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Article #1

Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Gu, L., & Kristoffersson, M. (2015). Swedish Lower Secondary School

Teachers' Perceptions and Experiences Regarding Homework. Ujer
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3(4), 296-305.


Umea University Sweden

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Scholarly article that presents research

Way in which this

source influences
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your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:

Stage of action
research where the
source will be

This study intended to describe and analyze homework practice in

Swedish lower secondary school from teachers perspectives and
discuss the potentials and challenges related to homework for
students learning and development.
-based on an online survey consisting of four themes: a)homework
activities and outcomes, b) perceptions of homework aims,
c)pedagogical strategies concerning homework design and
management, d) school-organized homework assistant activities
The research in this article pertains to my topic of homework by
providing insight into the perspective that teachers have on
homework and its relevance. It will help to influence how I focus on
the various variables that arise when discussing the issue of

This article relates to my study because it has provided some key

ideas to what I will focus on when designing my questionnaire as well
as implementing my intervention. In the discussion section on the
pedagogical premise of homework, the research provides key
components of homework that teachers must consider such as
student motivation, individual situations (home environment/special
needs), providing clear directions, providing feedback and taking into
account the amount/difficulty.
Background-This article utilizes other research evidence to define
and clarify what homework is. It also discusses why researchers and
teachers find homework useful. I will use these components when I
define my topic.
Design-Using the results from this study that found teachers feel
homework needs to be adapted and meet individual needs, I will use
this research to help implement my intervention of changing typical

pencil-paper homework into something that is more meaningful and

Implications/Action Planning-I plan to use this study to help with
my action plan of completely changing how I construct homework
and how I will alter my expectations for homework.

Article #2
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Type of Resource:
Summary of

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Baines, L. A., & Slutsky, R. (2009). Developing the Sixth Sense: Play.
Educational HORIZONS, 97-101.
Lawrence Baines-Judith Daso Herb Chair in Adolescent Literacy
Judith Herb College of Education, University of Toledo
Ruslan Slutsky-Interim Chair of the Department of Early Childhood,
Physical and Special Education-Judith Herb College of Education,
University of Toledo
Trade article intended to inform teacher and educator practices

This article briefly mentions several research studies that have found
no correlation between the amount of homework and student
achievement levels. It further discusses how teaching practices are
becoming more about rote learning rather than using engaging play.
The article discusses the importance of play and how it can be used
as a vehicle for learning.
Young children are naturally motivated by play and love to engage in
all types of play. As a result, it is best teaching practice as a
Kindergarten teacher to utilize play activities as much as possible to
teach skills and concepts.

Through reading this article about play, it inspired me to potentially

reinvent homework that is more play based rather than paper-pencil
Design-Through examining the literature on play, I want to design
my intervention to include activities that are play based such as
sending home (as their assigned homework) specific games that the
children are learning in the class.
Data Collection/Analysis Methodology-Use data collected on the
importance of play (through different articles) to help support the

practice of sending home more play based homework

Implications/Action Planning-I want to use this article as well as
others to help implement an action plan of making homework more
hands on and interactive.

Article #3
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Matei, S., & Ciascai, L. (2015). Primary Teachers Opinion About

Homework. Act Didactica Napocensia, 8(3), 29-36.


Stefania Matei-Master Degree in Curriculum Management

Lilian Ciascai-Babes-Boylai University

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Scholarly article that presents a research study

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to

This article introduces the definition of homework and briefly covers

research highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of
homework. It discusses the homework practices in primary
education in Romania and that homework primarily covers math and
language content.
The study aimed to determine the considerations teachers give to
homework and the image they have about the purpose of homework.
It was conducted using a questionnaire posted online to be answered
voluntarily. It involved 51 teachers of primary education in Romania.
It asked a variety of questions concerning homework such as Do you
think parents still help their children do their homework? as well as
asked how much do they agree that homework contributes to their
students success.
This article discusses the views that teachers have on homework and
how much it contributes to the success of their students. The
responses in the study provide a variety of strategies that can be

your inquiry (ex.

Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:

Stage of action
research where the
source will be

used to ensure that homework is beneficial for students.

This article relates to my study because it has provided a variety of

ideas that I can use in my intervention to help make homework more
meaningful. For instance, helping parents understand that material
on the homework so they are able to help their child. It also
emphasizes the idea of providing homework in small units, especially
for young children.
Background-The definition of homework and the discussion of the
different viewpoints will be helpful in introducing my topic and
research question.
Design-The questions in this study will be very helpful guide/model
in how I will design my questionnaire and design my study
Findings/Conclusions-It would be interesting to use some of these
same questions from the study and give them to teachers I know to
see if opinions are similar, which may or may not help my
Implications/Action Planning- After gathering my results, I want
to compare my findings with some of the suggestions the teachers
gave in this article to see if in fact, strategies such as providing small
units of homework and emphasizing the role of the parent help make
homework more meaningful.

Article #4
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Madjar, N., Shklar, N., & Moshe, L. (2015). The Role Of Parental
Attitudes In Children's Motivation Toward Homework
Assignments. Psychol. Schs. Psychology in the Schools, 53(2), 173188.
Bar-llan University

Scholarly article that presents research

This student is based on the findings that effort and cognitive

engagement are predictors of positive outcomes rather than just the
time spent on the homework. Using this information the researchers

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:

Stage of action
research where the
source will be

explored whether the emphasis parents place on homework explain

childrens motivation to do their homework.
This sources has influence on the field related to my inquiry because
it explores the parental views about homework and childrens
motivation to complete homework.

This research article will be useful because I am exploring parental

perception on two different types of homework. This article helps to
support my theory that when parents see homework as an important
part of learning then their child is more motivated to learn and
develops better learning habits.
Design-In this study it discusses the importance of parents setting
rules and monitoring homework. As I design my intervention I will
use the research from this study to help explain to the parents why it
is important they help their child with the homework activity.
Implications/Action Planning-As my study evolves, I want to not
only provide clear directions about the homework, but provide tools
for parents on how they can facilitate positive homework
experiences. This study discusses the relevance and importance of
providing encouragement, which can lead to intrinsic motivation.

Article #5
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Jablon, J. R., & Wilkinson, M. (2006, March). Using engagement

strategies to facilitate children's learning and success. Beyond the
Journal, 1-5.
Judy Jablon MS-consultant, facilitator and author who works with
teachers and administrators
Michael Wilkinson-managing director of Atlanta-based Leadership

Type of Resource:
Summary of
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your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
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research where the
source will be

Strategies-The Facilitation Company

Scholarly Article

This article provides a definition of engagement and discusses what

research says about engagement in the classroom. It provides
strategies for engagement in the classroom and gives examples of
why it works.
Provides support for why implementing engaging homework might
be more useful for young children.

My entire study is based on the theory that young children are better
able to learn and are motivated to learn when they are engaged.
This study helps to support this theory and it will help to guide why I
feel homework will be more useful when it is engaging.
Design-As I design my homework activities I will keep in mind how
this article defines engagement and what this article says about
facilitating engagement strategies.
Implications/Action Planning-This article will help to guide my
theory that engaging homework is more beneficial for young

Article #6

Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Marzano, R. J., & Pickering, D. J. (2007, March). Special topic: The

case for and against homework. Educational Leadership, 64(6), 7479.


Robert J. Marzano: Senior Scholar at Mid-Continent Research for

Education and Learning in Aurora, Colorado; Associate Professor at
Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee
Debra J. Pickering: private consultant and Director of Staff
Development in Littleton Public Schools, Littleton, Colorado

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Way in which this

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your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:

Stage of action
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source will be

This article discusses the argument for homework by citing several

studies in which the relationship between the amount of homework
students complete and their achievement outcomes were positive. It
also discusses the argument against homework such as discussing
authors Bennett and Kalish (2006) who criticize the quantity and
quality of homework. This article goes on to discuss the issue of
appropriate versus inappropriate homework. It focuses on amount of
homework that is appropriate for each grade level and what should
be expected.
The article is important to my field of inquiry because it discusses
that homework can be effective when it is appropriate, primarily the
expectations of the homework. My study focuses on young children
and this study discusses that homework should be about developing
good habits and positive attitudes.

