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Example: #4 A buck boost converter Suppltes fopw at Sov to aresistive bad fem a 35V Source. Ten 2200MS are Le FoouH. Aud: Cfo com) a) value of D ) The mun. Ee ore ee on Che thducten cg current. C) Dverge switer current cl) RWS Value of capacirer Curren D T - Soluboa = “ ay Lica gz 4) Vol _D Yo Vd 4-D 5o-D Ly pose 35 4-D b) During on tive - Vie Ve @ ae Low ae o- St Map Dine Dane ML DT At ul iS Danny off Lime. @ at. _— Vo Bt L Tame Boa = 1-0) Ts Average Switch eurreak Tre Frans Tun Dd DX Phe WU Ty- Vip. Dvd (Fes) a Ne can che fine 2 See —2DNA Tos RU»)* « Toe 1-0) Zine sTuin 2 Using, Previous relations ch Dy 4 VARG Rif-py= 2 Donny = Dvd ~ MADE RU4-p)? a Using there equations ® Tune 10.924 Dna e HEA c) Dre maxtTmin pF. +t 5 se T > D Ty 22.864 2) La) 5.8 Wavefaran he capacitor curate pe (us) a6 Poe 1, «fcr (tas) [lend ast] f Deans = 2634 Example ae @ Using all clatr Prom Ex. #1 final the necestang, Pubimum Meuctener te ensre continous Inlucten curren Solution Boundery condition between com end dem Inne O (4%) Cottical ineluctonce : Lis RE 4-5 )© 7 q-d) bere 20 Goo)(ro") (1- 0.588) mB = 42444 .—— © find the value of, the capacite- Eom ptt 4% According te, necssarg to bimat Em ripple to 0.2V peat + peak. Soluben: Te solve ttw> exanapl. we hare & frrol the me value of Bre Capacitor currant: The enlersed view of the fy of te M6 Usma simile SFengles D wr@® 5.8 0.08 ae &, — tthe Roo —t 4, = 195-4 ps For Che agate pert of the waregorm QQ) 49. (2~ 417.6) 4 (0.08) *Boo- test) = 235.37 mC AV, = 0.2V = OP ~ 235.33 _ c= SE Se HFA yr @ Example al A buck conver ter Parnashes Roow at 3ov to « doud Prom a SOV Source at a cheppig frequency of 20LHe, The mdactenee is TOnH. Farol a) loceck. nesistnee, R b) Determine the Opera tren conditren of the ereuit “yD Ccoem of dem) A) Peak Mrelucto cureat (Lanny) @) the value of filter capaciton to Limit bog Lv Uwe ripple to O4V peak -te-peak df) the value of output voliage at which the Mdusto- current becomes con Hrioas Solution a) Revere 3et = 4S Rp 200 ) Jib- kb oa VA ho bee RE (4d) 2 Sa aa (0.25) =23-434H 2 Ladowp < ber Curent is discontinuous For the dem Buck Commuter: Vo Rd a, yn pea ( 4 x.) A Trane = EVA = Boece * 0 aL Rx dr to* con =254 To- 20oW ~ b.cean Sov = y 2p DL02 “° x 6.667 4 (GB De O-4UF c) der aa Ay- —=2— = 0.149 4 rgenag:-D 4) @ Tyaeoc VA Vo DG i = (ue 32) (0.409) (sos) Ao.15° Turene L2-35R 2) Cha capactinr current wenredarne _ 15. £3 AGe 1.5.69 )x (29-8 ~6-6F) = TW Zz ee AP _ 481 _ ¢610aF Avy, 2 bene RB (12 5 50.40 ) or RE (10) SS W504" (4D) od" Dz 0-944 Vee DVA= B6-4V Cramplert G (40) A buck ~boot converter supplies a Voriable VoHacge. te a 162 resictive beef from a 20VY source. With the output voltage et Sov, thy is just contwuous, Find the oprabs, conditions at on oubpul of 15) laude current ond fe Soke Solution® No. RP Lp Pa 0% Vek 4-D bee ER (02 I 2048 C1 oo) Lere 2hpt Cureat 15 drcontnnouts Thar. \b_\) Te go ~ T% PHC et ge EA Beth _ as (ae Sy \ Gam 0.30 \ =P At~ 0-4 * Tae LS De Ay fC Vo AT Lu A5 04 ¥ BOxko SA Exenple at @ A buck chopper supplies 25V bt 4 loack resshrce of 5-2 from asource of SOV. The Switebirg element TS a MOSFET that can be moclelec jn the Conclucci, State by Ros couy = OSE The Melucte Currenk is Condwucus, Ad the Value of D requive el. Solution + vy & L om B + Ve VA S * : D Dory, on Limes - We con exseume. Ww 2 Nb- Vo - TLRs tu De Plowing Khrougle the switch ») Lnor—Bnarn — RRs-Ve ) D7, Ll Donry of Lwe + Y= —Ve a Tee To. Ve R Solving, thase equa tions vo, —2 «ep 25 D "e 44(@t)o De 0.508 The eddeck of switch resivtnce i Symat{ ond Con be compensated by a small Chery dn Khe Value of D as compared te the ideal cone Exam purrs & The boost cowerter in the bebw Prune ism by followms, elauads Vae25V R= 10 Row O48 (swibeh resvtnre) The Meluctor correrk is contruous, Arrol: @) The value of Vo fp Dodie 5) te Legect posible valve of Vo Solution: Trax Drata = (¥Ax Bs) DT L Pouring off tue: UW _ Vd-Vo Le Tan Tnan = SNe (4-0) L Solving these equabions V, 4 Gon PG) Ve. 4 “8 oe (Sot No= 585 Vv b) Thi max: value of Vo Can be obbaneol Ly divdig the waninum of the olen oairntor a 2)+ GH =o. D = 0.866 Ve idea| For Gig D value Wa Vo= 99.9v 3.996 poo-ideat 0.866 4 D

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