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Daniel Buglione
Ms. Mantlo
September 27 2016
English 4

Does rap music have negative influence on people

Rap music has made a huge change in lyrics and the way people act over the years. A Lot
of people change the way they dress, talk and act from listening to rap music. The first hip hop
record was made by the sugarhill gang and not once are they talking about doing any drugs or
sex. Rap music today a majority of songs talks about doing drugs or having sex. Could it be
possible to stop these young men from repeating peers actions. Rap music is causing young men
to be violent and abusive to drugs and alcohol.
Rap is one of the reasons people are being so violent. Studies have shown that certain
music feature and promote acts of violence and rap is the most blamed genre. The Prevention
Research Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation in Berkeley, Calif., suggests
young people who listen to rap and hip-hop are more likely to abuse alcohol and commit violent
acts(Robinson). hip-hop is listened to in many different moods that your are in and can change
your mood in a heartbeat. Rap songs were more inclined to generate angry emotions than
heavy metal songs (Copley). Those are from her studies between rap music and heavy metal
proving that rap will make you more aggressive and may cause you to do an act of violence

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Rap music has been causing a lot of misogyny. Many rap songs have a lot of
disrespectful lyrics to women say acts of violence and talking about sex. Men did an experiment
where they made teens listen to rap music with lyrics and rap music with lyrics (Copley). The
outcome of the research between the two groups did not come out to equal. Those who read or
heard the lyrics were more inclined to express adversarial sexual beliefs (Copley). Rap is
making women feel like they don't belong making them uncomfortable. Rap-loving peers
tended to be more distrustful of the opposite sex (Copley).
Rap music has fans engaging in delinquent behaviours. Research has found that a
preference for heavy metal or rap music is associated with higher rates of drug and alcohol use,
arrests, and sexual promiscuity (Copley). Different fans from separate races are committing
crimes it's not just one race (Robinson). White and Asian fans were more likely to commit both
property crimes and violent crimes, whereas black rap lovers were no more likely to commit
either violent or nonviolent crimes than black fans of other musical genres (Copley). Rap fans
were more likely to commit violent acts and use drugs(Copley). Proving it is making fans
engage in delinquent behaviours.
Rap music is causing you men to violent and abusive to drugs and alcohol. Parents are
unaware of their children's role models and idles and they are doing all this behind there backs.
Rap music should be explicit to a certain extent or not explicit to any young men. Studies even
showed how the young men have been acting toward this music and it is not getting any better it
is progressively getting worse and worse as the years go by. New rappers and even new
violence with every song that is made. Rap music is going to have a huge impact on society in
the future.

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Works Cited

Copley, Jennifer. "Listening to Rap Music Does Not Make Teens Violent." Violence in the Media. Ed.
Dedria Bryfonski. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2014. Current Controversies. Rpt.
from "Music Psychology: Rap Music." 2011. Opposing Viewpoints
in Context. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

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Robinson, Matthew. "There Is a Link Between Violent Lyrics and Violent Behavior." Violence in the
Media. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2014. Current
Controversies. Rpt. from "A Look at Violence in Music." 20
Apr. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 18 Oct. 2016.

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