This article has helped me to change how I view homework. Instead

of feeling like I need to assign a plethora of homework I should be
assigning meaningful and appropriate homework. Therefore, I have
changed the homework I have been sending home during my data
Design/Data Collection/Analysis Methodology-I have changed
my intervention so that I am sending home less homework, but
homework that is more meaningful. Due to this article I have also
made directions for homework more explicit so parents understand
what skills their children are working on and why I am asking them to
complete these activities.
Implications/Action Planning-This article has provided ideas for
parent involvement during the homework process with a focus on it
being appropriate involvement. This means allowing children to
summarizing their learning rather than expecting the parents to be

Article #7
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):
Type of Resource:
Summary of

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
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source will be

Tumelty, J. (2016, October). Homework that helps: How much and

what types of assignments benefit students most? MetroKids, 27(10),
Freelance writer


Article interviews Beverly Stewart, MEd, who is president and

director of Back to Basics Learning Dynamics, Inc., in Delaware. She
believes that like everything in life, there needs to be a balance
when it comes to homework. Stewart continues by saying that
helpful homework is meaningful homework and believes the skills
reinforcement homework provides makes it beneficial inn the
elementary grades. The article further cites Stewart and parents
who feel that homework should be authentic and contain
experiences that are meaningful to the childs life.
This source influences my field because it focuses on the need for
homework to be short and meaningful. It also uses opinions of
parents, which an important focus of my topic. The opinions of these
parents seems to be very similar to the responses I am receiving
from my parents.

This article ties in with my findings that homework needs to be

meaningful and appropriate. It also provides support for my parents
opinions pertaining to homework.
Design-This article helps to reinforce my interim findings that
homework needs to be appropriate and meaningful. It has helped to
guide how I write the directions for the homework, such as specifying
what skill is being taught in the class and how the activity will help
reinforce that skill.
Data Collection/Analysis Methodology-Utilize the opinions of

parents in this article and relate it to the opinions of the parents in

my study
Implications/Action Planning-Further supports my opinion that
homework must not just be play-based, but meaningful and

Article #8
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Vatterott, Cathy. (2009). Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That

Support Diverse Needs. Association for Supervision and Curriculum


Dr. Cathy Vatterott is an associate professor of education at the

University of Missouri-St. Louis.

Type of Resource:
Summary of


Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance

This book is a comprehensive over view about homework. It covers

the history of homework spanning from the 19th century to present
time. The author discusses beliefs about children and learning to
help better understand the conflict over homework. In addition it
covers issues such as how homework fits into the role of the current
family structure and todays culture.
This sources influences the field related to my inquiry by giving a
very descriptive overview of the history of homework, which creates
a clear understanding of its development.

Important components of this article include the history of

to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where the
source will be

homework, the discussion on the need to be flexible when it comes

to a childs learning. In addition, this book makes a valid point that
homework needs to be appropriate and meaningful.
Design: Using the history provided in this book helps to set the
stage for the background of homework and how I will design my
Data Collection: I collect a majority of my data through the parents
and this article provides plenty of examples on how to best design
homework so it is meaningful and appropriate, not just for children,
but for parents as well.
Implications: Provides very good arguments on how homework
needs to best fit the age it is targeting as well as be appropriate

Article #9
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Albrecht, L., & Zimmer, A. (2016, October 5). Park slope school
ditches homework for play-based alternatives. DNAInfo New York.
Retrieved October 7, 2016, from


Describes how a school is launching a new program by implementing

a more play-based approach to homework. The program is called
Exercise Your Brain, in which students are given a list of different
hands on, interactive activities to choose and complete for

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where the
source will be

homework. For example, helping complete a recipe with parents at

This article provides an example of the current trends in homework
and how many schools are changing their approach. Provides
examples for how to design play-based homework activities.

