plan

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)


Motivation and Introduction:

1. Welcome students and introduce the task ahead. Ensure that all
students are on the mat before beginning the lesson.
Welcome to todays Geography lesson year 5s.


Align these with the
segment where they will
be introduced.

Today we are going to be continuing on with the topic of Bushfires.

You will be working on your news reports in your groups of four that
you were allocated last lesson.
2. Question prior knowledge of the students. Ask students the following
questions with regards to the topic Bushfires.


What is a bushfire?

How can a bushfire affect our environment? How does it

affect our lovely trees and animals that we have in our bush?

What are some causes of a bushfire? What are some

examples of causes that you have read so far in your

How can a bushfire affect people in a community? How would

a bushfire affect our school? How would it affect you familys

3. Introduction video show this video to students to give them ideas as

to how their news report should look once it is complete.
Before I begin explaining todays task, I am going to show you an
example of this news report on BTN that some students have
This is how I would like you to set out your news reports, with
information, facts, causes, effects of a bushfire.

ABC BTN video


4. Questions based on the video:
What were some techniques they used to make their news report
appealing to you? How did they keep you interested? Music,
language they used, descriptive words?

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

1. Explain the task ahead:
For todays lesson we are going to be continuing on with creating our
news reports about our famous Australian bushfires.
Everyone should be in a group and each group should have picked
their bushfire by now.
Last lesson we began looking at some background information on
your chosen bushfires.


This week you are going to be completing a work booklet on your

chosen bushfire.
2. Explain the booklet that students have to use in order to plan their
news reports.
Have a projection of the booklet on the interactive whiteboard
Today you will have to complete this booklet in order to create your
news report. Each member will need to fill out a booklet each. You will
be using this booklet in the time of filming your report.
Using the iPads you will need to find the following:
In this booklet you need to firstly locate your bushfire on a
map of Australia.
You then need to write the cause of your groups bushfire.
The effects of the bushfire on the community. Including how
it affected a local school if so.
How our school community can help these people. So
come up with a way that our school can fundraise for the
bushfire victims. You can link this with the lesson we did in
economics and business and how we came up with ways to
raise money for those affected by the Yarloop bushfires.
Dont forget to include news report language. We discussed
some different language they used in the BTN news report.
There are websites on the first page of your work booklet that
you should use for all of your research.
But you should also think about who is doing what, so who is
filming, who is saying what part of the booklet. So the last
page will outline this all for you.
3. Highlight expectations to the students:
This lesson I expect you to use the iPads responsibly.
I expect each group to have filled out this booklet. You will
have 10-15 minutes to finish it off next lesson before we start
filming. only if groups need extra time.
Everyone should understand what they are doing with
regards to the filming; so all members should have a role.
Once you get your iPad write down your number in the top
right hand corner of your work booklet.
I will be using this booklet for your assessment so it is

Workbook on computer
for projection.


important that you complete it with your best writing.





Behaviour management:

This lesson I am looking for the best group to reward each member
with five dojo points.

Students who do not participate and misbehave on the iPads will be

moving their name, will be removed from their group and therefore
will be letting their whole group down.

5. Students are to begin, ask the groups to leave the mat one by one.
Groups are to move to their already allocated space around the room
(group numbers will be labelled on the desks and wall so students
know what area is theirs). The group leader (allocated last lesson) is
then asked to come to the front to collect the group folder and two
iPads for your group.
6. Monitor students, questioning their decisions and information that
they have chosen. Use observational checklist to focus on groups two
and three. Observational questions:
What are some of the causes of your bushfire?
How can we help these people as a school?
How did the bushfire affect the community?
7. Stop students and ask the group leader to bring up the iPad and
place it into the carrier at the front of the room. Ask the rest of the
class to come and sit on the mat quietly with their work booklets.
Lesson Closure:(Review lesson objectives with students)
8. Question students on todays lesson.
What is a bushfire?
How can bushfires affect people in a community?
How can they affect animals?
How can people fundraise to help overcome the affects of a
9. Question students about their chosen topic. Ask each group leader to
come up and explain their bushfire to the class.
Can I please have each group leader come up to the front?
Each of you will have to tell the class what your chosen bushfire is,
where it occurred and what caused it.
10. Explain what will happen in the next lesson:
Next lesson we will be starting our filming of your news reports on the
iPads. Now it will be important that each group works together and
follows their roles.
Does everyone have a role? (if group members do not have a role
then mention that you will see them after the lesson to sort out the
roles of that group).
Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)
11. Prepare students for maths can I please have everyone pass your
workbooks up the front and the book delivery people hand out the
maths books read for todays maths lesson.

Work books ready in
coloured folders for
each group.
Numbers for group
organisation around the
Observational checklist
(appendix 1)

Students need their

workbooks on the mat.

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