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Final Lesson Plans For Class TEMPLATE - Please delete extra text that explains the assignment

Lesson Plan
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Your Name:__Demetria Carter___________ Grade Level: ______2 nd ____
COOPERATING TEACHER: _____J. Green____________

School:__Oak Grove Elementary__

Target Area Addressed:

Student Pseudonym _____Xay and ____Iman_________ Age ___7-8__________
Gender__M&F______ Ethnicity ______

1. Overall lesson topic/title: Identifying the Beginning Middle and End the Story.
2. Hypothesis
Student A: This student can orally identify the main events of a story. In this lesson we will focus our
attention on identifying each area of the story as we go along.
Student B: This student can decode words well while reading aloud. We will focus on comprehension
during this lesson.
Sources of information supporting hypothesis:
During our tutorial session Xay was able to verbally identify the main problem of the passage we read but
unable to give any specific examples. When we read together, I noticed that it wasnt due to a decoding
issue but rather just a lack of understanding what was being read. It is for this reason I believe frequent
checkpoints would help him become a better reader.
Iman didnt retain hardly anything when we read a passage together during our tutorial session. It is for
this reason I believe her issue is reading comprehension. To combat this we will use checkpoints and
writing to keep her on track.
Brief Synopsis of the Instruction to address hypothesis:
We will be reading a level J text as a group. During this time on each page using a sticky note
the students will note what is happening in the story so far. Once finished The students will,
using a graphic organizer, put the sticky notes in begging middle and end order.

Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing

how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes
the action.
4. At the conclusion of this lesson, Students will be able to identify the beginning middle and end
of a story including all supporting details, Maintaining the correct sequence of events.
5. Materials & supplies needed:
Graphic Organizer (found below)

Tri Colored Post It Notes

Level J Books
6. Student A is currently very low in reading but works hard to decode tough words in the text.Reading
assistance will be given as needed.
PRE-READING (__5_ minutes):
Today we are going to be identifying the Beginning, Middle, and
End of a Story. While we work hard to do this together, please raise
your hand if you need to speak, and respect others while they read

Color coding the sticky

will help student A
maintain attention on what
is happening in the class
and in the story.

Who can tell me what is the Beginning of a story, How about the
Middle, The End?(Wait for students to respond).Today we will be
reading The Cinnamon Bun Mystery together. On each page we will
place a sticky note to identify what is happening in the story so far.
Yellow for Beginning
Pink for the Middle
And Blue for the End
DURING READING (_25__ minutes):
I will read the first page aloud. The other students will follow round robin
style each student stopping at each page to write on their sticky note the
progression of the story. Verbal check points on certain pages will occur as
Once we have finished reading the book the students will have an
opportunity to go back through the book for themselves to see if they have
completed each of their detail sticky notes to the best of their ability.

I will have a seat next to

Xay to monitor if he
understanding the text
that is being read. I will
also double check that his
sticky notes are coherent
and making sense.


Brief After-Reading Activity Leading to Follow-up Discussion:
Students will organize their sticky notes on to a graphic organizer
like the one pictured below. All beginning aspects and details will
go in a certain section and the others will follow suit.

I will help Xay by verbally

talking with him through
the story to ensure he is
placing his sticky notes in
the correct columns.

After Reading Follow-up Discussion:

As a class we will discuss our idea about what happened in the
beginning middle and end of the story. Students will also include the
things that surprised them, the authors purpose, and the lesson of moral
if applicable in the class discussion
Bringing closure :
Students will then turn in their graphic organizer to be displayed on
the content board and begin working on their ticket out the door
which will simply be a summary of the story with the beginning
middle and end underlined.

POST-ASSESSMENT (__5_ minutes):

The students will turn in their ticket out the door. I will assess their responses
to ensure the strategies I used were effective.

Working with Xay one on

one we will discuss how
he felt about the lesson
taught and if he
understood better with the
sticky notes as
checkpoints. If his ticket
out the door is 80%
accurate or more, we will
implement checkpoints
into his personal reading
instruction going forward.