Demonstrates that this a very current topic in which many educators

are using what is known about children to change their approach to
Implications/Action Planning-This article will help to serve as an
example of how the topic of homework is very relevant in todays
schools. It also helps to support my argument that homework does
not need to be completely eliminated and there are ways to make it
more fun and interactive.

Article #10
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Elkind, D., Clemens, S. G., Brown, S., Lewis, R., Almon, J., & Miller, E.
(2009). The Wisdom of Play: How children learn to make sense of
their world. Community Playthings.


Variety of Affiliations

Type of Resource:


Summary of

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where the
source will be

This book discusses a variety of components that make up play and

how play is the work of the child. It discusses the importance of
time, such as how teachers view time spent on activities. It
discusses brain research that has been conducted showing that all
humans can experience play and the importance of using hands on
experiences. It further discusses how block building, nature, and
creativity are all forms of play that nurture a childs curiosity and
desire to learn.
This source indicates the importance of utilizing hands on, active
experiences to enrich a childs learning. It emphasizes the
importance of play in every day experiences for young children.

The concept of play is the foundation of my research and

intervention. Young children need to play in order to learn, which is
why homework should be more about play.
Design-The argument that this book makes about the importance of
play will influence the type of activities I choose to use for
Implications/Action Planning-This article will help to reinforce my
argument for using real, hands on experiences for homework. It will
help to back up my research that homework can be enjoyable and
engaging when play is involved.

Article #11

Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Programs

Serving Children from Birth through Age 8. (2009). Retrieved from


National Association for Young Children in Early Childhood Education

Type of Resource:
Summary of

Position Statement

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where the
source will be

This position paper discusses developmentally appropriate practices

for those who educate young children. There is a focus in this paper
on the use of engaging activities and play when teaching young
children. It discusses that children learn best when they can use
concrete materials, use their imagination and explore.
This paper helps to provide useful strategies on how to best teacher
young children with the primary focus being on play. It emphasizes
that young children need play in order to learn and be actively
engaged in their environment.

This position paper provides support for how children learn best. It
emphasizes the use of active learning and hands on materials to
teach children. This will be useful in determining what activities to
provide for the homework.
Design-Help to guide what activities to use during the homeworkshould be hands on, concrete materials. Materials where the
children can engage in play, discussions, and collaboration with
those around them.
Implications/Action Planning-Help to support the argument that
homework can be meaningful for parents and children when the
materials are engaging and hands on.

Article #12
Bib. Information
(APA Formatting):

Ramdass, D., & Zimmerman, B. (2011). Developing Self-Regulation

Skills: The important role of homework. Journal of Advanced
Academics, 22(2), 194-218. Retrieved from



Type of Resource:
Summary of

Scholarly article that presents a review of the research

Way in which this

source influences
the field related to
your inquiry (ex.
Potential relevance
to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action
research where the
source will be

The review begins with a definition and discussion of the

importance of homework as well as self-regulation. Second, it
explores the relationship between homework and self-regulation
processes from a social cognitive perspective. Third, the method
section describes the criteria used to select various studies. Fourth,
the authors analyze the method, results, strengths, and weaknesses
of the selected studies at the elementary level, middle/high school
level, and college level. Finally, this review ends with a discussion of
educational implications and suggestions for future research.
This article relates to my field of inquiry by reviewing studies that
have focused on homework and self-regulation. The study found that
homework does have a positive impact on self-regulation skills,
which is one of my arguments that support the need for homework.

The positive findings about homework and self-regulation skills will

help to support my argument that homework is an important
component of a childs learning.
Implications/Action Planning-Help to build on the argument that
homework can promote not just learning but other useful skills for
children such as self-regulation and responsibility for learning.

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