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fast food is tempting for people who have a super busy lifestyle because it can save

In addition to the efficiency of time sometimes appearances made as attractive as
possible so tempting. But some of which are harmful to our bodies in the long term.
It's important to be thorough and careful in order not later regret, some bad
preparations that need to be avoided quoted Fitnea, Wednesday, May 20, 2015,
1. Chicken Nugget
Food this one seems the most widely chosen either for breakfast or lunch was a
child. Presentation did not bother and it did not take long been a reason for
choosing a diet of chicken nuggets.
Whereas high content of salt, preservatives and fat intake exceeds the body's
2. Fries
A high number of calories that make weight continues to increase, if too often can
risk taking diabetes.
Nutrient content is also very low because it has little effect on glucose levels
darah. Better baked potato if it wants to pick potatoes for consumption.
3. Soda
Contain substances that can harm the body, especially high fructose corn syrup
worse than sugar impact. Has been shown to cause a spike in blood glucose
damaging the liver cells.
Soda is calories without nutrition and contributes to obesity and encourage bacterial
disease and cancer in the body becomes acidic media.
4. Hot Dog and Other Processed Meat
Most of the processed meats and hotdogs on the market contain many artificial
flavorings, MSG, salt and other preservatives.
Mechanically separated meat is usually processed under extreme pressure and lose
their nutritional value.
5. Burger
This is one risk factor for diabetes. This is according to a study recently that showed
that women who ate at the restaurant twice a week or more likely to receive a
diagnosis of diabetes than those who did not.

6. Granola Bar
The content of high fructose corn syrup, HFC to make them sweet. Some pieces
have a very small but mostly sweet honey comes from HFCS.
Sometimes, they are treated with a lot of sodium and fat makes them unhealthy.
7. Cake
Contain trans fats, trans fat is added because it is cheaper than healthy fats. The
content is also extending the expiration date and improve the texture of the
8. Margarine
Butter is used by many people both to spread the bread or other food ingredient
The main disadvantage of butter that is full of trans fats is associated with many
health related problems such as obesity.
It also contains free radicals, preservatives, emulsifiers and hexane. All of these
components are harmful to health.
9. Popcorn
This food is popular among snack lovers and spectators. Genetically modified corn is
used to make it are not as healthy as preservative chemicals and salt.
Additionally, it contains diacetyl which is a chemical that is known to destroy lung

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