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What is the relation between language, culture and cognition according

to the answer given by your participant? Explain and support that using
the theory worked in class.

People find the way , to express thoughts trough language, when they are
acting each other, there is internal channels of communication, that explains
what Im saying , what Im doing in the way, Im doing it, how many words are
put together to express a different action. In the one hand Language entirely
determines the thickness of cognitive processes. The hypothesis of linguistic
determinism the next explanation. We assume that language is not itself a
representational tool; but exist weaker forms of correlation, often producing
positive empirical evidence for a correlation of social groups as we see , words
like hot mess, or hoagies are normally use it in New Jersey as that social group
determines their natural way to referring a common manners inside their
social milieu.

it rather uses fundamentally personal construction, it shapes ones that come

from our perception as we have done a representational system in other words
we structuralize the basis of meaning for each representation of a word , as we
design some images to discriminate , which is detected within consciousness
ideas that language allows to produce, as a thought, intuition, deduction, a
good effort in our relativity which means being relative to something else.
Outside our own aim. We contextualize our ideas regarded to what we have
understood then, we discriminate against our own mental contractions after
that, we evaluate and represent the both things reality and thoughts as only
one. This the mean of language uses to join culture and cognition

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