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August 5, 2016 by Acdp Indonesia

School Supervisor has an Important

Role to Improve Education Quality
Suara Pembaruan, page 16
Consultant of Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) Indonesia,
Totok Amin Soefijanto, said improving the quality of education is not only conducted
by the school principal and teachers. The reason is there should be someone to
supervise what is done by both of them, so the presence of the school supervisor has a
very important role. Totok mentioned, the task of the school supervisor is not only
coaching the school principal, but should be capable of coaching the teachers and
education personnel. The school supervisor plays a key role in the framework of
quality assurance and accountability of the education system.
The statement was raised by Totok in an ACDP Discussion School Supervisor is an
Important Actor Behind the Screen in Education Quality Assurance and
Accountability or Pengawas Sekolah Pemeran Penting di Balik Layar dalam
Penjaminan Mutu dan Akuntabilitas Pendidikan, at the Ministry of Education and
Culture, Wednesday (3/8). Totok added based on an ACDP study, there were various
problems found related to school supervisors; such as the obligation to make a
scientific work. They should guide teachers and school principals in scientific
writing. However, what happens now is many supervisors only record
documentation because what is overseen is very large, so they only conduct
administrative audit without conducting guidance.
Director of Education Personnel Development, Primary and Secondary Education
Kemendikbud Garti Sri Utami, said, to overcome this problem, Kemendikbud has a
profile of supervisors following supervisor competence testing in 2015. The
supervisor profile could be viewed by regency/city. She explained the competence test
was conducted to photograph the social personality, cognitive aspect, and ability in
evaluating education. According to Garti, the supervisor should be in the classroom
observing and interacting to obtain data as well as preparing the plan for monitoring
Meanwhile, Chairman of the Association of Indonesia School Supervisors (APSI)
Daliman Sofyan, said the presence of APSI aims to reduce deadlock that occurs in
various areas as well as able to facilitate the difficulties of school supervisors in
running their function and main tasks. He added, to make it easier for supervisors,
APSI facilitates a guidebook for supervisors. As for the coaching system it is carried
out starting from the central committee, the province, and regency, starting from the
kindergarten to high school levels.

Selection of Supervisors Tend to be Haphazard

August 4, 2016 by Acdp Indonesia

Republika, page 5
Senior Advisor of Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP)
Indonesia, Totok Amin Soefijanto, said, the school supervisor recruitment system in
the country tends to be perfunctory. This leads to the minimum quality of school
Based on results of ACDP study, most school supervisors were appointed based on
political reasons, so there needs to be reform. The not optimal appointment system
of school supervisors indeed becomes an obstacle in creating a truly competent
supervisor. So far, school supervisors appointed were former school principals. As
soon as appointed they do not know what the duty of a school supervisor is.
Totok said, school supervisors have two main tasks, namely to ensure that the
education standard is implemented in every school unit. Supervisors also provide
guidance and coaching to teachers or school principals to improve their shortcomings.
Meanwhile, a school supervisor in Bekasi, Rozali, said, the school supervisor is only
as a stepping stone for retirees or former school principals. Most of them were
appointed without clear selection. In addition, they also do not obtain training to
improve their competence.
In response, Director of Primary and Secondary Education Personnel Development of
Ministry of Education and Culture Garti Sri Utami said her party continues to improve
the system of recruitment of school supervisors in the regions.

August 5, 2016 by Acdp Indonesia

Supervisor Recruitment Not Yet Ideal

Media Indonesia, page 12
The appointment of school supervisors in the regions to date is considered still not
based on competence and qualifications and tends to be based on partiality
(favoritism) and more on political considerations. Many school supervisors do not
understand their main tasks.
This was revealed in an education discussion themed School Supervisors are
Important Actors Behind the Screen of Education Quality Assurance and
Accountability or Pengawas Sekolah Pemeran Penting di Balik Layar Penjaminan
Kualitas dan Akutabilitas Pendidikan held by the Education Sector Analytical and
Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) at the Office of the Ministry of Education
and Culture, Jakarta.
A supervisor of SMA Bekasi, Rojali, revealed, there are school supervisors appointed
without selection or recruitment because (they) are close to the success team. So the
said supervisors are incompetent, do not know their duties, and rarely visit the
schools. It is also similarly revealed by several school principals, including Principal
of SMA Negeri 1 Bekasi, Endang Sri Hartati and School Principal of SD Global Jaya,
Dewi Oscarina.
In response, Director of Education Personnel Development Dikdasmen Kemendikbud,
Garti Sri Utami, said, she has a profile of school supervisors who have followed the
competency test in 2015. Former Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud)
Anies Baswedan has designed the position of the school supervisor as an inseparable

career path, starting from becoming a teacher, vice principal, school principal, to
school supervisor.
Senior Advisor ACDP, Totok Amien Soefijanto, asserts the school supervisor plays a
key role in quality assurance and accountability of the education system. The school
supervisor is expected to play the role of education manager/organizer cum pedagogic
leader or instructional leader. The study of Australia-Indonesia Basic Education
Project found supervisors have a number of shortcomings in knowledge and skills
necessary to improve education.

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