Lesson Plan
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Your Name:__Demetria Carter_________ Grade Level: ___2nd___ Date:___12/1/16_____________

School: ____Oak Grove Elementary_______

Target Area Addressed:

Student Pseudonym ___Xay__&_Iman_______ Age _____7-8________ Gender_M&F_______
Ethnicity ___AF/AM___

3. Overall lesson topic/title: Writing Narrative Summaries Based On Short Stories.

4. Hypothesis about next steps for supporting focus students learning needs (based on what you
learned from working with your student(s) about what they CAN do):
Student A: Xays strength lies in decoding text while he reads. Though his reading level may be low, he is
always willing to take a shot at a new word. In this lesson we will focus on comprehension
Student B: Iman has no trouble reading grade level text, but cannot comprehend and retain what she is
reading. Today we will focus on retention and comprehension though recounting a story using writing.
Sources of information supporting hypothesis :
When tutoring Iman, I noticed that she had little to no trouble reading but retains hardly anything. For this
reason, I feel that working on oral recounting and narrative writing will be an effective strategy to get her
to pay attention to what she is reading when she reads it.
Working with Xay I noticed his problem lies in the reading words. His reading level is low and he struggles
with grade level text. However, in our quest to help him improve his reading his comprehension skills
have taken a hit. For this reason, we will focus on comprehension today.
Brief Synopsis of the Instruction to address hypothesis:
Today we will be reading a short story and student will recount the story in a narrative using the
beginning, middle, and end strategies used in the previous lesson.
3. Common Core State Standard (CCSS)


Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event

or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions,
thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order,
and provide a sense of closure.
4. At the conclusion of this lesson, Students will be able to recount a short story in narrative
form, using the beginning, middle and end strategies theyve previously learned.
5. Materials & supplies needed (technology must be used in one lesson):
Passage Print out

6. Because my student has a retention problem, we will go over the beginning. middle and end of the
story as a class before we start writing to jog her memory. We will also be watching a video version
of the story on the smart board.
PRE-READING (_8-10__ minutes):
Today will be reading a short story and following that with a
narrative writing assignment. Please take your time and do your
best writing. These will serve as rough drafts.
Today we will be reading and watching the ugly duckling please take out a
pencil and paper as we will begin our writing once we finish reading the
DURING READING (_20__ minutes
Link to the story:
Link to the Video:
I will read the story aloud stopping to ask questions such as:
Who is telling the story?
What is happening so far?
Who is the main character?
And other questions that check for understanding. Once Ive
concluded reading the story, we will watch a video version of the story
using the Smart Board.

Iman will take notes

during the reading of the
story to ensure she stays
both engaged, and retains
the information.

While the students are

watching the video
version, I will examine
Imans notes to ensure
she has all of the main
building block she will
need to construct her


Brief After-Reading Activity Leading to Follow-up Discussion:
The students will begin writing a story map to construct their
narratives. They will then begin writing a rough draft including the
begiing, middle and end of the story as well as the Introduction and
conclusion. The following will be written on the smartboard using the
whiteboard feature:

I will work closely with

Iman to verbally recount
the story so that she has
all the pieces she need to
write her narrative. From
there she should not have
any issues.

The title of this story is

IN the beginning of the story,,,
IN the middle of the story.
IN the end of the story..
The moral of this story is.
After Reading Follow-up Discussion:
After reading students may have an opportunity to work with a
partner to proofread what they have so far in regards to their
narrative. The students are looking to make sure they all have all the
five necessary components to their writing.
Bringing closure
To close the story certain student may share their narrative aloul to
the class.
POST-ASSESSMENT (_5__ minutes):
Students will turn in their rough drafts as a ticket out the door. I will do a preliminary check to

Imans narrative and

notes will be closely

ensure that students have their five pieces correct.

evaluated to see if the

note taking, and private
discussion helped her
retain the necessary

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