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The partial molar enthalpy of mixing of a component

is referred to as the heat exchange when adding one
or more of that component to a certain volume of
solution at a specific concentration. It is commonly
termed as the heat of mixing.
The theory behind this experiment is that the enthalpy
of mixing is the change
Run Molar enthalpy
in enthalpy upon the
of solution
dissolution of a solute in
a solvent at constant
pressure resulting in
infinite dilution. In this
experiment, the molar
enthalpy of solution was
expressed in cal/mol
and the partial molar
enthalpy of each
substance was
expressed in cal/g.
Chemical reaction involves breaking of chemical
bonds, which requires an input of energy and is
accompanied by energy and enthalpy changes.
Generally, the value of a partial molar property of a
constituent in a solution is not equal to the value for
the pure substance.
The solution process in which the ammonium chloride
solute is transferred from a pure solute phase to a
solution. The molar differential enthalpy of solution,

sol H , is the rate of change of H as the

NH 4 CL advances at constant T (temperature)
and p (pressure) , where


is the amount

of ammonium chloride solute transferred:

sol H=(
NH 4 CL T , p ,n
The value of

sol H

and not on the amount of solution. During the solution

process, the ammonium chloride solute is transferred
from a pure solute phase (solid) to a solvent or
solution phase. The total amounts of the water and
ammonium chloride in the systems do not change,
but the amounts in pure phases diminish as the
processes advance and as the amount of solute
transferred increases.
Partial molar
enthalpy of (a)

Partial molar
enthalpy of (b)

By preparing 100
grams of distilled water
and ammonium
chloride with an initial
mass of 0.05 grams
and having an
increment weight of
0.05 grams every trial,
the moles of the two
reagents were
determined by using
the stoichiometry
principle. By getting
the molar enthalpy of solution, the partial molar
enthalpy of the two reagents were determined.
Table 1: Molar enthalpy reading and the partial
molar enthalpy calculated
The data showed that there is no trend for every run.
The trial was performed up to only 6th run due to the
technical error encountered on the apparatus used. At
the middle of the experiment, the solution calorimeter
was not able to mix the ammonium chloride and the
distilled water, giving us largely inaccurate readings.
Plotting the molar enthalpy versus the mole fraction,
the equation was non-linear.
By principle, the equation should have been a
polynomial curve with a degree of 4. The partial molar
enthalpies depend on the mole fractions of the
components of a solution.

N H4 Cl

at a given T and p is

dependent only on the concentration of the solution

The objective of the experiment was not achieved due

to the error encountered on the solution calorimeter.
The apparatus was not able to mix the ammonium
chloride and water. For this reason, the readings for
the molar enthalpy will be considered as highly
inaccurate. The laboratory students were not able to

correctly determine the actual plot showing the

relationship between mole fractions and molar
enthalpy. Due to the problem, the data gathered were
inconsistent, having different sign conventions at each
The expected result should have given a polynomial
curve describing the relationship of mole fraction and
molar enthalpy.
Recommendations for the experiment include proper
assembly of the apparatus.
In this experiment, the apparatuses used were
beaker, graduated cylinder and analytical balance.
The device used was the PARR 1455 Solution
Calorimeter (shown below).

The reagents used were ammonium chloride and

distilled water. Initially, 0.05 grams of ammonium
chloride were weighed using the analytical balance.

This was placed in the Teflon dish. The dish was set
on a flat surface and then the glass bell was carefully
pressed over the Teflon dish to assemble the cell. The
push rod was inserted through the pulley hub and
then the end of it was pressed into the socket in
Teflon dish. 100 grams of water was measured and
was placed in the Dewar flask. The cover assembly
was lowered with the cell and thermistor probe into
the Dewar flask and the cover was set in place. The
drive belt was dropped over the pulleys and then the
motor was started by pressing the start key. The
sample ID number and the weight were input. When
the reactants came to equilibrium, the thermometer
beeped. The pushrod was pressed downward to
initiate the reaction and drop the sample out of the
rotating cell. The calorimeter came again to
equilibrium during post period and at the conclusion
of the test, the calorimeter signalled the user for the
report. The calorimeter motor stopped. The cover was
raised carefully and then the excess liquid from the
parts that were immersed in the dewar was wiped by
a facial tissue. The thermistor probe was removed
from the cover. The Teflon dish and push rod were
also removed, and then the glass cell was released
from the drive shaft. The dewar was lifted out of the
air can and was emptied. The parts were washed and
dried carefully. The procedure was done using the
same solute, ammonium chloride, having an
incremental weight of 0.05 grams. For the actual
experiment, 10 trials should have been done until the
final mass of 0.5 grams. Due to the technical error on
the device, the trials were done up to only 6 runs.

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