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Samm Bauman

Mrs. Pinchback
Expository Reading and Writing
11 November 2016
"Homosexuals Should Be Allowed to Adopt." Homosexuality, edited by David
Haugen and Susan Musser, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
In this non-fiction text, which is about whether the state laws that bar same-sex
couples from adopting children are discrimitory and should be changed. Krehely and
Hunt take the side which is for changing the laws the united states currently have.
Jeffrey Krehely is vice president of LGBT Research and Communications Project at
the Center for American Progress, a research institute that favors progressive ideas
in shaping public policy. Jerome Hunt is a research associate at the same institution.
I believe this article is biased because of the positions Krehely and Hunt hold. In
comparison to another article titled "Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are Not
More Likely to Have Problems" that goes on to explain that the children of gay and
lesbian parents do not experience more depression and stress than the children of
heterosexual parents, this article supplies a less biased view by stating more facts
than opinions, therefore giving the reader a better understanding of the topic. The
article Krehely and Hunt wrote is beneficial to understand the problems a same-sex
couple face by trying to adopt in America.
Dent, George W. "Same-Sex Parenting Is Harmful." Parenting, edited by Roman
Espejo, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in
This article Dent writes that same-sex parenting is inferior to heterosexual
parenting. According to Dent that there is no difference between the two are
unsatisfactory and are too small to be meaningful. He also maintains that in gay
and lesbian households, children are denied biological ties with parents, subjected
to increased instability and high rates of abuse, denied gender-specific nurturing
from a mother or father, and are more likely to be confused about their own
sexuality. George W. Dent Jr. is a law professor at Case Western Reserve University.
This article is biased because the claims made by the author are not backed by
credible evidence, but instead backed by opinion's of the author. In comparison to
the article titled "Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are More Likely to Have
Problems" the author goes on to discus that gay and lesbian parents are unable to
offer their children a stable family structure, and as a result, their children are more
likely to suffer from emotional and social problems. This article informs its readers
of the possible problems adopted children of same-sex couples, which can be
beneficial to emotionally connecting with the topic.
Wilson, Suzanne. "Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are Not More Likely to Have
Problems." Gay Parenting, edited by Beth Rosenthal, Greenhaven Press, 2013.
Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context

In this article Suzanne Wilson interviews Abbie Goldberg who goes on to say that
children of gay and lesbian parents do not experience more depression and stress
than the children of heterosexual parents. Goldberg argues that same-sex couples
are more likely to teach their children to be tolerant and to divide labor more fairly.
She maintains that gay and lesbian individuals identify themselves more as parents
rather than as gay or lesbian once they have children. This author is credible
because Wilson writes for the Daily Hampshire Gazette. Goldberg is a professor of
psychology at Clark University. In comparison to the article titled "Homosexuals
Should Be Allowed to Adopt." which is about whether the state laws that bar samesex couples from adopting children are discrimitory and should be changed. This
article is beneficial to the readers because it explains how same-sex parents
encourage their children to be more tolerant and independent.
Heiser, James. "Gay Families Are a Threat to Religion." Gay Parenting, edited by
Beth Rosenthal, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
In this article James Heiser asserts that same-sex marriage and gay families violate
the teachings of Christianity. He contends that both present a threat to religious
freedom because they weaken the traditional concept of marriage. Heiser is a
reverend, the publisher of Repristination Press, and the author of several books,
including A Shining City on a Higher Hill: Christianity and the Next New World. This
article is biased because Heiser is a Christian himself so his own beliefs are
apparent in his writing and not so much facts. In comparison to the article titled
"Same-Sex Parenting Is Harmful." Which writes that same-sex parenting is inferior to
heterosexual parenting This article is beneficial to the readers because it provides a
religious viewpoint, but at the same times limits the reader by only representing
one religion.
"Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are More Likely to Have Problems." Gay
Parenting, edited by Beth Rosenthal, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
In this article Walter Schumm, in an interview with, maintains that
gay and lesbian parents are unable to offer their children a stable family structure,
and as a result, their children are more likely to suffer from emotional and social
problems. He argues that recent studies do not accurately reflect these issues
because many researchers are too concerned about being perceived as
homophobic. Schumm contends that only a man and woman are best able to
provide the secure and settled environment that children need to thrive. Schumm is
a professor of family studies and human services at Kansas State University. is a non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life,
and family. This article is biased because Schumm obviously takes the side against
same-sex parenting and provides none of the pros of the counter argument. In
comparison to the article "Gay Families Are a Threat to Religion." which asserts that
same-sex marriage and gay families violate the teachings of Christianity, this article
is beneficial to the reader because it leaves out religion which is another
controversial topic.

Friedrichs, Ellen. "A Family Does Not Have to Include a Mother and a Father." Gay
Parenting, edited by Beth Rosenthal, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
In this article Ellen Friedrichs contends that gays and lesbians often outshine
heterosexuals in raising children. She argues that children with same-sex parents
are more likely to do well in school and have fewer social problems. Friedrichs
maintains that gays and lesbians take the idea of parenting more seriously because
it is more difficult for them to become parents. Friedrichs is a sex educator who
teaches high school and college classes in New York City. I believe this article is not
biased because of the position she holds. In comparison to the article "Gay Families
Are a Threat to Religion." in this article James Heiser asserts that same-sex marriage
and gay families violate the teachings of Christianity. This article helps the reader by
stating the facts most dont know about same-sex parenting.
Hansen, Trayce. "A Family Must Include a Mother and a Father." Gay Parenting,
edited by Beth Rosenthal, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context
In the following article, Trayce Hansen argues that the benefits provided by having a
man and a woman as parents far outweigh the love that same-sex parents offer
their children. She contends that heterosexual parents offer their children a balance
and stability that same-sex couples cannot. She further maintains that gay and
lesbian couples cannot provide the appropriate role models that children need.
Hansen is a psychologist who has written extensively about marriage, parenting,
homosexuality, and differences between men and women.I believe this article is not
biased because of the position she holds. In comparison to the article "Gay Families
Are a Threat to Religion." in this article James Heiser asserts that same-sex marriage
and gay families violate the teachings of Christianity. This article helps the reader by
stating the facts most dont know about heterosexual parenting.

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